Order Of the Wolf [P1]

Story by Luna WhiteFang on SoFurry

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I walked through the snow, trying to be as silent as I could, not wanting my enemies to hear me as I moved towards the ruins.

Knowing I sniffed into the cold air as the wind blew through my fur and the trees, I picked up the scent of the people that were following me. As soon as I got at the ruins a loud bang sound could be heard from the distance, birds flew from their trees and a wounded wolf ran between the ruins towards me. He felt to his knees and begged ~please ma'am please save me from those people, they want my Skin and meat...please you need to save me~

I scooted over to the hidden door that my tail had cleaned up, the snow started to fall again and I asked the wolf

~Ok how far are they from you?~

He answered ~about a kilometer or something~

I nodded and dived in the trap door tugging the wolf with me as i closed the door. As soon as the door closed the snow started to fall on it covering it once again into a snowy blanket.

I sat down into a huge hall totally in the darkness, the wolf sat down near me eying my movements; I sniffed at him flicking an ear

~So where is your pack? I thought wolves lived in packs of a large numbers~ he whined and sniffed softly ~they were killed, by them...that's what they do every winter hunting and killing~

I smirked at him patting his head softly ~well you will be safe for now, only the order knows of this place~ he eyed me with confusion

~What is the order?~ He asked curiously

I eyed him, trusting him cause something in his eyes told me that he was good ~The order or the order of the wolf was created ages ago when the first wolves ran over this land, making new friends and allies, for as long as I know my whole family has been a piece of the order~ I said with a smile as the wolf wagged his tail around exited.

I sniffed into the air thinking quietly while I wagged my tail behind me slowly, I jumped up pulling the wolf onto his feet pointing at the tunnels ~we go that way, I will take you with me to the order~

The wolf blinked and nodded slightly standing up and walking behind her into the darkness

~2 hours later~

I walked to a tunnel splitting sniffing softly then I turned around.

~Ok you need to act like you have no place to go...ok?~

I eyed the wolf and he nodded.

The next chamber was full with flags and wall paintings.

The wolf looked around as they walked further, after a little while he bumped into my back, I eyed him and smirked ~were here~ I said with a big smile pointing to the chamber.

Candles were burning in the darkness, their flames waving with the soft wind that blew through the room, they entered the room and were confronted by two huge figures, I eyed them and nodded and they stepped aside knowing me well as a member yet eying the wolf that followed. The wolf walked close against my back as the hallway guardians eyed them both when they passed by.

Entering a room bigger than the rest I stepped forward presenting myself and pushing the little wolf forward so he could do the same.

He whimpered and said softly ~I-I'm Jim, the lone wolf~

A cough was heard echoing through the room and I bowed down.

~Milord please this wolf searches refuge from the hunters, allow him to stay under my protection~ it stayed silent for a good 5 minutes then there was this deep voice ~fine Den, but only if you swear not to loose him out of your sight~ shuffling was heard and a huge dragon stepped out of the darkness, orange and black with ruins that could be seen on his legs at the time his loincloth wiggled when the dragon moved, he also had some upper body armor that shined in the candle light, the little wolf eyed him as he stood there. The dragon signed to the guards and they approached me and the wolf ~You may leave~ said the dragon as he stepped into the darkness again, I and Jim left to my room deeper in the underground chambers, on our way jim stopped to look at the wall paintings and he smiled pointing ~that was my father he died long ago~ he said softly.

Their footsteps through the halls echoed through the chambers as they arrived at my room, I opened the door inviting the little wolf in.

As the door was closed I sat down behind my desk and Jim sat down on a chair next to my bed, I stared a little while at him and smirked ~your one damn lucky wolf you know that?~ smiling the wolf repeated kindly ~I guess, btw I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Jim Lone wolf of the eastern howler pack nice to meet you...I didn't catch your name, you are?~ I eyed him and smiled back with a soft giggle ~Denise just call me Den, I'm a snow leopard of the northern snow coat tribe...~

The wolf's eyes opened wide so did his mouth ~n-no way, that can't be right! The northern snow coat tribe vanished years ago~ Jim brought out with amazement in his eyes.

I sat up leaning my head on my arm ~oh? Who told you that?~

Jim wiggled ~my father used to tell me about the northern warriors who could fight in the thickest snow, they were brave and mighty...he used to tell me that they were the number 1 predators in the snow but then there were no more stories, I asked my father if he could tell me another story but he told me the whole tribe vanished...he was the one you used to call Goldluck because of his almost golden coat~ Jim eyed Luna, I stared at him thinking ~that name does ring a bell there used to come a wolf with gold like fur to our tribe in the winter he was brave to bring his ass through the snow just for a few stories and back to his pack...~ I sighed and rubbed my chin.

In the hallway loud and heavy foot step were heard joined with a cough, minutes went by me and Jim heard the foot steps get closer and closer then suddenly BONKBONK BONK

Someone knocked on the door, I stood up and opened the door...it was the huge dragon from earlier ~mind if I come in luna?~

I shaked my head ~no sure come in please~ I opened the door wider and the dragon stepped in, his long tail followed him, he sat down on my bed smiling at Jim. The wolf pulled his legs to him self and smiled kindly. After I sat down again the dragon introduced himself ~Hello Jim, I am known as Draggiekins or just draggie, I am a northern fire dragon...nice to meet you and I welcome you to the order~ he said with his deep voice, jim who seemed nervous smiled at his kindness and sat up wagging his tail slightly ~nice to meet you, I'm Jim the....~

Draggie said ~the lone wolf of the eastern howler pack...I know Luna told me a bit about you or at least what she knew~ we sat there talking hours long till jim yawned ~ok jim time for bed its getting later~ I said showing him his room ~there you go lay down I need to talk to draggie about some stuff, sleep well my little friend~ she said smacking his ass so that he kind of hopped into his room then closing the door behind myself ~well now that that is done~ I walked over to draggie landing a lick over his nose ~you shouldn't put that much stress on that kid sweetie~ I said as draggie licked over my chin ~I'm sorry sexy, but you know how I am...can't help it that my voice is this low can I?~ I giggled and shaked my head ~nope but I think it fits you just fine~ she sat down on his lap licking at his chin and neck.

Draggie's featherly fur stood up a bit making him look almost like a floof ball as she licked at him ~now now kitty, I think we should behave for this time because I bet the little one will be listening~

I eyed him with a smirk ~aaaaw that's not fair...I thought we could have fun, just because my brother is in the high council he cant do anything with her little sister anymore...how sad~ she stopped licking his neck and chin with a slight sadness on her face ~hm maybe we can do a quick one though~ draggie grinned picking her up ~oh...my...draggie put me down~ she said giggling ~you wanted it sis you can have this dragon quickly~ he said with a evil grin softly throwing her on the bed removing her clothes and removing his armor and loincloth leaving them butt naked in bed ~oh dragon got plans before work I see~ she softly rubbed over his half erect member.

He let out a soft growl winking at her ~oh murr maybe I do indeed~

Both laughed softly while he rubbed his member what was growing hard against her cunt coating his shaft with her juices ~oh? Kitty cat is already wet I see~ he kissed her then licking downwards over her tits slowly suckling on one of her nipple to make her gasp softly then a little lower and he licked softly through her belly fur and a little lower...

[To Be Continued ;3 & end Of P1]