Fates of the Unicorns 32 - Dreams

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#32 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 32 - Dreams

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters._

Tamira groaned as she sat with her back against the stone wall, knees pulled up to her chest and her arms around them. Her head was throbbing with a dull ache and she felt like her bowels were trying to crawl right out of her. She closed her eyes and cursed that damn dragon for her suffering. She knew it wasn't fair in this case. The drug that was now making them sick had protected them from the horrifying insect parasites that had taken over the bodies and minds of several dragons, and even got poor Chakal too! She was lucky to have survived. Now the crisis seemed over, at least from what the guards were saying. But the dragon had warned them there were side effects to a large dose, and now they were feeling them. All day she had felt twinges and slightly feverish but now that it was evening the effects were hitting her hard. She wasn't the only one either. All around her the other mares were in equal discomfort, some on their sides, others trying to walk and burn if off.

Tamira opened her eyes as Dana leaned against her shoulder, looking down at the smaller but much more sexy body. Tamira for a moment wished she had a body like that. She was tall and well built, strong... but none of that strength had done her any good in stopping herself, let alone anyone else from being captured and made into slaves. She saw Dana had fallen asleep and shifted to make the mare more comfortable. At least they were not gagged and tied up like Master sometimes liked to do. He had other things keeping him busy now... like saving what was left of the furry races from being wiped out by the dammed bugs. She sighed... maybe Dana had the right idea. Sleep it off. She closed her eyes again, comforted by the presence of her friend felt herself slowly slide into a deep, restless sleep. And dreamed.


Tamira knelt on the floor with all the other mares, a familiar but not comfortable position. Kneeling, head bowed, hands cuffed behind her back and that infernal ball gag in her mouth. How she hated to wear it, drooling helplessly and mute. She watched from the corner of her eyes as the arrogant blue dragon walked back and forth, inspecting his mares. She fumed in silence at the treatment. How could anyone think that owning another thinking being was acceptable? Her eyes were drawn to her Masters movements, his every motion cocky and sure. Strutting back and forth like he was the ruler of the whole world. She looked down as he passed, but not before she saw the smug look on his face as he gazed at her. She ground her teeth. It was too much! No more!

Tamira let out a snort and pushed herself to her hooves, her shoulders and arms surging as she snapped the chain binding her two wrist shackles together. She grabbed the ball and pulled it from her mouth, shredding the muzzle as she spat and turned to face a surprised blue dragon. "I won't let you hurt them any more!" she screamed, stomping a hoof hard enough to crack the stone in a spiderweb pattern of fractures. "This ends NOW!" she said, pointing a finger at her tormentor. The other mares had quickly moved away and huddled together, giving the mare and dragon room.

Rahmor growled, "I'll kill you for your insolence, bitch! Then I'll eat all your friends!"

Tamira reached up to the top of her horn, grabbing the steel cap that had been so viciously twisted on... and wrenched it off with a squeal of torn and stressed steel. She held it out, showing it to the dragon and dropped it. It landed with a heavy, metallic sound, bouncing before rolling to the dragons feet. Seeing Rahmor looking down in astonishment she charged, hooves pounding the stone floor as she screamed a whinnying cry of rage and challenge.

Rahmor let out a dragon-sized roar and met Tamira's charge, twisting to avoid the horn and swinging a fist into her side with a heavy thud.

Tamira oofhed at the blow, but took it and swung one of her own into the great dragons belly, making a fist-sized bruise of an even deeper blue than his scales. She snarled in satisfaction as the dragon folded over in half from the punch, spit flying from his jaws as his roar turned into a gasping wheeze. Then she was ducking under his deadly talons, backing away and smacking his hands as he tried to claw and tear at her. She circled, not letting the dragon trap her against the wall, ducking and weaving, her blood pounding! She saw an opening and swung hard, her fist like a rock as it slammed up into the dragons jaw, snapping his mouth shut and sending bits of broken teeth flying.

Rahmor staggered back, his head knocked to the side, using his tail to catch himself. He shook his head, blood splattering the wall as he wiped his jaw and hissed, "Die... die bitch!!! I'll rape you all to DEATH!"

Tamira howled, remembering her night her dragon Master had raped her, forcing her to lie with a male for the first time in her lesbian life, and not even with a stallion but a filthy dragon! She screamed and kicked hard, her hoof slamming up between the dragons legs, the golden hoof as hard as steel as it sank into the heavy balls she knew so well.

Rahmor grunted and wheezed, clutching himself as he fell to his knees, eyes bulging, gasping in pain and agony. He called out weakly... "Guards... get... her..." and then moaned and whimpered. The guards took one look at the raging mare and fled, running for their lives.

Tamira snorted at them before turning back to the dragon who had his tail between his legs like a frightened dog. She grabbed the end of his blue tail and hauled with all her might, swinging the dragon like a giant sack of potatoes.

Rahmor screamed as his tail yanked him off his feet and onto his back, then he was sent flying through the air in a circle by the enraged mare, the world a blur as he was spin in a complete circle.

Tamira screamed and let go, watching the dragon fly through the air and slam headfirst into a stone wall. With a great CRACK both his horns snapped off at the base as his body crumpled against the wall and then fell to a twitching heap to the floor. Tamira stomped over and grabbed the dragon by his thick neck, hauling him to his knees and punched him hard in the face. Her fist hit with a satisfying WHAM and she struck again and again, pounding the dragons head between the stone wall and her iron hard fist. With a final scream of rage she threw the dragon to the side, watching him land on his stomach, tail flopping down over his back.

Then Dana was there, hugging her... hands all over the warriors body. Tamira kissed Dana deep and hard, pressing her tongue to the mare she had lusted after from her first meeting what seemed like so long ago. Tamira moaned as soft mare hands roamed her body, stroking her ass, her breasts, a hand between her legs. Oh... she was so horny. She watched Dana drop to her knees and nuzzle between the warriors powerful thighs.

"Oh Tamira!" cried Dana and buried her nose in the warriors crotch, licking her pussy expertly, doing everything Tamira loved. Licking her soft folds, nuzzling... sliding her tongue deep... washing her clit over and over with a broad equine tongue tip.

Tamira shuddered in pleasure, "I love you Dana" she cried... cumming hard again and again. Then she found herself standing behind Rahmor, his body still on his belly and knees, rump in the air and moaning weakly. Tamira looked down and saw she was wearing a strap-on harness, but without the dildo attachment.

Dana handed Tamira one of Rahmor's snapped off horns. "He deserves it, my love."

Tamira took the horn and pressed the base to the strap-on, grinning in glee as she now sprouted a gleaming, curving dragon horn from between her legs. "He does! Oh he really does!" she said. She grabbed his tail in one hand and yanked, pulling his ass upward and stepped forward to ram the horn-dildo hard into her former Masters ass! She pounded into him with all her might, taking out her rage as the dragon cried and begged and whimpered. But she gave him no mercy, hurting him as he had hurt her. She orgasmed again from the power and release her revenge brought as the dragon collapsed to the stone floor, taking his horn with him, still deep in his abused body.

Tamira looked at the crumpled form in satisfaction, seeing she had fucked him across the floor right to the open ledge of the cave. She lifted a hand, holding his other broken horn and planted a hoof on the equally broken dragon.

Dana smiled up at the warrior, kneeling at her side, arms wrapped around a powerful thigh, head leaning against the warrior unicorn's hip.

Tamira looked out at the bowl of the dragon capital, seeing all the slaves and dragons watching her. She thrust the horn up high in one hand, crying out, "Rise up! You are not slaves! They can no longer hold you!" Cheers rose from the bowl and mixed with cries of dragon pain and fear. Tamira gave a might shove, kicking the dragon off the ledge, watching him land with a thud on the stone ledge just below, almost landing on the big drake her former Master called a mount. Tamira felt fear again, seeing the giant creature looking at it's master, and then up at her. But then her worries vanished as the drake nodded to her, accepting her as it's new Mistress. It climbed up into the cave, tame and willing.

Then the mares were climbing onto the big drake, pulling themselves onto his back. Tamira cried, "Home! Take them home!" The drake launched into the air, carrying the cheering and crying former slaves on it's back, dwindling out of sight.

Tamira looked at the city now in flames, and saw a white tied swarming in to finish off the dragons. Her regiment! All her friends and fellow warriors... they must have been alive all this time, just waiting for her to give them an opening. She moaned again, feeling a tongue against her pussy and bent down to kiss Dana hard and deep... it was over... now there was nothing left to do... but Dana!


Kindem groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. What was all that noise. All the mares sounded like... dragons? She looked around her in shock, freezing in place. Dragons! She was back in the barracks where her Master had sent her to be muzzle raped for hours and hours. She shuddered at the memory, and although she no longer grew sick at the thought of a cock in her mouth after all the ones she had taken, she had no desire to repeat the experience! She tried to run but strong hands forced her into a familiar chair and a huge dragon dick loomed before her, and around her were dozens more pointed at her hot, wet mouth. "Nooooooooommmph!" she said as the first cock rammed into her mouth, pressing down against her tongue and trying to find it's way into her throat. She shuddered in distaste, but began to suck, knowing the faster she finished them the quicker it would be over. Delaying just made them fuck her face harder.

The mare moaned around the awful dragon cock, closing her eyes and wishing it was anything else. The taste was terrible... or... was it? She sniffed... this one tasted a bit like... a banana? She drooled, but in hunger now and bit down in a reflexive action. She oooohed as her teeth sank into the sweet fruit of a perfectly ripe banana and she chewed, swallowing the wonderful mouthful down. She opened her eyes to see the dragon stumbling away, wide eyed and staring down at the stump of a banana where his cock should have been.

The dragon said, "You... you ate it!" He clutched the half of the banana that was left and continued to retreat until his back was pressed to the wall. "Stay away from me!"

Kindem groaned... oh that tasted so good! She turned her head to the next dragon, his cock now a huge curving banana and she bit it off in one, two, three quick bites. Gulp! The dragons were now backing away and she crawled after them, grabbing a dragon by his butt and yanking his hips to her so she could nibble on a thick, juicy carrot jutting from his sheath. Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! She giggled and laughed as she chased dragon after dragon down and devoured their fruits. She mmmed as she came to one who had fallen on his ass, legs spread. His balls were a pair of bright shiny apples! She took a bite of each and looked for more... seeing the cockless dragons she had already fed on and went after their balls too. Oranges! Pears! Plums!

The dragons ran but were too clumsy in their panic, tripping over chairs and each other in their hopeless attempt to escape the hungry unicorn. "Ahhh! My balls!"

The mare stood up, her face and chest covered in various colors and flavors of juices. She rubbed her belly and licked her messy lips, not caring that she was dripping all over. All around her dragons were curled up, hands covering their privates, whimpering and shying away from her. Tossing her mane in triumph she left the room full of former males, and slammed straight into a large blue dragon! Kindem fell back hard on her ass, looking up... his cock... it was huge... and covered in more spikes and barbs than usual. Fearful of the terrible thing she scooted back against a wall, watching the pulsing, throbbing organ get bigger and bigger as her Master came for her. She cried out as the tip, oozing thick, viscous slime pushed against her lips. More slime and cum was dripping from the entire length of the terrible cock.

"Eat it, bitch! You know you want it!" snarled the blue dragon. He thrust his hips, ramming the enormous cockhead against the mares tightly closed lips.

She shoved at the cock with her hands, trying to push it away. Kindem grabbed at the head of the cock with both hands, trying to pull it away from her face as she held her breath, mouth clamped shut in defiance. With all her might she pulled at the dragons cockhead and peeled the skin of his cock back! It wasn't a cock at all... just another banana, but with an ugly, rotten skin! But once she peeled it back, the delicious, ripe fruit was revealed!

Rahmor gasped, "What... what are you doing!" He pushed at her head now, trying to keep her away from his vulnerable, former sex organ. With his cock revealed to be nothing more than soft fruit, his strength had left him, leaving him just like all the others.

Kindem took a bite out of the tip... it was far to big to get her mouth around so she had to eat it a large bite at a time. She tugged on the slimy banana peel to keep her Master close as she bit and swallowed, enjoying each lump as it traveled down her throat.

Rahmor struggled helplessly as his cock vanished bite by bite, finally managing to pull away from the unicorn and run down the long corridor, fleeing with screams of anguish.

Kindem watched her Master run away, standing and looking around as she licked her lips. They were all gone, or had been eaten, and she was still hungry! Wait... wasn't there ANOTHER room full of dragons?

She began to open doors again, this time eagerly as her stomach growled... hungry to stuff more of the delicious dragon fruit into her mouth.


Chakal stirred and giggled. The big drake was nuzzling her again. He liked to make sure she was okay when she slept with him and after all the time that had passed she no longer was bothered with being woken... it was comforting to open her eyes and see that big drake head looking at her. "What is it, Tahet?" she said. "I'm still here, see? It's ok."

Tahet nuzzled her again, then licked... the drake's breath hot.

Chakal giggled again, "Hey... stop that." She squirmed as the dragon licked her again, and began to mouth her. "Hey... umm... Tahet?" she said, suddenly unsure of his intentions. She squirmed as the drake took her legs into his large mouth, it's tongue curling around her waist. He had done this before, 'eating' her at her Masters command, but he let her go. Was he playing again? She shivered as the tongue slid all over her, pulling her body into his mouth. It was so warm and soft... it wasn't really that bad. She was silent as the jaws closed around her, darkness swallowing her. Then it was the drake's turn, gulping the unicorn down it's long throat.

Chakal moaned as she slid down, down... falling forever it seemed until she was snuggly in the creatures belly. It was so warm... so soft! She snuggled into it... and felt her body melting... flowing... expanding outward to fill every nook and crevice of the drakes body. She felt the shape of the beast, the large and powerful wings... the long neck, strong head... clawed feet. She stretched her wings, opening her eyes to see the bowl of the dragon capital far, far below. She cried out in delight, flying on leathery wings, slashing her powerful tail. It felt so good... so free to fly... she could go anywhere she wanted!

"I love you..." said a voice to her side.

Chakal turned her drake head to see Tahet flying beside her, his light opal and blue body gliding through the air. She looked back at herself and saw a brilliant white body, tiny pinpoints of light sparkling from each white scale, looking almost if she were covered in diamonds. "Tahet... but you can't talk!" she said.

Tahet said, "Of course we can... but nobody can hear us anymore. Not even ourselves." The big blue drake then dropped a wing and bumped into the big white female, "I love you... I'll protect you... always." he repeated.

Chakal blushed, the scales of her face turning pinkish as she heard the words, felt his body press to hers. She responded with a moan, "Oh... Tahet..." she said, and then their bodies were twining and wrapping around each other, his big powerful hindlegs gripping hers... his huge erection still big, but now she was large enough to take it... and she did.

The two drakes spun dizzily, plunging head first in a steep dive as they made love... crying our as they orgasmed, Chakal's body welcoming the potent seed of her suitor, of her mate. They separated, gliding in lazy circles as Chakal crooned her pleasure. She saw they had flown far... leaving the capital behind and were now deep in the insect lands. It swarmed with the terrible insect bugs. Her drake vision showed her everything in terrible detail. She saw wild furries running naked, nothing but animals to the bugs as they were gathered and devoured. A queen sat in her lair, a tentacle wrapping around a helpless anthro wolf, fibers invading his skin. To her horror she could SEE his soul being sucked from his body, a faint blue glow drawn into the monstrous shape that held him. Blinking back tears she could see the strands of a vast pulsing web connecting the queen to others, and to all the drones and warriors. A sickly green that twisted her stomach to look at, and as she watched the soft blue was stretched and corrupted into that same shade, forming a new strand of the hive.

Tahet roared and dove! Chakal followed and she felt her belly burning, searing hot. She belched and flames erupted from her, streaming down to hit the mutated, evil form below her!

The queen shrieked and blackened, it's body bursting in horrible bubbling masses of gore, then shriveling into a blackened, smoldering heap.

Chakal and Tahet burned and burned... searing and cleansing every inch of the land, hunting the queens in their lair, burning the warriors and drones. They finally landed, exausted... the land a burning wreckage, entire forests reduced to ash and smoking stumps. She leaned against Tahet, seeing the land sick and diseased and ruined. Shreds of the green energy clung to the ground and remnants of the trees and writhed as if in torment. Then a strand broke off, the wind carrying it upward and as it did the sick, diseased color faded back to a soft, pale blue before fading from sight. She lifted her head, watching as it happened again, and again... the entire web breaking up, purifying in the burning embers of the fire until the last strand winked out, all traces of the insects gone.

Tahet said, "See... see what we can do? Isn't it wonderful?"

Chakal nodded as the world around her blurred, the ash blowing away... green grass growing and spreading... trees shooting up... and furries everywhere. Cities. Castles. Villages. Hunting. Farming. Building. Children playing. Everywhere she looked she saw growth and happiness. She cried then, hard and long, finally escaping the last remnants of horror from her mind being taken over by the parasite. She held onto Tahet tightly as she sobbed in pain, and in joy.


Telly fearfully crept down the dark passageway, her hooves echoing loudly against the stone. She was lost. She didn't know where she was or how she got here. She only knew she had wandered where she shouldn't have and now couldn't get back.

"What do we have here?" said an oddly familiar voice.

Telly turned and came very close to peeing herself. It was the white dragon. The one who said all those terrible things. "No..." she whispered and tried to back away but her hooves seemed frozen in place. "I... I'm not yours..." she stammered.

Karn snickered, his white muzzle pulling into a sneer. "You are in my lair now... just like all the others," he said.

Telly heard a noise behind her and turned her head slowly to see the broken and battered unicorn she glimpsed at the party. The mare was spread eagled in the corridor, her ankles chained to each side of the floor, her wrists chained to the top of each wall. Her limbs were pulled tight, blood running from the cruel cuffs. But the worse was her face. Her eyes... were gone. Just empty sockets, and worse... she could see INSIDE the mares head. It was empty!

The mare lifted her head, her sightless eyes locking onto Telly. She spoke in a cracked, broken voice... "You're next."

Telly cried, "No... nooooo!" and turned back to see the white dragon holding a sledgehammer.

"Your hooves are stuck, bitch... let me help..." he said. He swung the sledgehammer down, striking one of Telly's golden hooves.

Telly screamed as she watched her hoof shatter like glass, her body falling, unable to stand on the broken hoof. The hammer came down again, her other hoof exploding, leaving her feet shattered and broken. She kicked at the stone, trying to get away but couldn't move with her destroyed hooves. She held out her hands in front of her, begging for mercy, and then stared in horror. Her hands were broken too. Fingers crushed and twisted, scarred and warped... now more like claws, each finger missing the last knuckle. She sobbed at the sight and then whined as the dragon picked her up by the neck, broken hooves kicking weakly in the air, hands unable to get a grip on the dragons arm.

"Bad, bad little bitch!" said Karn. He pulled her close and kissed her hard on the muzzle, pressing his own snout against hers.

Telly mmmphed, the dragons breath fowl and putrid. She ahhhhhed as it's tongue slid into her mouth, curling around her own tongue like a noose and yanked hard, pulling and stretching it out. She whimpered, gacking as her tongue was yanked painfully... and then let out a yell as the white dragon bit down, neatly severing it! She howled, "Nuuuuuu!" She fell to the floor, landing on her broken hooves, then knees as her hands covered her mouth in terror. He bit off her tongue! She felt something in her hands and pulled them away... her horror rising as she held a handful of her teeth. "Gahhhhhhh" she screamed!

Karn grabbed the unicorns horn in a powerful paw, his other closing around her nose. "I'll take this too..." he said.

Telly tried to speak, but could only make noises and wet sounds as she looked up from her knees at the evil dragon menacing her. She whined, feeling him hold her horn. She cried for Rahmor to save her... "Mahhhhhuuurrrrr! Haaaappp maaa! Pheeeeeha!" Then pain exploded in her head as she felt her horn crack and snap off like a rotten piece of wood! She screamed at the top of her lungs, feeling the magic drain from her body and leaving her weak and helpless. She fell to the floor, face smacking to the cold stone and saw her horn drop, landing in front of her face. Already it was dulling, turning from the shiny metallic gleam to a dull, pitted yellow... like all unicorns horns do at death. "Naaaaaugh!" she cried as she looked at her own horn lying there, dead and cracked. No! This couldn't be happening... not her horn!

Karn stepped on Telly's head, "I'm going to torture every inch of your body, bitch... inside and out. I'm going to CRUSH your little mind... turn you into HER."

Telly's eyes looked to the broken mare still hanging in the corridor. The bound mare looked even worse now, her hair gone, her body covered in scars... breasts just ragged holes, her pussy... she had to look away, not able to even comprehend what she saw down there. She shuddered in terror, without her horn she was nothing but a horse now... her body weak and never to heal again. She despaired... hopelessness flooding her soul, knowing there was nothing she could do. She was broken, her body shattered... never to be whole again.

Karn said, "And you won't be needing THIS either!"

Telly felt the dragon's hand between her legs and reached up INTO her! She shuddered at the invasion, seeing his hand sink deep into her pussy, and then pull out a small, partially formed egg. She groaned at the feel of it being taken from her... her stomach suddenly feeling empty. She could see a hole in her belly, a sunken pit where the egg had been removed.

Karn dropped it to the floor where it shattered into sand. "Your wortheless... you don't DESERVE anything as precious as a dragons egg!"

Telly cried at the loss of the egg, it looked so pretty... like a jewel... glittering... like her horn and hooves used to. She moaned toothlessly and felt her body slip to the floor... unable to move a muscle in her defeat.

"That isn't yours," said Rahmor's voice.

Telly cried out... "Mahhhhhhurrrr?" Hope flickered back to life as she tried to see where the voice had come from. The foot on her head pulled away and she saw the white dragon slam into the wall from a blow of Rahmor's fist. She reached out weakly to a blue foot... collapsing on the floor, unable to move.

Rahmor looked down at Telly and shook his head, "He's ruined you."

Telly could only moan weakly. She was ruined. Rahmor wouldn't want her anymore. She wailed incoherently, unable to speak... frustrated she couldn't tell him how badly she wanted him to take her back.

Rahmor crouched down and touched the horn, stroking it. Where his fingers touched the pitted, dull surface it smoothed out into a healthy metallic shine, only to slowly fade back to the dull yellow as his fingers withdrew.

Telly strained... her Master was so close... his foot right there. If she could just give his toes a lick like she knew he enjoyed... but her tongue was gone... she couldn't even do that much. Whet wanted to beg him, plead for him to save her. She wouldn't wander away ever again... never! She was so sorry! She didn't mean to be a bad mare!

Rahmor picked up the horn, gripping it in his fist and the smooth gold flowed over it, turning it back to it's former brilliant luster.

Telly whined... her eyes locked on that shiny, golden horn... the cracks gone, the spiral sides mouth and unbroken. Oh she wanted it so bad... a need so great she could hardly bear it. She closed her eyes as the horn moved closer, unable to watch... not wanting to know if it was to be pulled away and denied her, wanting to forever imagine it getting closer and closer. Then a surge of magic seemed to spark from the horn to her head and she could FEEL her horn fusing back into place, the magic flowing into her. She arched her back and gasped, feeling coming back to her fingers, her body healing... becoming perfect and whole. She shuddered and climaxed powerfully from the sheer pleasure of feeling healthy fingers and hooves, white teeth, her pink tongue. She opened her eyes, looking up into the eyes of her Master. "Oh... Master..." she sobbed in relief and joy. The she saw his eyes... they were watching her... judging her. "I didn't mean to stray, Master!" she cried.

Rahmor still held the horn in his fist, and now his other hand gripped Telly's face, just like the white dragon had done before.

Telly froze in terror as she felt the dragon beginning to pull on her horn. She tried to scream but nothing came out, her voice lost to the terror if her horn being taken away again. She knew that this time, if HE did it... it would never be whole again. She gritted her teeth at the feeling, then dropped her eyes to the floor... she deserved it... she had been bad. The moment she accepted her fate she felt her horn... bend. It didn't hurt, and she watched her horn like seeing it from her Masters view, the graceful spiraled thing slowly bending into a gentle curve. She shivered as her Master marked her... shaped her horn... made her his.

Rahmor released Telly's face and horn, then scooped her up into his arms, taking her away from the crumpled form of the white dragon, and the hanging horror of what used to be another unicorn mare. She buried her face into her Masters chest, her emotions a confused mess. He was so strong. He could protect her from others. But he was mean. He raped her. He had BOUGHT her. Made her his slave. Abused her. But protected her. He could have shattered her horn... but he only bent it. She looked at the curved length and thought she could live with that.


Sabeth walked in angry circles, trying not to think of that stupid cunt, Tamira. If it wasn't for her and the rest of those useless warriors, Sabeth wouldn't be here. Cold and naked and worst of all, a slave. The pendants that should be around her neck were hanging from her nipples, a constant reminder of her humiliation. She stormed away from the rest of the unicorns and slammed her fist onto a stone wall in frustration. She deserved better than this! She was a descendant of a royal house. A ROYAL house! Didn't anyone understand what hat meant? TO be treated like this was just... unbearable!

She hit the wall again and heard an odd click. She looked at the wall and squinted... was there an outline of something there. She leaned against the wall and gave a surprised squeal as the solid stone gave way, opening up to swallow her as she fell. "Oooofh!" she said, turning her head just in time to see the hidden door close behind her. She was trapped! She got carefully to her feet, feeling for the wall behind her and the door she knew must be there. She felt a bump and pushed, and light sprang up all around her. She turned and gasped. The room was filled with treasure. Gold. Jewels. Clothes. Paintings. She looked around wide eyed, and then she took a closer look at a painting. It was titled "Grand Lord Gavas Savil" and showed a regal looking unicorn. That was one of her ancestors! She looked around more, seeing her family crest everywhere. Familiar designs worked into most of the art and jewelery. Her family must have brought all of this with them only to have it stolen, then forgotten in a secret cave.

Picking up several silver plaques engraved with writing she read some and gasped. Her family wasn't JUST a great house... it had been the most powerful house of them all. It ruled the others. How had she never known this? Of course... the dragons kept all this stuff... so it had been forgotten. But she found it now. She beamed in pride at how powerful her family had been.

"What do we have here..." said a deep, dragon voice.

Sabeth gasped and turned, holding the plague in trembling hands. It was the dragon. Her... Master. She watched silently as the dragon took the priceless heirloom from her hands and looked it over, his eyes growing wide.

Rahmor said, "I had no idea your House was so powerful and high. I thought you were just another fallen house, but you are true royalty. Dragons respect power, and your bloodline has it."

Sabeth watched in amazement as the dragon got to one knee before her.

"Would you take me as your King and rule at my side... my Queen?" said the blue dragon with admiring eyes.

Sabeth felt her heart pounding. She hated that dragon... for enslaving her... for humiliating her... but he was so strong, so wealthy... and he hadn't known her true value... it wasn't his fault. She straightened up and said, "It would be my honor, my King."

The day flew by as she helped oversee the inventorying of her family's treasures, putting them on display in Rahmor's grand hall. The centerpiece were a pair of thrones made of solid gold and covered in priceless jewels, some the size of her fist. It was more wealth than even dragons were used to seeing, and she saw many dragon visitors speechless as they saw the gathering treasure and the power it represented.

The hall decorated to her satisfaction she led Rahmor to the twin thrones, and took her rightful place, the glittering blue scales of the dragon beside her. She looked down and saw her first visitor, it was Brant! He was kneeling at her feet looking at her in awe.

"My queen... how may I serve?" he said, his eyes looking jealously at the dragon seated beside her.

She smiled, "Come up here and give me a hug, Brant... I've missed you." She shifted in the large throne, making room for him and said to Rahmor, "He was my boyfriend... a Queen should have her own harem, shouldn't she?"

Rahmor grinned at her, "Of course... you can have anything you want, my Queen. You deserve no less."

Sabeth kissed Brant, embracing him and sighed at his soft fur... just as she remembered it. She would have others of course... but Brant would be his favorite. She would give him the finest clothes... they would look SO good together. But he was only a commoner... not like Rahmor... he had true power. Brant would be a good fuck and showpiece... but she knew that it was Rahmor she must make hers. Now that she was a Queen it would be easy... and they would rule over the dragons and furries alike. She pushed Brant's head down between her legs... he knew what she liked, and soon his tongue was performing for her and she shuddered in delight. She didn't even mind when Rahmor leaned over to gently kiss her cheek.

"What the hell is going on," said an angry Tamira as she was brought in chains and made to kneel before the thrones.

Sabeth looked down her nose at the so called warrior and snorted. "I'll be making the OTHER mares my handmaidens. I'm sure with a little instruction they will learn the rules of high society and be just perfect companions. But not you! You failed me and will never have the chance to do so again."

Tamira suddenly sniffed, "I'm sorry! I was afraid... I ran away and let you get captured... it's all my fault. Please forgive me!"

"No!" shouted Sabeth. She closed her eyes to relax, letting that wonderful tongue wash away her anger. It was ok... it all turned out ok... and now Tamira would be punished. Yes. She smiled and opened them again, "Take here away... throw her in a dungeon. I never want to see that worthless whore again! And take Dana with you!"

Tamira and Dana cried as they were dragged away in each others arms, but soon the other mares were all gathered around in new, white dresses and thanking Sabeth for her generosity. A few were fearful of the dragon, quivering and unsure if they should be kneeling to him, or to her.

Sabeth patted a blue thigh and said, "You are my herd now... he won't hurt you." She smiled down at them. Let Rahmor have his other slaves to abuse... these were hers. She hmmmed... wondering what it would be like to have slaves of her own. Maybe some foxes? They were cute and would look pretty in ribbons and running about on all fours. Yes... she would have to tell her King to get her some. She sighed in bliss... she KNEW she was meant for greater things. It was about time the world treated her with the respect and honor she deserved!


Nella knelt as her Master inspected his unicorn slaves. She kept her feline body posed perfectly at attention, just like her Master liked. She loved to watch her Master dominate his slaves. She was one of them of course, but was also a trusted guard. It pleased her to no end to watch those uppity unicorns get put in their place. She frowned as she saw Tamira shifting on her knees. She hated that bitch. She knew her Master was readying her to be a guard too and thought it was a big mistake. That girl was trouble. Well, as soon as Master saw her squirming that unicorn was going to get punished. But he wasn't looking in her direction. She wished she could bring the mares disobedience to her Masters attention but she knew better than to speak out!

Nella continued to watch the former warrior, the mare kept moving and shifting around whenever her Master wasn't looking. Bitch! Was she doing this on purpose? She narrowed her eyes... sensing something was wrong. Tamira was tensing as the big blue dragon moved closer. But it wasn't from fear but... was that a glimmer of excitement in her eyes? Then she realised what had been bugging her. The horn! She hadn't had the sharp tip removed like the others, but had a steel cap wrenched into place. But it looked different... it was loose!

"MASTER!" cried out Nella as she leaped to her feet. "Her horn!"

Tamira flicked her head, sending the metal tip flying and revealing the deadly tip of her horn. With her legs already positioned, she launched herself at the dragon, horn aimed straight at his heart.

Rahmor roared in anger, and alerted by his guards warning he turned, the horn slicing into his side and wounding him, but not the fatal blow it would have been. He swung a scaled fist at the mare but missed, letting out another thunderous roar as he faced her, blood running down his side.

Nella took a step forward, rushing to help. She never took her second step, a furry body slamming her down onto the ground, the floor hard as she oofhed into it. She grabbed fur and wrenched, spinning to throw her attacker off her and surge back to her feet. It was Ralean! That panther bitch was in on it with Tamira! She knew Ralean was weak, always sticking up for the slaves... but a traitor? Nella dodged the next attack and slashed with her claws, ripping into the side of the panther's face. She didn't have time for this! Her Master needed her! She charged the stunned pantheress, hitting her chest with a shoulder and slamming the traitor into the stone all behind her. She struck up with the palm of her hand into the panthers jaw, sending the back of the bitches head slamming into the stone, her body crumpling.

Rahmor was backing away from an aggressive Tamira, the unicorn taking advantage of the dragons wound to press him relentlessly. "Nella! Help!" he cried.

Nella let out a loud hisssssss of anger and stepped between Tamira and her wounded Master. "Don't touch my Master!" she screamed.

Tamira snorted, scraping a hoof on the floor. "I'm the best warrior that ever lived! I've killed hundreds of foes. You have no chance, fool!"

Nella ignored the taunting, preferring to fight instead of boast. While the unicorn was bragging, Nella had been moving into position, waiting for the unicorn to lower her horn and prepare to charge like they always did. There! She saw the horn lower, Tamira's legs shift and tense. Nella kicked hard just as Tamira moved her hooves in preparation to charge, creating an opening for Nella's foot to slam hard into the unicorn bitches cunt!

Tamira let out a squeak of pain, stumbling, her charge forgotten as she bent over from the dirty, but effective blow.

Nella wasted no time, closing the distance and slamming a fist hard into the side of the unicorns muzzle. She hit her again, stunning the big girl before grabbing her mane, yanking the unicorn around to stand behind the mare. She punched the mare hard in the back with quick, devastating kidney punches. It only took a few for the unicorn to drop to her knees and Nella quickly wrapped an arm around the mares neck and grabbed her nose and muzzle with her hand. She leaned over to look into the frightened eyes on the mare, seeing the pain and humiliation. She hisssed, "Nobody hurts my Master, BITCH!" She waited just long enough for Tamira to realise what was about to happen, and wrenched the unicorns head hard, feeling and hearing the snap as her neck broke. Nella let the body drop to the floor and went to her Master, "Oh... Master... your hurt..."

Rahmor grunted, lifting his hand to examine his side. "Only winded... it wasn't a deep wound, thanks to you. You fought so well, I'm proud of you, Nella."

Nella trembled in pride at the praise and use of her name.

Rahmor eased himself to the floor, stretching out on his back and panting a bit. The wound had stopped bleeding now, the dragon only needing some rest to fully recover. "Come tend to your Master, my wonderful fighter."

Nella found herself being pulled down to all fours, made to kneel over her Master... but facing his crotch, not his head. She saw the bulge in his leather kilt and knew what he wanted. She uncovered his crotch and moaned at the sight of his dragon cock. Opening her mouth wide she took it into her mouth, willing herself not to gag this time. She blinked in amazement as she took him inch by inch into her mouth and then her throat... doing it perfectly like she had always wanted, but had never managed to learn. She shivered in pleasure as she felt him fill her throat, her lips wide around the base. She was doing it! She cupped his balls and pressed them to her nose and face, purrrrrrrrring deeply around her Master cock. She was in heaven, serving her Master... pleasing him like she had never done before. But then she felt a touch against her nethers. A tongue began to play with her sex, hot breath blowing over her crotch as her Master began to lick and eat her soaking wet pussy. She purred even harder... he had never really given her a good pussy eating before... but now... his tongue moved deep and furious. She sucked hard and was rewarded with her Masters climax, swallowing load after load of his cum... not spilling a single drop as she sucked him like an expert. Then she simply purred and purred around his cock as his amazing tongue brought her to climax after climax. And the whole time she stared at the motionless form of her enemy... the unicorn bitch lying defeated... by her!

Rahmor finally licked his lips and said, "I've been too lenient with my slaves, Nella... I'm promoting you to Capitan. I want you to treat those bitches like they deserve... beat them whenever they need it... do anything you want to them. In my name."

Nelly shuddered in pleasure at the thought... of having the position she had always dreamed of, and the power to do anything... anything at all to all the helpless slaves under her. She would make her Master proud! She glanced to her side, seeing the motionless, but breathing form of the traitor panther guard. Her first act would be to see her hang. Slowly. Just like the dragons preferred. She purred even harder.


"Ahhh! What did I do... I'm sorry!" yelled Dana as she was dragged by her horn down a sloped cave passage. She did her best to keep up but her Master hauled her at a quick pace.

"Nothing, bitch... I just don't need you any more..." said Rahmor.

Dana whined, scared of what he was going to do to her. Sell her to that terrible white dragon? Eat her? Kill her? She shuddered as she caught the scent of an earthy, damp smell... no. No, he wouldn't! She began to squirm, struggling in his grip as she was pulled into a dimly lit room, the far end taken up by a huge plant, the central bulb already spread open and waiting for her. "Noooooooo!" she screamed!

Rahmor threw the struggling unicorn across the room, sending her flying through the air as he laughed loudly, and left her.

Dana cried out, "MASTER! NOOOOO!!!!" as she landed with a grunt on a mass of sticky tendrils. They wrapped around her, quickly trapping her in the plants leafy tentacles. She struggled as it began pulling her into the central pod, the tips of it already starting to curl up, eager to engulf her in the tight darkness, no escape... no light. She screamed in a panic now, muscles straining uselessly. He scream turned into a mmmmmph as a sticky, sap covered pod clamped down over her nose and face, pushing something disgusting into her mouth and down her throat. Her eyes rolled back in terror, choking on the awful thing... and then the leaves were closing around her... the light going away, her body squeezed and held tight.

She struggled in terror... so dark... so tight. She did not like small spaces... she hated them as long as she could remember. Now she was held in a fetal ball, wrapped so tight... no air... she couldn't breathe! She squirmed but could hardly even budge a hoof as she suffocated in the dark. It was her worst nightmare... to be trapped... unable to even move... feeling like she was being crushed and squeezed harder and harder. "MMMMMPPPPPPH!" was all she could say, her mind screaming in a panic. "NONONONONO!"

Without warning Dana blinked at a great tearing sound, and bright light came flooding in. She saw something gold slash across the tentacle in front of her, severing the terrible monstrosity that had taken her muzzle and mouth. She coughed the rest of it out of her and that golden flash stabbed and cut away the plant that held her captive until it was nothing but bits and pieces laying around her in a twitching heap. She coughed again, and stared at a hand in front of her nose. She took it and was hauled to her feet, stepping away from the terrible, confining plant.

Tamira stood before the shaken mare, her pure white hair almost glowing, her horn shining a brilliant gold. She said, "I told you I'd never let anything happen to you, Dana."

Dana threw her arms around her friend, hugging her hard and tight, "Oh Tamira! Thank you... it was so bad... so terrible!" She pressed her body to her friend, comforted by the strong warrior's body. She shuddered as she felt something between them... something growing like a tentacle? She eeped and pulled back, looking down to see... a... cock? She stared, seeing a large, powerful horse cock jutting up from between Tamira's legs... furry balls below them. She looked up at Tamira with a confused expression, "What? But... your a girl?"

Tamira blushed, "I'm not... I was just disguised as one... so I could follow you here and protect you."

Dana looked over her friend... her breasts were not really breasts, but strong, bulging pectoral muscles. How could she have been fooled! She... no... he was so clearly male! A strong, powerful and protective male. "I... but how...?"

Tamira said, "Shhh... thats not important. I'm just glad you are safe... I'd never let anything happen to my... friend."

Dana nodded and hugged her friend, pressing close, trapping Tamira's erection between their bellies, one soft and feminine, the other firm and masculine. She shivered and said, "I... I love you Tamira... I just... when I thought you were a girl..."

Tamira took Dana's head with her hands, tilting it and kissed her.

Dana stopped talking at the kiss of the strong stallion and melted in his arms. She did love her friend... she always had... and now that she realised Tamira was actually a stallion... she could love him without reservation. Mind, soul... AND his body. She sank down to her knees, taking the large horse cock in her hands and stroking it slow and gently, kissing the tip. She mmmed at the taste and feel of stallion cock... so smooth and soft all over... no spikes or barbs or sharp angles. She took Tamira's cock deep into her mouth, working it with her tongue as the stallion moaned and held her head. She bobbed her muzzle up and down, feeling the stallions balls in her hand... and soon was swallowing load after load of delicious unicorn cum. She gulped greedily... so happy to have a proper male to make love to. No mares... no terrible dragon males.

Dana gasped as she was lifted into Tamira's arms and pressed against a wall. "Oh... take me... now!" she said to the randy stallion before her. She shuddered in delight as that horse cock plunged into her, filling her completely... the shape matching her insides perfectly. She rode the cock as the stallion rutted against her, thrusting... loving her with every movement. She ran her hands over the powerful barrel chest, kissed his mouth... and came hard for the first, but not the only time in a long, hot night of lovemaking.


Dana mumbled in her sleep, slumped against Tamira who was equally restless. Dana murrred, "MMrrr... uhhh... love... mmm... oh." She pressed against the larger body of her friend, shifting in her sleep as she squirmed.

Tamira moaned softly as well, feeling a body moving against her. She felt warm breath blowing against her nose, and slowly opened her eyes to see Dana's head resting on her chest, nose to nose with the smaller mare. She kissed the lips before her tenderly, and was rewarded with a kiss back. Then her eyes opened wider as she woke, her warrior training teaching her to rise from sleep quickly. She jerked her head back in surprise, Dana's eyes opening and blinking and then doing the same.

Dana said, "Oh... I... uhh." She wiped at her mouth, wet from drooling in her sleep and eeped at a large wet spot on one of Tamira's breasts. Almost as embarrassing as... she sat up and coughed... remembering the dream and waking up to a soft kiss.

Tamira shifted uncomfortably, remembering her dream as well and flushing a deep red, clearly visible through her soft white unicorn fur on her face. She looked away, trying not to notice a similar blush on Dana's face. But all that did was cause her to pull up an image of fucking her friend with the strap-on. What the hell was wrong with her! "Ahhh... oh..." she put a hand to her head which was throbbing a bit. Her whole body ached, but it was much better than when she had passed out last night from the sickness. "Are... are you ok?" she asked?

Dana caught herself staring at Tamira's crotch, feeling disappointment as seeing just a female pussy. She looked for a moment longer... hoping... no... that was silly... you can't just hide something like that! She blushed again, realising Tamira had caught her gaze and she looked away. She would just die if Tamira knew what she had been dreaming about! She shuddered a bit, remembering being in side the plant... she was so scared of being confined and unable to escape. She closed her eyes, trying to force the images away, but they would only be replaced by the stallion Tamira which only made her blush more.

Tamira saw the shudders and look of fear and put a hand on Dana's and said, "You ok? Did you dream something?"

Dana blinked and said, "No! No of course not... why would you think that?"

Tamira bit her lip and ummmed, "Uhh... just wondering I guess..." and dropped the subject. She shook her head at random images of her throwing her Master across the cave. She'd be lucky to knock him off balance, at best. And the horns... she didn't even want to start thinking about what that might have meant to her screwed up mind. "I don't ever want to take those drugs again if this is what happens!"

Dana looked around. Across the cave more and more unicorns were rising and groaning, some looking around with bewilderment. Others with disappointment. A few sobbing with relief. Sabeth was looking even more pissed than usually, giving a wall a kick with a strange look on her face. Kindem was just sitting there with a confused look on her face and licking her lips. "Looks like everyone else had as... uh... difficult as a night as we did," she said.

Tamira nodded and helped Dana up with a hand, wondering why that made Dana blush so strongly. She walked over to Telly who was feeling her horn with one hand.

"It's... it's still shiny... isn't it?" she said as Tamira approached.

Tamira nodded, "Of course it is. It looks fine."

Telly nodded, putting a hand on her swollen belly. She could feel the egg still in there. It wasn't like a baby, she knew it would just be an egg. But it was a sign that her Master valued her, wasn't it? She said, "Tamira... can our horns be bent? Could a dragon do that to us?" She felt hers, thinking she could feel just the tiniest curve in it. The dream had been so vivid... so real.

Tamira snorted, "No. They would break first. It took those horse sized blocks of steel to just take the tips off, no way anyone could break them further down where they are thicker. They do NOT bend."

Telly nodded, not sure if she was reassured or dissapointed... she wouldn't mind hers curving a little... if it meant she could be assured her Master still wanted her. She shivered at the dream again. It was just a dream... those things didn't happen to her. But she knew they DID happen to others, and if she were to be sold or given away, they could happen to HER. She felt her belly again... it had hurt so bad when he did that to her. He wasn't a BAD Master to have she thought. Having one at all was terrible but if she HAD to be a dragons slave... better to have one that wasn't going to turn her into... she shuddered and refused to think about the unicorn with the dead eye sockets. her belly growled. She was hungry. She hoped the hay wouldn't be as stale this morning.


Chakal rubbed at Tahat's muzzle with a cloth, polishing his scales again as she thought of the strange dreams she had of him. "I wonder where all that CAME from" she asked him, but got nothing but the happy stare she was sued to when polishing his scales. The drakes seemed to love being shiny and clean, and loved to be pampered. Suddenly the drakes head pulled away and he looked to the service entrance to his large flat edge that he called home. Chakal heard the footsteps and took no chance, turning to face the doorway and dropping to her knees. She crossed her hands behind her back, bowed her head, and waited.

Rahmor strode out of the passageway and out onto the broad ledge his drake Tahet used as a home. He smiled in pleasure at the kneeling unicorn, and grinned as his drake let out a rumble. "What a shiny beast you are today" he said, walking up to slap the side of the large creatures muzzle. After spending a few moments inspecting his slaves work he turned to her, "How're you feeling today, pet?"

Chakal said, "I am well, thank you Master." Her tail tip twitched a bit at his attentions. She was still nervous around the blue dragon, her Master. She worried she might anger him or saw something wrong and loose her job as his drakes handler.

Rahmor nodded, "Good. The other unicorn that went through what you did is doing well too. It seems your kind are able to shrug off whatever it is those things do to their hosts."

Chakal nodded and said "Yes Master." She then tilted her head up just slightly like he asked, giving him a questioning look.

Rahmor said "You may speak, slave."

Chakal phewed and said, "Master... I... had a strange dream. Tahet... he talked to me." She blushed, remembering the other things he did to her too. "They can't really talk, can they" she asked?

Rahmor frowned and said, "Tell me your dream, slave."

Chakal gulped, she didn't want to tell him all of it, but lying wasn't an option with a dragon so she reluctantly told him everything she could remember.

Rahmor was silent for several minutes, "How very... interesting." He paced slowly for a bit and looked at his drake thoughtfully. "I am not surprised you don't know... it's all very ancient history, long forgotten by most furries. Long ago... before the fall of the Empire, when magic was still a power to contend with... the drakes were not as you see them now. They were as smart as you or I... probably smarter. They were powerful, regal beings... preferring to live among themselves for the most part. There was a loose alliance between them and our race. The drakes... they consider themselves masters of all. On the rare occasions one would venture from their mountain lairs they could lay waste to entire towns."

Chakal nodded... remembering the power she felt... the fire she could bring to bear on the land below.

Rahmor said, "They were far stronger than they are now... few in number but nothing anyone would want to challenge. But... something happened. We don't know what, the few records that survive only say that they started killing their young. Eggs would hatch not a thinking being, but an animal and they dispatched these as abominations. But more and more hatched wrong... and soon all of them. When the last of the elder drakes died, their race died with them."

Chakal looked at the form of the large beast, wondering what that must have been like... to see your children be born an animal. To know you were the last.

Rahmor patted the side of his drake, "Nobody knows what caused it. A disease? A spell? Poison? But they never recovered. They are not animals... but not people either... something in between. Sometimes... sometimes I think I can seee... something in his eyes. Like he is asleep and about to wake up... then it's gone."

Chakal was silent as she continued to look at the drake, "Do you think... my dream... was that him?"

Rahmor slashed his tail back and forth and shook his head, "I don't know. Maybe... maybe not. I'll have one of our magi come and give the both of you an examination, just to make sure." He curled his tail around Chakal's neck and pulled her from a kneel to all fours, sliding his foot under her nose. It was an almost unconscious reaction, wanting some comfort and a distraction from the depressing thoughts. He was greatly disturbed by her seeing that web made from the very lives of the furries the queen consumed and corrupted. It lent credence to a number of theories and fears the dragons had of what the insects were doing... and what they might be capable of.

Chakal licked at the offered foot, for once not seeming to care about the humiliating act as she thought about what he had told her. It was all so sad. She nuzzled and lapped until she felt the tail slide from her neck and the foot move away. She said a silent "Good bye" to her Master as he departed, turning once more to regard her pet... or was she his? Both she decided, and felt a little better. She would take good care of him.


Rahmor made his way back up to the guarded entrance of his unicorn slaves, wanting to clear his mind. The best way to do that was to keep busy, and he had just the thing for that. His unicorn slaves were recovered from the drug now and he wanted to see how they were doing. He also needed to spend much more time with them, and he would, soon. He had been neglecting them with his work and then the invasion, but he would get them back on track soon enough.

The mares were all kneeling in a line as he stepped into the large cave. They were training up well, but nowhere near what he would prefer. He still had several that were not as advanced as he would have liked. He looked at the kneeling form of the warrior mare. Tamira. He would focus his attentions on her next... she needed to accept the place he had chosen for her. The time was just about right to give her a final push. He said, "I see you have all recovered. Good. You were an expensive investment, and I would be upset to find any of you still sick."

The dragon moved to one end of the row of mares, running his claws along her shivering face. Good... she didn't pull away. He stepped to the next, touching and caressing his slaves... loving the sight of them all properly submissive. "I have not been around as much as I should, slaves. You have been left to your own for far too long and are not trained to my standards. This WILL change. Tomorrow you will begin a much stricter series of training lessons. You will be trained, abused, and used... for my pleasure and for your own good."

Telly managed not to whine as she felt his paw on her face. She wasn't scared of his touch now, but the lack of it. She didn't want to be a slave... but she did want him to be happy with her. She felt his fingers trail along her nose and she opened her mouth to lick at them submissively, hoping to please.

Rahmor paused as he felt the tongue on his fingers, looking down to see Telly licking and kissing his hand. That was more like it. He smiled, seeing her belly showing the egg he had given her. It would grow faster and faster now, and it would not be long before he had a new egg for his collection. "Thats a good slave," he said.

Telly nodded happily and bent down to worship her Masters feet with her broad unicorn tongue and soft lips. She licked at his toes, cleaning them, showing her Master she was a good slave... worthy to be owned by him. She only felt a little dirty, a little humiliated. It was worth it to keep her Master happy with her.

Rahmor let the unicorn wash his feet for a bit before he continued on. A few others gave his fingers licks like they had seen Telly do and he smiled. Kindem, the unicorn with the aversion to oral sex even leaned forward to lick at the tip of his sheath. Karn's visit had made an impression on a few of them he was sure. The white dragon had not REALLY been so bad as he made it seem, but none of the unicorns had been in any state to pick apart Karn's words when what he was describing had been so terrible. Rahmor could see the change in attitude since the white dragons visit. His slaves were more attentive, more eager to please. They now understood that they were far better off here than under some potentially much more abusive dragon owner. Owners that might simply crush their wills, spirits and bodies and leave them mindless lumps of flesh. Rahmor didn't want that from his slaves. He wanted them to find their place in his lair and accept their fates. They simply had to learn that the entire reason they were here was to serve their Master. That could mean dancing for him, spreading their lovely thighs or mouth for his cock, or submitting to a beating and torture if that was his mood.

"I will return tomorrow, my slaves... and we will begin your lessons and training. It's time I started to truly use you for the purpose you were brought here for. To serve me, please me, and to sate my every desire," he said. he saw them all bowing their heads, none would meet his eyes. Good. They would all fit nicely into the hierarchy of his lair. All be good slaves. Some will suffer, but others will enjoy the place and tasks he had in mind for them. It made him happy to think of the good, obedient slaves content in their place and the bad ones suffering in delightful torment to learn their lessons. Tomorrow, would be fun.