High school through my eyes: Pt. 18

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#18 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

Bags were packed that night with anger sewn into all of his fabric. Shirts, pants, and underwear. Everything had that accursed smell on it of broken hearts and broken promises. Even ones that he's broken himself were thrown onto it. That comforting smell of David's musk brought tears to his eyes and made him feel so used, bringing back memories when he would lay in it all day, taking it in.

"Ha!" Marc scoffed as he wrestled with the zipper on his bag. "Love... What a joke..." He couldn't keep up the tough boy act for very long, though. After he finished with the zipper, he broke down in tears, hugging the luggage like it was his husky. "Why David! Why the hell couldn't you understand! I was gonna stay! Now I HAVE to go!" He slammed around his bag and threw other random objects that were in range of his paws.

Then he remembered the last time he went ballistic on everything, which ended up in the kidnapping/attempted murder by Spackle. He tried channeling his rage and sat in the corner, shaking with hot tears rolling down his face, matting his fur. His ears were flat against his head, listening to the snapping of his heart, piece by piece.


The bus ride for David was pretty much the most embarrassing thing that he ever had to endure. People were staring at him as he sat with uncontrollable tears running down his face, his expression was meaningless.

"What are you staring at..." He said to furs that showed concern. They just looked away, staring at him with their peripherals. "Don't look at me..." His voice was chocked my mucus that stuck at the back of his throat and wouldn't go down.

Every fur just shook their head at his stubbornness and gave up, eventually getting off the bus, merrily on their way. He just stared into space until his stop came, pulling the chord, and stepping out the door.

"Oh that's great..." He said as rain splattered his fur, soaking in and chilling him to the bone. "At least people wouldn't know about the tears..." He dragged his feet as he walked down the middle of the street.

"Get off the road, wolf!" An ignorant driver passed by and splashed him. He started to cry again, but not because of the splash.

"Wolf..." David said and kept walking. "HE is a wolf... I'm a husky..."

He sighed and moaned, tears still leaking from his face as he collapsed on his front lawn. The rain pitter-pattered on the back of his skull as he laid muzzle-first in the dirt.


That next day, a bus pulled up to Marc's house, ready to take him away from everything. The sound of a horn coaxed Marc's eyes open from the solitude of that lonely corner. He pant's still damp and his face still matted from tears.

"Marc!" Tom pounded on the door. "C'mon let's start packing up!"

Marc rose and hoisted his bag and guitar over his back and headed downstairs. When he opened the door everyone took a step back at what they saw.

"Whoa..." Jesse said as he tried to get a better look. "What happened, Marc? You're a mess."

"Yeah, bud," Jason said and patted him on the back. "You ok?"

"Fantastic..." Marc coughed his expression was emotionless. "I just had trouble letting

go... that's all..."

"That's all?!" Tom said and hugged him. "Marc, you look like you've been crying all


"Probably because I have..." He threw his things in the luggage compartment.

"Maybe you should just..." Jason began, not knowing how Marc would take it. "...stay?"

"I'm going," Marc said and turned around, arching his back. "I just spent the last week

figuring it all out, and when I tried to stay, he left. So now I'm leaving, too."

"Alright," Everyone said in unison, sensing how strong Marc's feelings were. He looked like he was going to burst into tears again as he stood there, demanding his lonesome trip to Neverland.

"Marc..." Tom said and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Can I talk to you for a little bit...?"

"Don't be too long, guys." Jason said as he and Jesse headed for the bus. "We need to

be out of here in about half an hour."

Tom nodded his head and took Marc inside his house again. He brought him to the living room couch and set him down, bringing another chair over so he faced him.

"What actually happened..." He asked sternly. "And I don't want any bullshit, Marc..."

"What happened to you and Justin..." Marc asked, afraid to make eye contact. Tom just

turned his head and put his ears down.

"We're still together," He said as gripped the seat with his paws. "It's going to be

tough... But he understood." He looked back over. "Don't change the subject and


Marc paused and stared at the ground. "It happened yesterday... He came over and we swapped words... I was gonna stay... for him..." He had to pause again to keep everything in. "...but he assumed I was going... and now he... hates me..." Tears started flowing again as he started to rock back and forth. "And now I'm on this stupid couch in the stupid house crying like a stupid baby when I should just suck it up like a real boy..."

"Marc..." Tom said and moved over to the couch, putting his arm over him. He could feel his friend shaking. "...that's a sign saying you shouldn't go. You should go over there and hug him. Tell him that you're here forever and that you always will be..."

Marc pushed him off and stood up. "I'm not staying here. I can't." His emotion turned into rage at the thought. "I can't even think about him right now!" He turned around and walked into the next room. Sitting on the floor, he looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "How can I stay here if this place doesn't even feel like home anymore..."

Tom heard him whisper, but didn't get up to say anything. He just sat there and wondered if he was doing the right thing as well.


David made his way over the next morning by foot, only because he wanted time to reconsider and turn around without being seen. His father was away on a business trip, so he was still covered in dirt from the night before. It didn't matter, though. He couldn't live with himself in the state he was in, and had accepted the fact Marc was already gone. He at least wanted to say goodbye and end with a kiss.

He made it to Marc's street just as a glossy bus passed, leaving him with a dead feeling in his gut. He didn't know if he saw him, but he knew that it was Marc inside it, staring at him through the tinted window.

"...no..." David uttered as he fully understood what it meant to be heartbroken. The first second, he had a chance to make things right. The second, his boy was gone, and he witnessed him leaving, first paw. Helpless to do anything about it. He opened his mouth to say something, but was completely speechless. The voice had been ripped out of him, along with some other things.

'What do I do now?' He thought as he stared at the sidewalk. For some reason he felt his legs walk without him, still heading over to Marc's house.

By the time he had made it to his porch, the images of the night before were replaying in the back of his mind. But still, he walked on. He felt dead inside, but still kept going. He had to know for sure that he was truly gone. And with the turn of an un-locked doorknob, everything became clear.

He truly had left without him. The place was bare and empty and the warmth of it had been sucked away. It was a nightmare to say the least, and he couldn't help but feel like it was his fault. He was too numb to cry and he was too careless to just turn around and walk into traffic.

Instead, he walked up the stairs and into his room, where there were only sheets and cluttered messes on the floor. Ghost of them, together, danced over the messes, hand in hand, as David felt like a stranger in this house again.

The scent of Marc made his insides churn and twist as he felt himself gagging. He got what he wanted. Now all that was left was a 45 minute walk home with no fur but himself. He turned around and locked the door to Marc's room, walked down the stairs, and locked the door to the house.

"Now I can't come back here..." The words bounded off the walls and hit him everywhere. "Not without you to unlock it..."

He set off down the road, the sun mocking him with its brightness.


"Ya just gonna sit there Marc?" Jason asked as he sat down himself. They had just pulled out of they're street.

"I think I'm seeing things..." Marc said as he looked over. He was sitting on the padded window ledge, leaning against the window and staring at the lines that passed them by. "I could have sworn I saw him..."

"Nah," Tom said, passing him a bowl. "Get somethin' to eat, will ya?"

"I..." Marc said as he watched the pavement pass him by. "I don't know if I want to go


"What?" Jesse coughed as he choked on his milk. "What do you mean?"

"Can you drop me off..." Marc said pointing to the gas station just ahead. "I need to make things right... But I don't want to ditch out on you guys..."

Jason looked him in the eye, the most serious expression was plastered on it. "If you want off... Then we're coming with you..." He looked at everyone else to catch they're expressions. Everyone smile and looked at him.

"I'm not goin' without the wolf slappin' the strings." Jesse said and pounded his glass

on the table.

"Me either!" Tom said and raised his paw in the air. "Plus, there will be a whole lot of other opportunities along the way."

Just then Jason dialed his cell-phone and waited, along with everyone else.

"Hello?" He said as someone answered. "Yeah... We're out." He smiled as someone started screaming on the other line. "Look, my friend has something here he can't leave behind. And we can't leave him, so we can't go." The screaming intensified and stopped, ending with a dial tone. "I think he took it well."

Marc got the same idea and took out his cell phone, dialing David's number. That symbol came up as it dialed and it made Marc remember. Remember his boy and how he couldn't let him go. Not even for fame and money.

It started ringing.

1 ring.

2 rings.

3 rings.

4 rings.

5 rings.

6 rings.

7 rings.

"Hey, you've reached our answering machine. Leave a message and we'll get back to you. If by some mistake you dialed the wrong number, leave a message anyway. It's funny.


Everyone watched as Marc left his message on David's answering machine, hoping it would be



David opened the door to his house and collapsed in the doorway, hitting the carpet with his knees.

'He's gone... Never to return...' David thought as he picked himself up and went into the kitchen.

He needed something to eat and drink, maybe to help get his mind off it.


His ears perked as he heard a noise coming from the living room. "What is it now..." He said and

walked over to the machine as it flashed the number 1 in its digital display. "A new message...

Probably from dad..." He went back into the kitchen and made a sandwich and poured a glass of


Curiosity twinged at his brain until he went back into the living room, placed his stuff down, and

click the play button. It's a good thing he did it in the order or he would have dropped everything

on the floor, shattering glass and such.

"David..." It spoke to him. "There are no words to describe how wrong I have been the last

week. I made a horrid decision with everything and I have to make everything right. You've stuck

with me and I have to you, until now, and I can't just let our heart shatter along with my promise.

That's why I'm getting off this bus and coming over to see you..."


David snapped out of his listening daze and screamed at the machine. "When! WHEN!" He

started pounding on it when he heard something at the door. It was someone knocking.

David got up so fast and knocked over the glass on the table with his tail. It didn't matter,

though. The grooves in it caught all the water.

He made it to the door and paused. "What if..." He said and reached his paw to the handle. He

twisted and opened it slowly.

There, in that picture frame doorway stood a lonely wolf with the sun at his back. It made his

fur shine as David felt his empty shell fill again, just with his presence.

"I'm staying..." He finally uttered, followed by a smile. "... For you..."

David was speechless, once again. All he could do was smile, cry, and leap into Marc's arms. For

the first time in the past week, he felt whole again. Nobody was going anywhere without anybody.

They were back, Marc and David. Together at last.


That night was spent cleaning up the dump (AKA Marc's house). Pizza was ordered, and then consumed as they worked. His house looked brand new with everything in the right place. The

whole group was over and together, smiling for they're friends decision.

Marc and David shared the recliner, sitting on one another. Tom and Justin fondled one another,

just like always, but something seemed strong with their bond. Jason invited a girl he had met

just that day, while Jesse sat with Kryystal, them seeming getting closer as well.

Aidan and Xendor sat with each other, holding hands. They reminded everyone of cute cubs

getting together. Ash, Corwin, Kain, and Dallas played cards on the poker table they brought over.

Mikey watched them and played around with his mp3 player that was hooked up to Daniel's sound

equipment. He had brought it over and sat next to it, tinkering with its odds and ends.

Gene was sitting with Eric and Ty, who were welcoming a new fur that knocked on Marc's door,

wanting to help move stuff in. He didn't want payment; he was just bored that day so they invited

him for pizza and what-not.

"John, eh?" Eric said and crossed his paws.

"Yup," The fox answered with confidence. "I see you guys at school and thought I would help

you out!"

Ty laughed and poked the fox's muscles. "It's a good thing you did. How did you shape these?"

"Just training and such," John said as he flexed them, making Ty blush. He laughed to cover it


Marc and David were having they're own conversation in they're one-fur recliner, reconnecting

they're bonds and energies.

"I missed you," Marc said as he licked David's neck. "I felt like shit without you..."

"I know the feeling," David said as he held Marc paw within his, rubbing them together. "It's weird... I came here and felt completely out of place..."

"When were you here?" Marc asked him with a chuckle.

"When I saw you're bus leave..." David said as he remembered that morning. "My legs wouldn't

stop walking... I just..." He paused. "I couldn't believe you were gone... So I had to make sure."

"I knew I saw you..." Marc said and smiled again. "I knew I wasn't crazy. I knew you were there."

"I saw you too," David said, gripping harder. "In the window... The sun showed you're outline. I don't know how... But it did."


That night, everyone left at different times. Some at 10 P.M., Some at 3 A.M., but after everyone was gone; Marc and David found themselves alone. They murred and cuddled in they're boxers as they enjoyed the silence and occasional laugh from one another.

"Whaddya say?" Marc asked as he rubbed David's belly, feeling his heartbeat pulse through his

skin and fur. David just shut his eyes and kissed him, moving his paws down his shorts, letting

him feel for his answer.

Marc just giggled as he felt David's already aroused cock slide out of its sheath, ready for

pleasure. Marc took this as a sign to break the kiss and move down to the fabric covered flesh. He

pulled down the boxers and took in the scent of David's musk. The smell burning in his nose.

He took the tip in with his lips and graced it with his tongue, sliding it over, back and forth, and

any other direction you can find on a compass. This is what David loved most about getting head.

When Marc just had the tip within his chops and was massaging it with his tongue.

"Keep that up..." David said as he laid back and let Marc do his job. He had other plans, though,

and started to take the whole thing within his muzzle.

"Ugh..." David groaned. Partly because his whole cock was in his mouth, and because Marc

deliberately disobeyed him. Marc just smiled as he tongue lapped around David's meat and his

paw fondled his furry sack. "That's fine too..."

"Heh..." Marc managed to get out with a mouthful of meat inside his muzzle. He started to bob

his head now, slowly working his way into a rhythm. David just squirmed beneath him. Then he

put his paw on his forehead signaling him to stop.

"I don't want to cum just yet..." David's breathing was heavy as he spoke. "It's my turn, now..."

Marc just smiled and slipped his boxers off, too, showing David his soldier, who was already

standing at attention. David took his paw and started to stroke up and down the hard pole,

breathing warm, moist air on its head. David's other paw made its way down past his balls and

placed itself on his tailhole, applying pressure and asking for access.

Marc tried to relax as best he could, but the contrast between what David was doing to his front

and backside was too great. David just grinned as he wet his paw-fingers with saliva, then

returning to engulf Marc's meat, just as he had done to him. His fingers slipped right in as he


"Gah!" Marc screamed as he felt the fingers probe him, and as he felt the tongue massage his

hard-on. The muscle in his rump became less tense and grew wide as David stuck a third finger in.

It made him jump as he fell deeper into his euphoric daze. David snickered as he felt his balls

tense up, ready to blow.

He then stopped his service and raised Marc's legs, hoisting them over his shoulder. His tip

kissed Marc's hole as he silently asked for passage. Marc just closed his eyes, laid back, and

smiled, waiting for the connecting push.

David nodded and slowly entered in the already moist, loose tailhole. Marc squeezed on him as

he fell all the way in, both feeling each other's warmth. David groaned as he witnessed the

pleasured look on Marc's face. He pumped harder and twisted his expression as a rush of emotions

came flooding through his head.

'We're together,' He thought as he panted, again picking up the pace. 'Together forever.'

Marc just laid back and finally relaxed his body, becoming David's rag doll as he hugged him

close now, still pumping as fast as he could. He could feel the friction in his rump warm his


David howled as he finally let open the flood gates, painting Marc's insides a pale white. He

shot 3 times, like bullets, and slowed his pace until his log sat inside Marc's gut.

"That..." Marc stuttered. "Was..."

"Indescribable...?" David panted as he pulled out. A damp "popping" sound reached their ears as

a flood of cum leaked out. He laid back and thrust his backend in the air. "Now make mine as good as that!"

Marc licked his lips and dove after the hole, tonguing it with the same magnitude as his

blowjob. David gripped the sheets with his paws at the sudden attention and rolled his eyes back,

sticking his tongue out. He could feel himself ease up as Marc's tongue gained entrance to his

other end. He stuffed it in as far as his taste buds would let him before he ripped it out, wiping it

off. The act, itself, was pretty hot, but he couldn't stand the flavor. He looked at his progress and

stuck his fingers in, probing around and stretching it out more. David just murred and gripped the

sheets. Marc guessed by the looseness that David was ready. He got on his knees and aimed his


"Ready?" He asked him as he placed one paw on his back, ruffling his fur.

"Mmmm..." Is the only thing David could get out before Marc mounted, thrusting into him all the

way to the base. David growled at the suddenness of it all and went back to enjoying the pressure inside him. He moaned as Marc's pace went up to max in a matter of seconds and lost himself within the sweaty bed sheets.

"Ugh!" Marc groaned as he felt his balls get his load ready. In a matter of seconds that load

covered David's insides and squirted out before Marc pulled. It leaked over David's balls, along with his own. He howled as his pace slowed as well and felt David twitch beneath him, howling along as he reached his second orgasm.

They both collapsed on each other and sighed out of pure ecstasy. Marc wrapped his arms around his sweaty mate and took in his musk. His wolfhood still lodged inside him.

"How..." Marc stammered again. "Was... that..."

David could only pant and lick his nose.


That night was pretty much the most memorable night for both of them. The love reflected off the walls and cast everything into gold and silver as they both lay together. Nothing would separate them again and leave them broken. Not after that lonely day of bus rides, dirt naps, and tears. They wouldn't be able to handle it and knew that they couldn't live without one another.

Together Forever.

'Nuff Said.

And with that...

We Have The End


Well that's the end. The actual end. lol I kind of had trouble posting this, hence why there are two copies or something. I dunno.. It's weird.

But yeah i finally finished it all! That's my first series for ya. I hope you liked it. I know i liked writing it for you. Mostly because of the comments:D. Please keep them flowing.

I also liked helping people out, and for those whom i did I'm glad you told me:). It made me feel all wamr and fuzzy inside and out.

So yeah, I guess ill wait for you're input on everything before i get started on a new one, but i'll catch all of you later, mmmk?


Ps- Id hug each and everyone of you for reading this XD. It means so much to lend me youre time. Thanks guys! I love you all!