Black and White: Starry Night

Story by DracoMancer on SoFurry

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#1 of Black and White

This story is not for minors, please navgat away from this story if you are under 18. If you don't I am not responsible for any scars you may get on your life.

'There they stand, the innumerable stars, shining in order like a living hymn, written in light.' Ricky thought as he sat on his roof 'They are the street lights of eternity.' He started to let his mind wander while he watched the night sky. Ricky was a tall Dalmatian who was going to college when the summer ended. He was usually never involved in sports but was always active outside which resulted in him getting a good muscular build. He just never wanted to go along with cliques for jocks. He could tell he was good looking because girls were always asking him out but he was just never interested. He soon started to feel little pellets hitting his fur.

"Hey Ricky! It's Abby, what are you doing up there?" It was Abigail. Ricky's best friend since elementary school from when he had protected her from a gang of bullies. Abigail was a black and white bunny who besides her act and looks was different from other girls. "You promised to take me and some friends to the movies today!" Ricky chuckled. That's what it was; she had more of a take charge attitude. Letting you know she wasn't easily influenced by other people.

"Sorry Abby just forgot about it," He jumped from the roof "just let me get ready. Come inside if you want." He opened the door letting them in. "Make yourself at home while I get some stuff." He walked into his room and closed the door. He took off his tank top and put on a long sleeve shirt. He grabbed his wallet and the movie tickets he printed off the internet. When he left his room he found that Abby and her friends were in the middle of raiding his fridge. She looked up and saw him standing there trying to hold back laughter.

"What? You told us to make ourselves at home." Ricky started to laugh, left the house and got into his car. When Abigail got in he asked

"Did you find what you wanted in my fridge?"

"No, I'm a rabbit. Don't you have any fruits or something?"

"Oh, would the bunny like some carrots?"

"Actually, yes I would love that." She said laughing. The drive to the movie theatre was filled with jokes like this livening up all their spirits. Ricky was sure that Abigail's friends were flirting on him the whole drive. When they got to the theatre Rick handed the tickets in and went to buy them some popcorn. He bought the popcorn and handed it to them saying "I'll be back in two hours to pick you all back up, and if you're not outside when I get back you're walking home." He said kidding.

Ricky drove home and sat the rest of the uneventful one and a half hours out. He then left to go pick up the girls. When he drove up they were outside giggling talking about the movie. They jumped in said quick hellos and continued their conversation. Soon Ricky had passed a club up and Abby and her friends all started to yell things like "c'mon lets stop there," and "It'd only be for a little while." Ricky complied and stopped at the club. He opened the doors for the ladies and they went in. One of Abby's friends, Sarah, a snow leopard convinced him to dance, probably to see if she can have a chance at him. They danced the night away until at one point the other one of Abby's friends, Cindy a lioness, came up to them.

"Rick!" she sounded worried. "Some guy won't leave Abby alone!" Rick followed until he got to the bar where he saw a brown collie drunk and trying to pick up Abigail. Alcohol and a horny fur clearly did not make a good mix for this collie and he kept pestering Abby.

"C'mon girl come with me, I'll show you a good time." Abigail rolled her eyes.

"I said no you jerk, now get away from me." This angered the drunken fur.

"Your gonna come with me whether you want to or not!" he grabbed her wrist

"Hey! The girl said no! Now let her go!" Ricky yelled and the collie turned around anger in his eyes.

"You gonna make me?" he said starting to stumble his way to Ricky. He suddenly leaped out at him with his fist aiming for Ricky's face. He dodged it just in time and tripped the collie. The collie got up looking even angrier than he was and lunged towards Ricky again. Ricky found it wasn't very hard to fight of the canine. With the alcohol messing with his motor skills and senses but it also numbed his pain. The fight ended when Ricky punched the collie upside the maw and knocked him out. He found the girls watching off the sideline and they left the club. Ricky saw that Abby and Cindy were a little tipsy and he offered to drive them all home.

Soon all but Cindy were gone and Ricky was going to his house so he can drive her home in her car. When he got home he saw the bunny fast asleep and thought 'she's too adorable for her own good.' He decided to let her stay at his house for the night and gently picked her up and took her inside. He softly laid her in his bed and looked over the soft white and black furball. For the first time he actually looked the bunny over. She was actually very pretty. Prettier than most the girls he had met. He shook the thought out of his head thinking 'I'm just her friend, and that's all we are.' He got a blanket out of his closet and crashed on the couch. It had been a tiring night and he intended to sleep in the next morning.

He woke up the next morning feeling the warmth of sunlight on his face. He looked over on the nearby clock. It was almost twelve. He got up, stretched and yawned then remembered th bunny in his bed and went to go check on her. The bunny was just getting up confused not knowing where she was. That was when Ricky came in and she smiled.

"Why am I here Ricky? You didn't do anything to me while I was asleep did you?" She said with mock fear.

"Because I didn't want to wake you and I don't have keys to your apartment so I just let you crash here for the night."

"Oh how nice of you and thanks again for last night Rick." She said giving him a hug. "Reminds me of when we first met, remember all those bullies you fought off in fourth grade?"

"Yes I remember them and if I recall correctly you still owe me from that. I got a black eye and bruises that hurt for weeks!"

"Oh poor doggy, you want me to make it up to you right now?" She asked still hugging him

"Sure if you want to but what are you gonna do?" Ricky wanted to know.

"It's a surprise, now come over to the apartment at nine o' clock"

"Ok I'll be there." And with that she left with a goodbye. Ricky started to eat breakfast wondering what this "surprise" was going to be. 'Probably something cheap again' he thought smiling remember the last time she gave him a surprise. She had come over with a box in gift wrap. He had opened it eagerly but when he actually looked at it turned out to be a box of cereal and she fell out laughing. It was eight forty-five when he decided to leave. When he got there she was already waiting for him outside her door.

"Hey Rick," she said giving him a hug "let's go now."

"Uh go where exactly?" he asked confused

"You'll see, now hurry up and c'mon." she said leaving. They went to her car when she stopped and turned around to him with a bandana in her hand saying "here put this on." Not wanting to ruin the surprise, he complied putting the cloth over his eyes. He got into the car and Abigail had started the car and he could feel it driving off and he felt it when the road started to get bumpier.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"You'll see, just keep the bandanna on."Abigail got out of the car after she made a turn near a hill. She helped Ricky out and then laid him on the tree on top of the hill saying "Ok you can take it off now." He took it off to see millions of stars in the sky, a smiling Abby, and open land as far as he can see.

"I know how you liked watching the night sky, so I bought you here. Do you like it?"

"I love it." He said hugging her. He sat there with Abigail on his lap watching the night sky. He started to close his eyes enjoying the cool air.

"Ricky, you awake?" he heard the rabbit ask. Wanting to see what she would do he kept his eyes closed and answered with silence. She started to talk. "Ricky I just want to thank you for all you've done for me. You've been my friend since fourth grade, you've protected me, you've cared for me." She sighed "I wish you were awake to hear this, but the truth is ever since you fought off those bullies, I've had a crush on you." Ricky felt her hug his chest and hold him. He opened his eyes to see her starting to cry. He wrapped his hands around her making her yelp.

"It's ok Abby, I heard everything." and he moved to wipe the tears from her eyes. She looked up at him smiling and kissed him. Ricky was surprised but he liked what was going on and kissed back. "Your too cute for your own good, you know that?" Abby giggled.

"But you love my adorable bunny looks." They continued to kiss until she felt the growing bulge in Ricky's pants. "Ooh someone seems to want me." Ricky smiled as she started to take off his pants. She started to rub the tent in his boxers, teasing him. Ricky started to moan. As Abby moved her hand up and down his shaft he grabbed her breasts and started to squeeze them making her squeal in delight. She but her muzzle over his shaft and started to massage it with his tongue getting a jet of pre out of Ricky.

She started to bob her head up and down on his canine member, getting rewards of pre each time. Ricky reluctantly pulled her up and said "Your turn." He went down admiring her body and pulled up her skirt. He took off her panties and started to lick her pussy.

"Oh, don't stop Ricky!" She yelled. He started to push his tongue into her wet insides. He moved up to her clit teasing it with his tongue. He started to finger her getting louder moans from her. He moved up to her chest taking off her shirt and bra. He grabbed one of her breasts, playing with it and started to lick and suckle on her other one. He picked her up still playing with her tits and pinned her back up against the tree and lined his shaft up on her pussy. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he thrust his length into her making them both yell out.

He moved back and forth pleasuring them both. With his every push he could feel his orgasm come closer and closer. He started to fuck her harder and faster making sure she would remember this night. He started to hilt his 9" into her with every push feeling his knot start to inflate. Soon he couldn't hold back his load any longer and knotted her stretching her and came. It proved to be too much for Abby too for she came, Ricky feeling her femcum around his shaft.

Abby let herself fall on Ricky and passed out. He gently laid himself down under the tree with her in his arms still knotted and looked up at the night sky one more time.

'_There they stand, the innumerable stars, shining in order like a living hymn, written in light.'_He thought. And he fell asleep under the tree.