What Would You Do?

Story by Green_Dragon on SoFurry

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INFO: This furry story is based on one of my strange dreams. (this time in TXT version).

It's about a silver wolf going to war, to save his love (a german shepherd) from nasty enemy paws. Expect action, shooting, gay love, anthro Dragons and some bla bla bla. There is no sex inside, but i marked it "mature" because of violence (not much, but still...)

Please leave a comment after reading. This is very important for me because i want to know your answer for the question at the end of story.

Sorry for all language mistakes, I'm still learning.

  • "I will not allow you to do that, Captain." - the General shouted and stood up from his chair. When he sat down again, the chair creaked under his weight. He was an old brown bear and his fur was slowly getting gray. He was in his office, behind the old-fashioned wooden desk.

  • "They will all die because of you." - the silver wolf banged his left fist on the table. He was dressed in a full combat outfit, with dark green pants and a black kevlar vest. In his right paw he was holding his helmet, with a "Silver Bullet" label on its back. They gave him that name right after he joined the army, but his friends quickly started to call him Sil. He looked like an average wolf, about 180cm high and not very muscled, with dense silver fur covering his body.

    • "I will not send any more troops to that country. I will not risk any more lives." - the General tried to remain calm - "We have to wait for the end of negotiations."
  • "More time? It's two weeks already, the deadline is close and they will start killing the hostages." - Sil moved closer to the General, bending over desk - "That country is a one big mess. The civil war destroyed almost all cities and no one knows who is fighting with who. A small squad can..."

  • "I said no!" - the General shouted and stood up again, looking into Sil's eyes - "That would be suicide, let the government do the job."

  • "Ok, I go alone." - Sil put his helmet on and walked toward the door.

  • "Sil, wait, I know about your relationship with private Samson." - the General said silently. Sil stopped, feeling too surprised to say anything. He just slowly turned back and looked at the old brown bear - "Trust me, we will release him without using force."

  • "Yes, sure." - Sil smiled and reached for a door handle, when he opened the door, he heard a shout again.

    • "And if you try to cross the border, I will lock you in a dark room for the rest of your life!" - the General shouted so loud that everyone outside the office could hear him. When the door closed he reached under the desk and took an old photo album. He flipped few pages and looked at the photo of himself and a wolf, standing somewhere in the jungle with assault rifles. He put his fingers on it and thought - "I'm trying my friend, but your son is even more stubborn than you."

In the meantime, Sil took a deep breath, sighed and walked toward the exit. He managed to make only two steps when he heard a silent voice behind him.

  • "You will need my help." - the voice sounded so familiar that Sil didn't had to turn back to check who was following him.

  • "Shade... How long were you here?" - Sil smiled and then looked at his best friend, the black Dragon called Shade. They were fighting together in many battles and he could always count on his fire support. Measuring more than two meters of height, with delicate but visible muscles and a long tail, he was always attracting attention of other soldiers in the base. Shade was unique, not only because his body was entirely black, including his horns and wings, but also because Dragons tend to remain neutral, staying away from any military conflicts. Shade was not like the others, the scars on his body were a proof that he never avoided a fight. He was a perfect sharpshooter, his dark body helped him to hide in the shadows and his cold blood was reducing his infrared profile, making him almost invisible. Shade was using his wings to jump from one building to another, or to glide down from a transport plane without using parachute.

    • "Long enough." - he replied and put his paw on Sil's shoulder - "Lets take a walk."

They both walked out from the building in silence and moved away from other soldiers, trying to talk silently.

  • "I'm going with you." - Shade smiled and sat on a nearby bench.

  • "Thank you, but I will not let you risk your life." - Sil replied silently and sat down, correcting his silver tail.

  • "Damn it, Sil!" - Shade removed his dark sunglasses, revealing his red eyes - "Every time we are on a training or mission you just can't stop talking about your love to him. I know that thinking about him keeps you alive and I just can't sit here and do nothing. I will not allow you to go alone, you will get killed."

  • "You can't help me." - Sil shook his head and looked down, slowly moving his feet over the grass under the bench.

  • "Maybe I can't but Drake can." - Shade smiled, thinking about his large caliber sniper rifle. After a moment of silence he reached into his pocket and took one small item. He raised his paw up, holding a chain with a small electronic key on it - "I also have one shinny V-81 waiting for us, armed and refueled."

    • "All right, you're in." - Sil's eyes opened wide, following the key as Shade hid it in his pocket again - "I will not ask how you managed to get one of those..."
  • "That's top secret." - Shade chuckled and put his sunglasses on, because the sun was to bright for his sensitive eyes - "Now tell me your plan. Do you have the area map?"

  • "Yes, everything is here." - Sil took his mini computer and opened the city map. He explained every detail of his plan, Shade was nodding and adding his advice from time to time. When they finished, they stood up and looked around again.

  • "That's a good plan, now time to go and prepare." - Shade replied, feeling happy that he would kill some enemies again - "We both need to rest before we go. We will meet near the hangars at five hundred hours, two days from now."

  • "Thank you my friend." - Sil nodded and they walked away in different directions.

Two days later a small military vehicle stopped near the hangars at the base. The silver wolf walked out from it and looked around, the area near the hangars was empty. Sil looked inside the car and pressed the horn button, making three short sound signals. Moments later he heard a metal creak sound coming from the hangar door as it started to open. When the opening was wide enough to walk trough it, he saw Shade coming out from the darkness.

  • "A car horn?" - Shade said loudly, walking closer to his friend - "Yes, sure, maybe next time scream all around: hello, I'm here and I'm stealing the V-81 assault plane."

    • "We're stealing it?" - Sil asked, shaking the paw of his friend.
    • "Just borrowing." - Shade chuckled and looked at the black bag lying on the ground near the car - "What do you have there?"
    • "Nothing interesting..." - Sil smiled and opened the bag, taking his rifle - "just my version of KaM59."
    • "That's an old baby, but a good choice for a city combat." - Shade was examining the rifle. It was a shorter version of a typical assault rifle, with reduced recoil and increased accuracy - "And I see you used your free time to upgrade it. Full auto mode? Or just bigger bullets?"
    • "That's top secret." - Sil winked at the black Dragon - "I thought that I need something with a better firepower than usual '59. Now show me your toys."
    • "You already know Mr Drake, but you can check the V-81." - Shade moved his hand, pointing at the already opened hangar.
  • "Niiiiice...." - Sil opened his eyes wider and walked into the dark hangar, wagging his tail. Moments later Shade turned on the lights and Sil saw the entire dark gray shape of the airplane.

V-81 was the newest hybrid of troop transport and ground-attack plane. Its large body had enough room to carry bombs, missiles and a small squad of four soldiers with equipment. The cockpit was designed for two persons, a pilot and a weapon operator. The plane had a pair of small wings with engines built inside. Two multi-wave engines provided enough power for a vertical take off and landing, but also accelerated this big metal can to Mach-2 speed.

  • "I love those machines." - Sil walked near it, running his paw on the smooth surface of the hull, covered with the anti-radar paint - "What do we have inside?"

  • "Inner bays are loaded with six air to ground missiles and two air to air, just in case." - Shade walked to the rear of machine and opened a cargo door - "I also took ammo, grenades, grenade launchers, more grenades, four anti tank rockets and a lot of medkits."

    • "And you said that I am insane..." - Sil slowly shook his head - "We will have to throw out some of it to make room for our boys."
  • "Don't worry, they will fit in. Now lets pack up." - Shade moved closer to cockpit and attached a small ladder to it. Sil took his weapon and a small backpack from his bag and climbed up to the cockpit. He attached the backpack and his rifle to the special handles on the pilot seat. Sil looked at the cabin instruments, the computers were already turned on and programmed.

  • "Ready." - he said to his friend, corrected his tail and locked the safety belts. Shade closed the cargo door and climbed to the cockpit, taking the navigator's place.

  • "Let's do it." - Shade put on his air mask and closed the canopy.

  • "Engines are starting up." - Sil said, hearing an increasing buzz sound that soon changed into a loud whistle - "We're ready to clear the hangar."

He released the brakes and the vehicle slowly moved outside the building. They arrived at the special starting position located in a safe distance from other buildings.

  • "Let's find out if they will believe that we are going for a training exercise." - Sil increased the engines power and the plane moved a little above the ground but it quickly landed again - "Hold on, it's been a while since my last flight, I hope I still remember..."

    • "Just take us in the air!" - Shade interrupted him, keeping his hands on the eject handles - "Next time I will be the pilot."
    • "Oh, there it is." - Sil pressed one button and increased the power again. The engine whistle was now much louder and the V-81 had raised up, raising large dust clouds under them. They were climbing vertically up, until Sil decided that they were high enough.
    • "500, switching to horizontal." - he said and slowly moved the engine vector lever. The airplane moved gently forward, increasing the speed and altitude.
    • "Echo two, proceed at the training ground as usual." - they heard a control tower in the radio. Shade quickly acknowledged and turned the radio off.
    • "That will buy us some time before they send fighters." - he said and marked a waypoint in his navigation computer - "Auto pilot programmed, we can rest now."
  • "Switching to auto pilot... now." - Sil flipped the switch and watched for a moment if the plane is behaving correctly - "What's our ETA?"

    • "15 minutes to the first border, 90 minutes of flight above the neutral countries and a very boring 10 minutes in the enemy airspace, before we reach the city." - Shade replied after checking the calculations.
    • "Two hours of rest..." - Sil stretched up his arms, trying not to press anything by accident.

They were flying in silence, observing the instruments. When the airplane reached the optimal altitude, the auto pilot leveled the flight and increased speed, flying twice faster than the speed of sound. Sil took off his air mask and yawned, watching as the plane was gently turning to avoid the radar stations of the neutral countries.

  • "What will you do when we come back?" - Shade decided to break the silence - "They will leave me alone, but you will be arrested."

  • "I don't think so." - Sil replied with a calm voice - "My father was a friend of the General. I hope he will throw me out from army, I have had enough of it."

    • "Are you serious?" - Shade looked at his friend.
  • "Yes, I was thinking about it even before they captured Sam." - Sil turned his head and looked at the black Dragon - "I miss snow... I want to move north, we will buy a small house in one silent town... far away from any war. We will have a large garden and a glasshouse... I will earn money on writing military books and Sam can open a car workshop, he is good at repairing stuff."

  • "Sounds like a plan." - Shade smiled and nodded.

  • "It was a good plan, before Sam was sent on that scout mission." - Sil paused for a moment and sighed - "I miss him so much..."

  • "Don't worry, we will rescue him." - Shade tried to cheer up his friend - "We will rescue them all."

  • "I hope so." - Sil sighed and looked up at the blue sky, but also at his reflection in the canopy. He was thinking about his past and future for almost the entire flight. When he heard two short beeps, he shook his head and looked at the instruments.

  • "We've crossed the border, ten minutes to target." - Shade said with bored voice - "I'm not detecting any enemy activity... only one distant radar station, but they can't see us."

    • "Good, they're not expecting anything." - Sil smiled, watching a small display showing the distance to the target. When they got closer to the city, he reduced the engine power and altitude - "Slowing down to subsonic, we don't want them to hear us."
  • "They will hear us sooner or later." - Shade replied, switching weapon systems to ground attack - "Any civilians?"

  • "They all run away long ago," - Sil smiled, looking at the city in front of them - "so you don't have to conserve the ammo."

The city was composed mostly of small two-storey buildings made from wood and clay. There were few larger and taller concrete buildings, but they were heavily damaged during earlier fights. Sil slowed down again and soon he had to change the engine thrust vector to stay in air, because the small wings almost lost their lifting force. Shade pressed few buttons and two large machine guns moved outside the hull, on both sides of the cockpit. Shade moved a small joystick to see if the targeting system is working correctly.

  • "All right, let's do it." - Sil shouted and they flew above the city. After a moment they saw some movement on the roofs under them and soon they noticed first muzzle flashes from soldiers shooting at them - "We're taking fire from roofs, take care of them."

    • "With pleasure." - Shade smiled and used his joystick to target the enemy. He pressed a large red button, bringing their two machine guns to life. Sil observed two lines of small dust clouds, made by bullets hitting the building. The clouds quickly moved toward the soldiers and the flashes disappeared. Shade cleared two other roofs and checked the area - "All clear."
    • "Good, let's move to the landing zone.... RPG, hold on!" - Sil saw a white trail of smoke left by a rocket flying toward them. He quickly tilt entire plane and moved away from the rocket path. After a moment he saw two more white trails coming from windows of the tallest building in the area.
    • "I see them..." - Shade targeted the building and pressed few buttons. The bomb bay opened, releasing two air-to-ground missiles that flew toward the building, making two white smoke trails in the air. Few seconds later a big explosion shook the area, changing the lower part of the building into a big ball of fire.
  • "Great shot." - Sil watched how the upper part of the ten-storey building slowly collapsed into the fire, killing everyone inside. They flew closer to the landing zone and checked the area - "Our target is one klick away from here, let's clear the area and land."

    • "I'm on it." - Shade switched to the machine guns again and used the joystick to rotate them, taking down few remaining enemies around the landing zone. He checked the thermal sensors again and shouted - "Clear! Now time to say goodbye."
    • "Be careful." - Sil stopped the plane, hovering above one of the buildings. Shade opened the canopy, stood up and took two black bags from cockpit. He spread his wings and jumped out, gliding toward the roof. He quickly hid in a shadow and opened one of his bags, taking out parts of his rifle. While Shade was busy with assembling his weapon, Sil landed on on a large car parking between ruined buildings and turned off the engines. He put on his helmet and turned on the built in radio - "Comm check."
    • "I hear you loud and clear, Drake is ready for action." - Shade took his rifle and looked trough the scope. He saw the airplane and zoomed out to see the buildings around. He switched to thermal vision to see if anyone is hiding inside - "Area is clear, you can come out."

Sil took his weapon and opened the cockpit. He looked around nervously and then put on his backpack. He took a small electronic key from the control panel and jumped on the ground. Sil opened the cargo door and started to pack ammo and some grenades into his backpack. Then he run away from the plane and hid behind the building debris.

  • "Let's see how it works..." - Sil pressed a small button on the key and the canopy have closed. Few seconds later a small round turret have lifted above the hull on a long arm. Sil took a small brick and threw it toward the plane. The turret quickly rotated and fired a single shot that hit the brick - "Defense system is active."

  • "Good, this street is clear, go to the corner and I will check the second one." - Shade looked at the long street, covered with debris and few burnt out cars. He used his scope to check the buildings but the area looked empty - "All right, you can go but be careful."

Sil looked behind the corner at the street and then quickly run to hide behind a nearby metal container. Few seconds later he heard gunshots and the sound of bullets falling all around him.

  • "I need a help here." - Sil shouted, moving his weapon above his head and shooting few short bursts into the building, but that didn't help.

    • "I see two bandits on the street... Drake will eat them." - Shade aimed his weapon at the first one, right at his chest covered by dark fur, and pressed the trigger. The shot sound was suppressed by his hand-made silencer and the enemy fell down on the ground. Shade reloaded his rifle and aimed at the second one, who hid behind a car. The black Dragon just smiled and pressed the trigger, feeling a strong shock as his weapon fired. The heavy bullet easily pierced the thin plate of the car and killed the enemy - "Cleared, but I can't see bandits in windows from here."
    • "I can handle them." - Sil replied and threw a smoke grenade on the street. He waited a moment until the smoke filled the area and run closer to the building.
    • "Great! Now I can't see anything." - Shade said with disappointment, trying to see his friend. Sil took two grenades and threw one into the window on the second floor. When he heard an explosion he threw second one into the door to stop any escaping survivors. When it exploded, the area became totally silent. Sil was waiting for a moment near the entrance, with his weapon ready to fire, but there was no movement inside.
  • "Three objects moving closer on the street, they probably heard that explosion." - Shade aimed his weapon at the first enemy and smiled, seeing that other one is hiding behind him. Shade fired and killed them both with one shot. The third one dropped his weapon and run away, but he couldn't hide from the red eyes of the black Dragon. Sil heard a silent whistle of a bullet flying nearby and the enemy fell on the ground - "All clear, you can continue."

Sil slowly moved forward, walking down the street and pointing his weapon at random windows. When he got closer to the intersection, Shade told him to wait and took his gear. The black Dragon run toward the edge of the roof and jumped, spreading his wings. He landed on the next roof and run to another, jumping from one roof to another and gliding between buildings. When he landed on the selected roof, he quickly hid in the shadow of wide brick chimney and looked at the street. It was even more ruined then the previous one. He saw a burnt hull of a tank, with turret lying upside down near it. Few meters behind that tank he saw a road blockade made of various debris, with two machine gun nests and ten enemy soldiers.

  • "Enemy group ahead, Drake will clear the way." - Shade loaded a new ammo clip to his rifle and aimed at the soldier sitting near a machine gun. He fired a shot and the enemy fell down. Other soldiers quickly hid behind the barricade and started to look around, pointing their guns at the nearby windows. When he killed another one, two of them run away and others started to shoot randomly at the buildings. Few bullets hit the building where Shade was hiding, but he didn't even blinked, busy with aiming at another bandit. He pressed the trigger and his target fell down on the ground. When he looked at the nearby enemy, he was holing binoculars, looking straight at Shade and shouting something. Second later the enemy fell down, hit in chest by Shade's bullet, but then all remaining soldiers shot at his hideout with everything they had. Shade had to hide, hearing a rain of bullets hitting all around and feeling a small debris of the chimney falling on his body - "I'm under fire, go behind the tank and take them out."

  • "How many targets?" - Sil asked and came closer to the corner.

    • "Five, including two MG's" - Shade shouted, trying to cover his weapon from dust.
    • "I'm on it, just don't get hit." - Sil looked at the barrier but the tank hull was blocking almost all of his visibility. He crouched and walked to the tank without being noticed, moving as close to the enemy as he could. Sil discretely looked at the soldiers, they were all busy with shooting at the nearby building. He aimed his weapon at two of them and pressed the trigger. He shoot half of his magazine in a single long burst before the soldiers aimed their guns at him. He didn't know if he killed the two targets, but at least he bought some time for his friend. He was under heavy fire, but the armored hull gave him a good protection - "All right, now take them down."
    • "Just a moment, I need to take my position." - Shade replied and slowly crawled closer to the edge of the roof. During that time, Sil opened a small backpack, reloaded his weapon and took two grenades. He threw them above the tank toward the barricade and prepared his gun. Two loud explosions managed to stun enemies for long enough so he could raise his rifle above the hull and shoot out all his magazine without aiming. Few seconds later he had to hide because the enemy fired at him again. After a moment he heard that the machine gun became silent, then a short scream finished the gunfire. Sil heard his friend in the radio - "Are you all right? I took them down but be careful, some of them can be only wounded."
  • "I'm fine, thanks." - Sil shook his head and slowly came out, moving toward the road blockade - "What a bloody mess... no survivors, I'm going to another crossing."

    • "Just be careful." - Shade checked the rest of the street but it was empty. Sil was walking slowly on the left side, keeping close to the building and using debris as a cover. He almost reached the crossing when he heard a loud shot and felt a strong pain in his left arm. Sil run forward and jumped behind a pile of rubble. He heard two more shots but the bullets missed him.
    • "I'm under fire!" - he shouted to the radio and looked at his arm. His fur was quickly getting red from blood but it was nothing serious - "I'm hit, but it's just a scratch."
    • "I can't see anyone, just you." - Shade replied, looking around though his scope - "Hold on, I will get closer."
    • "It's a sniper on roof." - Sil said more silent and opened his backpack.
    • "No way, if that was a sniper you would be already dead." - Shade jumped to another building and looked around. He saw nothing, so he moved to another building. When he got closer to his friend, he set up his rifle in a dark place and carefully looked around - "I'm in position, can you point me to the enemy?"
  • "He's on the roof, on the opposite side of the street!" - Sil replied and hissed from pain when he applied a special powder from medkit on his wound. In the meantime Shade was examining the buildings with his scope, but he saw only empty roofs, few chimneys and some wooden constructions. He checked the area in infrared but he was unable to find the enemy.

    • "I can't see him! IR is empty... we can have a Dragon out there." - Shade took his special binoculars and checked the roofs again.
    • "I don't care if it's a Dragon or not, just kill him!" - Sil shouted, trying to patch up his arm.
    • "But I care... I really care." - Shade said silently, and flipped a small switch on his binoculars - "Let's try this new toy, air density change detector... make him shoot at you again."
    • "Shoot at me? Are you serious?" - Sil asked and looked at his arm, the bandages were slowly getting red from his blood.
    • "Trust me, think about something." - Shade was looking at the street trough his binoculars, waiting for shots - "Just don't use helmet on stick, that trick never works."
  • "I can throw a grenade..." - Sil looked into his backpack.

    • "No!" - Shade interrupted him and said with calm voice - "Explosion will only blind my sensor. Use tail or something."
    • "Tail..." - Sil repeated, looked at his fluffy silver tail and sighed. He changed the position, bending his body to move his tail up, above his cover. Sil wagged his tail really fast, hoping that it will decrease the chance of getting hit. He heard a shot and the bullet hit the building behind him. Sil quickly hid again, hearing two more shots. In the same time, Shade was watching trails in the air left by the bullets. About a second later, three red lines appeared on the screen in his binoculars, indicating trajectory of the bullets. They were all coming from one place on the roof, just behind a light wooden construction. He zoomed to that place and saw a part of rifle barrel, pointing at Sil's hideout.
    • "I've got him..." - Shade whispered and took his big rifle. He looked at the barrel and slowly moved his view toward the wooden barrier that was covering his opponent. When he checked almost entire construction, he noticed a small gap between boards and saw a part of red scaly tail. Shade smiled and aimed exactly in the middle of the distance, between the barrel and the tail. He hold his breath and pressed the trigger. When the bullet pierced trough the old boards, Shade saw that the red tail had raised up for few seconds and then fell down. Shade looked at the rifle barrel, it was now pointing at the sky, not at his friend - "I've got him."
  • "Are you sure?" - Sil slowly raised his tail up and waved it again, but nothing happened.

    • "Drake can kill any target with one shot." - Shade replied, still looking trough his scope to be sure that enemy is not moving - "Have I ever failed you?"
    • "Do you want me to start counting now?" - Sil shook his head and looked around, the street was empty - "All right, I'm coming out."

Sil moved closer to the intersection and took position near one building. Shade took his weapon and moved forward, jumping from one building to another. He stopped for a moment on one roof and looked at the body of the red Dragon, still holding a rifle in his paws.

  • "I hate competitors." - Shade just shook his head and sighed, jumping on another roof.

  • "I'm in the position." - Shade looked trough his binoculars at the nearby buildings - "Looks like scout report was correct, the street is empty but I see two bandits on the balcony. Our boys are probably being held on the ground floor."

  • "Good, I will go trough the backyards, just like we planned." - Sil walked to one building trough a big hole in the wall, keeping his weapon ready to fire - "Be ready to take out guards on my signal."

    • "I can do it with one shot." - Shade smiled and prepared his rifle - "Just be careful, I will not be able to support you now."
  • "I'll be fine." - Sil whispered, walking trough a narrow corridor to another house. He heard voices from one room, so he slowly walked closer and looked trough a door that was slightly ajar. Two enemy soldiers were playing cards, sitting near a small table. Sil aimed his weapon trough the gap in a door and saw that one of the enemies, a fox, have turned his ear to him. He shouted something and tried to grab his weapon when Sil pressed the trigger. A short controlled burst quickly took down both soldiers. Sil heard some shouting behind another door so he aimed at them and shot. He made five holes in the wooden door and heard a dull sound of falling body behind it.

  • "What are you doing there?" - Shade whispered trough the radio - "Our balcony friends heard the gunshots and now they are getting nervous. Don't you have a silencer or something?"

  • "I'm all right, thank you for asking." - Sil said with irony and reloaded his weapon. He looked around and walked to another building. It was so badly damaged that Sil was unable to get to the next home, so he had to walk outside trough the rear door. He leaned behind the corner and checked the area. He saw another enemy standing nearby and smoking a cigarette. It was a tiger, much bigger and more muscled than Sil. He was holding his rifle near his leg and looking at the slowly moving clouds.

    • "Hello kitty." - Sil said loudly, seeing how enemy tried to grab his weapon. Sil fired three bullets right in the chest of the big tiger. The enemy dropped his gun, standing for few seconds with surprised face and trying to say something. He looked at the red fur on his chest, and collapsed.
  • "What was that?" - Shade asked again, seeing how the soldiers on the balcony are nervously looking around and shouting something.

  • "Shhhh nothing." - Sil replied, slowly walking closer to the larger building. The metal door was lying near the entrance, so he had no problems with getting inside. He was now walking really slowly, hearing some silent voices coming from the main room. The intelligence report included the layout of the building, so he knew where to find the hostages. Sil reached the corner leading to the large room and took a little dentist mirror from his pocket. He could use a micro camera, but last time he almost died when the camera refused to work, so he decided to use a simpler item. Using the mirror, he saw four hostages sitting on the ground near the wall, dressed only in some old white underwear. Two enemies were standing nearby with assault rifles and looking outside the window. Sil pressed a small button on his radio, sending two short beep sounds to his friends, indicating that he is ready to attack. Then he took a flash-bang grenade, armed it, waited two seconds and threw right between the standing bandits. The grenade exploded in the air, blinding everyone inside.

    • "Now!" - Sil shouted to the radio and jumped into the room, shooting two short series at the stunned enemies. In the same time, Shade fired a single bullet that came trough both soldiers standing on the balcony, killing them instantly.
  • "Clear!" - Sil shouted once again, looking around room.

  • "Not yet," - Shade saw a group of soldiers running toward the building. He quickly reloaded his weapon and killed one of them - "You have four targets on the street."

Sil ran to the window and started to shoot. He managed to kill three hostiles before he run out of ammo. The fourth one saw that Sil is reloading and aimed his weapon at the window, but before he pressed the trigger he caught a bullet from Shade's rifle.

  • "All clear!" - Shade shouted, checking the nearby buildings - "Now get the hell out of there before more of them come."

  • "Is everyone all right?" - Sil looked at the four hostages, sitting near wall with their hands tied behind their back. They were slowly regaining their sight, looking at Sil and trying to recognize him - "Sam, are you all right?"

    • "John? Is that you?" - One of them asked and slowly stood up. He was a german shepherd, his dense brown fur was covered with dirt and blood in some places. Sil looked at him and felt a wave of warm feeling in his heart. Then he looked at his tail and felt anger, seeing that it was cut in half and patched up with some dirty clothes.
  • "It's me, what happened here?" - Sil asked, took his knife and started to release their hands.

  • "You really don't want to know." - Sam rubbed his wrists for a moment and then looked around - "Where is the rest of your team?"

  • "Shade is covering us from the roof and we have V-81, one klick from here." - Sil replied and gave everyone one pistol with three clips from his bag. He took the last grenade from it and left the empty backpack on the ground.

  • "Are you here all alone?" - one of the soldiers shouted - "Are you stupid or just insane?"

  • "We have to go, now!" - Shade said, killing two more bandits on the street.

  • "All right, I will go first, stay close and follow me." - Sil said loudly and they walked out of the building, looking around and slowly moving forward.

    • "So far so good." - Shade said silently, seeing that they got closer to the intersection without any problems. He was about to move to other roof, when he heard a strange noise getting closer - "Enemy gunship incoming! Hide!"
  • "Helicopter! Take cover!" - Sil shouted and they all dispersed, trying to find a cover. One of them run across the street just in a moment when enemy helicopter flew above them, shooting at the ground. They were watching how their friend got hit twice in his chest and fell on the ground.

  • "No! Damn it..." - Sil shouted, watching how the chopper turned back and flew straight toward them - "Incoming!"

It flew above them again, shooting at the street but they were safe behind debris.

  • "Shoot the pilot!" - Sil said trough the radio, watching as enemy flew away toward the place where they left the V-81.

  • "I can't, he is too fast." - Shade could only watch how the chopper launched two rockets, that flew down and disappeared behind the buildings. The sentry turret quickly detected the threat and shoot few rounds, destroying one of the rockets, but the second one hit their plane right behind the cockpit. The V-81 turned into one big fireball and three seconds later they heard a loud explosion. They could see a column of dark smoke moving up, above the houses.

    • "Great! Just great!" - Sil kicked a nearby rock, feeling angry but also scared.
  • "What just happened?" - Sam asked, looking into his eyes.

  • "We've lost our transport." - Sil sat on the ground and covered his head with his paws - "Everything is lost."

  • "No, we have to fight." - Sam shouted to him and then saw someone running out from the building. He aimed his pistol and fired three shots, killing the enemy - "It will be all right."

  • "Two bandits on road crossing!" - Shade shouted and fired two shots - "Oh, not anymore."

  • "And how do you want to kill that gunship?" - Sil asked, hearing that enemy machine is getting closer.

  • "Well, you have your rifle, use it." - Sam replied and put his paw on Sil's shoulder - "Thank you for rescuing us, I knew that you will came sooner or later."

Sil raised his weapon up and waited for a chopper. When it flew above them, he shot all his magazine at it, seeing small sparks when his bullets hit the gunship. The machine flew away and turned back, but then sil saw a white line of smoke quickly getting closer to the enemy. When it touched the helicopter, it exploded, making a large fireball in the sky. The burning machine fell down on the nearby houses. Before Sil managed to say anything, two airplanes flew above them with high velocity.

  • "Yes, that's our fighters!" - Shade shouted with happy voice.

    • "Looks like we're saved." - Sil looked at his beloved one and smiled - "Tonight we all celebrate and drink until the morning!."
    • "Eagle one and two ready to assist." - the fighter pilot reported on their frequency.
    • "Good work Eagle, we're marking our position with green smoke, the rest of the city is yours." - Sil replied and took a smoke grenade from one of his pockets. He threw it on the street and after a moment it was filled with smoke.
    • "Roger, good luck." - one of the fighters flew above them again to confirm their position, then it flew up and made a circle around the city. After few second they heard a series of distant explosions, made by a cluster bomb dropped by one of the airplanes.
    • "Enemy camp neutralized," - Sil herd another pilot - "stand by, transport plane will be here in a few minutes. Eagle two out."
    • "Thanks Eagle two, we owe you one." - Sil replied and shouted to his friends - "Our transport will arrive in a few minutes."
  • "We don't have a few minutes." - one of them replied and fired few times at the window above them. One second later, a body of enemy soldier fell down onto the street.

    • "Three targets getting closer to the intersection." - Shade said silently and changed his position. He aimed at the enemy and fired three times, taking his time to reload and aim again after each shot - "All clear."

They were waiting in silence, hearing a loud explosions from time to time, as the airplanes were dropping bombs. Finally shade saw a large shape flying toward them.

  • "Our transport have arrived." - Shade said with happy voice and began to disassemble his rifle - "I'm out of here."

  • "Thank you my friend." - Sil replied, hearing an increasing buzz sound from the transport plane engines. After a moment a large armored airplane slowly flew above them. Sil was able to feel the hot wind generated by four multi-wave engines, located on four small wings on the sides of wide hull. He saw how the soldiers inside were shooting trough the small windows, that opened when airplane slowed down.

    • "This is Gamma seven, prepare for evacuation." - they heard another voice in the radio - "There's too much rubble on the crossing, we have to land on the other part of the street."

Sil watched as the transport plane flew away and hovered above a clear part of the street, about two hundred meters away from them. It extended the landing gear and slowly moved down, until it touched the ground. The rear ramp opened and few soldiers moved outside, aiming at the buildings.

  • "All right, let's go, let's go." - Sil shouted to his friends and they started to run toward the plane, passing by the building where they were held as hostages. They run about half the distance to the plane, when Sil heard a gunshot and felt a strong pain in his leg. He fell down on the ground and screamed loudly.

  • "Bandit in the window!" - the soldiers from the plane began to shoot at the building. Sil raised his rifle, trying to aim, when the enemy fired again. First bullet hit him in his right hand, crushing his fingers and damaging his weapon. Second bullet hit his chest, but the kevlar vest managed to stop it.

    • "John!" - Sam shouted and shoot at the enemy with his pistol. He hit the enemy twice in head, but he was still shooting until he ran out of ammo - "I'm empty!"
  • "Come on, Sil, stand up!" - Shade shouted from the nearby roof. He was unable to help his friend, but the soldiers from the transport plane were supporting them with rifle fire.

  • "I need a rifle." - Sam shouted and run back to one of the dead enemies on the ground.

  • "Sam... no... we have to go." - Sil whispered and slowly stood up. He was bleeding badly from his hand and leg, but he managed to walk forward. In the meantime, Sam took the enemy rifle from ground and run toward his mate. He saw a movement in one of the window and opened fire. He killed the enemy, but he also attracted the attention of one of the soldiers near the plane.

  • "Bandit on the street!" - the soldier shouted and shot a short burst of three bullets at his target. The first one missed, flying just near Sam's head. The second bullet pierced his arm and the third one hit Sam right in the center of his chest.

    • "Noooooo!" - Sil screamed, watching as his beloved one dropped the rifle, fell on his knees and after a second collapsed on his ground.
  • "Friendly fire! Friendly Fire!" - Shade shouted to the radio - "Gamma seven, hold your fire, you're shooting to friendlies."

Sil run to his mate, without paying attention to his wounds. He kneed near him and rolled him on his back.

  • "Sam... no..." - he whispered, seeing that fur on his chest was all red from blood. Sil took Sam's hand into his left hand and looked into his eyes.

  • "John... I..." - Sam squeezed Sil's paw, trying to say something but second later he slowly released the air from his lungs and closed his eyes.

  • "No, don't leave me, it will be all right." - Sil was still holding Sam's paw, feeling tears gathering in his eyes.

  • "Gamma seven, we need a medic!" - Shade's voice interrupted Sil's thoughts. His sadness quickly changed into anger. He stood up, took his pistol and aimed at the transport plane.

  • "You son of a..." - Sil fired twelve rounds at the cargo plane. He was too far to harm anyone, but the soldiers had to hide inside.

    • "Sam, are you crazy? Go to the transport, now!" - Shade shouted, looking at his friend from the roof.
  • "It's over Shade... we've lost... Sam is dead." - Sil smiled and put the gun to his head.

  • "Sil..." - Shade said with silent and calm voice - "What are you doing? Put the gun down."

  • "I'm going to him." - Sil replied and closed his eyes - "You should understand that."

  • "Sil, damn it!" - Shade shouted - "You don't have to do it."

  • "Really? And what would you do?" - Sil asked and pulled the trigger.

The End

Now please, write a comment.

Green_Dragon 2011