Love Feels Great

Story by ShadowsBane on SoFurry

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This is a gift for Tieria Since he's like, the AWESOMEST fox EVER! Anyway, it's just a little story of love n stuff ^-^ Adult for yiff :D I hope you all like it! ESPECIALLY you Tieria!!! <33 Fun fun

_ Love Feels Great _

Jack was packing everything into the backpack of his, towels, food, an umbrella if it turned to be really sunny. He broke out in a cold sweat, he had to make this perfect. Oh gosh...what if I forget something? What if he doesn't like me? So many things can go wrong... He sighed, trying desperately to think of anything else to take along, he couldn't think of anything and gave up. He grabbed his backpack and headed out to begin his short walk.

He really could not get over how worried he was, there was so much that could go wrong and mess everything up. He sighed again, readjusting his backpack on his back as he continued to walk, his destination clear in sight already, the colors were fantastic already, and everything seemed amplified in the powerful rays of the sun. Brighter blues, yellows, greens, everything looked simply perfect, even the browns were a strong earthy color. The waves weren't high Jack observed, just perfect for swimming, and the sun was about a three-fourths done with it's daily course through the sky.

He nervously drew his phone from his pocket, taking a breath and speed dialing a contact, placing the phone to his furry, gray ear. The dull, beeping tone that said it was calling made him even more nervous as he waited.

The voice surprised him, "Hello?", but at the same time, a wave of relief washed over him and the voice calmed his senses a bit.

"Oh, hey Eric, this is you-know-who. Haha, are you almost there?" He was smiling as he talked into his small ruby red phone.

"Hey Jack! Yeah, I'm a few blocks away, I'll be there in a sec." Jack's pace quickened, he really wanted to get there before Eric did, just because he didn't want him to wait a bit.

"Sweet, can't wait to see ya, bye."

"See ya soon Jack." He hung up and put his phone in the pocket of his shorts again.

Jack was getting excited now, his nerves being clouded with excitement and his eagerness flushed away his worry. He went over to where he figured Eric would park his car and waited, but not for long as Eric was there a second later. He put on his best smile, which came naturally at the sight of Eric anyway, Jack always felt great when he was around Eric. He opened his arms and ran to Eric, pulling him in a tight hug.

"Eric! It's so nice to see you!" He was bright and ecstatic really. Eric seemed pretty happy himself.

"It's nice to see you too, Jack. Ready? The lake looks beautiful today." He smiled and used the simplest of affectionate gestures that Jack loved, he touched nose with him, his green eyes bright and shining.

"Of course I'm ready, let's hit the sand!" They giggled and held hands as they walked down to the sand, and continued to walk, holding each others hand tightly, acting like they had nothing in the world to worry about. They found a nice spot and stopped, Jack getting his backpack off and unloading most of the stuff onto a towel. Placing a large umbrella in the sand for some shade since he knew it was averagely hot and maybe Eric would have wanted something to help cool off. He placed his backpack off to the side, and beckoned for Eric to come and sit by him.

"I packed lunch," he smiled, although it wasn't like he hadn't been smiling the whole time. "Orrr... would this be dinner? Linner?" He actually stopped to think about it, Eric just giggled and sat next to him, the fox's cheeks a soft pink from him blushing at Jack's silliness.

"Who cares Jack? Let's eat!" They both shared a soft giggle before Jack started pulling out what he had brought. It was the basic stuff, two sodas, some chips, and two sandwiches. They didn't care to even eat much, they just talked and talked about whatnot, until it got close.

"Hey, isn't it pretty?" Eric was cuddled with Jack under the umbrella, snuggling in his lap as Jack clung to him as if for dear life.

"Yeah, but, I think your eyes are prettier." He looked at the sweet, ruby orange fox in his arms and smiled, he was right, his green eyes easily outmatched the sunset Jack confirmed in his head.

"Awww Jack...," he snuggled up more to him, wrapping his arms around Jack and resting his head on his chest. "Stop making my heart flutter you silly husky... and anyway, your eyes are the prettiest." He giggled, shivering a bit in simple warmth.

"Oh stop, before I have to shower you in little husky kisses you deviant foxy." They both giggled at Jack's odd cute talk and just continued to snuggle, warm and cozy together with the sun quickly setting.

"So...Eric?" He glanced over at the sweet fox in his arms, a serious look in his eyes and an underlying emotion of nervousness as well.

Eric looked right back, that soft, comforting smile and look in his own. "Yes, Jack?"

"So... ahem," he cleared his throat, "does this mean.. you know, that we're together or what?.." He couldn't continue to look at Eric, those sweet eyes were far too much and if the answer was bad, there would be so many things to wish he had in his mate, one would be those eyes.

"Well, you clearly know I have strong feelings for ya husky, I don't see a reason why... and anyway, this date was your idea, and it really got to me a lot. Thanks for everything Jack, and...," the fox, still in Jack's arms, swallowed, "I love you." His cheeks grew a bright pink as he kissed the stunned Jack right on the lips. Jack's gray husky cheeks turned a soft pink as well and after the shock subsided he closed his eyes, and kisses back with the same passion and love, letting the kiss break naturally and leaving them both panting for breath softly. He reopened his eyes, staring dead into Eric's, only able to whisper the softest of "I love you too"s back to his fox.

"Jack... the sun's set, maybe we should get home, you sleeping over at my place tonight?" He continued to smile, nothing but the soft sound of the waves and the night quickly coming upon them as the last rays of the sun were dieing down.

"Heh, sure, why not? After all, we are boyfriends now, lovers, I should get some more time to spend with ya, no?" He giggled, taking Eric's soft paws in his own.

"Well, let's pack up then, the hotness of the day is really gone and it's.. brr, getting kind of cold Jack."

"Okay, you go to the car then and I'll pack up, kay?" He patted Eric's arm, gesturing for him to go and get comfy in the car instead of stay out her e in the newly born cold.

"Gotchya, hurry up please, I may get warm with the car heater thing but I'll still be lonely without my husky." Jack blushed a little in the also newly born darkness that was only lit with the soft lights of the clearly visible moon. He nodded, unsure if Eric saw but immediately started to pack everything and put things away as he saw his boyfriend start to walk away to the car.

After having his backpack repacked, he sighed, slinging it over his shoulder and walking through the beach's sand to the car. Getting in the car with a sigh, giving Eric a smile as he put his seatbelt on and Eric started up the car.

They drove for a while, not really talking, just... driving. Jack looked out the window the whole time, staring at the scenes of the night but with his thoughts otherwise. I can't believe he's my... boyfriend now... gosh, and he's so cute too, and now I even get to sleepover with him?! What a perfect day.. Jack sighed as they were now in the city, already bustling and booming with lights and the furs that were practically nocturnal. He thought the night was pretty both in the city and outside of it, the lights were all so beautiful and it always felt happy with this hint of excitement that told you you had no idea what you were in for, but it was going to be great.

"So, Jack, um... you know," he swallowed, "about the prom, right?" Since they were at a red light, Eric looked at Jack, a bit nervously.

"The prom? Heh, yeah of course!" He smiled and put his hand on Eric's shoulder to try and ease up his tenseness. "Why, do ya want to go with me?" Jack's face just kept brightening up as he subconsciencely thought about all of the possibilities that could come from them going to a prom, all quite positive.

"Uh, um.. I guess, haha, I mean, we are lovers now so, it'd be normal, right? Hehe.. I just hope you're a better dancer than me!" They shared some laughs and the comfortable, calm atmosphere made Jack just shiver up in warmth.

"That's awesome Eric! And well, I'm not sure... I mean, I guess I can dance a little, but with you there I don't think I could keep focus, haha," he chuckled.

"Oh well, we can trip over each other's steps together then, and have it end in a clumsy kiss that drives our minds even more off topic, eh?" He gave Jack a wink before focusing on driving again as the light turned green.

"Wow, that would be awesome Eric, and we can't be that bad, who knows, maybe when we try it... we'll just.. click," he winked at his boyfriend, getting a soft giggle out of it as they drove the rest of the way home with soft conversation.


Eric's apartment was really nice, Jack thought. It was very clean, and organized too. By hand, the fox led Jack to his bedroom, which was even nicer, and average sized too.

"Wow, you keep this place in great condition Eric, nice job." He smiled at his ruby-orange fox, giving him a random hug out of joy to be with him.

"Hah, I've only just moved here, it's not really hard Jack. And anyway, it's just me living here." He gave Jack a light kiss on the lips, except this time it was a real kiss, that Jack didn't want to let go of it. So they held onto it, both entwined in each others arms so tightly it was like they'd never let go. Within seconds though, Eric was on the bed, shirtless, Jack on top also shirtless, and they both had kept that kiss, which now was making out rather. They finally broke it, both panting a bit for breath as they exchanged glances.

"I... you don't have to be alone in this apartment, Eric... I can.. stay with you.." he was still trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, Jack... ," he gave him another sweet kiss on the lips, "I would.. love that." They couldn't help but entangle in the close kiss, Jack could feel everything in him tingling in enjoyment, not to be literally making out with an extremely hot fox, but just to be with his love. His love, boyfriend, mate.

His tail was gently swishing back and forth, in no hurry. He held that fox so close to him, their chests locked together. Apparently though, the fox couldn't handle the crazy emotions he was having for Jack; he wrapped his legs around Jack's back and his hands explored it, feeling up Jack's strong muscles. Jack's grey furred ear twitched as he was wandered upon, a light patch of fur on the back of his neck on end from the feel.

"E-Eric... are you sure... about this??" He mumbled under his breath. Although his body was screaming its acceptance to the fox, his mind was slightly unsure.

"Jack.. I love you.. if there's anything I'm sure of, it's that. I'm totally ready for this.. if you aren't, I'll back off... but please give it a thought, I want this more than anything... to make love with you...Jack..I love you." He smiled to his mate, that look in his eyes so soft and sweet. Jack couldn't resist.

"Oh Eric.. of course I will... anything with you..I love you too babe.." Jack clung to Eric just as tightly now, his husky meat peeping from his sheath under his shorts and underwear. He immediately wanted to get nude, and get his fox nude... he had a deep curiosity to see how hot he was beneath the stylish clothes he owned. He had to let loose and even push away his fox a bit, but still keeping the intensity of the moment. He licked his chest, trailing down the white fur with his tongue as he glanced up to see if his mate was enjoying it, and indeed he was. He smiled at the husky, murring quietly in the simple but pleasurable gesture.

Now he was getting lower on his fox, he eventually got to his shorts and his his fingers gingerly started to pull them down. And finally that hot, pulsing member of his showed and Jack's eyes bulged at the sight. It wasn't wholly full, Jack thought, but was still huge, around 8 inches or so with a nice set of balls too. The husky's paws continued to slide his pants down Eric's body as he gave the cock a few licks, letting it fill the rest until it was full. He smiled back up at Eric as he slipped off the shorts completely, along with the underwear too. Now Eric was feeling really hot, he had put his head back a bit and was starting to breathe a bit heavier.

As Jack took Eric's tip into his maw, Eric let out a long moan in ecstasy. Gosh Eric's cock tastes good_..._ Jack thought to himself as he started to take more of it into his mouth, getting more moans out of the fox as the feeling of his lips, tongue, and whole maw around Eric's dick sent little electrical shocks throughout his body. Jack murred softly as he started suckling his mate's member, making it even more pleasurable for Eric as he bobbed his head now at an average pace. Meanwhile, his paw reached down to his own wolf meat and started stroking it, slowly at first, but along with his suckling, it sped up quickly.

Soon, Eric had his claws in the bed sheet as his cock was being tortured with gratification. His heartbeat sped up as he could quickly feel his climax rising, Jack sensed it in his love and used his last free paw to clench Eric's knot tight, to simulate a tieing.

Eric's paws went to Jack's shoulders as he let out a yowl, his member not being able to take it any longer as his cock lurched into Jack's mouth, letting loose it's load of seed in several gooey, thick strands. Jack smiled as much as he could while still having the whole length of his mate's cock in his mouth, he waited a bit, giving Eric's knot squeezes every now and then as to make sure he got as much out of him as he could. After the fox's load decreased to nothing but a trickling stream, he rose off of his cock, swallowing what his member had emptied.

He didn't get far enough with his pawing session meanwhile... he didn't want to climax. Yet. He crawled up to Eric, giving him another one of those passionate kisses on the lips. They looked in each other's eyes, giving each other that glance that said "I love you." and was full of truth and honesty. Jack wasn't done though, he wrapped himself around Eric, kissing him again except this time with his tongue pleading to get into his mate's mouth. Of course Eric let it in, and they once again embraced.

"Hey...Eric...," Jack interrupted.

"Yeah Jack?" He looked up at Jack, his eyes full of happy innocence.

"I...I...," Jack touched his nose to Eric's, "I want to make love with you." He smiled, nervous though if Eric would accept it or not.

"Jack...," he kissed Jack on the nose, "I was the one starting this earlier and now you're asking for that? Of course we can make love Jack. Hah. I love you!" They shared a soft laugh, and Jack leaned back. The fox got up then, getting on all fours and wiggling his rump at Jack. "There it is bucko. Have fun, huhah!"

"Heh... I will.. " Jack had a weird urge to not start as fast as he could, he loved Eric more than anything now, he didn't want to hurt his newly found mate. He leaned down, taking in his fox's scent, and then poked his paw's middle finger at the pink ring, pushing it in a bit and pulling it out, and then again. Eric let out a few gentle moans as he was fingered.

Jack intensified it, pushing his finger farther, and adding his pointer finger in too, and before Eric knew it he was being jabbed in the ass with his boyfriend's fingers. That wasn't what he wanted, he was getting impatient actually, he wanted Jack to tie him, knot the two lovers together in mateship. He wiggled his butt and whined a bit, Jack actually did get the hint too. He pulled his fingers out, and now poked his full cock at the hole, just popping his head in, Eric releasing a louder moan at the size difference of his cock compared to the fingers. Nonetheless, he pushed back onto Jack, egging him on. Jack put his paws on the fox's hips, hilting him except for his also full knot. He pulled out, in, and repeated, starting off slow again as to not hurt the fox.

" feel great.." Eric moaned as he was slowly being screwed, Jack's ears perking at this and pushing him harder as he sped up. Under his breath he started grunting with each thrust into the fox's rather tight anus. Eric moaned in tandum with everything as well, all of them almost creating the music of sex.

"Gosh... you feel great too... mmm.." He groaned, his cock pulsing inside of his mate. He was getting restless now though, longing for a release that he had never experienced before. Jack had never even masturbated, he had almost reached him climax from just feeling himself up once, but stopped because he wanted to save it for the first time he would be able to do it with his 'future love', who was now Eric. Therefore he had a deep urge to cum inside of him, mate with his own foxy.

He sped up even more, laying down on Eric's back and fucking him like the true wolf inside of him. He was humping that sweet round ass feverishly now. With one last, harsh grunt, there was a pop as his knot entered Eric's tailhole. He softly yet with fierceness bit down on Eric's shoulder--a mating bite, as he let loose his load into his mate, his hips instinctually continued to try and buck as his seed died down as Eric's did to just a trickle inside of him. There was so much that it even seeped out, making Eric's ass a mess of cum. They stayed like that for a while, Eric evenutally slumping down so that he didn't have to hold Jack's weight on top of him.

Later on, Jack slipped out of Eric and they snuggled instead, both cuddled up in bed in each others arms.


"Yeah?" He opened his eyes to look into his fox's.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Eric."