The Change

Story by Lannius Drasec on SoFurry

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#5 of White Wolf

WOW, that last story got me like...UBER comments, by far the most I've ever had. Thanks for everyone that has commented, and it's with them comments that I decided to hurry up with my next chapter of White Wolf. I really hope all you furs out there will like it, and happy pawing.

Hatchlings, Cubs, Human Lovers, please exit the theater...don't think I won't lay you out like I did Dez, just kidding, but seriously, out.

The Change

Lannius Drasec

I look around the slightly darker club after the scene of violence that erupted earlier. Now everyone was a bit more on edge, most had gone back to heir previous activities, cuddling on chairs and kissing eachother. Even the one pole in the entire club was again being used. A sexy looking Tiger got up on it and started dancing for some good tips. I gave Killsy a dollar and whispered in his ear. "Go on, you know you want to tip him for being so sexy."

He looks up at me with a smile and takes the dollar, then he pulls out a five dollar bill and stuffs it into my belt. "I'd tip you just for being five times that sexy." I laugh at the act of lust and kindness and pull him into a deep kiss. We sit in our usual chair and just make out for the longest time, our tongues doing a fierce battle in between our mouths, the most pleasurable of fights on the most intimate of battlegrounds.

"So...What should we do?"

"I don't know about you, but I want to get drunk."

"Hehe, sorry baby, I'm not getting drunk tonight, I'm driving." Suddenly, like a bat to the back of the head, the images of the horrible dream I had. It all came back crystal clear, the horrible headlights, the long fall over the side, the rock... I pushed the images out of my head, why were they more like a memory than a dream? What did they mean. Either way, it was never happening. I dwelled on it no further.

Killsy got his bottle of vodka and started to slam a shot here and a shot there. "C'mon baby, just one shot? I don't like drinking alone." I look at him, my judgment and logic ruled out by lust and the pain of denying the one I loved.

"Okay, just one, and on one condition." I smirked at him evilly. He smiled back, half way intoxicated.

"What would that be?" I ordered a shot of Tequila and a lime. I went to one of the tables and grabbed the table salt.

"Take off your shirt for me babie." Killsma giggled madly and looked around shyly.


"Take your shirt and fishnets off, I won't hurt you, embarrass you, maybe, make you look sexy, definitely, but not hurt you." He looked around at all the spectators, not looking, but soon they would be.

"I'm shy, you know that."

"Fine, if you want to drink alone."

"Hey..." Killsma cutely whined "No fair!"

"I know, but it's just how I get my way."

Killsma pouted but then I calmed him down.

"You want me to take my shirt off first?"

"It'd help."

"Hehe, okay." I slip my jacket off and call to Lann, who was about my same size. "Hey Lann, mind wearing this for a bit? I don't like sitting it down, I'd rather it be worn."

Lann holds out a scaly Draconic paw in the air. "Sure, toss it here."

I toss the heavy leather trenchcoat and he catches it with a strain. "Dang, is this twenty pounds?"

"Round there, yea."

Lann slips it on and I then slide my fitted black T-shirt over my head, a lot of people hooting and hollering at the show. I then turn to Killsy, and he is looking around at all the wandering eyes.

"Don't worry baby, you're in better shape than I am, they'll love you." Killsma nods and slides off his shirt as well, showing off his fishnet undershirt. He then slides off the undershirt and the now speculating crowd cheers harder. "Told ya."

He smiles, gaining a little confidence. He then asks me what to do next. I walk up to him, pressing our bodies together, and lock him in a kiss, grabbing his ass and lifting it up onto the bar. The crowd cheers harder, obviously ready for some good public Yiffing, sorry to disappoint them, but I wasn't that outgoing. I then laid Killsma completely down on the bar, and took the shot of tequila. "Hold still" I said in his ear. Then I poured the tequila into his belly button, and then I made a line of salt going up his chest.

"That tickles." He said cutely and I just laughed and nodded.

"Well, try not to spill any, here comes the really fun part." Without warning I put the slice of lime in his muzzle and jump on top of him. I hang over him and give him a wink before bending down to his belly button and pressing my lips against it. He squirmed a bit, but the salt wasn't moving and the tequila was already half way gone as I quickly sucked it up. I then finished the hard drink and licked the salt line up to his muzzle, where I roughly kissed him and bit down on the lime in his muzzle, all the strong flavors hit eachother in our long, hard kiss on top the bar. The bar started shaking from all the lust craved furs now banging the bar like I was chugging something.

I finished the lime and brought myself to my knees, pumping an arm up in victory. I then spit the skin of the finished lime into a near by trash can with great accuracy, and return my muzzle to the hot fox lips under me. Killsma grabbed my back and pressed us together as we made out shirtless. He started calling out a nickname I'd never heard before. "Daddie, oh daddie." I looked at him and gave a smirk.


"Yea, you don't like it, it's just a turn on for me."

"Nah, I love it."

He smiles, the smile I'd gladly do anything to see. Then we are engulfed by darkness as a drape of some sort hangs over us. It feels twenty pounds and I could feel the familiar guns in the lining, it was my trenchcoat. I heard Lann form the outside of the leather. "Get a room you guys." He laughs to himself.

"We all remember what happened last time we tried to get a room Lann." Lann started cracking up at the previous escapade of me and Killsy barging in on him and Tide. I slip my arms into the sleeves of my coat and hop off the bar, putting my arms under Killsma and lifting him up as well and off the bar. I set his feet paws on the ground and let him gain his composure.

"I feel like going home, having before we go to bed."

"That sounds fine with me." He stumbles into my arms and we both laugh. "I think I should drive."

"I think so too." We both go out of the club laughing. I go over to my car, my shirt in hand and Killsma's shirt and undershirt slung over his shoulder. I look over to the alley I was in earlier, my god, I'd forgotten that I just killed someone. I see the blood stain on the wall, and I just know that I'd never cheat on my little fox. I know that bad things happen to bad people, and I'd end up like Dez one day if I ever did anything that horrific. There was still cops over at the scene, and Mark gave me a glance, and I gave him a nod. He nodded back and I turned my head.

I put Killsma in the passengers seat and I got into the drivers seat. I forgot how loud my engine was and when I turned the key, every cop looked over at my car, one or two even reaching for their guns out of reflex, heh. I just pop it into drive without giving them a second thought and sped off, but at a respectable speed, I'm not dumb enough to break the limit in front of cops.

I turn on some music and Killsma starts to dance, I doubt he even knew what kind of music It was, such a frail, sexy body probably wasn't use to such liquor. Killsma turns to me and looks at my chest.

"I noticed a scar on your chest, what's that all about?"

I laugh at the question. "Long story."

"It's a long drive."

"Okay, well, when I was young, born and raised in the city, I went down to the corner store to get some candy. I went back, and...oh my god." I get a horrified look on my face, the dark scenery, the winding road ultimately coming to a narrow passage, the dream. This was just a coincidence, but then why did we just resume the exact same conversation? It's okay, I just won't let him get too...

"Are you okay?"

"Yea, just had a flashback of that horrible dream, it won't seem to get out of my head."

"You still never told me what happened."

"I...I dreamed died, and...and then I did too." I was edgy to tell him, cause it all seemed a little too coincidental.

He wraps his arms around me and holds me close. "I'm just glad you're here with me now."

Oh god, it's happening. He started kissing down my neck and rubbing my crotch. "Killsy, I really can't do this." But he didn't pay attention, the alcohol in his system was swaying his better judgment. "Killsy, we shouldn't do this."

"Just giving my big Wolfie what he deserves." Killsma starts to undo my pants. I look around, and I see the road just as Killsy makes me hard enough to suck. Oh god, it felt so good...uuuhh...NO, god, it's happening, it's happening now, this is the road, this is the road it all happens on. I look around, and my mind tells me I'm going to die. I can't ignore how good Killsy is, and my body, completely against my minds will, builds up for a great orgasm. I can't stop myself, I keep my eyes open at very least, and keep my attention on the road, despite the great feeling. I blast my load into Killsy's mouth and he swallows it all down.

My paws shudder and my strength leaves me for a period of time, and my Charger slowly drifts into the other lane, the opposite lane.

This is it, this is the moment my life will end. Killsma leans up and looks into my eyes.

"How was that Lycy?"

Looking into his eyes...I won't give up, just as seeing him in the dream inspired me to try and escape, try to live, I am inspired by his face. His beautiful face, illuminated by a beautiful light...oh god, the light!

"I'll tell you when we get home." I swerve into my own lane and this time I'm ready to catch the drift and I take the upcoming curve with precision. I dodge the oncoming traffic and I settle us into our own lane. I go a ways along the road and eventually I see a dirt turn off, I hit the E-Break and completely slide my car into the crevice, then...silence. I hear my fox's heavy breathing.

My own heart beats rapidly in my chest. I look over into Killsma's beautiful eyes, filled with fear and adrenaline. He looks back at me, and we both can't help ourselves, we grab eachother in a loving embrace. With any life threatening situation, it makes you feel closest to those you are close to, and in our recent brush with death, it seemed apparent that me and Killsma were destined to be together...forever. How else do I explain my glimpse of the future, this chance to change our lives, to live longer and be happy together.

We press our muzzles together. We sit there, taking off our buckles and I turn the headlights off, keeping the warmth of the car going but with no spectators. He gets up and swings one leg over me, sitting in my lap and kissing me deeper. We are already shirtless, so I feel his slick, rather short hair pressing against me and my tangled, roughed up long fur. He starts to work at me and my bulge, despite the fact that I just came, but for him I would gladly go through five orgasms against my will to please him.

We both undo my pants, sliding them down just so that my cock is exposed. I feel his pants crotch rubbing up against my sensitive red lupine cock, but that was soon corrected for he removed his pants with unbelievable flexibility. I then rub at his sheath and balls, my cock grinding against his tail and in between his ass cheeks. I position my dick right at his entrance and slide him down onto me. He moans out as loud as he wants to, for there is no one to hear us. He rides my cock and I give him something to ride, as my knot swells up, it starts to slowly press inside him. He wraps his paws around me and clings tight. "Daddie, give it to me."

I laugh a little to myself, daddie, cute name. I can't help myself from saying it, I've never been a fan of cliché's but I just HAD to say it, mostly out of reflex. "Who's your daddie Killsy?"

"Oh, you are, you are Lycy."

"Yea, and what's daddie gonna do?"

"Uuuuhh, daddie's gonna fuck me good."

"Damn straight he is." I thrust into him deep, slipping my knot out and in. He starts to get pressed against the steering wheel and he keeps pressing the horn. The car was rocking and the horn was blowing, it's like the car it's self was having an orgasm. I grab Killsy's ass for support to hold him from the horn. I press him back so that his whole body is visible, and I watch my cock go in and out his most private entrance. I bend my muzzle down and take his cock into my mouth, sucking him and fucking him at the same time. He moans out as my experienced tongue massages his foxmeat.

He grabs the dashboard behind him tightly as he starts to cum in my muzzle, I drink it all down and he eventually subsides. He lets me romp him until my cock eventually explodes inside him, and we both fall against the seat. We drift asleep, especially me, two orgasms and a near death experience takes it out of ya. Right about now, we would both be dead, but instead, we were alive and Yiffing. We were meant for eachother, and I thank god, or whoever helped out, for that horrible vision to help us survive.

The next day we were on a grassy hill, sitting on a blanket. I look around at the beautiful scenery. The trees so lush and green, the grass was perfect, and everything was beautiful in the weather. I look deep into Killsma's eyes, nothing else mattered at the moment. Nothing else was going on with us, just the good times we have and the bad time's we would work through. I lean back on the blanket and look at my car, parked at the top of the mountain we were on. The only thing that could come close to how Killsma looked, my gorgeous Black 71 Charger, sitting like a protector over us.

I look out onto the countryside of our not too big, not too small town, and then suddenly I feel a shudder. The earth starts to shake, an earthquake, not too rare round here, but then it started to get worse, and I look out over the town, the buildings were shaking as well, cars were stopping and people were taking cover. I dive over Killsma to protect him form anything that might happen. I then feel the tremors subside and all is well again.

"Wow, that was interesting." I said to Killsma as we both laughed about the recent natural disaster. We resume our kiss and I hear a loud sound growing nearer. Crushing, crumpling metal. I look up to see my once beautiful car rolling down the hill, barrel rolling straight for the two of us, and I can't react fast enough, I just see the black metal rush towards us and hear the scream of my love as the car lands right on the both of us.

I jolt awake, screaming and then Killsma gets up as well, the small car shaking at my sudden movements.

"What's wrong?"


to be continued...