Lilly's Hidden Secret

Story by luckybolt on SoFurry

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Lilly's Hidden Secret

** By: Luckybolt20**

Humphrey walked behind Lilly as they walked away from Kate and Garth. It was tough for the both of them since Lilly wanted to eye goggle Garth more and poor Humphrey was turned down and made fun of by someone he loved and worst of all what was his best friend since they were pups. He hated that he was not a Alpha. "Coyote huh I look way better then one." Said Humphrey in his mind as he stopped and looked down with a frown. Lilly couldn't hear him anymore so she ended up stopping and looking back to find Humphrey in the area disappointed. "Whats up Humphrey?" Asked Lilly trying to cheer them both up. She always did like Humphrey but he was to busy thinking only of her sister then her. Humphrey continued to look up but not that much at Lilly still upset. "Do I really look like a coyote?" He asked knowing that part of him did not want to know the answer but he was shocked to see Lilly walk over to him and lift his chin up with her front paw. "You know my sister doesn't mean that she is just to busy by Garth to pay attention to those who matter. Look how she treats me." Replied Lilly as she smiles softly at him. His mood changed as he looked at her knowing that even though he loved Kate Lilly would be a second choice if need be. She was beautiful, wise, kind, and understanding with sometimes her mother's atitude it didn't stop him from seeing the true beauty. "Thank you Lilly. Your very sweet." Said Humphrey as he looked into her light purple eyes. In the light of the moon they almost looked like jewels.

Humphrey and Lilly smiled at each other as they muzzles got close together. Humphrey's mind was going blank for awhile. He could feel her hot breath meet his lips as they get close and begins to kiss each other. At first it was a light kiss almost to the point where they were just taking a scent of each other in. The kiss began to get more indepth when Humphrey felt her tongue trying to sneak into his muzzle. This was beginning to be more interesting for Humphrey though Lilly could tell he was enjoying it cause when she looked down she started to see a pink tip of his member pop out from his sheath. Lilly began to blush during the kiss seeing this happen. No male has ever done this before let alone be this close to her. Her front paw moved closer to Humphrey's member as they kissed. The tip of his cock was already shooting out pre by just the smell of Lilly's heat.

A groan came from Humphrey's muzzle as he felt Lilly do this. He knew it was wrong his heart was for Kate. And yet it felt right. He didn't want to stop any of this. Lilly had learned a lot of tricks that she saw her mother and father did on each other. She had once seen her mother stroke her father's cock out of his sheath. She didn't know if this would effect Humphrey but figured it would be worth a shot to try. She was not dissapointed in the least. Humphrey's member was unsheathed and boy was it ever. He had a huge cock. It had to be atleast 10 to 11 inches long and very thick. Thicker then most she has ever seen this close. The pre he was shooting off could fill as glass cup in no time from the looks of it. Lilly broke the kiss as she moved her paw up and down swiftly before remembering yet another thing her mother did to her father.

Knowing this now Lilly looked at Humphrey again before pouncing him to the ground. Humphrey was shocked but was to caught up in her scent to care. "Wha...what are you doing Lilly?" Asked Humphrey a little shocked and wanting to know more. Touching was one thing but he didn't think he would get this far with anyone. Sure him and Shakey did some things together but never was he around a female and did anything of this sort. Lilly on the other hand had dreamed of the perfect wolf to make her a true female wolf and Humphrey was always in her dreams. Some non-sexual ones and some that were but either way she looked at it she secretly love Humphrey just the same. She always would even if they ended up with someone else. Humphrey laid on his back as Lilly licked down his body picking up fur but not another strength to cause a hairball. This made Humphrey shiver a bit but more so when she got to his cock.

This was a shock to Humphrey since no female has ever done this to him before. He could only recall Shakey doing this to him. Lilly licked the tip of his cock first taking in the left over pre he was shooting off before she even got further with him. This was new but exciting. She began to lick further down his shaft down to his knot. This was what really got him off more so then anything. She was working on him nice and hard. It wouldn't be long till he would cum if she kept this up for sure. She was also leaking quite a bit from the excitement that everytime she took in his musky scent of his cock she would feel more drain from her body. After awhile she got down and starting taking his member into her mouth. It was warm and hard something she never had before but she was going to give them both pleasure with all she could. This led to him grunting something out of his muzzle. She didn't know what it was at first but soon found out that he wanted her to turn around. She did just that not knowing what was planned for her but just kept sucking on him. No matter the size she took the whole thing in down to the knot.

Humphrey took hold of her hind legs and lowered her backside down to where he was able to reach her cunny. By now she was leaking so badly that her juices kept leaking onto his muzzle. His tongue reached up giving her pussy a nice lick. Her juices tasted so sweet like nothing he ever had before. Nothing would change the taste of her. Working hard on her he pushed his tongue deeper inside of her. The feeling just made her work harder on his cock without a proublem. Humphrey didn't take long to find her clit. One swipe of his tongue and it set her off the deep end. It was like nothing she ever felt before. Sure she had licked herself there many times and even felt for her clit but to have another person do this was even more fun. It wouldn't take long till Lilly's walls closed in around his tongue and made her pull away from his cock and let out a big howl of pleasure shooting her cum all over Humphrey's face. It was exciting for him too since he had never done this to a female before.

Humphrey kept licking even after her orgasm and Lilly strived to work on his orgasm as well. She had this strange earge to pay attention to his knot more then the rest of it so while he worked on her she found a way to lick the top of his knot sending more pleasure through his body. It didn't take him long till he was moaning madly and feeling his balls tighten up. Jets after jets of wolf semen shot into her mouth. Some she could take and some that was spilling out. He was powerful with his shots and the taste wasn't to bad. It had a salty taste to it but it wasn't bad enough to make her not want the creamy liquid in her mouth sliding down her throat.

Both of them pulled away breathing madly as they looked at each other after Lilly turned back around. Humphrey let loose a big sigh as he tried to get up thinking that it was over. Lilly pressed him down with a evil grin that only Humphrey had seen Eve give to most of the wolves in the pack when they did something wrong. Humphrey wasn't sure what to exspect from Lilly till she hovered her hind quarters over his tip. They both new that she was in heat and this would make things hard to explain to her parents but right then and there his mind was to busy thinking of what they both wanted to care. All else fails he would blame some other wolf in the pack. Hell there is no DNA testing for them yet. Humphrey just let Lilly do as she pleased.

Lilly lowered down on his tip taking it into her body. She was a bit worried since this was her first time doing anything like this. The more she pushed down the more Humphrey sent out a moan. This pleased Lilly but something was blocking the rest of the way. She knew her womb enternce was further in but she wasn't sure what it was. She slid up and then pushed back down sending her to yelp in pain while some of her blood leaked onto Humphrey's fur. "Lilly are you ok?" Asked Humphrey a little worried as he looked up at her. She looked down at her with the pain on her face which was slowly going away as she nodded. "I am ok I don't know what that was but its gone now." Humphrey understood as she moved up and down on his shaft more and more. She was getting slicker and he knew that it wouldn't be long till she pushed his knot in tieing them together. Which was just what happened.

Soon as Humphrey was tired with Lilly she moved her body softly around as he couldn't take it anymore. His balls tightened again and sent out another few jets of sperm deep inside of her. She could feel the cum shooting into her womb finding its way to bringing new life. Humphrey grunted and howled breaking the noise of Garth's nightmarish howls which was a shock after awhile amazingly it didn't destroy the mood. Lilly collapsed and fell to sleep on Humphrey as he did too. It didn't take him long to wake up and find that she was gone and his cock had gone back into his sheath. He was still out of it and still worried over the whole coyote thing as he walked to the water near by. The only sign telling him that something did happen with him and Lilly was the blood on his white fur which his goal was to clean along with the cum stains and their musk of hot wolf sex.

The End

(Yes I know the facts are not correct and there is no reason to put in the whole DNA bit but seriously whats wrong with getting a chuckle out of my fans? Hope you all enjoy the story and yes I AM BACK! *Plays the "We're Back" from GHOSTBUSTERS 2)