When your girlfriend is a witch don't piss her off 2

Story by DocIce on SoFurry

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What the fuck?

Oh this is crazy.

I grabbed the tail sticking out of the back of my shorts and yanked it hard. The tail extended out further and the pain was so I leaped from the bed. As my shorts ripped out from he crotch to make more room for my tail to grow. I could feel my erect penis flapping in the air. It felt good in a way but also strange like I was going in reverse puberty it was as if my penis was inverting and my balls where shifting in a way I could not say for sure. But I had other things to worry about. What was I going to do with a tail like this?

While I stood there I could feel my body changing. My nose and mouth began to merge as one. My ass cheeks shrank into my thighs. And my body was now covered in fur.

Soon I found I could no longer stand my legs were now altered to where I could only crouch and it was happening so fast I could not have responded even if I could.

What was I going to Doooooooooooooo!

My throat locked and all I could do was howl.

Soon I heard a ring at the door.

Barny it was Barny.

He was suppose to watch my house while I was gone.

He would know what to do.

I waged my tail and went to the door and tried to talk to him but all I could do was bark and whimper at him.

Had to get this door open but how?

Then I heard the rattle of key's.

That was it. Yes I had gave him keys to open the door so he would come in.

Barny I need you to find Marla for me.

But alas it came out only in barks.

Barny opened the door and came in.

Whoa Dude what is this?

Mike never said there was a dog that lived with him.