Space Invaders VIII: The Uprising - Part I

Story by AveatsOtter on SoFurry

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#10 of Space Invaders


Xavier wandered aimlessly on yet another small, dusty and desolate planet, the third he had landed on since leaving his brothers' team. The young lion held his nose in the air, concentrating, using his powers, trying to sense any intelligent life. He could only sense a very faint life form, but dismissed it as an alien vessel drifting past the planet.

Xavier wandered the red planet, cold, alone and very depressed. He wandered further and further away from his small shuttle, not knowing where he was going, not even caring. Xavier stopped for a moment then fell to his knees. He began to think again of what he had left behind, and what he had lost. His brother and his team of exiled Lumarians were half of what filled the lion's head. It had been almost five months since Xavier had left them, and almost six months since his true love Kavhen, a late member of his brothers' team, had been killed by the so-called "new Elites," Xavier's former company. Thoughts of Kavhen continuously swirled around in Xavier's head, tormenting the lion constantly. Xavier held his agonizing head in his paws, his claws protruded and digging slightly into his scalp.

Xavier growled deeply as he tried desperately to ease his mind, the blood running down his face and forearms. Tears formed in his eyes as he remembered the Lumarian, so bright and cheerful, warm and kind. He had never gotten the chance to become closer, more intimate, with Kavhen. Only thoughts kept the lion sane, kept him warm and happy. But the only image of Kavhen he could see now was cold and bloody, dying in his arms, his once halcyon soul fading away. Xavier collapsed and began to weep into his arms, now thinking only of his lost love. It was his own fault Kavhen had been killed, as it was his team, the Lumarian Elite Corps, who had attacked the Exiles.

As Xavier had fought solely with his brother, like himself a paragon of power, both mentally and physically, a skirmish between the Exiles and Elites had broken out. It was Xavier's former second-in-command, Mikos, who had fired the fatal shot into Kavhen's chest. Xavier went mad as Kavhen's life force had slipped away, but thanks to his brother, returned to relative sanity shortly after.

Xavier could never forgive himself for seeking out his brother, executing the orders of a corrupt government, the Elders of Lumar. Xavier cried out ferociously as he once again gripped his head. The ground all around Xavier shook terribly and large chunks of the red earth slowly rose and tore apart in a fierce billowing cyclone rising high above the tortured lion. With tears now pouring down his cheeks, he looked up and suddenly saw his love standing off in the distance, in amongst the dusty red landscape. Mesmerized by this fantastic vision, Xavier got to his weak and shaky footpaws and stumbled forward. A few steps later he stepped on a large jagged rock, the blood bursting out of his left footpad, but Xavier ignored it. He just continued forward deliriously.

"Come back," Xavier said to the vanishing figure. He tried to hurry forward, but found the further he moved the more Kavhen faded away. "Come back!" he cried out. Xavier fell once again to his knees as the swirling dust settled and he once again started to weep. He looked back at where Kavhen had been and noticed, in the distance, a dark forest. Captivated by this, he got back up and continued toward it.

As Xavier slowly approached the forest, he noticed the deep crimson trees were completely bare and devoid of life. And yet the young lion still felt drawn to this ominous dead forest. He finally reached the forest's edge and placed a paw on one of the trees. The trees were very stone-like, ridged and dark red. As he placed a paw on the trees, they easily snapped and crumbled. He ventured into the strange and foreboding forest, still sensing a faint life form somewhere within. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he said to himself, "Perhaps that wasn't a ship going by... I've gotta find out what's in there."

As Xavier traversed the dark and stony forest, he once again thought about his brother and his team. He recalled, especially, the time he and his brother had spent together. They had shared a very special moment that particular night, Xavier's first serious and sexual relationship with another fur. He continued on with a deranged sense of bliss on his face as he recalled how powerful their bond was, how incredible the feeling was to be so close to his own flesh and blood. Xavier felt warmer now. When he lifted his head and concentrated again on the life form, or at least that conscious thought, a certain excitement filled his belly.

This strange consciousness didn't produce any specific images or conceptions of any physical form. Xavier could only sense this creatures' existence, rather, that it existed as something ethereal, something intangible, nonphysical. Xavier knew it was there, and could find the source of this consciousness, but he was uncertain of what he would find. It was this unknown which excited the young lion.

Xavier pushed through the stone-like trees, the forest getting more dense as he continued. The thick branches snapped as Xavier moved them, falling to the jagged ground with a thump, small clouds of red dust blowing away. Suddenly, Xavier found himself in what he assumed was the middle of this odd forest. The dense trees had suddenly dispersed in an area of approximately ten square feet. Xavier looked around, standing in the centre, seeming trapped. He looked up and the ends of the branches wove sharply above, blocking an easy exit. As he looked back around, the trees seemed twice as dense as before, as if they had created a wall, trapping the lion.

Xavier's heart was pounding, but not exclusively from being trapped. He knew he could break free. However, it was that unusual consciousness which unnerved the young lion, as it was at its strongest here. Xavier assumed he was at the epicenter of this consciousness, and could only wait for it to reveal itself. He stood nervously, waiting for a sign.

After a long moment, Xavier sat next to one of the trees, tired of waiting. He sighed deeply as he rested his head on his knees. The feeling was still strong in his stomach, however Xavier now dismissed it for something else. "You got yourself all excited for nothing," Xavier said to himself quietly, tending to the deep gash in his footpad. "Why the hell are you even out here? What were you expecting to find?" Xavier let out another long and deep sigh and shut his eyes.

"You found exactly what you were looking for," a familiar voice said.

Xavier looked up, startled by the sudden presence. His face suddenly went pale as he stared up at his lost love. He stood up, unable to believe his eyes. "K-Kavhen..." was all he could say. The ground below him now glowed a reddish hue.

"Yes. I am who you have been looking for, am I not?"

"I... I can't believe you're alive! How is this possible?"

"Anything is possible. You just have to believe."


Kavhen held out his arms. "Embrace me, my love."

Xavier fell into the Lumarian's arms, crying happily. "I've missed you so much," he said. "I can't believe you're alive. But... but how?"

"Everything will be made clear."

Xavier backed off, feeling very confused. "What's the matter with you? You don't have that same... warmth that you had before... are you even-?" Xavier was suddenly cut off as the red ground beneath him slowly climbed up his leg. He gasped as he tried to shake it, then froze as several glowing red, still with the same texture of the ground, tentacle-like forms rose up around the lion. Xavier looked back at Kavhen who slowly vanished from sight. He shed a final tear and cried out in pain. "W-what is this?" He snarled as he tried to lift his feet, but it was impossible. A tentacle suddenly swung down and wrapped tightly around Xavier's neck. He coughed and gasped for air as the entity gripped tighter. His feet were still planted firmly into the ground as his head was lifted.

"You are a curious creature," the entity spoke.

Xavier heard this voice not out loud, but in his head. He knew then it was also a telepath, and likely a powerful one. He figured it had complete access to his mind, and was able to draw up the image of the late Kavhen from Xavier's memories. Xavier still struggled to free himself.

"A physical being," the glowing entity continued, "unlike myself. I must have you."

Xavier growled and struggled some more. He then felt something slip under his shirt and run up and down his furry, muscular form. It seemed to pay particularly close attention to his chest and nipples, but groped his entire body. Xavier cried out as it played with his nipples, caressing them softly and even pinching them. Despite the lack of physical form, the roughly two or three-inch-think tentacle, covering half of his entire breast, spanning out from his nipple, managed to tantalize him very precisely. "Stop it!" Xavier cried. As he spun his head, he desperately shot out waves of mental power, which only managed to blow apart chunks of the stone trees in front of him. As the entity continued to grope Xavier's chest, and now another part of it caressing his back, he felt yet another tentacle slowly slither up his chest and spiral around his arms, pulling them back and putting a lot of strain on Xavier's shoulders. Within moments the two tentacles merged, holding Xavier's paws together behind his head.

Xavier pulled his arms forward, but the entity continued to pull back. The muscles in his arms, shoulders and neck burned as he tried to free himself, but it was useless. After much strain, Xavier let his body go limp as the entity lifted Xavier into the air, his footpaws still encased by the bulk of the glowing entity below him. The entity then lifted Xavier's arms high above his head and two thinner tentacles slowly slipped his tight black shirt off. He looked to his left and noticed that while the glowing tentacles were wrapped very tightly around his arms, neck and chest, the shirt was somehow able to phase right through, as if nothing was there at all. Quickly ignoring this quirk, Xavier thrashed about desperately, letting out a loud roar as he did. He then tried to lift himself into the air, but the entity's grip was too tight and too fastened to the red earth. Xavier let himself fall back, still hanging in the air.

Once the entity threw his shirt to the side, Xavier felt a large tentacle press into the arch of his back, somewhat hard. Many tentacles then spread out from there, most of which leaked into Xavier's pants, some of them working off the belt, and the others running up his chest and neck, stopping at the sides of his mouth, nose, and ears. Xavier began to sweat, not knowing what this being wanted. He then cried out as the small tentacles entered his ear canals, causing Xavier great pain as they worked their way further and further into his skull. The helpless lion thrashed about as the pain intensified, trying to shake the entity out of his ears, but like every other attempt, it was useless.

Xavier then felt a chill as he realized his pants had already been taken off. The small tentacles massaged and caressed Xavier's warm cock and balls. He cried out again for the creature to stop, but that seemed to only entice it. Larger tentacles now wrapped tightly around Xavier's thighs and forelegs, cutting off much of the blood circulation, his footpaws still trapped. They now began rubbing slightly, paying particular attention to Xavier's inner thigh and working closer to his genitals. "Stop it!" Xavier cried, thrashing about. His voice started to sound more and more harsh and raspy as he continuously cried out. Finally, Xavier conceded to the entity. He let his exhausted body go limp as tears ran down the side of his face. "If only Kavhen was here," he mumbled to himself, crying, "he would give me the strength... but I... I'm never going to see him again... so what, then? What's the point? What's the point of going on...?" Xavier continued to weep as this unusual glowing entity defiled his body.

The creature stopped for a moment as an eerie silence filled the dusty air. Xavier looked around nervously, but saw no other signs of life. He couldn't figure out what had made the entity stop, so he struggled a little more. Suddenly, as if provoked by some unknown force, the glowing creature below Xavier let out a strange high-pitched noise and large tentacles shot up above the lion as it became even more active than before. He tried harder to free himself but once again tired himself out. Xavier was now surrounded by the glowing red tentacles, most of them staring down at him as the smaller ones continued to caress his furry form, roaming through his fur aimlessly. As he hung in the air, barely trying now to free himself, he felt one of the large, four-inch wide tentacle press against his tailhole.

Xavier gasped, wide-eyed, as he begged the creature to stop. Unhindered by Xavier's desperate cries, the entity forced itself in and began to push its way through. The young lion cried out in pain as his sphincter stretched further than it had ever been, at least a few inches. As the tears ran down his face, he could feel the entity move slowly through his bowels, his organs burning all the way. Xavier struggled a bit, however tiredly, until suddenly his face went white. "No!" he cried out as he realized, deep down, he was getting aroused by this. He denied it greatly, but he couldn't help but feel turned on. He cursed himself and this monster for what it was doing.

The small tentacles continued to massage his furry balls and tantalize his now hardening cock. Xavier began to weep as the thick tentacle stopped moving up his rear. With his tailhole burning, Xavier twitched a little, barely trying to escape. The sensation, much to his chagrin, pleased him in the most carnal of ways. As his length grew to its largest, inadvertently throbbing for more, the thick tentacles wrapped around, constricting it, and like a snake, one began to slither its way into his cockhole. The grip on his neck grew a little tighter. Xavier widened his eyes at this bizarre sensation, letting out quick little moans. His body once again went limp as the entity worked its way through Xavier's organs. His entire cock suddenly began to burn as the entity seemed to push its way further than it was meant to go. The same searing pain struck his gut as the three-inch-thick tentacle continued moving further into his bowels, turning the corner in his intestines and progressing through. It seemed as if it was trying to reach his stomach.

Xavier let out a loud cry as his lower torso burned from within. The two tentacles holding Xavier's nipples then grew tighter, pinching them harder, even pulling and twisting them a little. His arms were pulled back as far as they would go, and if the entity squeezed even a little bit tighter around his neck, it would probably suffocate him. Xavier's legs, too, were held firmly in place, barely able to move. Despite the entity's partially platonic form, it had an extremely powerful grip.

Tears were continuously pouring from Xavier's eyes as he wept and submitted to this entity. Suddenly, the tentacles holding his head again entered his ear canal. Xavier groaned in pain as it ventured too far. Then suddenly two small tentacles pushed up against Xavier's nose and entered his nasal cavity. He tried to blow it out, but it was useless. It was as if his breath simply passed straight through the red entity. Again some smaller tentacles sprouted from the large one wrapped tightly around his belly and ran through his chest fur, up over his neck, and finally gently running along Xavier's lips. He kept his mouth firmly closed, but eventually the entity forced its way through. Xavier kept his sharp teeth slammed together and breathing between them, until the entity squeezed through the small gaps and pried his jaw open. Just as it did, Xavier started to feel very full. The entity was quickly filling his bowels and made its way close to his stomach. As the same time, his balls began to throb painfully, as if he had just been struck in his crotch. Xavier let out a terrible cry just as the sudden pain hit him and as the entity filled his mouth and wormed down his throat. Unable to breathe, Xavier thrashed about violently, trying desperately to scream. Like every other attempt, it was useless.

Xavier held his breath as long as he could, but eventually he began to feel light headed. Desperate, Xavier let out his breath and breathed in again, certain he was going to drown in this unusual creature. However much to his surprise, as the red fluid painfully filled his lungs, he was still able to breathe. As the entity filled up his stomach, which was mostly empty before arriving on the planet, Xavier felt like he had to throw up. Moments later, he did just that. Xavier disgorged into the creature. As his stomach muscles contracted, forcing his stomach contents out, so to did he begin to empty his bowels. Moments later, breathing for a second, Xavier disgorged again, this time sending up a lot of blood, his bowels continuing to empty. As he lay trapped by the entity, it having entered every orifice of his body, his chunky fluids floated aimlessly through the tentacles. Xavier turned his head as best he could and noticed some dark brown and deep red chunks floating around. More of his feces continued to pour out of the burning, three-inch opening.

Feeling the entity completely inside him, the burning in his gut still pleasing him a little, it began to vibrate sporadically. Luther let out a long moan as the pain was quickly replaced with pleasure. Tears flowed from his eyes as he continued to enjoy the entity raping his body. Oddly enough, he felt the vibrations all throughout his bowels, but particularly around his prostate. The pleasure grew quickly, as the entity was vibrating very quickly. Xavier closed his eyes tight and with his jaw forced open, he let out a long, satisfied moan. His body was completely limp now as the pleasure took over his body. He lay with this entity completely within him and even started to relax as the sharp feeling of pleasure swept over his entire body, sending odd shivers up his spine. Although he knew he was getting raped, assaulted, violated, Xavier didn't seem to mind so much. Deep within he was disgusted with himself, but tried to rationalize it with him having no choice.

As the pleasure mounted within his bowels, Xavier felt his cock throb so hard it almost hurt, some precum spraying outward. He moaned again as more pre leaked out, the tentacle around his neck only increasing his pleasure. His balls and cock were being worked quite vigorously now, completely nonstop. The end of his cock, too, was being teased by another tentacle, it paying close attention to the underside as well. Xavier groaned as the entity then stretched his bowels just a little more, then seeming to pound into him, despite already being inside. The glowing red entity was likely trying to simulate the optimum sexual experience for whatever reason, if any reason at all. Xavier's breathing was quick and shallow with each blow to his tailhole. With each quick breath he let out a small satisfied grunt. He was certain even if the tentacle wasn't down his throat, his mouth would have been forced open anyway from the amount of pleasure.

With his prostate and cock being worked nonstop, eventually his orgasm hit. Xavier's eyes widened as the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt struck him hard. He let out a continuous moan as the pleasure was almost unbearable. His hot cum shot from his length with so much force, a part of it exited the small tentacle and dripped down along its side. His seed continued to flow in sharp bursts as he bucked a little, as much as the entity would allow. After a long moment, he had emptied himself into this entity, watching his cum float throughout the glowing creature. Xavier let out a long sigh as he again relaxed. As he rested, the entity continued to pleasure his body. His nipples were squeezed hard to wake the lion up a little. Despite emptying a full load into the creature, his cock was still throbbing. Xavier wasn't sure what was causing this, and it unnerved him a little.

As the entity's vibrations intensified, Xavier let out a somewhat pleasured cry. His length was in pain now as it was forced to stay hard and forced to produce more cum. As well, his tailhole felt dry and worn out, unable to take any more pounding. Very quickly this rape was turning more painful. Xavier cried as his balls were massaged a little too hard and he was asphyxiated a little too much. His tailhole burned much more painfully this time. Xavier was this time forced to cum. He cried as a small amount of seed leaked painfully from his cock. Despite this, his organ was still forced to be erect, and forced to be worked. He felt again as his tailhole was stretched a bit more. Xavier guessed it was at least four inches wide now, and was certain he was now bleeding into the entity. The young lion started to weep again. Although he had submitted to the glowing entity before, he felt as if he had sunk even lower.

Xavier no longer felt he could live with himself.

"What is the matter, lion?" the entity spoke. "Were you not enjoying this moments ago?"

"I-It's too much. I... This isn't right." Xavier suddenly heard a noise from the stony trees behind him. He tried to turn his head, but he could only see the tops of the trees. As the noise sounded, the entity stopped moving, simply holding Xavier in place. As the footsteps drew near, his head began to suddenly ache. Xavier cried out until it quickly stopped. Moments later Xavier fell to the dusty ground. He groaned and turned to his side, red ooze leaking from his body. With his paws now free, he shakily rubbed his tailhole, which was still wide and in pain. Xavier writhed around on the dusty ground until he heard a voice.

"Well look what we have here," the voice said. It was a very deep voice. Probably quite a large creature.

Xavier slowly turned around and gazed upon his savior.

The alien stood at least ten feet tall and was extremely well-built. Like a centaur, it was a quadruped, yet with a humanoid torso. Long sharp claws protracted from its deadly-looking feet and had blunt spines running down its back and tail. This particular creature, the largest of the small group, wore a fierce suit of armour and displayed a scar running over his right eye. He was obviously a warrior.

As Xavier raised his head, more red ooze dripped from his ears and nose. "W-Who are you?"

"My name is Zion. Commander Zion."

Xavier slowly got up. "Y-you're Commune, aren't you?"

Zion grinned. "Yes, I am. My men and I... well, there's very few of us left."

"What happened?" Xavier's head began to pound again. He growled and shut his eyes until the pain went away.

Zion stepped forward. "Is something the matter, lion?"

"N-No. I'm just a bit worn out."

"I've heard of only two Earthlings in space, lion. Perchance you are one of them?"

Xavier didn't have the energy to argue. "Yeah, probably. So what are you going to do with me? Kill me?"

Zion laughed. "Quite the contrary, lion."

"It's Xavier."

"Indeed. Well, Xavier, if I wanted to kill you I would have let that creature rip you apart."

"So what do you want to do with me?"

"First, I would like to take you to my ship." Zion held out his hand.

Xavier hesitated.

"I won't bite, Xavier, unless that's what you want. Climb onto my back and I'll get you fixed up." Zion moved forward.

Xavier paused, uncertain of what he should do. He knew the Commune were the enemy, so he had no reason to trust this commander. Suddenly his head hurt again. When Xavier opened his eyes, it was gone. He looked up at the five Commune, each one looking like weathered soldiers. Zion had saved his life. Perhaps it was worth his while to visit the Commune ship. Xavier held out his paw and grabbed Zion's hand. He pulled himself onto the Commander's back and together they traveled back to the modest Commune ship.

* * *

Alexei lay back on his bed and rubbed the scar on his shoulder. He had gotten this scar six months ago when battling his brother. It was a fierce battle, and it was certain Xavier would have been the victor. Alexei lost one of his best men that day, a young Lumarian named Kavhen. Kavhen, in a way, saved Alexei's life, as it was his death which broke up the battle. Kavhen had been killed by another Lumarian. Alexei could never forgive the new Elites for what they had done, nor the Grande Council for issuing the order. However Alexei and his small group of Lumarian exiles, formerly the Elite Corps, were never allowed to return to Lumar, nor any of the planets within its system. Alexei let out along sigh as he remembered Kavhen.

Kavhen was Alexei's best friend, and at one point, his lover. When he was new to the Elites, he was an unwelcome presence, but Kavhen always stood by him, picking the lion up when he was down. "I miss you, Kav," Alexei muttered to himself.

"What's that, sweetie?" Kaelin, the kangaroo, called from across the room. He was staring out the window.

"Nothing. Just remembering something."

Kaelin walked over to the bed and sat beside the lion. "You were thinking about Kavhen, weren't you?"

Alexei nodded. "It's been half a year and it feels like we just lost him."

"Well, you loved him very dearly. I know it's hard to let go of the ones you love."

Alexei looked into Kaelin's eyes, feeling a bit of regret. "You know I didn't have any choice."

Kaelin patted Alexei's chest. "I know, hun. What's done is done." He leaned down and lay atop the lion, scritching behind his ears. "You know, your mane is growing in quite nicely. Nice and thick."

"Is it? I hadn't really noticed. You know I'm growing it just for you." Alexei smiled.

"For me?"

"Yeah. It'll give you something to hold on to."

Kaelin laughed and put his paws around Alexei's neck, pretending to choke him, lowering his muzzle to his, their noses touching. "Well, I'm flattered," he said.

Alexei put his paws on Kaelin's chest.

Kaelin shivered as he felt Alexei's frigid left paw graze over his nipple. "With all the technology out here, you'd think they'd have found a way to keep your metal arm warm."

"Yeah, you'd think that. But for now you're going to have to suck it up." Alexei smiled and raised his paw to Kaelin's cheek and kissed the roo softly on the lips. The two continued to share kisses until they heard a voice on the Comm.

"Captain? Are you there?" It sounded like Alyster, the Olissian.

Kaelin grinned devilishly and put his paws over Alexei's muzzle, muffling his speech. He laughed as Alexei tried to remove his paws.

"Captain?" Alyster said again. "Are you in trouble?"

Alexei finally freed his muzzle and, with Kaelin still lying on top of him, pressed the comm button from across the room. "I'm fine, Alyster," he said with a laugh. "What is it?"

"There is a Jakkarian Outpost up ahead. Would you like us to stop for supplies?"

"I'm not your captain anymore, Alyster. Use your own discretion. And please, no more interruptions."

"Yes, sir."

Alexei rolled his eyes and smiled up at Kaelin. "So, it seems we're going to have at least a bit of privacy."

Kaelin giggled. "So we will." He began to kiss softly at Alexei's neck while scritching behind his ears again.

Alexei let out a long murr as his paws ran through Kaelin's soft fur. Of all the small pleasures in life, Alexei truly enjoyed a good ear-scritching the most. He let out a little moan and squirmed under Kaelin's form, giggling. When Kaelin stopped, Alexei pulled the roo down and planted his lips on his.

Kaelin, somewhat surprised, quickly eased into the deep kiss. He opened his maw to let his mate inside.

Alexei moved his tongue into Kaelin's muzzle, feeling Kaelin's tongue doing the same, and let it slide across the roof of his muzzle. Feeling Kaelin's tongue press against his and slither around inside excited the lion. As the two kissed deeply, their tongues playing with each other aimlessly, Alexei became erect. He began to thrust his hips upward almost instinctively, feeling it press up against Kaelin's body.

Kaelin giggled and pulled back his head.

Alexei moaned as the roo slid his tongue out of his muzzle. "Something wrong?"

"No," Kaelin replied, pulling up his knees so he was now sitting on Alexei's stomach, his paws resting by the lion's head. He leaned down and kissed Alexei on the nose. "But you kept poking me with something," he teased, "and it was distracting."

"Oh, please forgive me," he played along, "I guess I'll just have to put that something away. Save it for another time."

Kaelin giggled. "Or perhaps you can stick it somewhere a little less distracting." He slid his bum down Alexei's stomach until he felt the hard organ press against his rump. With his tail, he wrapped Alexei's leg a little.

"Oh? Any suggestions as to where I can stick it?"

Kaelin leaned back and raised up on his knees a little, twisting so he could grab Alexei's length.

Alexei shivered as he felt Kaelin's paw run over his hard member. He murred loudly as his mate gently began to stroke his cock. Alexei rubbed Kaelin's knees as the roo did his thing, but quickly began to rub his own chest and stomach. He let out a quiet moan and a giggle.

"Honey, you got any lube on this ship?"

Alexei looked up. "Real subtle," he joked.

"Well I looked around for it, but couldn't find any." Kaelin continued to slowly stoke Alexei's length.

"I think there's some in that drawer over there." Alexei pointed to the other side of the room.

Kaelin wasted no time getting up as he sprang to the other side, opening up the top draw excitedly. He pulled out a glass beaker and turned back to the bed. "You keep lubricant in a beaker?"

Alexei laughed. He took a moment to check out his mate, standing naked across the room. His smooth, slender body reflected a bit of the moonlight from out the window. The kangaroo stood on two powerful long legs, his thick tail hanging below. Alexei closed his eye for a moment as he caught a glace of Kaelin's perfectly-scupted chest and abs, then his semi-erect length just beginning to poke its head from its sheath. Alexei opened his eye and smiled, blushing a little.

Kaelin grinned. "You're blushing," he said.

Alexei, now lying on his side, put his paw to his cheek, feeling quite warm.

"Are you embarrassed?" the roo said jokingly. "Honey, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Surely you've seen a naked kangaroo before."

Alexei giggled. "I was just thinking about when we first met. When I saw you naked for the first time. You stripped off all your clothes, right there in front of me, and dove into that muddy pond."

Kaelin smiled warmly and walked as sexily as he could over to the bed, still holding the beaker full of lube, setting it down and sitting beside Alexei, holding him. "You couldn't stop blushing that day."

Alexei blushed a little more. "Stop..."

Kaelin giggled and nuzzled Alexei. "You're so cute when you blush, you know that? This big bad lion has a tender side after all."

The pair smiled and shared a long kiss.

Kaelin pulled away and reached toward the table. "So, tell me again why this is in a beaker?"

Alexei sighed. "Does it really matter?"

"No, but just indulge me."

Alexei sighed again. "Fine. As you're probably unaware, Lumarians are uh, naturally lubricated. That being said, I had Alyster make some for me a little while ago, as I am not."

"Oh." Kaelin stared blankly into the beaker of clear gooey liquid. "Is it safe?"

"It is as far as I know."

"Well what's wrong with the way we've done it before?"

Alexei blushed at the thought. Kaelin had always had to use saliva to lube Alexei's cock beforehand. A perfect excuse for foreplay. "There's nothing wrong with it. But if we're ever in a hurry..."

Kaelin hopped back on Alexei's belly, sliding southward again like he had before, Alexei's length pressed against rump. "Well, I guess we can use this."

"If you didn't want to use it, then why would you ask if I had any in the first place?"

Kaelin got on his knees as he thought about that for a moment. "Hm. Not sure." As the roo looked back, seeing Alexei's cock and grabbing it, he quickly remembered. "When I asked, I wasn't thinking about fellatio." Kaelin put his paw almost entirely in the beaker and pulled out a more than generous amount, slathering it all over his mate's throbbing organ.

Alexei let out a long groan. "Did you have to use so much? It's dripping down my leg."

"Oh, get over it," Kaelin laughed. "There's plenty more." The roo began to stroke the lion's pink organ more vigorously now.

Alexei writhed under Kaelin a little, murring loudly. It had been a long while since he had felt Kaelin's lubed paw working his entire length. He spoke between breaths, "The lube... was a great idea."

Kaelin laughed. With his other paw he scraped some of the excess off Alexei's leg and massaged his own tailhole, pushing his digits inside. He closed his eyes for a moment and let out a quiet moan. He then retrieved his paw and stopped stroking Alexei's length.

"W-what's the matter? I was enjoying that."

"Just warming you up, hun." Kaelin promptly lifted his rump over Alexei's length and lowered himself so the lion was just barely inside him.

Alexei, just starting to feel the warmth of Kaelin's bowels, laughed. "So it was all a clever ruse to get me inside you."

Kaelin giggled and nodded. He then slowly lowered himself onto Alexei's cock, closing his eyes and letting out a long moan as he slowly slid down, the large lion cock sliding slowly upward.

Alexei closed his eye and murred. Kaelin's tailhole slid easily down his length, his warm insides caressing his entire cock. Again Alexei started to rub his chest as his back arched. Within moments, Alexei was all the way inside his mate. As Kaelin sat atop, he could feel the roo's sphincter wrapp around the base of his cock, as well as his very warm insides tightly enrobe and massage his full, throbbing organ. Alexei just lay there with his mate on top, listening to Kaelin's quiet noises.

Kaelin, who felt quite full from Alexei's cock, leaned down, placing his paws on the bed beside Alexei's head. His legs were spread far in order to accommodate the lion's entire shaft. It hurt a little, his hole being stretched that far, but it was nothing he couldn't get used to. With the lion still well within him, he kissed his nose.

Alexei licked Kaelin's face as his length was bent somewhat awkwardly. Although it heightened the feeling somewhat, it was a little uncomfortable. Alexei ignored the discomfort as he started to awkwardly thrust his hips upward, barely pushing into the roo.

Kaelin made a noise and looked down at Alexei, who was grinning. Kaelin grinned back as he moved his hips forward then back again, groaning at the sensation. It had been a while since Kaelin had Alexei up his rear, so he was quite sensitive. He put his paws firmly on Alexei's chest, his back arched slightly, then began to move his body in sync with Alexei's short thrusts, getting the lion as far inside him as physics would allow, each time moaning a little louder. His mouth opened a crack as he concentrated on the feeling moving back and forth inside his body, his tongue hanging out a little. The sensation was almost unbearable.

Alexei held Kaelin's wrists for better support. He moved his hips subtly, barely making an impact. His entire length was being massaged by Kaelin's bowels, and not having to stop every so often to re-lubricate increased his pleasure. Alexei leaned back his head and just enjoyed the time with his mate. His paws began to slowly move up Kaelin's arms, feeling his muscles moving. The two had been training very hard since the loss of Kavhen, so Kaelin's body was quite strong now. His paws then rested on Kaelin's shoulders, which felt tense. Alexei squeezed Kaelin's muscles, rubbing and massaging them hard.

Kaelin opened his eyes and stopped, Alexei's cock only half way in his tailhole. He let his rump slide down the hard shaft and rest on Alexei's hips as the lion massaged his shoulders. Kaelin murred as the tension melted away.

Alexei winced and made a noise, his length still inside the roo. "Why are you so tense?"

Kaelin moaned. "Probably 'cause of our workout today..." Still on his knees, Kaelin began slowly moving his body up and down Alexei's shaft again, moaning louder.

Kaelin's noises aroused Alexei. He smiled and blushed a little, knowing Kaelin was enjoying himself immensely. He then let his paws drop to his sides and he relaxed himself, letting Kaelin have all the fun he wanted.

Kaelin, who now seemed to be almost bouncing on top of the lion, let his tongue again hang out his muzzle, drool dangling off the end. Speeding up, he closed his eyes and gripped Alexei's mane, pulling it a little. His legs were tired, but with the lube Alexei's cock was gliding easily in and out of his tailhole. He knew he couldn't stop and rest. This was way more fun for him. The saliva seemed to pour from Kaelin's maw, hanging then falling off his tongue and onto Alexei's chest.

Alexei was somewhat surprised to see Kaelin literally drooling all over him, and yet at the same time he was flattered. He hadn't seen Kaelin this excited in a long time. He didn't mind at all having Kaelin's drool pouring all over him. In fact, it was a bit of a turn-on. Alexei continued to moan, this time a bit louder, especially when the roo pulled somewhat forcefully on his mane. Alexei was more used to playing the dominant role, however sometimes he liked to switch things up a little.

With each loud groan, Kaelin pulled a bit harder on Alexei's mane, digging his dull claws a little into the lion's chest. The sensations were overwhelming the roo, yet still he continued. Kaelin didn't want this to end.

Alexei giggled as he looked up at his mate, who was panting hard and sweating quite a bit. As Kaelin drove Alexei's cock up his tailhole with much force, letting almost his entire weight drop onto Alexei's hips, he let out an arousing groan. He continued bouncing up and down on Alexei's length until he let his body drop a little, so his paws now rested on Alexei's strong upper arms, feeling his strong muscles in the lion's flesh arm. Giving his legs a bit of a rest, Kaelin now thrust his hips forward and back, bending Alexei's organ somewhat awkwardly.

As Kaelin changed his position, Alexei's eyes widened and gasped a little. This certainly increased the pleasure a little, and at this rate he was going to cum in no time. He had already felt much precum leak from his cock, and because of Kaelin's haphazard methods, felt it drip down his balls and onto the bed. It felt like he had leaked much more than he had in the past. With Kaelin's tight hole sliding up and down his cock, he knew his climax was coming soon. He arched his back as the tingling filled his length. Letting out a very loud moan, tightly gripping the bed sheets, he bucked hard into Kaelin's bum and cummed hard. He let out a primal roar as his warm seed filled the roo's gut. His cum flowed out of him almost constantly for a moment, the intense pleasure lingering all the while. As his cum filled Kaelin's bowels, the roo making sure it gets pushed as far into him as possible, Alexei looked up to Kaelin's lust-filled eyes. The two shared a glace, both minds thinking the same thing. Alexei bucked a few more times as his remaining spooge burst out in pleasured pulses. Finally he had completely emptied himself inside his mate. As Alexei stared up at Kaelin, the two shared a laugh.

Kaelin lifted his rump to release Alexei's cock from his gut. He then lay atop his mate, arms wrapped around his shoulders, and kissed him deeply. He could feel his own cold drool covering Alexei's belly, as well as a significant amount of his own pre.

Feeling Kaelin's lips caress against his own, Alexei felt aroused again, as if he could go for more. He also felt Kaelin's warm cock, now completely pulled out of its sheath, rubbing against his leg, along with the precum still trickling from it.

Alexei slowly leaned up, Kaelin along with him. He giggled as he sat on his bed, holding Kaelin in his arms, kissing his neck.

Kaelin's tailhole was a lot more sore than he had anticipated. He simply sat with his mate, holding him. He could feel the large amount of excess lube spreading across his rump as he sat back.

"You want me to do something about that?" Alexei said softly, gesturing toward the roo's cock.

Kaelin smiled. "What did you have in mind, sweetie?"

Alexei slowly moved his mechanical paw down and grabbed the roo's cock.

Kaelin jumped at the suddenly cold sensation. He grinned and put his paws on the back of Alexei's head, holding them there for a moment. "That's a nice thought, hun, but let me give you a suggestion." Kaelin then pushed Alexei's head down toward his crotch.

Alexei lowered himself with no complaints. He knew his place. The lion opened his maw and put his lips tightly around the head of Kaelin's cock.

Kaelin murred and leaned back, being sure to leave one paw firmly on Alexei's head, pushing down a little.

Tasting Kaelin's pre, Alexei got a bit more excited and quickly swallowed the entire length, keeping his lips tight around the shaft. As he reached the end, trying to pull back, he felt a forceful push on the back of his head. He murred and listened to Kaelin's giggling.

"Not yet, sweetie," he mocked.

Alexei conceded and stopped trying to pull out. He closed his eye as his wrapped around the roo's throbbing cock. He could feel it pulsating from within his maw. Finally, after a moment, he felt Kaelin's paw go limp and Alexei pulled himself back, sucking back as he did, not entirely removing the organ. He mrowled at the larger amounts of precum now leaking onto his tongue then quickly went down again. He continued this, bobbing his head and swallowing Kaelin's cock, his powerful tongue usually stopping at the head to play around with his cockhole, until the two felt the entire ship rumble. Alexei quickly pulled back and shouted at the comm. "What the hell was that?"

Jorhn answered. "Don't worry, sir. We're just landing at the Outpost now. You'd think we were Commune the way they were talking to us..."

Alexei let out a sigh. "Alright. Carry on."

"Yes, sir."

Alexei turned back to Kaelin. "Sorry about that."

"Well you should be," he replied with a grin. "You only take my cock out of your muzzle when I say you can."

Alexei laughed. "Please forgive me."

"Well, okay then. But only because you do it so well." Kaelin leaned back again as he felt Alexei's warm tongue caress his length. He put his paw back on Alexei's head and this time pushed him down with a bit more force, hearing noise from the lion. Alexei's tongue and maw enveloped his whole shaft, sending arousing shivers up Kaelin's spine. As the tongue grazed along the underside of his sensitive cock, Kaelin tried hard to keep himself from giggling. He was often the master in the bedroom and he refused to show any signs of weakness. He simply leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and moaned as the pleasure mounted. Having not even self-pleasured himself in quite a while, he knew it wouldn't be long until he fed Alexei his seed.

Alexei, somewhat surprised at the amount of pre he was swallowing, enjoyed Kaelin's paw pushing on the back of his head. Despite his mighty power, he very much enjoyed being Kaelin's little slut from time to time. Alexei grinned at that thought, despite having a muzzle-full of cock. He bobbed his head a bit quicker now, the pre almost constant. With the taste not leaving his tongue, he quickened his pace more, yet he was still able to feel Kaelin's paw forcing him down. He heard Kaelin let out a loud and very long moan. Moments later, his head being forced to stay completely down, he felt Kaelin's warm cum splash at the back of his throat, a non-stop stream nearly choking the lion. He worked the cock as much as he could with his tongue as he swallowed the copious amounts of cum. With the seed going straight to the back of his throat, Alexei whined and tried to pull back, desperate to have a taste.

Kaelin, who was feeling generous, retrieved his paw and let Alexei do what he wanted.

Alexei pulled back immediately and squeezed Kaelin's cock with his right paw, still keeping the head well within his maw. Seconds later, another round of cum poured into his muzzle. Alexei murred and lapped up the warm seed, enjoying the sweet taste. With a big glob of cum on his tongue, he leaned up and kissed Kaelin, sharing the cum with him.

Kaelin grinned and accepted Alexei's gift. He, too, enjoyed the taste of his cum, but even sweeter was the method which Alexei used to give it. Kaelin put a paw on Alexei's head and pulled him into a much deeper kiss, still tasting his own cum on the lion's tongue.

After a long moment, Alexei was allowed to pull out, although he stayed a bit longer. When he did, he lowered himself and licked the underside of Kaelin's furry balls several times, murring as he did. He then released his tight grip on Kaelin's cock only to find a bit more cum spray out onto his face, getting some in his eye. Alexei made a noise and pulled back. "How much do you have in there?"

"A lot, it would seem."

As Alexei sat up, the cum still on his face, he realized how full he felt. "I'm not even very hungry anymore," he said, rubbing his belly.

Kaelin laughed. "Well I'm still pretty hungry. Unlike you, I didn't feast on your cum. Instead I got it injected directly into my bowels."

Alexei grinned. "You make it sound like it's a bad thing," he said. "Besides, you were in control. I was just your little toy. You've got no one to blame but yourself."

"Yeah, I suppose you have a point."

"So," Alexei said, putting a paw on Kaelin's thigh, "you want to check out this outpost? I've never heard of the Jakkarians."

"I'm sure Alyster knows all about them."

Alexei laughed. "Yeah, probably. So, you want to go?"

"Yeah, sure. We might as well."

The pair hopped off the bed and retrieved their clothes.

Alexei put on a baggy, very loose-fitting pair of thick black pants with a strange, high-tech alien belt, which served more as an ornament than an actual belt. Because of his mechanical arm, he was forced to go around topless. Although the arm functioned perfectly, its design was quite unconventional. Alexei also wore a shiny red pendant around his neck, which was now tied to a loop on a thick leather collar. The pendant was a gift Kaelin had given him six years before, when the Lumarians first came to Earth.

The two had met that day and instantly fell in love, despite Alexei's denial. He was a depressed lion then, and for personal reasons denied himself any sort of furry contact. However, that was the day, after twenty years of life, Alexei had lost his virginity to that spry and happy kangaroo. It was that day, also, when the Lumarians came seeking the lion, rather, the lion's powers. They had forced Alexei to leave his love behind, and it wasn't until six years later that Alexei traveled back to Earth and was reunited with his lost love.

Alexei looked over at his mate, who was just starting to put on a pair of long, loose-fitting shorts. He then slipped into a light-brown sweater, made of thick, hemp-like material. As his ears flicked back into position, he looked over at Alexei. "Something wrong, sweetie?"

"Just watching you get dressed." Alexei smiled and held out his paw. "Be my date?"

Kaelin giggled and grabbed Alexei's paw. Together, paw-in-paw, they left their room and traveled toward the cargo bay, also the main exit. The narrow corridors made it awkward for them to walk holding paws. Up on the catwalk, above the cargo bay, they looked down at Jorhn, Eskelle and Axiroth.

The three Lumarians looked up at the furs.

"You guys didn't want to look around?"

"Nah," Jorhn started, "the Jakkarians aren't really my cup of tea."

"He's a little racist," Eskelle laughed.

"I am not. I just don't like the way they look at me. Gives me the creeps."

Axiroth spoke. "I just didn't feel like going."

"Fair enough," Alexei responded. "Kaelin and I are going to check it out. We'll bring you back something nice."

The pair climbed down the metal ladder and opened the hatch. As the doors slowly slid open, they were greeted by several Jakkarians. Slowly they entered the ship.

Jorhn, Eskelle and Axiroth jumped out of their seats, a few wooden crates, and approached the newcomers.

Alexei stepped forward. "Slow down, boys. I appreciate you letting us stop here, but you can't just waltz onto my ship."

The three Jakkarians, who were wearing brown tattered clothes, got to their claws and knees, keeping their heads down. They had long slender bodies which were covered in dark-brown scales, light-brown along their bellies and around specific features of their faces, and had black spikes running along their backs. These lizard-like aliens had long sharp claws protruding from their fingers and toes, although these particular Jakkarians appeared quite run-down. They had various parts of them pierced, which seemed to be very common among their species, including rings drilled through the horns on their heads. The eldest-looking one looked up at Alexei and Kaelin. He had the most amount of horns.

"My name is Z'Armand-tae. We heard of your docking here, and we had to come see you."

"See what, exactly?"

"Our messiah."

The Lumarians, Kaelin and Alexei all stood with their mouths agape. They were all equally surprised by this.

"Excuse me?" Alexei finally said. "I- I've never encountered your species before. How can I possibly be your messiah?"

"You defeated our lord and our oppressor."

Alexei looked back at his team. "The Commune?"

"No. His name was Kronn. He was a giant of a Jakkarian. He oppressed our people on our home planet Jakkar, just a few light years from here, denying us any pleasure or emotion. Our technology was taken away from us, to be used only by him. We were all slaves to his mighty power, not one of us brave or strong enough to challenge him. Eventually we got word he had been slain somewhere in the Solar System, many, many light years from here. We have been waiting countless years to finally see our savior. "

Alexei thought about that for a moment. He could vaguely remember a dark-skinned, scaly alien hunting for him on Earth many years ago, but he couldn't be certain it was this Kronn. It was possible he had destroyed the evil tyrant, thus inadvertently freeing their people. Alexei didn't know what else to say. He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"M-May I..." The old Jakkarian moved forward, but hesitated.

"What is it?"

"May I be graced with your touch?"

"My touch?"

"They say you can heal all wounds, that with but a touch you can bless the soul and cleanse the spirit. They say you stand next to the gods themselves."

Alexei heard some snickering from behind him. "I'm sorry, but those stories have obviously been greatly exaggerated. I don't have that kind of power."

"But you must, Savior. They said you, a small, furry almighty, took many beatings and lost innumerous amounts of blood, and yet you still stood victorious."

Eskelle laughed. "That's our captain for ya. But trust me, he doesn't have healing powers. Otherwise, I'd be out of a job."

"I was not addressing you, Lumarian," the Jakkarian barked.

Eskelle held up her hands and backed off. "Excuse me," she said annoyed.

"Hey, calm down. She's absolutely right. Every injury I've taken has either healed on its own over time or has been stitched up by her. I do not have those types of powers."

The Jakkarians looked disappointed.

Alexei sighed. "I may have defeated Kronn long ago, I don't know. I do have great power, but healing is not one of them. I'm sorry if you were led to believe that."

Z'Armand-tae looked up and smiled. "Perhaps you are right, Savior. Regardless of the stories told, you defeated the tyrant and set us free. In our eyes you are a god."

Alexei smiled. "Well thank you for your gracious welcome. If you don't mind, Kaelin and I were going to take a look around. Perhaps you can show us around?"

"Indeed, but I am far too old for that. Will you accept my grandson as your guide?"

Alexei looked down at the young Jakkarian, who was still kneeling. "Uh. Yeah, that's fine. You don't have to keep kneeling like that, though."

Z'Armand-tae's grandson looked up shakily at the group.

"It's okay, son. It seems this god does not require our praying."

The young Jakkarian stood up and approached Alexei, quickly getting down on one knee and taking Alexei's paw in his hand. He looked up into Alexei's eyes and spoke softly. "I would be honoured to be your guide, Savior. I thank you for giving me the chance to prove my worth to you."

Alexei blushed a little and retrieved his paw. "Thanks, kid." He turned to face his team. "You guys coming along?"

Jorhn answered, "No, I think we'll just stay here. I'm only allowed small amounts of bullshit each day, and you more than filled my quota."

The other Lumarians burst out laughing.

Alexei frowned. "Where did Alyster, Raiche, and Graunta go?"

After wiping a tear from his eyes, Jorhn replied, "Alyster and Raiche are getting supplies, and fuel, too, I hope. I think Graunta is taking a nap somewhere."

"Alright, then. Kaelin and I are going to have a look around. You three can do whatever you want."

"Can do, sir," Jorhn responded somewhat sarcastically.

Alexei turned back to the Jakkarians. "So, if that's everything, may we be off?"

Z'Armand-tae nodded and gathered the others who had joined him. Together they left, leaving only his grandson behind.

Alexei, Kaelin, and the young Jakkarian walked off the ship and Alexei closed the bay door. Together they left the docking bay and traversed hallway. As they walked past other Jakkarians, Alexei received the same reaction from each person: a bow of the head as they walked briskly by.

Alexei sighed.

Kaelin put his arm around Alexei. "What's the matter?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure if I even did kill their leader. I mean, I've fought so much, how can I possibly remember?"

"Well if it wasn't you, then who?"

"I don't know. I'd say Xavier, but it sounds like it happened years ago. He probably wasn't strong enough or even big enough when it happened."

The young Jakkarian stopped. "Through this door here is probably the main hub of our station. This is where the Market is. You can get many things and many species exist here. It is a very diverse section of our station."

"Can you get food?" Alexei asked.

"Of course you can, Savior. Would you like me to sho-"

"Please, kid, stop calling me Savior. My name is Alexei."

The Jakkarian cocked his head. "I have displeased you."

"No, please... Just stop treating me like I'm your god."

"But you must understand, in our eyes, you are a god."

"What's your name, kid?"

"My name is Darkis-tae."

"Look, Darkis-tae, I do have incredible powers, and I may have defeated Kronn, but I am by no stretch a god. So please treat me like you would any other species."

"But... I treat all species with equal regard. You are above all of them."

"No, I'm not. In fact, my species hasn't even mastered space travel yet. We are a very primitive race. The only reason why I'm out here, along with Kaelin, is because we left the planet with a more advanced species, the Lumarians."

Darkis-tae wore a face of disappointment. "Perhaps I should show you to the bar and rest area. We can talk there much more comfortably."

"Fine." Alexei, feeling frustrated, found comfort as Kaelin's paw clasped to his. As they walked paw-in-paw, Alexei leaned into his mate. "Kaelin... you know I love you, right?"

"Huh? Yeah, of course I do. What prompted this?"

"You're very warm. I can always find solace when I'm with you."

"Everything will be fine, Alexei. You just have an outpost full of admirers, that's all. I think it's pretty cool. No one has every worshiped like that before... with the possible exception of you."

Alexei giggled.

As they approached the bar, Darkis-tae led them to a table and ordered a few drinks. He leaned on the table at stared at Alexei and Kaelin. "Our people have suffered tyrants for a very long time, Savior... Alexei. Kronn ruled the longest and was the most brutal. He had no sons to speak of, so his reign ended when you killed him. Very quickly others tried to take over, but as nature would have it, they, too, failed as leaders. It wasn't until my father stepped up and took control. He is not a tyrant. He is not even a leader. Simply an advisor to our entire race. He is the order in amongst the vast chaos. We now all live in peace, but it was you who was able to bring us that peace. The catalyst, if you will."

Alexei sighed as the drinks were placed down. He took a long swig and looked back at Darkis-tae. "I'm very happy for you and all your people. But the point I'm trying to make here is it was a coincidence only. He was probably hunting me for my power, but found I was too strong. I defeated him in self-defense."

"Regardless of the circumstances surrounding his defeat, you defeated him. You freed us."

Alexei sighed again. He again felt a warm paw brush through the fur on his back. "I'm not a god. Please stop treating me as one."

There was a long silence. Finally Darkis-tae spoke up. "I understand why you would not like to be treated as a god, and to be perfectly honest, upon seeing you I was quite disappointed to see our savior was an Earthling. However, it has been lifetimes since we worshiped any of our ancient gods. They are dead to us. They would not have allowed their creations to become slaves to our own kind. Although we live in peace, the only belief that keeps us going is that there truly is a god watching over us. A single being somewhere in the heavens who has the power to destroy one who no other Jakkarian could even touch. Whether you want to accept it or not, you are a divide creature, at least to us."

"Well, what's going to happen when I leave? Who is going to save them then?"

Darkis-tae laughed. "With all due respect, we do not need your physical being on our home planet. You have already done the impossible. Anything else is simply trivial. No matter the trial, we will look into the cosmos and find the power to overcome our obstacles. You give us hope, Alexei."

Alexei leaned back in his seat, still holding Kaelin's paw.

Darkis-tae stared at the two curiously. "You two are both males."

The pair sat up. "Uh-huh. So...?"

"You are holding paws. Is that some sign of affection?"

"Of course it is," Alexei said with a smile. "This is Kaelin. He's my mate."

"Although there has been years of peace on our planet, some things never change. Two males, or even two females, is very frowned upon in our society. Needless to say, I have not yet found my mate, while most males by now have."

Kaelin leaned forward. "It took Alexei twenty years to find his soul mate. Trust me, you'll find yours eventually."

Alexei nodded.

Darkis-tae smiled. "Thank you. Your words have reassured me."

"It's my pleasure," Kaelin laughed. "So, I'd like to take a look at this market. I saw it briefly walking by."

"Certianly," Darkis-tae said eagerly. "Shall we go now?"

"I don't see why not," Alexei said.

The three got up and promptly entered the market area. It was very busy and very crowded. Many species of aliens wondered around, some of them selling goods and others buying. The three continued walking aimlessly, keeping up with the crowd.

"Was there any place in particular you wished to see?" Darkis-tae called back.

"Well," Kaelin started, "I'd love to see what different kinds of food they have, if they have any at all. What kind of stuff do they sell here anyway?"

"It's divided into many sectors, including food. The largest and most crowded sector sells various parts and supplies for ships and spacecrafts. That is the sector we are currently in. The far end has many foods from across the galaxy. Between those are diverse vendors who all sell something unique, commonly from their home planet. There is one sector where many do not travel, and that is the black market. Most weapons you will find there, none of which have been obtained legally."

"Well Raiche and Alyster are probably around here somewhere," Alexei pointed out. "You wanna head to the far sector, hun?"

Kaelin giggled. "Definitely."

The trio wove expertly through the crowd until eventually they reached the far end of the massive alien market. Alexei had stopped for a moment to look at various legal weapons booths. He picked up a large, twisted Commune blade which he wore across his back. Alexei justified the purchase with saying he liked to bring irony into a fight. Shortly after the three reached last sector. Finally finding something interesting, Kaelin pulled Alexei and Darkis-tae into a crowd of large aliens who were trying their hand at Glorion, a delicacy from their planet of the same name, which involved some aquatic creature of their world and ingesting it live.

While standing in line, some of the rowdy aliens ahead were pushed back into Alexei and Kaelin. They pushed the aliens off.

"Hey, watch it," Kaelin barked.

The large aliens turn and looked down at the furs. The largest spoke first. "Do not tell us to 'watch it,' tiny creature. Do not stand in our way."

"You backed into us, pal, 'cause your moron friends are getting a bit too excited. Why don't you keep a tighter leash on your idiot pets?"

Alexei put a paw on Kaelin's shoulder. "Kaelin, don't provoke them."

"We're already provoked," the largest one said, shoving Alexei.

Kaelin pushed between them, elbowing the alien. "Don't you dare touch Alexei, asshole."

The alien scoffed and the rest laughed. "And what are you going to do about it, tiny?"

Kaelin growled and elbowed the alien in the gut again, this time much harder. Knocking the wind out of him, Kaelin punched him hard on the right cheek and slammed his heal down on his head, slamming the beast into the floor. Kaelin grinned and backed away as the other four aliens growled and advanced.

"What the hell was that all about?" Alexei said.

Kaelin turned and before he could answer was met with a large fist in his face. He went flying to Alexei's arms.

"Shit... Kaelin, are you okay?"

Kaelin shook his head and groaned. "Yeah...just a little lightheaded..."

Alexei handed Kaelin to Darkis-tae. He approached the four aliens, who were all laughing with complete disregard for their fallen friend, and put his paw on the hilt of the blade.

The aliens stopped laughing.

Alexei simply stared up at them with a confident grin. Quickly realizing there wasn't nearly enough room to swing his large sword, he bolted forward and leapt up, planting his footpaw square in the aliens nose, shattering it completely. As Alexei dropped back down, he nimbly swung around, while keeping low, and slammed his fist into the knee of another alien, shattering those bones, too. As the alien fell to his knee, Alexei reached up and grabbed his head, thrusting it into his hard knee, knocking the beast out cold. Seconds after, Alexei immediately turned and held up his paws, blocking two enormous fists. Using the momentum, Alexei swiftly moved to the side and allowed the alien to trip forward. Alexei spun and kicked the alien with the broken nose in the ribs, sending him skidding at least five booths down. As the other alien continued to fall forward, Alexei dashed toward him and smashed his fist down into his spine, in the lower-lumbar region, paralyzing him indefinitely. Alexei then heard a faint cry come from afar.

The remaining alien held Kaelin and Darkis-tae in his left arm, the other holding a blade to their throats.

A crowd had gathered around the fight and were all crying out madly, half begging the alien to slit their throats and the other half cheering on Alexei. The latter half were mostly Jakkarian.

Alexei growled, staring the alien dead in the eyes. The tension mounted as Alexei waited for his cue. He got a sudden flash in his mind. Darkis-tae was now bleeding a little. It was clear what the alien intended to do. Without another thought, now having enough room to move, Alexei pulled the Commune blade off his back and dashed forward. Moving swiftly, as if time itself was at a standstill, Alexei jumped up and over the large beast, and upon landing quickly slashed the alien across the back, severing the spinal cord instantly. After a moment of blood-spray, the alien fell dead. Alexei put the blade back on his back.

The Jakkarians were cheering crazily.

As he watched Kaelin get to his footpaws, he quickly walked up to Darkis-tae and inspected his wound. It was a large gash in his neck, but not terribly deep. The bleeding had almost already stopped. "Hey, are you alright?"

Darkis-tae groaned. "S-Savior..."

Alexei smiled as he pulled him up off the floor and put his arm around his shoulder, keeping the Jakkarian on his feet. "Tell me, where's your infirmary?"

"On deck twelve, but I will be okay. Jakkarians heal quite quickly. I'm just a little shaken up..."

Kaelin rubbed his cheek. "You know, I'm in pain, too," he whined.

"It's your fault we got into a fight," Alexei pointed out, "so don't look for sympathy here."

Kaelin frowned.

"Let's just head back to the ship. Hopefully these Jakkarians won't follow us."

The three left the market followed by many Jakkarians. In the large hallway, he finally convinced them to go back to their business and then headed toward the docking bay. At this point Darkis-tae was walking on his own.

As the hatch to Alexei's ship opened, he turned to Darkis-tae. "Thank you for showing us around, and I'm sorry you had to get in the middle of the fight like that."

"It was an honour showing you around, Savior."

"Hey, I told you-"

"You saved my life," Darkis-tae interrupted. "You, a god among our people, saved my insignificant life. For that I am eternally grateful."

"It was really nothing. I would have done it for anyone."

"Um..." Darkis-tae hesitated.

"What is it?"

"Well... This may be quite impolite to ask of you, but may I... serve on your ship?"

Alexei grinned. "Well, what about your father? Or your grandfather? Certainly they-"

"No. They would not miss me. They know of my... indiscretions with regards to a mate. My father is ashamed of me-he won't even look me in the eyes-and my grandfather only took me to see you in hopes of finding a 'cure' for me. I do not know of my place in the universe, but I know it is not here. So please, will you allow me to be your faithful servant on your ship?"

"Well, I don't know about 'servant,' but certainly you can join us."

"Thank you very much, Savior. That is twice I owe you a debt of gratitude. I promise I will not let you down."

Alexei smiled as the three walked onto the ship, closing the door behind him. He looked up above to the cargo hold catwalk. Raiche was standing there.

"I see we have another passenger," he pointed out.

"And I see you've returned. Did you get any worth-while supplies?"

Alyster popped out of an access hatch. "Yes, sir, we did. We found some high-grade fuel cells from an unusual race in the black market. It took me a while to configure them to your ship, but I have them installed and am recharging the old ones now. We can use them as a back-up should the new ones fail. I did not entirely trust that black market, and for good reason."

"Anything else?"

"Not really," Raiche said, "Just some food and engineering supplies. You ready to go now?"

"Yeah, let's go," Alexei said, walking toward Jorhn, Eskelle, and Axiroth. He took a seat on a crate next to Axiroth. "I don't want to stick around here any longer than I have to."

"Yes, sir." Raiche walked back to the cockpit and minutes later, after Alyster finished installing the new power cells, the ship was off and cruising smoothly through space. Raiche engaged the autopilot and joined the rest of the group in the cargo hold. "Anywhere specific you want to go?"


"You know," Raiche said, "we don't have much money left. We should seriously consider trying to find jobs."

"Jobs?" Alexei said with a laugh.

"Yeah. I had to barter some of our old cargo to get the new cells. Almost lost a hand doing it, too. We have no income."

"Well what did you have in mind?"

"I don't know, specifically."

"We could be mercenaries," Axiroth suggested.

"Yeah," Kaelin added. "We go around doing stuff normal people don't want to touch with a ten-foot alien pole."

"Well, that sounds like a great idea, but exiled Lumarians aren't exactly in high demand."

"You were, at one point," Jorhn said. "Maybe you just have to get your name out there."

"I... I don't know." Alexei thought about that. "Where do we start looking? If someone was in need of our services, surely they would have tried to contact us by now."

"Well," Axiroth started, "maybe we've gotta get our names out there, like Jorhn said. We just sorta butt in somewhere and leave a calling card of sorts. I doubt the Elders told anyone that we're even out here. They didn't want anyone to know that their best warriors are free-for-hire. Why do you think we got such a piece of junk ship? It's not even Lumarian."

"The kid's got a point," Raiche said. "We can make big money, I'll bet, doing peoples dirty work. Especially you," he pointed to Alexei.

Alexei rubbed his chin. "I'll have to think about it, but I guess you're on to something. Suppose we could all just become thieves, too."

There was a long silence.

Alexei sighed as Kaelin shifted closer to him. "I guess we don't have much of a choice, do we. Nothing's free in this world."

"Indeed," Alyster said.

The team just sat in silence, Darkis-tae having finally found a seat on the floor.

Finally Alexei got to his footpaws and walked toward the ladder to the top deck. He held out his paw. "Well, I'm going to show Darkis-tae to his room."

Darkis-tae stood up. "I am no longer on my planet, nor do I any longer associate myself with my family name. The name Darkis-tae is no longer necessary."

"So what do we call you?"

"Darkis will suffice."

Alexei rolled his eyes. "Alright then, Darkis, I will show you to your room. The rest of you... do whatever you want."

Alexei continued up the ladder and through the dimly-lit corridors, Darkis followed behind. "I'm not sure whose room is whose."

"I would take the floor if you wished it."

Alexei turned to Darkis. "You're not getting the floor. We've only got four rooms, so you'll have to share with Raiche."

"Sh-Share?" Darkis suddenly sounded nervous.

"Share a room, not a bed. Don't worry."

Darkis smiled. "Thank you, Sav-"

"Enough with the Savior stuff, okay?" Alexei led Darkis into Raiche's room. "Your bed's that one there."

Darkis sat on the bed. "Thank you again."

"It's my pleasure," Alexei said somewhat sarcastically. Alexei started toward the door.


Alexei stopped. "Yes?"

"What do we do now? Where are we headed?"

"I couldn't tell you. We just go wherever we feel like. Why, did you have a particular destination in mind?"

"No, no. Not at all. I just really hope I find my place in this universe."

Alexei sat beside the Jakkarian. "You'll find your place, Darkis. It may not be with me or my men, and it may not be for many years, but I promise you, you will find your way."

Darkis turned to Alexei. "Perhaps... my destiny is with you." He then moved his head forward and planted his lips on Alexei's muzzle.

Alexei, surprised by this, pushed at him, but quickly eased into Darkis' embrace. He let himself go a bit limp as he felt Darkis' strong tongue slither into his muzzle. His tongue was quite smooth and covered in mucus, and yet had a slight all-round texture to it. After a long moment, Alexei finally gathered his senses and pushed Darkis away. He wiped the excess mucus from his muzzle. "Darkis..."

"I-I'm sorry. I could not contain myself." The Jakkarian lowered his head in shame.

Alexei just sat there, thinking for a moment. Finally he got up. "You know Kaelin and I are in a relationship, right?"

Darkis nodded.

"So you understand, then, why that wasn't appropriate?" Alexei closed his eye for a moment. He had always hated getting lectures from his mother as a child.

Again Darkis nodded.

"Alright, well so long as you understand." He wasn't sure what else to say. Alexei opened the room hatch and stepped out, looking back at Darkis. "And off the record, kid, you're a great kisser."

Darkis blushed a little and smiled.

Alexei then left the room and continued back to the cargo hold, soon followed by Darkis. Alexei stood above them all, on the catwalk, smiling. "So what's everyone up to?" he asked.

"Not much," Jorhn yelled out.

The group was still all sitting around and on the same bunch of crates. Jorhn, Eskelle, Raiche and Kaelin were all playing some Lumarian card game. Alyster was reading and Axiroth had sprawled himself over the metal-grating floor. He was humming the tune of some song. Alexei turned to Darkis. "You can join them if you want," he said, and then addressing his team, "I'm going to the cockpit for a bit."

"What for?" Axiroth called out from on the floor.

"Because I feel like it. I just want to relax for a bit."

"Is something wrong?" Kaelin asked.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just like to watch the stars, that's all."

"Want me to join you?"

"Only if you want to."

Kaelin thought for a second. "If you're sure you're okay, then I'll just stay here."

Alexei smiled. "I'm sure. Thanks." He continued to the cockpit, taking a seat in the large chair behind the bulk of the controls. He lay back, resting his footpaws on the console, and let out a long sigh. Staring into the cosmos, Alexei closed his eye and slowly started to fall asleep, resting his paws on his belly. Alexei began to subconsciously rub a large scar running across his stomach. As he did, he let out a quiet moan and squirmed a little. He could feel the pressure building in his pants. Alexei smiled and dug his right paw into his pants and began to slowly massage his hardening organ, murring as he did. He rarely paws out in the open, as someone could easily walk in on him, but for some reason he ignored that possibility. Alexei leaned back in the chair and spread out his legs a little further, still keeping his belt done up; his pants were loose enough to allow ample room for an arm.

Alexei's maw cracked open a little as he let out a quiet moan, thinking more about the kiss Darkis had given him. His paw moved faster as his own tongue hung a bit from his muzzle, remembering vividly Darkis' long slimy tongue moving around inside his muzzle. He recalled the feeling of it sliding part way down his throat, its smooth texture making it easy.

With the fabric of his pants constantly teasing the head of his hard cock, as well with the graphic imagery stuck in his head, Alexei knew he would cum quickly. He groaned a bit louder and turned his head, keeping his eye closed, now imagining that strong, mucus-covered tongue sliding up his tailhole. He moved his hips around as he could almost feel it happening, moaning loudly this time. His paw was working his length quite vigorously now. He felt a few shots of pleasure and some pre smear in his pants. The wet sensation only enhanced the experience somewhat, sending an odd tingle up Alexei's spine.

Alexei could feel Darkis' tongue slithering up his tailhole even further, wriggling about inside him, stretching out his hole. Alexei moaned again and soon enough, more precum. It had been a very long time since Alexei had pawed so well. After visualizing the naked, scale-covered alien in front of him, as well as his tongue up his backside, Alexei finally climaxed. As the intense pleasure filled his entire cock, he let out a loud moan. His cum quickly flowed out of him, smearing on the inside of his pants. Alexei didn't care. He just continued to quickly stroke his submitting length, the cum mostly done flowing.

Alexei promptly retrieved his paw from within his cum-covered pants, licking off the mess. He lay back and relaxed, letting out a long satisfied sigh as the lingering feeling slowly subsided. He could still feel the cold spooge covering his crotch, but he didn't mind. In fact, he kind of enjoyed that. He wiggled about a little, rubbing the cum further into his crotch fur, giggling as he did. As he stopped and rested, grinning and keeping his eye closed, Alexei was suddenly alerted by a signal coming from the console.

Startled, Alexei sat up and read the panel. He was receiving a call from an unknown source. Alexei quickly turned and looked at the monitor. The sensors weren't picking up any ships within range. Alexei concentrated, trying to sense any life form outside his ship. He wasn't sure of the exact range of his powers, but there was definitely nothing between the Jakkarian outpost and his ship.

He looked back down to the panel and pressed some buttons. The signal was very faint. It was being sent on an extremely low frequency on the subspace bandwidth. Obviously whoever was trying to hail him didn't want anyone else to know. Alexei opened a channel. "This is Alexei, commander of this vessel."

The voice on the other side was very rough and hard to make out. Alexei pushed a button to try to relieve some of the static, but it was useless. "A-Alexei? The Earthling?"

Alexei was uncertain, but he went along. "Yeah."

"Thank the Gods we finally found you. I don't have much time. We're in dire need of your help. Please rendezvous at these coordinates."

Alexei looked at the control panel. Moments later some coordinates popped up.

"Who are you?"

"There's no time to explain. They'll pick up our hailing frequency soon. Just please... find us."

The channel suddenly went dead.

Alexei just stared at the control console, the coordinates blinking. He entered them into the controls and re-engaged the autopilot to those coordinates. Thinking about it for a moment, Alexei tried to recall where those coordinates were. He had heard them before. Suddenly, Alexei remembered. He got up and joined his team back in the cargo hold.

Everyone looked up at their commander, including Graunta who had joined them moments before.

Alexei wore a face of concern.

"What is it, sir?" Alyster asked.

Alexei grabbed Kaelin's paw. "We're... going back to Lumar." His team just stared at him.

Axiroth promptly sat up. "What the hell for?"

"I don't know. I just received a transmission from someone to meet them at these coordinates. They're fairly close to Lumar itself. I got the impression we aren't to be detected."

"So, we're going back?" Jorhn asked excitedly.

Alexei nodded.

There was a certain enthusiasm in the air.

Raiche spoke up. "How do you know this isn't a trap? After all, shortly after we left they sent the new Elites to kill us. Surely they've heard of our survival and were undoubtedly unimpressed with those results."

"Keep in mind," Graunta, the old Lumarian, said, "with Xavier gone, they have no defense against us... against you, Captain. Either they're desperate and trying to capture you, or the person on the other line genuinely wants us for something. I've been in this business long enough to know enemy tactics. I wouldn't put it past those Elders even for a second to try to recapture you."

"Indeed," Alexei replied. "I guess there's no way of knowing."

"You could read their minds," Axiroth suggested.

"I suppose I could try." Alexei took a seat beside his mate and put a paw on his head. He focused heavily on the Lumar System. He closed his eye and growled a little, trying desperately to sort out the thousands of random thoughts until he found the one he wanted. Being so far away, he picked up every subconscious thought between himself and Lumar. Alexei's paws began to tremble as he concentrated harder, the voices becoming louder. His breathing increased as he finally managed to locate Lumar. He concentrated harder, focusing on only Lumarians in that area. Still there were thousands of voices, if not millions. Alexei began to groan loudly as he clutched his head hard. Concentrating, he suddenly let out a desperate cry as his paws seemed to shoot from his head. Alexei fell forward and onto his paw and knees, his team helping him back up.

"I... couldn't find them. Too many voices to sort through. We're too far."

"Well, perhaps you could try again the closer we get," Kaelin said.

"Yeah... Which reminds me, how are we supposed to get into Lumar space without being detected?"

They all looked over at Alyster.

"I do not know how possible that would be, giving the class of ship. It was not built for stealth."

"Nor was it built for combat, speed, or anything," Axiroth laughed.

"Indeed," Alyster said. "I could make some modifications, but everything depends on the Lumarian sensor technology. We do not have a cloaking device of any sort, and I do not recall seeing one in the Jakkarian Black Market."

"Do you think we can access their security designs remotely once we get closer?"

Alyster scratched his chin. "It may be possible. As you know, I recently improved our sensors. However I am uncertain the range we will require in order to gain access to their core system."

"Yeah, then hacking it will be an entirely different story," Jorhn added.

"Very true. I may be a scientist and an engineer, but my capabilities in that field are limited."

Alexei looked about, each of them shaking their heads. They were all good with that sort of thing, but hacking the Lumarian security systems would require more than an expert.

"Perhaps I may be able to help," Darkis said.

The team, surprised by this, looked over at him.

Darkis blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Explain," Alexei said.

"I know my way around computer systems very well. One might call me a prodigy child."

"Do you think you can get into the Lumarian systems?"

"Not to sound cocky, but without a doubt I can. It will take me a minute to get used to your systems, and theirs."

"Well that's fantastic," Alexei exclaimed. "Alyster, would you mind showing Darkis around?"

"Certainly, Captain." Alyster walked off with Darkis, explaining stuff Alexei didn't even begin to understand.

Raiche leaned in and said quietly, "Do you really think we can trust him?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"It does seem a nice coincidence," Eskelle pointed out.

Alexei leaned back. "So you're saying Darkis somehow knew that transmission was going to come, long before we even arrived at the outpost, and what it was going to be about?"

Axiroth scratched his chin and stood up. "Hey, yeah. It's possible. I mean, we don't even know where it came from, let alone who sent it."

"You know, he could be on to something," Jorhn said.

"Alright," Alexei said, standing up, "quit spreading this paranoia. There's nothing unseemly about Darkis." Despite saying that, Alexei, too, was beginning to have his doubts.

"You could read his mind," Axiroth suggested.

There was an awkward silence.

"I will not invade his privacy like that."

"Why not? He won't know about it."

"For the same reason why I stay out of your mind. All of you."

"Yeah, but we all trust one another. It's not an issue for us. He's the new guy."

"I wouldn't feel comfortable with it."

"Well suit yourself. But if he ends up driving this ship into an asteroid, don't be surprised when I say I told you so."

Alexei frowned. He then felt a pair of warm paws run over his shoulders, then a whole body press against his back. It was Kaelin.

"Calm down, sweetie. Don't get yourself so worked up over this." Kaelin kissed Alexei on the cheek.

From that kiss alone, Alexei felt much better. "Thanks, Kaelin."

"Hey," Axiroth said, covering his eyes. "Not all of us want to see that sort of thing."

"Grow up," Eskelle barked, putting her arm around Jorhn. "You never have a problem when he kisses me."

"Yeah, well that's because-"

Another awkward silence.

Axiroth continued, "Well you know why that is."

"What," Alexei said with a grin, "you mean this?" With that, Alexei planted his lips firmly on Kaelin's.

The two furs began to make out in front of the Lumarians, Alexei really getting into it, especially after hearing Axiroth's unsettled noises. He murred as he felt Kaelin's paws run along his sides, as well as Kaelin's chest press against his. He let his paws rest at Kaelin's hips as he pulled back, just looking his mate deep in the eyes. He said quietly, "You know how much I love you."

Kaelin blushed and grinned, nodding. He then rested his head on Alexei's right shoulder, murring quietly.

"Why don't you two do something more productive?" Axiroth complained.

Graunta laughed and shook his head. "You kids amuse me," he simply said. "You know, there was a time in my life where I was quite a confused young Lumarian. I didn't know what I wanted."

"Graunta," Jorhn said, "We've heard this story a millions times."

"The kangaroo hasn't."

The two furs sat on a crate, beside Jorhn and Eskelle, Graunta across from them. Axiroth finally got up off the floor and sat beside Raiche.

Gruanta continued. "It's not a very interesting story, but you two," he pointed at the furs, "remind me of it all the time. It was many, many years ago, just after I had joined the Lumarian Forces. I never had a real mate up until that point. Certainly there was a girl, but she left me rather jaded in the world of romance. With that sort of thing out of the way, I was able to concentrate more on my services. But every so often I found myself... in need of a mate. I was stationed on the Olissian home world, during the time of the Commune 'liberation,' when myself and a young private named Jharre were cut off from the rest of the team. Lumarians really had no business on Olissia, but regardless Jharre and I were alone and trying to figure out what to do next. I had just been promoted from private, so I felt a certain responsibility to get us back to camp safely. Our camp was located many-"

"Graunta," Jorhn interrupted, "you're digressing."

Graunta frowned. "The little details are just as important," he argued.

"Alright," Kaelin cut in, "so you two were stuck. Then what?"

"Thank you, Kaelin. As I was saying, the two of us had to get back to camp in order to join up with the rest of our team, although in the melee that had preceded our separation, I wouldn't have been surprised if they had all been killed. Anyway, Jharre and I made our own little camp in a deep trench, trying to get some sleep. Olissia is in a constant state of brightness, which as Lumarians we were unaccustomed to. Lying under our makeshift tent, we talked about our families, our friends. Everyone we had left behind, then eventually our love lives. Mine was a less-than-inspiring story, and Jharre's was quite similar. Feeling a bit down about it, myself just staring into the sandy ground, the young private leaned forward and kissed me. At first I was very confused. I hadn't ever really thought about another male in that way, and yet what he was doing felt good. It felt right. Even as he was kissing me I thought how it simply could have been the heat or the stories we had just told which brought him to do this. Very quickly, though, those thoughts went away. I embraced Jharre and needless to say, we were mates ever since."

"Wow," Alexei said. "I really had no idea you were, or rather, you are gay..."

Graunta smiled. "Few Lumarians approve of such behavior." He glanced over at Raiche.

"Hey," he said in his defense, "as long as you leave me out of it, you can do whatever you want."

"It wasn't always that way," Graunta pointed out.

"Yeah," Jorhn said with a laugh, looking at Alexei, "You should have seen him go on and on about how his Captain was sleeping with one of his own men. Man, he got so worked up over that."

"Yes, well, spending six and a half years with them can change ones opinion."

"Well I think it's sick," Axiroth cut in. "I don't understand how you two can even touch each other the way you do."

Alexei shrugged. "Perhaps when you can find a man who will love you the way I love Kaelin, you'll understand."

The Lumarians all started laughing.

Axiroth felt annoyed and flustered. He wasn't amused. "Why don't you two go train or something?" he said, trying to divert the attention from himself.

Kaelin then turned to Graunta. "So, what happened to Jharre, anyway?"

"Oh. Well we did manage to find our way back to base camp. Half of the team had survived and had gone out looking for us. Eventually the two of us were separated by our commanding officer. He split us into two teams, and he knew, or at least I think he knew, about our relationship. I then got critically injured and was promptly sent back to Lumar. I haven't seen him since."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Graunta." Kaelin placed a paw on the old Lumarian's shoulder.

Gruanta put a hand on Kaelin's paw. "Thank you. I fear the worst for him, but I still hope."

Kaelin smiled. "If it's any help, I didn't think I would see Alexei ever again. I had given up hope on us ever getting back together, and yet here we are."

It was Graunta's turn to smile. "Truly inspiring words. Thank you."

There was a bit of a silence as the team reflected on their own lives.

Axiroth finally broke the silence by slamming his fist into his palm. "So," he said, "who's up for a fight?"

Alexei grinned. "How about you and Kaelin go at it."

"No way, 'cause when I beat him, you'll go berserk and tear me apart."

Alexei laughed. "I have more self-control than that. Besides, I've been training him personally for the past six months. You won't be able to beat him."

"Then you fight him."

Alexei turned to his mate and cocked his head. "You up for it?"

Kaelin shrugged. "Sure. It'll give us something to do until we reach Lumar."

The two moved toward the centre of the cargo hold, leaving plenty of room for sparring. They stood ready, grinning and staring each other down, waiting for one to make the first move.

The Lumarians watched in giddy anticipation. They hadn't seen much action for a while, and this was going to be fun.

Moments later, after being urged by Axiroth to start, Alexei dashed forward. He swung his fist at Kaelin's face.

Kaelin blocked Alexei's attack swiftly. He then turned and jabbed his elbow in Alexei's gut.

Alexei stepped back, groaning. Kaelin's blow hurt more than he had expected. Alexei then reached up his left paw and stopped Kaelin's fists. Gripping tightly, he pulled and sent Kaelin skidding across the floor.

Kaelin got up quickly and dashed forward. As Alexei swung his foot, Kaelin leapt into the air and planted his footpaw square in Alexei's muzzle.

Alexei staggered back into the wall, holding his bleeding nose. He growled and jumped to the left, dodging Kaelin's quick attacks.

Kaelin's powerful legs allowed himself to burst forward very quickly, and kick even harder.

As Alexei rolled and hopped back to his footpaws, he turned and held out his right paw, grabbing Kaelin's down-thrusting foot. He pushed Kaelin backward and bolted toward the staggering roo, pounding his fist down into his gut.

Kaelin slammed into the metal grating, holding his stomach and groaning. He opened his eyes to see Alexei towering over him. The roo grinned and swung his leg outward, tripping Alexei. He got up, feeling the pain in his gut, and pulled Alexei to his footpaws. "Bet you didn't see that one coming, eh, hun?"

Alexei grinned as he kneed Kaelin again in the gut. He grabbed him by the shirt and swung him toward the middle of the room, dashing forward and punching him in the muzzle.

Kaelin let out a cry as he fell backward, blood pouring from his mouth. He opened his eyes again and growled. He quickly got back up, very much in pain, and ran forward. He ducked low to avoid Alexei's fist then gave the lion a clean upper-cut. Wasting no time at all, he slammed his fist into Alexei's chest.

As Alexei staggered back, he felt a sharp pain in his left ribs. It was an extremely hard kick from his mate. Falling to the right, Alexei felt himself being held up, then a pain on his right cheek, then his left, and his right again. Finally, Alexei felt a great pain in his gut as Kaelin put all his strength into a final kick to his gut.

Alexei flew back into a metal support beam. He coughed up a little blood and slowly fell to his rump, sliding down the beam.

Kaelin walked up to him, kneeling down and grinning. "I guess you trained me a bit too hard, huh?"

Alexei kept silent until he finally opened his eye. He let out a little laugh, a bit of blood spewing with it. "Yeah, I guess I did." Alexei painfully reached his paws up and placed them behind Kaelin's neck. He pulled the roo in closer and kissed him softly. He could taste Kaelin's blood. From across the room he heard Axiroth making a noise.

Kaelin pulled back. "I didn't hurt you too bad, did I sweetie?"

"Nah, I'll be fine. You surprised me, though." Alexei shakily got to his footpaws. With his arm around Kaelin's shoulder, the two slowly made their way back to the team, sitting on the crate they were at before.

"Well that seemed like a pretty good fight to me," Raiche said.

"Wasn't very fair, though," Jorhn joked. "That roo totally out-classed you, Captain."

"And did you really have to kiss him at the end?" Axiroth argued.

"It was necessary, yes," Alexei responded. "And we'll do it again." Alexei turned, putting his paws on Kaelin's cheeks, and kissed his mate again. This time he felt Kaelin's blood-soaked tongue enter his maw. Secretly, Alexei enjoyed the taste of blood, especially that of his mate's. He let out a soft murr as he sucked on the roo's tongue for a moment, then pulled back. He glanced over at Axiroth who was staring unimpressed.

"Seriously," he said, "I don't want to see that sort of thing."

"You'll get used to it," Raiche said with a laugh.

Axiroth just frowned. Moments later he let out a long yawn. "Man, I'm tired..." he said to no one in particular.

Moments later Jorhn yawned then so did Eskelle.

"I guess it is pretty late," Raiche said. "You two," he pointed to the furs, "didn't get out of bed until two this afternoon. And Graunta, you just got up. Are we the only ones who have normal sleeping times?"

"Well Graunta's old," Jorhn laughed, "he needs to sleep."

"Hey, I've told you a hundred times, kid, I ain't that old. Just old enough to know you're a punk."

"Alright, alright. Fair enough. Despite you three, I'm going to bed. You coming too, hun?" Jorhn said to Eskelle. She nodded and together they headed toward the ladder, soon followed by Raiche and Axiroth.

"So I guess it's just us three, huh?"

"It would seem that way," Graunta replied.

Still curious, Kaelin asked Gruanta, "Did you ever keep in contact with Jharre after you were sent back to Lumar?"

There was a slight pause. "No, we weren't able to stay in touch."

"How come?"

"Simply because I was never able to get a hold of him. I tried often, but was left with nothing. It's like he just disappeared, or worse, was killed and forgotten."

"How come you never told us this before?" Alexei asked.

"Well, it was kind of embarrassing, I suppose. Plus when we met it wouldn't have been professional of me. That and you probably wouldn't have cared." Gruanta let out a long sigh. "It's been almost forty years since I met that handsome private, and thirty-five since we last spent time together. Not a day goes by when I don't think about him. About what he's like now, what he's been doing all these years... I just need to know what happened."

"Graunta, I'm so sorry," Alexei said, sitting next to the old Lumarian. "If you ever want to talk about things, you know I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Captain. I appreciate it."

"You know, you don't have to call me Captain anymore."

"I know I don't, but I'm accustomed to it. I've spent nearly my entire life in the military, you know."

"I suppose so."

After a long moment Graunta got up. "I'm going to check out how Darkis is doing. Thanks again, Captain."

Alexei smiled. "Any time."

Kaelin, still bleeding, shifted closer to his mate and put a paw on his thigh. The pair just sat in silence.

"How long do you think it'll take to get back to Lumar?" Kaelin asked.

"I'm not sure. We're moving at impulse right now, until we figure out how to get around Lumar's satellite systems. The coordinates are on Lumar itself. That'll be next to impossible to get to undetected. One of the subsequent planets in the Lumar System would be hard enough."

"So what do you think really happened to Graunta's mate?"

Alexei shook his head. "I don't know, Kaelin. It would be impossible to say."

"I wish we could help."

"Me too," Alexei said, putting a paw to his cheek. His face was still sore.

"You okay, sweetie?"

"Yeah. You hit me really hard, though."

"Aww, I'm sorry. Let me kiss it all better." Kaelin removed Alexei's paws from his face and kissed him softly on his sore cheeks. "How's that feel?"

Alexei grinned. "Much better, but I think I bit my tongue when you gave me that upper-cut."

Kaelin giggled as he pulled his muzzle close to Alexei's. "Stick out your tongue," he said. As Alexei stuck out his tongue, Kaelin wrapped his lips around the entire bloody muscle, gripping it with his teeth slightly. He began to suckle on Alexei's wide, flat tongue.

Alexei couldn't help but laugh, despite having a kangaroo attached to his tongue. He placed his paws on the back of Kaelin's head and kept him there, pushing him in when he tried to go back.

Kaelin laughed and spat out Alexei's tongue, burying his head in Alexei's chest, murring, and with his paws held onto the lion's thick mane.

Alexei moved his paws to Kaelin's back, rubbing gently, holding the roo close. He rested his chin on Kaelin's shoulder. "I'm not sure if I tell you enough how much I love you."

Kaelin giggled. "You told me twice already today."

Alexei smiled. "Is that enough?"

"You don't have to tell me how much you love me. I know. Just this, what we're doing right now, is more than enough."

"Good." Alexei held Kaelin just a little tighter. "And you... still love me, right?"

Kaelin pulled back. "Of course I do, sweetie. Why would you even question that?"

"I dunno. It just seems like in the past few weeks we've been kinda distant. Plus I sort of berated you on the outpost earlier."

Kaelin laughed loudly. "Maybe you're just tired, hun, 'cause my feelings for you never once changed. It's all in your head."

"Hm... I guess hearing Graunta's story made me think about us. I don't ever want to lose you, okay?"

"Of course. We'll always be together. I promise."

Alexei smiled. "Can I tell you something?"

"Alexei, after all this time, you still feel have to ask me if you can tell me something?"

"I suppose so. Now, I don't want you to be mad, but when I was showing Darkis around the ship, he... kissed me."

Surprised, Kaelin's eyes went wide. "He did?"

Alexei nodded. "I figured it would be in my best interest to be completely honest with you." After saying that, Alexei remembered the first time he had met his brother back on Lumar. It was soon after he had gone back to Earth and took Kaelin with him. At the time, Alexei was very confused, as he had to decide between Kaelin or Kavhen. When talking to his brother, and shortly after finding out they were related, they had shared a very special moment together, one which brothers were not meant to share. Alexei always felt guilty about having slept with Xavier. His heart had belonged to both Kaelin and Kavhen, and in amongst the confusion, Alexei conceded to his desires. He never told Kaelin about that.

"I'm glad you want to be honest with me, Alexei, and I would expect no less. So," Kaelin grinned, "how was it?"


"How was his kiss? Better than mine?"

"Um. Well, he has a very long, slimy tongue. It slid part way down my throat even. It had a very smooth texture to it, yet it felt kind of scaly, like a snakes' belly."

Kaelin murred loudly. "Some furs have all the luck."

"So I guess you're just going to have to settle with mine."

"Yeah, it'll do," Kaelin laughed. Moments later he found his lips pressed tightly against Alexei's.

Alexei was kissing Kaelin very passionately. Very quickly he managed to lick the inside of Kaelin's muzzle, again enjoying the taste of his blood. Alexei pushed on Kaelin, getting him on his back. As he pushed down deeper, their muzzles firmly locked, he felt Kaelin's tongue press hard against his, then it move down and around. Alexei was getting very turned on by this. His paws quickly roamed over Kaelin's toned chest, then down his stomach and eventually he began to lift Kaelin's shirt off. He separated his maw with the roo's in order to completely remove the shirt. Within seconds the shirt was tossed carelessly aside and their muzzles locked again.

Kaelin, still holding onto Alexei's mane, pulled him down harder. As he felt Alexei's warm chest press against his, he loosened his grip and kept his paws on the back of the lion's head. As Alexei's tongue continued to play around in his maw, Kaelin moaned loudly. He began to thrust his hips slightly, urging Alexei to get on top.

Alexei, picking up on this quickly, put his leg over the roo, mounting him. Keeping his paws on Kaelin's arms, pinning him down, the couple continued to make out. Feeling Kaelin's hard package press against his own aroused the lion. He let out a long, deep growl.

Suddenly, from the catwalk above, the pair heard a noise. At the same time, Alexei on top of the half-naked roo, they looked up at the noise. It was Alyster.

"Forgive me, Captain, for my interruption."

Alexei laughed and lay down on the crate beside his mate, with barely enough room for the two. As his paw roamed across Kaelin's chest, he said, "No worries."

"If I may offer a suggestion, sir?"

Alexei, grinning, nodded.

"You save this sort of behavior for the privacy of your own room."

In unison, Alexei and Kaelin laughed.

"So is that all you wanted to come out here to say?" Alexei asked.

"No, sir. Darkis has managed to access the Lumarian security systems and we have plotted a course to take us to those coordinates nearly undetected."


"Yes, sir. While we will avoid their technological detection systems, we will not, by any means, but invisible. They may also have more restricted systems which we are not aware of."

"So where are we now?"

"We are approaching Lumarian space now. The plotted course will take us in a digressive pattern, but we will reach the surface of Lumar in just a few hours, if all goes according to plan."

"Excellent work, Alyster."

"It is not me you should congratulate. It is the young Jakkarian who we have to thank. Truly, he is gifted."

Alexei nodded.

Moments later Darkis and Graunta emerged from the cockpit. There was an awkward silence as the three aliens just stared at the two furs.

Alexei sighed and sat up, along with Kaelin. "You wanna take this to our room, hun?"

"I think we'd better."

The two got up and climbed the ladder. "We're going to our room," Alexei told Alyster, in somewhat of a mocking tone.

"Thank you, Captain. It is appreciated."

The pair walked through the rusty corridor holding paws, passing by Axiroth who was standing in the doorway.

"Something the matter, Ax?"

Axiroth looked down at their paws then back to their faces. "No, nothing's wrong. I was just doing my stretches. I can guess what you two are going to do."

Alexei giggled and pulled Kaelin along. Once in their room, Alexei wasted no time at all in removing his pants. He was surprised at how eager he was, despite having fapped no more than an hour before. He turned to Kaelin and nearly tore his pants right off, then threw him to the bed. Alexei pounced atop the roo, pinning him down.

"You're awfully excited," Kaelin laughed. "What's gotten into you?"

"I dunno. I'm just in one of those moods, I guess."

"So I see. But I don't know if I've got the energy for this right now, sweetie. I mean, it hasn't even been six hours since we last did it. You've gotta give this roo some time to recover."

"Six hours is plenty of time."

"For you maybe."

"Well, how about you just lie there and take it? You don't really have to do anything."

Kaelin let out his breath, a laugh hidden inside it. "Well alright then. Let's see what you've got."

Alexei bared his teeth. He wasn't sure what had really gotten into him. He just knew he was yiffy as hell. He slid down Kaelin's body and quickly forced the roo onto his belly. Looking around the room hastily, he held out his paw and, using his mind, brought over some chains that were hanging from the ceiling.

"Hun, what're you doing?"

"You'll like it," Alexei said, pulling Kaelin's arms back. He promptly wrapped the chains around Kaelin's wrists, using some spare locks to keep them there tight. He then pulled on the chains hard, forcing Kaelin's back to arch. With his head back, Alexei whispered in his long, pierced ear, "I'm feeling quite malevolent and very yiffy."

Kaelin groaned. "Yeah, I can see that. Think you can loosen those a bit? It kinda hurts my wrists."

Alexei grinned. He yanked the chains again, hearing Kaelin's groan, then loosened them. Kneeling behind the roo, his cock already at its fullest, he grabbed onto Kaelin's thick tail and wrapped the chains tightly around it, Kaelin's back arched enough so he could grip the base of his own tail.

Kaelin let out another quiet cry. "A-Alexei... I can't move very well."

"That's the point," he laughed. Alexei spread out Kaelin's legs and moved himself closer, staring down at the roo's exposed tailhole. He reached over and grabbed the beaker half-full of lube and slathered it all over his cock, moaning as he did. He couldn't help but begin to fap a little, but resisted the temptation by sticking his slick paw digits up Kaelin's tailhole. He let out a long murr as his digits went in. Before long, he had all four in and massaged the inside rapidly. With his other paw, his mechanical paw, he slowly stroked his length, hearing Kaelin's long moans.

"H-Honey," Kaelin said between breaths, "that kinda hurts."

"Oh?" Alexei said, grinning.

The chains rattled as Kaelin bucked a little. There was a great amount of pressure building between the hard bed and his body, where his organ was growing. "Alexei, I'm not kidding. I'm still sore from last time. I was a little more rough than usual."

Alexei, still wanting much more, left his digits up Kaelin's hole. "Are you sure?"

Kaelin nodded. Just as he did, he let out a loud cry as Alexei pushed his paw in further.

Alexei, his thumb now joining the rest, pushed harder on Kaelin's tailhole. As Kaelin began to shout loudly, Alexei growled and gave a final push, his entire paw forcefully being thrust into Kaelin's rump.

The pain was immense. Tears started to pourdown Kaelin's face. "Alexei, I told you to stop!" he shouted angrily. The roo bucked a few times from the biting pain. Seconds later, he realized he had squirted a significant amount of precum, which he now felt cold on his belly. He tried to move but it was impossible. He just moaned and writhed a little in inescapable pain.

Alexei giggled. "Do you know what I have inside you right now?" he teased.

"Well it's definitely not your cock," Kaelin barked.

"Touche. Just admit to me you kinda like it."

Kaelin growled. "Do you have any idea how much this hurts?"

"As a matter of fact, Kaelin, I do." Alexei couldn't help but be reminded of an extremely large Lumarian named Behemoth from many years ago. Behemoth, a very well-endowed Lumarian, raped Alexei. The base of his cock was at least as thick as the lion's wrist, probably thicker. Alexei knew exactly what it felt like.

"If that's the case, then you must know how uncomfortable this is for me."

"I do."

There was a pause and the chains rattled again.

"Alexei, please," Kaelin sighed, crying a little. After a long moment, he muttered, "just go in a bit further..."

"Now that's the Kaelin I know," Alexei laughed. He poured the remaining lube on his forearm and slathered it around as much as possible. With some pre now pouring from his length, Alexei pushed his paw in further. He quite enjoyed hearing Kaelin's cries and moans of pain and pleasure.

Kaelin, certain he has never been stretched this far before, closed his eyes tightly. His back and shoulders hurt a little from being stuck in that position, plus from his muscles trying to force them back into their normal place. He moaned loudly as the searing pain in his rear only grew. He knew his tailhole was going to be even more sore than ever. He could feel Alexei's hard fist worming its way through him, and he couldn't help but giggle slightly as Alexei teased his insides by wiggling his digits. Again he felt some more pre shoot from his mashed cock. He was just sorry there wasn't anything he could do about it. Just as Alexei reached as far as he could, Kaelin felt the yiffy lion push harder. Kaelin winced and cried out as he did it again. "Alexei!" he shouted, "That's as far as it'll go."

Alexei growled. He managed to get half his forearm inside Kaelin's bowels.

"If you went any further," Kaelin said in pain, "you'd probably tear my insides apart, if you haven't already."

The chains rattled again.

Alexei left his arm up Kaelin's rump for a moment longer, wiggling his digits again. Hearing Kaelin continuously moan, he grabbed his cock with his left mechanical paw and began to fap ferociously.

"A-Alexei?" Kaelin called back. "What're you doing?"

Alexei groaned as his right paw, which was still up Kaelin's tailhole, bounced a little along with his vigorous fapping, causing Kaelin to twitch and moan. Feeling the roo's warm insides wrap tightly around his arm and paw, plus the subtle movements within, aroused Alexei unbelievably. With his cold metal paw firmly attached to his well-lubed cock, Alexei stroked his length excitedly. He knew he wasn't going to last very long, as usual, but he tensed his muscles and tried his hardest to hold off his climax. However, within moments Alexei was hit by his third orgasm of that day, spraying out a limited amount of spooge. Breathing hard, Alexei continued to fap his soft organ slowly, as if desperate for even a little more. He let his left paw fall to his side, ignoring the cum this time, as he retrieved his right paw from up Kaelin's bum.

Kaelin let out a very long moan as Alexei slowly pulled his arm out. The chains rattled continuously as Kaelin squirmed, moaning still. Finally, with a sudden burst of pain as Alexei pulled out the larger part of his fist, Kaelin let out a sigh. His tailhole burned and ached, yet his cock was full and messy. It was an odd sensation of both severe pain and pleasure. He groaned as he tried to pull his arms from behind his back, the chains hurting his wrists and tail. "A-Alexei," he said between breaths, "please... release me."

Alexei, also panting, obediently broke off the locks. He lifted his soggy right paw to his muzzle, sniffing his gooey fur.

Kaelin, letting the chains fall around him, turned on his back in pain. He let out a groan as he sat up, cross-legged, in front of Alexei. It hurt to sit on his rump. Kaelin's length was beginning to recede, completely covered in cum. There was still some amount of pleasure lingering in his cock, which he found odd. As Alexei had removed the widest part of his fist, the tightest fit, Kaelin had apparently orgasmed, much to his astonishment. "Alexei..."

The lion grinned. "I told you you'd like it," he said as he began to suckle on his own paw. He murred as he tasted Kaelin's insides.

Kaelin blushed and lay back on the bed, pulling Alexei with him. He reached over his head and grabbed a towel or a sheet, wiping off Alexei's arm. "You can sniff that all you want later, hun. Right now I want to rest." Kaelin turned onto his side.

Alexei lay down beside Kaelin, facing him. The two were smiling and blushing the same amount. Alexei slowly rubbed Kaelin's side, letting his paw rest on his hip. Slowly the pair drifted off to sleep in each others arms, both feeling quite contented. As he closed his eye, before drifting right off, he murmured quietly in Kaelin's ear. "I'm sorry I hurt you, Kaelin. You know I love you."

With his eyes closed, Kaelin smiled and replied, "I love you, too, sweetie."

Feeling warm and happy in each others arms, the tired furs fell asleep.