Love Comes in the Strangest of Forms

Story by Kazuo on SoFurry

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Love Comes in the Strangest of Forms

It was time to visit my parents again, which was a fairly enjoyable time for me. It was a time where I could take a break from whatever job I might have, be it tutoring, or being a secretary, or what have you, and just kick back and relax if I really wanted to. But usually, I help out my father with things, usually accounting. He's a busy man, and I don't usually want to see him over-worked or grouchy, so I help out as best I can. Owning a large liquor chain was hard work, and with all the stores and bars we sell to, it's a hell of a lot of paperwork to go through. There was hardly a moment where there wasn't work to be done on my father's part, seeing as he was the owner of this chain. Sure, most of the people who work for him deal with things, but everything amasses and goes to our family to sort out, so he was always busy. Lucky for me, my mother wasn't as busy, so visiting wouldn't be a total waste of time.

When I had called to tell them I'd be showing up, my father told me that he and my mother had moved. He was rather busy, so other than the new address, he didn't tell me anything else about it. Well, it wasn't that big of a deal anyways. Knowing him and my mother, something might have went wrong at the old house, or perhaps they decided to rent it out and have another built. They could do that, you know, since we're rich. Most of the time I usually forget, but my family has enough money to last us a long time - maybe it's because I insist on pushing myself not to depend on my parents' money. So, in a day's time from then, I packed up a few changes of clothes and left for the new house. It took me a few hours, but when I got there, I was in for a surprise - a giant surprise!

It was almost like stepping into a whole other world. The bus I had taken pulled up to a very large property, or at least I thought it was large. I couldn't really tell, as there were stone walls set up around it that were at least seven feet high. As the bus pulled away, I tilted my head up, way up, to look over the walls. All that really came above them were treetops; lush, green treetops swaying in the summer's breeze. Looking forwards again, there was one gate, a large gate that came almost two feet over the rest of the walls. It was an iron-barred gate, which looked too heavy to move by human hands, so I assumed it was automated. There was one booth just to the left of the gate, probably for security, which looked fairly small and quaint from the outside, the light brown stone and red roof setting each other fairly well. What intrigued me most was that there were no windows, only one large mirror that reflected the world in its glass surface, and slightly distorted it. I stepped up to it curiously, lugging my travel-bag with me. There was a door to the right of that mirror, so it was clearly a booth... But I had to ask myself, why was there a mirror?

"Can we help you?" A deep voice brought me from my curious stupor, making me jump and turn to the creator of the voice.

He was big, very big... Both of them were. Two furres, dressed in brown security uniforms, were looking at me almost nonchalantly. One was a large equine, probably some sort of Clydesdale, since he was maybe around seven feet tall. His dark brown fur was taut over bulging muscle, and he stood firm, with a look of power. Similarly, the other male was also big, maybe around half a foot shorter than the horse. He was a rare Siberian Tiger, with white fur and black stripes. He too was strong, his fur also pulled firm over healthy muscle. I was intimidated; these guys looked like they could crush me using only their hands!

"Wh-Wh-What? Me?" I stuttered nervously. "Am I at the Yoshi residence?"

"Yep." The Tiger responded, arms crossed, with a nod. His voice wasn't as deep, but it was grizzly, so still as frightening.

"I'm... here to see my parents!" I stated, my voice wavering with fear.

"I.D, please." Both said in unison.

"Oh uh... I... don't have any I.D on me." I admitted. I never really thought I would have had to carry it with me to get into my own family's house.

"Then we can't let you in." The large horse said firmly.

"What? No you have to let me in." I pleaded. "This IS my parents' home! Just ask them!"

"We can't disturb Mr. Yoshi right now." The Tiger responded. "Beat it kid."

"Then ask my mother, Lynn!" I retorted.

There seemed to be a moment where the two burly males glanced at one another, as if waiting on each other to make a decision. Then, with an annoyed sigh, the Tiger went into the booth, leaving the door open as his partner kept his eyes on me. He then paged the inner house, and waited for a response.

"Hello?" I heard a female voice return the page. It wasn't my mother's.

"Hello, we have a male on the premises who claims to be the son of Rhonin Yoshi." The Tiger responded as I just stood there and waited.

"Well what does he look like?" The female asked.

"Hey Tucker?" The Tiger called out. "What's the kid look like?"

The large gorse ran his fingers through his blonde mane and looked me over. That day I was dressed rather professionally, in a white, button-up, collar-down formal dress shirt, and a pair of dark blue, neatly ironed dress pants, and a red necktie. I'll admit, I was wearing running shoes and they didn't look all that professional. My black fur was clean, and my glasses weren't crooked, and my brown eyes must have been fine, I made sure to get a good deal of sleep so my mother wouldn't worry. My shoulder-length hair - which was black though the ending three inches were dyed so it faded from black to red - was combed neatly, so it wasn't like I looked like some sort of ruffian, standing there with my fluffy tail between my legs. The security guard described me to the fullest detail, including my thin frame and my 5'8" height - that and that I looked a little girly.

"I'll ask the Missus." The lady said.

As I had thought, I was buzzed through the automated gates in a matter of moments. I beamed with pride, knowing that little old me had bested the two big, burly guards. I waltzed on inside after the gates finished their slow opening. Though as it was closing behind me, I stopped my cocky little waltz to look on in awe at what lay before me. Almost as if framing the dirt road before me, tall apple trees stood, leaving a direct, straight path from dirt to sky all the way to a mansion that took my breath away. My shoulders slumped as I stared at it in disbelief. My parents were never ones to buy big houses, even if we were rolling in money. But somehow, they managed to buy one. Who knew why? There could have been tons of reasons and I wasn't about to try and choose one, but I would have had to run the question by my mother at least once during the visit.

But the mansion itself was a sight. Stepping closer I saw that it had to be somewhere around three stories tall, with marble stairs leading to a big set of double-doors made of wood. The outside was fairly plain, it seemed... Gray walls, dark blue roof... The sheer size of it was all that really surprised anyone. Surely there were several things around the back that would have surprised me, I thought, but those would have to wait. I knew that going inside would also be like a trip in itself... Exploring the entire building would probably be even harder! Not that I'd be interested in everything in there. Knowing my father, there would be a few rooms that were simply for decoration and nothing more - either that or spruced up, cozy lounges. All I would really be interested in would be my own room, and maybe the kitchen.

The door made a low creaking noise as I opened it and poked my head in to look around before stepping in entirely. I had entered a lobby, and boy was it big. Before me was a tiled floor, polished to a shine that reflected the chandelier above my head. Grand windows poured rays of sunlight into the room, the afternoon light basking the entire room in a warm glow. The staircase was black, while the tiled floor was white, and a regal red carpet seemed to make a path of sorts along the floor from one door to the next and up the stairs, which branched off left and right. The walls were a fine wood, and there were expensive-looking paintings strung up in various places. Potted plants stood at either end of the staircase's railings, and a large skylight in the roof caused a large, stain-glass pattern of an angel to rest on the floor in silent beauty at the very center of the room. My breath was nearly taken away by the beauty of the lobby.

The door closed behind me, the simple action of it clicking shut echoing through the large, ballroom-sized lobby. I looked around, scanning the room for any other people that could have been around. I didn't see a single soul. It got me confused... I was sure that such a large home would have people running around all over the place, but it was dead silent. No mother, no father, no stepsister, no security guards, no servants, nothing as far as I could see. But that was as far as I could see.

"Hello." A gentle voice spoke out from behind me, startling me. I turned around quickly to see the owner of such a voice. I was surprised, actually.

It was a female that reminded me a lot of my mother, but I knew it wasn't my mother. This girl was younger, around my age, a young woman. Her fur was a snow-white, holding the facial structure that all felines should have. Her eyes were a gentle green, and although slightly narrow, her gaze held no malice, only polite obedience. Small white ears poked out from beautifully combed blonde hair, so long and so rich that it ran down the back of her slender, curved form to end at her rear. Her form was adorned in a traditional maids outfit, from the frilly head and the black leather choker around her neck, to the black dress she wore, barely ending past her thighs. The dress's hemline was red for about an inch, to match the crimson red cloth that hung from a snowflake obsidian charm on her choker. Her black dress was rather fitting, long-sleeved, garnished with white cuffs you would normally find on a suit. The apron she wore was a clean, spotless white, but seemed fore focused around her waist than anywhere else. Tied with a large bow at the back, it seemed to constrict her waist a little to make the illusion of a more emphasized hour-glass form, and accentuating her breasts fit snugly into the black material. Only some of the curve of her thighs was exposed before her legs were bound fit into black stockings that also had a red, frilly trim. They began a few inches above her knees and ran all the way down her legs to her high-heeled shoes, also black, the heels standing at about an inch and a half or so. The only possible benefit to her dress being as short as it was could have been that her tail, large and fluffy, was free to sway behind her slightly without picking her dress up at the back.

With the way she stood, with a polite smile and her snow-white hands folded in front of her, it was impossible for me to think anything other than that she was beautiful. She appeared sweet, gentle, and beautiful, and it made me freeze up.

"You... must be Kazuo, am I right?" She asked, looking slightly concerned at my lack of response.

"Oh, yeah." I responded with a polite bow, holding my heavy duffle bag before me, making my stance very similar to hers. "Kazuo Yoshi."

"I'm sorry if the security gave you any trouble..." She began, leaning forwards a little to still get a good look at me as I raised to stand up straight again.

"No problem." I responded simply. There was a two-second pause before I added in, "I mean, what kind of visit would it be if I wasn't hassled every now and again?"

"Well, if you come with me, I can show you to your room if you like." She said, still standing politely with a small smile. I was beginning to wonder how long she could keep that up.

"Oh, uh sure!" I responded, having caught myself staring at her again from behind my glasses. "Lead the way."

"Can I get your bags?" She asked, looking to the heavy duffle bag I carried.

"No that's fine." I responded, heaving the bag onto my shoulder, holding the strap with both paws. "I've got it, don't worry."

"As you wish." She answered before turning away and walking up the stairs. I followed, keeping a foot away from her at most out of respect for her space.

She led me to my room, and my eyes had a hard time choosing to look at her or the surrounding décor. It wasn't unusual for me to fall for a girl just by looking at them, and at that point I was able to think that through logically. The maid was pretty, and kind of cute, I wasn't going to deny that - but that was it as far as I was concerned. I was so wrapped up in convincing myself of this that I hadn't noticed that I had walked right into my room until I was standing in the middle of it.

My parents knew what I liked! The room itself was something like a small home, having its own miniature bathroom and kitchen. Most of the room though was for the bedroom. It was fairly plain, which I liked, with a single bed in the far left corner if I turned facing it from the door. The door as well was on the left side of the room, in the near corner. Across from the bed was a stand, where there was my own television, and a shelf for books. I could have sat on my bed and watched the TV and be about a foot away. Next to that was the doorframe leading into the kitchen, which had its own set of counters and cupboards, and a miniature fridge and a microwave... That wasn't all that important. The bathroom was beyond the kitchen, too. Back in the main room, at the far wall near the door was a computer desk, with a fully operational home PC. It came complete with a printer, scanner, web cam, and microphone. It was a real good room, for something that looked so plain, with white walls and ceiling, and a dark green rug. Sure, the walls and floor weren't too good on the eyes, but I figured I'd adjust.

"How is it?" The maid asked from behind me.

"It's really nice!" I responded, looking around one last time with a smile. I turned to her once again and bowed my head. "Thank you for showing me here."

"Oh it was my pleasure sir." She responded with a shy sort of blush. I suppose she wasn't used to being thanked so... properly. That was her job. "Do you need anything else?"

"Well, one last thing." I answered, standing p straight, looking at her curiously. "What's your name?"

"Jessica, sir." She responded, folding her hands neatly in front of her. "Jessica Elwood, at your service."

"Jessica... Okay!" I smiled to her. "You can go now if you want, I'll be seeing you later."

With a polite bow, she turned and left. I closed the door behind her and then turned to my bed, setting my duffle bag on the floor at the foot of it. I decided to check one last time to see what I had brought with me. It was nothing but a few changes of clothes, but it never hurt to check. It was all there, safe and sound, so I then decided to lie on my bed, just to see how comfortable it was. As soon as my back hit the mattress, it occurred to me that I hadn't had a moments sleep since I had packed my things early in the morning. It being 1:00 in the afternoon around that time, I came to realize that I was quite tired. So I kicked off my shoes, kicking them to the floor, snuggled into the covers of the bed, and soon drifted off to sleep. The bed was fairly comfortable, like the one I had at home.

I woke up to the sound of Jessica's voice. She had come in to wake me up for supper. So I changed my clothes and followed her to the dining room. I was surprised to find that there was more than one dining room. There was apparently a large one and a smaller one, the smaller one being for the family, and the larger one being for large gatherings, or business meetings. It was beginning to feel like I would have never gotten used to how life ran in such a 'sophisticated' atmosphere. I never really liked flaunting my family's money around, so it was also a tad uncomfortable. Still, with Jessica guiding me through the house at least, I was a little comforted. I'd have simply died if I were forced to find things out on my own.

Dinner was so extremely awkward for me. The table felt so big compared to the 'standard class' one we had before my family chose to live in such a large mansion. The table itself still sat the four people in my family, but the surface seemed to stretch so far... And when servants had to help pass things around, it certainly didn't help the homely feeling. I started to really feel uncomfortable by that point, but managed to force my discomfort into the back of my mind, more delighted to finally see my family again after several months apart from them. My mother and father hadn't changed a bit, and my adopted sister wasn't any different either.

My parents were very unique, I thought. My father looked a lot like me, with gray-black fur and black hair. His hair was short though, and his eyes were very narrow. The golden eyes he had seemed to leer at everything because of this. He was where my Japanese name came from, and was a very professional man. He had a small bit of paranoia though, but it was understandable. Being a 'black cat,' he assumed he was cursed. My mother on the other hand was a real 'country bumpkin.' She was a pure white feline, and was very used to working day in and day out. She used to be my best friend when I was little... But being pampered by servants seemed to even get to her. She was normally independent, but seemed to get very laid back when she had someone tending to her usual chores. It was obvious why my father had married her though... She was beautiful, and had a heart of gold.

My sister was a newer addition to the family. She was clearly adopted, being canine. She had all black fur as well, with silver hair that she had dyed a light pink. She was nothing like me or anyone else in my family. She was a party animal, and self-glorified alcoholic... To be truthful, she was a knockout though. She flaunted her slender form often, and her seeming so different, I didn't think it was a crime that I noticed. She wore tight tops, sizes too small, and jean cut-offs that looked like a thong. Her rowdy attitude was annoying, and she shamelessly used her looks and take-charge attitude to make me do things... I have to admit, there had been a time where her flaunting got... out of hand, but I could never get that close to her again. She was just so... queer.

I felt awkward through all of dinner, and afterwards. My family had no dishes to do, no clean up; the servants did everything. It had begun to irk me. I had pride in myself because of my helpfulness... But nobody needed my help! Every visit I made to my parent's house before that, I had done chores, helped my father with financial decisions and files, but then... It was all gone. The servants took care of everything and left nothing for me to do. In fact, it left none of us anything to do aside from my father, who snuck back to his study to continue working. My mother went to relax, and my sister, Isiset, bounded off to a party somewhere, confident that her local status of 'the rich girl' would pick her up a few boys to 'have fun' with. This left me all to myself.

I wandered around quite aimlessly, only getting lost a few times. I was silent, and the growing boredom was beginning to get on my nerves. I soon found my way back to my room, but paused before entering it, thinking ahead. I had driven myself into some sort of apathetic mood... one of those moods where I was bored out of my skull, but everything I found to bide my time with wasn't enough. I didn't want to do anything! I sighed to myself, letting go of the doorknob to turn and lean against the door, to ponder some other way to entertain myself. I was startled to se Jessica, again, standing right before me, hands folded before her in that polite way. It was like she came out of nowhere, and she gave me quite a fright.

"Jesus!" I cried, nearly jumping out of my fur. I calmed down quickly, flashing her a smile. Apparently, my startled response startled her right back. "You scared me half to death!"

"I-I'm sorry." She apologized, shedding a smile and bowing lightly. Her eyes held a look of amusement in them. "I simply noticed that you have been wandering around for almost an hour now..."

"I'm bored." I admitted. "There's really nothing to do when people like you are doing all the work... I'm not used to being so... free!"

"I'm sorry." She apologized once again, in a sympathetic tone. "It's just our job to take care of the family chores and keep things in the best order we can. You're not used to living in a mansion, are you?"

"No." I responded, a little surprised she'd ask. "I usually do all that stuff on my own..."

"Well... Kazuo... I was supposed to go into your room and see if there's anything that needs cleaning. I was told to check what you wanted to stock your kitchen for the next few days, and to see if your bathroom was in order, and to see if you had any clothes to be washed..." I was a little discouraged when she said this. I didn't want to feel like a child being looked after, more than anything.

"But if you'd rather... I guess... I guess you could just bring your clothes yourself, and help me take all the clothes to the laundry room... But only if you want."

I was happy when she said that. Call me some sort of freak or whatever you like, but I was all for such an idea. I liked to help, as it made me feel important. Perhaps it was just some sort of complex I had, but it didn't matter. I agreed quite quickly and went into my room. I had no dirty clothes, naturally because I had just arrived earlier in the day, so I went out of my way to change my clothes. I slipped on a pair of track pants I normally slept in, and an old T-shirt, taking the clothes I had worn that day with me as I left, following Jessica. It was a very pleasant experience, even though we had both agreed that picking up after my adopted sister was utter hell. I got to get to know her a bit, and to be fair I let her know a bit about me as well. The conversation was low-tone and subtle, but it flowed nicely, and we avoided any discomfort.

It didn't even matter when I noticed while I helped her load the laundry into our industrial-sized washing machines, that she looked very much like my own mother. Despite being much more subtle and shy, she held the same white fur, and the same golden blonde hair. Her eyes were the only thing that didn't really remind me of my mother. Jessica had green eyes, beautiful green eyes that weren't as big and bold as my mother's deep ocean blue eyes. I never really got a good look at her eyes, but I'd have to say that Jessica's eyes were what comforted me. To me, I felt that I wasn't just going and replacing my mother, doing things with Jessica that I would usually have done with my mother.

And so things grew from there. Jessica had practically become my new best friend. With my father being so busy, my mother being so relaxed, and my sister being... well... herself, I was left to spend all my time helping the servants out with the chores. Of course, there were a few times my mother would ask me why I chose to do it, and like an adult, I would explain to her why. She never asked any questions about it, but her outlook did worry me. I wasn't sure if I was expected to be so helpful, or if she expected me to simply relax, but I guess it never really mattered. She let me go on doing what I liked to do, and that was spending time with Jessica.

I couldn't deny myself. I was very fond of her, and it became very apparent to me about three days in. At first, it was simply a physical attraction. She was very beautiful, and her uniform only made her look very cute - and if anyone were to ask, I'd admit that I loved to see her smile. This led to a deeper attraction, or fondness, I suppose. I cared about what she thought and what she wanted, and listened to her when she wanted to talk - which wasn't often, but often enough. She was a friend to me, a familiar person in an unfamiliar place. Perhaps I was simply leeching this feeling of companionship to compensate myself for the lack of attention from my parents, perhaps I wasn't. I couldn't tell at first. But she did seem to appreciate my help, and as long as she did, I didn't really mind what went on. I was happy.

This was almost naïve of me.

After a week, I had decided to stay longer. I was comfortable, and just wasn't ready to leave. This was when my uncle came around. His name was Uncle Kentaro, and I worked with him at his insurance company. I did most of his work, scheduling (and sometimes attending) appointments, organizing files such as the employees' paychecks, and generally ran the company along with my associate Sayoko. He was a lazy, lecherous, and irresponsible - not a man that many looked up to. This was why I felt I had to continue working at his company... I had to put a good face on our family if he wouldn't.

He was an older man, older than my father and from his side of the family. Hs hair was short, combed over, and graying. His fur was a dull black, and he was maybe a little overweight, his face wrinkling when he smiled. Still, all on his own he was practically as rich as my father, but he flaunted his wealth, almost annoyingly so. He roared into the driveway in a brand new convertible - his fifth - and invited himself in of course. He was beginning to wonder where his favorite little worker went... Which translated into general terms meant that he wanted me to go back and save his company from crumbling to the ground. I still didn't want to go back, so he readily agreed that he would stay as well until I was ready to leave.

I was in bad spirits over this. As respectful as I am of my family, I didn't much like my uncle. I was sitting outside on the steps a few hours after uncle Kentaro's arrival, dressed in my long dark blue coat, my leather pants, and my black combat boots. I had my coat done up, as it was late afternoon at the time. I was quiet, just staring out into the little orchard of trees that lined the road leading up to the mansion.

"Kazuo?" I hear Jessica's soft voice behind me, making my ears perk, and I sat up straight to look back at her.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What's wrong? You seem a little upset..." She responded. I knew she'd be slightly concerned, and felt guilty for pulling such an act, to rouse her curiosity. "... Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing." I tried to quell her curiosity with a lie, to throw her off my trail.

"Are you sure?" She was persistent. "You look like something's bothering you. Is it your uncle?"

"Yeah." I gave in with a sigh. "I just don't like him very much... He's a very successful man, I know, but he's not all that great... He's kind of lazy, and not very responsible... He makes me worry sometimes. I usually see him with another girl every other week, but today he didn't bring home some gaudy bimbo to show off."

"Oh..." She obviously didn't feel like she was in any position to pass judgment like that.

"And the only reason he's staying is because he knows it'll make me leave faster!" I told her. "And I don't want to leave just yet. But he needs me to save his company, so I guess I'll have to leave sometime."

"Well, you can do whatever you have to." She said softly from behind me.

"Just promise me something," I began, standing up and turning to her to see he in that same polite stance. "If he tries to... do anything to you, just um... well either avoid him or tell someone. Alright?"

"Oh um... Alright." She answered, blushing as she took her gaze from me and cast it to the ground. This made me worry a little, but I didn't dwell on it. I just nodded and left, and let her go back to her work. I figured it was at least fair to warn her about my uncle.

I had every good reason to. I tried to tolerate him for a few days before I would leave, but he was always weaseling into my day and bothering things. Hi attitude was bad enough, but I couldn't even help Jessica out, or talk to her much. Uncle Kentaro was always around her, and by the way he looked at her through his beady little eyes, I knew exactly why. He liked how she looked, and was obviously taking her away to be alone with her. It irked me... I wasn't sure why at the time. Maybe because Jessica was the only person in the household to pay me much attention, and with her out of the picture, I was off by myself again. At that rate, I would have ended up leaving quicker than I had expected.

There were several nights where my uncle would take Jessica to his room. I would get worried. My uncle was a pervert, everyone at his company knew... He was a womanizer, and a shameless one at that. Often times I had discovered a used condom, or some other gruesome article in his office after he "worked a late night." Naturally 'd be worried for Jessica. She was my friend, and I didn't want my own uncle touching her in ways he shouldn't have, so I decided to investigate.

One night, I remember, it was raining. The occasional crash of thunder sounding through the house, and flash of lightning lighting up the dark hallways. I saw that as the perfect opportunity to sneak over to the room my uncle was staying in and see what he was up to. So I snuck as quietly as a feline could, hardly making a sound as my bare feet moved across the smooth tile floor. I was only wearing my glasses and a pair of track pants. The mansion was somewhat cold in the stormy weather, but I was undaunted. I snuck right up to my uncle's room. As luck would have it, the door was left open a crack... My uncle never was the brightest... So, I took a look inside. What I saw shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did, but it surprised me a great deal regardless.

Jessica stood with her back to me, and was blocking most of my view, but the view alone was enough! Jessica was without her dress, her naked form only blocked by her thigh-high stockings with the red trim, and her black high-heels. I couldn't tell for sure at the time, but she was also wearing that frilly little headband of hers. I froze as my eyes set on her form. From behind she looked perfect. Her snow-white, flawless fur ran over her slender back to the attractive curve of her rear. The tips of her shining golden blonde hair would reach to about her rear, and her large tail swayed in a low arch back and forth. I made sure I was well out of sight as I watched her. If I was caught then, I didn't want to even think about the consequences.

She moved, turning to go further into the room. This large room had a sort of lounge by a fireplace, which was in use. On a small loveseat before the fire sat my uncle. Much to my convenience, he was still fully clothed in a proper navy blue work suit that he wore during the day. Looking back to Jessica, I had noticed that she was carrying a silver serving tray. I had to move a little to see clearly, but on this silver tray was a golden goblet. It was barely large enough to be considered a shot-glass in normal bars. As I watched, I was convincing myself that despite my uncle being as perverted as he was, he was simply taking advantage of his situation, and getting 'the royal treatment.' It wouldn't have surprised anyone... He likes being treated like a wealthy man, having servants of his own.

As Jessica moved, my eyes were glued to her. From a new angle, I was able to see the rest of her body. Her breasts were perfect. They were fairly large, and were perky in their own right, just over a pawful each... Her round hips swayed back and forth in a pendulum motion and timing... Her entire body seemed to move in one, fluid, graceful manner. Though still, the vision was ruined for me when I saw her walk to my uncle. The fat little man took the goblet she had silently offered, and took a sip from it. What was inside really didn't matter to me, because after he put it back on the tray, he had Jessica set the tray down on a nearby end table. She moved back to him, standing in that same position she always did, hands folded before her, hiding her most private of areas. She was noticeably blushing... The red flush stained her white-furred cheeks in a very alluring manner... But the fact still remained that she would remain loyal, despite this.

I began to grind my teeth, as there seemed to be a moment of stillness in the air. My tail twitched anxiously. If my uncle was going to pull anything, I was beginning to wish he'd have hurried up. But, in hindsight, I never really thought ahead to what I would have done if he had tried. But the answer came soon enough...

"You look very lovely." My uncle said. They were charming words, but his tone betrayed any false sincerity.

"Thank you... master." Jessica responded, her voice a gentle whisper, bowing her head gratefully.

When she did this, my uncle raised a hand. He clipped something to Jessica's choker, and at first I didn't know what it was... But upon further investigation, it looked to be a leash! Jessica would rise quickly and blush a little deeper, but showed no resistance. I shifted in place, wanting to speak out against it, but was afraid of getting caught. I stayed put, but I bobbed a little in place. It must have been testosterone or something... But I felt the urge to protect my friend.

"Now you look much better." My uncle calmly stated, pulling down on the leash to bring Jessica to her knees before him. I jumped again; clutching the door tightly, but once again froze.

"M-Master..." She looked up at my uncle nervously, who simply smiled at her with a sick, squinty gaze.

"You know what to do, dear..." He spoke almost longingly, reaching to his pants to undo them.

Well that was the last straw. With a rush of courage that I didn't know I had, I shot up from my kneeling position and burst through the door. Both Jessica and my uncle were startled. Jessica actually stood up and tried to cover her body, one arm wrapped smugly over her breasts, her other hand covering her sex. My uncle just zipped up his pants with a speed that would normally be thought of as inhuman. I stood there, not knowing where to look, or what to do, so I just stood, waiting for someone to explain. I didn't really want to ask a redundant question like, "What's going on here?"

"Kazuo!" Jessica was the first to cry out.

"Oh boy... Kazuo... Uhm..." My uncle was tongue-tied.

"Uncle Kentaro, what the hell?!" I yelled, looking at the chubby man. "What are you doing to Jessica?"

"Nothing!" He responded quickly.

"She's naked... wearing a leash..." I responded back at him flatly as Jessica just seemed to watch.

"Well, she is a servant!" My uncle retorted.

"So? She doesn't deserve to be treated like that!" I responded. "I can't watch my friend be treated like that!"

"Uhm... Kazuo?" Jessica spoke up.

"What?" I blinked at her.

I hadn't noticed when I barged in, but while watching Jessica, I had formed a raging erection that had tented my tracks. She gazed at the tent, and I followed her eyes to my own arousal. I felt pretty embarrassed, and very stupid. My uncle laughed at me, which certainly didn't help. So, spotting Jessica's clothes near the loveseat, I walked over to them and grabbed them. Jessica tried talking to me, but I wouldn't listen. I just tossed her the clothes and took her hand, pulling her along. She stumbled out behind me, holding her clothes to her naked form as I dragged her out, slamming the door behind us.

"Kazuo... Kazuo please stop!" Jessica pleaded.

I stopped and turned around.

"Why did you let him do that?" I asked, a little angered that she would.

"I..." She couldn't respond.

"I told you to be careful around him!" I scolded. "But for the last few days, he kept taking you away! Can't you say no?"

"Kazuo please..." Jessica responded. "It's part of my job."

"It's... It's what?" I was surprised at this, caught off guard.

"Kazuo... As a servant, I'm supposed to do whatever my master says... I'm supposed to service them in any way that I can... Even if it's with my own body." She said, taking my hand into her own and holding it firmly. "... You're mad at me, aren't you?"

"No..." I groaned. "I guess it's not your fault..."

"I'm sorry Kazuo." She said firmly, which drew my attention. "But I was trained to do things like that."

"It doesn't seem right though." I said, looking away from her. "You're a living creature... How can you think that it was right?"

"It's not." She responded. "And that man was the fist to do things like that to me. Your father is as kind and gentle as you are, and he never asked me to do anything other than housework. I didn't like Mr. Kentaro..."

"So why?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"Well... You didn't want to leave..." She answered, looking to the floor shyly. "I just thought... That if your uncle stayed longer..."

I was surprised again. Certainly, something so selfless would never have come to my mind at any point... I don't think she expected it to either. I didn't know what to say, I was stuck for words. Here I was, mad at her despite what I had told her earlier, and then learning that she had offered her body for me. It wasn't something that happened to me every day.

"Uh... Jessica...." I tried to find something to say.

"I know, you don't have to say anything... I just wanted you to stay longer." She said. "But... I guess it's selfish of me to ask you to stay too long."

"Well... Maybe..." I answered, looking to the floor. "I think I've stayed too long as is..."

"So...?" She looked at me curiously.

"... I think I better leave tomorrow." I answered.

"Yes." She responded quickly. "It's a good idea."

"Yeah, umm..." I paused a moment, realizing the awkward position we were in. "Well uh... Sorry for kind of... screwing that up, I guess."

"No it's okay." She responded. "Um... See you tomorrow? I'll help you back."

"Yeah, yeah..." I let go of her hand and ran my fingers through my hair. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yes, tomorrow." She bowed politely.

I sort of fidgeted in place for a moment, going to hug her, changing my mind, pulling back, trying to kiss her cheek, changing my mind, pulling back... Eventually I just waved and hurried off to my bed. I could hear her high-heels echoing through the halls at a fast pace. She must have hurried off as well. Needless to say, it was pretty hard to sleep that night.

Before I knew it, I was stepping off the bus, lugging my large duffle bag with me. I was dressed in a pair of jeans, a turquoise t-shirt, and a pair of runners. I was home, back in the city, down the street from my flat. The goodbye I had shared with my friend Jessica was subtle, though uncomfortable as well. But I was undaunted. I had a good feeling that I would have all the chances to make up to her. She did live at my parent's home, so I had loads of opportunities to meet with her... But I had rigged something up, to help her talk to me more often.

As soon as I stepped into my sweet, cramped flat, I tossed my duffle bag to the foot of my bed and moved to my computer desk. Sliding into the middle-class chair that I loved so dearly, I opened up my laptop and turned it on. As soon as it started, I would open up a messenger program and sign on, leaving it running. Then, I got up to get my things unpacked and organized. It wasn't ten minutes before someone signed on. I whirled back to my chair to see who it was. It was exactly who I had expected.

MissMaid Um.. Hi

KazuoYoshi: Hey!

MissMaid: How was your trip?

KazuoYoshi: It was good. How are you? Did my uncle leave?

MissMaid: Yes he dd.

MissMaid: Um... did*

Miss Maid: I'm fine.

Each of her responses took a few minutes to show up, but that was fine. She was just learning how to use a computer. She told me that she had never used them that often... "MissMaid" was Jessica. I gave her my computer when I left, and when she wasn't busy, I asked her to come on and talk to me. It really seemed like a lot less, talking to her on a screen... But during the time I would talk to her, I would grow more connected to her...

MissMaid: So when are you coming next

MissMaid: ?

KazuoYoshi: Sometime nex month.

KazuoYoshi: next*

MissMaid: I cant wait

KazuoYoshi: Really? I didn't think you'd be so excited.

MissMaid: Well I am.

KazuoYoshi: Why?

MissMaid: just because.

... Indeed, talking to her over the wonderful invention known as the Internet was very worthwhile.

In fact, it's almost about time for me to start packing for another visit to my parent's house. Who else thinks I should try to kiss Jessica? You know... with lips as soft as hers, it'd probably be nice. Well who am I kidding? I probably couldn't do that no matter how hard I tried... But, wish me luck anyways!

Kazuo Yoshi copyright Scott Vandergroef

Jessica Elwood copyright Her player.