
Story by Arbon on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissioned Writing

Kingdoms: Chapter one.

I never thought about how I looked.

Arnaude Genesis sighed to himself in boredom as the emptiness of his room sank in once again. But simple feelings were no match for the mighty power of booze!

"Bwhahahaha!" he laughed to no one in particular, feeling more than a little tipsy after having downed his first bottle.

"So what if my friends have more important things to do than play a game with me, I can handle playing by myself" he said aloud, rolling the dice once more and scribbling the results of his character's next attack. "I just wish they'd stop calling "Territory" a board game, it's an RPG! Not some silly kids game." but his efforts at serious play were thwarted by his impaired balance. Landing flat on the floor hurt ... doing so with a pencil in your hand could turn out more than just painful. The guy wasn't even standing up! How anyone could get so drunk as to fall off a couch yet still be sober enough to try and count what number the dice rolled, was beyond even his closest of friends.

"I'm not obsessed with TW, I'm not obsessed with TW ..." he said aloud once more, his disserviced though process striking at random. The game was really interesting! Honest! It pitted you as a human player in a world dominated by Terriats, giant ant-like things that controlled massive territories and were always seeking to expand, while complicated by an uneasy alliance with furs, other human territories, and the more violent, bestial anthros.

"But it's not like this world is that interesting" he mumbled through more gulps of mind altering toxins. If beer was a poison, it was the one he wanted to die with. "Only one sentient species, peh! What makes humans so special. I'm sure rats, or dolphins could make their own cities if someone taught them how."

His sanity was slipping, as was his grip of the pencil.

"But the bunnies, the bunnies are the real menace. They act all cute and make you think they just eat carrots, but the moment you turn your back your dead!" he stood up onto his table, shoes grinding into the strewn out papers with stat sheets, advanced rules, conversion rates and story progression notes. Shouting for everyone in the empty, one-story building to hear "The bunnies will rule the world! Nothing can stop their unstoppable ... stopableness!"

He never did feel how hard the floor was when he landed on it, but at least neither his face nor the floorboard were broken after his booze aided fall. To the man's credit, he at least noticed he couldn't see the walls anymore and decided it might just be worthwhile to sit up. His eyes slowly closing, his head rolling back in a confused, muddled mix of emotions that seemed to come and go at random. Just as he was about to pass out, or perhaps sometime after, something ripped apart.

"Oh! Sorry about that, is. Is this Earth? Dude, it looks like Earth, it better be Earth. Mind if I use your phone?" a voice asked softly. But what had ripped? Was it Arna's clothing? The strangers?

'Yeah, a strange woman came into my house and ripped her cloths off in front of me, this I gotta see' the drunken idiot giggled to himself.

"Hehehe, so I *hic* dreamt up a gorgeous woman and *hic* cloths have torn off? I can *hic* see this going places" he didn't even open his eyes to look before taking another swig directly from the bottle. he didn't need to comprehend what was going on if it was all just some dream, or hallucination. Right? Yeah, comprehension is overrated. He did enough thoughtful contemplation during his waking hours, he didn't need to think while relaxing.

"O ... K. I'll just be going then, reality to save and ... um ... all that. Sorry for the intrusion" the voice called out to a sleepy looking human, still sprawled out on the floor amongst ruined papers and little figurines. That ripping, or tearing sound happened again. But wait, the cloths were already off weren't they? Why would he dream about ... oh! That's it! His own clothing! Now the dream makes sense.

"You don need to leave *hic* babe" he giggled again, his groggy eyes opening just a peak as he hefted himself up onto his feet. his lips pursed in preparation to kiss, sure his rational mind was still screaming in his ear that if he kept this up he'd wake up in the morning humping his pillow, but his rational mind was too busy trying not to drown to do anything about it.

He took another step, tripped as per usual when his coordination was shot, and was snapped wide awake and fully alert when he hit leaves and dirt rather than his soft, carpeted floor. The air went from pleasantly warm, numbed by his dulled senses, to uncomfortably cool with that crisp, lively feel a heavily forested area gives thanks to all the extra oxygen. While his senses were muddled and confused just a moment ago they now stung with crystal clarity. This didn't necessarily mean he understood what was happening.

The leaves crinkled as he slid forward, nearby branches buckled and snapped as his heavy form crashed through it, then just as he was about to climb to his feet something slipped and he went tumbling down a steep incline. The whole world was spinning, faster and faster, his skin seemed numb to the finer details such as the dirt's texture, the moisture in the air, or individual branches, but picked up the pain of his shoulder crunching into a sharp rock with no difficulty. Something felt like it was stuck to his head, and upon further reflection it felt like something large and bulky but not especially heavy was falling in behind him.


He finally slammed into the bottom of the hill and could look around without strange trees blocking his view. It was still very dark out but a glimmer of bluefish light filled the air, so either it was nearing sunrise or he was next to something very bright. Could this all just be a dream? If so, it was a very, very vivid one. Er, no ... no it couldn't be dream, if this was something his mind made up then where were all the cute girls?

He looked around and came to the startling conclusion that he was no longer even the least bit drunk. Did he pass out and some jerk was playing a prank on her? Was he kidnapped by someone and left in the woods to die? No, he would have remembered something like that, even utterly wasted there are certain details you just don't leave out. That, and it didn't feel like he'd passed out at all. More like one minute he was in her room stepping towards a drunken hallucination and the next he was here. If he was awake then ... his hands brushed against his thighs, dusting himself off as he stood up.

Fear, it's a sudden thing, you never know quite when it's going to take effect, but alone in the woods at night and feeling some giant lobster shell attached to your back is as good a guess as any. In unthinking panic he charged forward, arms and legs flailing madly. He looked behind to see what it was his hand had just barely felt and caught sight of some giant spider scuttling forward in the dark. It looked close enough to catch him already! No time, no time in the world to think this one away, if he disbelieved it and was wrong then it was all over. Better to get your distance and observe the bug looking thing when it wasn't close enough to kill you.

'What type is it? Black widow? Funnelweb? Does it use venom or webbing to slow down it's prey? Does it have claws, or some stinger thing I need to avoid?' he thought while trying not to slow down one bit. Trees rushed past him, he nearly slipped into a small puddle, he went strait through bushes not caring in the slightest if the nettles tore his jeans off. He just had to get away! But a quick glance behind him showed he wasn't gaining even the slightest bit of distance.

A low hanging branch brushed against something long and twitchy attached to his forehead, making the dude think the spider was already latching onto his hair. As his panic increased so did his running speed, at least until a tree decided it wasn't going to bother moving out of his way.


Arnaude held a hand to his face to ease the throbbing pain in his head. His palm, the fingers, even the joints didn't feel quite right, but as he could still see something large and insectoid just a few feet behind him and mostly hidden in the dark, he took off running without bothering to investigate further. Or rather, he tried to ...

Something sharp and hard, it felt like another foot, smashed into his own two legs and forced him to topple forward into a shallow puddle of water. In the already cool night air, the much colder water didn't help to warm his skin. Numb as it was already. In a frenzied scramble he pushed his arms to the ground to help lift himself up, but instead of soft, pink, human hands he saw two massive, clawed things. The details were hard to make out in the dark, but if these were what that monster after him was using to grab with then the details didn't matter in the slightest. He pushed up harder, but something was blocking him, it wasn't like anything holding him down more like he just couldn't get enough leverage to make his feet support his body weight. Was that bug thing holding him down?

The ripples through the water puddle began to settle down, the pale blue of the night sky was almost bright enough to see by as the sun slowly tried to peak out. He was hoping to see his reflection, perhaps the face of one of his friends attempting to wake him up, or even some cover art for the game he'd been playing. What he saw instead, was made all the more horrifying by it's vivid detail.

It had a triangular face, the longest point angled downward while the other two points rounded off into something that could have been an ear. The eyes were huge and bulbous, they didn't seem to have any noticeable pupil, and were utterly devoid of color, pure black that blended in so well with the muddy waters.

It's mouth seemed to open in four directions, part of it was soft and wet went up and down like all mammals, surrounding that part was a set of jaws that went from left to right and were tipped with sharp cutting teeth. Around both of them was a disgusting, clearly insectoid set of fingers that clicked and scratched against each other, smaller mandibles with a delicate touch that could make eating easier. And surrounding the entire mouth system was a much, much larger set of just two bulky, crushing mandibles that looked very capable of killing. There were two thick, twitchy antenna poking out of it's head and covered with little bristles of hair that probably did something. And it's neck was just impossibly thin, it barely looked capable of supporting that round head.

The way it stared at him was creepy, the way it wasn't moving was somehow terrifying, and the fact it's eyes looked hard and solid rather than wet and squishy made it that much more unearthly. Arnaude Genesis screamed, he didn't know what else to do. Turn around with his hand held up and say 'hello, nice to meet you?' That didn't seem the wisest of choices.

Neither did screaming apparently, looking at it's reflection Arnaude saw it roar, every part of it's disgusting little bug mouth opening up to give off a skittery screech. It was so loud drowned out his own voice. 'This is it!' he thought to himself in panic, too cold and confused to think, he had no idea where he was, no one around to hear him scream, pinned down by some giant bug, and the bug was opening it's mouth to attack. With no way out of his current predicament, or even getting a full grasp of how it all happened, he closed her eyes, curled his arms around his head, and waited for it all to end.

Nothing happened, so he kept waiting.

And waiting.

'Nothing still? What does it think I'm dead or something?'

Cautiously, the man opened his eyes and scanned the (now) much brighter landscape. Rays of sunlight blasted out from behind some distant mountain peak, bouncing off a set of pink and yellow tinged clouds that provided just the most wonderful looking sunrise. He blinked at it, wondering just where the monster had gone to, but in the evident lack of danger he noticed one minor detail. There were two sets of eyelids flicking across hiss field of vision when he blinked.

He blinked again, just to be sure it's what he was really seeing. Not quite trusting even this second test, he blinked again. And again. Panic set in, but mixed with a much more natural curiosity on the fifth time he blinked. The first set was almost transparent, just a thin filament that blocked off most of his eyesight but not his ability to detect light and darkness. The second pair was much larger, much thicker, and felt like armor plating as it covered and uncovered his otherwise sensitive eyes.

That was definitely weird. Having content himself with the knowledge of abnormal blinking, he took in the finer details of the rest of his environment. There were mountains in the distance, green and forest everywhere, trees and rather thick undergrowth in the immediate area, the steep hill and some softer inclines surrounding the direction he fell from. No monsters in sight.

He glanced down to the puddle and got a much brighter view of the exact same insectoid face he'd seen last night ... this time, the shock having worn off, he peered closely at the reflection rather than scream.

'A reflection' he was sure that's what it was, he could only see the monster's face when he looked into the water, his own wasn't visible. So unless the monster was right in front of him blocking his own view of the water, invisible so he could see through it, while simultaneously possessing a reflection to bounce back through it's invisibility, this was his face. He pursed his lips experimentally, and the icky finger-leg thingies around his mouth flexed. He opened wide to see what it looked like inside, and the monster ant he saw in the puddle showed him a view he'd rather forget.

'That's ... that's my face' it had finally sunk in. He reached her hand down to poke at the water, only what moved wasn't soft, pink, and fleshy as it should have been. Those same claws from before. Nothing was after him! He'd been running ... running from himself? At least that explains how it was so hard to get away. But now that he wasn't scared, drunk, confused, or dazed ... he was curious. Arnaude held out each 'hand' to examine them in detail. They were long, much thicker than his normal ones, seemed to be armor plated, the skin was just so thick! At the joint where his elbow should have been he saw that it overlapped like plate mail.

His hands were just as heavily armored, but the joints were more complicated and intricate. It looked and felt as if a single well placed grain of sand could paralyze him, and the hand wasn't exactly dexterous to begin with. Instead of his usual five, he only had three fingers. Just three. What was the point of even having fingers if you don't have enough to do anything? True, they didn't quite look like fingers, more like foldable claws than anything else. Two of them were up where her four fingers should have been, and they only bent downward into the palm. Her thumb was a tad more flexible and could fit across the palm, touching over each of the other two fingers. The fingers themselves were a bright, clear white color, the same as exceptionally shiny teeth. The arms around them were a dull red.

'This ... these suck. How can I possible play vid games with this? Heck, I doubt they can even carry a pencil' he thought, taking only a few moments to realize how absurd his mundane worries were if he didn't even know what he was, let alone where.

His eyes, blinking in that strange, noisy way with such heavy eyelids, scanned the rest of his body. He couldn't see the stomach he was laying on, but back where his butt should have been was this hulking blob of a spider's abdomen. He couldn't see his feet underneath it, or wait ...

He experimented by moving his left foot off to the side, and was surprised to find two pairs of feet moving. Odd. Turning his head to the opposite side he tried the same thing, and again two feet poked out from behind that hulking abdomen. What in the world was up with that? Either his two legs were stretching and bending at odd angles and at the same time, or ...

Shuddering at the thought, he propped his front legs up under his chest and swung his arms back behind him. If he were bipedal, still human, that would have been a ridiculous way to stand up, he'd have fallen over backwards and likely broken either his skull or his elbows, depending on how he landed. But his suspicions were confirmed, he had a firm, wide grip. His head and upper body swiveled to one side to count, then to the other. Four legs.

'At least all four are intact' he muttered under his breath. Not much of a silver lining, but it's a start. The legs themselves were the same dull red color as his arms and 'face' if one were to use such terms loosely. The feet were huge, simply huge, no other way to describe them. But then, if his butt was really as big as it looked, larger feet should seem natural. They had the same three claws, and armored with joints that his hands had. He flexed his 'toes' and saw that each individual claw from each of those four legs could bend just as effectively as his fingers. True, human fingers were a heck of a lot more flexible, but now his toes actually seemed capable of doing something. Even more interesting were tiny little spikes jutting out in neat, even rows up the length of his leg, starting at his foot and stopping just under his knee. They were the same smooth, pearly white as each of his claws, but much smaller, and these ones didn't have any joints.

'Those look like they could be dangerous' Arnaude concluded. They looked like weapons, like someone decided to put rose thorns into armor and paint them white. But they did look cool ...

His body, the supposedly taur-(ish?) quadruped form behind him was out of his line of sight, thus difficult to take in. What he could tell just at his painful glances every time he twisted to get a better look was that his back was rough and course the whole way down. There weren't any dangerous looking, pointy spikes, but it wasn't smooth and flawless like with some spiders. Nor was it covered in twitchy little hairs, the way her antenna were. He tried to bend his body down forward to look between his first pair of legs to what he might have near the second pair.

His imagination over what she couldn't see scared her far more than what she could 'I'd better not have a penis back there!' ... but not matter how hard he tried, this new body type just wouldn't bend that way. Mildly annoyed, he set himself to taking in the much more 'interesting' view between his front legs.

Or rather, her ... depending on how one wishes to describe gender.

There were still a few tattered bits of clothing stuck to her spikes, some string from the shredded jeans, pieces of her wet T-shirt were sticking to her armored skin. It was easy to tell (s)he had cloths at one point, but they were so far gone genesis was looking directly into a pussy whenever (s)he tried to bend down. Arnaude wasn't sure if she should be happy, infuriated, overjoyed, or alarmed at this point. He wasn't a guy anymore, and all of a sudden he secretly hoped there was a penis between his second pair of legs. But even if she were to assume that, better to think of herself as a girl now ...

'No! This can't be real, it just can't be'

The guy (now a girl) just had to experiment with this thing, maybe it was like a sheith? Her penis was still down there but covered up by something. Shouldn't it come out if he can arouse herself? Pfff, yeah. Like he could be aroused while looking at ... looking at ...

'Ok, Ok, I find my own pussy attractive.' he was forced to admit. 'I can't believe I even considered that. It's just wrong on so many levels'

She touched a clawed finger to test it, prod it, feeling incredibly guilty by both her natural fascination with something that looked human enough to mate with, and the even greater pleasure she elicited out of her tentative prodding. It was warm too, where the rest of her body was cold and unfeeling, this small(ish) section between her legs radiated a delightful heat. The girl ... guy? (Gah! This is going to get confusing) placed her entire hand around the opening, feeling that the thighs and much of the sides were armored while the opening was just incredibly, unbearably soft. A simple shift of her palm and it was easy to position her thumb right into that opening, penetrating just until he felt something wet. Then it was time to pull out.

'That ... that is definitely a working vagina. And no penis hidden inside it either, what a shame' he ... she ... thought. What man wouldn't be at least a little giddy at having such a fun plaything so readily available? Her hand hovered just between her legs, torn between wanting to press in again to see what would happen and pulling the thumb up to her mouth to lick off what had already come out. True, that might have just been pee ... ok, urge to lick it off? Gone now. She no longer inclined to lick anything that came out of her.

Come to think of it, she wasn't even sure she had a tongue now. There might be a tongue hidden under all those spindly things ... she could try stuffing her hand in her mouth to feel around for one. Her other hand. The one with either cum or pee, she really didn't want to which, wasn't going anywhere near her face. Her left hand bent at the elbow, simple leverage at the forarm pushed the main section upward, it bent further in to get that clawed hand closer to her mouth ... then she stopped.

'I am totally an idiot, and this is just a bad idea. What if this new mouth doesn't work the way it's supposed to? What if I accidentally tear off a mandible without thinking? Worse, what if I bite down without trying to and take off my hand?' his arm slunk back to her side, she didn't plan on sticking it into her mouth anymore. 'I really think I need that hand, it's the only one I've got'

But this still left a certain problem unresolved. How to get a good look at her body? She couldn't feel everything everywhere, her claws might tear into something. Or something on her might prove dangerous to that hand ... what she wanted was a mirror. A full body mirror, something to offer a full, complete view of the entire body. But this was a forest, or at least it looked like one. Where was a guy to find a mirror out here?

'Aha!' remembering the puddle, she stepped forward, feeling that strange double-step from having two pairs of legs, and looked down to examine her chest. Her stomach was admirably thin, her hips wide but not overly so, and her shoulders were just wide enough to match. It gave her a great 'hourglass' figure if one were inclined to leave out another butt sticking out where a tail should go.

'Er, no! I do not need a tail!' she screamed in her mind as she caught on to where her thoughts were leading 'I will not think of this as normal, no ... nononononono!'

Her chest was colored much like her crouch, a bright, brilliant orange emphasizing a singular location while the rest was covered in dull, muddy red. She looked lean, almost muscular, but that was probably just the armor. The skin here was smooth, clean, utterly flawless, and had neat little lines and ridges running all along her rib cage like some form of decoration. Most of her body looked as if it was just one chunk of armor with no gaps or overlaps. Could that explain why it was so hard to bend? She tried it and found out there were kinks in this, there were large, obvious joints at the hip and at the stomach. But the ones just bellow her breasts were tiny, smooth, and difficult to spot. Rather than divide her body into sections it seemed more like they were forming a pattern, as if their purpose was purely ornamental.

Finally she decided to focus on her breasts, just a little ways up from the oddly positioned cracks. They were ... somewhat odd was all she could decide on. There weren't any nipples, almost as if someone had put red and orange latex over real ones. Or like someone ripped off his male nipples then just filled in the skin with fat. Or perhaps as if someone was making a suit of armor for some girl and it just happened to have the shape of real breasts. They were soft, smooth, and flawless, much like a polished stone, or the rest of her skin. It would probably feel good for someone to slide their hand against these, it was just so smooth.

'Er, I wonder if some car polish wouldn't be out of the question. They are armored, right?' she asked herself. Only to slap a clawed hand rather painfully up to her face 'No! Your not keeping them! As soon as you figure out what happened, your going to get your old body back you are not going to be a transvestite and have to parade around in braws for the rest of your life.' besides, as she looked down at what she had Arnaude could not stop herself from pointing out they were too small for his tastes.

Very small. Not so small as to be almost non-existent, but he would have overlooked these things if he saw them on someone else's body.

'At least I'm not a giant anus monster' was her failed attempt to see a silver lining. But now that her 'sightseeing' was finished she had bigger things to worry about. Like where in the world she was! Ok, so lets go over some possible ideas. Was she sleeping? One way to test that, self induced pain. She held out one arm, put one of her clawed fingers next to her thumb, and pinched her forearm with them. This always works in TV shows and weird stories, as soon as the 'hero' feels the pain in their arm they realize you can't feel pain in a dream, thus all this must be real.


Her claws clicked against her arm, but she didn't feel anything. 'Odd, does that mean I am dreaming?' but a quick glance around the very real looking world, the very real temperature, and the twitchy things poking out of her skull, she just couldn't accept that this was all a dream. No matter how much more sense that would make. So, she pinched herself again.


Still nothing. What if she tried places other than her arm? She reached up to pinch her cheek, but her feeler, mouth part mandible thingies got in the way. She reached across to pinch her hand, but it was too heavily armored.

Wait a minute, ARMOR! That's it!, she was pinching just fine, but her body was covered in this thick armor rather than fleshy skin. That could explain why she wasn't feeling it. She reached down to pinch her thighs.


Still nothing, those had some thick armor too. She tried just above her th- ...

'Oh man, that would hurt way too much' she contemplating pinching her crouch. It was right there, it had to be done, she just had to tell if she was able to feel pain. She gave in and pinched.


Or rather she tried to. The soft, warm, vulnerable inner parts were unarmored, but the area around it was well protected. Her giant, three clawed hands were just too big to fit two fingers in between to pinch properly. 'O-K, so lets try somewhere else' she thought. But there was no where else, she'd already tried to pinch everything she could reach. Her toes? Bah, most likely those things were too well armored just the rest of her. Probably more-so considering they had to support her whole body weight. What if she just did something that would hurt even through the armor? There was a tree within arms length, would slapping her hand against that hurt more than a pinch? It was worth a shot.

Arnaude awkwardly moved her legs, shifting to get a better angle, then slapped out against the rough bark of the nearest tree. She didn't feel anything. Seriously, anything at all, she couldn't even tell what texture the tree felt like! It was if her arms didn't have nerve endings, like her skin all over was numb.

'Doh!' she almost slapped herself, wasn't she numb when she tumbled down the hill? Maybe this body just didn't have any pain receptors. No, no that would have been stupid. What creature can't feel pain at all? But at the very least she could deduce this new body wasn't nearly as sensitive as her old one.

'Ok, I've established I'm not dreaming. Er, no I haven't, I've established my skin is too tough to pinch. I'll just assume I'm not dreaming' but here is where her train of thought ended 'sooo ... if I'm not dreaming then what is this? It can't be some drunken hallucination, I don't even feel drunk anymore.'

Her eyes strained in alarm. She was trying to widen them in the normal human response, but that didn't work with these new ones. So the muscles in her face just kept trying to slide her eye sockets apart ... not a pleasant sensation. But still, once the awkwardness of her face settled down it sunk in that she wasn't drunk anymore. She was plastered when she came here, or at least right before, but now her thoughts were clear. So, what if this new body couldn't get drunk, was it immune to alcohol?

Panic rose at such a horrid possibility, she couldn't even think like that. Better to concentrate on something else. What was she thinking about before her train of thought derailed?

Oh yeah, how did she get here. Well, if it isn't a dream or hallucination, what else was there? Could she have been adducted by aliens, experimented on, and transported to some alien planet? That didn't seem to fit the timeline, it felt more like she was at home and human one minute and falling down a hill the next. So, what if the aliens wiped her memory? Would it still feel as if a lot of time had passed, or would it be seamless and instantaneous from one memory to the next as parts were skipped? That was too complicated to test but too perfect to pass up, so she filed it away in her mind as she looked for other possibilities. Hey, she could even remember some girl appearing in her room, what if that was a real girl and not something her mind made up? She could have been the alien.

But did she look like an alien? Try as she might, the girl simply could not remember what the intruder looked like. Her thinking was clear now, but it was near impossible to search through memories of when she was drunk. If she couldn't remember the appearance, then what about other aspects? Her scent? No, everything just smelled like booze back then. Her ... voice? Did the girl say anything?

'Yeah, said something about saving reality, then there was this, this tearing sound.' she looked down at her shredded cloths and for the life of her could not tell if they were shredded before or after she heard the sound.

'Gah! This is confusing. But what if what that girl had said had some sense to it? Could this be what happens when she fails? Or what she was trying to prevent? Could this have been her plan and she's just messing with people like a sick little freak?' again, she couldn't think of any way to test the theory without finding a person she couldn't even recognize, so she filed that possibility away for later contemplation. If reality was broken or something that could easily explain just about anything. Anything at all!

'Now for the more practical question, where the heck am I ...' she looked around for any distinguishing landmarks, any signs of civilization. The sun was a little higher in the sky, but otherwise green trees and distant mountains were all she could see. The puddle splashed as her shifting foot swished through it. The only landmark anywhere nearby was the hill she fell down.

'The hill! that what where I came from, maybe a way back home is at the top?' Arnaude was more hopeful than expectant. Just because she came from up there doesn't mean there's a magic portal or anything to take her back. Nor, if there was a portal, did it even mean she'd turn back into a human if she went through it. 'But at least from up there I could see more of the landscape' she decided, and that was enough of a reason to walk towards.

Step, step, stepstepstepstep ...

The sounds were definitely odd, walking on two legs made much more sense than having to keep track of so many feet at once. She'd only taken two steps before her back legs were trying to outpace her front ones and she was sent spinning in a little circle. Her arms flailed to correct her balance, her clawed feet braced into the dirt for traction. Other than the absurdities of trying to walk, this form did have a pleasant aspect. It was sturdy.

She felt solid, she felt tough, she could feel how easy it was to lift and carry such a massive body. She was sure this thing had to be stronger than normal, maybe not superman strong but enough to lift large rocks. 'Bah, get to the hill, then test it' she told herself, fully aware that she couldn't even walk right.

Step, step, stepstepstepstep ...

Again Arnaude went spinning in circles, this simply was not working. Her feet weren't working in union, it was as if each had their own plan and were attempting to oppose each other. She needed to be rational about this, how do you make sure one set of legs doesn't outpace the other? Well duh! You monitor them and move them one at a time, meticulously and carefully. Her left, front leg she put above her right one, then her right one above her left one.

And suddenly she was slipping! Bending at the middle!

'Forgot the back ones, move dammit, move!' she screamed inwardly at the sensation of being ripped apart by gravity. Her left back leg shot forward near her left front one, then her back right leg fallowed in. She wasn't being split in half any more, but now she was balanced on an area three feet wide, when her body mass was several times that. To keep her top-heavy form from smashing her face into the dirt she shot both of her front legs out to prop her up.

'Success! I have now taken two steps' the girl was all warm and fuzzy inside, happy with her newest accomplishment. Until she realized all the spinning had turned her around and that the few steps she managed to take were in the wrong direction.

She tried to spin around, inching all four legs to the side at the same time, but that took too long.

Step, step, stepstepstepstep ...

Her first attempt at walking was much faster, and though she wasn't sure it was the most effective way to turn it did spin her in the right direction. Now she just needed to figure out a faster way to move forward that didn't run the risk of making her go splat our tear her belly open.

Her front right leg shot forward above her left one, while at the same time her right back leg shot forward to match her front one. Then she did the same with each of her left legs. The effect was like a giant, awkward waddle, nothing at all like the smooth and easy movements of a spider or an ant. How did they move exactly?

Experimentally she extended her front right leg and her back left leg at the same time, then complete the walking attempt with her front left leg and her back right leg. There it was! That smooth, effortless walking that kept her perfectly balanced the entire time. Now she could take another step, and another, and another. Her pace felt impressive compared to her previous attempts, and now she was almost at the base of the hill.

'Next I need to learn how to climb, oh man it's going to be difficult if I can't make my arms rea- ... OUCH!' her worries were interrupted by a sharp, stinging pain at the heal of her front leg. So much for the 'skins too numb to feel pain' hypothesis. She lifted her left leg up expecting a spider, a snake, a sharp thorn, anything biting, stinging, or otherwise clinging to her foot. What she saw instead was a neat little hole into her armor that oozed red.

'Well at least the blood is the right color' she conceded, stepping back now to figure out what it was she'd stepped on. But there was nothing there, not even a bush or stick. So what then?

Examining the front of her left leg provided the answer, if her back ones had the same spikes the front ones did she could have stabbed herself while walking. Great.

'So not I need to keep an eye on myself with each and every step?' the girl was already hating this stupid thing, her old body was so much easier to work with. She wanted it back, and fast. But standing around complaining about stabing your foot wasn't going to fix anything, so she took a few more steps forward. And a few more. And a fe- ...

'OUCH!' she'd stabbed herself again, same place, same foot. It wasn't broken, and the pain didn't last past the initial stabbing so it felt fine afterward, but more blood was dribbling out now. She decided to be more careful.

Now at the base of the hill, she took a deep breath ... or rather, nearly imploded her chest trying. 'Gah! Th-the pain!' it was only now that her rational brain reminded her most insects have a passive lung system, she can't 'breath in' or breath out on demand. Rather, her lungs were filtering oxygen as she moved through the air. It wasn't nearly as efficient, though just now that distinct lack of an inhaling and exhaling sound was getting to her. Next thing you know she'd miss the sound of her heartbeat.

Chuckling at that thought, she placed a hand to her chest and felt for it ... Yep! Still there, still beating. It was a little slower now, but at least it felt and sounded like a human heart.

'I can now say without a doubt that I am not a heartless monster. Er, ok at least I'm not heartless' and so with unexpressed anticipation, she crawled up the steep incline. Which, unlike her failed attempts at walking, was rather easy and uneventful. This body seemed built for climbing. Her sharp, pointy toe claws dug into the dirt, providing all four feet with excellent traction. Her four feet, as opposed to two, could climb and grasp just fine leaving the top half of her body free to relax, her hands wouldn't have been helpful here anyway.

In no time flat she was over the hill, and looking out across a vast, gorgeous landscape. Hills and mountains everywhere, the sun had peaked up a little bit higher than when she last looked at it, offering plenty of light to take in everything. Not that she could see anything new other than mountains and trees, it was just that she could see more of it. She could see the patches of especially thick forests and ... and ...

'Is that a farm?' she thought to herself while spying a neat little row of tiny plants just near an empty patch of forest. The trees were too big to see all of it from this angle, but if that was built by someone then right there were signs of civilization. People. Help! Also noticing the distinct lack of portals to her room, she started off down the hill. It looked like it was a long ways off, but she should get there before nightfall. It was early morning after all, right? Yeah, she should be fine. What could possibly go wrong on a walk through the woods.

'So now to get down this hill. I could go back the way I came, nice, easy, I've already walked through that area and pushed away the thorns.' the giant bug thought to herself ... himself ... whatever! 'But then I'll be backtracking, I'd loose sight of the farm, and I'd have to walk all the way around this hill. No, it's better to walk in a strait line whenever possible.'

She took a slow, careful step forward, peering down the soft incline and keeping an eye out for potential obstacles. A slight grove to the left, easily avoided. A fallen log just to the side, not even in the way. A tree or two here and there with thick, sturdy trunks that she had to walk around. All the while it was the incline that caused her the most worry.

Going up with this taurish form was easy, the center of balance was just perfect. But going down? Even a softer, gentler slope seemed determined to make Arnaude fall flat on her face. Every step she took she had to straiten her front legs and brace while bending and loosening her back legs just so it all evens out.

'Damn, that's a long way's off from here. A little bit farther down and I won't be able to see the farm past these trees. I sure hope I can remem- ... OUCH!' her back legs stabbed briefly but painfully into her front one's again. 'That is getting really $@#&$!* annoying!'

Another more careful step, then another, and finally a third before she was walking at a decent speed. In the middle of a dusty clearing she saw an ant hill ... and decided to avoid it. Would it be cannibalism if she ate one? The transformed human wasn't keen on finding out. Besides, what if those tiny little insects smelled the blood from her wound, crawled in past her armor, and ate away at her legs from the inside?

This new body didn't shudder at such a horrifying thought, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Armor plating and loosely held internal organs with only the minimum neuromuscular structure just couldn't jiggle or tighten the way a flexible, fleshy mammal would. She walked on past the ant hill without a third or fourth thought, her second thoughts were bad enough that she didn't want to add to it.

Another tree to walk around, some bushes that seemed to jump up out of nowhere, a small pile of rocks and other hazardous things, walking down the hill was unsurprisingly routine even in such an alien body. Looking up, Arnaude genesis could no longer see past the tree-line, if she forgot which way the farm was now she'd never be able to reorient.

Crunch! Crinkle, scrape! The sounds of rustling near her feet and a distinct prickly sensation forced Genesis's attention back down to earth, or at least "dirt" if this was some alien planet, and the fact she'd walked through underbrush while trying to see her destination. The bushes and random soft plants didn't hurt in the slightest, so this armored skin was good for something, but just ahead of her were taller plants and slightly sharper thorns. If she were a he again, and fully human, he'd have avoided this entirely. The brush was simply impassable! If she had cloths on she would have lost every shred of fabric trying to push through.

But neither of those were the case ... smiling to herself to the best of her mandible's abilities, she braced her legs, tucked her arms in at her side, and accepted this as a challenge.

'Lets see what your made of thorn bush, Arnaude Genesis, elite supper ant monster is coming for you!' and in a frantic, gleeful run the dude charged through waving his arms around like a little kid running through sprinklers. 'Weeee!' he thought, not aloud for whatever reason. It just seemed the appropriate thing to think.

'I could get used to this, even my eyes are immune to scratches! I don't have to blink, I don't have to push anything out of the way. Heck, I don't even need to watch where I'm going, I can just march right through here without a care in the world' her steps became more exaggerated, her demeanor much more playful. It might just be the stress finally messing with his head, but this was the first real fun he'd had sense sticking his thumb up his pussy.

'I'm king of the underbrush! I am all powerful, I am Ant-man!' like a moronic kid he tried to splash through the thorns as if he were in a swimming pool and surrounded by water. It was just too much fun to resist. 'Nothing shall stop my - ... waaAAAAA!'

Falling! His balance shifted, his front legs slipped forward on abnormally loose dirt. His upper body swung forward through crinkling leaves and snapping sticks to see a sheer cliff with white, fast moving water some twenty feet bellow. His back legs tried grasping the dirt behind him even as his front legs flailed uselessly, his arms clawed the air only to get tangled up in weak, squishy vines. The majority of them too thin to hold up to his slashing, let along her whole body weight.

The river was only ten feet wide and might be easy to cross if she could jump across rocks, but falling in and getting swept away to smash into those rocks wouldn't be nearly as pleasant. Then of course, if it took him so many tries just to walk correctly how on earth could he hope to swim on his first try? Stay out of the water, don't fall off a cliff, grab onto whatever the hell your squirming little body can reach. That's what her buggy little instincts told her.

Too bad her back legs couldn't get ahold of any decent leverage. The brush parted easily, she felt weightlessness and helplessness as the bloated form started to go end over end. Her face tried to tear itself into five painful pieces as his human mind kept trying to force the human expression for terror into it's stiff insectoid form. He didn't dare close his eyes lest he miss one second of vital information, anything at all he could try to land on or grab onto to slow his fate. He fell ...

And stopped falling.

'Wha?' he didn't think he'd grabbed anything, her feet were dangling uselessly. But her arms were forced high over her head. 'Oh, I guess those fines were ... waiiiiit a minute, what are those things?' he blinked, staring at two thin, spiky protrusions that poked out from under her armpits. Whatever they were, they looked an awful lot like her clawed hands, just a tad smaller.

'Another ... wait, another body part? How could I have overlooked something like that?' she wondered for just a moment before her instincts screamed: "Get to solid ground you moron!"

But that was easier contemplated than executed. Her back legs swung behind her to try and grab the cliff again, only to end in failure as the dirt crumbled away. Her front legs couldn't reach anything but the open, moist air, and with such an inflexible body it was out of the question to try swinging in any shape or form. Her main arms were tangled up in thin, fragile vines that only seemed capable of holding him because there were two extra hands holding on ... what if I just climbed to the tree-branch?

Vines weren't hanging from thin air, she could see the thick, sturdy branch a three or four feet above her head, with a multitude of vines snaking down to provide that handhold keeping her from a cold wet demise. Taking advantage of having three arms to hold while she lets go with one to grab a little higher, she went up just a little higher. Once that arm was secure she let go with another one and reached up even higher. Then a third, then a fourth. It was really easy to climb one arm at a time, unlike her legs all of these things kept going in the same direction, and none of them were in the other's way. The fact it was only one arm moving a time helped of course.

Thud. Her claws clamped onto the tree branch, and from there she precariously made her way to the much more solid ground of the cliff face. A few seconds after she was sure the whole thing wasn't going to colapse again, she charged through the underbrush and got a nice, safe distance away from that river.

'Why didn't I hear anything? I should be able to hear rushing water if it's moving that fast! Oh god I could have been killed right here and now, not from some horrible monster, not from roving soldiers or space aliens, but from water! Dirt, plants and water! What an embarrassing way to day, accidentally walking off a cliff! What is up with that?' she screamed inwardly. 'More interesting and less morbid though, where did this extra set of hands come from?'

She stared down at them ... the only differences between her main ones and these new ones was that the new ones were smaller. The only way she could tell which was which is that her main ones were above her new ones.

'This is a mystery for another time, I'm going to get a headache if I try to figure this all out right now' but a headache came anyway as she realized 'I need to figure out how to cross that river! The farm is on the other side.'

'Ok, so think. Swimming is out of the question. I have too many feet to try and skip across rocks, and by butt is just too big now anyway. The tree branches don't go all the way across so I can't just climb, and even if they did I'm a little big for that. Jumping? I have no idea how to jump in this body, let alone how far it goes. No experimenting when I don't have room for a do over. What can I do? Walk along the river bank and try to find a shallower, slower end? There might be a bridge somewhere if I look long enough, and if I find a bridge then a road couldn't be too far behind.'

'Unless there aren't any. That was a farm, not a village, town or city. There might not be any formal roads connecting anything around here, and if I spend too much time looking for one I'll forget where the farm is. So, what if I make my own bridge? Right here, right now, just find something long and big to cover the water?' she looked around.

'A tree might work, I could probably knock one over given enough time, or dig my claws into it if I have the energy. But I don't have any food and don't even know what this body is capable of eating. What if I have to hunt and tire myself out cutting trees that I can't move and starve to death? That won't be fun at all.'

'Aha!' sudden revelation! 'I passed a downed tree on my way over here, lifting the thing and either carrying or dragging it to the river will be a lot easier than cutting a live one down.' and with her newfound plan the bug thing stomped up the hill. Past all the underbrush, around the pile of rocks, through the ant hill, and finally to that long, thick, dead tree.

She put two of her hands underneath it and planned to use her other two to stabilize ... but after a quick count she could only find two hands.

'Wait ... I know there was four, I saw four hands a minute ago' but the other two arms just weren't anywhere she could see. 'Whoa, ghost hands. Freaky man.'

So the bug just carried on without them, no time to try and figure it all out now. If she used this body long enough the guy was certain these things would just come to him. The log was easy to carry, surprisingly easy in fact. This four legged, armor plated bug thing may not be much in the looks or agility department, but when it came to lifting things and carrying things it surpassed a human's by far! The entire log, an adult tree even, felt like a cardboard tube to her arms. Even with just two it was so easy to heft the thing along. Her feet braced lightly, but easily, the weight not even a fourth of their total capacity. True, standing up and walking were still a hassle, but lifting and carrying was second nature here.

She carried it back to the underbrush but decided it would be prudent to walk around rather than through it. Just past those thick thorns was a sheer drop into raging water, but if she went to either side it should even out a little bit somewhere. Turning was awkward, and she felt the thud of her fallen log smashing into a nearby tree.

'I hope this thing doesn't break' and then things were smooth again as she moved forward. Until she realized she couldn't in any way shape or form detect the river's location from here. There were too many trees, bushes, thorns, utterly, hopelessly thick underbrush blocking her view. She should have been able to hear the river to orient herself, if she were still human the guy was certain he could have heard raging, rushing water. Why on earth couldn't he hear it now? It was a confusing puzzle to be ignored before, but now that his livelihood depended on knowing where that river was the giant bug girl felt it was a question that needed answers.

'What if this body just doesn't have ears? I haven't heard any birds or wildlife. This is a forest so there should be some sound. But then I haven't seen much wildlife either. Ants don't make any noise, and the place seems void of birds.' the girl stopped, standing there holding the log over her shoulders while contemplating.

'No, no that doesn't make any sense, the bushes rustle when I walk through them, I heard myself screaming, I can hear gravel crunching beneath my feet as I walk. I do have ears, whatever the hell they might look like right now, I just can't hear the water. Is it too far away? No that doesn't make sense, I almost fell in. I could feel the dampness in the air, I could breath in the mist, I was plenty close enough to hear it if it were making any noise.' and that lead to a startling idea.

'What if it isn't making any noise? What if the river itself is actually silent. There have been ... ok, there's plenty of stranger things going on, so as idiotic as a noiseless river sounds I'm going to commit that to a working theory. But then I have to figure out how, how is a river that fast silent? A real moving body of water has to make some sort of noise.' then it clicked.

'Unless that isn't real water. What if it's just an illusion? A trick of the minds eye, or some magician's prank? That sounds ... ok, that sounds even less likely than turning into a bug, I'm going to ignore that theory.' and then she crunched forward. Walking alongside the underbrush and occasionally pushing into it. There wasn't much to see and she never pushed far enough to reach the drop, but the crinkling sound was still comforting over dead silence.

Sure enough, the ground started to slope downward to the right of the brush, angling for ten to twenty yards before leveling off in a pile of thick, goopy mud. This had to be sea level, or at least on level with the river. Her sharp, but thick claw toes stabbed through the mud, gravely annoying the cuts on the back of her leg. There was brush and thorns between her and the river, of the mud was much more of an obstacle.

'What if there's quicksand here and I fall into it?' she wonders ... then laughs in her head 'Never mind, I've got this giant wooden log for a floatation device, I'd be fine in quicksand.' but of course, knowing she could survive through it didn't make the squishy, gooey mud any more comfortable to stomp through. As the mud got wetter and cleaner, the plants seemed to get thicker and stronger, until both ended abruptly at a clear division between the river and the forest.

'Hey there's the cliff!' she glanced to the left to see way up where she'd almost fallen from. Then turned her attention to the wet, swampy area at her feet. There was a raging, swift moving river that crashed and rippled against smooth rapids a few yards out, but right at her feet was just a few inches of stagnant water that all the nearby plants were greedily absorbing.

Splish, splash, splash. Her four, mud covered legs started shaking into the water to clear off the heavy gunk before making her way forward. Why waste the opportunity? It started out soft, slow, easy to wade through, the fallen tree in her hands even helped to hold her down, but before she could reach even the closest large stone a particularly big wave tripped her foot out from under her.

One foot. Out of four. That wasn't exactly enough to make her trip, so she just kept on walking.

'Almost there, three ... two ... one!' at the end of her meaningless countdown she slammed the tree trunk end first near the large stone, then tipped it over so that it was caught between the current and the next three rocks over. The wood floated for a short time before water could soak into it, but the bug stomping it under wasn't going to let it drift off down river. The entire time, the whole river remained eerily silent. That was the most unnerving part.

'Now I just need to make sure it stays put' she mumbled inwardly, all four legs coming as close together as possible so she could fit on the thin log. If she were human that might have been easy to balance across, but in her current form she suddenly wished for a wider tree. One step, then another, bend down and brace for that wave before taking a third, and she was already across the deepest area. From there on out walking was easier. She even felt like her leg wound had been cleaned before the whole experience was over.

'And I didn't even need to get my hips wet' she thought to herself in appraisal. If every challenge she faced was going to be this easy then the trip would be finished in no time. So she kept on walking, chin (or close to it) held high, her chest puffed out in pride.

Unfortunately boredom wasn't as easy an opponent as water. It was a long, uneventful, exhaustibly boring walk. She couldn't even entertain herself with deep thoughts or personal questions, after the first ten minutes there wasn't any question she actually wanted answers to besides: "Where the heck am I!" and unfortunately she'd already beat her head against that puzzle a few times. Answers just weren't going to come.

Walking itself was interesting for a while, it was good to get all this practice with her new form. Hours on hours of practice. Mindless, tedious practice ... one step after another after another. First dodge this tree, walk around that one, climb past this log, walk around this other one. Step over a tiny hole, no need to jump when you have four sets of legs and can just step across. Nothing at all interesting until the sun was high in the sky. Worse still, she wasn't even completely sure she was still going in the right direction thanks to all the trees around. It was really just blind hope and a weak sense of 'it's this way' that kept her from trying to scramble up those bark covered branches for another look.

Climbing would have been difficult as a human. With all these extra legs and a butt bigger than her entire upper body, it was out of the question.

'Checking myself out was interesting, I could probably pass the time figuring out how this body works.' but as soon as she thought it, she regretted the phrase "checking myself out" on account of how wrong it sounded.

'Not a bad idea though, I never did figure out where those extra hands ca- ... Ok, now it's just messing with me' looking down at her arms, a quick count showed there were four instead of the unusual two. 'Where the hell do these things keep disappearing to!' She screeched. An audible, alien sounding yell that made her mandibles tickle.

'What do they turn invisible or something?' all four of them were held up in desperation. 'It's like every time I wonder where they went they disappear and ...Ahhh!' she squealed in surprise as the two smaller hands folded up and hugged her chest tightly, effectively hidden under her breasts. Curious now, she bent back her slightly larger main hands to grope the area, clicking hard claws against an armored chest.

'There's those dents ... I can't see them, but I can feel them, it's the same lines and patterns I saw when I was looking at my reflection' her main hands then retracted. 'Hmm, but every time I think about th- ... gah!' they burst forward from her chest like something out of the movie alien, all spindly and spike covered making her think those boobs exploded.

'Don't scare me like that!' she yelled down at her breasts before reaching across to feel ... it was smooth now. Utterly, completely smooth. Just like the rest of her armored skin actually, like a soft polished stone. She thought about her arms folding up again, and they vanished just as swiftly as they appeared.

'That's going to get interesting ...' she wondered at the implications before glancing down to her breasts once more. They looked fun, they looked spongier than they felt, and by the gods they looked nicer than her normal, male chest. She was completely alone out here. The mystery of the vanishing arms was solved, but now what does she do for fun while hiking towards possible civilization? She could take random guesses at what the people would look like. For instance, if they were grey and green aliens with giant heads. If they were bug thingies like herself. The might be a farm of cow people herding humans into corrals even. Or she could play with her brand new boobs ...

'I think I'll name you Jessica lefty, and you veronica righty' It wasn't a hard decision.

'Veronica really likes me and lets me fondle her all day and night, oh yes she does, oh yes she does!' the idiot's claws raked up and down, stroking and cuddling with a surprising softness.

'But oh noes! Jessica is the jealous type, and she's all angry with Veronica for stealing the spotlight' now she used both hands to pressed the two breasts together as best she could ... neither seemed to move, but it was the thought that counted. 'Jessica! Why are you attacking your sister, there are better ways to settle an argument. Oh, whats that you say? Being jealous has something to do with your name? Well then I'll just have to start calling you Sara instead and see how that works out'

It was still the thought that counted, no matter how perverted that thought may be.

'Veronica and Sara are best friends now, right? Yes! You two will get along just fine' she giggled, acting like a total moron as insanity and loneliness crept into her mind. A tiny little voice at the far back seemed to ask 'what the hell am I doing?' but it was swiftly silenced by a much more urgent thought: 'I really need to have sex now.'

She should have been curious as to why it felt so necessary all of a sudden. Could this walk have really been that boring? Sure the entire day was almost over, the sun was just starting to sneak it's way past the distant mountain peaks, but was fucking something really that important?

Yes. The answer was immediate and overpowering. She needed it, and badly.

'Wait a minute, I'm the girl now ... that means I'll be the one getting fucked if I can find another guy around here' her rational mind contemplated while her loins tingled in unanticipated eagerness. The question 'why should I care about this so much' was drowned out by 'I wonder if a tree would make a good sex partner. No-no, I should hold out for a squirrel, a real person would be best but at least a squirrel would squirm around if I shoved it someplace naughty.'

But the treck continued uneventfully, there wasn't anything around with an active lung system she could detect. Tree's technically breath, but you'll never hear them doing so. No squirrels, no birds, no mice, no deer, she couldn't even find insects around in this boring forest. That was just plain unnatural. Sure, probably not as unnatural as her newfound desire to shove termites up her crouch, but there still should have been something here. There was an ant hill a while back, why was this side of the river so obviously empty if there were insects nearby?

'Then again, why am I so busy questioning this when I should be pleasuring myself. No rodents around? Ha! I don't need any help, these hands will do.' a sudden forcefulness overcame her, she wasn't sure why there was such a strong need to play with herself but the guy behind the mind wasn't fighting it. Those large, three clawed hands felt good as they fondled and jabbed into such a soft, sensitive area between her legs.

Half her body folded over in pleasure, she stopped walking entirely, and some strange, tingling sensation made itself known from between her hind legs. The loneliness, the sheer emptiness of the forest struck her especially hard at just that moment. No one around to hear her scream, no one around to talk to ... and no one around to hear her jack off. Too bad she couldn't keep walking in the midst of such intimate activity.

'I can barely stand!' her back legs plopped forward, her front legs tried to bend backwards and wrap themselves around her abdomen. Her upper body crunched down and folded over until her face was near her hands, right at her groin. Soft, slow moving mandibles laced out and tickled her in fascinating ways, most of them seemed to be operating independently of her control. And she was just fine with that. No reason to complain about these heavenly sensations.

But something called her from her second pair of legs, it started as just 'present' but as she folded into thirds and her two sets of legs got closer together it demanded more and more attention. It felt like an erection, but the location was odd, the feeling was odd, even the desire was odd. It wasn't like something there was getting bigger and harder, more like a small slit near what should have been a butt crack opened up and now a thin, long, very sensitive rod of wet, gooey flesh was jabbing out.

Jabbing out of her abdomen and right into her pussy ... she could see it all with her face so close, her mandibles gently latched onto her thighs while the feeler mouthparts gripped and guided an oddly shaped cock into the right angles. It felt weird, to say the least, having parts of her mouth finagle and prod at a cock she didn't know she had. Almost like giving herself a blowjob through the use of multiple tongues without the aid of lips. It felt stranger still to be shoving her cock up her pussy while her face was a few inches away.

But by the gods did she love every minute of it! This was what she felt she should be doing, this was so natural, so right! There wasn't anything in the world that could top this, nothing at all she'd rather be doing at the moment. Her abdomen stretched out slightly, then contracted back inward, the effect startlingly similar to humping. It expanded once more, then contracted in, a little bit faster this time. Her mandibles gently caressed both the dripping pussy and the squishy cock-flesh to stimulate herself, and the humping started into a rhythm at the third try. In and out, in and out, she could start to feel the pleasantly warm pre from deep inside her folds.

'Never let this end' she whispered inwardly as every muscle in her body tightened, her cock seemed to expand at the tip, and her mandibles worked to hold her two groins in place rather than to tease and entice. Seed, sticky and warm, squirted from the fleshy rod and deep into her stomach. It was so warm she could trace it's movement, first into something like a large chamber, then everything squeezed around it and pushed the seed back past her spine like toothpaste through a tube. It cooled down as heat transferred from the goop to her own body, but she could feel it slipping through to the fat, bulbous parts of her abdomen.

Then the pleasure was gone and pain began. Her cock was stuck in her own pussy, too large to fit back into it's own slit, and the tip was too bloated to even pull out.

'I have a knot?' she wondered, her mandibles held firm and unmoving. It was a slow, methodical sort of wait as the erection slowly died down. And utterly, horribly awkward as the cock seemed to be trying to slip back into it's own little slit before it had even been plucked from her pussy. A quick pop, a careful prodding, and it was free to shrivel up and fold back into what looked like a butt crack in miniature. Her body remained rigid and folded long after the encounter was over, the orgasm wasn't as intense as it should have been but the effects were long lasting it seems. Her front half regained flexibility before her front legs, and her abdomen was able to unfold shortly after that.

She was happy, she was content, for a few moments she was this close to utter bliss as she stood back up on four legs and walked the merry trail towards that pleasant little farm she saw. She couldn't smile, she couldn't giggle, and she couldn't add any bounce or spring in her step to show it, but she was happy as a clam.

In five seconds flat the reality sunk in, and she was as happy as a clam that just found out it's being paired up with chowder.

'What the HELL have I done!!!' she screamed, an audible, horrible, screeching noise vibrating past her oversized, nastily wet mouth parts. 'I just fucked myself! I can't believe it, that could not have just happened, I just fucked myself!'

Denial was already difficult to achieve considering the new body was hard to dismiss, but it made a valiant effort as the sex cravings wore off and her normal awareness could process and respond to her impulsive desires.

'How the hell does that even happen? What kind of species has both a dick and a pussy? Why on earth would I ... why would I ... Oh god, I could feel it happening. I could feel my own internal organs working at the sperm. What if I actually did shove a squirrel up my vag, would it still be in there?' but another, less kinky thought revealed itself.

'Unless that's not a pussy, but a mouth! What if I was just really hungry and the rod thing was a ... a um ... food. Storage. Thingy. Yeah, that makes sense. I was starving and that's how this body eats. No sexual nature involved. Nope, nota one' she kept telling herself as the walk continued. Denial kept up it's impressive display of mental fortitude until the sun finally sunk over the horizon and the gray air of dusk settled over the land.

At first it just felt like the urge to poop, that makes sense if you've eaten. All animals have to poop, right? Everything that takes in useful material has to do something with the unusable waste. There wasn't anyone around but she felt a need to hide behind the bushes anyway. Her front legs spread to the side and braced, her back legs tightened and bent down. Something unsavory and unseen far out of her field of view opened up to allow a ball shaped, rather hard, goop covered thing to plop to the ground, and she thought that was that.

Except another one came out. And another, and then two at a time. The pile was somehow up past her knees! Gasp! That was one hell of an embarrassing occurrence here. If anyone was watching Arnaude was sure he'd just die. And still more came out! Was there any end to them? Yes, there had to be, no animal could produce a crap pile bigger than they were. She could feel herself emptying out even now. Just a nice, slow, careful step away from the pile, and out of sheer idiotic curiosity she decided to look ...



They were all eggs, every last one of them.

'NOOooooooo!!!' she stepped backward in horror as her denial snapped. Not only did she just fuck herself, she got herself pregnant! This were going to be redneck kids, the product of insectoid incest at it's truest level. She was going to have to care for live buggy babies and try to teach them all the ABCs! It was all way, way too much to take in. Way too much to contemplate. She almost ran away but for some strange longing to be near the safety of the nest.

'What nest?' she screamed at that idiotic part of her mind. 'There is no nest here, there is no safety, there's me and my messed up egg babies.' she was disgusted and horrified with herself. This was even worse, by far, than gouging out a hole in the back of her own leg. But as she looked at the pile of while, glistening, silvery eggs in the evening light as the sun's rays disappeared into further darkness ... she couldn't help but notice they were almost cute.

'Cute little buggy babies, what will this hell hole throw at me next' she wondered. She took a soft, slow couple of steps forward to touch and caress them, her eyes started to droop just slightly, and then the universe answered her question.

"Hey! I think I found something" a pleasantly young, human voice called out from the distance through thick foliage. Civilization was right around the corner.