Gym Buddies II: Part Five

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Gym Buddies II

Gym Buddies II: Part Five

Dan wolfed down his ice cream the night before and paid the full price for it when his brain-freeze kicked in. On the bad side, he complained about how he shouldn't have eaten it in the first place. On the good side, it meant he was in need of a hug, and we spent the entire night cuddling. Seeing his wrist bandaged up reminded me perfectly of that moment in the hospital all those years ago.

The moment I fell in love with him.

Now wasn't the time to reminisce, though. The drivers were still trying to play bumper cars with us, which meant I was swerving like a madman. When we got to the gym, Dan didn't get out of the car for a moment. I glanced over his pants - no tent. I took an inhale - he wasn't any more aroused than normal. If anything, he was less so.

"What's up?"

"Do you think he's in there?" he asked gloomily, glancing over to the building.

"Probably," I said. "Look, how did you think he was going to react? Did you expect him to congratulate us?"

The husky shrugged so much his shoulders nearly touched his ears. "I didn't expect him to react like that. I mean, he wanted a threesome with us - why wouldn't he be happy we're together?" I sighed. He was missing the point he'd been making to me last night.

"He doesn't want you, me and him, he wants you and him. He'd have reacted like that with anyone, I'm sure." Dan nodded his head, but didn't seem overly convinced. In truth, I didn't fully understand Al's outburst, but pinned it down to Dan's sudden ability to move on. "So cheer up and let's go inside, yeah?" He gave a great sigh and started out of the car.

Once we were inside, we were greeted cheerfully by the same receptionist. "How are you finding the gym so far?" she asked. Dan and I nodded and smiled before voicing our approval. We ran our cards through a reader to sign in (a system I much preferred to using a regular signature) and headed inside.

"Hi, Luke!" The leopardess, whose mane looked like a flame as she moved, was using one of the exercise bikes. She was wearing a red polo shirt, not dissimilar to the one Tom was wearing yesterday. It was quite easy to mistake her for a member of staff - something I'm sure she was trying to do. As she stopped the bike and hopped off, I waved a paw at her. Dan did the same, though he had a slightly lost look on his face.

"Who's that?" he asked through a stiff lipped smile. He wasn't great at ventriloquism, so the words were quite muffled behind his teeth.

"That's 'Ms. Fitt'. Pippa, I think her name was." Dan made a sound which indicated he remembered as she came over to us. "Hi, Pippa!" Thankfully, I'd gotten her name right. She gave me a coy smile and looked at her feet for a moment. When she did this, her eyes ran across Dan's bandages.

"Oh, my God! What happened?" she asked as she took his paw to inspect it.

"I, er..." Dan stuttered, obviously a little taken aback by how friendly she was being. I could see that he needed help so stepped in.

"He caught his paw on the stove last night," I explained.

"Oh, you poor thing," she said to him a little condescendingly. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a single gold coin. "I'll tell you what - why don't you take this and buy yourself something from the machines?" Now she was just treating him like a three year old with a bob-boo. I put my paw on his shoulder.

"He'll be fine, Pippa. Won't you?" Dan smiled weakly at her and nodded. "Tell you what, why don't you go and buy us a drink each before we get started?"

"Okay," he said glumly. He obviously hated being treated like a child, and the hurried steps to get away from us proved it. Pippa smiled at me and indicated Dan with a nod.

"So, you're gonna have to work around his burn, yeah?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "He's kind of a klutz but... he's all right." She struck my arm playfully and I got the distinct impression she was flirting with me.

"Aw, leave him alone. I think he's cute," she said. This was something I had to agree with, though I'd never let on in front of her. "So what are you two doing today?"

"Probably stretches, cardio and then some leg work. You know, give his wrist the day off?" She nodded. I glanced over at her partner, who she'd left on another exercise bike. "What about you two?"

"Well, I've got him doing weight-training today. He can do that alone, though, if you wanna... talk?"

I gave her a smile, which she read as a yes. I was actually smiling because I was thinking, 'you're really barking up the wrong tree.' "I should really be training Dan, though."

"Oh, come on. Just spend twenty minutes with me?" she asked, giving mock sad eyes and adding a whimper to her voice. In truth, if I hadn't found out about how Dan felt, I'd have initiated the first move yesterday.

"All right," I replied, and she instantly grabbed hold of my paw and took me to a set of stairs leading down. "Wait, where are we going? Where are you taking me?"

"The sauna, silly," she said, "I like the heat - it gets me ready for a day hard day of exercise," she explained. "It'll be fun, won't it? You and me, getting hot and sweaty together?"

She was going to be severely disappointed by the end of our twenty minutes. It didn't take long until we reached the corridor of sauna rooms, which were all sealed off in private rooms. I stopped outside the door and said I would wait for her to finish. She dragged me in and closed the door behind us.

"How are we supposed to talk if you're on the other side of the wall?"

I sat down on one of the wooden slats and looked at her. "Sorry, I didn't think." Pippa started to undress in front of me, popping the buttons of her polo shirt open before pulling it over her head. It revealed a sports bra which blended almost perfectly with her fur. She started to unclip it and looked across at me.

"You don't mind my being naked, do you?"

"Not at all," I said. She let the brazier down and revealed two firm mounds, which caused me to shift uncomfortably. Thankfully, I could pin it down to the steam if she asked. "You've got a nice body," I said as coolly as I could. She didn't blush, but seemed to smile and nod as if she was reciprocating the compliment. The leopardess took off the rest of her clothes slowly and picked up a ladle of water. It hissed as it touched the rocks, which reminded me all too well of Dan's encounter with the oven last night.

"So I haven't seen you around here," she started, sitting her sweating body next to me, "where are you from?"

"Just a couple of miles south," I explained. "How about you?"

"Oh, I've lived here all my life," she said, "so why the move? If you don't mind my asking?"

"New job. I kinda wanted a fresh start, you know?"

"Oh, bad break up or something?" Her voice didn't carry that much concern, and even had a slight flicker of hope in it.

"Yeah, basically." I only said it because I knew she'd ask more questions otherwise. A new job didn't seem a good enough excuse to move for her.

"Sorry, I really shouldn't have taken my clothes off in front of you. If I'd have known you were trying to get over someone, I wouldn't have-"

"Pippa, it's fine," I said, "really."

"But now it looks like I'm coming on to you!"

I let out a small chuckle at this. "Believe me, you could spend the rest of your life coming on to me, it wouldn't get you anywhere."

"Why not," she laughed, "are you gay or something?"

I paused before I answered her.


"You said WHAT?!" Dan screamed at me as we got out of the car.

"It sounded like a good idea at the time," I explained as I unlocked the front door and made my way inside. I'd deliberately kept this quiet form him until now because I knew how he'd react. I didn't want this conversation inside the gym. "So she thinks I'm gay, so what?" On reflection, maybe it wasn't the best idea.

"Why the fuck would that sound like a good idea?"

"I thought it was a good way to cool her jets - you didn't see how forthright she was being!"

"This means we can't hang out as much or they'll suspect something!"

"Dan, think about it - you and I moved together from the same town, of course we're gonna hang out more. Trust me."

"But... but..." he stammered. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled our bodies in close to each other. I chuckled and licked his nose.

"You're cute when you're worried," I said. His fur turned baby pink as he melted beneath me. My eyes locked on his lips as his tongue glided quickly across them, and I could feel my hot breath bouncing from his face. I opened my maw and leaned in towards him, another kiss starting another perfect night together. He murred into me and snatched me closer to him, his hard sex rubbing against me.

"Oh, Luke," he trembled. I pulled away from the kiss and moaned pleasurably.

"Pup, that maw is so warm," I said, hoping he would pick up on my meaning. He placed a paw on my chest, turned me round and shoved me into the wall with a surprising amount of force. As he initiated another kiss, his paw slid down to my sheath and squeezed it, making us both wince.

"Ow," he whispered before shaking his head. It took me a moment to realise he was using the bandaged paw to tease me. He looked up at me and chuckled, obviously at the concerned expression I must have been carrying. "You're cute when you're worried," he snickered, now licking the fur on my neck and rubbing against me to free my length from its sheath. It didn't take long, as I was already trying to stave off the beginnings of my erection. He slid down my body and fell to his knees while his paws played with my tail and his muzzle nuzzled my crotch. He pulled down my pants and boxers, revealing the nearly fully exposed meat. He licked his lips again and looked into my eyes.

Pulling down firmly on my arousal, Dan licked a drop of pre from it and let it sit on his tongue before swallowing it and moaning. Now I was throbbing underneath his paw as he teased my head with his tongue and slowly wrapped his lips around it. He squeezed out another dribble of pre before sliding his arms around my hips and digging his claws into my cheeks. The sensation made me buck my hips into his mouth and gasp heavily. Letting my younger brother have power over me, even if it was only for a little while, was quite the turn-on.

Dan let me enter his maw a little further as his tongue massaged the underside of my cock. My tip was now tapping against the back of his throat, and I knew what he was preparing himself to do. I placed my paw on the back of his head and pushed him firmly into me. The muscles of his throat relaxed as he let me enter him, my knot passing his teeth and his nose touching my fur. He pulsed the muscles in his throat as if he was trying to gasp for air, which squeezed yet more pre from me. After a moment, Dan lifted himself from me and choked. The paw I had on the back of his head moved to gently stroke his ear.

"Pup, don't force it," I said. He looked up at me and opened his maw, taking me into his throat once again. The husky let the meat slide in and out of him as he moaned at the taste of me. Before he let me out of his maw to breathe again, he dragged his teeth down my knot, which caused me to wince and slam my paws against the wall. My hips bucked more than they ever have done. "Fucking Hell, pup," I whimpered, "where did... oh, fuck!"

I cried out as my knot grew another inch and pressed firmly into his sharp teeth. They scratched as he pulled his maw away from me and my hot ropes sprayed onto his tongue. The husky choked for breath as the seed filled his maw and dribbled from his lips. He closed his eyes and murred as he swallowed the thick white juice. I stroked the fur on his head and rubbed his ear, collecting the warm liquid from around his muzzle and marking his face.

"You're mine," I growled at him, "remember that." He nodded. I bent down and licked the remains of my orgasm from his forehead. He shuddered as my tongue graced his fur and he put his unbandaged paw into his pants and rubbed. "Wait, pup," I said, a little taken aback by what I was about to say.

"Do you want some help with that?"