Project X (pt 2)

Story by Neero on SoFurry

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Foxtrott walked out away from the campfire that he and his partner slept. "Whoa look at that" he said to himself. "Years and years of evolution and construction all destroyed by 1 simple push of a button" he said. Foxtrott stared into the chaos of what had happened letting the full blow of the chaos and the loss be absorbed. The sun lit the clouds ablaze in an explosion of colors lighting the sky and making the atmosphere vibrant shading everything red- orange. "Of all the losses this virus has caused I Will live on for you all for the friends I've lost for the family I've never had for the brethren furs that have died I will not give up. Foxtrott had always had a way with words he was a great liar a better arguer and should have been a poet in Rex's opinion. He walked over to a large box on Wheels it housed everything that they had ever needed and kept ith them. Foxtrott had his armor, weapons and personal items. Foxtrott took his helmet it was a full head paintball mask with a solar panel on the top so it could power the fan in his mask. Next was his leg pads he had found in a boxing building it was the shins of a red suit. Then he had his Kevlar vest he had found in a police compound. After that he put on arm pads from the red suit. He also had fireproof gloves and a pair of steel toes boots on. Then he equipped the personal things and weapons. A compound bow and arrow he had was something he had loved he had made all the arrows by hand and each one flew a pretty good distance and very accurate. He also had a katana sword he had taken off his friend after he died trying to fight off a mob trying to kill them and take their gas masks. Foxtrott flashed back to the day... "Hey Foxtrott we've got company his friend said" his friend Feedback was a black fox with neon green markings down his face and a scrawny nerdy voice Foxtrott loved looking into Foxtrott's eyes before telling him to run away before pushing him off the 1 story roof he said something to him something passionate. "Foxtrott I've never had a family they have hated me for my entire life I've never had a friend till you and I thank you for giving my short little life meaning but I'm a dead man walking if I don't die here I'll end up killing us both by not doing this Fotrott I'm so so sorry forgive me and take this" he said holding out a sword he had finally bought he had always wanted one. "No NO please don't do this Feedback you don't need to do this please don't sacrifice yourself if you're going I'm coming with you" Foxtrott said crying. "No you aren't I'm so, so, sorry Foxtrott but I'm not letting you die too ... Goodbye". "NOOO" Foxtrott screamed grabbing onto his jacket "Please don't go you're the only friend I've ever had" he said crying grabbing his jacket tightly I will not let you" Foxtrott said his face soaked in tear and his eyes red with sorrow and fear. "Please don't go" he said hoarsely "please" Foxtrott whispered "I'm sorry" said Feedback he pushed Foxtrott back making him roll to the opposite side of the roof as he looked back at his friend eyes he yelled "don't you fucking do it please don't do it" he said "Run or you'll die too"... "I love you man" Foxtrott said as he jumped off with tears in his eyes smiling armed with a tire iron. All Foxtrott heard was Feedback's voice enveloped in the crowd and then Feedback screamed and he didn't hear him anymore. "NO, damn I could have done something to fix this he didn't have to die foxtrott said pulling himself out of the flashback with tears coming to his eyes. "Easy Foxtrott don't beat yourself up" he said to himself. He took out another bag with clothes and other things in it it had 2 pockets one of the pockets had hot pink tight skinny jeans with a heart on both back pockets he also had a pair of black raving pants and a pair of pink ones. Next he had a pair of pink Underarmor. Then he pulled out a tight turquoise shirt with the outlines of a fox making out with a taller wolf and instead of showing the 2 furrs it showed a rainbow where the outline was and on the back it had a rainbow paw print. Then he pulled out a pair of yellow tennis shoes with green laces. Then he picked up the next item it was a magenta jacket (blend of purple and pink) with a hood it was very light and weighed about as much as a pair of sweat pants. In the other side it held a small netbook that worked like an iPhone connecting to the internet anywhere they went. Also that side of the bag housed things he died to try on his mate but he was embarrassed about everything in the bag the clothes everything including the things he wanted to try on his mate he was just too nervous of how he would react the things were a 8 pairs of cuffs, 2 ball gags, 4 separate ropes bundled in rubber bands, a 6 dildos, 3 vibrators, and bottle of lube things like that. He looked to his sides and hoped that Rex was still sleeping. Well the blankets were all bundled up so he thought it was Rex in there little did he realize that Rex had set him up and was actually behind him. "Hey what's in the bag" Rex asked. "Oh it's nothing" he said losing his ability to lie seeing his mate completely naked with morning wood. "You don't act like it's nothing what's in the bag i wouldn't make fun of you i swear C'mon please" he said making puppy dog eyes. "Alright fine come here" he said unzipping the bag revealing everything in it. "Holy crap what is this" Rex yelled "This is disgusting I'm breaking up with you" Wolf said turning away. "Please don't leave me i don't know how this got in there he said sorrowfully. "Haha relax I'm not leaving you actually I've heard you talking to yourself and how you wanna try this stuff on me" Rex said. Foxtrott took a rubber dildo in his hand and started hitting Rex over the head with it "you are so mean" he said laughing then he stopped noticing Rex smelled musky which turned Foxtrott on. Rex now had a fully erect member standing naked in front of his boyfriend who had just stripped of all of the armor he was wearing and also had an erection. Before Foxtrott could say anything his boyfriend had gotten out everything from the side of the bag and had begun to put a gag in his mouth cuffed his arms behind his back and had a vibrator in his hand. "you've been a very naughty fox i think i need to give you what you deserve he said putting the vibrator in Foxtrott's ass and Rex slapped Foxtrott's face with his dick rubbing it against his cheek and touched it to his muzzle and yelped from the coldness. "I've been a very bad fo..Ahhh" he screamed as Rex pushed the vibrator in him "it's not even on" Rex said smiling "let's fix that" he said with a toothy grin flipping the switch to high. "OOOHHAAAAAHH!!" Foxtrott screamed scaring some birds from a nearby tree. "You scream like a girl" said Rex pushing and pulling the vibrator in his ass. The fox screamed again "yeah master" he tried to say but with the gag it sounded like "muggfhghtghnmf". "That's right you do" he said pulling the vibrator from Foxtrott's ass. Foxtrott whimpered a little and stood on his knees with puppy dog eyes clearly begging his wide blue eyes full of the "please mommy can i have it" look. "Awww" does the slut want his toy back he said. "Mrfrtfhghrtrfgh" said the fox still looking at the wolf. "Prove it" Rex said slapping his ass hard. "Foxtrott now had the "can i please have some more" look he looked at the wolf with big blue eyes combining the 2 looks to make Rex almost lose his mind. "I'm sorry you can't have it back but, I've got something better. "Mrtrgrfrtlgrf?" said Foxtrott. Rex walked over to him and wiped his dick around Foxtrott's opening and touched it with the tip of his cock. Foxtrott cocked his head back with the look again and made the cutest noises he could "mhhhhh? Murhhr *squeak*". "Whoa" Rex thought "This guy knows how to beg" he thought shoving his whole dick in foxtrott's ass letting precum drip from his dick. "Mrhhm" Foxtrott yelped as tears of pleasure dripped from his eyes and his dick so hard it made diamonds jealous. "Oh you like that" Rex said "well then you'll love this" Rex grabbed onto Foxtrott's dick and squeezed as hard as he could his fingers clamping down on him. Foxtrott bucked forward pre squirted on to his own chest as Rex pulled Foxtrott's dick up and made him squirt himself from Rex's hand He pushed into Foxtrott's ass Bending with incredible flexibliity,dick still in Foxtrott He bent to the side of foxtrott's thigh and licked his chest lapping the pre with his tongue and then wrapped his dick with his tongue and sucked as hard as he could also squeezing his shaft with 2 hands this time causing more pre to flood into Rex's mouth swallowing it all up surprised at the size of the fox's package almost choking on it making Foxtrott squeal and scream so loud it hurt his voice and his ears. "Foxy likes that huh" Foxtrott almost passed out and it took all of his will to stay conscious letting go of his pre he muffled "llerfredfrtf?!" Rex pulled his 11 inch dick out and back into Foxtrott putting his knot in him tying him in Cumming all over his insides and squeezed Foxtrott's dick again with 1 hand sucking as hard as he could deep throughing him and pulling at his knot with the other hand moving the one playing with his know only to slap his ass and going back for his knot squeezing it hard as he could. On a scale if getting stung by a bee was a 1 and getting hit in the junk repeatedly with a hammer was a 10 this was a 100. Foxtrott screams so loud he lost his voice Cumming the most intense orgasm he had ever cum and let his seed spill into Rex's mouth. Rex had to swallow five times overflowing with cum almost having some go up his nose his swallowed the fox's seed taken very far aback that he could cum that much even most horses couldn't have done this much and it came from a fox! Foxtrott now had tears running down his face and almost bit the ball gag in half leaving huge rips and gashes in it. Foxtrott fell to the ground in a huddled limp hyperventilating so fast that Rex honestly thought that he had hurt him. Rex walked over to Foxtrott and tried to speak to him taking all the rope gags and cuffs off him. "Foxtrott are you ok" Rex asked "Foxtrott had slurred speech being too exhausted to speak clearly he said stuttering " i can't feel anything except my ass and my dick and think I'm gonna cum just thinking about that again he said passing out...