Roth Tales 04

Story by wafer on SoFurry


#4 of Roth Tales

Awareness slowly crept back into Benjamin's sleeping head. Little by little his senses ...

Awareness slowly crept back into Benjamin's sleeping head. Little by little his senses reported in, it was light out, even with closed eyes he could tell that. Which meant he was late for school, not that he could do much about it now. He let that thought go, if Michael hadn't gotten him up, it mustnt be that big of a problem. A deep breath filled his sensitive canine nose with unfamiliar scents, a strange room, a bed not his own; it was enough to make him want to jerk awake but overriding those smells was the thick musky scent of an adult, dominant, otterfox close by. That scent he knew. Knew it from when he was a small pup when he would nestle up with his guardian. That brought comfort and let him relax. Relaxed enough to drift a few minutes more through the half dreams of morning before the sensation of warm fur against his own body came through. It was deep, densely packed otter fur; silky soft backed by thick muscle beneath. That's when he started remembering where he was. Michael. The name echoed in his still sleep fuzzied mind, making him sigh happily. He was right against that furry warm body, his legs intertwined with the adult's, arms round the otterfox's waist. A smile spread across his still waking muzzle. Fingers flexing slightly, the first movement of the day turned into a long drawn out stretch, making the soft downy comforter wrapped around his naked body rustle. He also felt the movement of a heavy thick otter tail draped over his legs. Instinctively he clung to the body next to him after his stretch, feeling the warmth and strength from it wash over him in waves. His head was on Michael's chest, an ear pressed to it picking up the strong soft thumps of the otterfox's heart through the naked fur. Laying there, drinking in the sensations of waking up next to his boyfriend he felt one of the otterfox's paws touch his back beneath the sheets. It curled its finger pads into his fur, drawing slowly down his spine.

"Mmmm, that feels nice." He mumbled, dissolving even further into Michael's blissful warmth.

"Good morning hon." The silky masculine voice resonated deep beneath Ben's cheek. "Sleep well?"

The warm young husky beside squeezed again against his body. "Never better."

Michael had been awake for some time. He'd tried hard to sleep, but to his happy amazement he kept waking up throughout the night to the soft snores and warmth of Ben beside him. As agreed they had managed to avoid playing around but there were plenty of soft touches and gentle exploration in bed after undressing. When Ben had finally settled down and nestled against him he'd felt it so strange to have someone sharing a bed with him again. In the end he stopped fighting it, alternately drifting off to sleep for an hour or two and when he was awakened by some small movement from the young husky he would watch for awhile. He would watch the slow even breathing of the twelve year old. And touch. He would explore his body, his arms, his legs, his tail, the pleasingly rounded belly, even petting and stroking along the boy's muzzle and face, to which he received pleasing whimpers and nuzzles from Ben in his sleep. Once the boy laying back and spreading his legs. Michael's admission to himself that Ben was very attractive being confirmed every step of the way. Michael sat up on the pillows propping him up, the comforter that lay across his waist and drawn up around Ben's shoulders rustled.. He leaned down as the husky's body shivered next to his own, the boy's toes and claws extending as he stretched out. Drawing near to Ben's muzzle he pressed a kiss to the husky's lips where the fine hairs there tickled his short stiff otter whiskers on canine muzzle. Smiling he kissed again, running his wet tongue tip along Ben's lip lobes at the front, asking.

To which Ben responded wholeheartedly. Opening his muzzle to receive Michael the otterfox pressed his kiss deeper, the adult feeling like he was turning to warm melted butter next to him. It was after long moments of intertwining flesh hidden within furry maws that Michael drew back leaving the boy panting a little.

"Now that's how I've always wanted to wake up." Michael sighed happily.

Ben finally found the strength to speak, still wandering in a hazy fog of bliss. "Good morning Michael. I'm gonna catch it for being late for school aren't I?"

There was a chuckle above him, the paw continuing its slow slides down the husky's limp body. "You looked so happy there I couldn't bring myself to wake you up. That and it's Summer Festival. No school for the week. Guess you forgot."

Ben wasn't paying much attention to Michael's words, entranced by the thumps of the adult's heart and breaths, the taste of the otterfox's kiss still fresh in his muzzle. His own paw transferring the pets he was receiving to Michael's leg. "That's nice."

"Just 'that's nice'? Thought you'd be happy to have a few days to ourselves." Another chuckle that rumbled against Ben's ear.

Opening his eyes Ben saw across Michael's pillowy chest ruff that Michael's slacks, dress shirt, and tie were still neatly laid on the back of the chair where they'd been left the previous night and sunlight was streaming in through the white gossamer curtains hung over the broad curved window that served as the oval room's outer wall. The bright shafts of light illuminated the pale peach colored walls and an open portable computer momentarily forgotten on the bed. He nestled closer to the warm body beside him. "Okay, a lot more than just nice." He looked up at the adult with a cocked eyebrow, his paw teasingly petting higher. "Though I see that you couldn't leave work alone."

Michael closed the computer's top. "Yeah. Business never sleeps after all. But, it can be postponed."

He did try, Michael really did, but Ben's paw sliding slowly up and down his leg fur kept creeping closer to his crotch with every pass. It was so close to his sheath he couldn't stand it anymore. Michael slipped far down the boy and gripped a pawful of twelve year old ass. It wasn't just a squeeze, it was a tight hard grope, right up deep in the boy's fuzzy white crack. How quickly Ben's cheeks reddened made him smile.

"H...hey! I thought you said..."

When Michael answered it was with a voice that purred silky smooth. "I thought you promised too, guess I just beat you to it."

Benjamin grinned, wiggling his underage rump in the warm paw, fluffy husky tail wagging so hard that it started to pull the covers off. "No fair. It's not like you to go back on something."

"Maybe I was wrong."

"You? Wrong?"

"Sometimes, not often though." Michael said. The warmth of the boy's ass against his finger pads was making his sheath swell and a bead of goo leaked out against the sheets.

"You really?" Blushing and lifting his tail up under the covers Benjamin pushed his rump back into the otterfox's paw. "Do you want...wanna?"

Michael kissed again, whispering with finger tracing up and down the husky's crack, rubbing a warm pad over his tail hole folds. "I think I'm ready. If you are."

The touch on his sensitive pucker galvanized Ben. It was several seconds before he could breathe, let alone speak. He'd never expected that having his anus touched could evoke such a powerful rush of lust and desire. With hot tingles racing up and down his spine he tried to push back on the finger that was playing with his tail star. But Michael wouldn't have it. The otterfox allowed only enough pressure to continue the steady slow rubbing of his pad over Ben's tender soft folds. The husky gave Michael a look, gripping pawfuls of the older male's fur. His whole life, and especially the past few weeks Benjamin had been thinking of this moment non-stop. Now that it was here he couldn't think, couldn't breathe, and his boyfriend teasing like this was driving him mad.

"You're..." He let out a loud wuff as Michael circled around his hole. "You're horrible!"

Michael smiled broadly. "I know."

"Please, don't stop." His ears pressed hard back against his skull, moving with Michael's finger.

"Mmmmm, why would I?"

Michael blushed, his teases as much for himself as much as they were for Benjamin. He nuzzled against the boy for his scent, wanting to catch his breath, the essence of his young lover; and was pleased when the husky eagerly started to lick against his lips. He let the boy lap, Ben's velvety canine tongue tickling his fine muzzle hairs and making him shiver as he continued to play with the twelve year old ass. It belonged to him and any doubt about how far he could go was erased when Ben had tried to sink his finger inside. Absolutely incredible. It had been so long since he'd mated, and to have someone so adult in such a young body. He wuffed quietly. That combined with the heat of Ben's pucker glowing like a red hot bitch against his finger made an already swollen cock erupt from his sheath and quickly stiffen. The sensation was incredible, a blossoming of love mixed with lust for Benjamin's virgin flesh. He intensified his rubs against Ben's skin, finally giving the boy what he wanted, seeing if he could... To his utter surprise his finger slipped right through the tight muscular pucker. No lube or anything. Perplexed he turned his finger around. Ben was snug, incredibly warm, the husky panting harder and moaning, but certainly didn't feel like a virgin tail hole, there should have been at least a clench or tightening before going in.

"What goes on here boy?"

Benjamin blushed, squeezing around the otterfox finger in his ass. Ears back he grinned. "Um, well, I...I've been practicing. I found some toys. Don't you like it?"

Michael laughed. "Found? Hell, Jan told me awhile ago she was missing a couple things. Guess I know now where they went." He leaned down and smooched Ben's cheek, continuing his slow exploration of the boy's ass. "And I VERY much like it."

"I was...gasp...hoping you would."

"How about this?" Michael turned his finger in Ben, crooking it so he could find the prostate bump through the wall and gently stroked over it with a now very gooey pad.

"Oh god!" Ben gasped through tightly clenched teeth.

Michael wuffed at how hard Ben squeezed around his digit, the whole of the boy's rectum pulsing, pulling his finger deeper. Snug, but roomy enough. He looked down at his clinging lover. Ben was panting, eyes glazed over and whole body shuddering in the throes of pleasure from the new sensations coming from his ass. The first live experience clearly overwhelming the boy. Still buried inside the fuzzy butt Michael stretched out on the bed, feeling a wet spot where Ben's hard canine cock pressed into his fur, leaking pre-cum.

"No." The husky moaned. "No more."

"No more what?" Michael felt the boy stir against him.

"No more playing Michael." Ben felt fuzzy and light headed as he struggled to his knees. The movement was accompanied by a gooey wet empty feeling in his ass as Michael's finger popped out. "I need you. Now."

"Think you're big enough to?" Michael's eyes were drawn to Benjamin's fluffy husky butt as it went to all fours in front of him. And didn't leave it, especially not when the boy curled his tail to expose the soft pink rose deep in his white furry crack.

"Let's find out." Ben shot a sly grin over his shoulder, lowering his front slightly to make his ass stick up even more prominently.

Michael didn't have to be asked twice. Throwing the covers back the top sheets and blankets slid off into a pile on the floor. He knelt behind his husky, rubbing paws along Ben's flanks. Benjamin arched his tail higher, moaning, his reddish pink skin winking. Michael pushed his cock up into the fuzz surrounding it, touching it, giving it a warm kiss with his sex.

"Yes." Benjamin rubbed himself against Michael, closing his eyes as warm adult male goo smeared over his skin. He quivered, tail curling to the side.

It was pure ecstasy. Putting pressure against Ben there was a moment of resistance, the flower closed, then relaxed, his goo covered shield compressed and finally overcoming the resistance opened back up on the other side of the snug tailpiece; the pup shivering against him. He didn't stop, continuing the thrust in one long slow stroke all the way inside. Ben's tail ring squeezed, but didn't push him out. Instead it followed the contour of his otterfox shaft, narrowing behind the head then expanding back out to a straight thick red column all the way to his sheath. Even with his well kept blunt claws Michael nearly tore the bottom sheets he gripped the bed so hard. His heavy otter tail writhed behind him. The husky was dwarfed beneath his much larger body but Ben easily took him in.

There was a second of pain, Ben gasping at the sudden release of Michael's flare popping through, then otterfox heat flooded up his ass. He cried out, gritting his teeth hard. It was so much hotter, so much tighter, infinitely better than the toy's he'd taken. A living cock pushing its way into his ass lit up his world. Most importantly of all, Michael's cock. It was all Ben could to to not hold himself up. Inch after inch slid inside, and when he felt the thick supple flesh of the otterfox's sheath kiss his stretched out ring he shook from nose to tail. Then it got better. The heat started to come in waves, Michael's body rocking over his. Again and again it came, the swelling full feeling in his ass, stretching him, making him grit and brace against the powerful adult atop him. He was instantly grateful he'd been preparing his ass for this, so thick was the otterfox's girth despite not being very long. Through the dull pain he couldn't help himself, he started to move with Michael, pushing up, pushing back, begging for more just like the boy bitch he knew he was all along.

Michael started to thrust harder, his heart thundering in his chest pressed to Ben's back. Arms on either side of the boy's shoulders he mated, closing his eyes from the waves of pleasure washing over his cock violating the glove tight ass rubbing back against his crotch. He felt the young husky nuzzle against his neck, licking, the boy's ass pumping up and down his dick just as hard as he was humping. It was beyond anything he had ever experienced before, there wasn't anything in his life before that could compare to fucking Ben. He couldn't believe how eagerly the young fur participated, contracting his passage around his shaft, each time he retreated the pup tried to pull him back in with his smooth bumpy walls. Michael gasped, unaware he'd been holding his breath. Supporting himself with one paw the other slid back along Ben's flank, going between the boy's legs and gripping the rock hard canine cock dangling there, starting to rub up and down the pre-teen dick dripping with pre-cum. Squeezing his eyes tight he didn't know how much longer he could last, Ben was getting wetter inside, rump goo being supplemented by his own squirts of pre, and hotter as the husky's lust peaked. Surprisingly Ben's ass fur remained rather clean, the tightness of his virgin tail hole keeping it all inside other than a little patch of sheath lube rubbed out against the surrounding downy fur.

Benjamin was in heaven. This blew away all his daydreams, all his needs, desires, wants. It was better than he could have imagined. Michael's dick in his ass was fucking him hard, deep, pushing through his inner ring repeatedly, leaving behind otterfox fluid and more running down to pool. He woofed as his cock was gripped and pawed, releasing a jet of hot pre that splashed over the bed beneath.

"Ben...I'm gonna..." Michael bit his lip, concentrating, resisting the welling of cum, holding back until it forced its way past his block. The moment the heat starting to flow down his shaft he quickly hilted, thrusting so hard and holding so tight he actually lifted Ben's hind paws up off the bed a little.

"Yes!" The husky yelped, throwing his head back, ears pinned to his scalp, muzzle open, eyes closed as the first powerful rush of Michael's semen shot into his body. The heat of the otterfox cream made him tremble. Each successive pulse made Michael's cock swell up, pushing it against his prostate inside, and the heat, the pleasure of his lover shooting his seed was too much and he exploded too, spurting rope after rope of hot white husky cream all over the bed, some splashing off Michael's still rubbing paw.

"Oh god!" Michael cried as Ben pushed back even harder, forcing every last inch of his shaft into his anus.

"All of it, give it to me." Ben panted, delirious.

So Michael did. He hugged tight to the boy, wrapping his arms around him. He didn't have a proper canine knot being half otter, but he did have a slight bulge at the very base of his dick, and this he popped through the husky's tailpiece, the external dry and clean fur belying the lake of cum he was pumping into Benjamin.

Soon it was too much and Ben collapsed to the bed, the heavy otterfox falling with him, the bulk of the large male pressing him deep into the soft mattress, burying him alive in a mountain of warm fur and muscle as Michael squirted in his rump.

The otterfox lay limp, gasping for breath atop the husky. Incredibly, even now Ben squeezed, milking Michael's dick and balls dry. The young fur seemed to be determined to massage his cock until he was completely empty. With trembling arms he gathered up the pup beneath him, curling up with his lover in the surge of passion. The boy went utterly still, eyes closed, panting with muzzle slightly open, relaxing in the glow of shared love. Michael watched the boy, his furry crotch pressed hard to fuzzy rump, his dick still throbbing and dripping the dregs from his balls into the heavenly snug passage that still hugged around him.

", that...was amazing." Ben panted under his breath, a happy smile on his muzzle. His eyes closed he nonetheless could very clearly feel his lover's cum and hot hard shaft buried deep in his body. "If...gasp...I would have known...I would have taken you in my ass long...long before now."

Michael didn't quite know what to say to that, his breaths starting to slow little by little as the husky clung to one of his arms, nestling his head into Michael's chest fur. Even his thick otter tail curled around itself in bliss laying with Ben after. "I...pant...would have taken you...too. God you are incredible." He said, bending his muzzle down to where Ben's was sandwiched between him and the bed to give a tender kiss.

"Honest? Better than everyone before?" The words were slightly muffled underneath all that fur. They made Ben's heart skip several beats and his pinned tail to squirm wag against the otterfox above.

Michael otter-purred the reply. "The best ever. Promise." He rolled carefully over on his side, arms supporting Ben so they wouldn't separate. The new position allowed Ben to relax more comfortably. He lay quietly with Ben for a few minutes silently sharing their company and touch; then the husky smiled.

"So what do otterfoxes do after sex?"

"This." Michael said with a chuckle, starting to groom his lovers head fur, ears, and face. He was gentle and tender, washing and licking every bit of his exposed fur he could reach, strengthening their bond.

"And after this?" The husky giggled from the velvety damp tongue methodically grooming him.

"Waffles! Otterfox's crave waffles after morning boinking!" He grinned between licks, winking. "Don't you know anything about us?