Driving Miss Rosie

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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Driving Miss Rosie

S.M. Wolf

Sam. Mistress Margaret, Miss Rosie and this story © 2011 by S.M. Wolf. Characters and this story may not be copied or used without prior written consent of the author. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

"SAM! Get your lazy ass in here!"

The naked Belgian stallion sighed inwardly as he quickly made his way to Mistress Margaret. The fifty-something mare that owned him could be nasty when she thought he was not doing things fast enough.

"Yes, Mistress?" Sam said when he reached the dark brown quarter horse.

"Get the cart out. I want to go to the country club," Mistress Margaret ordered Sam.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Sam quickly went out to the barn and pulled out the cart. It was similar to a rickshaw except it had a studded leather harness for Sam to wear. He slid the bridle onto his head and slipped into the rest of the tack. The girth and collar went over his shoulders first. He attached the straps to the poles of the cart. He slipped his legs into the straps of his girth and buckled it on around his loins. More straps went onto the poles. He ran the reins back to the cart and placed them hanging over the dashboard.

Mistress Margaret called the harness a pleasure or show driving harness, but there was nothing pleasurable about the last part of tack that he had to put on. Ever since Mistress Margaret had found the twenty-four-year old male with his cock in his paw one night, she had made it a point to deny him release and even sexually torture him. She had a special bit of tack made for him to control his "urges" while out and about. The straps wrapped around his testicles. One long strap ran back to the driver. When Mistress Margaret pulled on the lead hard, his balls would be yanked down and back, and Sam would nearly double over in pain.

"Are you done yet?!" Mistress Margaret yelled petulantly from the front door.

"Coming, Mistress!" Sam called out. He quickly pulled the cart around to the house and waited for his owner to climb in.

Mistress Margaret came around front to Sam and looked down at his balls.

"Damn it, Sam! I keep telling you to make it tighter!"

Mistress Margaret reached down and pulled the straps around his testicles a notch tighter. The stallion stoically stood still even as he felt pain coursing through his scrotum. It did no good to complain and would only result in the straps being made even tighter.

It was a half hour trot to the country club. Mistress Margaret and several of the other mares spent Wednesday afternoons socializing over lunch and card games. They were enamored with Texas Hold'em Poker right now.

Sam stopped at the front door and let his Mistress out. She gave him a slap on his bare flank to send him on his way to the parking area. He pulled into one of the available slots overlooking the outside dining area where the mares gathered. He stood placidly watching nothing in particular while waiting for his Mistress to need him again.

"Morning, Sam!" a cheerful female voice said to him from behind.

Sam nearly jumped in surprise. He had been half-asleep. He turned his head and smiled.

"Good morning, Miss Rosie!" Sam replied enthusiastically.

Miss Rosie was a very fine looking thoroughbred mare. Her pelt was white, and her mane and tail were just a few shades greyer. She was wearing a tight fitting blouse that showed off her D-cup breasts. Her dress ended just below her knees. It was conservative enough to satisfy the club requirements but at the same time revealed her shapely calves and polished hooves.

Sam really liked Miss Rosie. She was nice to him and always had a good word for him. She perked him up immediately whenever she was near.

Even though Sam was parked deep in the spot and was facing away from the lot, Miss Rosie walked around to him and smiled up at him.

"The ol' battle-ax here already?" the young mare asked.

Sam's face flashed a quick look of fear and consternation.

Miss Rosie laughed and said quickly, "No need to reply, Sam. You're here, so Marge must be as well."

"You know that Mistress Margaret does not like to be called 'Marge'. She thinks it is disrespectful not to use her full name," Sam said quietly. He did not want Miss Rosie and his owner to get into a fight.

Miss Rosie reached down and ran her paw over Sam's leather encased testicles and sheath.

"So long as she does things like this," Rosie replied in an undertone, "she is not going to get any respect from me!"

Despite the harness around his stallionhood and the danger, Sam felt s stirring inside his sheath at Miss Rosie's gentle touch. The pressure against his balls and cock were worth it to feel the young mare's gentle paw.

Miss Rosie removed her paw and said in a normal tone, "I have to get inside now, Sam. Maybe I'll see you later."

The mare turned away. She took a few steps before looking back over her right shoulder and calling out, "Enjoy the sun, Sam!"

After Rosie disappeared into the clubhouse, several of the other horse slaves snickered and gave him knowing winks. Sam tried to ignore them as he fought to keep his erection down. His efforts were totally undone when Miss Rosie sat down in full view of Sam not ten feet from him with her prominent breasts in profile. She was close enough for her to hear her talking to the other mares with ease.

Lunch went slowly as the mares gossiped and talked about everything from their mates to the latest fashions. Sam was incredibly happy that there was a hedge between him and the tables since he was sporting a full erection after Miss Rosie described in detail her new crotchless panties and cutout bra. Sam would have been more embarrassed if several of the other stallions did not have their own pink spires by the time she was done.

After lunch, the mares started playing poker. For three hours they sat, talked, bet, won and lost. One by one, each was eliminated until only Mistress Margaret and Miss Rosie were left. They were playing at the table immediately in front of Sam where Miss Rosie had lunch a few hours before.

After the blind and the flop, Mistress Margaret raised and Miss Rosie called. The turn card was dealt, and both mares raised again. Mistress Margaret called. The river card was dealt, and both mares looked at their pocket cards again.

"Damn! I wish we were betting for real money instead of stupid chips," Mistress Margaret complained.

Miss Rosie laughed and replied, "Better be glad it's just for fun, Marge. I would clean you clock otherwise."

Sam caught a glimpse of Mistress Margaret's scowl. She was not happy at all with the impertinent younger mare.

"Ha! I've got the winning hand!" she retorted. "I'd take you down any day!"

Miss Rosie cocked her head and looked at Miss Margaret through slitted eyes.

"Care to prove it, Marge? I've got some cash with me, and I'm willing to put it on this hand," she said quietly.

One of the other mares said, "We're not supposed to bet for real! This is just for fun."

"Shut up, Betty!" Mistress Margaret snapped.

Sam's owner turned back to Rosie and said, "I don't have cash, but I've got something just as good."

Mistress Margaret reached into her purse and rummaged around for a moment. She pulled out a single piece of paper and laid it on the table.

"Here's the title to my buggy!"

Miss Rosie picked up the paper and glanced at it.

"This says that it comes with Sam," Rosie said quietly as she put the paper back on top of the stacks of chips.

Mistress Margaret snorted derisively.

"If you want that flea-bag," Sam's owner said, "you're welcome to him as well.

"Now what do you have to put up against this?"

Miss Rosie reached into her purse and pulled out her keys. She tossed them on top

"My Ferrari."

Sam would have been caught and punished for listening in on the conversation immediately except his exclamation of shock was covered by the gasps and cries of all the other horses.

Mistress Margaret looked down at the keys and said, "The cart is not worth it."

"Sam is worth it," Miss Rosie replied quietly. Her words strangely warmed Sam.

Mistress Margaret looked up and snickered.

"If you want him so much, fine," the older mare said. "But you are not going to get him!"

Mistress Margaret flipped over her hole cards.

"I've got a 10 and Jack. Along with that Queen for the river, the King for the turn and the 8 and 9 from the flop, I've got a King-high straight!" Miss Margaret crowed. "Beat that!"

Miss Rosie just smiled. She turned over her hole cards.

"I've just got a 6 and 7 of clubs," Rosie said. "Along with the 5, 8 and 9 of clubs, that gives me a nine-high straight flush."

After a dramatic pause, Miss Rosie added, "I think that beats you, Marge."

Mistress Margaret hissed. Without a further word, she got up and stormed off. From inside the clubhouse Sam could hear her screaming for someone to get her a taxi.

Sam could not believe it. Miss Rosie had won him in a poker game!

It was a half hour before Miss Rosie came to claim Sam and the cart. She looked up at the taller stallion and grinned.

"Well, today certainly went better than I expected! A lot more interesting than the normal games, too," the young mare said cheerfully.

Her eyes dropped, and she added with a small snicker, "And I see you are 'happy' about it as well."

Sam's cock was still flying at full mast.

"I'm sorry, Miss Rosie-"

Sam stopped as he realized he had made another grievous mistake. The young mare was his owner now and had to be addressed as such at all times.

"Please, Mistress Rosie, I did not mean-"

Miss Rosie placed a paw over Sam's muzzle to silence him.

"It's okay, Sam. I'm a bit flattered with your reaction actually. And 'Miss Rosie' is still fine. I rather like hearing it coming from your muzzle."

Miss Rosie removed her paw and asked, "Sam, do you like wearing that CBT harness?"

Sam was a bit surprised that Miss Rosie would know about such things, but he replied, "No, Miss Rosie."

"Then take that ridiculous thing off before you get castrated accidently."

Sam gladly removed the too tight straps. He stood a moment holding the harness and looked at his new owner.

Miss Rosie took the harness from Sam and tossed it onto the seat.

"I'll keep it in case we decide to use it sometime later," the mare said with a saucy wink.

Miss Rosie climbed into the cart and sat down. Sam could not see her with the blinders on his eyes, but he could still hear her. He flicked his right ear back and waited for her instructions.

"Home, Sam."

Sam had been by Miss Rosie's house enough to know how to get there. He pulled out and started trotting down the road. He had to smile when a taxi passed them with Mistress Margaret riding in the back. Miss Rosie called out to the older mare cheerfully, but the quarter horse mare only scowled at both younger horses through the back window.

Sam pulled the cart into Miss Rosie's driveway.

"Pull around back to the barn, Sam," Miss Rosie instructed him.

The stallion made his way to the barn. It was a good size structure with a large double door on both ends and a hayloft above the main floor. He stood quietly while Miss Rosie got out and opened the doors.

"Back the cart in and park it as the rear of the barn, Sam," Miss Rosie told Sam.

Sam carefully backed the cart into the barn. The barn was nearly spotless. There were several stalls on each side of the central aisle. He saw water, feed, and even heaters for the cold winter nights. It was far better than any other barn he had been stabled in before.

"Okay, stop there, Sam!" Miss Rosie called from behind Sam.

Sam stopped and lowered the poles. He stood staring straight forward. He did not know what to do now.

Miss Rosie appeared and looked down at Sam's crotch. His damn dick had a mind of its own today. Despite Sam's best efforts, it was still fully erect. He actually blushed, but Miss Rosie just smiled. She went to the far end of the barn and closed the doors. The momentary twilight inside the barn was erased when she flicked on the lights.

Sam cringed a bit. Miss Rosie wanted privacy. She was going to punish him for his audacity of showing his sexual arousal and desire for her. Sam could not blame her, though. He was being rather blatant about it.

Miss Rosie picked up five bales of hay and arranged them in stacks of one, two and two bales in front of Sam. She laid a large red blanket on top of the hay bales. She spent some time arranging it to her satisfaction. Sam had quite a view of her body as she bent over to tug and pull the blanket into position.

Miss Rosie turned and looked at Sam. Despite his predicament and impending punishment, he could not hate her. He just looked her in the eyes and waited quietly.

"Still 'happy' to be with me, Sam?" Miss Rosie asked.

Sam made no reply. His cock said everything for him.

Miss Rosie just laughed. It was not a cruel laugh, but one that was almost friendly.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to do something about that!"

Sam was in for it now.

Miss Rosie reached up and unbuttoned her blouse. Sam's eyes got bigger and bigger as each button was undone and her ample cleavage revealed to his watching eyes. She pulled off her blouse and tossed it aside. Sam actually whimpered when she undid the two buttons on the waistband of her dress and allowed it to fall to the barn floor. She playfully kicked it out of the way.

Sam could not keep his eyes off Miss Rosie as she reached behind her back and undid her bra straps. She pulled off her bra and tossed it aside. Her plump, perky breasts popped into view. Miss Rosie paused for a moment with her twin towers of soft flesh pointing at Sam.

Sam had been aroused before, but nothing like now! His cock was bouncing up and down several inches with each heartbeat, and pre-cum was oozing from his slit.

Miss Rosie said nothing. She turned around and positioned herself facing the hay bales directly in front of Sam. She was barely a foot from his rampant erection. She looked back over her shoulder and noted his gaze fixated on her rump. The stallion missed her knowing smile as she reached down and slowly pulled down her panties to reveal her naked flesh to the watching male.

Sam could barely contain his whinny of delight. He was sure that he was going to be in deep trouble in a few moments, but the sight of this naked young mare in front of him was sending every ductless gland in his body into overdrive.

Miss Rosie knelt on the single hay bale. She leaned forward and laid her torso on top of the other hay bales. Sam noted the contrast between her white pelt and the red of the blanket.

Miss Rosie turned her head to look back at the stallion behind her. Playfully she flipped her tail back and forth. Her tail hairs ran over his shaft sensuously and excited him even more if that was possible.

"You look real good in leather, Sam," Miss Rosie said in a sultry voice. "I'll have to take you down to the tack store for some more outfits.

"In the meantime, I figure that I better leave you belted into that contraption or we'll end up out in the yard, closed doors or not."

Sam's befuddled brain totally missed the meaning of her words. All he could see was her naked body. The scent of her arousal was driving him nuts.

"Now why don't you come over here and show me what you can do with that nice, big cock of yours?" Miss Rosie asked Sam.

Sam was shocked. Could she seriously be asking for what he thought she was? From him? Any doubt the stallion had was erased when Miss Rosie gave him a knowing smile and flipped her tail out of the way to expose her dripping wet snatch to his gaze.

Sam could not contain himself. With a neigh, he leaped forward and grabbed Miss Rosie by the flanks. He wrapped his paws around her hips and held her tight. He pressed the mushroom-shaped head of his dick against her slit. For just a moment he paused as the audacity of what he had been about to do struck him, but a glance from Miss Rosie removed his momentary fear. She wanted him to do this, and he was going to oblige her!

The stallion rammed his shaft into Miss Rosie's pussy. Like all Belgian stallions, he was very well endowed. Four inches of his twelve-inch shaft shot into Miss Rosie's waiting cunt. She squealed as she felt her vagina walls pressed open by Sam's three-inch diameter shaft.

Sam continued to thrust his cock into Miss Rosie hard and fast. The weight of the cart stopped him from shoving Miss Rosie over the far end of the bales, but just barely. He actually moved her and the hay several inches forward in his excited, frantic coupling.

Miss Rosie just whinnied in pure bliss as Sam filled her with his monster cock. It only took him a few thrust to hilt it in her. He pulled it out a bit and thrust hard repeatedly to her obvious delight.

"More, Sam!" she called back to him as she arched her back and neck in pleasure.

Sam pulled his cock out further and thrust even harder. She just cheered him on with calls for even more and harder thrusts.

Miss Rosie's pussy suddenly clamped down hard on Sam's cock. He was momentarily trapped and could not pull out of his new Mistress. She let out a single long, loud whinny as she climaxed.

When his Mistress was done cumming, Sam started to withdraw. He had managed to sexually satisfy his Mistress, and he had no right to expect his own release. Still, it was one of the hardest things he had ever done in his life to pull his hips back and withdraw his shaft from her hot, wet cunny.

Luckily for Sam, Miss Rosie was having nothing to do with that. She thrust her hips back hard and buried his cock in her again. She rode him hard and fast. After a moment of hesitation, he responded in kind.

In only a few moments, Sam's balls were close to exploding.

"I- I can't hold it, Miss Rosie!" the stallion managed to get out around his heavy breathing.

"Don't!" Miss Rosie replied around her pants.

With a grunt, Sam thrust as deep into Miss Rosie as he could. He ground his crotch against her butt as his cock erupted like Krakatau. His sperm just keep coming and coming and coming. His neigh of delight was matched by Miss Rosie's whinny as both horses climaxed in unison.

When he was done ejaculating, Sam nearly collapsed forward onto Miss Rosie. He was suddenly glad for the restraining straps and the heavy weight of the cart as they kept him standing if unsteadily. With great disappointment, Sam watched his cock soften and withdraw into his sheath.

"Not bad!" Miss Rosie commented as she turned over. She spread her legs wide as she half-sat, half-lay on the bales of hay. Her pussy was on lewd display for Sam. A mixture of his sperm and her nectar flowed freely out of her open slit, over her tail and onto the blanket to create a growing wet spot.

"Not that I ever had any doubts that you would do a good job, Sam," Miss Rosie added.

"I- I'm sorry, Mistress," Sam said as he looked away in shame and embarrassment. He could not look her in the eyes after taking her in such a feral manner.

Miss Rosie just laughed again.

"First time?" she asked.

Sam's entire body burned from his blush.

"Yes," he said quietly in an ashamed voice.

"I'm not surprised. I doubted that you had any opportunity to stand stud with that old bitch Marge," Miss Rosie said.

Miss Rosie leaned in and added, "I'm glad, actually. I wanted to be the one to pop your cherry."

Miss Rosie stood. She undid the straps holding Sam into the cart and pulled him down to lay beside her on the hay bales. She pressed her body against his.

"I think you did a great job, Sam," Miss Rosie told Sam.

"You do?" Sam replied. He had been afraid that he had screwed up. He had not really been able to control himself there at the end.

"Yes, I do," Miss Rosie told him as she kissed him. "I really liked how you took me like an untamed stallion taking his mare out in the wild. It was... exciting."

"Not that I'm surprised," Miss Rosie continued. "I've had my eyes on you for a while."

"What?" Sam asked in surprise

"I'm sure I'm not the only one either," Miss Rosie added conspiratorially.

"You're a good looking stallion, Sam. Lots of muscles in all the right places and not much fat. I creamed twice on the way home watching that tight, naked ass of yours flex and bounce as you were pulling the cart home.

"On top of that, you've got a real steady personality. Nothing phases you. A lot of mares may claim they want an eighteen year old stud to pleasure them in the breeding barn, but all the immaturity and mood swings get tiresome real fast."

Sam gathered that she was speaking from personal experience. He felt a pang of jealousy for some reason.

Miss Rosie reached down with her left paw and cupped his balls. She looked Sam in the eyes and asked him, "So why not get a slightly older, mature, big, well hung stud with balls the size of cantaloupes that knows how to pleasure a mare both in and out of bed instead?"

Sam was trying to figure out how to reply, but Miss Rosie drove all thoughts from his mind as she rubbed her body against his in a manner that caused his cock to stir in its sheath again. Her paw moved from his balls to his emerging shaft, and she began to stroke him to full hardness. Sam looked into her eyes and saw not only lust but also affection in her eyes. She grinned at him mischievously before dropping her head and beginning to work her way down his front side to his hardening cock.

Sam rolled over onto his back. Miss Rosie took a surprising amount of his cock in her mouth and sucked. He let out a long, low whinny of pleasure. Sam's eyes rolled back in his head. He was not sure how his life had changed so much so quickly, but he definitely approved of his new owner and her attentions. He was willing to do whatever it took to please her.

It was late in the night before the two horses unsteadily staggered from the barn and headed for Miss Rosie's bed.