Roth Tales 05

Coming out of the bathroom rubbing a towel behind his damp ears Michael stopped dead in his tracks. Benjamin was laying face down on the bed, portable computer open in front of him, husky tail arching gracefully upwards over his back as his claws...

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Roth Tales 04

Awareness slowly crept back into Benjamin's sleeping head. Little by little his senses reported in, it was light out, even with closed eyes he could tell that. Which meant he was late for school, not that he could do much about it now. He let that...

Roth Tales 03

The sun outside was shining on a the day just begun at the Roth's modest mansion, where a lone otterfox sat at the kitchen table. Still there long after Benjamin had left Michael stared at the hallway where the young husky had bounded through. Here he...

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Roth Tales 11

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story contains mature content, including but not limited to: alcohol use, violence, domestic abuse, and underage sex. _You have been warned __._This particular story is also serving as a means to sharpen my writing skills so there...

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Roth Tales 01

Hi. My name is Benjamin Roth. Benjamin Bartholomew Roth III in full. I'm a twelve year old, 98 pound, four and a half foot tall gray husky and wolf mix. I'll even admit that maybe I'm a little on the heavy side, though I'm told it just makes me look...

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Roth Tales 07

It turned out to be more than just a day. The past week had become a whirlwind of activity for Michael and Benjamin. As planned Benjamin's father had talked with the Minister of Education in Galawan and Ben was released from school permanently. That...

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Roth Tales 08

Authors Note: With college started updates will be unfortunately slower. That and I've been working on my writing a lot behind the scenes. My thanks go to a good friend for editing this for me. \*\*\* "Hon!" Benjamin gasped, cheeks reddening more....

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Roth Tales 09

"A thousand krin," Benjamin grumbled. "You'd think they were tailoring for the emperor himself at those prices. Heck, I could have gotten a pretty nice car for that much." In the driver's seat Michael chuckled. "We aren't exactly in Birah, you know....

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Roth Tales 02

No one has ever said how addictive otterfoxes are. Seriously! Not once were otterfoxes mentioned in all of the health or social classes I've been through in school, not ONCE. Here I am though, I'm to the point that I'd almost do anything for one more...

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Roth Tales 10-1 What Goes Around Comes Around

\*\*\* Warning! Underage yiff ahead! Return to the main chapter if you don't want to see. \*\*\* What Goes Around Comes Around While most the of the neighborhood was still tucked away in their beds one otterfox was awake. Michael silently cursed at...

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Roth Tales 10

\* \* \* \* \* Author's note: Starting in this chapter any intimacy between Michael and Benjamin will be separated out into its own section that will accompany the chapter. That way those who enjoy it can read it and those who don't like it can still...

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Roth Tales 06

On his back in the dark room Michael lay still in the empty bed. Eyes closed he'd been trying to drift off to sleep for hours without success. The mansion's staff was long gone for the night so there was no movement or sound within, and beyond the...

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