The fox and the wolf

Story by Zaydin on SoFurry

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These are original charactersand this story contains explicet content if your not 18 don't read.

The hustle and bustle of the trade markets showed the signs of endless life within them. The loud calls of people selling their various objects to any who would give a moment to listen, the sweet sound of music coming from the dancers booths to entice and draw in crowds for simple coin, and of course the call most hated to hear; the slavers call echoed through the markets. Large wooden cages came with countless furs within, all reaching out to the free people and begging to be set free. Some of them offering personal bodily pleasures, others promises of a false family they claimed to have, and anyone was trying to get out. Yet in the middle of the cage was a beautiful purple-furred fox. His head was bowed low, his body completely nude and showing off every feminine curve he had. His smooth chest was covered in white fur that was nearly as soft as snow but his mind was practically blanked out. He was broken, his life torn from him when his parents had signed those very documents that sealed him to this miserable fate because they did not have the money to support their home. Through months and months of training he had been beaten, scowled at, and forced to take humiliating poses before men to see if any desired him and none did. All they saw was a male broken like a doll, something he had personally agreed to. The cage rattled on and on the wooden wheels, delivering him to what would be his last attempt at getting a master or mistress. After all, as the law required any slave who could not be sold within a years time of being able to be sold was allowed to be executed and the slave driver had already promised the male that fate. The cart rolled in and stopped, the wooden doors opening to the cage and now hands moved inside. Big burly equines reached into their cage and yanked the slaves from within, all dressed in similar black clothing to indicate their status. So they lead the group of slaves from the cages into the auction block, a simple piece of wood really with a podium for the auctioneer to call out his auctions from. Nothing was fancy; nothing needed to be fancy for the slaves. The only thing that was needed was their bodies and if their bodies did not sell then they were worthless to society. So now the fox watched, waiting as slaves before him stood up and the tall pink-skinned pig began to rally off the slaves. "Today -snort- is the day that we bring in our newest lineup -snort- of slaves for you. We will start the market off with our lovely soon-to-be-mother who will deliver a nice baby for -snort- you to raise as your own personal slave from day one! Starting at ten thousand!" the pig called and the voices in the crowd began to call out. They were all men of high status, all dressed in plentiful colored clothing and business suits all seeking to have new people under their control, all that is except one. He was dressed much like the others in a business suit of white to help define his black furred form. Silver markings of old runes came down his right eye and along the exposed parts of his hands, the wolf's age seen somewhere in his mid thirties. He was older than most of the people there and to his right he was accompanied by a small feline. He was black furred as well though his markings were of blue. A blue mop of hair on his head and his hands and feet were covered with blue 'socks' for marking. "Mister Adrian do we really have to be here? My pops asked that you got rid of these people without confrontation to end their slave-selling. Why do I need to be here anyways?" Asked the feline and now the wolf sighed. "Because you are bait, dear boy, and being bait means that you draw their attention while the job is done." Adrian's voice spoke as he fingered a single rune between his middle and index, gazing onto the pig as another poor soul was sold. "That man there, the fat one that's selling off the said it was his convoy that tried to kidnap you from your school?" The felines head nodded carefully, gripping his fingers against the table they were sitting at. "Yes...yes that's him...he didn't even ask my father he just snatched me from school, I'm so glad dad's friend was around to stop him, meow..." the feline frowned and sighed, lowering his head. "So how are you going to get around a group like this? How am I bait?" Now the wolf grinned and he stood up "Like this..." Fingers grasped the collar of the boy, snagging the white fishnet shirt he wore and would drag him. "PUT ME DOWN!" the feline hissed but Adrian didn't stop, instead he walked straight through the crowd of people that were there who began to move aside. Once approaching the Podium the pig stopped his auction, looking down at the wolf straight in the eyes. "Yes...? Oh look at that, it's the brat from a few weeks ago. I take it you're a bounty hunter and brought my slave back to me?" the pig snorted, his hot breath touching Adrian's face. "Yes, yes he is. Maxie Meowlie, in all his youthful glory." He picked the feline up and placed him onto the Auction block. "Start his bid, this brat's been giving me a shit ton of problems since I picked his ass up." He growled and stood next to the pig. "R-right then we'll get your payment." The pig snorted again and chuckled "We'll start the bid for this fine young lad at twenty-thousand! He's a real keeper, a perfect bitch if you -snort- train him right!" Adrian's eyes scanned the crowd and noticed a few hands going up as the pig rattled off the prices. Now little Maxie was squirming and Adrian whispered "Stick to the plan..." his eyes focused on the lad and then he yelled right on cue. "FREEDOM!" The feline ran! The crowd gave a loud gasp and watched as Maxie bolted off the auction block, diving past the body guards. "G-GET HIM! -snort- GET HIM!" Yelled the pig with his hand pointing out. But little did he know that Adrian was already on the move and his target was clear in sight. The rune in his hand began to glow a violent red color and the movement was swift and precise. His palm clenched the rune and from it a blade emerged in his hand of pure flame, swinging through the air with ease only to slice into the pigs stomach and gut him right open. Another graceful spin of his magicked blade and he brought the flame through the pigs neck completely, swiping and removing his head clean off of his shoulders. Approaching the cages he grasped the latch, ripping it off with one strong pull. "Go now if you want freedom." He spoke and now two of the equine guards came upon the wolf. He felt their hands on him, pulling him against the wall and he gave a growl when they pinned his hand that held the fire blade to it. "One warning," he glared at the two and they laughed. But from behind one of the equines gave a sharp 'grah!' and his body fell unconscious. From behind him stood that same purple fox, gripping onto the broken metal latch Adrian broke off and stared at the wolf in fear. That was only a distraction, something Adrian needed and his freed hand lashed out, crashing into the other horse's face. As the man stumbled back his flaming blade came free and it whirled around only to find the equine's torso its next victim. Then it flickered, the flame starting to fade and then it was gone, leaving the equine to fall over dead. "Hmm that wore off faster than I expected, oh well." Adrian spoke and saw the other coming to. His foot lashed out and kicked hard against the equine's head, knocking him out once more. "I suppose I have you to thank, perhaps a payment of some sort can be made at another time. Until then, I advise you run." He spoke with no real emotion and glanced at the crowd that was now attempting to get out of the slavers area. And from it came the small feline boy who was running full speed at the wolf. "ADRIAN! They won't stop chasing me!" he cried out and all the Fox could do was watch as five towering men were chasing one small feline. But they stopped, noticing the carnage that was there and gazed at Adrian with blood-raged eyes. A small chuckle slipped the wolfs lips only to grow into a wide grin, staring at the five as he held his hands out to them. "Naturally this is where you expect me to surrender, correct? Well there's one problem, when I clean out a slavers wares I disinfect everything too and I see five very nasty, very disgusting germs in front of me." His wrists flicked and in each palm came a different rune. The stones were glowing a soft silver color, showing they had no element behind them. "Hah you'd best surrender with worthless runes like that!" Growled one of the equines and from the back Adrian caught the words from the fox. "Be careful!" He couldn't help but give a small grin. Someone actually cared about the one who was killing, then again why not after he freed the other fox. "Maxie, get the fox and get the hell out of here. You two don't want to see what I'm about to do." The feline nodded quickly and bolted over to the Fox, grabbing his hand "C'mon purples let's go!" he tugged at his arm and the fox began to stumble along. "It's Jasper...uhm...not purples..." the fox spoke quietly, his cheeks flushed. "Who is...uhm who is that man who was...with you?" Maxie's head turned back to look at Jasper and he smiled "That's Mr. Adrian Beta, a millionaire from what I was told and one of the best assassins who comes in to other peoples territory to take out their black markets. He's fearless." By now the equines were surrounding the wolf while his hands held out those strange silver runes. "If you're so confident that you have the means to defeat me...why don't you all come and get me. Clearly the advantage is yours." He spoke, now glancing at the bodies at the auction block. "Unless you are afraid you'll wind up like them." He chuckled darkly, now leaning his head back with bellowing laugh. "Come on...make my day, I feel like hunting anyways." He grinned and flashed his pearly white canines to the equines. "Shut this asshole up, KILL HIM!" Roared one and the five moved in. Adrian's hands clenched the runes tightly and a brilliant flash of silver rushed over them. His markings began to glow brightly and then he moved. His speed was unlike any other, his body dashing to the first equine before pressing his open palm to the mans chest. Fingers curled, digging into his flesh and he'd release the magic of the rune. From it a beam of silver shot a wide hole in the stallions chest. Yet Adrian did not stop his movements, he darted to the next one and clenched his fist again, this time bringing a brilliant blade of silver magic to appear in his hand. He spun, the blade flashing and the head of the second equine came clean off. His fist clenched to grasp the second rune and from it came another brilliant blade of silver, spinning around his body with deadly grace as he came to the next two. His body leapt into the air, spinning with brilliant motion and the heads of the two others came clean off, leaving only one left. So he stopped his attacks, staring at the frightened man who fell back with his eyes so wide. "Please don't kill me!!!!" he begged which caused the wolf to laugh. "Today is your lucky day...I need a messenger and guess what, you're it. Tell your big wig bosses that this market now belongs to Adrian Beta. If they want business in my market they have to check it with my people." Adrian taunted. Yet the equine glared at him "Magic using bastard...I'm not going to fucking tell them a thing, eat LEAD!" his hand reached into his pocket, removing a .9mm pistol from it. But Adrian was faster, his silver blades cut through the air with ease and before the trigger was pulled his arm came clean off and his heart was stabbed by the second sword. "Tch...fool." The wolf muttered under his breath and unclasped his hands, the blades disappearing and now faded into the runes. He pocketed them and turned, seeing the carnage that was left behind him and walked through it, removing a cell phone from his pocket in the process. "Adrian...yes the target is dead. I need a clean up squad in the market outside of Feldroa. For bodies of course...They attacked me." He said and sighed "Consider it a message then, I don't care just clean it up. And take maxie back home will you, I need to thank that fox that came to my rescue...No I wasn't in need of being rescued he just did it I feel generous for fucks sake now do it!" he closed the cell phone with a hard snap. Now the night had fallen, the market was in disarray but quickly coming back into some form of order and a large limo had come driving into view. Adrian's eyes stared at it for a long moment and he sighed with his head shifting to pop a few kinks in it. "Back to being boring office man, tsk and to think I only get a job every month or so." Another feline, older about the age of twenty came out from the drivers side and opened the door for the wolf. "Your guest is in the car sir." "Thank you, take us home." Adrian spoke and slipped inside only to gaze onto that feminine body sitting already on the leather seats. His form was cleaned thankfully, not a single ruffle of his fur seen but he was clearly nervous. "Do you know why you're here?" Adrian asked him. "No sir...but first...I'm uh...J-jasper." Jasper spoke nervously and Adrian nodded. "Adrian Beta, now then you did something selfless for me. You went to save my life, even if I didn't need saving. Still what you did was commendable and I am willing to offer you something as a reward for your kindness. Ask me anything, money is no limit for I own half of Feldora." Jaspers hands clenched together for a moment and then he'd become silent, looking aside with his cheeks flushed under the violet fur. " freed me from the cages...I could only repay you by trying to save you..." The wolfs long fingers moved under his own chin, staring at Jasper inquisitively. "Fine then you are free. I will at least be kind enough to set you with a few pairs of clothing, some money, and a ticket back to your family." Jasper froze and his body shuddered, shaking his head. "I don't have a family..." he lied, knowing the truth but it wounded him so. He was hurt by them and he'd never be able to go back and face his parents. Adrian's eyes followed that feminine form and he spoke quietly "I then you have nothing do you. This is very odd because if I set you free like this you would probably find your way back to some hell hole like you were just in and be miserable. Do you have any experience with loans?" "No." "What about any form of money?" "No." "Can you fight?" "No." "By the Gods what are you good for then?" Adrian asked somewhat frustrated and Jasper closed his eyes with tears flowing. "Nothing...I'm worthless! I'm nothing more than a pathetic, hopeless slave! I don't know what to do, I have no purpose I have no reason I'm just a stupid shell that was worth money to some pig and now that he's dead I'm worth nothing!" Jasper trembled wildly, frustration and confusion all building up in him. But it wasn't just affecting him, Adrian felt it like an arrow through his chest. Yet it was rare for him, he never had any feelings for a slave so having this strange sensation of sorrow and sympathy for him was feeling odd. Still his eyes were glancing at his naked body and he started to take in a few obvious things. For one, Jasper was beautiful and feminine, cute in looks and possibly attractive in many other assets. Don female clothes on him and he could take him around as a new 'girlfriend' for events. "You are worth something." Adrian spoke very calmly, looking back behind the drivers head while his strong arms crossed over his chest. "What then, what am I worth? A whore on the street as you said..." Jasper sighed, closing his eyes with a soft whine. The wolf casually shook his head from left to right "You have no place to go you have stated, I have a place to go. If it wasn't for me you probably would be back in cages or worse, dead. But since I did kill the man who, at the time, technically owned you I can invoke the right of ownership onto you." "The right of...what?" Jasper asked with a confused tone in his voice. "The Right of Ownership, they really don't teach you anything do they? The right of ownership basically means that if one person kills the owner of a slave then he or she can invoke the right and the papers are instantly given to the one who killed the slaver, etc." his eyes were now very stern on Jasper. "Just know this, I'm only going to invoke the right for YOU and you alone. As soon as this right is invoked you will belong to me and only me if so ever I catch you around any other your life is forfeit to my own and you will find yourself dead for your betrayal. I'm doing this not for my benefit but yours, do I make myself clear?" Jaspers ears drew back as he stared into those serious eyes. He felt himself trembling in true fear while gazing into his eyes. " would not rent me then? You would have me stay strictly as your slave?" He asked wearily yet Adrian's head shook from left to right. "Discard that title, a slave is like a beast of burden. No affection, no love, just simply there to do their job against their will. You will be a pet to me, a simple term but kinder on the lips and sweeter in meaning. Now there is only one thing you should know about me. I will not force this right onto you. If you really think you can't be out there on your own, if you think that you will be pathetically lost like some cub then say you will be my pet." Adrian's eyes softened a little. "Say it and you are mine, say no though and I will drop you off in town with some money. Consider this my rarest offer I give anyone." Jaspers eyes started to twitch back and forth nervously as he was given an offer right there and then. To leave and start anew or to be taken in by this total stranger who was offering a home to him. Thoughts crossed his mind quickly in deep wonder until finally the car stopped and the driver opened the door. "Will we be dropping Mr. Jasper off?" The fox couldn't take it and he blurted out before Adrian and the driver "I'll be your pet!" Squeaking his hands covered his mouth, blushing deeply and drew back in the seat. "No, we won't be dropping him off, continue to the mansion please." Adrian asked and the driver nodded. Jaspers face went a bright red and he'd hide his hands in his palms. "Something wrong? You just said you wanted to be my pet so I assume that is your final choice." "No, no, no! It's not that sir it''re my first...Master...sir." Jasper whispered quietly in such a flustered tone. Adrian could only smile and leaned himself close to the Fox and whispered lightly into his ears "Here's a secret about me, you're my first pet." He spoke and Jaspers cheeks flushed a deeper color. "So let me set some rules down for you to understand." "Yes sir." Jasper said quietly "I mean...Master." "Good boy, now my rules are easy to follow. Rule one; you do not leave my house without me. Rule two; you will do everything I tell you. If you don't, I will punish you. Rule three; you will not listen to anyone but me. Rule four; you are mine and no others. If anyone tries to take you from me consider them dead. If you sleep with them voluntarily consider yourself dead, got it?" Jasper's head nodded rapidly "Yes sir!" The eyes thinned for a moment and then the wolf gave a calm nod. "Good, now that you understand...come here." He reached his arm out and beckoned to Jasper with a small wave of his fingers. The young fox was somewhat hesitant at first, looking at the wolf with a blush in his violet fur but he would carefully crawl over to the older wolf, feeling the arm slip around him and then he was drawn into a deep, loving kiss. His eyes went wide, his cheeks heating up in his embarrassed blush but it started to calm and ease, his body slumping submissively against the wolf while the kiss continued on his lips. When the kiss was broken he drew back in those arms, a deep breath of air escaping his lips. "W-what was that for Sir...Master sir!" "No reason, I wanted to make sure I'd enjoy my decision and so far with just that kiss I can say I already am." Adrian spoke with a simple glance back over to the Limo, watching the driver and pointed up with his thumb. The shaded window slid up and now the wolf gazed back at Jasper's form. His thick thumb moved own his body for a moment and grasped the white pants he wore, gazing into Jasper's eyes now. "I need a bit of relief, perhaps you can help." He grinned. Now his thumb pulled down on the zipper and it slipped open, his hand going up now and would gently hook into the button on them and pulled his pants apart to reveal his lack of underwear and released the thick, hard red cock from his pants. It throbbed in its full glory and twitched now in the cool air. Jaspers eyes were locked on it, his face still flushed but he was completely caught off guard by the sight yet soon found his head being guided down to the tip of his hard erection. "Go on, pet. Do what you know you're supposed to do when a master presents his cock to you." The fox hesitated for a moment while he took in the sight of the red wolf cock. He began to tremble, a little scared of what was given to him at first but he knew exactly what to do with it. Years of training, forced to take a guards cock in the mouth had taught him how to please one without getting beaten and gaining that white sticky load afterwards as a reward. Hesitantly his lips parted and then pushed against the tip of that throbbing red cock to get a full taste of it, his nose inhaling the sweet scent of an aroused wolf and it set his own body into a needy stage. Fingers pulled at the brown pants he wore but found Adrian's around his wrist. "No, no're pleasing me now; you owe me for keeping you off the streets and taking you in. Please your master." He said and the fox whined softly. Taking in the last moments he could of his thinking the fox inhaled deeply from his nose and took the scent in. Once the arousing smell imbedded in his mind he allowed his instincts to kick in and the fox pushed down with his maw to draw the cock into his lips. The erection was so very hard and thick, gliding up with ease from the base up into his long maw. Gulping that hard cock down he'd allow it to rest against his throat then pulled back. His mouth pushed down again and he heard the positive groan from his master. It was inspiration to him and he began to bring his lips up and down his hot meat. "Good the gods that feels good...keep doing that." Adrian growled softly under his breath and Jasper could only respond to what he was told to do. His mouth slipped up, letting inches of that throbbing erection leave his lips before plunging his head back down to allow it to slide deep into his throat. He was groaning as well, deep down enjoying the fact that his mouth was being used by his new master and was getting used to the delicious taste in his mouth. He kept his mouth working over and over the hard cock, wanting to bring it to its peak and be rewarded with the potently delicious seed but his head was grasped and pulled back by the hair, giving a deep gasp from his lips. "We are home." Adrian spoke and tucked his cock back into his slacks and stood up when the door was opened. Walking out of the limo he spoke to the driver "My quarters are not to be disturbed for the next two hours unless I leave them." The driver nodded and bowed to the wolf. Now his glance shot over to Jasper "Come, pet." He said and the fox scurried out of the limo. Jasper could only stop and gawk when he came upon the sight of the home that belonged to his master. It was big, twice the size of any normal house with two stories. It was quite literally a mansion designed like an old Victorian home. There was a garden in front of it and behind him gates. It seemed to him his master was no pushover in the business world to obtain such a marvelous home. Every brick was perfect in the walkway and the wooden doors were welcoming. Now he wasn't expecting his master's arms around him but when they came he felt his body being scooped up and the wolf walking to the house. "I-I can walk master..." he said quietly but the wolf didn't look at him. "I know, but I want to carry you, pet. You're new and special to me." He said and Jaspers face lit up again under his fur. He went into a very well lit living room that held plenty of old style furniture. Off to the left and right were the countless rooms his servants lived in to tend to his every day needs including his kitchen and garage for his personal collection of cars and motor bikes. In front of them were long stairs that lead up into the many vacant rooms and one large master bedroom that belonged to the wolf. So the wolf took his careful footsteps up, ascending the stairs slowly with his new pet held comfortably in his arms. Taking a left at the top of the stairs Jasper noticed the different wall paper there with plenty of beautiful designs on it of flowers entwined by a single never ending vine. At the end of the hallway Adrian pushed a single wooden door open and brought him into his room. From there Jasper saw a very big, very comfortable double king sized bed with bed posters as well. Two bedside tables were set up on either side of the bed and a group of pillows were in the middle with a light indent, clearly where the wolf had laid his head to sleep. Yet now he knew there were more intentions for that bed, why else would the wolf lead him in there if not for that? And he was right, before he could say a word his pants were gripped by the wolf. "Master please, I'm a virgin!" he gasped and felt the fabric being carefully pulled and then in one swift motion the brown pants were ripped to shreds. "Pets don't wear clothing." He spoke and his eyes rest softly on the now naked form of Jasper. The younger fox was struggling and put his hands in front of his crotch but the wolf moved and gripped his wrist, easing it away. "You're cute Jasper...I like it when you get embarrassed." He spoke calmly and laid the small fox across his bed. From there Adrian grabbed his shirt and started to undress, letting the silver markings on his fur be seen all over him and he showed once more his hard red cock dangling between his legs. The fox then lost all his nerve, knowing what was going to happen and he drew back against the pillows on the bed with a small cry. "Please master I'm not ready...I'm not ready to have sex I'm st-still young and I'm still a virgin." He spoke frantically. Now Adrian's eyes turned on that beautiful scared body, feeling his primal instincts kicking in more and moved to the bedside table. From there he removed a sweet scented bottle, lubricant by the looks of it, and poured the contents out of it and started to smear the grease onto his cock. "You seemed to enjoy sucking on it." He said with a grin. "I'm going to take what's mine, pet."

To be Continued...

Feedback is greatly appreciated and i hope you all enjoyed it.