Autumn's Temptation: Beginning.

Story by Shylowe on SoFurry

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Autumn Temptation





The sweet scent of blossoming flowers carried on the gentle breeze. Tendrils of air playfully teased the verdant leaves into a swaying dance, as a small vulpine, gleefully danced amongst the old trees.

Laughter spilled forth from the bubbling fox-child, as the dancing leaves tickled her furred cheeks. Bright cerulean eyes glittered with unrestrained joy, as she leapt and rolled in the mossy floor. Sunlight streamed from beneath the large branches of the oak trees and haloed the golden red pelt of the vixen.

Such an enchanting sight was rarely seen as the fox-child played in the forest. She really shouldn't be there as her parents were rather strict, and forbade her to leave without anyone there with her. Impulsiveness seemed to get the upper hand in this case ovthough. The scent of summer was such an intoxication to the child, that it beckoned her forth from her coven, and to sneak past her guards and parents to play in the emerald fields.

"Princess Kai-lian, where the devil have you snuck off to?" A dulcent female's voice called out. "Your parents are not pleased with you. This is the fifth time in two days that you have wandered off without permission or someone to escort you." The voice was clearly exasperated and getting closer.

The young princess rolled her eyes at the voice and mocked it as she mimicked the words. Giggling softly,she bedded down in a large bush as she watched her nursemaid walk past her. She could tell by the fiercely swishing tail, that most definitely Ruska was a tad bit frustrated. Readying herself into a pouncing stance, Kai-lian waited, for just the right moment and then......

"EEEEKK.....Kai-lian, I swear you will be the death of me!" The dark auburn red furred vixen screeched as the princess squealed ontop of her back. The irritated vulpine turned and gathered the young, exuberant, princess off into her arms, and proceeded to walk back to the kingdom.

"You must stop with these childish games, Princess. Your parents are stressed enough what with the war games coming up. They do not need the added strees of having to worry about their impulsive child running off and being killed by hunters or neighboring tribes. " The fox-woman scolded the young child, on the walk home.

"But Ruska, the weather was so nice, and the grass was warm, I couldn't resist the summer air. " The petulant child looked morose as she was lectured by her favorite person. Ruska looked down at Kai-lian, as the child hung her head in shame.

Sighing wearily, Ruska stroked the golden head as she said in her harmonious voice, " It is not a bad thing that you wish to enjoy the season. Most of our people are experiencing what you are. It's just that you have to be more responsible. You are expected to be better than our people little princess. You are setting an example for the other children. What if they were to see you romping around and disobeying rules set down by your father or mother?"

"I guess it would show that I do not care what my parents think." Kai-lian responded in a chastened voice.

"Not only that, it would show you had no regard for rules and this sets the example that you can not obey laws. No one will follow such a lawless ruler. You must remember that one day you will be ruler, like your mother and father." Ruska gently cradled the child in her arms. "Now, I have spoken with your parents. Your punishment is to clean the rushes in the main den. I would suggest you hurry and finish the job before sundown.....For I have a treat for you."

That lecture stayed with the Princess, for years to come. She began to behave with more respect for the rules and her family, and her people as well. It would seem that the lecture struck a chord deep within the heart of the yourg vixen. One that would aide her in times to come.


Present Day

"The blethering hell are you talking about?" The exasperated Princess asked her old friend and advisor, Ruska. The golden beauty could not believe the statements that flowed freely from the other female's mouth. Honestly, it was enough to drive one insane.

"I mean, don't you think it's time you settled down with a respectable young fox?" The older vixen smirked at the horror strickened Kai-Lian.

"I have no intention of settling down with some respectable fox!" Kai-Lian snarled. "No man is worth the freedom that I have." She scathingly told the other. She knew well enough the boundaries that a male would lay upon the female. Though she was a mature adult, there were things that she would not consider. Being held down by a domineering male, was one thing she wasn't willing to negotiate.

"I have it on great authority that your parents would certainly be relieved if they knew you were in capable hands." Ruska, took a long look at the beauty before her. There was no doubt that the Princess Kai-Lian, was the most gorgeous female in their kingdom. With her long golden hair, and pelt, her large blue eyes, curvaceous body, and great personality; it was a wonder she had not settled down yet.

Though with the way she viewed marriages and relationships, it really wasn't that big of a mystery. Where she picked up this notion wsa still an enigma, even to Ruska, who was her long time friend and care giver.

"Well, I hate to disappoint them, but I will not be settling down, not in this lifetime. I have no desire to finish this discussion Ruska, for fear of saying something in frustration that would hurt you." Kai-Lian looked at her friend in a firmness that brooked no argument.

"Now I believe there is a archery competition going on, and I feel a need to win!" Racing exuberantly down the hall, the two women laughed and enjoyed the rest of the day. Alas, peace and quiet in a kingdom can only last so long.