Chapter Five: The Truth

Story by emovampirewolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Series 1

Chapter Five: The Truth

I look at Backdraft, watching for his reaction. After a few moments he opens his mouth but doesn't speak. "Backdraft, I love you more than anything. I have spent the past 200 years looking for a mate to accept me as I am, someone to spend eternity with. Amy knows and I do love her but she is not my true love, you are. In time I can turn you into a vampire, if that is your wish, and we can be together forever. You, Amy, and myself, we could even have a pup if you want. I just don't want to lose you, or her.", I look down at Amy and hold back tears. Backdraft takes my paw and kisses it, "I love you to Jenny. I want to spend my life with you and I will do anything to stay by your side. I need to think a little bit about becoming a, uh, vampire. I also want Amy to stay here, if she wants. That would make you and her happier." I smile and kiss him, "Thank you", he smiles and nods. I get up and carry Amy to the bedoom, gently laying her on the bed and pulling the blanket over her. Backdraft kisses me and pushes me against a wall, gently massaging my breasts while still kissing me. I softly moan as his tongue enters my mouth and wrestles with mine. He pulls away and looks at me, "I love you. If you want to wait I understand, if not I wont think your a slut or anything" I blush and stare at him, "I'm honestly not sure what I want. I want to show my love for you but I'm not fully ready for that yet". He nods and pulls me close to him, wrapping his arm around me and kissing my neck. Sighing happily, I close my eyes and yawns, "Let's go to bed." I walk to the bed and climb in, snuggling up to Amy as Backdraft snuggles up to my back. He lays his arm across my waist as Amy's tail wraps around my leg. Being between both of my mates feels nice, I soon fall asleep nuzzled into Amy's soft fur.

I feel someone shake my arm, slowly opening my eyes I smile as I see Amy standing over me. "Good morning", she kisses me and giggles. "Hey Amy", I sit up and yawn. Amy hugs me tightly and wags her tail, "Backdraft said I could live here with you and him. I'm so happy, I won't be alone anymore and I can spend everyday with you." I kiss her muzzle and get up, looking around and stretching. "Where is Backdraft?", I walk to the bathroom and look around for a towel as Amy follows me. "He had to work. He said for us to unpack your stuff and go to my apartment and get my things.", she smiles and hands me a towel. I set the towel on the sink and start to undress. Sensing I want to be alone Amy walks out, shutting the door behind her. I sigh and step in the shower, letting the cool water fall on me. I stare at the floor and relax 'I wonder how long he will be at work? Will he come home on his break? When Amy goes to the club I could follow and hang out there like I always do' I sigh again and wash my fur and hair. Just as I step out a knock comes from the door, "Jen, I need to get ready for work. Try to hurry please.", I hear Amy walk away from the door. Grabbing the towel I start to dry off and open the door, wrapping the towel around me. I walk to the bedroom and put on a crimson red dress, "Amy? Did Backdraft say when he would be back?" I hear the shower start and sit on the bed, waiting for her to get out.

A few minutes later Amy steps in the bedroom, completely naked. I get up and passionatly kiss her, "I missed you" She blushes and giggles, "Your to sweet. Backdraft said he would be back at 7" I slap her ass as she walks past me to her clothes. She puts on a purple lace bra and matching panties then her black skirt and white shirt. I look at the clock 'Damn. Only 3:30, guess I'll go to the club with Amy'. We brush our hair and I watch as she tries her best to pull her hair back. After a few minutes of trying she gives up and sighs. "I'm coming with you", I say standing up. Amy smiles and we walk out the door holding paws. As we approach the club I pull Amy to the side, behind some trees and kiss her. I lick her ear, "I smell that bear from last night", I softly whisper. She wags her tail and looks at me, I can see worry and fear in her ocean blue eyes, "Where is he?", she whispers back. I move my hands to her hips and lift her up, she wraps her legs around me as I lift her shirt and bra, I push my muzzle to her breast "I don't know. Just act normal". She softly moans and runs her paws through my jet black hair, "You know I've always loved your snow white fur and jet black hair. I think its sexy", she says loud enough for the bear to hear. As I lick her nipple I can hear the bear growl, knowing he's pissed I set Amy on her feet. She pulls her bra and shirt down and takes my paw, we walk into the club and I go to my table. Amy brings me a drink and winks at me before going to take more orders. I sip on the drink, scanning the room for the bear. Amy walks over and hands me some papers, "Sorry but its time for you to check on the staff and everything", she sits beside me and looks at the papers. I kiss her neck and sigh, "This is the part that sucks about owning a club. Atleast my main waitress is sexy enough to get alot of tips", she giggles and hugs me. After a few minutes of watching me fill out the various forms she gets up and walks to the kitchen. I look up at the clock and sigh '6:30, time for the pervs to come in', I put the papers away and walk to the kitchen. "Amy, could you get me something to eat", I walk in and see her on the floor, holding her arm, "Oh god! What happened?" I run over to her and pick her up, setting her on a counter and looking at her arm. "I was careless and slipped, i fell on a glass and a piece went in my arm. I'm fine but it hurts.", she looks at me and winces as I pull a piece of glass from her arm. I lean down and lick the blood from her arm, the slash in her arm heals as my tongue is dragged over it. I hug her and pick up the broken glass, "Be careful. I don't want to lose you." She nods and goes to the sink to wash the blood out of her fur.

The rest of the night I help Amy with the customers. I growl as a drunk tiger slaps my ass. He pulls on my arm causing me to fall into his lap "Hey there sexy. Wanna come back to my place?". After slapping him I get up and walk into the kitchen, "How do you put up with these guys every night", I ask Amy as she hugs me. "I just ignore them and think about you.", she giggles and kisses me. I blush and giggle as she licks my neck. After filling a couples' glasses I look at the clock 'Almost 8, its about time'. Amy walks over to my table and sits down, I follow her and sit beside her, "What's wrong?". She looks up at me and sighs, "I'm just ready to go home." I pull her into my lap and rub her back, she smiles and lays her head on my shoulder. Amy gasps as my phone vibrates, I giggle as I pull it out and look at it, "Backdraft is coming to the club". She blushes and giggles before laying her head back on my shoulder. After a few minutes of holding Amy, Backdraft walks in and waves at us. He walks over to us and kisses me then Amy, "How have you guys been?". Amy looks up at him, "Well, I had a piece of glass in my arm earlier. Jen pulled it out then cleaned and healed the wound." Backdraft looks at me, I just smile and wink at him. He picks Amy up and kisses her neck, "So, are you gay or bi?" Amy giggles and looks at him, "Well, I've only ever been with Jen. I honestly don't know.", she blushes and looks at me. I grab my bag and we all leave the club.

Amy holds my paw as we walk home, Backdraft's arm is around me waist. I feel so loved now, everything in my life is perfect. I come to a sudden stop as Backdraft pulls me back, "What are you doing?", I look at him. "We need to get Amy's stuff.", he said staring at the sky. "That can wait till tomorrow. I'm off and we can go get my things then.", Amy looks at me then Backdraft, he nods and we continue walking. Backdraft open the door, Amy and I walk in. He follows us in, shutting and locking the door, "I have a suprise for you two.", he hands us each a key. Mine is black with a purple cresent moon at the top, Amy's is purple with a black cresent moon at the top. Amy hugs Backdraft and giggles, "Thank you so much!". He smiles and kisses her muzzle then hugs me, "Do you like your's?". "Yes, thank you honey.", I kiss him and hug Amy. Amy takes my paw and leads me to the bathroom, Backdraft follows us and smiles, "Have fun". Amy giggles as she starts the shower, getting the water warm before taking her clothes off. I wag my tail as she takes off her bra, I take my dress off and kiss her. "I'm a little nervous about showering together, but I'm afraid to be alone. I've smelled that bear ever since we left the club. Do you think he's been following us?", Amy takes my paw and steps in the shower. I step in with her and rub her tailbase, "I don't know, but if he is I will protect you. No matter what". She smiles and hugs me as the warm water flows through our fur. I grab the shampoo and start washing her hair, she wags her tail and giggles. As I rinse off her body Backdraft runs in and turns the water off, "Be quiet. Someone's outside and he seems to be watching you or Amy." I grab a towel and wrap it around myself as Amy does the same.

Amy holds onto my arm and softly whines. "It's alright sweetie. Just stay with me.", I rub her back and kiss her forehead. Backdraft softly growls as someone knocks at the door. He opens the door ready to attack as Seth walks in, blushing. "Seth? What the hell?!? You have the girls terrified!", Backdraft punches Seth's arm and the fox whines. "I couldn't help it. I was walking up to the door and saw them undressing and getting in the shower together. I'm really sorry.", Seth looks over at Amy and I. I take Amy to the bedroom, she gets a white dress and puts it on. I put out a black dress and put it on, as I watch Amy look out the window. "Is something wrong?", I ask and walk over to her. She shakes her head and hugs me, "Is he going to tell everyone? My parents would disown me if they knew I was sleeping with a female.". I hold her tightly and we sit on the bed, "You get to be with me and Backdraft for eternity. Don't worry about what your parents think". She gets in my lap and lays her head on my shoulder, I rub her back giving her time to calm down.

Backdraft and Seth walk in to see Amy on top of me, hlding me to the bed and kissing me. "Uh, Seth wanted to apologize and talk to you both", Backdraft blushes and walks out. Amy looks over at Seth and giggles seeing a bulge in his pants. Seth blushes and sits down as Amy gets up and sits in my lap. "We forgive you for watching us, Seth. We only ask that you keep our love a secret. Backdraft knows and he accepts us, will you keep it a secret as well", I look at Seth. He nods and smiles.