No Last Chances-Chapter 3

Story by Riks on SoFurry

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#3 of No Last Chances


Chapter 3

Chapter 3

It was dark. It felt like I was almost floating, yet I had a vague sensation of falling too. It was quiet. Well, it was up until there was an almighty, booming voice in my head.

"THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!" It spoke. Before I could even think of anything else, the falling sensation became more acute and I felt a terrible pain in my arms and wrists. I fell through the darkness, trying to scream but hearing nothing. Then everything stopped, and I woke up.

I opened my eyes to a damp, stone cell. There was nothing here other than some shackles and chains in the corner. The ground was a rough composite of hay and dirt. It took me a moment to realise that I was suspended by my wrists from the ceiling by some shackles. It took me a moment later to realise that I was naked. I began to panic slightly, but then even more when I saw David Shirehorse across the room from me, also naked and in the same predicament.

"Hi Sarge." He spoke solemnly.

"Where are we?" I grunted, trying to wriggle free of my shackles.

"No idea." He said hanging his head.

"Why are we naked?" I asked him.

"No idea. Torture maybe?" He whispered after he heard some noises from outside. We held our breathe until they faded away. We hung in silence, hearing only a faint dripping sound for company. It was uncomfortable. We didn't have the dignity to look at each other or even speak. The only sound we made was rattling the chains in an attempt to get more comfortable. After a seemingly long time, there were footsteps approaching. We raised our heads in union as the door opened with a horrendous scraping noise. Two large bulls entered carrying tazers and sub-machine guns. They were followed by a white fox, arctic I presumed, who wore only green combat trouser and a pair of boots. He exposed chest expanded and contracted obscenely as he struggled to breathe in the thick odour of the cell. He wore an eye patch over his left eye which bore a symbol of a red paw-print with the crossed swords behind it; the Resistance insignia. There was an awkward silence before he spoke.

"So, our guests finally wake up then." He spoke slowly, with a slight hint of a Russian accent. He began to pace up and down the cell.

"I'm sure you know who I am then." He said.

"Not a clue." Answered Shirehorse almost instantly. I winced as a guard stepped forward to slug David in the face. The fox simply chuckled.

"Do not antagonize me. You will find it has....consequences." He stated. "My name is Xero Eckhart." Both mine and David's eyes lit up and stared at him. His father, Velovski Eckhart, was the leader of the Resistance. Should anything happen to him, his son Xero was to take command.

"Ah so now you know me." He laughed, looking at us as if he was bragging.

"You don't wear an eye patch." I blurted out. I had seen photographs of him before. One of the bulls stepped forward and drove his fist into my ribcage. The shock rattled through my whole body and almost caused me to yelp. Xero laughed again.

"Correct." He said, removing the patch covering his eye. "I just wear this to look more intimidating." I merely growled as he began pacing down the cell once more.

"Now you're going to want to know some information." He spoke again. "The tiger and the annoying panther are being held in a secure cell elsewhere in the complex, and yes they're perfectly fine. Your base is pretty much toast and some of your army, including General Redtail, escaped. Is that enough....Private Shirehorse and Sergeant First Class Zaitsev?" We gazed at him, wondering how he knew so much about us. He smiled again. "Yes, we know who you are." He turned to the guards. "Send her in and leave us." He ordered. The two bulls nodded and exited the cell. Shortly after their departure, a vixen entered clad in Resistance uniform. It was Stacey. Me and David stared blankly at her. She approached Xero to quickly kiss him on the cheek before turning to us.

"It was me." She confessed. Upon the completion of her sentence me and David entered a frenzy. We shook the chains, swore and spat at her. She smiled as Xero clubbed us over the head with the butt of his handgun.

"But why?" David asked, wincing from the recent blow from Xero.

"Have you seen what you're doing? Your army is slaughtering innocent people for no reason. You have driven people into poverty and created widespread devastation everywhere. My father was murdered by you guys. Don't ask me why I did it." She screamed at us. We ourselves didn't do or want to do any of what she said, but ultimately knew that it was happening. After an awkward silence, Stacey nodded to Xero who produced a set of keys and unlocked the shackles on my wrist. I fell to the floor rubbing my wrists in relief. However I was interrupted when Eckhart grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and threw me down so that I landed in front of Shirehorse. Before I could do anything I found that Xero had placed the barrel of the gun to my head. I knelt in place staring at a nervous Shirehorse's crotch.

"Suck it." I heard Xero snap. I turned to him in disgust.

"What. Fuck no!" I barked, earing myself a fist to the face. It threw me slightly, but I recovered and managed a small growl.

"Now!" He said. I stared at the stallion's sheath.

"There's nothing there to suck." I stated. I heard Stacey whistle from the other side of the cell. I turned to see that she had removed her clothing and stood stark naked in front of us. Her breasts bobbled together happily as she chuckled. Don't get me wrong, she was hot. It would take an incredibly strong person the resist being aroused by it. David, sadly, was not one of these people. He tried to look away but it was too late. What had been seen could not be unseen. I watched his sheath stir as his cock began to emerge from it. It was truly incredible though. It grew almost as long as my forearm before showing any signs of slowing down. The black flesh popped veins along its shaft and throbbed lazily in the air. It pointed straight at me.

"Now, suck it." Xero whispered. I sighed, seeing no apparent way out of it and drew closer to David's cock. He closed his eyes as I grabbed the base and angled it towards my mouth. Slowly, I wrapped my lips around it and pulled it into my throat.

It slid downward easily, throbbing gently in my throat. Each individual vein rolled over my tongue as I slowly took it deeper into my mouth. However I felt Eckhart grab the back of my head and thrust it forward, straight into Shirehorse's crotch. I gagged on his dick, which only stimulated it and forced it to harden slightly in my throat. I heard Xero chuckle and felt him release my head. I rocked myself up and down Shirehorse's cock (which was still growing slightly) as I feared more punishment from Eckhart if I stopped. I then realised that he had actually taken the gun away from my head. I turned to see why. His pants were wrapped around his ankles, as was his undergarments, and he was rubbing one off! He chuckled as he noticed me. I think Shirehorse noticed too, who spat at him again. I looked to Stacey, who was busying herself by rubbing her paw over her clit softly. She must have noticed me as she addressed me with;

"Humiliated much?" She giggled. I gave a half-arse growl over David's cock. I heard her laugh again and watched her look at Eckhart.

"I think Sev here needs someone to teach him some manners." She spoke. Within moments I felt a shadow fall over me. I looked up to see the grinning face of the arctic fox hovering over my head. He punched the back of it, forcing me to face Shirehorse's crotch again. I felt the shadow disappear, yet still sensed Xero's presence behind me. Then there came the ominous words;

"Open wide." I heard, only a mere second before I felt him brush my tail aside and felt him press his chest against my back. It was only then I knew what he was doing. Then I felt it.

His cock (which was now slick with pre-cum) gently pressed against my tailhole. He grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back before roughly hand-cuffing them. I released a muffled cry as I felt him push his hips against me, forcing his intruding cock into my hole. It continued, slowly moving into me like a feral snake in a mouse hole, then it stopped. It had to; his crotch was firmly pressed against my backside. However, worst was yet to come. I didn't realise this at first though, as I felt him withdraw himself from me slightly. I remember letting out a sigh of relief. But then, suddenly and sharply, he thrust himself back into me. The force of it stung my insides and jolted my skeletal structure. Then he did it again, repeating the motion and consequently making me feel the same, virtually unbearable pain and humiliation. What made everything that much worse was the fact that each motion was forcing me to involuntarily rock forward onto Shirehorse's cock.

He kept going. I lost track of how long it had been happening. I would often try to keep track of the time by counting his thrusts, but ended up losing track after his cock would graze against my prostate. Occasionally he would reach around me to stroke my own cock but often stopped abruptly and left it.

Time passed. I paid attention to what was happening, but paid yet more when I heard Shirehorse begin to grunt. I watched him closely, he was trembling.

"Oh god he isn't." I thought. I was wrong; he was. His stomach muscles contracted and his face was contorted. He was trying to stop himself. I heard Xero chuckle slightly as he reached forward to stroke my cock again, this time faster and harder. I saw him look up at David.

"Do it." He whispered to him. Between Shirehorse's grunts I heard three clearly audible words.

"I'm sorry Sarge." Upon his last word his whole body contorted. His dick flared inside my throat as he convulsed. Time seemed to temporarily stop moments before he exploded in me. Most people cum in small spurts or "ropes". Not David. When he cums, he just lets it go in one massive blast. What made it worse was the sheer quantity of the stuff. I ended up swallowing most of it, while the rest spurted out from the small gaps between the edge of my mouth and his cock. I was too preoccupied by Shirehorse's seed to realise that Xero had blasted too. In fact I barely noticed it, I merely felt a small trickling sensation inside me as it had been ripped raw by Eckhart's thrusts. I only really noticed it after he withdrew himself from me. By the time I saw him again he had put his pants back on. I had only just unlatched my mouth from David's gargantuan cock as he grabbed my chin and pulled my face close to his. He opened his mouth to speak, but simply gargled after a spat some leftover cum straight at him. He wiped his face and growled.

"Guards!" He barked, still glaring at me. I turned to the entrance in time to see the large bulls enter and Stacey slip out behind them.

"Get these two ready for transport, then lock them in The Kanavalov." He ordered. The Kanavalov? I've heard of it before. Before I could remember though I watched the bull's unchain David and sock him in the side of the head. He was unconscious. Just as they dragged him out, another one strode up to me. I was too tired to even bother to look at him. I didn't see him lift his gun, I only felt it come back down on my skull.

As I was being dragged out, I managed to summon the strength to open my eyes. Xero stood by himself in the cell. Before I fell back into unconsciousness I watched him mouth two words.

"I'm sorry."