Do You Believe in Magic.

Story by Tetsuya Kintame on SoFurry

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#1 of Do You Believe in Magic

Slowly, a black wolf strode into the living room of his parents house, having dropped off some of his old things in his bedroom. It had been a long time since he had been back home, the 25 year old reclined on the rather large couch. He stretched, the familiar smell of the house invading his nostrils. It was no secret that his parents had wealth, and worked well paid jobs to keep the large, two story house. He started to reminisce back three years when his parents let him go Europe for vacation, and right after he had gotten his college degree too. He had argued that he should stay, and get a job to earn money now. But they had insisted that he go, and not one to hold up an argument with his parents, he finally gave in to the idea. Just after 2 months spent in Europe, he was glad he agreed in the end. So much had changed since then.

"Son! Welcome home, dear boy!" Came the sound of his father behind him. He stood up, then turned as his father came around the couch, hugging his boy tightly. "It's great to have you back home, Greg! Your mother and I didn't expect you to stay so long in Europe," the 46 year old, gray wolf had said, still hugging his son. "Trust me, dad. I hadn't expected to stay so long either," Greg had said, hugging his father back just as tightly. After a few more seconds of hugging, they finally broke apart, the black wolf smiling brightly at his father. As they sat, the old wolf asked, "So, son, how was Europe? It must have been fun if you stayed for such a long time." Greg nodded furiously, and started telling him about all the wonderful sites he saw. He even shared a few of his more erotic stories with the old man, the gray wolf giving a sly chuckle or two as he listened.

It was around that time when they both heard a shocked gasp, and a shriek of excitement before Greg was suddenly pounced hard off the couch, and to the floor. His mother, a beautiful black wolfess with firm C-cup breasts, and a curvy figure had glomped her son so hard, it nearly knocked his breath out. She was smothering his cheeks with kisses, and saying "Aaaaahhhhh, my baby boys home! I missed you so much!" His father had been laughing up a storm when Greg was pounced to the floor by his mother, holding a paw over his chest as he kept laughing. "Mom! Hahaha, let me up! I missed you too, but I'm having trouble breathing!" Greg had said loudly, though with an even brighter smile than before. She gasped, scrambling to her feet, and letting her son up, who then hugged her tightly and nuzzling his head into her neck.

Greg had missed his family so much over the past three years, but it was worth the lengthy vacation he had. "Wow, Tricia, you only ever tackle me like that when your-" the old wolf had started to say, before his wife's finger tapped his nose hard. It silenced him for the most part, but a sly grin remained on his features. "Now, now, save that for later, John. Our son is home today!" She sounded delighted as she finally released her son from the hug, giving one last kiss on the cheek. She was wearing a business suit, blue in color, and looking very formal with her skirt reaching her knees. But it looked like his father had been home all day, as he was dressed in his normal clothing. "I missed you guys so much!" Greg said, a happy tear escaping his eye as he smiled. "Oh my! I need to find Patty! You boys relax, us girls will fix up something for dinner," Tricia had said, smiling at her son before making a beeline out of the room. Greg supposed she was going up to his parents room so she could change into something more comfortable.

The two male wolves sat back down on the couch, John picking up the remote from the nearby glass coffee table. He pressed the power button, turning on the 39 inch plasma screen tv mounted on the wall opposite of them. A few minutes went by as they watched the news channel, before Greg turned his head, and caught sight of their cougar maid, Patricia, or Patty for short. Greg didn't have to look at her to remember her DD-cup tits, and her damn near impossible curvy body. Her sleek short, tan fur were exposed in some general areas, as if to capture others attention. Outside her work, she was a real cougar, as Greg had found out one night when he stalked her when he was fifteen. That was a night he never forgot, his mind trailing away a bit while remembering some good times.

He grinned, turning back to the television, his father having changed it to a movie channel. The two indulged in the movie for a long while, until their noses picked up the scent of dinner almost ready. Greg's mouth nearly watered, as he remembered that scent to be one of his favorite meals, as plain as it sometimes was. A few more minutes of watching the movie, though Greg could barely pay attention now, him and his father heard the girls call for them. In perfect unison, the two rose, and left the room, John turning the tv off as they made their way to the dining room. Greg's tail wagged fast behind him, reaffirmed of the meal. "Spaghetti and meatballs!" he said eagerly. Before he could sit though, Patty had stepped in front of him, and gave a him a tight hug. "Welcome home squirt! It's felt rather empty without you around here," the cougar stated. Knowing he was hungry, she didn't prolong him any longer, and let him sit at the table. After a long moment of silence, Greg picked up his fork, and started mixing the pasta and sauce together on his plate before finally eating.

They talked as they ate, Greg asking his parents how well they were fairing, delighted to hear they were as healthy as ever. His parents discussed how business was doing, and how well their sons friends were doing. He was certainly glad to hear they were doing well too. A few hours passed as they talked, moving to the kitchen once dinner was done. Even though his parents had suspected he wasn't telling them everything about his vacation in Europe, they seemed to push that out of their minds for now, just glad to have their baby boy back home.

Tricia then swatted the two wolves playfully out of the kitchen, leaving her and Patty to clean up from dinner. Greg just laughed, walking up the stairs to the second floor. John followed after, chuckling some while patting his belly. Once on the second floor, Greg went straight to his room, sitting on his bed. It still felt soft after all this time away. "It's been so long, I've nearly forgotten what my room looked like," he said, reminiscing again. He remembered his first time, he lost his virginity to one of his crushes. She had been a cute bunny girl, white, soft fur, lean and slightly built because she was a cheerleader. It was too bad she was also the slut of the squad too, because she had a new guy around her arm every week. He shrugged while laying back, at least she had ensured he had a good time. "Remembering some good times?" John asked, leaning against the door frames. Greg just chuckled, and nodded at his father.

His father smiled, watching his son. It was only then he wanted to ask him what was on his mind, and he did so. This seem to drag the black wolf from his memories, sitting up on his old bed. He wasn't sure how to tell his father his secret, he didn't fully believe it himself until just a year ago. "Son, did you get a girl pregnant while you were away?" his father asked him seriously. At this, Greg blushed brightly, his ears upright in alertness. "No dad, I didn't. It's just...Well it's something else entirely," Greg admitted. John moved away from the door, and sat next to his son, holding his paw. "You know you can tell me anything, right? Just tell me, and I'll try to understand," the elder wolf assured. He wasn't sure what this had meant though. Greg thought to himself, trying to decide if he should try to explain. "I'm sorry, but I don't think you would believe me, even if I did tell you," Greg replied.

It was then he had thought of something, an interesting idea he knew he normally wouldn't have at all. He grinned, then stood, pulling his father with him. The old man seemed confused at first, and it would only worsen as Greg dragged him to the room he shared with his wife. Greg then moved his father over to the bed, asking him to sit, which John did, though still even more confused. "I have an idea. You'll understand soon enough, I swear, and you will know what happened to me in Europe," his son informed him. "Call for mom, and present yourself like you want to have some fun." This made John a little uneasy, but seeing the wide grin his face, how could he say no. Apparently his boy seemed to have something planned.

Without a word, John removed his shirt, and tossed it over the side of the bed. He then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, but didn't fully expose himself. "You sure about this, Greg?" he questioned his son. The black wolf just nodded, backing up until he was beside the door. "Just, whatever happens, don't get up. You have to see to believe me." When next it opened, it would shield him completely from sight as it opened into the room instead out into the hallway. John then called for Tricia to come up for a moment. They heard her tell Patty goodnight as the maid left the house, then hearing footsteps on the stairway.

Tricia made her way up the stairs, wondering what John wanted. When she opened the door to their room, she saw John half naked, and some of his groin exposed. She grinned slyly, the sight of her husband turning her on somewhat. "What about Greg, dear?" she asked him. "He won't mind, hun. Now c'mere, you're hubby feels frisky tonight," John said, an even wider grin on his muzzle. Tricia giggled, closing the door behind her without looking, and slowly pulled off her white blouse, showing off her tits to her husband. Before she knew what happened though, she felt someone bite down lightly on her shoulder, while two paws moved their way to her bust and groin, snaking under her under garments. "What-" was all she could utter before she felt two fingers slip into her moistening slit, eliciting a moan from her lips.

John just sat where he was, a little shocked as he saw his son grope his own mother. He was about to stand, before he saw his Greg's eyes directed at him. With reluctance, he stayed where he was, watching his sons paw massage Tricia's tit, while the other looked like he was fingering her pussy. Tricia slowly turned her head, seeing her sons face next to hers. Unseen to them, a hot blush crossed her cheeks underneath her fur as she was held this way, pleasure temporarily freezing her. After a few moments of hot moaning, John's eyes widened as he saw his sons paws glow a teal color while masturbating his mother.

Greg was grinning the whole time, slipping his middle and ring fingers slowly in and out of his mothers tight slit, which seemed to make her wetter than before. But now he focused his mind, planting his digits deeply into his mothers wet hole. His paws started to glow, dim at first, but getting brighter with every passing second. The glow from his paw on her bust seem to spread over her chest, enveloping them in the light. He then heard her gasp, knowing exactly what caused it. Still, he stayed there against his mother, nipping her neck softly.

Tricia couldn't describe what she was feeling, but it felt good in an odd way. She felt heat surging within her loins, recognizing that sensation as her heat was being renewed. She tilted her head back, tensing up her muscles as she felt the unbearable need to have a dick inside her. She was just two days out of her heat cycle, recovering from it, but now as the minutes passed, she felt her heat surge with renewed strength. "Greg...what...How are you doing this?!" she said, almost squealing a bit. John, having stayed silent, let out a small chuckle, watching with curiosity in his eyes.

Soon, Greg's paws dimmed again, and Tricia felt her sons fingers curl a little, before removing themselves from her slit. She trembled, moaning deeply now, and giving her husband a hungry glare. "I picked it up while I was in Europe, mom," he said, undoing his mother bra. He then guided his mother over to his father after he removed her skirt and panties, the material soaked in her juices. He then gently pressed her breasts together, and said, "Dad, give one of moms tits a hard suck. I'm sure you'll like what I did," the sly wolf said. John smirked, almost guessing as he wrapped his lips over his wife's left nipple, and started to suck. Milk spilled into his mouth, bringing a deep murr from his throat as he drank the sweet liquid down. Tricia had gasped from her husbands eager, sucking lips, unable to hold the moans back as he kept drinking from her.

While his parents were busy with each other, Greg knelt down behind Tricia. He licked at her dripping wet pussy lips, making her shudder and moan even louder. He played his tongue along her heated lips, tasting her nectar while licking her cunt deeply. "You taste good, mom. Even better than your cooking," he said. He made his mother blush even more, trembling on her legs. She felt herself getting closer, her paws holding onto her husbands head for some stability. She then screamed as she came without warning, coating her sons face in her pussy juices, clutching Johns head tightly. She soon fell on top of the gray wolf drinking from her luscious pillows, pulling his lips away from her pink teats. She writhed in the orgasmic waves crashing over her, her husband helping lay her on the bed.

Greg couldn't help but chuckle, licking his lips. He then looked up at his dad, an eagerness twinkling in his eyes. He then helped the old wolf out of his pants, exposing his full sheath, and his red tip poking out. "Fuck dad, I had a feeling you were big, but you're bigger than I expected you to be. Even your balls are big!" he said. It was John's turn to blush now, chuckling nervously. He then felt his sons paws pulling down his sheath, and cupping his balls. The gray wolfs equipment looked to be about eight inches in length, and moderately thick. His knot looked thicker than the rest of his shaft as well. "What are you going to do, son?" the older wolf asked, feeling nervous. Greg just smirked, and his paws began glowing again. John had to hold back the gasp that threatened to escape him as he felt his dong tighten a bit, slowly growing before his eyes. Even his balls felt like they were getting bigger too.

The sensation flowing through him right now, it was no wonder he couldn't keep himself sitting up when he felt his sons soft lips wrap around the head of his tapered cock. He collapsed onto his back, laying next to his wife while feeling his sons tongue drag over the tip of his growing member. He trembled on the bed, panting heavily as he was lost to the waves of pleasure flooding him.

Greg slowly bobbed his head on his fathers cock, twirling his tongue over the tip, and eliciting a moan from John. All the while, his thoughts were about how much he liked pleasing his parents like this. He felt a warm glow in his heart, just as his paws dimmed again. Now John's new length was little over eleven inches, and his knot and shaft were much thicker before. Greg had also grew his fathers balls to be about as big as apples. He grinned, knowing the true present he gave to his fathers testicles though. He pulled his lips free of his fathers cock, wanting his fathers first batch of seed to be planted in his mother.

Tricia slowly regained her strength, getting up on her paws and knees. She felt her heat radiating from her womb, a soft whine escaping her. Her mind was drugged with lust, not even caring if her own son wanted to take her right now. She looked at her two boys, grinning while she watched her sons magic growing John's cock, and sucking him off while doing so. When Greg pulled away, she instantly lied down, her head hanging off the side of the bed. She felt so unbearably horny, spreading her legs wide. Greg grinned when he saw this, licking his mothers cheek. "Dad, I think mom would really like to be fucked right now," he said, kissing his mother deeply, which she eagerly returned.

John chuckled as he sat up, rubbing his paw over his wife's literally drooling cunt. He didn't need to be told twice, crawling between her legs, and poking her tight slit with his tip. She felt so wet, he didn't need to hold back as he scooted forward, and shoved himself into her wet loins. She broke the kiss with her son to yelp and squeal loudly, writhing on the bed as nothing but pleasure flooded her body. John had moaned equally loud, his wife feeling a bit tighter than he remembered, and guessed the reason why as well. While John began to thrust into his wife, Greg licked at her chin, and asked, "Do you like my presents for you, mom and dad?" His response were loud moans, chuckling to himself as he knew they did.

He then slowly stood, finally ridding himself of his own clothes, tossing them to the floor. His own erection had easily slipped free of his sheath in his pants, looking to be just as big as his father as well. He then lined up his pecker at his mother muzzle, rubbing his tip at her lips. She needed no encouragement, wrapping her lips around her sons head, and sucking hard while moaning and whimpering loudly. He sunk his shiny pink flesh into her muzzle, his turn to moan now while she sucked on his cock.

Meanwhile, John grunted as he thrust half his length into Tricia, bumping into her cervix opening easily each time. She felt nothing but pleasure while he fucked her harder and harder, her walls clinging tightly to his new girth. She wanted his seed filling her desperately so. He wanted to give it to her too, his paws gripping her hips tightly as he started to pound her roughly, making her scream around her sons cock. Greg had start to move his hips by then, his pre-cum leaking tip hitting the back of her throat. He built up speed to almost match his fathers, panting heavily as he took his mother's mouth as his.

Tricia floated in a world of pure ecstasy while she was fucked by her son and husband, her legs wrapping around John's waist while suckling hard on Greg's length. Her paws grabbed at the beds sheets, almost ripping them with her claws because she felt so good. She gagged a little, moaning to high heaven as her son aimed to push his entire length down her muzzle, and she wanted it so badly too. Her heat fogged mind made her suck her son, trying to milk his seed from him while twirling her tongue over his shaft. Before she knew what was happening, both males thrust hard, John finally penetrating her womb, and Greg driving his cock down into her throat. She didn't know how, nor cared at this point as she wailed around her sons massive prick deep inside her throat, the magic he cast on her allowing her to breath even though her esophagus was stuffed with so much meat.

John was nearing climax again, having almost came into his sons muzzle before he pulled away earlier. Her belly bulged slightly from his thick girth, which only enticed him more. He began to rapidly hump her fast and hard, his thrusts slowly driving his sons cock further into her mouth. Greg trembled on his legs as he kept himself in his mother's throat, loving how deep he was in her maw. He hesitated for a second, pulling back slightly when his father gave one last shove forward, sinking his knot into his wife, and locking him to her. He howled loudly as he started spilling his cum into her womb, causing her to hit her climax as well. Even while she climaxed though, she gulped around his cock, driving him to his own orgasm. Greg couldn't hold it back any longer, howling with his father as he splashed loads of cum straight into her belly.

John couldn't stop himself now, panting heavily as he gripped his wife's hips still. Cum pumped out of his dick, and splashed inside her womb, ebbing the heat in her loins slightly. He soon noticed her belly starting to swell slowly, her paws rubbing her belly while writhing. Tricia gulped down her sons seed, unable to hold it all as some began to back up, and spill from her nose, coating Greg's hanging nut sack in his sperm. She felt wonderful as her belly swelled more and more, bliss etched into every feature on her face. She looked about five months pregnant before the flow of their cum stopped, John locked inside his wife.

Greg slowly pulled out of his moms muzzle, trailing his milky cum on the roof of her mouth, letting her taste him when she closed her muzzle. Greg then lifted her up, letting her sit in her husbands lap, wiggling her hips. "You okay honey?" John asked, a little concerned. She nuzzled into his neck, grinning and giggling happily. "Never better dear, never better," she said, happiness evident in her tone. "Oh Greg, this is a wonderful gift. But how did you get magic?" she asked him. Greg chuckled, scooting up next to his parents. "That's a story for another time. For tonight, there is much fun to be had," he said, wrapping his lips around one of her nipples, and drinking her sweet milk fro her tits. "Glad we're both free in tomorrow," he father commented, joining his son as sucked on Tricia's unattended nipple. The wolfess just moaned as she held their heads to her chest, her tail wagging behind her as she fed her two boys.


This is something that just popped into my head. I hope some will like it. If there's any mistakes, please let me know, I'll fix them right away.