A good night

Story by Glenox8536 on SoFurry

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The bar in Darnassus was dim and shady, just the way he liked it, the windows were stained with soot and grime, what little light in the room chiefly came from the candles set on each table, the fire in the fireplace had burned down to little more than glowing coals. To any non-worgen the room would've seemed dark and vaguely threatening, to worgen, and there were nothing but worgen here, it just looked dirty. The bar was well stocked with the apple brandy he so loved, along with many other alcoholic potables. The bartender was a heavily scarred worgen of few words, which suited him just fine. He had just finished a job and he had come to the bar to celebrate. He had chosen this particular bar because of the...extra services provided. It amazed him that bars like this had sprung up despite the fact that the amount of Worgen living permanently in Darnassus was so small and how recently they had arrived. He wasn't about to complain though.

He took a few deep breaths through his lupine nose and pricked his ears. Underneath the pungent smell of liquor and smoke there was a much more primal smell, a very enticing one, permeating the atmosphere. There were also some very interesting sounds emanating from the stairway to his right. Looking around the room he took notice of all the occupants and scanned them for concealed weapons or marks of magical talent. A habit he had acquired over years spent as a mercenary. Almost everyone in the room had at least one concealed weapon and those that didn't bore staves of one kind or another. He checked the daggers at his waist instinctively, both were coated in a neurotoxin that would paralyze anyone unfortunate enough to get cut. Resuming his observations he noticed a not-insignificant number of female Worgen in either form lounging around the room. None of them had any weapons on them, and they all wore similar clothes, all variations of slips and dresses that left little to the imagination.

He smiled as he saw one of his fellow Worgen being led up that same stairwell by a particularly well-endowed female Worgen wearing a very clingy dress. His instincts were screaming at him to follow the other worgen's example, and he had learned through years of fighting to follow his instincts. He scanned the room looking over the choices. 'Hmm...too old...too short...I don't feel like getting whipped or abused...ah, she looks interesting.' The Worgen in question was in lupine form and was wearing a very plain white dress, how it stayed on without the benefit of straps he couldn't fathom, but was not about to question. She was a little taller than average, with fur that shaded from onyx black down her spine to the color of the darkest of thunderclouds around her ribs and finally lightening to steel grey around her belly and continuing down her inner thighs. Her coloring closely matched his own in fact, the only difference being the fact that the fur on his feet was steel grey and his paws were light grey. Having made his choice he left his seat at the bar and approached her. She turned to him and smiled something that would've looked intimidating to a non-Worgen.

"Hello there, have something to say?" He smiled back

"I was wondering if you'd be willing to spend some time with me in my room." Her smile grew sultry, and she shifted a bit, showing off some cleavage. The dress she wore didn't leave much to the imagination as it was, if she shifted much further it would fall off.

"I think that could be arranged...for a price." He was flush with gold after his job, and he had brought more than enough. He pulled out a few gold coins. She smiled wider yet and took the paw that held the coins in one of her own. "Perhaps we should continue this conversation...in private."

They ascended the worn stairs together, she went first and did nothing at all to hide the flashes of fur and flesh that the dress did nothing to conceal, oh yes, he had chosen well. When they finally came to his room he opened the door and they both walked in, the room was nearly bare, containing only a bed, a small, much-abused nightstand, a dirty rug and a fireplace. After the door was closed she walked into the center of the room and stretched, giving him a nice profile view of her breasts, not too big, not too small, just right. They complemented her lithe frame perfectly. She turned to him and asked him possibly his favorite question of all time: "How much do you want?" He smiled, feeling the animal within him howling,

"Everything." She smiled back and indicated a price with her paws. He pulled the corresponding amount of coin out of a pouch at his waist and set it on the table. She smiled and walked towards him reaching out as she did so.

"Well, in that case, I think these would get in the way." She said as she began undoing the buckles and clasps of the reinforced leather jerkin he wore, slowly and luxuriously. Most of his time was spent fighting, physical contact that had nothing to do with potential violence was reassuring on a primal level, it was also a potent aphrodisiac. He felt himself harden as his skin tingled. He helped her pull off the jerkin and the other layers of armor. These fell, one by one, in a heap on the floor. The fur of his now-naked chest glistened with sweat, and the thick, musky smell of male worgen quickly penetrated the room. Finally, he was down to nothing but the soft cloth breeches he wore under his leg armor. There was an extremely noticeable tent in these. Then she moved forward and buried her muzzle into his chest and inhaled deeply several times, this made the tent in his breeches even bigger, making it necessary for her to shift her midsection back a little. He brought his paws up and began undressing her as she continued to inhale his scent. Scent sharing between other races would seem disgusting, but among Worgen it was extremely personal, and sensual. Scent carried more than any physical expression or spoken sentence ever could.

He began taking deep breaths himself, he liked the smell of a female (preferably a naked female currently being inseminated by him) to his own scent, but the smell of arousal was always pleasant. Her dress fell in a pool on the floor with a little of his help. She was wearing nothing underneath, if he had wanted to, he could have mated her with it on, perhaps he would try that. She continued to breathe in his musk, allowing her inner animal to come out. Her own scent was becoming quite noticeable, buttery and almost floral. It made him salivate and want to run his tongue over the source of that wonderful smell. This is what he loved about mating as a Worgen; the scent of a mate was the strongest aphrodisiac on the planet. Before long, he knew, the scent would drive both of them into a frenzy. He loved that knowledge, the knowledge that he would literally not be in control of his actions as he bred, the knowledge that he would not be able to stop if he wanted to, the feeling of freedom it gave him was too wondrous to describe.He always played a game with himself, and with his partners, how long could he hold out? It was the only game he loved to lose. She was becoming feral now, her breath coming in pants and her paws sliding down to places he would gladly let her touch, later.

"Not yet." His denial brought a growl from her, he smiled, she wanted this just as much as he did. He grinned. "My breeches are still in the way, would you please remove them for me?" She did so, ripping them with her claws as she impatiently yanked on them. He wasn't angry, just the opposite. "Mmm, I like that. Now let's start slowly." She looked up at him both confused and excited.

"How?" Her voice was a rough growl.

"Hmm...I just got back from a job, and I didn't get a chance to take a thorough bath before I came here. Could you help me...clean up?" She smiled at him wickedly. And leaned in and began softly licking his belly. Now it was his turn to growl, he had most decidedly not meant his belly, he wanted to feel her warm tongue caress his shaft until he finished and sprayed his seed all over her.

"Hush, I'm nothing if not thorough, but I prefer to...take my time...to do a quality job." He was definitely going to come back to her. She slowly and painstakingly licked the entirety of his belly, starting from the top of his abs, working her way to his sides and back the feeling was indescribable, and he would definitely remember to begin asking for tongue baths whenever he mated in the future. When she was halfway done he was gasping. She took a short break to and looked him in the eye and licked her muzzle before saying "Hmm...you're close...why don't you...work out the first, quick one? I'll help you...get ready for more." He grinned down at her and looked at himself, he was so hard he hurt. And he loved it.

"I need some lubrication for that." A lie, he was too far gone to care about lubrication.

"I can provide some." She took his right paw in both of hers and began licking it, being sure to soak it through with saliva. He strangled a moan, the feeling was delicious, she was very good with her tongue, he would take advantage of that as much as he could later on. "There" She said as she gave one last, long lick, his paw thoroughly soaked. "Why don't you try now? He didn't waste time replying. He hadn't had release since before his job, and his body was screaming for it. He grasped his erection with the slick paw and began sliding it up and down; almost stumbling as he did so, he had masturbated for the first time when he was thirteen years old, hiding under the covers of his childhood bed, the first time was a complete accident. He had no idea what he was doing, only that rubbing his penis against the soft blanket felt amazing, his orgasm took him by complete surprise and he had sprayed enough semen to make a thorough mess of the blanket and himself. After that night he began frantic experimentation and soon became a master of bringing himself to orgasm, he used all the technique acquired over his teenage years, craving release desperately. She helped him sit down on the bed just in time for him to finish. He moaned loudly as he quickly and deliberately moved both his paws and sprayed them with his ejaculate; his ejaculation was so powerful he completely covered both paws. He sat for a moment, panting and recovering. When he looked up again she was taking deep breaths and savoring the smell of his completion.

"Why did you block the seed?" She asked sensuously "I don't mind a little shower."

"I thought you might like a taste." He offered her his left paw, she smiled and wasted no time bringing the offered appendage to her mouth and cleaning it. They locked eyes as she took her time about her task. He felt himself hardening again at the sensation of her tongue sliding around his fingers cleaning the semen from them and savoring the taste. He looked at his right paw, white and slick with semen and back at her.

"Would you like to watch me clean off my own paw?" He asked, she stopped her cleaning to reply.

"I would love to." He smiled and slowly brought his paw to his muzzle and breathed the scent of his semen deep into his lungs before flicking his tongue out quickly, just a small lap. The salty taste of his ejaculate spread through his muzzle quickly and he smiled. She was done with his other paw by now and was busy watching with rapt attention. He slowly began lapping at his palm, he had never been afraid or disgusted by his ejaculate, not even the first time he had made himself cum under the covers of his childhood home, no, he had always been fascinated by it. It took him a while to build up the courage to taste the tantalizing substance he squirted onto himself on a nightly basis, and only doing it the first time by rubbing himself to near orgasm and using the stimulation to get over his fear, but ever since that nervous first taste he had never gone back. The cleanup of his nightly relaxation ritual became almost as enjoyable as the actual masturbation. He was very flexible, especially as a boy, and he had been able to curl into himself and lick himself clean, it was one of the most relaxing things he had ever experienced.He lapped more earnestly now, already hard and delighting in the salty semen taste on his tongue, relishing the act and enjoying showing it off to his partner, who was enjoying herself profoundly.

"You know, most males don't want their seed anywhere near their mouth...watching you lap up your own seed like this is very...enjoyable." She alternately watched his tongue as it swiped over his paw and made eye contact with him, enhancing the eroticism of her comment.

"Mmm, I learned to make myself come when I was young, I had to clean up somehow. I love the taste of it, and I love that I can make some whenever I want." He replied, meeting her gaze and letting his wander over her nude form.

"I learned to relieve myself when I was a child too. I still do actually. On my...rest days, I mate myself at least three times, usually more. I just love the feeling of sliding my fingers into myself until I howl and spill my fluids all over my bed."

"Hmm, have you ever tasted yourself? It's a wonderful way to arouse yourself for another go." Talking was interfereing with his task of cleaning his paw, but he didn't care, it was a good conversation.

"Mmm hmm. Every time I do it I lick my fingers clean afterward, I love my taste, and my smell." She said smiling as she trailed a paw over her inner thighs and sighed happily.

"I'm ready for more." He said, gathering the last of his semen on his tongue.$

"So I see. Do you still want a bath? You seem perfectly capable of cleaning yourself."

"Mmm, so I am, but where would the fun in that be?"

"True." She said as she slowly moved forward and began to lap at his penis. He sighed and leaned back to watch her. She lapped gently and slowly at first, quickly building to stronger strokes. He leaned back on his arms and watched her clean his penis of any ejaculate that might have dripped from his paws. As she did this one of her paws slipped between her thighs and began teasing her entrance, he drank in the sight of her tantalizing both of them. She was licking his entire shaft now, paying careful attention to the head, taking breaks every now and then to frantically lick his furred sack. He moaned loudly every time she switched and savored the feeling of her slick tongue. Suddenly she did something he didn't expect, she opened her jaws very wide and leaned forward, actually swallowing part of his penis, he yelped at the sudden feeling, she swallowed more and more until her muzzle was buried in his pubic hair. She met his eyes and began swallowing repeatedly, the feeling was unbelievable. Before long he could feel the familiar warmth of an impending orgasm. He leaned forward and moaned.

"I'm close..." Was all he managed before another moan wrenched its way out of his throat. "Make...make me come all over myself." She pulled her head back and started lapping at his penis frantically, he loosed a loud moan that warned her that his orgasm all but had come, she quickly positioned his penis so the coming ejaculate would splatter all over his chest, neck and muzzle. A few seconds later his second orgasm of the night ripped through him and splattered the both of them with his seed. She wasted no time in taking the salty treat for herself this time as he recovered.

"I hope you're not done." She said after she had finished, she had been deliberately messy and had semen all over her muzzle. "After all, we've only tasted your seed. There are...other things to taste." She said as she stood and turned around, displaying her vagina for him to see. She was very much ready for mating, and when he looked on the floor between her legs he saw that the patch of fur around her entrance wasn't the only place to get wet.

"I'm not done, but I could use a break...here, sit down, I'd like a taste." She traded places with him, idly dragging a clawed finger through a previously ignored puddle of his seed on the sheets of the bed and licking it as she spread her legs and invited him in. "Mmm...what a wonderful view." He said as he moved closer and took in her scent, she was just off her heat, her body still felt the mating call, still wanted to be bred. He decided not to keep her waiting any longer and pressed his muzzle to her entrance and began licking gently. She gasped and let out a moan as she took pulled him closer. She tasted delicious. Salty, and slightly tangy at the same time. He continued licking for a short time then he began pushing his tongue further into her, much to her audible approval. He decided to tease her, he dug his tongue deep into her and then quickly pulled it out, she made a disappointed groan. He quickly moved so their muzzles were touching and pushed his tongue into her muzzle, swiping her own tongue. She groaned at the intrusion, but welcomed it, they spent a few moments enjoying the combined taste of their fluids before he returned to her entrance. He quickly resumed what he had been doing, slowly speeding up.

"Oh...oh that's good." She gasped, her legs actually started trembling. That spurred him on, he grasped her legs in his paws and held them apart and began lapping at the small nub just above her vagina. This proved to be the last straw as she abruptly went stiff and then all but howled. He drove his tongue in as far as it could go and lapped up the delectable fluids that spilled forth from her, being sure to hit the nub on his way out. As she slowly came down from her orgasmic high he slowed down his lapping until he was tenderly cleaning the area around her entrance as he gave her a chance to recover. She gladly took it, running her paws over his head and neck gently. It was the first true interlude of the night and they both reveled in it, savoring the knowledge that the warm-up was over and the real mating was about to start. "That was wonderful." She said, sounding tired, but eager "But it wasn't enough, enough with these games, let us mate, I want to feel a male inside of me." Her beast was close to the surface now, before long it would be completely in charge, and she would mate him until they physically could not mate anymore.

"Yes, let us." He said, his own beast howling for him to inseminate the female, to sire cubs on her. She made to pull him onto the bed, but he stopped her. "I don't want the bed just yet, mating on the floor sounds more fun does it not?"

"Whatever you wish, master." She said, sliding off the bed and into a crouch that mirrored his. He leaned forward and began licking her muzzle, cleaning off the last vestiges of his seed. As he did this, his paws meandered all over her body, paying special attention to her breasts and her entrance. She moaned happily as he moved his muzzle down to her chest and began cleaning her as she had done to him. She leaned on the bed and reveled in the sensation of him licking her breasts.

"Would you like me to continue?"

"Oh...Please don't stop!" She moaned, her eyes half shut. He smiled and leaned closer, carefully taking her right nipple into his mouth and suckling and nibbling on it while kneading her other breast with his right paw, his left paw meandered down to his length and began stroking slowly and gently. She groaned as he took his time and eventually switched sides. By the time he was finished he was ready to mate again. He led her to the center of the room and moved behind her. She understood what he wanted to do and dropped to all fours. He smiled and gave her a good look at his erection before he moved in and mounted her, thrusting once, twice, three times before finding her entrance and penetrating her. They both moaned at the ecstasy flowing from their conjoined genitals. She looked at him over her shoulder and met his eyes, each time he completed a thrust she whined softly, her tongue hanging out. This spurred him on and he mated her faster, before long he felt his third orgasm coming, and decided that he was done trying to control himself.

"I can smell your heat...I can't control myself any longer."

"I...I don't want you to!" She gasped. He smiled to himself and gave up any semblance of rationality left to him. He growled and shifted position, grabbing her hips and holding her in place as he started thrusting punishingly hard, his sack slapping against her nub each time he slammed forward,. She began whining more frequently, she met his eyes and held his gaze as he thrust into her so hard they both hurt, neither of them would have given it up for the world. His orgasm came on like a flood. He hilted himself and pushed until he felt his knot pop inside her, then he spilled his seed into her. He growled happily, as a look of rapture crossed her face and her walls clenched his penis. They both dropped to the floor panting. They weren't done, not by a long shot. The hormones left over from her unproductive heat kept them up for hours. They both relished every second of it. Every painfully hard thrust, every hard-won orgasm, if they didn't finish at the same time, whoever was left would continue stimulating themselves until they came, then paw and lick the other until the mating resumed, they were getting bruised, but the spill of liquid over their thighs and legs after each orgasm was worth it. They mated at least five more times before crawling into bed and dropping off to sleep.

The next morning they awoke, both horribly sore in the best possible way, and extremely sticky. The room reeked of their exertions. He woke before her and spent a few minutes simply breathing in the delectable scent, after ten minutes of rest, she woke up. He gave her a few minutes to fully awaken and enjoy the scent herself before he spoke.

"Mmm...that was the most fun I've had in a long time." He said, she rolled over to face him and smiled.

"Oh, we're not done." His eyebrows went up.

"What do you have planned?"

"Well, we're both covered in your seed and my fluids; it would be a wretched waste to have all that flavor washed out in a bath, wouldn't it?" He smiled.

"You're right, it would be a waste, now let us see if I can't clean you off." He maneuvered his head to her crotch and took in the smell of dried sex, it was delicious. He began lapping at her eagerly, swirling his tongue through the sticky fur of her inner thighs with delight. He might not be able to mate more than once before he had to go, he just didn't have the stamina for more than one, but he was going to make it a grand finale to be proud of. He gasped as he felt her tongue slither across his penis, coaxing it further out of its sheath and hardening it. He began lapping faster, she mirrored him and before long they were both clean and he had his erection back.

"I have an idea, your dress doesn't have anything blocking me. I want to mate you while you wear that." She paused in her ministrations for a moment, but quickly assented.

"Hmm...that does sound fun." She got off the bed and seductively walked over to where her dress lay on the floor, badly splattered with fluids, and put it on. He approached her and she backed away playfully, only when he backed her into a corner did she finally let him mount her. She turned around and placed her paws on the walls while spreading her legs. He walked up and took his penis in his paw and began slowly rubbing it all over her entrance, she moaned softly, enjoying the soft probing and gentle stimulation, just enough to help her lubricate one last time. He didn't spend much time playing around, however, and soon he penetrated her and began thrusting. This was different than last night's frenzied breeding, however. This was slow, gentle. They were both tender, but they both needed one last release. He had finished so many times that she came before he did. He could just feel his orgasm starting to build when she moaned loudly and he felt her walls clench his penis. He continued thrusting for a few moments more and then finished, squirting just a small amount of seed into her.

The both stood there, catching their breath for a few minutes. Then she moved and he pulled out of her. She made her way towards the door slowly and obviously achy, but satisfied. He stopped her just before she could leave by putting a paw on her shoulder. She turned around wordlessly.

"That was the best I've had in ages. I'll be coming back, you can count on it." She smiled at him.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"What's your name?"

"Call me Moonblossom, and yours?" He grinned.



This is my first attempt at...well... I wrote this in the span of approximately three hours last week sometime, I was awake late and couldn't sleep. I had my laptop on out of sheer boredom and well, one thing led to another. I have a few more of these completely written out, but apparently I'll have to edit them, upload them (which deletes ALL THE FORMATTING {stupid freaking notepad}) and re-edit them so they don't come out as one massive paragraph.

I've never done this sort of thing before, and my ego is a fragile little thing, so any kind of help would be appreciated. Thanks