Yaoi Returns
yaoi again asks rune, who just nods. the two were stripped of their pants as rune takes yaoi. yaoi pushed a finger into rune's opening, looking for his sweet spot. rune's moan and sudden thrust told him that he found it.
Kyuubi's Slave v2
Naruto had just gotten back from his graduation test and he was exhausted. Plus he couldn't get his mind around the fact that he had the most powerful demon in the world sealed inside his nave! Though it did explain why most of the village hated him....
Sceptile X Garchomp
#1 of yaoi pokemon erotica this is my first erotica so dont judge too much pls! "so this is the place garchomp?" i asked my best friend / crush. " yep this is it entrna forest," garchomp replied as he looked at a map."cool than lets have lunch."
Yaoi Fangirls Unite
Also i want to apologize to any australian furries or yaoi fangirls if this story was offensive.
Yaoi, the Rune Luster
yaoi walks over to kit, who just realized that the white wolf is standing against him, cupping his chin and being forced to look into his eyes. he glares to yaoi who just grins. "yaoi!" "we made a deal.
Electro Love Pt 2
Len stared at his phone intensely, not even letting his sister, Rin, draw his attention away. "LEN-KUN!" Rin called from the kitchen. Len ignored her call. \*It mustn't be too important.\* Len thought. "BANANA-NUT MUFFINS!!" Rin called again to Len....
Electro Love Pt 1
In this dark and chilly evening, Piko lay in bed, bundled in his bed covers in fantasies of thought. He turned and sighed. "Damn him for being so irresistible." Piko whispered to himself. "Why is it that I'm only attracted to boys?" Piko asked himself...
Snowy cabin
Ass beat theres a lot of boys that are half and half one side gay and on the other side is straight guys but the gay's at my school all look scary i may dress like a guy but i am yaoi i don't do goth or punk i do stylish but one time my friend brooke told
Sweet kiss CHP1
By Yuki Myuki/Sweet boy Hi let me introduce my self i am Daichi mitsuka age 19 years old my ethnic Asian and Rabbit i planned to going back to japan but I want to explore more of America so i told my mother and father that i wanted to stay and live...
His Kit
#1 of yaoi yaoi smut/lemon between naruto and kyuubi naruto groaned and awoke with a start. it looked like he was in a sewer, just what he need. as if failing the graduation exam for the third time in a row wasn't bad enough.
dragon's dinner
A large fearsome dragon opened it's eye a scar running down the closed one the open eye was a dull green he lifted himself up and smelled around his cavern it smelled the same blood and rotten flesh he hated the smell he did not eat much since he was...
The Deal
It was darkened as he walked across the halls. Though one room's light was on. Offender rolled his invisible eyes, wondering what his brother could possibly want at his feeding hour, and in such a spot as this abandoned warehouse...though it made...