Deprogramming the Ram

Story by YukonWolf on SoFurry

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Deprograming the Ram

A Story by Yukon Wolf

Illustrated By Podamy

Ram Brissot is a casual fellow who took life a day at a time. He was a busy drone that slaved for the hive and its queen. He constantly felt the pressure to produce for the commonwealth. Never was he able to reap the rewards of his hard work. With his ears perked and hoof at the ready, he always looked and listened for his chance to escape. Opportunity seemed to leap from his grasp at every turn. Fate lurked in the pixels that day his life was changed. The setting sun would mark the start of something he never expected but desperately needed.

It was nearing the hour for lunch and Ram was looking forward to a much deserved break. The monotony of the nine to five work days took its toll especially hard on Ram. For two long years he spent making the cubicle his home away from home. His only saving grace was beeps from his alarm on his watch, "Ahh, time for lunch, think I'll check out that new Italian place I passed this morning". Grabbing his phone and quickly turning off his monitor he made his way to the time clock. "Uggg, I hope the boss isn't standing there" he muttered to himself as he continues to navigate the through the maze of cubicles. The time clock was in sight and there was no sign of the boss, "Phew, I really wasn't looking forward to... What the fuck?", a note stapled to his time card began to become more obvious as he approached, "Shit, what the hell could THIS be? Is HE leaving love notes now?! ", he griped sarcastically.

It appeared as if he wasn't the only one to receive a note; for several others had similar notes attached to their respective time sheets. "Please see me in my office when you return from lunch, thanks, Paul". "Great, just great, I knew I was going to get yelled at for being late last week. It's that damn guard's fault, oh we're gonna have some words!" Ram huffed and snarled as he punched his card and made his way to the elevator. On the way his pocket came to life with the vibration of an incoming message, "Now what", he thought to himself. When quickly fumbling through his pocket to snag the phone he managed to scratch the screen with his keys. Upon noticing the scratch instantly, he bleated a curse, "Bahhh- son- of- a- bitch! I just got this thing..." the ram winced than rolled his yellow eyes while sighing, "...figures." Checking his inbox only revealed what he thought was spam after reading a subject line of "You've been selected for an interview!" An interview for what he thought, I haven't applied anywhere. Quickly dismissing the message he arrived at the elevator only to find that it wasn't in service. Furrowing his brow he made his way to the stairs to make the trek down. Its only ten levels down, this won't be so bad.

The door to the stairs was a heavy one; it opened with hefty push and swiftly closed with a loud clank. As if to welcome him to the world of stair well number two. Staring at the concrete jungle beneath him he decided to pull out his phone and read through the e-mail he received. "Oh this damn scratch is gonna drive me nuts" scrolling through the options menu, squinting to find the inbox. Opening the letter it only had the following message, "Reply if interested". "Really?" he thought to himself. "Move to trash? Yes please, sheesh what a scam" as he continued to walk down the stairs. Echoes from the click-clacking of his hooves made for an ominous journey. Making the trek proved to be a trying one, nearly taking a quarter of his lunch hour to make it to the bottom. At last the door to the outdoor world was near; he could almost taste the herbs waiting down the street.

Ram struggled to open the gateway that stood between him and his lunch. Mother Nature was valiant in the battle but Ram prevailed, minus a tuft of fur from his tail claimed as a toll. Picking up the pace he darted out the door to make it past the, oh so lovely, guard behind the desk. Clearly not in the mood for the feline's shenanigans about leaving his badge unattended. The only thing that mattered now was a bowl of Italian goodness. The smell of herbs, spices, and freshly smashed tomatoes grew stronger as he strode down the sidewalk. Glass doors marked the entry to the best thing in town, lunch break.

He grabbed a nice spot by the window where could watch the other drones scurry about. A canine wearing a suit with briefcase to match waiting impatiently for a cab. A fox biked by nearly clipping the wolf. Ram watched and chuckled as the two exchanged a few insulting gestures. The waitress came took his order of Chicken Carbonara. It arrived a few minutes later. He devoured it as if his stomach assumed his throat was cut. Lunch hour came and went as quick as it always did. He paid his check and left a reasonable tip. After all, he would like to return at some point. Ram left his table reluctantly as the thoughts of retuning plagued his mind.

Ram started his walk back to the office. He tried desperately to forget about his meeting with the tyrant of the tenth floor. It couldn't be anything good he thought. Nothing ever went his way: always overlooked for promotions; always picking up the slack, and never being noticed. Only his love of hating the job kept him going. Before he knew it the automatic doors slid open as if to welcome him back to hell. It truly was torture having to come back at the end of every break. All he had to do was make it another few hours and the weekend would be his. The hustling buzz of chatter was annoying as he spotted the line to get through security. Waiting patiently for his turn he could tell the others around him grew more agitated by the minute. His line seemed to move at agonizing slow pace. His only entertainment was watching the guard shameless flirt at anything with breast. He slid his ID through the reader as he blankly glared at the guard before passing through. Apparently he knew that pleasantries need not be exchanged. To his disbelief, the elevator was back in operation. He proceeded to board along with a dozen other patrons, strategically standing in front of the control panel. Pressing his button along with other orders as they were barked out like keno numbers. He sighed as the door closed, preparing himself for what he knew was going to be bad news.

Paul was waiting in his office busily shuffling paperwork to fake the appearance of being important. His pointy feline ears picked up Ram's entrance in snap, point directly at the door as it creaked open. This wasn't Ram's first rodeo and he could see the cheetah sweating bullets as he approached. Ram's hooves were softly muffled by the berber carpeting that lined the floor. He calmly took a seat in one of the thinly carpeted chairs tucked neatly in front of the desk. He struggled to get comfortable as if the chairs were designed to get their fuzzy butts out.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Ram asked quietly as Paul continued to anxiously shuffle through a pile of papers. The tension in the room could be sliced with a claw. Paul looked up at the ram with a bit of a frown on his face as he began to speak.

"I've asked you here today because..." he paused for a moment as he continued to fidget with his paws. He sighed once more and delivered the horrible news, "...we've decided that we need to make cutbacks in order to combat the rise of shipping costs. Unfortunately, that means we have let this entire department go. We'll be shutting down in 2 weeks and you'll need to have your things cleared out by then."

Ram looked kind of taken by the whole thing but at the same time he felt a wave a relief. Could it be true that he would finally be freed of this dead end monotony? It was hard to keep back the devilish grin of approval while at the same time appearing to be distraught and surprised by the news. "Well, that is very unfortunate. I appreciate the notice. Was a pleasure working with ya." They shook paws and Ram composed himself before returning to the floor.

Ram's elation was harder to contain that he thought, nearly skipping on the way back to his cubicle. Guess it's time to start looking for something else he thought to himself. Then he suddenly recalled the e-mail he received earlier in the day. He flopped down into his chair thinking it couldn't hurt to give to give it a try. Things couldn't possibly get any worse for Ram. He shuffled through his pocket and pulled out his phone. He had to squint again to see through the scratch but it didn't concern him much. He sent his reply with haste and set the phone on his desk. Only minutes had passed when the phone shook its way off the desk, landing on the floor with a muffled thud. "Ugggg, today just isn't my day", he muttered quietly to himself. His jaw nearly dropped when he saw that is was a reply. "Dang, that was fast", he thought to himself. They wanted him to come in this evening for an on the spot interview. He jotted down the address in his planner trying to not get overly excited at this strangely timed opportunity.

The rest of the day dragged on at a pace that rivaled a tortoise. He spent the remainder of the day goofing off on his computer. He tried to locate some information on the company he was going be interviewing for based on the domain of the letter he received. Perplexed that he couldn't find a shred of information anywhere, even the address was unlisted. He watched the clock tick by second by second. The closer it got the more anxious he became. His nervousness led to nausea as he tapped his paws on the desk. Ram started to gather most of his belongings on the way out. "Well this is it", he thought to himself as made the walk to the time clock. Part of him was excited and the other part was reluctant. Nothing could be found about this place. Someone had to be going to great lengths to keep this place a secret. The elevator ride down seemed to go by in a flash. Ram made his way out the building to see the bus rolling to a stop. He chuckled to himself as he wasn't expecting the driver to be on time like usual. The fumes coming from the ancient diesel engine filled his nostrils as the doors swung open.

The bus ride was quiet and bumpy on the way to 5th and 2nd, save for the disruptive snores of a bum that called the bus home. Ram counted himself lucky that karma hasn't been too cruel to him. Today wasn't a golden day for Ram, but he was on his way to an interview, how lucky was that? It had to count for something as he tried to perk himself up. The brakes kicked in and the doors swung open as the bus came to an abrupt stop. It jarred Ram forward, nearly thrusting him into the seat in front of him. He grumbled slightly as he waved to the driver as he jumped down to the curb. The bus sped off as Ram stood looking at the building in front of him.

The sun was setting and the fiery sky was beginning to lose its glow. There it was, directly in front of him. The building was tall and very contemporary. Glass and steel complemented each other as it reflected the setting sun. Well here goes nothing as he took a deep breath and made his way inside. He entered the revolving door and made his way around into the lobby. It was quaint, the mahogany reception desk was shiny and well kept. A few paintings dangled on the walls with a few scattered indoor trees in the corners of the room. Very few people around and the atmosphere was very relaxed. Leather padded chairs and sofas gave the room a comfortable feel as well as a great place to relax while waiting. "Oh, hello there, you must be Mr. Brissot, please have a seat. We'll be with you shortly. Feel free to help yourself to refreshments", a female voice spoke from behind the reception desk.

"Oh, why thank you", as he grabbed a bottle of water and what was the softest most delicious chocolate chip cookie he had ever tried. Other refreshments waited on the coffee table surrounded by seating. The cushioning on the sofa nearly swallowed him as plopped down on top of it. "I could totally get used to this place", he smiled to himself as he waited patiently. He wondered what on earth they wanted to interview him for. The sign behind the desk read "U.G. Research Group". Possibly some type of research position but he wasn't aware that he had qualifications to be a researcher. His thoughts were quickly interrupted as a buff looking bovine called for him from a doorway, "Mr. Brissot, we're ready for you, right this way".

"Good evening Mr. Brissot, thank you for coming on such short notice, I trust you found the place ok?" The bovine spoke authoritative yet had soft nurturing quality to it. He politely directed Ram where to go and smiled professionally as he passed.

"Oh it was no trouble at all, I honestly thought it was all a scam at first. Thank you for seeing me", as Ram continued to walk towards the office. "What a place you guys have here, certainly not lacking in the comfort department."

"Oh we get that a lot", the bovine chuckled, and "we do that to weed out the people that aren't adventurous or willing to take a risk."

"Ahhh, well that makes sense". Adventurous, risk taking, this made the fur on his back stand up a little but he may as well find out what this is all about.

"Right in here Mr. Brissot", as he opened the door to the well decorated office. Numerous awards and plaques lined the walls as well as the occasional fine painting place here and there. The desk was large and rather luxurious. A fine sofa and coffee table sat in the corner while two exquisite chairs accompanied the desk. "Please, make yourself at home."

Ram took his seat in one of same finely lined and padded chairs. Comfort was definitely a luxury this company believed in. "So what is it you do here?"

"Well Mr. Brissot, as you probably imagined, we are contract researchers for various companies around the globe. We currently have openings for a new project, and we require at least 2 individuals to focus solely on this project until its completion."

"A research position, what exactly are you researching?"

"Maybe it would be best if I showed you", he spoke as he reached into a drawer behind the desk and pulled out a helmet with an amber colored lenses, "what you are about to see is a highly classified government project, your total confidentiality is required before we go any further. Could you please sign the form on my desk there?"

Ram was kind of reluctant to sign at first but he figured he didn't have anything to lose. Highly classified stuff, this was a golden opportunity. Without delay he picked up the pen and quickly signed his name onto the document. "Heh, so I guess that means I'm hired then," he chuckled, "well tell me, what does this thing do?"

After checking to make sure the signature was complete he continued his dissertation on the device, "Excellent, welcome aboard Mr. Brissot. What we have here is a revolutionary heads up display that is being created for use by our troops overseas. This new technology can communicate vital information about their mission, location, and any known threats in the area without the need for bulky radios. What we are doing is testing the ability to see and recognize information. Size, color, fonts, you name it. Would you like to try it on?"

Ram nodded eagerly and reached for the helmet and slipped on his head. "So this is what they'll be wearing when they're on the front lines huh? This is fantastic, I can see everything so clearly." A smile went across his face as he played with all the different functions of the helmet. Not paying any attention to what the bovine behind the desk was doing.

"That's great, it looks like you'll be a perfect fit for our program", the bovine laughed as he typed away on his laptop. Sending a wireless signal to the helmet to activate and begin the deprogramming process. "Enjoy your stay with us Mr. Brissot, or should I call you Lamby?"

Lamby?! Why would he call me that? Before he could think anymore the lens in front him turned solid black and began to flash a plethora of numbers in front of his eyes. The display was mesmerizing. Shortly thereafter he felt an uncontrollable urge to stand up. While doing so a voice began to resonate in his head, "Welcome to United Global Lamby, we hope you'll enjoy your stay", this mantra repeated over and over before finally it was all the Ram could think or hear. Numbers and letters flashed so quickly in front of his eyes he began to fall into a trance. "Move to laboratory 7" he heard as map appeared in front of his eyes, highlighting the exact path he should take. He willingly began to walk in the direction of the lab, completely aware of his surroundings but unable to stop himself from going.

"Ahhh good Lamby, right this way little one", the bovine grabbed his paw and lead him through a door that was behind his desk. Ram willingly followed the bull through the door, stuck in a trance that he couldn't escape. The mantra was still repeating itself over and over as he continued. The voice grew softer, comforting, and pleasant as he continued. Nearly convinced that his name was Lamby. Sounds of hydraulics and running water could be heard coming from the rooms only to be interrupted by an occasional grunt or whimper. Ram begin to grow a little nervous and started to fall out of the trance like state, pausing momentarily before being tugged a long by the masculine statue. "Keep coming Lamby, we don't want to be late", he said softly as he gripped his paw in a reassuring manor. Ram baaed instinctively and uncontrollably as the bovine chuckled and grinned as he continued to lead Ram down to the examination lab.

"Ahh, here we are, are you ready Lamby?" the bull inquired as if he had a choice in the matter. "Don't be scared little one, we'll take good care of you here", as he ushered Ram into the lab. A standard square room with a couple technicians standing around in their lab coats. Computers and technology lined the sides of the room busily beeping and whizzing from the techs working diligently at their terminals. "We have our new researcher gentleman, are we ready to begin?" the bull asked. The canid tech quickly responded with, "Yes sir, we just got the new shipment a few hours ago and they are begging to be tested". C.J., the bull, nodded and smiled as he moved the ram to the center of the room where a padded table in the shape of a body awaited.

Ram's screen again went black and quickly started to display another series of numbers in various colors. Bright, vivid, and bold colors were meant to keep him distracted as set of mechanical hands descended from the ceiling. An order echoed in his ears "You are calm and relaxed, you are small and helpless, you need help to be undressed", and as before it repeated itself over and over eventually becoming a powerful suggestion. Ram obeyed, feeling helpless and small as the mechanized hands proceeded to remove his shirt. Slipping it up over his head seamlessly, tossing it aside they went to work on his pants. Unbuttoning and sliding the zipper down, doing so in a suggestive smooth motion. The Ram instinctively stepped out of his clothes after they fell to the ground. A well-toned and statuesque Ram was revealed. His trunks were quite tight and showed off a very luscious rump. Ram stood there quietly, mesmerized by the colors and light, arms dangling at the sides as the hands went to work on the briefs . Peeling them off slowly and gently, letting his package spring forth and bounce freely in the cool air. "This is always the best part", the wolf lab tech said. "I guess you guys can take it from here", C.J. spoke as he exited the lab.

"Yes Sir, we'll take great care of him", the wolf waved to C.J. as he left. "Why do we have to do this next step again?", the wolf said quietly. Busily typing on the keyboard in front of him.

"Well, studies have showed that males or likely to experience a need to relieve themselves after an orgasm, I guess it makes it easier to be suggested if they actually have to go", the other tech replied. "You have to admit though, we both liked it when we went through it, and besides, it's fun to watch", as he wagged making a distinctive sound of crinkling plastic.

"Haha, guess you're right, I honestly forget all the time that we went through the same thing, was worth it though, doesn't bother me at all anymore having to wear them all the time now", the wolf replied, "Beginning sequence, clear the platform", the wolf spoke as he punched a few keys and flipped a few switches.

Another sequence of images began to process through the visor. A voice resumed speaking to him as the images pulsated into his eyes. "You are relaxed, you want to be little, you enjoy being helpless, lie down on the table like a good little lamb", the voice said softly. Ram obeyed without hesitation and backed up to the padded table. The cold vinyl pressed against his fur as the cushioned table welcomed him, quickly conforming to his body, making him melt with relaxation. Feeling the cold steel of the restraints wrap around his wrists, tightening around them comfortably before securing him in place. The same cold feeling slipped around his neck, the snake like mechanical tube locked him comfortably in place. Another series of tentacle-esque restraints snaked their way around his chest and ankles, finally prohibiting any sudden movement. Ram's breathing began to increase to a steady pant, his muscles relaxing, and grinning slightly as he felt a tug as his sheath.

The hands were fondling him gently, caressing his sac by gently sliding over top of it. A feeling of arousal took over his mind, he wanted to be aroused. The grip around his sheath was tightened as his member emerged. Blissfully moaning out as the stroking began, covering every inch of his erect cock. He arched his back and continued to pant as the machine continued to masturbate and milk. Images of the milking were displayed to his eyes, he could see everything that was happening to him. Watching as another tube slinked down from above. Grabbed by the free hand and placed onto the head of his meat. Inside the tube was rubbery and slimy, sucking the head of his cock into the receiver effortlessly. "Yes, oh yes!", he moaned out, "I want to cum!". Gladly obliging, or so he thought, the hands stoked fast and hard as his head was massaged and sucked. Ram opened his muzzled and moaned out loudly as his orgasm erupted into the tube, sucking the milk out of his tip and up into a collection reservoir. Panting and thrusting his cock as his orgasm continued, the hands squeezed and milked what they could out of him. His nuts finally relaxing as the hands withdrew and the tube released itself from the head. Ram lay motionless and content as another sequence of numbers began to cycle through the lenses.

The numbers were speaking to him now, de-programming him successfully to be obedient and helpless. There was nothing he wouldn't do if it were suggested. His erection began to subside as he began to piece together what the numbers were saying. It was then he realized that there was no voice at all, he was simply hearing what the numbers were saying to him. "You want to be little, you want to be helpless, you want wear diapers, you want to use them", it was then he started to fight the vision a little. He struggled slightly but could not move, the flashes of light and sequence continued repeatedly. Attempting to close his eyes was pointless, they could still be seen. He could feel his rump being lifted and could hear the crinkling sound of the plastic being unraveled. Again the mantra in his head repeated "I want to be little, I want to be helpless, I want to wear diapers, I love diapers, and I want to wear them forever". Over and over again he saw and heard the message, as the soft padding was slipped beneath him. It was thick and left him feeling disconnected from the table as the air rushed into the gap created by the padding. "Yes, I want to be helpless, I want to be diapered, I want to use them", he spoke aloud as the de-programming continued. He could feel the cushy pad being tugged tight up between his legs. Feeling the padding unlocked a deep memory of comfort and love. He began to remember his younger days instantly. Ram let out a cute bleat, "Ba-a-ah." as the padding pushed his legs apart. The tapes were snapped into place into place by loving mechanical hands, leaving the diaper snuggly fastened over his crotch. "I wuv my diapers", he baaed out cutely.

"Ya know, it's amazing how well this program works. It takes the most masculine of them all and turns them into the cutest most submissive little cuties", the wolf tech uttered. Walking over the ram and slipping an adult sized pacifier into his maw. Slipping the straps around his cheeks before tightening them at the buckle behind his head. "There ya go little one, just like you remember", patting his head cutely before returning to his console.

Ram began to suckle on the pacifier like a long lost toy that had finally returned to him. Nothing else mattered to him anymore, he was padded and happy. He felt a strange push at the seat of his diaper, followed by the feeling of something rubbery slipping into his tail. He didn't fight it, it was small enough to not cause discomfort. As the device worked its way in the de-programming sequence continued. The plug in his rump began to expand inside of him, inflating to well over four times its original size. In his head he heard the confident voice, "You will use your diaper, you want to use your diaper, you are helpless, you have to use your diaper, you are small and helpless, relax and let yourself go". While the mantra repeated he failed to notice that tube was filling his rump with an enema of saline. It pumped in at a slow and comfortable pace, the inflated plug kept it in place long enough for the relaxant to be absorbed. Ram shortly thereafter fell asleep cutely sucking on his pacifier, grinning as table was slowly raised into the air.

"Well that's it, looks like another successful de-programming", the wolf said.

"Yup, looks like it, it's a shame when this all over he won't remember a thing about this." , the other canid replied. Flipping the lights off in the lab as they both proceeded to exit. "Need to head to the changing room myself, care to join me? I love it when you operate it on manual."

The other wolf chuckled and grinned, "I'd love to, only if you promise to do me next, because I need it too".

"Sure thing bro...did you..", the conversation trailed off as the two canids left the lab to take care of their business. The ram was sleeping quietly, dreaming of being a small lamb once again. Bounding cutely through the pastures, laughing and smiling, not having a care in the world. Soon into his dream he began to experience a familiar urge. The enema was beginning to work as he fought to hold back the cramps. The device in his rump detected the slight rumbles and automatically deflated giving Ram an almost immediate urge to release his bowels. Slowly the plug was retracted and the diaper strangely sealed the hole on its own, completely encasing his mid-section in thick crinkly padding. Ram fought the urge diligently, his stomach was cramping fiercely as the liquid began to slip past his tightly clenched rim. He began to see another set of numbers begin to flash in front of his eyes, snapping him back to his trance. "You are relaxed and comfortable, it's ok to use your diaper, and you want to use your diaper. You are small and helpless and must use your diaper". Ram relaxed after hearing the calming voice in his head, "Its ok, I want to use my diaper, I love my diaper", he mumbled to himself as suddenly his tail relaxed. The diaper swelled to triple its size as it eagerly absorbed Ram's loss of control. His loins warmed and became incased as the padding continue to expand in thickness, pressing against every inch of his crotch. The release was done and he quickly relaxed into restful state. "Good Lamby, its ok to use your diapers, you will wear your diaper until you are changed. Your diaper can not be taken off by you, you must let someone change you. You will now always wear diapers, you no longer have control." Ram mumbled to himself as the suggestion continued, "I will always wear diapers, I need them, I love my diaper...", shortly thereafter Ram fell asleep confined to the table in his used padding.

The technicians returned a few hours later to find the Ram comfortable sleeping in his padding. Snoring echoing from the ceiling above. The new diaper line successfully contained everything without leaking. Seeing this the technicians made note of the successful test and initiated a change sequence.

"Wow, can you believe that actually held up", the wolf whispered quietly. "Hehe, he is a cute one, all buff and diapered. Wonder what he is dreaming about?"

"Haha, well if the program worked he's supposed to think he is young little lamb enjoying the gift of youth. He'll never even realize he's testing a new line of adult diapers", the other wolf replied as he lowered the table back to down the ground after the change cycle was complete.

"How did the first test run go?", a voice asked over the intercom.

"Oh it went great, he's sleeping soundly right now, no signs of awareness", the wolf replied.

"That's excellent news! Good to see this new line is looking promising, keep me updated, C.J. out"

The two wolves moved Ram onto a gurney as he continued to sleep peacefully. Wheeling him cautiously into the adjacent sleeping quarters. There awaited Ram's new bed. Both of them carefully slid him into the crib and tucked a large plush into his arms. It was him as a little lamb, quickly grabbing it and snuggling up close to it Ram made himself comfortable quickly. "Good night little guy, we'll see ya in the morning", one of the wolves whispered as he patted the fresh diaper Ram was comfortably sleeping in. They stood over him watching and smiling for a while before they eventually went back to the lab to begin processing results.

Sometime later he eventually awoke. He found himself in a king sized crib latched onto a cute padded lamb plush of himself. He smiled and rolled over on his back, snuggling with his plush happily. His diaper was swollen and filled. Not even noticing that he had lost complete control and was now totally dependent on wearing them. Without a second thought he drifted back off to sleep, smiling to himself. Baaing cutely through his pacifier he mumbled, "I wuv my diapers".

Ram was successfully deprogrammed in a matter of hours. He remained crib bound for the next two weeks, only taken out to be ran through the same cycle of programming once every 72 hours. Eventually he was awakened from his dream only to find himself a fully trained technician and completely dependent on wearing a diaper. His new job as a technician would be the greatest job he ever had. Only figments of what transpired during the past two weeks remained. Today he operates lab number seven, the same lab that was used to deprogram him. He was welcomed with warm hugs by the two wolves that took care of him during the process. They all consider themselves brothers and lifelong friends. Taking great pleasure in the fact that everyone is a cub at heart and sometimes they just need a little suggestion to bring out the cub tucked deep away in their memory.

The next patient was being ushered in. It was a fox this time. They were still testing the same diaper used on Ram and it looks like the 2nd researcher has been found.

"Hey Ram, glad to see you again", CJ smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, thank you", Ram smiled and replied. "We're ready to begin."

"You're quite welcome, take good care of this kid guys, the name's Kuper".