Where milk comes from

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#15 of GenderShifting

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Enjoy this? Try my collection of short stories out!

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The Thomas household was in a normal state one lovely autumn day. And in saying that, it meant that it was in a state of turmoil as the lazy Sunday afternoon was interrupted by the yelling voices of a pair of teenagers. Their voices were raised up so loudly that a couple walking their dog along the side walk paused and stare at the house before hurrying on with their dog that kept peering back with a look of comical confusion on his face. The voices never wavered as one higher pitched and one definitely lower continued their heated exchange. It wasn't terribly often that the pair of brothers ended up in arguments such as they had managed to get into an argument over who was supposed to rake up the pile of thick leaves in the back yard.

"Just shut up and do it! I did it last weekend!" Richard yelled at his older brother Jeff. He was shorter by at least half a foot and at twelve was just developing the long limbs that he would one day grow into.

"Yeah and I did it on Tuesday when Dad said you left most of it behind while you tried to rake. " Jeff was heavier built and had a broader chest. He was sixteen years old and he drew himself up taller so that he looked down at his brother.

"Yeah right, its fall leaves fall down! I can't make them stay on the tree." Richard felt himself flare up with anger when his brother as he made that accusation and his fingers moved down to ball up into fists.

"Hey, sorry squirt but it's your turn. I raked last time." Jeff gave a lop sided grin a moment before Richard stepped back and gave a stubborn look.

"I don't care, I'm not going to rake the yard! I have plans!" Richard wasn't about to let his brother stick him with chores on yet another weekend. He couldn't even remember Jeff touching a rake this week!

"Oh no you don't, squirt!"

The younger boy wasn't prepared for his brother's reaction which was to suddenly lunge forward and catch him right at the back of the neck. He let out a short sound or protest and tried to wriggle away when the other hand gripped him right around the stomach. He writhed and then kicked out trying to catch his brother in the stomach. His outrage just grew as he was shoved and pushed around all the way until his back bumped against the couch. Jeff moved his foot out and hooked it right under his legs until Richard found himself losing his balance. He tumbled forward slightly while the hand around his weight tightened and his head was forced down against the cushions as he kicked his legs backwards trying to kick his older sibling.

"STOPPIT! RICHARD!" He squealed out, shocked at the sudden rough treatment his brother was given him. He'd never abused him like this before!

"Say you'll do it, squirt. It's your turn!" Jeff's voice was mocking while he gripped against the back of the neck until he could almost feel his skin bruising.

"No! I'm not gonna!" Richard's voice came out more than a little muffled as Jeff pushed his hand down harder and moved one up to pull his arm behind his back. He yelped out as he felt tears prick his eyes at the sudden spasm of pain when his shoulder blade was yanked painfully backwards.

"I said say you'll do it!" Jeff insisted before yanking just that much harder until pain sparked right in front of his eyes and he was left gasping out in reaction.

"F-fine, I'll do it!" He choked out, his voice slightly tight with pain from his brother's grip against the curve of his elbow and the pressure on his shoulder.

"There? See? That wasn't too hard was it?" Jeff's voice was mocking and patronizing as the pressure was released from his elbow and the weight suddenly was removed from behind him. How could his brother treat him this way?

Later that evening after Rich had spent the better part of the afternoon raking the leaves that had covered the back yard he skipped dinner and went upstairs. He didn't have the stomach for food at the moment. He'd been stopped briefly by his mother when he'd come in to ask about if he was sick or not and had just mumbled he felt like he had an upset stomach. His Mom worked at the grade school as a kindergarten teacher and always had a strange penchant for being able to notice when he was feeling down or depressed. It was a fact that annoyed his older brother to no end in recent years when he'd been going through various moods. Richard at least liked it since for the most part he could always count on his Mom giving him an extra hug or attention.

Tonight though he just wanted to be by himself more then he wanted to be comforted. His feelings were stung by his brother's sudden rough treatment. He found his way into the cubby space in his room that led up to the attic. He often went up there when he'd had a bad day or he just wanted to get away from everything. Today wasn't that much different, he listened to his family settle down for the night while he settled in against the boxes his mother had brought back from his great-grandma's house after she had passed away. They smelled musty and old so that they often tickled his nose and he wrinkled his nose a little bit until he wanted to sneeze. Tonight it didn't really bother him that much.

His thoughts were on Jeff. They had always wrestled around together, ever since they were young kids they were always pushing each other around and having fun at each others' expenses, but they rarely hurt each other. Well not on purpose. Today was different though. Jeff had meant to hurt him, he had done it on purpose just to get his way. He'd looked at his shoulder later and saw the start of a livid purple-blue bruise beginning right around his shoulder from the treatment earlier. It ached and made each of his movements bring fresh pain to him. It was just a reminder of what had happened and each time he'd moved the rake he'd been forced to remember how his brother had purposely hurt him.

As he tucked his chin against his knees he could feel the tears starting to threaten and he choked back a little sound just as the first crystal clear drop rolled down along his cheek. Another swiftly followed until they were falling down his cheeks and he snuffled wetly to try and stop them. Why was he crying? He wasn't hurt now, at least not physically more then the ache, but he couldn't stop the feeling of betrayal and anger inside of him. He loved his brother, but it apparently wasn't returned like it used to be. Perhaps it was just because he was older now that he started to forget how much he loved Jeff. He'd expected him to at least to apologize to him later! That hadn't even happened! He pretended nothing ever happened. In fact he looked almost proud of himself.

Richard forced his mind away from the earlier memories and started to concentrate on other things. He started to poke lightly at the box that was resting right against him and he looked at the torn and slightly mildewed edges. He hadn't had a chance to explore what was in them though he kept meaning too when he was up here. His mother had said that his grandmother was an eccentric old woman and had more things then sense. He'd started to realize what she meant when the boxes had started to come into the house. It seemed like there was a never ending supply. His father had complained bitterly as they had taken over the attic so most of their holiday decorations had been moved down into the basement to make room for them.

He knew his Mom kept meaning to go through the boxes but between work at the school and time spent at home with her own kids she never had time. He started to poke at the box a little and wondered what was so important that his grandmother would fill her entire house with so much stuff. His pain from earlier started to slip away as he poked his head just over the edge of the box and looked into the mess he found there. He pulled the edge back and wrinkled his nose as a sharp scent assaulted them. He had no idea what it was, but it was certainly thick enough that it made him want to cough. It smelled like how he imagined old people must smell. Ugh, old person smell.

He spent the next hour going through various boxes to see what would come of them. Most of them didn't hold anything more then strange figurines, old plates that were edged with gold and funny figures and some piles of old cloth. He had some fun when he found the older figures that were made to look like toy army men, but they were metal and so heavy that he couldn't figure out what they were made of. He put them aside so he could look at them later, he'd figure out what they were made of and then he'd take the chance to maybe save them in his room with his own toys. They were probably one of his grandparents anyway which made them sort of his. That brightened his evening up all the more, but what truly made it was what he found when he finally had a good look at one of the oldest boxes.

At first Rich dismissed it as just piles of old books that he had no interest in. Some of them were school type books, some were cook books, but when he lifted a few out to look for comic books he found one that was old and yellow and more like a pamphlet. He frowned and pulled it out to look at the front that had a picture of a rearing dog like animal on it. It stood on two legs and was half turned with a woman clutched in its jaws. It was a werewolf! It must be a comic book, probably an old horror comic book. The sort he knew his mother would hate to find out he was reading. He pulled it out and sat down on his rump to rest his back against the wall. He wasn't feeling tired yet and where else was better to read a good scary comic book then the attic.

It didn't take long for him to find out that this was no ordinary book. It was filled with strange words that he wasn't sure of, but after a few pages he started to read the very bottoms which were actually in English. It described each page as a 'spell' of some sort and how they would change his 'enemies' into whatever he wanted them to be. He flipped further into the book as it talked about how he could change people into cats or dogs, wolves or frogs, all sorts of things! Was it real? Or was it some sort of old book that one of his grandparents liked to read, just written like it wasn't supposed to be fiction?

He lost track of time as he read each and every spell curiously, the words weren't English but each one was repeated beneath the original writing in pain careful pencil markings in what looked like English. He realized by the third one that it was written so that he could easily sound out the strange words! By the time he got to the very end he found something else written in pencil that wasn't a spell at all. It was something completely different. He moved a finger down to trace the elegant writing. It had to be his great-grandmothers writing! Was this what his mother meant by eccentric? Did she believe stuff like this? Or was this just some sort of joke? The note didn't read like that at least.

"To whoever finds this book, You have found my greatest treasure. I found this pamphlet many years ago in a bookshop on the streets of London. The owner of the shop said it once belonged to a young gypsy that had left it behind in exchange for some coins. The spells in his book are real and very powerful. Always remember when casting them that once started you cannot reverse the spell until it has run its course. Let this serve as a warning and reminder to you who found it. I wish you luck with them and a good conscience when using them. I pray that you are a person with a good heart and a clear mind.


For a moment Richard traced over the edges of the letters and smiled to himself. He never really knew his grandmother. She lived at the other side of the country and had never visited, though he knew his Mother had often called her to check up on her and make sure she had everything she needed. The letter made him feel a sense of connection with the older woman, that she had found something magical and had actually used it! Maybe she was really a witch; maybe she had used it on people who had hurt her. A sudden plan started to form in his mind while he shifted a little bit and moved back through the spells to find one that had caught his eye earlier. If his older brother could use force, then why couldn't he? It was only fair after all.

He closed the book and stood up before moving his way back towards the cubby hole that he had used to get up here. As he made his way down into his room he felt the book that was pressed against his belly where he tucked it right under the band of his jeans. The spell he had seen started to take root in his mind as he snuck out of his bedroom and into the main hall of the house. It would serve his brother right. He kept thinking that thought over and over again. It started to make his mind swirl faster with the rightness of it. He didn't have the muscles to fight back, but just maybe he had the brains.

As he slipped past the hall and into his older brother's room silently, he pulled the book out from under the band of his jeans. The old brittle paper crackled under his fingers and he licked his lips rapidly while he looked at the sleeping form. He felt the ache in his shoulder as he firmed his resolve and opened the book up and glanced down at the pages in the book. This would work, it had to work, if not how often would his brother use force to make him cave in? Would he stop at how far he'd gone now or would he keep pushing things? What if he didn't? What if Jeff really hurt him some day? He took a deep breath before he started to recite the spell that illustrated with a placid bovine form.


Jeff woke up with a slight groan as he burrowed himself further under the covers when he heard the insistent beeping of his alarm clock. Why wouldn't it just shut off? He moved his hand out and felt around on his cluttered bed stand to try and smack the clock off. He felt around and managed to tip over a stack of papers and at least two paper plates before he found the hard plastic edges of it and then the button to turn it off. Once he hit it he let out a happy sound and then started to edge his head right out from under the covers to squint at the time. Ugh, seven am. Who decided that school should start this damn early in the morning?

"JEFF!! Get up! You're going to be late for school!" His mother's voice rang in his ears as he edged his way out from under the covers. It was at least warm, the fall weather hadn't turned entirely chilly yet.

"I'm up! I'm up!" He called back before he got a really good look at the time. 7:40. He must have hit snooze half a dozen times! "Damnit!"

He yanked open his closet and started to pull out wrinkled clothes that had been balled up on the bottom. He found a pair of jeans that weren't too wrinkled and a clean shirt and started to struggle into them. He hated when he woke up too late! He could already hear his little brother running downstairs from the bathroom. Trust Richard to get up early. He was really starting to annoy him lately. He always seemed to play the innocent and obedient child. He'd nearly had a fit yesterday when he tried to worm out of chores once they were left alone. He knew the moment their parents were home he would have said yes.

He went to pull his shirt on when he felt them catch right against his chest and slightly swollen hot sensations come from his nipples. What the hell? He wriggled his shirt upwards a little bit while he tried to take a look down to see what was wrong. A slight frown creased his face while he tried to assess what was wrong. To his shock he saw the nubs were reddened and swollen. The tips stood out against his pale skin a good third of an inch so that they had caught on the rough texture of his shirt. He moved a hand down to touch one and hissed as even the brush of his fingers caused a tremor or sensation to run down along his spine. It was as if they were bruised, but not quite, the barest touches of sensation against them made them feel warmer until he forced his hands to drop down and let his shirt fall into place.

"JEFF!" His mothers yell came out louder so he gave a jump.

He forced the thoughts of what had happened to his chest to the back of his mind and dismissed them. He probably just slept on them wrong or even it started to rub against his jersey so that it must have chafed against them. He stumbled out of the door and almost barreled right into his younger brother who was going the stairs ahead of him. He managed to catch himself just in time while he growled to himself as it made him rub his shirt against the sensitive nubs on his chest and he sucked in a hissing breath in reaction. It was almost painful, but worse it was embarrassing as he could see the very tips of his nipples sticking out right against the darkness of his shirt. He glared at his younger brother and gave him a rough shove as the younger boy's eyes widened a little in what looked like surprise.

"Watch it, squirt." He growled under his breath and jostled him to the side of the stairs.


Richard had woken up in the morning with a feeling of anticipation about his day as well as a slight fearful sensation of wondering what was going to happen. He hadn't slept well all night, instead he had spent it tossing and turning as he waited to see what would happen it with his spell. He was almost positive he would hear some sort of fuss coming from the next room when his brother woke up to find out what had happened. The spell had mentioned that the transformation would be slow and required several days to take real root, but what would change? Would his brother grow a tail? Hooves? Long cow like ears? He hadn't quite thought it through the moment he had decided to say the spell. Now he was starting to worry about it.

What would his parents say if they figured it out? They'd have to if his brother grew something like a tail. He started to feel a ball of fear just as the sun started to come up and he gave up trying to sleep and instead pulled himself out of bed. He got ready for school with one ear open for any sounds around the house until his mother started to yell for his older brother. A cold feeling flooded his stomach as he heard his older brother start to stir in the room next to him. No yells, no screams, no sounds of anything unusual. Maybe his great-grandmother had just been a little bit crazy. Relief and disappointment both warred together as he started to head downstairs.

He suddenly heard his brother's door open and shut a moment before he was pushed and jostled against the side of the stairs. The movement hit his injured shoulder so that he let out a soft sound of pain and turned to give his brother a wide eyed look. The sullen face that met him didn't remind him of the brother he knew, he looked agitated and angry as Jeff erupted at him in frustration. For a moment he looked down to see his brother's shirt wasn't laying flat, in fact it showed twin rises just where his nipples would be. They looked larger and he blinked his eyes a little rapidly, was that all that changed? He made the nipples slightly harder? What the hell?

"Lemme alone, Jeff." He mumbled and he let his brother force past him to rush downstairs, something wasn't right. Had the spell actually done something? If it had, it certainly was anticlimactic!


Jeff got to school later that morning, but only after he had used to bandaids to cover his nipples so that they didn't rub against his shirt or worse show more than normal. It wasn't hard to make sure that they were hidden, in fact he was quite proud of the job he'd done. That would keep anyone from questioning him. By the time he was in his first class he had forgotten all about his earlier confusion and what had happened. His morning classes were luckily set up to be some of the most boring of his day, he rarely actually stayed awake during them unless there was a test going on. By the time he reached fourth period he had spent most of his math class, art class and a good portion of world history with his head propped up on his hand. Sadly science wasn't one of those classes he could sleep through no matter how much he might want too.

"Jeff....Jeeeeeeff." He jerked a little bit while he heard his name hissed out and turned around enough to see his friend leaning towards him while their teachers back was turned towards them.

"What?" He hissed back and glanced up at the teacher who was pointing out the anatomy on a rat drawn on the board.

"What are you doing tonight? We're gonna go down to the football field to hang out." Steve gave him a quick grin.

"I dunno, man. I'm supposed to help my stupid little brother with his homework later." He grimaced a little bit at that idea, his Mom's idea of making him earn his allowance.

"So? Ditch him, the little pest is always chasing you around!"

"Mr. Henderson, can I help you?" Mr. Vitlip's words made both of them tense up while Steve's face turned a livid red.

"Nosir." The words were mumbled out before the lesson began again.

Jeff grinned at his friend in sympathy as he went back to trying to take notes, not that that was terribly interesting. He thought about going home and having to tutor his brother again and tried to suppress a sigh to himself. He was getting so tired of his little brother hanging out with him all the time, it was making him insane. Richard was always tagging along behind him as if he was a lost puppy, but why should he let him? Next year they'd be in the same school which was going to be hell if the kid thought he could follow him around here. He wasn't going to play babysitter his entire senior year when he wanted t be enjoying himself!

It wasn't until the end of his class that he felt something change with himself. He was leaning forward against the edge of the desk. His arms were crossed right over his notes while he watched his teacher flipping through a slide show presentation when he realized that his shirt felt slightly damp. He frowned to himself while he shifted back and forth, the movement started to make him aware that the bandages that he put on his chest were starting to feel thick. He moved back and slipped a hand down to feel against his chest until he felt the rise of the bandage and to his horror when he pushed down he felt wetness against his finger tips. It was warm and he jerked his hand away before leaning his head down.

He was just about to try and look down his shirt when the bell rang and he suddenly jerked and stumbled up to his feet. He lurched just a little while he gripped his books against his chest, but not before he had been able to see his shirt was a darker black where the bandages were leaking. He managed to wave off his friends as he left the room and felt a wave of relief that it was a lunch bell. Something wasn't right! He made a bee line towards the restroom with his books hiding his chest all the way until he was able to kick open the door to one of the stalls. There were only a few other guys in the bathroom, but that was just fine with him, he wanted to know what was wrong!

Jeff put his books down on the back of the toilet before he pulled his shirt up and rolled it all the way up so he could tuck it beneath his chin. To his shock and horror he saw the absorbent band aid was actually swollen and enlarged from trying to deal with wetness. He pressed a finger down against the back of it and something milky and liquid rolled down along the edges of his chest before he moved it back again. He suppressed a short noise before he carefully peeled back one of the bandages and looked at his nipple that was nearly twice as large as it had been this morning! Just around it the areola was puffy and swollen looking. Even as he brushed the skin with his finger he gave a tremble of sensation that ran through him.

"What the hell.." He breathed out.

He listened as the door the restroom opened and closed again while he moved his fingers around the area and gave a slight squeeze. He bit his lip to stop himself from making any noise as he put pressure all the way towards the very tip of his nipple. He shuddered while the feeling of pain and almost pleasure grew before there was a sense of sudden relief when a thin spray of milk squirted from his tip to hit right against the side of the bathroom stall. He stared at it with disbelieving eyes while the creamy almost frothy liquid rolled its way down the smooth wall. It ALMOST looked like something else, but not quite. It had the wrong texture, the wrong look, something just wasn't right with it.

"HEY!! HEY JEFF!" A sudden slam against the door behind him made him jump as he moved his hands up to awkwardly cover both his nipples to keep them out of sight even though the door was firmly locked behind him.

"What? What'd you want?" He yelled back, his voice almost cracked a little bit.

"We're heading to Burger King, you coming?" He glanced back down at himself, he couldn't' go out to eat with his shirt soaked in milk!

"No..naw man. I'm going to head home real quick, I forgot some of my homework." He made up the excuse as quickly as he could before he heard a snort of laughter.

"Whatever, your loss." Steve retorted before giving a smack against the door and then slipped back out from the rest room.

Jeff carefully lowered his hands down to look at his bandaged nipple as well as the one that was uncovered. His chest looked puffy and swollen in general, it wasn't quite like he had breasts, but it certainly wasn't the flat expanse he was used too. He swallowed and moved his fingers up to the uncovered breast and gave another slow pull that pulled out another stream of milk to dribble down against his finger tips. The touch was partially a sense of torture. But it also felt strangely good while he worked his fingers around himself and then forced his fingers down away from them. What was he going to do? He couldn't go back to class like this!

He pulled his shirt down to hide his shame while he started to gather his books together. A half remembered piece of information he had picked up in phys ed class started to tease the back of his mind. It had been on the day there was much giggling when they had been discussing human reproduction and everyone had been making cracks about it. By the third day they had settled a little bit as it was mostly just about child birth was more than a little boring except for one point when talking about lactation. He tried to remember what had been said, it was something about pumps and relieving pressure. That was it! Breast pumps to empty out milk! Maybe he was just going through some strange hormonal problem.

He got to his locker to put away his books and dug out his heavy flannel shirt to toss over his dark black one that was streaked from the milk. He never wanted anyone to know about what his body was doing, the moment others found out about it he was mortally certain he would find himself the butt of every joke in the school! He slipped out of the school doors and onto the side walk before trying to remember where the nearest pharmacy was. He knew there was a small mom and pop style place, but they also knew him and his family. They'd probably tell his mother he'd been in and just what he had bought. So that would never work. He kept trying to think of what to do before he remembered the larger drug store that was just a few blocks away from the school.

He had to cut through some of the alleys to create a short cut that he figured would have the greatest chance of avoiding the rest of the kids from his school. The last thing he wanted to do was to get caught up by them and have them ask him what was going on and just what he was doing. It was way too warm to be wearing his jacket though, so by the time he got to the parking lot he was slightly sweaty and out of breath. He took a careful look around just to be sure that no one he recognized was parked in the lot before slipping into the air conditioned building. His nipples ached and felt even more swollen then when he had left, they were constantly being rubbed against his shirt until he was sure his jacket was getting damp as well.

"May I help you?" The older woman's voice made him startle slightly before he turned towards her and his cheeks darkened into a deep red.

"Ahh...." He hammered his mind trying to think up a reason to ask what he needed. "M-My mom sent me for something." He blurted the words out almost desperately.

"I see." An amused smile crossed the maternal woman's face and his flush turned even darker as she started towards where the aisle was labeled "Feminine Supplies." That wasn't right. He tried not to shrink in on himself as he gathered his nerves and continued.

"I umm..n-needed stuff from the baby aisle. For my Mom, because she needed to fill the bottles." He stumbled, tripped and verbally twisted the words around trying to get them out only to hear himself sound like an idiot. The clerk though just smiled and pointed him to where he could see some towers of diapers before he stumbled in that direction.

Jeff tried to fight off the hot flush that suffused his face and made his ears burn, but it was all he could do just to get his way into the right aisle. There were diapers, pacifiers, baby food, baby formula, baby toys, and much more. He walked down the aisle with his shoulders hunched as he tried to find what he was looking for and with every moment he became acutely more aware of the throbbing against his chest. It ached and felt increasingly more uncomfortable and full. It felt as if he should be able to feel the thick creamy liquid being moved along his chest. He finally found the section that held small handheld milk pumps and stared at them in utter bafflement for a moment.

He picked one up hesitantly while trying to make out the shape and what it was supposed to be used for. He knew at least as much as he learned at school, but it didn't seem to be enough. It looked like an oddly formed suction cup, a small container and an accordion shaped part. He turned it around in his hands while he tried to read the instructions. The entire time he could feel the clothing that was pressed against his nipples. It made it feel as if every time he shifted that a finger was stroking over the puffy rise of his chest and he drew in a shuddering breath. It looked too big for him, the end of it was so large that it could fit almost three of his nipples into the tip! This wouldn't work.

"Hey Jeff!" A cheerful female voice made him drop the pump as he took a step backwards and widened his eyes. He turned his head to see a short haired blonde girl standing right at the end of the aisle. It was Stacy, one of the girls in the class below his.

"Uhh...S-stacy, hey!" He swallowed his words down swiftly and gave a lopsided little smile towards the younger girl. He'd almost asked her out to the dance this year, but at the last moment had chickened out. He always thought she looked like everything he'd ever admired in the movies, but with a lot more personality and spunk to her. Great, just great, just who he wanted to find him here!

"Whatcha looking for?" She came down the aisle with her pony tail bobbing behind her and his cheeks darkened from where they had started to finally pale again. He worked his mouth for a while and to his horror she dropped down to pick up the breast pump. He hastily tried to snatch it out of her hands to keep her from finding out what it was.

"Your mom have a new baby?" She tilted her head curiously as she gave him a sympathetic grin. "I didn't know that."

"Oh..m-mom? No no no! It's my aunt, she's not feeling good." He tried to lie glibly, but all he could think was how his nipples ached and just how much he wanted to slink away. She had to know something was up. "I promised I'd pick her up one of those thingies."

"That's gotta suck, especially for a boy!" She wrinkled her nose cutely at him and he burned with a hotter flush.

"Yeah, I don't think they have the right type though. This thing is huge." He tried to take it away from her, but she refused to let it go.

"This is the right one." She handed it to him and for a moment her fingers brushed his as she pointed out some of the writing. "See? It has different tips."

"Oh...oh hey it does! Th-thanks, Stacy, thanks a lot." He managed to give a slightly nervous smile as he took it back. "Well I better go now, my aunt will be expecting this you know."

"Sure! You're a really great nephew." Stacy hesitated and for a moment she looked like she wanted to say more but the pounding against his chest made him turn and bolt while he could. It was getting worse!!

He cursed to himself silently as he left the girl of his dreams standing behind him looking a little crestfallen at his abrupt departure. He gripped the pump though and ran to the front of the store with his purchase clutched in his hands. How could it come to this? He managed to pay without fumbling too much and had to dig out change just to pay for all of it. Who knew it was this expensive? Still it was better then nothing. He got out of the store and shoved the pump into his bag before he listened to the bell ring at the school. He really should get back, but oh god did his nipples ache. He just wanted to relieve himself. He felt as if he were about to explode if he didn't get some relief. He bit his lip for a moment before he started to move away from the school and towards the house. He couldn't wait that long!


Richard got home from school and threw his bag onto the couch as he kicked his shoes off. Field trip days were the best days he could imagine. He got to come home early and he spent the entire day out of class. There was nothing better than being able to just relax at home when he had the house all to his self. His shoulder was at least feeling better as well, it wasn't hurting nearly as much. He leapt over the couch from the back intent on falling down right there and flipping on the TV when he landed on something alive and wriggling. He let out a squeal and jerked himself up from the seat to find himself looking straight into the stricken eyes of his brother.

"What the fuck are you doing home?!" Jeff yelled as he grabbed something to shove behind him.

He didn't have an answer for his older brother; all Richard could do was sit there and stare at Jeff's chest with his mouth slightly parted. The nipples were reddened and the areas around them look puffy. They also looked far larger than they should have been and he swallowed roughly for a moment before he felt a surge of victory at what he'd managed to do to get back at him for pushing him around yesterday. They almost looked wet, he wondered what they'd been doing to look that way. But he had his answer when he caught sight of just a hint of white along the underside of one before Jeff grabbed a shirt and pulled it over his head.

"I had a field trip, I got home early." He answered and tried to hide the grin that was threatening.

"Yeah well, whatever." Jeff flopped down and he could hear something crinkling into a bag behind his back.

"What are YOU doing home? You shouldn't be here." He frowned a little bit before Jeff rounded on him with anger on his face.

"None of your fault squirt!" His older brother's face flashed slightly with a look of embarrassment and anger.

"Hey I didn't mean nothin' by it, I don't care if you ski-" He got that far before his brother suddenly punched him in the shoulder.

He moved his hand up and yelped. It wasn't a brotherly 'tap' to warn him or even just to joke around. It actually hurt! He felt his eyes tear up a little bit and he moved his hand up to cover his arm before shutting his mouth. He could feel the throb and knew that muscle was probably bruised from the force of the strike. Why would his brother treat him this way? He had been about to feel his brother had actually learned his lesson, but it was obvious he hadn't. If anything he had less reason with his abuse today then he had yesterday. Richard pushed himself up and stormed up to his room, his brother deserved this. Besides the spell book had said it couldn't be reversed until it had run its full course!


By the time dinner time had come, Jeff started to feel as if he were going to explode from the sensation of his nipples being so full. He'd made it through dinner, but just barely. By the end of it he had barely had enough left in him to mumble to his parents that he was feeling sick before he stumbled up to the bedroom. At least his mother seemed to believe him, she'd stopped him long enough to brush his hair back from his face before telling him he'd have to stay home tomorrow to make sure he was alright. That suited him just fine. He didn't think he could manage an entire day at school, he just hoped that he'd be better by the time tomorrow came! He really didn't want admit to his parents this was happening. At least he could stay in his room now.

He had been about to pump out the excess milk when his damn little brother had come home and interrupted him. By now both of his nipples were so full and aching he was about to explode. He started to breathe faster as he leaned forward on the bed and pulled out the pump that he had hastily ripped out of its packaging earlier in the day. He pulled his shirt off as he curled up in bed with just the brightness of his alarm clock to illuminate himself and the pump. He'd attached the smallest of the suction cups earlier in the afternoon, but by now his chest was so horribly sore that he was ready to cry at the thought of touching his nipples.

He moved the cup right over the tip of his nipple and deliberately depressed the pump so that it latched on. He almost gave himself away as he felt the skin being pulled taut by yelling out in shock. It almost hurt as it pulled around the so sensitive skin and then the suction started and to suckle around the skin. It made his nipple ache as it pulled around the skin and then he felt the first hot gush of milk released from his body and he went almost limp. Oh god it was the best sensation he had ever felt when the milk started to flow from him. He bite his lip and worked the pump again so that the suction increased and he could see in the half light the milk dribbling into the container.

The boy shifted and leaned back against the head of his bed as he started to pump in earnest and it started to come out faster. Each movement pulled around the tight swollen nipples to allow the milk to run up along the ducks and flood the suction cup before being drawn into the container. He started to breath slightly faster as he pumped faster and faster and worked on filling the container with the rich creamy milk. He was amazed he could even have that much just in his chest! It was almost frightening when he realized it wasn't going to end any time soon. It was all he could do to keep pumping as the skin reddened and grew more sensitive until each pump was nearly painful. He wanted to cry by the time he felt some relief from that nipple, how could this happen to him?

He started to feel the suction pulling around against his skin as he worked the pump in vain to try and get more of the milk from him. It finally just started to grow near painful and he squirmed against the bed before he leaned backwards and moved his finger down to curl a little under the edge of the suction cup. He didn't think it was supposed to be painful, but his chest was almost too sensitive, it made him want to squirm away from any touch now that it was empty. He managed to pop the tip off and let out a muffled cry when he saw how the skin around the area was gorged with blood. The suction pump had pulled blood to the surface so the entire area was reddened and swollen looking. The nipple itself was hard and still dribbled out a little drop of milk down along the underside.

He breathed out a sigh of relief mingled with discomfort as he looked down at his chest. He couldn't help but flush a hot red color at the sight of the swollen flesh around his nipples. It really did look as if he were growing budding breasts and that uncomfortable image made him aware his untried nipple as achingly fool. He moved his hand up to slide around the edges of it before he dropped his head down again. The touch of his finger tip made him feel each and every nerve that was alive with something much like arousal. He tried to keep his mind away from the fact that his cock was hard enough that it was jutting partially over the edge of his boxers. He couldn't really be turned on by this!

He slipped the edge of the breast pump right over the still filled nipple and felt the edges being pushed down on the tender skin around the area the areola. The moment he pushed the pump down he felt a shudder run down along his spine as he let out a muted cry of pleasure. The suckling pull drew that so hot skin into a tight grip as it worked to coax up the first hot gush of milk. He squirmed against the bed and tried not to rock his hips upwards as he felt the way the pump drew the milk out of him. He sucked in his lower lip and bit it roughly as his arousal started to war with the pain of his nerves being suckled around. He squeezed his eyes shut as he continued working the manual pump to empty himself.

His cock started to flex against his belly and just under the band of his boxer. He squirmed for a moment while he tried to keep the best pump going. What the hell was he getting turned on by this? There was nothing to get turned on about! He grew more uncomfortable the more the pump pulled and suckled around his nipple the harder his shaft got. He had to force his hand to remain above his waist line. He wouldn't masturbate! He was not getting turned on by this. It was just a coincidence, nothing more than that. A hot tear rolled down his face as he watched the frothy milk filling the container on his chest. It was utterly humiliating! Maybe if he just emptied himself he'd be okay come tomorrow...


Richard waited until he heard his mother leave in the wee hours of the morning before he started to stir in his bed. He didn't want to end up getting caught with the next part of his plan. He wriggled out of his covers before peering outside to see his mother's car pull out of the drive leaving the house quiet. She knew that he'd get up on his own to go to school and since Jeff was going to be sick, then it'd be the perfect time for him to enact phase two. He was always obedient when it came to school and his homework, so his Mom would never suspect a thing. He wriggled into his old clothes before he padded out into the hall way and carefully opened the door to his brother's room.

He wasn't surprised to see a bottle next to the bed, he wasn't quite sure what it was but he knew what was in it. He could see the milk from here and the top ended in a type of very small suction cup. He puzzled over it a little until he had to smile to himself when he realized that his brother must have been trying to find some sort of relief from his condition. It was a lot like a cow! He pulled out the pamphlet from his pocket and in the light of the hall he started to read through what was supposed to happen next. He licked his lips a little bit as he realized just how he could make sure that the rest of the spell would go through without a hitch! It was perfect!

The rest of the spell read about how he would need to find an animal that was just like what his brother was starting to turn into and he'd become that cow. It was going to be perfect; he even knew where one was. They might live in the city, but there was one place he had seen a placid dairy cow just the other night. It was perfect! He was now doubly happy that he had taken the field trip to the zoo the day before. The trick was how to make his brother show up there as well. It wasn't that likely that he was just going show up for no reason, he had to give him a reason. He shifted his eyes towards the jar of milk and the idea blossomed the moment he saw it resting in the glow of the alarm clock. It would definitely work.


Jeff woke up some time in the middle of the morning. Something had definitely changed, but it seemed as if it was for the better. He woke up and stretched, the moment he did he realized his nipples didn't feel so swollen now. He grinned a little to himself and even laughed at his own foolishness at thinking it might be permanent. It was probably just a part of puberty that people didn't talk about often. I mean who would want to admit that something like that had happened to them? He pushed himself out of bed with a slight groan and blinked at the clock. It was eleven in the morning, perfect! He even got a free day off from school.

He put yesterday's ordeal from his mind as he padded towards the shower and rubbed his eyes to get rid of the last of his sleep. A good shower and maybe some breakfast, then he could settle down and play some video games until his parents came home. This might be the best thing had ever happened to him. Maybe he could even call Stacy tonight and see if she wanted to go to the dance. He was pretty sure she was impressed with him yesterday, maybe that whole embarrassing ordeal had been enough to make him lose some of his shyness and actually talk to her for once.

He peeled off his clothes and looked down just long enough to make sure that his nipples were in their normal state. He froze when he suddenly realized that he didn't just have TWO nipples. There were four nipples, though they weren't as thick as the two had been yesterday. His stomach dropped and felt suddenly laden. How could this be happening to him? This wasn't supposed to happen!! At least lactating was something that girls did, he could explain that at least. He felt depression close around him and he turned on the shower with a stifled noise. He drug himself into the shower to wash himself off and started to lather up the soap while he relaxed.

The water felt good on his back and even over his abused nipples, it seemed to warm them up until the slight ache was fading under the soothing feel. It wasn't until he was sure he was clean of the last of the milk that had dried on his nipples from yesterday that he pulled himself out of the shower and wrapped the towel around him. He idly thought about getting some clothes on, but why should he? No one was home, he didn't have school, and it wasn't like anyone would really see him. He wrapped the towel a bit more firmly around his waist as he started downstairs. He had started the day wanting food, but now the thought made him sick. He wasn't back to normal, it was worse than he had imagined it might be!

When he came downstairs and through the kitchen his day just got that much worse. He walked into the kitchen to find the milk he had managed to pump out of himself sitting plainly on the table. There was even more then he had remembered from yesterday in the light of day. He swallowed and balled his fists up until he realized that it was sitting firmly on a sheet of paper. How had it gotten down here? Why was it here? Oh god, what if his mother had found it! Maybe it was a note telling him that he was in trouble. What would she have thought at seeing a glass of foamy white liquid sitting next to his bed in something like that? The dread didn't alter when he picked up the sheet of paper and started to read what it said.


I think it's time I helped you with your little 'problem'. If you'd like to find out more about what's happening to you and perhaps find a way back to normal meet me at the petting zoo. I think you'll recognize me when you see me, but if it's any help, I'll be waiting in the small goat barn for you. I trust you won't tell anyone what's happening. Who would believe you?


For a moment it was all he could do to just stare at the sheet of paper with his eyes wide and disbelieving at the words. Did someone do this to him somehow? Was he poisoned? Was it some sort of sick experiment gone wrong? He dropped the sheet of paper and swallowed. The petting zoo was barely fifteen minutes from here, he could be there in no time. He threw the milk into the trash in a fit of anger and went running upstairs. He had to get back to normal! He just had too! Someone was doing this to him and when he found out who he'd make them change him back.


Richard sat on a haybale in the goat barn with one hand full of sweet feed that the smaller goats were nibbling on happily. A large dairy cow was nearby nibbling on some hay, though she seemed mostly uninterested in him. The little petting zoo was one of his favorite spots. It wasn't even really a zoo, just some farm animals that people could come and enjoy. Most of the schools took the kids here each fall to learn about the different animals which made it all the better for him since another kid wasn't really noticed. The goats seemed happy with the feed as he waited, and waited...and waited. He waited until it was nearly noon and he toyed with the idea of just leaving and letting Jeff stay the way he was. It would serve him right. How much sleep did his older brother need anyway?!

He wasn't disappointed for long though. Just after noon when he had heard the second graders leave the zoo he heard heavier steps in the paved space just in front of the little barn. He tensed up a little as the shadow went right across the barn and he drew in a breath to prepare himself. He almost lost his entire composure when Jeff stumbled over the edge of the door in a temper. His eyes flicked around franticly as he looked around the room and Richard stood up hastily enough to send the little goats scattering around his legs.

"RICHARD!" Jeff exploded upon seeing him and his eyes widened. He took one look at his brother and seemed ready to lunge at him.

"No you don't, you come at me I'm gonna leave you like this." Richard let out a laugh as he waggled a finger.

"How did you..why did you..but.." Jeff spluttered angrily in response to his words.

"I did because you're being a bully, a huge bully. I don't have to take it from you. If you're going to bully me, then I can be just as mean back." He stepped forward a little bit and poked a finger at his older brother. "You know you bruised me? You actually hurt me! Well now you're gonna get the same treatment from me. Because if it's good enough for you, then I guess it's good enough for me."

He stepped forward another pace and watched as his brother stared for a moment before stepping back away from his suddenly aggressive brother. Rich felt a surge of satisfaction at seeing his brother step back as well closer to the cow as he drew in a deep breath. He couldn't spare any time with his spell, he could hear the sound of the school bus pulling out and the tell tale soft voice of his mother as she called to her class. He had to act now if he was to manage this without being caught. He gave a sudden lunge forward and had the satisfaction of seeing his brother almost tumble backwards before he was crashing right in against the cow and let out a cry of surprise as the cow mooed out in shock at the treatment. Richard unleashed the last portion of the spell.


Jeff blinked at his little brother feeling furious, betrayed and scared all at once. What was wrong with the boy? He hadn't treated him that badly! He opened his mouth to let him know exactly how he felt when he felt himself being pushed back against the warm soft side of the cow. Something was wrong! He could feel something was wrong! His entire body gave a shudder before he watched in shock as the cow lurched away from him with an affronted look on its face and he dropped down onto the ground with a low groan. The hay spread around him as he watched his brother sit back on the hay bale well away from him. He rolled his eyes up as the first spasm rocked through his body and felt his clothes start tear as his body changed.

His eyes rolled up towards his brother and never took his eyes away from him as he felt something happening to him. He opened his mouth to ask what was happening, but to his horror he could feel his tongue thickening between his lips. When he tried to actually talk it came out thickly and the sound muffled until he moved his fingers up to grip the edges of his lips so he could feel his tongue. The tongue was rapidly growing as his lips shifted and started to thicken before his nose spread open wider. Why was his nose spreading wider? His brother just sat there watching him as he flicked his tongue out and let out a whimpering cry as his tongue uncurled out to lick right over the rise of his nose.

The sudden feel of his slippery tongue actually curling up and over his nose sent a fresh wave of panic through him. His tongue wasn't that long! Even as he watched his lips and nose started to push outwards from his face. They extended out while his nose started to broaden right before his eyes until he realized that it was starting to grow into a muzzle! He curled forward as his chest started to grow larger, it didn't start to become more muscular, but instead it began to widen. His fingers dug in against the straw while his fingers felt thick and swollen. He tried to move them and they wouldn't quite curve downwards and even as he watched his finger started to pull together!

His finger nails thickened and grew heavier as the nails rolled together to join the finger tips together. He went to let out a cry a moment before he felt his throat burn. To his horror he was lowing out like a cow! A cow?! He felt his eyes tear up while his nails darkened and rolled upwards so that they started to form cloven hooves. The tips tapered down while the rest of his fingers thickened out wider and wider. His thumb pulled back behind them and split into two parts so that he heard a slight popping sound as they readjusted. His shirt tore along the seams on his back and even his pants started to strain over him as he felt his ears start to twitch and an ache ran along the back of his neck.

He could feel his hair pulling back into his head! But the most worrisome was the fact his ears started to extend out on either side of his head to come down to tapered tips. He tried to move his hands up to feel but couldn't flex his hooves or even feel the sides of his head. He lowed out again while his teeth started to reform in his mouth. He fell down to his side and curled up slightly as the first splashes of white fur started to move over his body. It blossomed along his muzzle before a sudden black marking appeared right on one side of his cheek and moved up towards his eye. The short sleek fur grew so that he could feel his entire body trembled at the feel of it running beneath his torn clothing.

His ears moved to either sides of his head and he flattened them down while his neck started to thicken and length slightly. His arms popped and lengthened so he could feel the muscles starting to strain over his bones. He pinned his ears back against his head and let out a cry as the fur rolled down his arms and they changed. They grew thicker and instead of his elbow being down near the middle it pulled upwards until he felt the wrist forming into a pair of thick powerful knees. His legs were soon bending the wrong ways. They should never do that, they looked like an animal's legs! He shifted and felt his shirt tearing the rest of the way until it fluttered down revealing his four nipples to the light.

The next changes made him almost stagger to his changing legs to try and run. He felt his nipples starting to bloat and swell. At first they merely matched the plumpness that he had experienced yesterday, but they were soon over coming that. The skin felt hot and tender to the touch as he tried to watch what was happening. The feel of his legs twisting and popping as they changed much like his arms had. His pants were tearing away from his waist while he kicked his legs out to stop the feeling of pressure as the jeans were tightened to the point they were almost cutting off circulation. He panted under his breath and squirmed before he managed to writhe out of his pants.

Oh god his nipples ached. They were growing rapidly thicker until it felt as if his skin was being stretched taut. They WERE being stretched taut! They were filling out until they looked almost like a woman's breasts, but there were two of them. The nipples were thickening and aching until his eyes watered. It was as if the tightly drawn skin was going to split, but it just held. He moved to all fours and sobbed out as he felt his 'breasts' swinging forward under him, so heavy they were being jiggled back and forth. His stomach lurched and he realized that they were forming udders! The nipples were so thick around they soon rivaled his thumb and the weight of them shifted backwards towards his stomach.

His cock moved against his inner thighs as they grew larger and broader, then it brushed against something else. He had to crane his head around to look and he let out a low cry in humiliation at the sight. What had been simply teats had changed into a heavy set of udders that were larger than his head! The thick teats brushed against the ground and even as he watched it jiggled slightly. It felt so sore that it made him want to cringe away from the thought of moving to feel the echoing movements in it. He rolled his eyes up a little in terror towards his younger brother who watched with a grin on his face. The little squirt was enjoying this!!

He pushed himself to his feet when he felt a gut wrenching sensation running through him, something wasn't right! He couldn't even see what was wrong, he just felt something shifting inside of him until he felt as if his stomach were cramping up. He tried to fight it off but then he felt a shifting behind him and he lowed out in terror as he lurched forward a few steps on his cloven hooves. It was only then that he realized that he was actually an animal. A cow! He felt the weight of the udder jiggling under him so full that it made his stomach tight trying to hold it up. Maybe that was what was making him feel so strange, the udder was pulling at places inside of him.

"Aren't you a pretty cow." Richard's voice made him twist his head towards him and lowed out a protest at the term.

He watched as Richard stood up and tried to move away from his brother, but the feel of his new body didn't work as well as he wanted it too. To his horror Richard's hand moved down and slid right beneath a ropey tail that graced the curve of his haunches and then curved beneath it. What the hell? Was his little brother gay? He widened his eyes though as the fingers suddenly pushed down and then IN. They found an opening that they wedged into that made him bellow out in surprise. Wait, he wasn't a he, he'd been turned into a cow in truth! She cried out and tried to writhe away from the intrusive touch as it pushed more firmly into her body.

"Better not be late, Jeff, Mom and her class are waiting. If you stay out there until they leave I promise I'll turn you back." His little brother leaving him very little choice in the matter!


Richard moved away from his brother's form to watch him glare with those large brown eyes before ambling out the barn. The sleek tight looking sex made him squirm the moment he had pushed his finger into it. It was so tight and slick feeling, but he had most of all savored the way his older 'brother' had lurched forward in shock at seeing himself turned into a female. He licked his lips a little and settled back down on his haybale while he tried to control his own feelings about what his brother was now. He couldn't quite stop thinking about what his brother had looked lke and how he had felt.

He could hear his mother's class outside ooing and awing over the spotted dairy cow that wandered out from the barn and he swallowed a little. He had to pass time somehow. He had brought his great grandmothers book with him, so perhaps he could learn a bit more about what was in there. Who knew, maybe it had some even more interesting secrets hiding in it. He lifted his shirt and pulled out the pamphlet and felt the edges of the paper crinkle under his touch while he grinned at it fondly. It truly was the answer to all his prayers so far. He was betting by the time this was over Jeff would be a lot nicer to him!

He flipped open the book as he leaned back to start reading some of the other spells in it. Who else could benefit from this sort of lesson? He could always cast it on some of his classmates that picked on him. Or he could even do it on his oldest brother who was at college. There was no limit to what he could do! He squirmed in excitement as he read through the pages that came after the cow spell. One of them caught his eyes and he stopped as he saw the picture of a man with a jutting bull cock sticking out form his loins, another with a dog penis and a third with what looked like a horse cock. He glanced down at his pants and then swallowed with a shiver. Would it really be that hard to change himself in that way?

He ran a finger right over the text and took a deep breath. He glanced at the opening that exited the barn and back down again. It would be so easy, it'd be fitting too. Jeff would never say a word to anyone ever for fear he'd have to admit what his little brother had done. He'd be able to get away with anything and everything. He drew in a shivering breath before licking his lips and moved his lips to start reciting the spell. The words fell from his lips easily while he started to build up in his mind exactly what he wanted to happen to him. It was serve Jeff right for hurting him to feel pain too!


Jeff found herself in the midst of a group of yelling and cooing children. All of them were so small they barely came up to the tops of her legs and all of them seemed to want to touch, pet and play with her! She tried to avoid them only to find a hand tugging right against her ear and looked up in horror to find her mother standing RIGHT there next to her. She swallowed and lowed out a frantic sound trying to tell her mother that it was really Jeff, but instead of getting through to her she was given a firmer tug and forced to walk forward towards the middle of the paved area where some of the goats were running around for the kids to pet. Why wouldn't her mother understand?

"Kids, settle down! We're going to learn where milk comes from today!" Her mothers voice sent a wave of dread through the cow as she swallowed. What did she mean where milk came from? She didn't want to participate in this!

"Yes, Ms. Thomas!" They replied and started to gather from where they were playing and poking around.

"Now this is Daisy, she's the zoo's cow. She's called a Guernsey." Jeff wanted to crawl into a hole as her mother patted her right on the shoulder. "This is the type that we get our milk from. Say hello nicely to her now."

Jeff winced as the kindergartners started to come forward to pet her. Their sticky hands rubbed against her muzzle and just behind her ears. While her mother stood at her head the younger boys took the chance to poke roughly against her udder. Oh god that hurt. It was so swollen it felt like she shouldn't be able to move or at least when she did that she was jostling it so much it made her entire body ache. It felt so much larger then it already was and the little boys that were poking and jabbing roughly against it didn't help! She tried to step forward only to be held in place by the firm grip on her ear. A sudden finger gripped one of the teats and pulled so that she let out a sharp cry of protest.

"Ms. Thomas! There's stuff leaking out of here!" The young man's voice made her jerk a little and flatten her ears back against her head.

"Of course there is. Now if you'll go get me a bucket, Jason, and that little stool I'll show you just how milk comes out of her."

The cow widened her eyes in horror at that suggestion, but couldn't even talk to tell her mother no! While they waited for the stool and bucket the kids grew more interested in her teats. Her mother never let go of her head while they poked the sore swollen sack and tugged at her teats. Their hands weren't gentle either! They gripped one of her teats and pulled it down until she was startled into letting out a deep lowing noise of discomfort only to have another jab a finger against the side. They were swelling and aching as the children pushed and prodded against the heavy udder. She felt her eyes tearing up a bit as each touch was an added torture to the overfilled sack.

"Thank you, Jason. Now everyone watch, they do this with machines at the big farms, but this how they used to milk cows and sometimes still do." Her mother let go of her ear, but only to move back along her side.

"Ohh you're gonna touch 'em!" One of the girls said with a squeal of what sounded like horror.

"Of course, you can even help me. Come sit next to me."

Jeff flattened her ears down as she felt her mother's fingers wrapping right along the edge of her udder. They moved down along her swollen teat until they reached the very base and only then pulled them so that pressure started to fill her. It was uncomfortable and made her want to pull away, but at the same time there was a need growing in her. The pressure reached its apex a moment before a fresh rush of milk spilled out into the pail with a loud metallic sound. The next movement just made it worse as the fingers pulled again and her aching udder was tugged at so that she let out a cry before the milk splashed down into the pail and some small amount of relief was given.

Under her mother's coaching the little girl started to work at another teat and squeezed around it. She gripped to hard so that there was a sudden spasm of pain that ran through her and she tried to swat the girl with her ropey tail. It didn't work, not at all. Instead she was given a sudden slap right against the curve of her rump by her mother in warning. How much worse could this be? She lowered her head and felt her cheeks darken as the kids started to pet and fuss over her while her mother explained where milk came from on her. The entire time two sets of hands were tugging and pulling harder against her teats so she felt a mingling of relief and embarrassment at what was happening.

"Now see how much milk she has to give? This happens a lot of times when a cow isn't milked often enough. I'm sure she's getting a lot of relief." Her mother was talking again and she felt the gentle fingers pulling down from the base of her teats to the tips. "I bet you were sore weren't you girl?"

"Can we drink it?" Jeff blanched at the idea and jerked her head up.

"No we can't drink it. Our milk goes through a process called pasteurization to make it better for us."

The last thing the former boy wanted was to see children drinking her milk! She put up with the kids that kept pulling and tugging at her. The constant attention made her want to move away, but every time she did her mother pulled harder at her teats. She could feel her milk emptying out into the bucket, a sense of relief flooded through her. The soreness was slowly going away, but it didn't really improve her situation in the least bit. In fact, it made it worse in many ways. She was forced to hold still while the kids tugged at her and roughly petted her while asking questions. Why couldn't they just go chase the goats around? She didn't want to be some freak show for them!

Every time she tried to edge away from the group she was somehow driven back. The children seemed excited to pet her and rub her, worst of all they had an absolute fascination for her aching udders. Even emptied they still were sensitive so each time a finger jabbed against them she was forced to wince. It was almost as if they were deliberately trying to make her ache even more. It was when the little fingers went under her and gave rough pulls against her teats that made her feel stabs of pain and humiliation. She couldn't even fight back against them. She was forced to tolerate as they fussed over her and the final humiliation came when one of the girls pulled a ribbon out of her hair.

"We should make her pretty." She grinned at her friends before they advanced on Jeff, the former boy tried to back away. There was no way she was going to let that happen! What had happened to her that she had turned into this!

In the end she never got a chance to escape. They had quite happily tied a bow right at the end of her ropey tail. A bright purple and pink bow and another one right around her neck so that it stood out against her neck. In all the time she was out with them, never once did the real Daisy come out of the barn to prove that there was more than one cow. She suffered through the indignity and embarrassments of the girls kissing her nose and hugging her around the neck. The pulling of her ears and by the time the last child had gone to get onto the bus she was ready to just sob. She turned her head and waddled uncomfortably back to the barn. She'd done her time. Richard would turn her back now and she'd be able to forget this entire event!


Richard stared down at his jeans and swallowed at what he saw. The transformation hadn't been painful, if anything it had felt almost too good. He ended up half hard by the time it was over and the massive sheath that hung against his lower belly was so large that it seemed almost out of place. A blood red shaft poked out of the furred edges of the opening to just into the air and he'd had to push his jeans almost down to his knees to make room for the pendulous balls that had nearly grown five times as large. He moved a finger down to rub just under the edge of it and felt the slightly wet texture against his finger tip. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. He licked his lips a little and shivered at his own touch before he heard the sound of hooves hitting against the ground outside.

"Hey Jeff, ready to get changed back." He said breathlessly as his eyes went up to see the spotted white and black cow that had frozen in the door. The look on her face was obviously horrified to see what was waiting for her.

"Sorry big 'bro', this is the only way to change you back." He lied glibly, even as he watched her step in his cock started to slide it's way free of the sheath. It inched upwards into the light.

Richard couldn't help but shiver a little as he could feel himself reacting even more and as soon as the spotted cow had walked into the little barn he moved his hand out to close the door firmly. His eyes flickered towards the boxy frame and licked his lips as nearly half the bovine cock had pushed out of the sheath and a thick bead of precum started to roll down the tip. It made him whimper a little to himself in pleasure. The bulls cock was far more sensitive then his own! It was like each touch was an added pleasure! He turned back to his 'brother' and moved forward to rub his hand against the soft rump as the cow's head jerked up and eyes seemed to bulge in fear at the touch.


Jeff couldn't believe what he was seeing. The jutting dark red cock looked larger than anything he'd ever seen, larger than anything he wanted to imagine. What did he mean it was the only way? He wasn't going to... The thought trailed off as the hands moved to rub along the edges of his hips and one hand slipped down to tauntingly push right up under her tail. She tried to clamp her tail down only to feel the fingers pushing up further until they smoothed right around the edges of the soft female sex that was hiding there. She couldn't believe this was going to happen and she let out a cry as the finger started to work right around the soft edges and then pushed forward to almost sink into her body.

'Just think of this as why you shouldn't push me around just to win an argument." Richard said and she felt the cock rubbing right up along the edge of her outer thigh.

She wanted to say she was sorry, say anything that would stop this. Instead she shuddered as the finger started to pump in and out and she could feel wetness starting to form in reaction. The cock tip left a dark patch right against her fur from the leaking precum while the finger curled out of her body and grazed over a spot inside of her that made her jerk forward a few steps. She wasn't given much time to actually think or react to what was happening. Instead the hands moved to grip either furred side and forced her to half walk towards a corner of the small barn. Her brother's weight pressed over her back and she could hear him panting slightly.

That was all the warning she was given before the slender hard tip started to slide between her legs and jabbed roughly right against her udder. She felt a sudden rush of pain as the tip pushed inwards against the soft abused flesh and then again. Her brother's hips were rocking against her own as she tried to dodge her hips away from him. Her ears darkened into red just as the hips moved up and the hard tip suddenly pushed in roughly right against the sensitive sex. She cried out as it pierced into the tight channel and she got an intimate feel of just how female she was as it drove into her body and the hot rush of slick precum drooled out to mark her inner body.


Richard bit his lip with a groan of pleasure as his cock sank into the tight virgin passage. The walls wrapped around his cock and seemed to suckle around him, pulling him in deeper until he was forced to stop driving in or he was going to cum! He could feel the pulses as he spilled out hot rushes of precum to mark the passage before he started to pull backwards. The first tug back let him feel the sudden clenching of the walls that were trying to keep him driven deep inside of her. He couldn't help but suck in a shuddering breath before he gave a harder thrust forward to spear himself into his brother. Jeff's cries just made it all the more arousing as her passage slickened around him.

He'd never experienced anything like this in his life, it was tight and he could actually feeling her growing wet as the moments passed. He drove back in and started to work his hips in a steady series of thrusts that slapped his hips up against her own before pulling back. The walls pulsed and grew hotter around him as his hardened cock pushed entirely out of his sheath. It was nearly fourteen inches long and he couldn't help but give a sudden rough thrust that slammed him in so deep his massive balls slapped up against the swaying udder. His tip pushed up against a barrier deep inside of the passage before he pulled backwards against the clenching and squeezing muscles with a hiss of pleasure.


Jeff couldn't believe this was happening to her. It was worse than anything she could ever imagine. The cock was thick enough that her walls were strained tightly around it while it rubbed along her inner passage. To her humiliation she went form slightly damp to slickly wet as the shaft rubbed and teased her body so that her hind legs spread open wider. It felt horrifyingly good each time her brother slammed his hips forward. Even the feel of the balls slapping right up against her udders, though slightly painful, also sent a tremor of pleasure through her. She wasn't enjoying this! She couldn't be enjoying this! Yet she couldn't deny how slick she was growing or the pleasure she kept feeling.

The hips shoved forward hard enough she felt the tip suddenly slam up against a part inside of her that made her head pull backwards and lowed out. It was almost painful as the tip battered up against her cervix and started to grind against it. She forced her legs open even wider trying to make room as the base of the bovine cock was far thicker than the tip. It wedged itself in over and over again. Her outer lips yawned open almost too wide until the thick sheath lips pushed up against her before Richard pulled back again leaving her inner thighs streaked with the wetness that managed to slide down along them. The scent was thick on the air and it wasn't just the hot musk of bull, but her own arousal.

It was a shock when he felt hands reaching down along her sides and she tried to get away from the touch but it was too late. Her little brother reached down to grasp the thick heavy sack of her udder in his hands and started to knead it. The sore swollen flesh was pulled and squeezed until she sucked in a rapid breath and cried it out again. The fingers dug in hard enough that she could almost feel them bruising her and then a sudden wetness dribbled from the tips and she squeezed her eyes shut. She could feel the milk being forced out of her body and towards the ground. It was disgusting and made her swallow back a protesting sound only to feel the fingers pulling up harder against the tender udder to pull her back against him so the balls clapped up with a fleshy sound.


Richard couldn't believe he was doing this, but at the same time he adored the feel of the tight channel that squeezed and pulsed around him. He let his fingers work around the heaviness of her udders and massaged and squeezed them. It was soft in the palm of his hand and made him want to cup the teats in his hands. He leaned forward so that his chest and lower stomach were pushed over the warmth of the smooth furred body. He pushed his cheek against her shoulder while his hips pulled backwards and drew himself out with a wet slurping sound until just his tip rested inside of her before he gave another buck wards that started to wedge his sensitive tip right in against that tight ring of muscle that kept him from her womb.

His breathing started to come in faster as he stopped caring that this was his brother, all he cared about was the feel of the silken embrace wrapped around him and the udders that were being kneaded against the palm of his hands. He started to thrust in rapid short bursts that made his balls jostle and slap up against the soft udder and could hear the cries of protest spilling out from Jeff's throat. His smooth slippery shaft started to pull and rub over a rough spot inside of her until he felt her pushing back against him. He gave a fierce smile at feeling his older brother trying to force him in deeper and he gave a sudden jerking thrust that wedged his tip even further into the cervix.

The walls suddenly clamped down around him so hard it was almost painful and he struggled to pull backwards as his cock started to thicken. It gorged as his balls contracted just between his legs before he speared forward again all the way to the point that it was entirely sheathed inside of his older brother before he cried out a sound of pleasure. His eyes squeezed shut as the first hot rush of cum pushed up his cock to explode from his tip right through that cervix. They contracted over and over again so that the hot ropes splattered deeper inside of the cow's body while he felt intimately the forced orgasm that was happening around his cock and he gave a brutally sharp thrust that forced his cum right into that newly formed womb.


Jeff could feel herself starting to grow more aroused, she tried to force the feeling away, but she couldn't. Each time she started to settle down her brother would slam back into her body so hard that she was forced to rock forward before he pulled back out of her passage. It kept her hovering just on the edge while her legs were splayed to balance herself. Each thrust rocked her forward until she felt the pleasure growing too much and she felt her ears darken into a deep red. She wasn't going to do this. This wasn't about to happen. It couldn't happen to her! But it was happening, her walls were starting to clench down as the first roll of pleasure went through her. She opened her lips and suddenly let out a loud cry as she came around her younger brother's bovine cock.

Even as she felt her own body rippling and squeezing around him, she became aware of something else as well. She could feel his cock growing so that the slickened passage was being forced open so wide that it was almost painful and the balls tensed up against her udder. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the first horrible roll of cum flood out from her tip. It started to spill faster and faster from his body and the sticky goo sprayed her passage down until it flooded in deeper to work it's way into her. Each throb gushed more and more into her until she felt her own wetness mingling with it as the slippery was started to drool out around the deep red bovine cock.

"Hope you..learned your..lesson, Jeff." Her brother panted out as another pulse erupted from the tip and sprayed more of the virile semen into her passage. She squeezed her eyes shut and a humiliated tear rolled down the curve of her cheek.


By the time that Richard was finished with his 'brother' it was nearly closing time for the zoo. It was than that she learned another lesson when the spell wore off and she resumed her human shape. His entire rump was coated in sticky semen and his body shook as he huddled down in on himself. He had no clothes here! Rather than really help him, Jeff handed him an old towel as he zipped himself into his pants and gave a wink. He was forced to wrap himself up and run home through different back yards and hope that no one saw his body wrapped up in the towel and the creamy cum along the curve of his ass.

It was only once he was home that he could breathe a sigh of relief and he could relax. That evening Jeff never said a word about what had happened and to his surprise Richard acted as if nothing had happened. He didn't poke fun of him or remind him of it, in fact in the days that followed the only time he was offered any sly taunts or attempts to remind him would be when they argued. It was almost as if it had never happened and they were able to go back to their ordinary lives again. Although Jeff found himself a bit more respectful when it came to Richard.

The moment he looked as if he was about to shove his younger brother Richard would come up with a sly remark reminding him what would happen if he ever did again. If that didn't stop him he'd find his nipples started to ache and began to chafe against his shirt until a few drops of milk would stain against his shirt. That fact more than anything else taught him out to curb his temper when it came to his sibling and to most other people in general. Their mother often commented how much she enjoyed their easy going relationship and how much the boys cared about each other.

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