How to Deal...

Story by WhiteWolf on SoFurry

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Hey this is my first story and there are sure many more to come. The legal mumbo jumbo about being 18 but hey im the author and im not 18 characters are of my own creation so sorry if is like someone or something u know and constructive critism is welcome at [email protected] i will be posting many more stories so i need to know what to improve. hope you enjoy!!

How to deal...

by: WhiteWolf

Noooooooo!! he yelled as he woke up from his

nightmare. This was the third time he had this same

nightmare this week. Max was scared he did not want to

keep seeing his parents dying over and over again in his

dreams. Max, a nineteen year old arctic wolf furry with

all gray fur except for a patch of white on the end of his

tail and hazelnut colored eyes, was left to take care of his

fifteen year old sister when their parents died a year and

a half ago on his eighteenth birthday. Sara like her

brother was also an arctic wolf, mostly gray except that

her chest was white but she also had the same tip of

white on her tail, and green instead of hazelnut eyes.

Max rolled over in his bed and tried to get back

to sleep but couldn't, because he kept hearing the bed in

his sister room squeaking. He chuckled out loud then

thought must be a lonely night for her. Max was starting

to get to sleep when he herd his sister moan ohhhh

..axe..mmmmm. Max chuckled again must be some porn

stars name he thought.

Max now realizing that sleep was impossible got

up threw on some boxers and a pair of shorts when he

remembered it was his sisters birthday. I know I'll bake

her a cake he thought and went to the kitchen. He baked

the cake and iced it,mmmmmm he said as he looked at it.

That's gunna be good he thought for he hadn't spent the

last four years of his life training to be a chef and not be

able to make a good cake. After baking he grabbed a

beer from the fridge mumbling its gunna be a fun day if u

start drinking early and sat down to watch the morning

new and his favorite show on the food channel.

A few hours later Sara woke up and walked into

the living room smelling very strongly of her sex. She

was wearing just a small white T-shirt and panties. Good she said yawning. Good morning Sara I

trust you slept well said Max smirking. Ya she said why?

Max still smiling oh I'm just glad u got back to sleep

after.........enjoying yourself this morning. Startled she

said you herd? Ya Max said but I don't care. She smiled

and looked at the almost empty bottle of beer in his hand

and said you know that cant be good for you this early. I

know but.... Max stopped and finished his beer. Oh ya

he said happy birthday. She smiled and said thank you as

she walked to the kitchen to pour herself some cereal.

Max changed the channel to FMTV and said as

he was walking to the bathroom TV's yours. The

shower felt good on Max's well toned body. For you see

after his parents death Max worked out like a madman it

helped him deal with the loss and to show for it he was

ripped. After his shower Max dried off, wrapped the

towel around his waist and headed back to his room

when he herd his sister crying in her room.

He opens her door to find her crying into her

pillow. He walked over and sits down next to her what's

wrong? he said clearly startling her. She sobs

its....just....that... she turns back to her pillow an stars

crying harder. Now, Now he says you can tell me I'll

help you however I can. She turns and sobs

and worked out with it....but

with me....I started...masturbating and thinking about...

having sex........with you she turns and starts crying again

into her pillow. It hit Max like a ton of bricks that

morning it wasn't axe she was moaning it was Max!

Max put his arm around her and pulled her muzzle up so

they were looking into each others eyes Max said, how

can I help you. It was then as Sara looked up into his

hazelnut eyes....they kissed.

They kissed very deeply and passionately and for

what seemed like a life time for both of them. Max knew

Sara had thoughts about him that were like this but what

she didn't know is that he also had had thoughts about

her. They sat there kissing in each others arms until Max

broke off the kiss. Sara started crying again and said

I'm...sorry....I.. but she was cut off by Max saying don't

be ashamed I fell the same way. She looked up into his

eyes again and they kissed. This time Sara broke off the

kiss and she took off her shirt revealing her perky

breasts. After this they kiss more as Max begins to play

with her nipple with his hand. Sara stop the kissing again

as she starts pushing her panties down which Max the

helps her do. Max backs away from her for a moment to

look at her in all her beauty. Sara reaches up and undoes

the knot in his towel revealing his semi-swollen sheath.

She pushes him onto the bed then she sits on his

abdomen as he lets out a little oomph. She smiles as they

kiss again but this didn't last long as Max rolled them

over and started kissing down her body. Stopping only

to let his tongue play with her nipples. He then kissed

down further until he reached her tender folds which

were already wet. He then let his tongue play with her

slit and flick past her clit every now and then pushing his

tongue into her slit. He did this until her back arched

and she moaned I' ...cummmmmmm as

one of the most powerful orgasms of her life powered

through her as her slit dripped her juices which Max

happily lapped up. Then Max kissed his way back up her

body and they kissed even more.

Max's member, which was now fully erect, was

positioned at Sara's slit when Sara said Max I'm a virgin.

Max looked at her in silence for a moment and said that

makes two of us. Sara then looked down and nodded as

he entered her very slowly. She moaned out of pleasure

and pain until he reached her hymen. He looked her in

the eyes as if giving her one more chance to say no but

she nods giving him the go ahead. And in one thrust he

had taken her virginity as she moaned out of pain that

was quickly receding to pleasure. He stops and gives her

time to adjust to him as he slowly starts thrusting in and

out of her pussy. He slowly picks up speed as her hips

start matching his thrust. Each time he thrusts she moans

in pleasure. As an effect of his thrusts and their moans

the both approach orgasms. His knot begins to grow as

she arks her back. His now quite large knot enters her

and gets stuck right as she screams AHhhhhhh as the

orgasm rips through her body. And the convulsions of

her orgasm and his knot he also orgasms releasing his hot

seed deep into her womb.

As they lay there panting as they come down

from their orgasms the kiss and fall asleep in each others

arms. Sara wakes up a few hours later alone in her bed

the smell of sex strong in the air. She gets up and walks

to the kitchen where she finds Max at the counter she

walks up behind him hugs him and says I love you.

Startled Max turns and hugs back saying I love you too.

They kiss and when they break off the kiss he says I have

a present for you. She smiles and says is it better then

the one you just gave me patting her belly. Max replies it

isn't from me its from mom and dad. Sara looks worried

but opens the small box he offered her. There sitting in

front of her are two mate rings. He says mom and dad

wanted you to have them on your sixteenth birthday and

left me in charge of them, they wanted you to give them

to the one you would mate with for life. She smiles and

put on the female ring and puts the male ring Max's

finger saying then I guess we are mates for life. Max

smiles back and kisses her not as just lovers but as mates.

The End

e-mail me with constructive critism at [email protected] or e-mail me if you wanna be friends! :)