69 Corinthians 69:69-69
Porn is impatient, porn is unkind. It is covetous, boastful, and arrogant. It is rude, self-seeking, and angry. It is a record of wrongs. It rejoices in unrighteousness. It bares everything and believes in nothing. It is there when righteousness and...
.** kinks: 69 tags: ferret, m/m, chemical use, incest. ~system activated... ~connecting sensory nodes... greetings user, machine is a product produced by the vendis intergalactic product - manufacturing corporation.
Room 69
They climbed the stairs together, chatting casually about work, the party so far, the sound proofing that'd been put in room 69 earlier that day and the current state of economic affairs.
Station 69
The rest of the dogs gathered around him slapping him on the back as they barked and yipped with approval, station 69 had a new member.
Specimen 69
Other than the labels on the outside of the tank - "specimen 69," "hermetically sealed," "do not tap on glass" - the organism sat there along and dejected. "aww, poor guy" she said. "it must be lonely in there, huh?"
Live with Ko-69
Read the rest early over at: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/live-with-ko-69-72722394](https://www.patreon.com/posts/live-with-ko-69-72722394)
Attack of the Clones
69 asked me one day. i looked at him before looking back out of the window "huh? oh yeah it's just nervousness that's all.
The Badlands Facility
69 called out to them but was ignored. the cat sighed.
69 asked me one day.
Orion's Kiss - chap 1
The screens were also one of the few things that f-69 hadn't considered useless to their survival, and hadn't powered down to maintain life-support. of course, f-69 didn't care. being an android, he would run until his nuclear battery died.
"Cielo 69" (M/M Anthro Dragon Sex)
"cielo 69. cielo 69. cielo... 69?" dust found himself repeating the words over and over as he tried to remember just where he had heard that name before. his eyes widened as it hit him. the woman, it was her.
Adventures of Josh the sayan part 5 playing 69
"69." josh said and grinning at drago, "what is 69." drago answered, "huh don't you know what it means." josh asked rubbing his head, "no never heard of." drago answered, "wanna play it." josh asked.