Rynyth's Big Day Out

Story by RynYth on SoFurry

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It was quite early in the night, the sun had just set and the lights in bar had been dimmed in

preparation for the dancing later. Rynyth had been inside since noon, originally sticking with

the few people he knew in the bar, which had long since left because they had jobs or families

to get back to.

Rynyth was still young in terms of Dragons, being only a few centuries past

adolesence and was quite thin, dark hair dangled over his vibrant, purple eyes. They were

possibly the biggest contrast to the rest of him, they shone brightly in the little light,

it was not a dark purple like the rest of him but it was a bright purple, verging on pink.

With a last inspection of the bar, the Dragon turned to his drink, wrapping delicate fingers

around the base of the glass and bringing it to his lips.

Eldon felt the last of the sun's rays upon his back, the final ray of sunlight leaving the sky

and the darkness of the night taking over. As the chill of night begun to set in, Eldon let out

a sigh, he was unaffected by the chill itself, being a frost dragon he was quite used to it. The

pale-blue scales covering his back and chest revealed quite a lot about his pyshique. He was

muscular but lean, never letting himself put on too much weight but at the same time he didn't

look like he was meant to be an olympic weight lifter.

Swift steps brought him to the door of a local bar and, with a final look over his shoulder, he walked inside. Dim lighting blocked his sight for a moment as his eyes begun to adjust to the dull lighting. Most of the patrons were away from the bar, dancing with another patron, god knows if they'd even met before. A handful of people were gathered around the bar, most procuring drinks for the table or partner, though one sat alone, drink in hand, just staring off blankly. Eldon, feeling he was not yet drunk enough to begin dancing, took a seat two down from the lone drinker, ordering a shot of vodka to help him get in the mood for dancing.

Rynyth's mind was elsewhere. Occasionally, he had the presence of mind to take a sip from his drink but he he was elsewhere in spirit. After the day he had, it was the last thing on his mind to dance, or even be in a bar, yet here he was. As the frost walked past him, it did raise a look, inspecting the other male for a moment and Eldon had decided to do the same thing. After a brief moment of eye contact, they broke apart and Rynyth returned to his drink while the other decided it was finally time to dance, moving off into the brighter part of the bar that was the dance floor.

The dance floor was unusually packed for this time of the week, it was hard to push a path through to the center of the dance floor, even for someone such as Eldon. Everyone seemed to have a partner and was either rubbing against them feverishly or just taking the time to make-out with them in the middle of the dance floor. Eldon was beginning to wonder if the whole town was filled with sex-crazed morons of it was just his part. After one song, he decided that it was too hard tonight and with a mumble of 'Fuck this.' He returned to the bar, sitting down next to Rynyth, uncaring of if the other male cared or not, and ordered his next drink.

Rynyth noticed Eldon sit down all most straight away. The pale-blue, almost white, contrasted to his own colours and alerted him, as he was sitting mostly in the dark and seeing a bright light was bound to catch his attention. The dragon turned around to Eldon, looking at him quietly before speaking, "Um. Hello?" The other barely responded, managing only a grunt of acknowledgement in return. Rynyth sighed and turned back to the bar, which left Eldon feeling rather like an arsehole, so he decided to make it up to Rynyth. Taking notice of how little the dark dragons glass now held, he smiled, "Looks like you need a top-up. Mind if I buy you a drink?" Rynyth looked a little taken aback, but he nodded, giving a smirk in return, "Yes. I would. If you wouldn't mind."

Eldon recieved the drinks for the two and slid one down the bar to Rynyth, who took it with a nod of appreciation, and raised his own to his lips before speaking again, "I'm Eldon. Pleased to meet you...." The dark dragon responded on queue, "Rynyth. It's a pleasure Eldon." He smiled again, glad to have some company, if just for a while. Eldon gazed behind him, looking back at the dance floor before turning around to Rynyth, "Do you want to dance tonight?" the elder inquired, though the younger shook his head, "Sorry. Just here to drink and relax a little before I need to go to work tomorrow."

This is how it continued for a few weeks, every friday Rynyth would be at the bar alone and Eldon would buy him a drink and ask if he wanted to dance. Each time, he would refuse and remain at the bar with his drink, some times Eldon would feel like giving up on the other male but each week, he would regain vigour and try again. There was something alluring about him, like he was drawn to Rynyth.

As Rynyth and Eldon met each week they begun to talk about one-another, becoming more friends than they were at their first meeting. Eldon had been alive a lot longer than Rynyth and had experienced much more than he and the younger was always interested in listening to his stories. Rynyth, alternatively, was young and still abounding in energy. He observed much more things that Eldon would usually miss because he took them for granted. Together, they became quite good friends.

Part 1:

It was friday once again, Eldon was looking forward to seeing his friend Rynyth. Since they had first met, there was definetely feelings developing between the two, Eldon found himself becoming more and more interested in the other male, his thoughts were begining to turn to Rynyth more and more frequently, though he was not willing to admit it to anyone.

For Rynyth, it was unusual. He'd never had a mate before so the feelings he was experiencing left him feeling quite confused. He was little more than an adolesent and he wanted a mate! A male, no less! The whole situation meant he was doing more thinking than usual, something that he wouldn't usually care too much about, but this time he was thinking things that might get him into trouble. None-the-less, he was still at the bar, waiting for his friend to arrive.

As Eldon entered, Rynyth smiled, standing up and walking over to his friend, a grin on his face. He was having trouble containing himself. All the week he was waiting for Eldon to meet him at the bar. He felt happier whenever Eldon was near, safer too. Eldon smiled and extended his hand, expecting the younger to shake his hand. Much to his suprise, Rynyth took two steps forward and wrapped his arms around Eldon. The elder was taken aback, standing in the doorway of an almost empty bar with another man wrapped around you would do that. As he looked down at Rynyth, the thoughts he'd been trying to supress bubbled up and, without another thought about the matter, he placed an arm around the male.

Both of them lost all thoughts of drinking for the night. Rynyth was gripped by the waist and taken with Eldon, though he really didn't have the pressence of mind to stop. He was caught in the moment, left his logic behind him in the bar where they first met. As he approached Eldon's house, he noticed that they must of gotten further into the city center. The buildings got closer together and the thick smell of smog was lingering around, though he cared very little about where Eldon lived. They approached the door of a rather simple house, just a run-of-the-mill house in a quiet street.

The door opened without a sound, Rynyth walked in beside Eldon, resting his head against the male's shoulder. Eldon's hands wrapped around the waist of the male, tugging lightly at his jeans. The white hands ran along the ridge of his pants before stopping at the zip. The golden metal of the zip contrasted with the jeans, allowing Eldon to find it quite easily. Delicate movements undid the zip and button, pushing the pants off Rynyth and then sliding the t-shirt over his head, being careful not to damage his wings. Eldon stepped back, looking Rynyth up and down one more time before smiling.

Rynyth looked back at Eldon, standing before the elder male in nothing but a pair of bright purple panties, the frills from them spreading a little bit further than the panties themselves. His eyes strayed down Eldon's body, then back to his bare feet, unsure of if the other male would think him stupid for wearing a womens clothing. He looked up again to Eldon's smile, instantly feeling more confident of himself. He walked over and slid his hands down the front of Eldon's pants, gently rubbing against the outside of his underwear.

Rynyth's other hand begun to pull the pants down from the waistband, lowering Eldon's pants to reveal the pale-blue of his legs. The elder stepped out of the pants, standing before him with a smile and a pair of underwear that almost matched the colour of his skin. Rynyth continued to rub the front of the underwear, his breathing shallow from the anticipation of it all. Through his hands, he was begining to feel the warmth of blood rushing to Eldon's lower, slowly becoming harder under his own gentle rubbing. Nimble fingers wrapped around the rubber waistband, twisting slightly so they can get a grip. The underwear was drawn down and Eldon's manhood sprung out, sitting above the waistband.

Rynyth knelt down before Eldon, running his fingers along the length of the shaft, a very tickling touch that Eldon found intoxicating. An occasional breath from Ryn taunted him, reminding him how close he was to the males mouth though they never touched. After a few light strokes up and down, Ryn wrapped his hand around the shaft, putting some pressure onto the throbing member and moving his hand up and down slowly. He slowly gained momentum and the pressure on the shaft slowly increased as well, Rynyth feverishly trying to make the over male orgasm. Eldon could feel it coming up and as his breathing got more and more ragid. Rynyth looked up from underneath the member and smiled, which pushed Eldon over the edge with a roar of pleasure.

A thick, ropey spurt of cum shot from the tip of Eldon's manhood, hitting Rynyth just under the eye and trailing down his face. A large line of cum streaked down his face and onto his chest before pooling on the floor. The second spurt hit his chin, falling on his legs and running down onto the carpet. Rynyth leant forward and took the tip of it in his mouth, the last few spurts filling his mouth. He sat there for a little while longer, making sure that he got it all before he let go. He stood up and opened his mouth, showing the collected cum sitting inside his mouth, before closing it and swallowing the amount in his mouth.

Eldon reached around Rynyth, pulling him close and pressing his lips against the other's, tasting his own salty musk on the lips of the other, then pulled back, "Yummy." He was pressing hard up against the other male, still hard enough to get the other mans attention. Ryn looked down and wrapped his hand around the shaft, rubbing slowly enough to keep the elder hard but not enough to make him cum again. He moved, still holding and stroking the man, moving over to a lounge chair and pushing Eldon down. He moved a hand to the top of the panties and slid them off, tossing them off to the side.

Ryn leant forward, pressing his lips against Eldon's and sliding across his lap to the waiting dragonhood. He lifted up and moved so that he was pressed against Eldon's chest, hovering slightly above the throbbing member. Eldon's hand reached around the base, holding it straight and supporting it for the other male. Ryn looked down and took a breath in, lowering himself down upon it. He felt the heat radiating off it against his rear. With a breath, he forced himself lower, the head pushing through the tight seal he had. Ryn felt his muscles tear to adjust to the size and a tear rolled down his cheek from the pain of it all, but he had done it, moving all the way down the large member until he sat in Eldon's lap, taking a moment to adjust to the size of the dragonhood inside him.

Eldon placed his hands on Rynyth's hips while he moved up. He leant his head back, enjoying the feel of a virgin hole on his member. Ryn pushed through the pain of it, moving upwards, with Eldon's support, to almost the top of the dragonhood and back down again. Eldon grunted and smirked, watching Ryn work on him while he sat back. As Ryn begun to build up speed, he begun to feel the pleasure of his work. The pain was subsiding besides the pleasure of it all. He placed his hands on Eldon's stomach and used it to help him push up, riding Eldon with all his might. It did not take long to bring the Elder to the brink once again.

With a grunt, Eldon forced Rynyth down the shaft to his legs, spurting shot after shot of warm cum inside him. The sticky fluid filled his insides and warmed him from the inside out. It was all too much for Ryn. He collapsed on Eldon's chest, spurting out his own seed from the feel of Eldon's filling him. Slowly, he lifted up, sliding the shaft out of him and letting it fall limp beside him. Ryn closed his eyes, hearing the heartbeat of Eldon slow as the adrenaline left his system, he couldn't feel anything. The slow, rhythmic pulsing of the heartbeat made him feel sleepy, and he could not resist the urge to simply fall asleep on top of the male.

Eldon looked down at the sleeping Rynyth, smiling and rubbing the other males back, he leant his head back on the chair and looked at the ceiling, closing his eyes and allowing sleep to overcome him too.