Forgive Me- Tavis 2

Story by tapanther on SoFurry

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#2 of Forgive Me

¬¬Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places, companies, objects, etc. is merely a coincidence. DO NOT read this if you are under 18/21 (depending on local law), or if it is illegal for you to view such material. This story contains M/M love, kissing, cuddling, and M/M oral and anal sex. Fingering and a bit of dirty talk too. If you are uncomfortable with that, feel free to leave at any time. Otherwise, read on. * * *

PLEASE READ: NOTE: Due to Yiffstar not italicizing the text, all mental notes/thoughts will be in some form of brackets. Ex: [It's been so long since he's been this lively]. Secondly, the reason why there is more flashback than 'story' is because the story is written so the flashbacks lead to the 'story' and thus create a unique story arc. Also, Steve talks funny, not a typo. ENJOY! PART 2: [Hmm, 9:30, we'd better get going]. "Hey Love, we've better get going before it gets too dark." "Sure Honey, just give me five minutes to take a piss. I drank too much Coke." "Don't be long. I want your foxy butt back here the moment you're done." [Bloody fox's just looking for a way to stay here longer. Might as well get another drink. He's gonna be a while]. "Tavis! Lon' time no see. Wha's it been, month?" "Night Steve, and yeah, just about. Say, can you get me another coke? David went to the bathroom, and knowing him, he'll be in there a while." "Sure. 'Ow come it's always coke now? Before, y'always ordered 'xotic liq'or. Pisang Ambon, Absinthe, Panama, Sazerac. Hell! I ev'n had'a look online ta make some of yo'r more 'colorful' stuff. Then, 'bout two yea's 'go, you stopped comin'. And then ya come back and all y'order 's coke. Coke 'nd water. Wha's it with ya?" "It's . . . it's complicated Steve. I, ah, I really screwed up. I hurt David really badly, and I . . . I'm trying to . . . to . . . I don't know what I'm trying to do. All I want is to be with David. if I'd lost him, I, I wouldn't be here." -pat pat- "Aw, cheer up. I din't mean nothin'. Y'know, Dav'd really loves ya. Mmm. 'nyway, 'ere's yo'r coke. See y'around?" "Yeah, see you around." I stared at the coke can Steve had placed by me. [He's a good guy, Steve is. Bloody annoying, but he cares. -heh- Even he forgave me.] As I stared into the can, my mind reeled back to my first kiss with David . . . * * * . . . -phhtzzzz-click!- "Hey Tav, can you get me a coke too?" [Bloody fox, had to wait 'till I came back from the kitchen to ask.] "Get it yourself. Still working on that calculus homework?" He'd been working on his calculus homework for hours now, and was still nowhere near finished. I finished mine three hours ago. It's things like this that make us such good friends. I get my laughs in math, he gets his in science. I met David my sophomore year. He was a 5'7'' red fox, very lithe and with a smile that could make a lawyer melt. I've secretly had a crush on him ever since I met him. I always got the feeling he did too, but I'm not sure. I used to stretch whenever he was near, trying to catch him stealing a peak, but either he's not interested, or he doesn't like me, or he's really good at hiding it. Junior year, my dad pulled a favor and managed to get me roomed with him. [Of course, if he knew why I wanted to room with David, he would probably disown me.] So I get to see my favorite little fox every day. I get to see his lovely red fur as he undresses everyday, and if I'm lucky, while he takes a shower! I've tried everything I can think of to find out if he's gay or not. I've rubbed against him by 'accident', I've followed him around, looking out for any signs, but I haven't asked him. Now, it's not like I've tried. but every time I get the courage to go up to him and ask, I panic. It's actually funny. I'll say to myself "Just go in there and ask. If he says yes, kiss him; if not, well . . . let's not go there." But nooooo, one look at foxy and my knees tremble. I start to sweat, my hands get wet and clammy, and I can't bring myself to risk it. Maybe today, while he's taking a shower, I'll go in there, open the shower door and- "Done! Finally done! If I ever get my hands on whoever invented math, I'll kill him. Tavis, where are you? You wanna go out for dinner?" "Of course I want to go out for dinner, I've been waiting for YOU!" "Grab your stuff and meet me downstairs." I went into our room to get my shoes, and there it was, lying on the floor. His thong. I checked to make sure he wasn't around, and leaned in to pick them up. As I held it up to my nose, his delectable aroma reached my nose. It was both sweet and musky, and it was like perfume. No wait, that's wrong. Perfume smells bad; it overloads the senses and makes your throat tickle. His aroma was more like the smell of food; it makes your mouth water and leaves you feeling happy, but hungry for more. And I wanted more. It was then that I decided he would be mine, and mine alone. * * * " 'Ey, Tavis, you 'k? Y'haven't touched yo'r coke, and yo'r boyfriend's still in the loo." "What? Oh, oh yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking. Thanks Steve." [David is taking a long time, I should check up on him. But he might not like that.] Ever since . . . that night . . . I, I've been overly protective of him. I love him, but since I hurt him so much, I don't want anything happening to him. The downside is that I don't let him have too much fun, and I see that sometimes, he's disappointed. Before, when we fucked, I'd go all out on him, not holding back, and he loved it too. I'd slam into him, showing him who's boss. But ever since, I've been as gentle as I could. I'm deathly afraid of hurting him. He doesn't say anything, but I know he wants to. Even I want to, but I clam up. I get chills and start to feel queasy, and I can't bring myself to go like I used to. [If only I could fuck him like I did that night . . .] * * * -plop! fizzzzzzzzzzz- "Tav, did you open a wine bottle?" "Don't be ridiculous! It's champagne, but you wouldn't know. You want some?" "Just a sip, you know I don't like liquor." "You don't know what you're missing. What on TV?" "Nothing, as usual. Hm? Oh, thanks. -sip- Daaagghhhh! What was that?!" "Heh heh. A mild champagne. You really can't stand it can you?" It was so cute to watch him react. Of course, this stuff was nowhere near mild. But I couldn't let him know that, now could I? Just before I left, I put his thong away in a safe place, to keep with me if the next few hours don't go like I hope. "Hey David, could I talk to you about something?" At this point, my heart was racing. I felt wet and cold, but I refused to let this opportunity slide past me. I decided I was going to tell him how I feel, and how much I love him. "Sure, what uh, what is it?" "I . . . I've been thinking, and there's something I need to tell you. Come here, sit, sit." Putting my hand on his shoulder, I leaned in, placing my face right next to his, and kissed him lightly on the cheek. [There, I did it!] His reaction was instant. He pulled back; his eyes wide open in shock. His jaw hung slightly agape. [Oh dear Lord, I really screwed up this time, didn't I?] My eyes began to water, and I started to turn away. He stopped me though, pulling my hand back. I turned towards him, and suddenly, I felt his lips around mine, his maw beginning to open, and his tongue push against my mouth. My heart soared, and tears streamed down my face, matting down my fur. I opened up for his tongue, and introduced my own. Our tongues danced around each other. His was smooth, almost like crème candy, and just as sweet. Mine on the other hand was rough, not quite like sandpaper, but close. He then ran the tip over each one of my teeth, paying special attention to my fangs, which he tells me makes shivers run down his spine. I let him have his way with my mouth, seeing as how I planned to have my way with him later. With our muzzles still locked together, I reached around and under him, and swiftly picked him up. [For such a little guy, he sure weighs a lot!] I tower over him by about a foot, and my denser build lets me carry him with ease. I head towards our room, and lay him down on my bed. "Wait here one sec" I tell him, and give him a quick peck. From my closet, I pull out a bottle of lube, a rubber, and a scented candle. [So I'm a bit of a romantic.] Lighting the candle, I dim the lights and begin to undress as slowly as I can, giving David a striptease. I can immediately tell he's enjoying it. He quickly undresses too, and pulls my covers over him, teasing me. I saunter over to him, making myself as large and imposing as I can. I rip the covers away from him, and he pretends to cower, but his smile betrays his true emotions. Grabbing his arms, I wrestle him down, and passionately neck him, making sure to cover every inch. He moans lightly, and I reach up and pull his head down for another kiss. He slowly and agonizingly reaches for my crotch, and gasps when he feels my growing erection. "It's bigger than I thought. -lick- Mmmm! Tastier too." That was all the motivation I needed. I grab his head, and push him down, forcing my cock into his maw. He instantly begins to suck and lick all over my head, causing waves of pleasure to shoot through me. "Oh, that's good!" He moves his head in deeper, but stops when the head reaches the back of his mouth. At this point, he has about half of my cock in him, and begins to bob his head up and down. Without any further encouragement from me, he pleasures me in ways I did not know existed until today. "Aw fuck, if I'd known you were going to go down on me before, I would have kissed you in biology last year." Suddenly, I feel my head hit the back of his mouth, and he tries to keep going forward. [He's trying to deepthroat me!] Unfortunately, he was not ready for the size, and gags. I start to pull away to give him breathing space, but he grabs my ass and pulls me in again. This time, my head goes through, and in a few more bobs, he is taking me all the way in. I can feel his throat wrapping around my cock, massaging it and sending lightning bolts up my spine. "Ahh! Ah! Oh fuck that feels Good!" I feel his hand cup my balls, rolling them lovingly in my sac as he deepthroats me. He can tell I'm nearly ready to blow my load, and picks up the pace. My head is now going in and out of his throat repeatedly, and I feel the beginnings of an orgasm. I throw my head back, and yell. "Fuck!" My balls pull up and my cum rushes out into his waiting throat. The first few jets are swallowed instantly, but he pulls his head back so my cock now shoots into his mouth. I've been able to make about a quarter cup before, and I thought that was a lot. This felt like gallons were coming out. Once the flow stops, he swirls it around his mouth, savoring every bit of it but doesn't swallow. Without warning, he pulls himself up and kisses me, pushing my own seed into my mouth. His tongue once again ventures to my mouth, and dances around, pushing my cum back and forth. He begins to pull back and we both close our lips to prevent too much cum from escaping. I swallow, as does he, and relish the feeling of my seed running down my throat. I reach over for the lube and condom, and throw the latter at him. "Put it on me" I order him. He readily agrees, and rips the packet open with his teeth. He reaches to my still erect cock, and asks "Just how big is it?" "Nine and a half long, two and a half wide. Now shut up and bend over." He complies. I open the lube, and I then squeeze lube onto his ass, and work it in with my fingers. He gasps as the first finger goes in, and I make sure to massage his hole. Another finger, and this time a moan. I give him plenty of time to get adjusted before pushing in the next digit. Once I feel that he has stretched long enough, and four of my fingers can move freely in his ass, I remove them. Squeezing generous amounts into my hand, I cover my cock in lube, making sure to add extra to the head. "You ready bitch? Tell me how much you want it, and I'll give it to you." [Yeah, I liked the dirty talk during sex.] "Please fuck me. Make me yours, I need to be yours. Please! I need it so bad. Make me your bitch!" He played along, probably loved the little bit of cheesy role-playing just as much as I did. I placed my cock at the entrance to his hungry hole, and felt him pushing back at me. With a growl, I push the head in, and feel the tightness of his ass enveloping my cock. With all the lube, I quickly slide in, all nine and a half inches planted firmly up his ass. "Fuck you're tight! You're gonna be sore tomorrow." He just moans and relaxes his ass, my cue to start thrusting. I pull out tantalizingly slowly just to torment him, and I feel him thrusting back at me, trying to fill himself again. I comply all to willingly. With a mighty push, I force myself all the way back in, hitting his prostrate in the process. His back arches immediately, and his hair stands on end. I can tell he's enjoying this just as much as I am. His warm, wet, tight ass is nearly addictive in the pleasure it brings. I continue to thrust in and out of him, rocking the bed with the strength of each thrust. I'm not holding back at all. I reach around and start to jerk him off. His dick was already hard from my savage fucking, proof that he was loving it. His cock is not as large as mine, I'd say maybe six by two inches. It fits well into my hand, leaving enough room to pump him, and pump him I did. He starts moaning ceaselessly, and I can feel we're both close. Apparently, my thrusting and pumping are too much for him. He shoots a decent load all over my hand. Thinking back to what he did to me earlier, I shove my fingers in his muzzle, feeding him his own seed. He sucks on them like a baby to a pacifier, and I feel my orgasm rocking through my body. In one final thrust, I bury myself in him, releasing what to me seemed like an ocean of cum. I was filling him so much that cum started to leak around my cock, pooling up in my sheets. "I love you David." "I love you too, Tav." I collapse on top of him, pushing him down flat onto my bed, with myself still planted deeply in him. I fall asleep thinking that this is where I belong, with David . . . * * * "Hey buddy. Buddy, you awake?" "Huh? Yea, why?" "Well, you've been staring off into space for the last five minutes, you haven't touched your coke, and the bartender's trying to get your attention. Also, your roll of quarters is attracting a lot of attention from some people." "My what . . . Oooohh! That roll of quarters. Huh, uh thanks guy. Hey Steve, what did you want?" "Ta tell ya that yo'r boyfriend's coming yo'r way." I thank Steve and head over to David. "Hey Honey, you miss me?" "Yea, I was starting to worry about you. Five more minutes and I would've started to rip the place apart looking for you." "And you would too. Besides, you always worry." As I lead him outside, I begin to think that maybe, I'm hurting him more by not being the man he loved rather than protecting him. [Maybe all I need is to remember what it was like, to be more carefree and happy.] His laughter distracts me, breaking my train of thought. "What's so funny? I care about you. I just don't want you getting hurt again. God. I'd die if something happened to you again, you -sniff- you know that." "Oh Honey, I know. I was just remembering that one time you scared that kid piss-less. Poor kid. I wonder if he's in therapy now?" "Ha, ha, ha. He could have hurt you. But hey, you have to agree, it was funny!" "Yea, it was. So, you ready to go home, or are you gonna keep me here 'till tomorrow?" "Let's go then. I don't want it to get too dark. There's more drunk drivers later at night you know." "You are such a mother hen!" "Hey! You're gonna pay for that later." [And he would too.] I leaned in and kissed him, not the way I'd been kissing him ever since . . . that night. No, I kissed him like I used to kiss him, with passion and love, and I felt warmth spreading through my body, heating me up in places that had felt so cold ever since I hurt him. I picked him up like I used to do, and decided to love him like I used to, and to make him happy again. Truly, truly happy. As we broke our kiss, he put his head on my shoulder, resting it the way he always used to do. I held him tighter as he drifted to sleep, and I knew that I would never again hurt him, but I would not deny him happiness either. If you're wondering, this is NOT the END. I still have plenty to say, like what happened 'that night' that was so horrible. Their reactions, their dates in college, other mishaps they've had along the way. STILL SEND IN COMMENTS PLS. (+/-) don't care. Goodnight/morning (4:31 am when I finished.)