Breeding and quarantine part 1: First Love

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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I will be using my persona in this story cause I have been itching to put it in a story. Anyways here goes. In red font haha!

Warning: I hate when peple use my stuff so please ask before hand or I will explode on you.

Marcus is a humanoid dragon in this story.

I walked into the breeding clinic. The dragon count was going down quickly due to a new disease. Dragons like myself are being quarantined as we speak. They put you through these scanners and if just one of them goes of you were doused with acid. I was lucky and didn't catch whatever was going around. But my sister and mother were taken away from us at the first scanners. Then my dad had gone off to find help from his friend to get rid of the disease once and for all. Today I turned twenty years old. The breeding age for the dragons. I sighed as I entered the room they had directed me to, An intoxicating smell came from a dragoness on the bed. She was tossing and turning in her sleep. I was ashamed to have to do this for She would not survive the birth. I read her file over and over in the waiting room. She was a battler. During her years as fighting others for territory in the southern parts of the colony she has broken many bones. And one had to be removed completely and replaced with a metal implant. When she goes into labor her movements of laboring the child will shove it through the back of her chest. She knew about this but did not refuse the offer to give a child. She woke up all sweaty and looked at me. I closed in and hugged her while we kissed...

==================== ===============================

Three years later...

I gthered my clothes off the ground of the room. Today was my last day as a breeder and I couldn't stop it either. If I continued they said that I would be sex craved. But I had done better than that. Most dragon turn sex craved after their first year. But me...I beat it all the way through. I've had sex with shapeshifters, dragonesses, and many other females. But I couldn't keep my eyes off of the same female shapeshifter that sat at the front desk and helped the desk lady. She was never here to breed. Her parents wouldn't allow it. But when she finally got out of the house she came to work here and ended up helping Ms. Veronica. She sat down next to meain the cafeteria for the past two years and ate her lunch. Like she didn't have a care in the world. yesterday I asked her if she wanted to come to my party. She blushed and bit down on her tongue by accident then ran out the room. I sat next to her for two years. Every day. And never saw her act like that. I thought she always changed into a dragoness when sitting by me because she liked me. Was I wrong? I put my clothes back on.

"Hello Marcus.", Ms. Veronica said.

"Hello Ms. Veronica. May I ask you a question?"


"Marie has been acting...Odd lately. Is she maybe shy or something?"

"Shy? Why yes. She was as shy as a squirrel is skiddish."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

I walked into the hallway to my next breeding session. I opened the door and the dragoness inside was fingering herself.

============================ ===========================

Later that day...

I walked out of the room and bumped into Marie who had a bottle of water and towel in her hands. She was in the form of a dragoness again.


"Oh. I'm sorry Marie. I was just-"

"You...know my name.", she blushed.

"Your leaving me out in the fog here. I'm sorry I bumped into you and please.", I movd back,"Go on ahead."

She smiled a small smile while blushing and hurried down the hall. I walked out of the room and headed to the front desk.

"Hey, Marcus. Would you please come here."

I looked to my left and fit the voice to my dad's face.

"Dad! Hows it goin?"

"Hey son. Its doin pretty well. Now give me a hug."

I gave him a hug and he held me close to him.

"Meet me in the alley next to the diner down the street."

He broke the hug and I looked at him as if he said nothing. When he told me that we needed to meet secretly it usually was bad news. I keapt smiling and went over to the front desk.

"Well. I'll be seeing you Ms. Veronica.", I gave her my wrist band.

"You too Marcus."

I left with my dad and once we left the sight of the window we flew off to the alley. When we got there he made sure noone was down the street before turning to me.

"Ok. We have a problem. The government has done this. They hope to wipe out the entire population of dragons."


He covered my mouth as I inhaled stopping the words from even coming out.

"Shh. If they find out I told you this then they will kill me then you. So keep your mouth shut. And as for the virus. It isn't a virus at all. Its poison. Introduced to many of the healthiest and strongest dragons only. Don't eat or drink from any restraunts. In fact the best thing to do is go live in the woods and find a nice freshwater river."

"Dad. I think you are going a little mad."

"Mad? Son. I've been poisoned myself and"

"Oh no. You got the virus on me!"

I flew off as my father fell to the ground in pain. I hurried to the qurantine area and went into the shower. I stripped my clothes hurriedly and threw them into the incinerator then hopped into the cylinder. The hot water spryed me and I held out my arms. For the next minute I had weak acids sprayed over my body. Whoever was infected would have been dissolved by now. Luckily I wasn't and the shower stopped. I stepped out and my dad was leaning on the door frame of the room. I hit the emergency button and the sprinklers sprayed the acid all over the room. My dad screamed as he slowly melted into nothing. My dad. The last of my family was now gone. I skid down the wall I was leaning up against and put my head in my hands. I slowly began to cry. Moments later the cleaning cre came into the room and I was sitting there coated in the weak acid. They helped me up and dried me off using a dryer system at the door that blew over the whole body. I walked out of the Quarantine hospital and a man brought me back inside. He gave me a suit and I quickly put it on.

"Listen son. I'm sorry about you and your dad.", The man said under the mask,"But you need to help us get the other dragons that he has been around."

*Gasp* *He was in the breeding hospital!"

We hurried to the hospital and there was a crew there marking where his dad stepped and who he touched with stickers. I found Marie and she was marked with a sticker that had the quarantine symbol on it. The other guys in suits motioned for everything to be sealed up I helped Marie out of the tent along with the other people who had stickers and they went down the hall into the showers. The stripped there closing and got in. Ms. Veronica was eaten away by the acid and so was the dragones he was with last. A few more evaporated and then the three survivors stepped out. Marie coughed up a little blood and a man spritsed something in her face. It stopped her bloody coughs but she still had a little acid left in her lungs. She was going to be fine but not till tomorrow. Where my dad once stood there was a small vial on the ground with a strange liquid in it. I picked it up with a glove and sprayed it with the acid. After sterilizing it with the acid I put it in my hand and looked at it closely. It was like blood but it was very runny and it floated to the top of the vial. I hid it in a pocket on the suit and went out the room with Marie holding my hand.

"...Thank you, Marcus.", she blushed.

We Went to the breeding hospital and they did a final check on everyone before exitting the building along with all of the quarantine stuff. I walked Marie to her house and she went inside without a thank you. I flew home and on the way there, felt like she followed me. But she was never behind me when I looked. As I landed on the doorstep of my house I took a big sniff. Someone was in my house. I quietly opened the door and sniffed again. The smell was gone. I had recognized it as the smell of a female in heat but it kind of puzzled me that it wasn't inside whe it smelled like it came from inside. As I walked in I looked around. After reassuring that noone was there I shrugged and went to my bedroom. When the quarantine left they took my suit but I took the vial out any way. I hid it in my mouth and was urprised it didn't break. I got luck on that though. Looked at my self in the mirror My greyish white scales glistened from the dirt being eaten off by acid. My left ear was still the only thing black on my body. I grinned and chuckled at how my dad used to say it looked like I burned it. But the smile quickly went away. I realized what time it was and jumped. I had to get the party planned.

=========================== =========================

The next day...

I had just about gotten the last banner on the hook when the bell rang. I fell to the floor and the guest opened it any way.

"Are you ok?", she asked.

"Nope...I think that you came in at the wrong time anyways."

"Hold on don't move."

The dragoness was one of the many I had mated with. She just got back from the breeding hospital. She grabed my shoulder and put a foot on my back. She jerk back and my back popped.

"AhAAAHH HAAA!!!", I said as I got up,"Wait. It doesn't hurt."

She gigled and poked her head out the door.

"He's ok about it!"

There was about ten people who had said, so what? Fifty three who said, Whew. and about thirty who said, All right! opened the door and as I could see everyon must have come for my party. About ninety of them were all females who I had sleapt with. I opened the other door and made enough room for them to get into my mansion. Marie was nowhere to be found. I went up to one of the guys and he greeted me with a nuckled bump.

"Hey man. You got a lot of women here. Thats real cool."

"You know whats even cooler? Watch this. Get up on the table."

Me and the guy got on the table.

"Ok. How many girls want to sleep with me?", I asked.

All the girls raised their hand. I counted ninety seven hands.

"How many...Haven't I sleapt with?"

All but three raised their hands.

"How many are still a virgin?"

Only one had her hand raised and everyone looked at her. Not a single person spoke and someone shut the music off. Whoever it was had peed herself because a bunch of people went away from her. I saw it was Marie. I did a facepalm and then thought. She sleep with me. I didn't even see her enter the house and she appears after I ask the questions. I hurried over to her with a towel that I had grabbed from a basket on the table and wrapped it around her. Everyone went back to what they were doing and I brought her to my sister's room. I got out a pair of panties and a dress from my sister's closet for her. I left this room the way it was since the day I last saw her face. I gave them to Marie who was blushing all over. Her entire body was red. I figure she did this when she was embarassed. So I layed the clothes next to her and left. Marie reappeared a half hour later. And four of the other girls went up to her.

"So you plan on getting banged by Marcus tonight?

"Uhm...No. Not really.", she turned from light blue to a bright purple.

"Wow. I thought you wanted to sleep with him."

"Well, after earlier..."

"Girls I think she's a little scared.", One of them teased.

"No. Please no.", Marie whimpered.

I saw what was happening as Marie turned a lighter and lighter color till she was completely white. I went between them.

"So who wants me to bang them first?"

All the girls in the mansion started shouting "Me! Me first!".

"Then who haven't I slepped with?"

Two of the girsl that were teasing Marie came up.

"That would be us."

"How about neither. Anyone who has messed with Marie. Out. Now."

Five girls' jaws dropped and they sadly walked out the door. Marie starte to turn crimson red. I went back into the croud and started dancing. For the next few hours I had the chefs bring in the cake and we all ate. After the cake everyone started to bring me their presents. Most of them were guns of the sporting kind. Hunting, tranquilizer, even a hunting bow. Everyone apparently knew my little soft spot for weapons. All the girls had brought me each a buoqet of flowers. They were each planted in a vase that had the same exact design. I figured all the girls had planned this. After everyone left it was getting dark. I turned to go in the kitchen for a few garbage bags and Marie was still in the house she gave me a small bow with a bow tie on it. I took it from her and she blushed. I untied the ribbon and opened it. Inside was a small pendant with a quarantine design on it shaped llike hearts instead of just the same curves. I looked at her.

"This may be the only beatuiful ting I've gotten all day."

"Thank you."

She crossed her legs.

"Wheres your bathroom?"

"Down the hall. The econd door on the right."

She ran down the hall and I got up. After walking a few steps I smelled the same thing from yesterday. As if a female were in heat. Then it hit me. She did follow me. She probably waited all day and night for the party. And the smell was her. I turned around. She wasn't in the bathroom. In fact the door wasn't even closed and the light not on. I walked down the hall until I heard a small whimper come from my sister's room. I went in and Marie was on the bed clenching between her legs. She saw me and turned bright red.

"I-I-I Uh."

"It's ok. You're just going through heat."

I sat down next to her and moved her hands away. I took my hand and ran it up to her panties. She gasped as I touched it and tried to push me away.

"Marie. Calm down."

She stopped pushing me and started to whimper from being scared.

"Listen. Tonight I will not have sex with you or even try. Now relax. Because if you don't then It might not feel to good."

Marie nodded her head and I took my hand out from under the dress. She laid down on the bed allowing me easy access to her slit. I moved the dress up and pulled the soaked panties down. I began massaging her lips and she let out a small moan. I felt her lips using my fingers and pushed one in. She gasped as I pushed it in. I started to pump her with my fingers and she started moaning. With every push she clenched down on my finger. I went faster and faster until she came. Sha came onto my hand and bed. Marie lay there panting.

"It doesn't hurt any more now."

"But it will return in a short time. Have you ever done this?"

"No. I always thought that there was something that I caught. Except the pain lasted longer each time it came up again."

"Well it's heat. And you were sexually excited. If you don't release then it will hurt longer each time."

She sat up and hugged me.

"What do I do now?"

"Well, the best way to cure it is to have sexual intercourse, but if you do that you will get pregnant."

She shook when I said that.

"For three years I have been ignoring it and did not know."

" Then why are you hugging me?"

"I want you Marcus."

My eyes went large and then it hit me again. She was after me from the start. And for the first time I loved a female. I looked down at her blue face. Her yello eyes were The only different color. Marie turned a pinkish color and got warmer. She started to shake and whimpers came from her again. I followed a finger along one of her ears and she looked up at me with want in her eyes.

"It is not going to hurt much longer."

She brought her mouth to my muzzle and we kissed. I stuck my tongue into her mouth and she did too. We explored the new areas that our tongues had never explored and she moaned in my mouth. I broke the kiss.

"How about we take this into my room."

Marie panted for a few seconds then nodded. We both went into my room and layed down on the king sized bed. Resuming our kiss we helped eachother get our clothes off. Once she had her dress off and I had my pants off I ran my hand up her leg again. From her recent orgasm there was still cum cover her inner legs and slit. I slid two fingersin and pulled them back out. I broke the kiss and sucked my fingers hungrilly. Marie started to kiss me again tasting the inside of my mouth again. A put a hand on one of her breasts and squeezed. She broke the kiss to squeel as I lightly pinched her nipple. She quivered under me and grabbed my growing member. I moaned as she moved her hand up and down on it. We continued kissing and moaned in each others mouth. After a full minute I was fully erect and she looked down at my cock. Marie gave a lustful grin and looked me in the eyes.

"I want you inside of me."

I looked down and guided my member to her opening. I pushed in until I hit something.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and I grabbed her hips. I shoved my cock in an tore her hymen. She screamed for a few seconds then started to shake. I slowly pulled back and thrust forward just as fast. I did this until she stopped shaking and Marie started to moan. Excited by her moans I slowly spead up and thrust deeper. Soon our pace matched our pants and she started to moan even louder. I started thrusting harder and pushing the rest of my member into her pussy and I Felt the orgasm start to build. I thrust harder and faster making her squeek every time.


She climaxed and screamed. I thrust as fast as I could and blasted my seed deep inside of her womb. I layed down on top of her. We bothe lay there panting for the next few minutes. I got up and turned her around trying to keep us connected then layed on my side. Mare turned her head to me.

"I love you Marcus."

"I love you too."

We both fell asleep. In the morning I woke up to the morning sunlight pouring into the room filling it with a golden shade. I woke Marie up and she stretched.

"Good morning Marcus."

"Good morning."

I pulled my member out of her and got up. She followed behind me and picked up the clothes. I walked through my mansion and remembered that I didn't have any clothes on. I hurried back to my room and Marie pushed me out the door with a set of clothes.

"No need to come back in here. Now lets get some breakfast."

I got my pants on and followed her. I put my shirt on as we walked there and almost ran into the kitchen door. I stopped and opened it before continuing.


A chef came out of the pantry.

"Yes sir?"

"Would you please make breakfast for me and Marie?"

"Oh. Right away."

The chef returned to the pantry and pulled out some ingredients. I looked down at Marie's belly. It curved in and it made her look like a super model. Her abdomen curve inward on the sides and curving out to make the hips like a model always has and I smiled. It would almost be a shame to se that change into a large rounded belly.

"Hey Marie. You don't feel any burning sensation anymore do you?"

"Mmm. No. Why*gasp* I'm pregnant!", she smiled.

"Congratulations sir. So how many babies have you conributed to saving the dragon race?"

"Oh no. This one is staying with me, Jarviss."

Jarviss whipped the mix to the side by accident and spilt a little bit of it on the counter.

"Oops. Sorry sir. It's just that this is the biggest news since when your dad left you three and a half years ago."

My smile instantly left my face and I felt my chest tighten up.

"He...He got infected Jarviss. He was killed when he followed me into the quarantine hospital shower room."

"Oh. I'm so sorry sir. It won't happen again."

"Don't worry about it Jarviss. You would have known only if I told you."

Jarviss finished mixing the pancake mix and poured it into a full moon frying pan.

"So, Marie. Did want to have sex with me from the beginning?"

"Yes...I was just to shy to speak to you. But I knew that you were a breeder so I would have been shot down from the first try."

"I noticed you from the first day. Every time I would find you you would be blushing if we made eye contact. I figured that you were just accepting a flirt from me. But being how you never responded to what I said I thought you didn't even like me. How old are you anyway?"

"Twenty years old."

"Here you go sir, miss.", Jarvis shoveled the pancakes ont outr plates.

He took out two butterknives and two forks along with two napkins. He set everything up. Then as we went to take the first bite he stopped us from even touching the fluffy pancakes.

"Ah ah."

He took out blueberry syrup, some blueberries, some butter, and two small bowls. He poured the blueberries into each bowl and put some on our pancaes. Then Jarviss took to slices of butter and put them on top of the pancakes. After he put Marie's butter on hers he poured the blueberry syrup on top of all of it. Jarviss had heated the syrup up so that is would be runny and it quickly covered the pancakes.

"Now you can eat.", Jarviss said with a chuckle.

Immediately the pancakes were almost devoured within seconds. Jarviss's cooking was always delicious and he never cooked the same meal twice a year. He had a recipe for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the entire year. That is one thousand and ninety five different recipes he cooks a year. Each was wonderful to eat and none of it got old or did not even get thrown out unless he accidentally messed up. And that rarely happened. He joyfully picked up the plates and we got up from the table. Marie went up stairs and explored the house for a bit then came back down when she saw something terrible up there. I grabbed one of the guns just in case. She lead me to the room and I opened the door. Two roughtweillers jumped onto me and started licking my face then they saw Marie and started growling.

"Mini! Toba!"

They bothe stopped and turned around. I pointed to the door and they went back inside.

"I forgot that they were in there. You see mini just had puppies and-"


"AND mini has gotten a little overprotective. Don't even go near the door. They can smell anything that is atleast ten miles away."


I gave her a tour of the rest of the mansion because Even I sometimes get lost. Once we were done we still had half the day left so we went back to the bedroom.


This is only part 1 of the story so that means that this is going to be a long story. Maybe even longer than the very first one I wrote. So who likes this in red?