The Rockers Wings Pt. 1

Story by Drinnock on SoFurry

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Do not read this if you are under the legal know the drill.)

The low rumble of the thunder came to calm the young dragons heart beats. This night was his night, a good movie, a good glass of wine, and nice weather, well for him anyway. Hoping up from the couch, Alph made his way over to the balcony and stepped out. The cool rain hitting his cloths and scales, gently washing over him. 'The rain, its perfect,' thought Alph as he stood there watching. The minutes flew by as he stood in the rain before he turned and stepped back into his apartment.

"Gaw, my nice cloths!" thought Alph as he looked down at his now soaking wet shirt and shorts. Shrugging, he started to strip and took the cloths to the hamper to dry knowing full well that he needs to do laundry very soon. Looking in the window at his now naked from, Alph fluttered his wings. He knew that he was hot, a good build not to muscular, beautiful dark blue and red scales, not to mention his huge balls and sleek smooth sheath.

A light smirk escaped his lips before he walked in to his bedroom. A large king sized bed set in the middle with blood red sheets and pillows. He room adorned with multiple pictures of his travels and friends. Not only the pictures but several paintings that he has down. Alph is a very talented artist, as his work shows. Three bass guitars sit in the corner of the room, several book cases over flowing with books stand side to side across the walls.

Sliding onto the bed, Alph looked up onto the ceiling where his prized possessions hung, his movie posters. His dream was to become an actor in Hollywood, he loved movies, he loved acting. Movie titles, a broad range of titles hung on his ceiling. Every week or so at least five new posters would be added, but his favorite movie poster would remain on top where it could always be seen, Titanic. Taking a deep sigh, he looked up at the ceiling, 'soon I will be staring at a poster with me in it. I just know it.' Alph thought , sighing again.

He remained staring up at the ceiling for what seemed like hours before his mind broke free of his dreams and he closed his eyes smiling big. 'You will be there soon enough Al, don't worry.' Nothing in this world, he knew would change what his dreams where. Sitting up in his bed, he looked around and grinned, he has made so much of his life already, his band was doing wonderful in the underground, he has done numerous small acting gigs that have paid very well, he felt happy with his life.

With a gentle sigh he grinned, but as he looked down something caught his eye. A jet black rod, starting to show more and more of itself to the world. He blushed lightly, even knowing that no one was able to even look at him but he blushed the same. He reached over to his night stand and grabbed the remote of the top of it. Pointing it at his TV he pushed the power button and the play button. His ears flicked as some porn started playing, giggling he turned down the volume forgetting how loud he had it on.

Laying back, he reached down and grabbed his black dragon hood. More and more started to show itself until all was free of its scaly home. Licking his paw, he started to rub all 11 inches of his meat. Pre starting to form at the tip, helping the rubs. Several moans and gasps escaped Als' maw as his started to rub his length faster as he watch the porn. He tried to match his paw speed with the speed of the thrusts on the video. Each moan starting to get louder and louder before he reached down grabbing a pillow and places it in his maw to muffle the sounds he was making.

Pre starting to flow faster out of his member as he pawed faster, he could start to feel his scaly sack start to pull up, he knew he would reach his climax very soon. His paw moved faster and faster until he lightly thrusted against his own paw, roaring loud in the pillow he began to shoot strings of his hot seed. He felt some land on his belly and chest, and heard some land on the pillow with a low thump. After almost two minutes he climax started to die down and soon stop.

Panting hard he pulled the pillow from his maw and laid it on the floor, back at where it began as he reached over to the other side and grabbed a towel and started to clean up his jizz. Some pool after small pool of his seed was cleaned up before he laid the pillow back on the floor. Taking a deep breath, Al grabbed a cigarette and lit it taking a long drag. Exhaling the smoke he closed his eyes grinning to himself. He loved to paw but tried to make it an once or twice a week thing.

Finishing his cigarette Al turned off the television and pulled the sheets over naked form. A low chill ran over his body as he felt the smooth sheets. A large yawn and growl escaped his throat before he closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep.

(To Be Continued)