Endless Journies Ch. 1

Story by Kimmerset on SoFurry

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#1 of Endless Journies

Everything was quiet as Bryce watched a few stray leaves blow in through the open door. He sat behind the counter of a small coffee shop, watching for any stray customers that he knew probably wouldn't be coming for at least another half hour.

Until then, there was little more to do other than make sure that he could see his reflection in any remotely shiny surface and that had already been done several times over. His tail shifted to the beat of his tapping fingers out of pure boredom. The rhythmic clicking of the clock was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps coming from just outside the door, forcing Seth to straighten his shoulders and stand upright to greet his first guest for the day.

A very familiar face stepped through the door, with a gleaming expression that could blind even the cheeriest of people. Seth covered his eyes and dramatically fell the floor, pretending to writhe in pain and moan aloud. "Augh, a smile so bright that even God himself would surrender to its bright light!"

Seth peeked out of his guise just long enough to see a head poking over the counter, giving the skunk a queer eye. He was grinning just as much as when he walked in the door. His hand extended downwards towards the skunk and poked his cheek. Seth quickly raised his hand and bat away the finger, rubbing the tingling spot on his cheek where he had been poked. "Come now," the new guest responded, "haven't you ever heard the phrase, the early bird catches the worm?"

Seth stood up and brushed the dust off his clothes. "Yes and the early worm gets eaten. What's your point?"

"My point is you should try to be the bird and seize the day." Another poking finger reached towards Seth, but was intercepted by a quick maneuver and redirected back to its attacker.

Seth cocked an eyebrow and looked down at the register, punching in a few buttons. "Says the overly-enthusiastic fox that enjoys getting up at seven in the morning..."

A five dollar bill flew across the counter towards Seth as the guest walked towards the other side of the counter. "You might enjoy it too if you would just go to sleep at a more decent hour..."

The noisy espresso machine fired up as Seth began steaming the milk, rolling his eyes during the process. "Puh-lease... Who actually wants to be up while everyone else is asleep? It's boring. I'd much rather be able to get up at a decent time like Noon." In several swift motions, the finishing touches were placed and the drink flew across the counter to the fox. "Here's your usual; a half-sweet, decaf, skim milk white mocha with extra whipped cream."

His guest picked up the drink and examined it carefully, as if trying to look philosophical. "Some people like to justify a terribly unhealthy thing with the lame attempt of compensating for it by making another 'health conscious' decision... I am one of those people." He took a finger and ran it through the whipped cream, licking it off in one go.

"Jesus, Chase! Look at you. There's hardly a thing to be conscious about. You're as skinny as a damned twig!" Seth began to fix his own drink, keeping an ear on the conversation at hand. He heard the Chase place the drink on the counter as he cleared his throat.

He looked behind him to see Chase in a majestic pose, with rump stuck out and a paw on one hip. "But if I didn't worry about every calorie I take in, how would I be able to maintain my womanly figure? A girl's gotta worry about her appearance, y'know..." He flipped his hair in a very homo-erotic fashion and did a twirl, letting his tail flow gracefully behind his every movement.

In between mixing his own drink, Seth took a glance at the feminine blue fox. He'd never get caught staring, but every time he wasn't looking he would get a glance at those skin-tight jeans he always wore. When Chase was done his little display, Seth decided to try one of his own. He grabbed the already frothed milk and a spoon, quickly dropping the milk in with the pre-mixed syrups, letting the foam fall neatly on the very top. He reached for the cinnamon on top of the espresso machine and swung his arm, letting powder fly out of the openings and onto the drink, ultimately getting his entire counter dirty in the process. "...Damn." Seth could hear Chase snickering as he went to clean up the mess that he had made in his attempt to look even a little bit flashy.

"Don't get too fancy Seth, or you'll never be done your cleaning for the day." He took a sip from his drink, giving himself a milk mustache without noticing.

"Yeah, well... whatever." He looked up to Chase and smirked at the milk on his upper lip, waiting a while before he would decide to tell him. "And you don't have to weigh one-hundred-ten pounds and eat like a bird just to maintain a womanly figure.

He flaunted his hips again, showing off his butt and looking back at Seth. "But if I didn't eat properly, all the weight would go straight to my ass and I'd be like one of the 'Baby Got Back' girls."

Seth grinned at the thought of Chase actually having an ass to go with his skinny body. Thankfully he was behind the counter to hide a growing tent in his pants. "Well it certainly couldn't hurt y'know." He stuck out his tongue and took a sip of his drink and glanced up again. "...By the way, you have a cum-stache."

"What the hell...? Oh, damn it!" He brushed the milk off his upper lip and took another sip of his drink, taking extra caution this time.

Seth giggled and leaned over on the counter with his drink in hand, looking for any stray pedestrians that might be stopping in for a coffee. A scruffy, white-haired dog that looked to be about the age of forty stepped in, looking rather rough and grumpy. He sauntered up to the counter with his hands in his pockets and gave Seth an unnerving look. "I'll have a coffee," he grunted.

"One coffee, coming right up, Sir." Seth went to grab a paper cup and pour the man a coffee. He felt a very menacing glare come from the older mans direction and heard him speak in a very sharp tone.

"I don't want a paper cup... I want porcelain. If you had asked me, you would've known that..." Seth's eye winced and he forced a smile, looking up to the man and grabbing a porcelain cup and pouring coffee into it, handing it to him.

"That will be a dollar seventy-five please." The scruffy dog handed a toonie and grumbled, grabbing his coffee.

Seth handed back a quarter and nodded towards the condiment counter. "Milk and sugar for your coffee is right behind you."

"Bah, you're charging me a dollar seventy-five for a coffee and then telling me that I have to get my own cream and sugar? You should be shining my shoes at that price!" He turned around and Chase began to make very exaggerated faces behind the man's back. Seth slapped his hand and snickered, but waved a paw, whispering into his ear.

"He may be a dick, but he's a customer. Try to be a little bit more polite." Chase slipped his hands into his pockets and grumbled. He scuffed his foot and looked over while his back was still turned to the counter and whispered back.

"Whatever happened to giving what you get returned? He's a dick and should be treated accordingly..." Seth could see that Chase was about to go for another round of making faces at the guest, before the scruff dog turned around and glared at Seth.

"Hey, Fag..." Seth's ears perked up as he stared at the man in disbelief, stuttering a few words.

"W- what did you call me?" Seth had never been called such a word in that manner. His ears drooped as his lip began to quiver.

"Fag," he repeated himself. "You're disgusting. I saw your vulgar display from across the street and it almost made me vomit. I can't believe people like you exist. " he said, turning to Chase.

Seth stood shocked, mouth agape as Chase began fuming. He saw Chase pulling up his sleeve, but quickly took his arm before he could do anything. There was nothing Seth could say as he looked at Chase with tear-filled eyes, holding back sobs while shaking his head. "No..." a barely audible whisper came from Seth's lips.

The man took a drink of his coffee and narrowed his gaze onto Seth. "That's right, Faggot. You people disgust me and the world would be a much better place if you all gave up and died..."

Seth's grip tightened onto Chase as he struggled against his will. Holding back his choked up sobs, Seth looked to the man and spoke slowly and as clearly as he could. "S- Sir... I will-... have to ask... f-...for you to leave... please..."

The dog took another sip of his coffee and turned around. "Why would I want to hang around a bunch of fags?" Without another word, he walked out the door, throwing his coffee over his shoulder porcelain and coffee spilling out all over the floor.

There was a soft thud on the floor and Seth's hand released itself from Chase as he fell to the floor, wiping the tears streaming down his face. The lock on the door was heard and footsteps started behind the counter. Seth could feel a pair of arms wrap around him and hug tight. Some very familiar fur started to nuzzle the back of his neck. Chase's paw forced him to look into a pair of very concerned eyes. "Seth, you don't have to listen to what he said... He-"

Seth shook his head and looked down, nuzzling into Chase's paw. "No, Chase... H-how could s-s-someone say such hurtful things... when we've done nothing wrong? We're- we're not even dating..." Seth's voice was barely over a whisper as he held the fox's hand tight, tears dripping off his cheek and onto his pants. He continued to sob through his words, struggling to make sense. "I know I shouldn't care... But what he said really hurt... I... I can't get it out of my head, Chase."

Seth's chin was forced upwards again as Chase began to caress the skunk's cheek. "Seth, about how we're not dating... Well... well I was hoping..." Chase trailed off before he could finish, turning his gaze away from Seth's eyes.

Seth took the paw on his cheek in his own and watched him through tear-filled eyes. "You were hoping what, Chase?"

Chase's grip grew increasingly tighter on the skunk's paw, his eyes never blinking. "I was... that is..." He let out a low sigh and looked down to the floor, his tail curling around his body. "Nothing..."

"Oh..." Seth let his ears fall as he slowly let go of Chase's paw and hugged his own tail. "Chase... I... I can't stay here... Could you please... walk me home?"

The fox nodded and took Seth's paw again, helping him up and out the door. Seth kept a slight distance from Chase. He wasn't much in any mood for being consoled in public as he kept a tight hold on his tail. They came up to a crosswalk and Seth walked out between the lines, looking down all the while. His ears perked up to Chase's voice, yelling from halfway across the street.

"Seth, watch out!" He whipped around see Chase running towards him, arm outstretched as a car horn sounded to his right. Seth looked helplessly at the car and tried to jump back towards Chase before getting hit head-on, getting thrown several cars down the road. His vision grew dizzy as people gathered around him. None of what anyone said could be made out. All of his limbs were immobile and he began to fall away from consciousness.

Chase quickly came into his vision. His mouth was moving, but no words came out. His face and everything around him grew dim. His eyes grew heavy and any feeling he had was getting dull. The entire world around him slowly began to cease to exist...