A Character Building Experience (A Vallings Story)

Story by bighope on SoFurry

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This story is based off of my other story Vallings, and takes place before Charles dies, and before Charles and Jace are together.

This story was commissioned by my fiftieth watcher. I gave him one free commission for being my lucky five 'O'

My lucky winner is Dcmsmax


"Does everyone go to this café in the morning?" I said under by breath as I waited in the outrageously long line in the café. Furs filled the tables, some sharing tables as they all ate their bagels and muffins with their coffee. Even the tables outside in the frigid autumn air were full with furs sipping their coffee as they ate their breakfast and read papers.

"Maybe I don't need my coffee today," I said as I debated getting out of line and just going to my usual café. "This is the last time I decide to be adventurous on the weekend and go to a different café." I sighed and ran my claws through the gray fur on my head, then rubbed my yellow eyes to stop the burning exhaustion in them. My veins were begging for coffee, but my patience was wearing thin. That's when I saw the last blue berry muffins get taken from the display case, and I decided it wasn't worth it.

I turned around, zipped back up my leather jacket, readjusted the band around my neck so the shark tooth was positioned in-between my collar bones, and headed out the door. I was instantly assaulted by the frigid November air. The last few remnants of leaves from Central Park were blowing down the sidewalk and over the cobblestones as they crunched under my feet. I looked both ways, not knowing where to go. My usual café was on the other side of the city, I had gone out of my way just to go to this one, just to try the famous coffee of the infamous Yolanda's Coffee.

I felt a few snowflakes hit my muzzle, the sky a dark gray in the early morning. It's going to snow today--the first snow of the year. I wrapped my paws around my torso, forcing my heat to stay in. That's when I felt it. Everything seemed to go out of focus except this feeling behind me. I could sense this person, a massive amount of energy wrapping around him, trying to shroud him. The only reason I sensed him was because the energy around him faltered, letting me notice him. I turned around to see a wolf, a jet black wolf, sitting at one of the iron tables outside, reading a paper and two cups of coffee at the table, one in front of him and the other in front of the chair on the other side of the small table.

The wolf was wearing a pair of black tennis shoes; he was also wearing dark washed jeans that hugged his muscled legs. He had a black wool peacoat on with silver buttons and trim with a silvery silk scarf wrapped around his neck. My breath was taken away; he was beautiful. I had just enough time to close my jaw before he set down his paper and noticed me looking at him.

"Hello," he said, offering me a seat, "would you like to sit down?"

"I...uh," I stammered, "I, would. Thanks." The wolf gave a warm soft smile, his ocean blue eyes glittering as I pulled out the chair and sat down.

"We don't get too many seers in New York. Too much iron blocking their power and repelling demons."


"It's ok," he said in a soft tone, "Would you like that coffee? It seems Max has forgotten our little meeting here." His voice when he was talking about Max seemed to get a little annoyed, but his expression softened quickly.

"Um, thanks," I said grabbing the coffee. I took a sip, and instantly, my legs shook from the sheer flavor of the perfect blend of black coffee with French vanilla, brown sugar, and just a hint of walnut.

"You like it?" he asked, picking up his coffee and taking a sip, his eye lids half sheathed, and his long eye lashes shaded his eyes. "It's Max's blend. Made it myself and sold the recipe to Yolanda. Now she is on the verge of opening a café chain." He set down his coffee and looked back into my eyes. "I'm sorry, I haven't even asked you for your name."

"It's Maximus." I said, blushing a bit. Why I gave him my full name I'll never know. I hate being called Maximus, but being around the wolf made me feel like I needed to be formal.

"Well," the wolf said with a small smile playing across his face, "I guess I just traded up from my old Max. Do you mind if I call you Max?"

Thank God. "I would really appreciate it..." I said giving off a nervous laugh and scratching the back of my head. Thankfully the wolf chuckled with me, "So, um well...what do you want to talk about?"

"You could ask me for my name," the wolf said in a kind way as he wrapped his claws around the coffee cup for warmth.

"Oh," I said, blushing in embarrassment from forgetting my manners, "sorry. Um...I don't really know how to ask that without sounding stupid so, um, what's your name?"

A crooked smile played across the wolf's face as he folded his paws and rested his elbows on the table and continued to put his head on his hands. "My name is Jared, but you can call me Jace." He lifted himself back onto the back rest of the chair and folded his arms around his chest. "I haven't seen you around here very often. What brings you to this side of town?"

"I, um, well, I was told this place had the best coffee in New York, so I decided to try it out."

"And you came here alone?"

"Well, so did you." I said a little more defensively than I wanted to.

The wolf just got that crooked smile again, "I was planning on meeting someone here, but he bailed on me. Maximillion isn't the most punctual person on earth, but he knows how to have a good time." Jace gave off an exasperated sigh. "Unfortunately, that's why he is late all the time." Then he looked back into my eyes, and he shook his head, "I'm sorry, I'm just talking about my problems and my friends. What would you like to talk about?"

All of the sudden I got really quiet, "I don't know."

"How about your plans for the rest of the day?" he asked, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Well, I was planning on meeting up with some more of my friends after I got my coffee." I said and instantly regretted it because it sounded like I was just trying to get this guy's coffee and go.

"Well," he said, grabbing a napkin from the dispenser in the center of the table and unfolding it, "what are you going to do?"

"Well," I said, my shyness slowly fading, "we planned on going to see a movie then head over to the natural art museum."

"That sounds like fun," he said and started folding the napkin as he talked, but he still sounded interested. "What are your plans for tonight?"

I felt myself tense up. Should I lie or should I tell him that I wasn't planning on doing anything? On one hand, he gave me coffee, and he is a gorgeous guy. On the other, he is connected to magic in some way and is very powerful to.

When I didn't answer, he looked up from his folding, "Max? You okay?" he said in genuine concern and all my defenses crumbled down as I looked into those blue eyes.

"Yeah," I said shaking my muzzle, "No, nothing. I was just planning on sitting on the couch and being a lump for the rest of the night."

"Well," he said, continuing with his folding, "would you like to go to a party with me tonight?"

I was shocked. I didn't know what to do, "Uh, what kind of party is it?"

Jace never looked away from his folding as he spoke, "It's a little party that we are putting on back at the mansion for a gang of other Vallings that are passing through. Maybe, um one hundred, one fifty at most."

"And you call that small!" I said, putting my paw to my forehead and letting out a long breath, "I would like to see what you consider a large party."

Jace smiled another of those crooked smiles, "You obviously have never been invited to Concord."


"Maybe another time Max, but for now," He said with a mischievous grin playing across his face, "would you like to be my date to my party?" He finished folding his napkin and it was an origami rose.


Jace instantly burst out laughing at my reaction as my face started to burn, "You should have seen your face!" he said in-between gasps of air.

"Stop shouting!"

"Oh, please," he said wiping a tear away from his eye, "the Vale conceals us so nobody can hear our conversation." I looked around and noticed that nobody was looking at us. As a matter of fact, some of them were looking right through us. Then I turned to Jace again.

"How did you know I was..."

"Gay? I can smell male musk on you that isn't yours. And before you ask," he said, putting one claw on his nose, "I have enhanced senses so no normal fur could smell it." Then he set the paper rose on the table and grabbed his coffee and took a few gulps.


"Oh, come on, Max," he said in a kind and almost loving way, "just one night is all I ask."

"Ok," I said before I realized what I was saying.

"That's great!" he said, "Take this rose," he said, sliding across the table, "It will be your invitation, and I can guarantee you that you will need one."

I gingerly took the fragile rose, the paper bending from my touch, "So where is this place?"

"Here, take this," he went into his pocket and pulled out a gold coin no bigger than dime and handed it to me. "Simply put it in any parking meter and a black cab will be by in no less than a minute. Show him your invite and he will take you to the mansion." Then he started to get up, leaving the paper on the table.

"Wait!" I said getting up and walking after him, "would you like to, um, come along with the rest of my friends?"

Jace's eyes glittered in gratitude, but something played behind them, "I really would, but I have a little business in the city today that I would like to get finished before tonight. It was nice meeting you, and I hope you can make it to the party. I can guarantee you it will be a night you won't soon forget." He then turned and started for a black cab parked along the side of the road that I hadn't noticed before.

"Would you like a ride to meet up with your friends?" Jace said opening the door and offering to take my paw.

"No," I said quickly, "I don't want to be a burden. I don't want you to be late for your, um, business."

"Are you sure?" he asked, looking up into the sky. "Looks like it's going to snow. I know you're a wolf and all, but it's getting cold. Even I feel a little nippy."

"It's ok," I said, trying to walk away, "I'm not going far."

Jace got a skeptical look on his face, "The closest movie theater is twenty blocks away. If you don't want to get in a cab with me, then I will call one for you."

I suddenly felt like a jerk. I must look like a freighted kid not wanting to get into a stranger's car. Jace didn't look like the kind of guy that would try to hurt you. Actually he looked like the kind of guy that would take a bullet for a complete stranger.

"If you are so concerned," I said, trying to salvage the situation, "I'll go with you." Jace just smiled as I took his paw, and he helped me into the cab.

Jace got in after me, and we were off.


I got out of the shower in the small bathroom in my apartment. The green tile lining the walls and the ceiling was covered in condensation. I grabbed the cream colored towel and started to dry myself off quickly, all the while trying to fight the animalistic urge to shake myself dry. I finished and wrapped my towel around my waist and moved over to the mirror. I rubbed the fog away from the mirror to look at myself.

My eyes washed over my pecs and muscled belly as they rose and fell with my deep calming breaths.

"Ok," I said again, and again calming myself, "Not all magical creatures are bad." I said into my reflection, "He brought you to where you wanted instead of raping you in that cab, you can calm the fuck down." After my heart calmed down for the thousandth time, I walked out of the bathroom, through the living room/kitchen, and to my bed room on the other side.

Jace had said it would be a casual party, but to dress relatively formal to everyday life. He recommended dark washed jeans and a blue dress shirt, but I would go with my favorite pair of jeans. Loose fitting jeans that still hugged my "assets" in the back and my "endowments" in the front. I went to my closet and grabbed a black dress shirt with a yellow stitched design on the breast pocket. I put a black tank top underneath it, just in case the party got a little...hot and wanted to take off my shirt.

I did a once over and decided I was descent, grabbed my leather jacket, and went out the door. As I descended the various flights of stairs, I couldn't help thinking I was making a mistake trying to date a...magical creature. Sure I've done it before, and they were amazing, but none of them really ended with the best results. Meaning we drifted apart, meaning we broke up, meaning they dumped me.

I sighed as I reached the bottom and braced myself for the initial blast of cold as I passed the threshold of the large apartment building. The weather had picked up since I got home; a wind blew and snow fell as I made my way over to the parking meter. I felt around in my jacket pocket for the coin but only found the rose. I went to my other pocket and found the coin wrapped in lint from staying at the bottom of the little leather pouch.

I clenched it in-between my thumb and four claw, not wanting to drop it, and forced it into the parking meter. As I waited, I wrapped my arms around me for warmth, forcing my heat to stay instead of flying off with the wind. Tiny shards of ice hit my eyes and nose in the cold pre-winter air.

What was I going to say when I got to the party? Why didn't I bring any of my friends? Who will be there that I will know? I thought about these questions fluttering around in my head like moths dusting my brain with apprehension, as a sleek shiny cab rolled up to the parking meter. The sheen of the car was undisturbed by even the smallest speck of dirt as if it's black surface would repel it; even the snow avoided the metal like death.

I reached out and froze. I suddenly felt the world around me go unfocused again, and all I could sense was this mass of energy behind me. Its power was suffocating, and it pushed on my lungs like when you are at the bottom of the ocean and all that water threatens to crush you. Fear ripped through my body and paralyzed it. I felt all the hairs on my back go on end, a dark chill ran through me, and it wasn't because of the weather. This energy was much different from Jace's.

"So you are this other Max I've been hearing about," a smooth voice said from behind me. "I hope you don't mind sharing a cab." And that's when I felt two barrels of steel press against my back. "Get in the cab."

I felt my paw shakily move to the handle and open it. It felt like the fear in me was controlling my body. I had no idea if I was under some sort of spell, or if I was just too scared to do anything else but obey. Either way, I got into the cab, leaving the door behind me open as I slid to make room for my assailant. I turned to see two magnums being holstered by some golden paws, and a lion's muzzle come into view.

"Glad I could make your acquaintance," he said, smiling with his pearly teeth, "I just thought I owed you a good scare for taking my coffee." He slid in and extended his paw in one elegant motion. "Maximillion by the way." I looked from his paw to his face and back to his paw again.

"Don't worry, Maximus," he said rolling his eyes, "I mean you no harm."

"You mean you're..." I thought back to my conversation with Jace, "You're Jace's Max?" I gave the guy a once over and if I wasn't so terrified I know my pants would be tented. The guy was gorgeous, and when I say gorgeous, I mean H-O-T fucking hot. He had a mane of slightly darker shade of gold that contrasted quite nicely against his lighter shade of gold fur; he had deep gold eyes that seemed sincere. He was like a golden god wrapped up in a white dress shirt underneath a black dress jacket and dark washed jeans. His black lips were curled into a warm smile, only to show a little bit of his shinning white teeth.

Slowly, my fear started to subside as I extended my paw and took the slightly larger paw into mine. "Hi...Um, so why were you, um late for your meeting with Jace."

The lion ignored me and went to the cab driver, "To the mansion please." Then my blood ran cold. This was the first time I had actually seen the cab driver; he was a skeleton of a bull. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at the skeleton nod and put the cab in gear.

"I overslept."

I looked over to Max who was looking at me, "What?"

"You asked me why I missed my meeting with Jace right?" he said, "I overslept, as simple as that," he said shrugging his shoulders. "I got a booty call the night before and we were up till," he stopped suddenly and looked at the ceiling as he started to scratch his mane in confusion, which he combed back into place with his claws. "Well we started at nine and ended around...around four in the morning."

My eyes bugged out, "You fucked for seven hours!"

Max looked back into my eyes with a look of shock on his face, "No!" he said as if what I said was completely stupid, "We did it about nine times. Yeah, I rocked that bitch like a hurricane."

I suddenly felt something in me droop, he likes girls. Disappointment filled my chest as we turned off of the city roads and onto the highway. "How was she?" I asked in a much more happy tone than I felt.

"She is another seer like you. Little dragon girl with a rebellious streak. Hey," he said changing the subject, "how many pink dragons have you seen?"

"I can't say that I've seen to many dragons before, let alone a pink one."

"Well, she loves pink so much it almost makes me sick," he said, the conversation turning more casual as we moved farther and farther away from the city and more and more into the country. We were actually having a nice talk; Max was a nice guy. Apart from practically drowning me with his aura and pointing two magnums at me, he was alright.

"Jace can be sort of a hard ass," Maximillion was saying, "but he knows how to be an amazing wing man." He razing his paws behind his head, "Yup, nothing says 'great guy' than someone with the masculinity to have a gay guy as a drinking buddy."

"So you know he's..."

Max looked almost shocked. "He's like my best friend," he said, "Of course I know. Everyone on the team knows. Sure, there were some hick-ups here and there, but we got over it. Not like it matters."

"So..." I felt embarrassment rip through my heart, "you know I'm..."

Max rolled his eyes, "Come on now Max," he said, "the only reason Jace would invite you would be because he would know you were gay. That, and he told me, he told all of us. You needn't worry. If anybody gives you a bad time," he pulled out his magnums and clicked the safeties off in one fluid motion, "I'll take care of them. What are friends for?" Then he quickly put his guns away in his belt, "One more thing, You break his heart, I'll break your face." Max looked into my eyes, the golden light from them burning into me.

I gave a hard gulp. "What if he breaks my heart?"

Max's eyes sort of looked away, and he brought a paw to his chin, "I never really thought about that. I've never really thought of Jace as a heart breaker. He's always seemed untouchable, so hard and cool." He shook his head. "He would never purposely try to break your heart, and if he does, I would probably be a little proud," I felt my head droop, "but really pissed off."

I looked back up and saw the sincerity in his eyes. "Jace is better than that. He would try to let anyone down gently, unless he thought he was a jerk." Max's muzzle turned into a wicked grin. "He would humiliate the guy if he was an ass. I remember this one time he brought this one guy to a gay bar and tied him to a pole and put a note on him that said 'BJ's for one dollar'. I laughed so hard when I saw that."

"Really," I said chuckling, "he really did that?" Before Max could answer, the car pulled up to a dirt road and stopped. The door silently opened, and I knew this was the end of our little cab ride. Max opened the door and offered his paw. I grabbed it, and he helped me out, the gravel crunching under my shoes. As soon as I got out, the cab door closed by itself, and the car drove away.

"Don't we need to pay Mister Skeleton?" Max didn't answer as he guided me down the dirt road. I couldn't help but blush as we walked, our arms linked. I had never actually met a guy so comfortable in his sexuality to link arms with another guy.


"Yes, Max?" the lion asked, a soft smile playing across his face.

"Aren't you afraid of...being made fun of for...well," I squeezed his arm, and he looked down, understanding what I was trying to say.

"Well," he said running his other paw through his bangs in fake arrogance, "when you have a reputation like mine, no one dares make fun of you."


"Max, let me tell you something." He used his free paw to make my eyes lock with his. "Don't let anyone tell you how to run your life. What's the point of being beautiful, powerful, and popular when you can't do what you want? I'm never going to let a few people ruin my life style simply because they disapprove." Then he squeezed my arm, "And this is because I know how to treat people the way they want to be treated." I felt my face burn, "Don't tell me you don't want me." He said sarcastically and we both laughed at that. One, because of the fake arrogance, and because it would be ridiculous if you didn't want him. He had that allure to him of the "unobtainable" variety.

"So are you going to shoot me and leave me in the woods to die," I started, "or are we going to be getting to the mansion any time soon?" Max chuckled.

"I thought you were a seer," he said. "The mansion is glamored; can't you see it?"

I frowned, but I looked into the distance, focusing farther down the road. That's when I felt this blast of power shoot through me, and I would have went head over heels if Max wasn't there to support me. Then a blast of light assaulted my vision. Golden light illuminated the forest, pouring out from in front of me from some immeasurable amount of power.

The first sense that came back to me was sound because I could hear Max laughing next to me. The next was touch because a blast of heat came roaring from the energy, almost like a summer breeze, I had to take off my jacket it was so hot. My vision started to clear and I could see a court yard filled with masses of energy. Elegantly cut hedges and flowers were arranged in a swirling pattern. The masses of energy were the next things to come into focus, at least twenty to thirty magical furs were scattered around the courtyard, all laughing, eating, and drinking. My eyes went wide in awe as the actual mansion came into focus. Brick walls covered with honeydew and various other wall scaling flowers with hundreds of windows pouring light into the courtyard, some floating spheres of light illuminating the rest of the dark corners of the front yard.

I could catch glimpses of other furs silhouetted in the windows all over the building as Max guided me through the cream stoned pathways.

"Get your invite ready," Max whispered into my ear. I almost didn't hear him as I was still wrapped up in the visual anesthetics.

"Hey, Max!" a girlish voice shouted, and I turned. "How you doin', I haven't seen you in forever." I looked at her confused. She was a beautiful snow leopard clothed in a beautiful black silk dress.

"Hey, Jessica!" Max said behind me, and I instantly knew she wasn't talking to me, and I felt my cheeks burn again for the umpteenth time. I felt Max redirect us over to the small group of furs where Jessica was.

"I didn't know you swung both ways," a tall, bulky polar bear said in a teasing way. "How about a little alone time after this is all over sheet biter."

Max just smiled, and Jessica gave the Bear a hit that seemed more powerful than the dainty leopard could do, because the bear shouted in pain, "Actually," Max started, "this is Jace's date for tonight, and I don't think he would be to appreciative if you insulted him."

"See, Brian," Jessica said, hitting him again, "I told you, you were wrong." Then she turned to me and extended her paw for me to either shake or kis--I wasn't too sure which, "The name is Jessica by the way," she said with much more eloquence than before. "Nice to make your acquaintanceship."

I looked from her extended paw to Max, who gave a "kiss it you fool" look, and I, as eloquently as I could, took her paw and kissed it. "Maximus," Damn it, "but you can call me Max." I quickly corrected myself.

Jessica gave a sigh, "Oh, two Maxes. Both as charming as the other." She looked over to Brian, "If you want to salvage the conversation and not have your ass kicked by Jace, then I suggest you apologize." Brian grumbled a quick apology, not making eye contact and turned back into the crowd of other arctic furs.

"Jessica," Max asked, "do you know where Jace is? I don't want to keep his date waiting."

Jessica gave me another once over, and she gave a soft smile to Max, "Aw," she started, "you are so sweet to do this for him." Then she looked up and to the side and put one paw to her chin as if in deep thought. "The last time I saw him was in the Mansion. He was greeting us in the grand foyer, but that was at least a half hour ago. He must have moved on. I suggest looking in the living room or out back on the dance floor. You know how he is: he can't sit still, and he doesn't give up the chance of a dance with a beautiful stranger."

"Thanks, Jessica," Max said, "and when you're done mingling, how about you come out back for a dance."

Jessica half turned and started walking back to the crowd of furs and talked over her shoulder, "Sorry, Max, but I learned my lesson the first time. Never dance with a player; you will never be able to lead." And with that she vanished into the crowd of arctic furs. I looked up to see a look of what seemed like frustration on Max's face, but it was too subtle to tell. He mustn't be too use to rejection.

"Shall we be on our way?" he asked, preventing me from asking questions, "Jace will be waiting for you." Before I could respond, he whisked me away, our arms linked. I could tell he was a little miffed, but he got over it quickly as girl after girl shouted his name and beckoned him over, but he told all of them he needed to escort me to Jace before he got worried.

Finely we reached the door, two elegant statues of armored wolves on either side of the door, each holding a halberd. "Max," the lion whispered in my ear, "present your invitation." I quickly pulled out the paper rose and the heads of the statues snapped to it. I stifled a yelp as the statues moved until each grabbed a handle of the double doors and opened them for us, washing us in light from inside.

"Max," the statues said in unison, "Jace is waiting for you on the dance floor in the back yard of the mansion."

"Well," I said dumfounded, "that's convenient."

"Do you still want me to take you to him?" Max asked.

I thought about it and found it would be kind of silly to be passed off all the time like a baton in a relay race, "No, I think I can find my way."

"You sure? You think you can make it without running into trouble?"

I suddenly had second thoughts, but I shook them out of my head, "No, I'll be fine. Thanks Max, maybe we could meat up and talk later."

"Maybe," he said looking over his shoulder, "if I'm not occupied by then." He gave a little smile, and I chuckled.

"Ok, Max," I said, pulling away, "see you around."

"Maybe on the dance floor." Then he turned and talked over his shoulder, "Not with me of course. I don't want you wasting your time trying to woo me. Trust me when I say many men have tried, all of them have failed."

I just rolled my eyes. "Self-flattery isn't very attractive Max."

Max turned away, but still talked to me, "It's worked thus so far." And just then another girl hailed him over, and this time, he obliged, and I knew that was the end of our conversation. I turned and suddenly felt very alone standing in the archway, but then I heard the statues closing the doors and before they could close the doors on my tail I jumped out of the way.

Furs and scalies filled the foyer. The most prominent was a male fox, completely shirtless and showing how he could belly dance to his friends, all of them holding some sort of drink and cheering him on. Then when he was done everyone gave a simultaneous cheer and drained their drinks. That's when a male mountain lion grabbed the fox and trapped him in a lip lock and everyone in the circle gave a woot. I turned and walked into the side room, the walls were paneled with dark wood, fluffy carpet under my...bare feet! Where had my shoes gone? I decided I would look for them later.

I looked around the room for a back door, and I found an archway leading to what looked like a kitchen. I was just about to go through the door when I heard someone say, "Hey, you!" It was a British girl's voice. I turned around and hoped whoever said that wasn't trying to talk to me.

I saw a Kangaroo wearing a deep violet dress that complimented her violet eyes. Her fur was a cream color, and she was pointing to me, indicating that I was definitely the person she was talking about, "Yeah, you. Come over here for a sec," and with that, the girls crowded around her giggled and snickered. That was a huge red flag, but I still went over to the girl, ignoring my initial instinct to run.

"What do you want?" I asked in a polite way.

"I want to show you something." She said getting up from the sofa she was sitting on and cupped my muzzle in her paws. I smelt cigarettes and alcohol on her breath and I really didn't want her to kiss me. I was about to push her away when she started talking again, "Just look deeply into my eyes." Another red flag. Whenever someone says something like that, it is never a good thing, but I did it anyway. Those light violet eyes looked into mine and I saw something in them changing, a swirl of energy.

"So, big guy," She said in an almost seductive tone, "what's your name?"

"M-Maximus" I stammered, "but please call me Max." That's when I saw something cross her features.

"Shit!" She tossed my head away, grabbed one of the grills in the crowd and locked eyes with her. I stumbled into a female raccoon and stammered out an apology just in time to hear a bloodcurtailing scream. I turned to see the Lynx that the Kangaroo had locked eyes with was huddled in a ball on the floor and foaming from the mouth, her pink dress in bunches around her as she tried to control herself.

"Sorry, Alexis," The roo said.

"Jewel!" the raccoon behind me shouted, "If what you said was true...then she..."

"Yeah," she said, bundling the girl up in her arms, "I'll get her to Doc. Don't worry, she will be as good as new in a few minutes."

"Why didn't you just do it to the guy!" a pudgy panda girl squealed, "He's a nobody, you didn't need to do that to poor Alexis."

"Yeah," Jewel said, rolling her violet eyes, "and fry Jace's date's mind before he even got to party with him, no thanks. You girls might be crazy, but I'm not about to get myself killed."

The other girls suddenly got really quiet and took a step away from me. Almost as if they were afraid to touch me. I heard a round of sorrys and even some of them fell to their knees in shock.

"I..." I didn't know what to say, "Um..."

Jewel rolled her eyes again, "Follow me," she said, "I'll take you to Jace. Him and Doc are talking by the dance floor."

I was about to say something, but Jewel just walked off through the archway into the kitchen. I looked around to all the girls, gave a little nod and followed her. The kitchen was empty apart from a few boxes of untouched pizzas and some sodas. I just entered the kitchen to see Jewel's tail leave through another archway. I ran to catch up and when I entered the next room I found it was the grand dining area and there was a drinking contest going on between a grizzly bear and a gigantic tiger. The tiger was shirtless, but the bear in nothing but his underwear. They both were guzzling glass pitchers of beer. There was a bunch of other guys with smaller glasses all cheering on their favorite. They both had about the same amount of people behind each other, but that made it hard to make my way through them. But Jewel had no problem.

She jumped up onto the table and made her way down the table holding the Lynx in her arms. All of the guys whistled and shouted that she take a little of her dress off. I just tried to force my way through the crowd, quickly falling behind Jewel. I was about half way down the table when all the men around me booed and all the other on the other side cheered. I looked to see the tiger had finished his pitcher and the bear had a few gulps left in his.

"That's it," the tiger said in an Australian accent that made me shiver, but it was not even slurred, "take it all off."

The bear grumbled, then burped and got up from his seat and grabbed his boxers and pulled them down, exposing his big, furry, brown bubble butt. Most of the guys in the room looked away, but a good majority zoned in on the furry ass and the crotch of the big grizzly.

"Hey!" I turned to see Jewel looking at me from the archway leading to the next room, the two glass doors leading to the next room wide open. "Quit your gawking and hurry your ass up!" she shouted and turned and started on without me. I shook my head and got the lust out of it and forced my way forward, but as I reached the doorway I turned to get one last look at the exposed grizzly to find he had pulled back on his boxers and was now trying to pull his pants back on. Aw...

I turned to see Jewel opening some double doors with a free hand at the back of the mansion. I looked over to the side where a floor to ceiling window was showing the backyard. Tones of furs and scalies grinding and dancing on...WATER! They were all dancing on top of a pool, all of them walking on water. I did a double take, but another look from Jewel stopped me from gawking, and I followed her.

As soon as I got outside, music assaulted my ears, an upbeat song, a good song for grinding and just jumping up and down to. The air smelled of honeysuckle and lilac as we entered the dancing aria. Various tables and chairs were positioned all around the pool, two bars on either side of the pool, both crowded with furs and scalies trying to get drinks. The dance floor was illuminated by those floating balls of light, and even some flying furs zipped and dove around in the air.

Jewel kept walking, and I tried to look in all directions as I walked, trying to take in all that I was seeing as we headed for a table where a koala in silk robes was sitting with a gorgeous black wolf. Jace was wearing a deep violet dress shirt with black jeans with a pair of black dress shoes.

Jace looked up for just a second, then did a double take and stood up, "Jewel!" he shouted, "What on earth did you do!"

"Oh, shove it, Jace," She dumped the girl on the table and turned to the koala, "You know the drill, Doc."

"Jewel," Doc said in exasperation, "please don't tell me you..."

"Yes," she interrupted then turned to Jace to silence him, "Don't' worry about it happening again. Save the lecture for tomorrow. I'm going back to the party, and before you ask," she pulled a viel of what looked like shredded leaves, "I got the incense for the spell. Shouldn't take you more than three minutes to cure her since the spell was so recent." Then she turned to me and bowed a little, "Sorry about before, I didn't know who you were, and I hope we can put this little incident behind us." She said it as if it was my entire fault, but I didn't have the nerve to actually fight back. Then, in a swirl of fabric, she was past us and headed back to the double glass doors.

"What was that all about?" Jace looked up from the girl on the table and into my eyes.

"Max!" he said elatedly and came over to take my hand, "I'm so glad you could make it."

"Well," I started and scratched the back of my head with my other paw, "it wasn't the easiest getting here, but now that I found you it seems well worth it." I mentally slapped myself, that was really corny.

Jace smiled and started pulling me towards the dance floor, "Flattery will get you anywhere." I was about to say something like, "I can't dance.", but I was soon engulfed in bodies. That's when I looked down and saw I was actually standing on the water...and my shoes were back. Jace looked back at me and he smiled, "The mansion knows when you will need your shoes and when you don't. They will appear when you go outside and disappear when you go inside."

"Oh," I said, feeling stupid, "Well, what type of dance do you..."

"There is no type," he said, "At least not yet, just free style." And he put his paws in the air and started to grind his hip against my thigh. I instantly felt my face flare up again.

"Come on," he said in an inviting tone, "just do as I do, and break off into your own thing when you're ready. I'm not going to let my date drown on the dance floor." And he smiled at his little pun. I didn't get it at first, but when I did I chuckled a little.

"Clever," I said, looking at the water underneath me and warming up to the music, "how about this." And I started to grind against him.

"Not bad, not bad at all," he said with a sly smile on his face, "The guys at the Raised Tail would be full heartedly impressed."

"The Raised Tail?" I said, laughing, "Isn't that a gay strip bar?"

"Yeah," Jace said, starting to get a little bolder. He started to slink his way around me. All the while he never stopped touching me, "I used to work there before I was discovered as a Valling."

"Oh, so you were a bar tender?"

Jace smiled one of his crooked smiles, "Not exactly," he half said half chuckled, "I was much more entertaining than that." I suddenly felt my face burn again. Damn, how does he know just what to say to make my cheeks flare up.

He twisted me around so we were face to face again, and he had his paws on my ass and forced our bodies together. Not like we had much choice though--the dance floor was packed--but I found I was enjoying it a little more than I should have. Our noses were less than an inch away as our bodies ground against each other. I looked into Jace's sparkling ocean eyes, and I felt my face burn up again. I had to look up a little, but I felt like I was looking up into the night sky as I looked into those beautiful sparkling eyes. That's when everything came crashing down.


Jace's face rammed into mine, our muzzles painfully hitting each other's. "Watch where you're going, you little fag!" a deep and gruff voice shouted from behind Jace. Instantly, I saw all the love and glitter fade from Jace's eyes as they became as hard as steel.

"You ran into us, Kyle." Jace said, turning to face the ruby red chameleon.

Kyle seemed unfazed as Jace yelled at him, "As you can see," he started, "my back scales are rumpled, so obviously you bumped into my back."

"Kyle, you little ass hole," Jace said, "just leave me alone, and nobody will get hurt."

Kyle looked angry, his yellow green eyes flaring out, "You wanna go, fag?"

I saw Jace tense up, ready to pounce, and I grabbed onto his shoulder to stop him. "Don't," I said in a calming voice. "He's just bating you."

Jace's body eased up a bit, and he pointed a clawed finger at Kyle. "I know how to settle this," he said, a dark grin playing across his face. "You, me, one on one. Dance off."

Some of the furs and scalies around us had stopped dancing to listen to the conversation, and when they heard Jace say "Dance off," a simultaneous "Oooo," rippled through the crowd. Kyle looked trapped; he either accepted and had to dance against Jace, or declined and looked like a fool. The latter was an impossibility, it seemed, for someone as prideful as Kyle.

Without a second of hesitation, Kyle spat on his hand and extended it. "Fair enough," and Jace did the same, and Kyle looked disgusted when Jace did it. He must have thought Jace wouldn't shake back, but he did.

Kyle recovered quickly and the music came to halt. "Everyone off the dance floor," he shouted. "I'm going first." Kyle let go of Jace's paw and Jace escorted me off the dance floor. The tile around the pool filled out with furs and scalies quickly, the two bars getting swamped with orders. The pool was completely emptied except for Kyle who stood in the center.

"Prepare the Masses," he shouted, "by A Change of Pace!" Then he looked down at the water and waited for the music to start. I didn't know who he was talking to; I didn't see any DJ, but the music seemed to come from nowhere, so I guess the DJ was invisible too. In a few seconds I heard the beatings of a war drum, in a constant marching pace, and when each beat hit, a ripple went through the water.

I felt my fur stand on end as I felt a power radiate from Kyle. the spikes going from the crown of his head to the tip of his tail, like a Mohawk, stood on end and vibrated as his energy pulsed from him with the marching pace of the music. That's when I saw two bulbs, two heads made of water slowly starting to come out of the pool. Quickly two humans, one female with long flowing hair, and a man with a built frame, stood on the water, completely made of water. Then the words started and hundreds of other heads stared to form behind the two figures. Behind both of the two armies formed, one battalion of warriors in battle formation.

Prepare the masses, 'cause this means war

and if it's a fight they want well bring the hell their looking for.

With bullets blazing, the cowards hit the floor.

Stand up and fight like men let god decide who's goin'

As soon as the last verse was said the boy and girl humans ran for each other and embraced in a kiss, but the battalions behind them clashed together and they exploded in a pillar of water and on top of it all was Kyle, curled up in a ball spinning until he pulled himself open and continued to dance. Soldiers ripping out of the water and attacking him while he dodged them with quick yet amazing dance moves.

I stood there and looked at the specitcal, maw agape, "H-h-how c-c-can he do that?"

"Pft," Jace scoffed, "That's nothing. If this is the best he's got, this was over before it started." I looked over to him to see if he was joking; I had never seen such elegant use of magic before. Kyle may be a jerk, but he could use his magic in a beautiful way. When I saw that Jace wasn't impressed in the slightest, I started to think that Jace was a little full of himself, but that had never come across him before. I turned to see Kyle high in the air, a ring of soldiers aiming rifles at him and when they shot, they hit him in an explosion of water, showering him in a display of crystal droplets as the music hit a final cord and the marching sound came back. The pillar sinking back into the pool and the battalions reforming with the two humans dead on the floor. Then the soldiers started to sink back into the water as Kyle slowly made his dissent and landed elegantly on his feet, completely dry, and with an air of confidence.

"Beat that, fag!" he said, walking off the dance floor, and two girls instantly ran to his side to get under each of his arms. One was a cream rabbit and the other was a black cat, and both were giggling profusely.

Jace just gave one of his signature crooked smiles and walked onto the dance floor, "This one's for you, Kyle." Then he turned to me and blew a kiss. I felt my face burn up and a few people looked my way.

"Dancing Queen," he said to no one in particular, "and keep the beet high." The spheres of light in the air started to move and sift and change. All the spheres changed into large diamond shaped crystals that formed into a large chandelier above the pool. Then each stared to fade to black...until the sweep of the keyboard happened at the beginning of the song and one by one the crystals blasted into different color, each reacting to a different note of the keyboard.

My mind was blown in less than the first second of the song, I didn't even notice the change in energy. The power radiating through the air felt so natural and inviting that I almost didn't notice it. The dark water under Jace instantly lit up as beams of light shot down from the crystal chandelier, changing the water into different colors and Jace grabbed onto the beams like they were poles and used them to dance and build momentum.

I could hardly contain myself, I really wanted to just jump onto the dance floor and start dancing with him. Then some of the crystals shifted and shot beams into the crowd, washing the aria in a rainbow of colors, and I could see some people already dancing in the light show. I looked up into the sky to see lasers parsing the night like sabers as they shot onto the endless sky. Then all the stars in the sky started to shiver and shape until they were different colors and forming constellations. They were people dancing with each other, and the show wasn't wasted because I saw others stopping to look up into the sky.

All of the celestial bodies were grinding together until they were all one gigantic ball of glittering lights. Then one speck of black was seen in front of it, dancing to the music, his body spinning and flipping in the air. Then the lights around him blasted sideways until they shaped into beautiful crystal wings. Jace dive bombed down to the stage to hover above the chandelier as the song started to come to an end. Jace razed his paw and I saw all the tiny crystals sifting around him, all moving at a rapid pace as if they were all dancing with him until he snapped his fingers on the last cord. It was far away, but I could hear him snap as if it was right next to me, and all the crystals exploded into a shockwave of glittering dust as Jace dropped through them.

The entire dance floor was silent, everyone was speechless, and even Kyle looked completely dumfounded. Jace walked off of the dance floor and the place was now lit by thousands of little crystals that zipped by and lazily hovered around. He came right over to me, he was completely covered in sweat from working so hard and grabbed me and pulled me into a deep kiss. Seeing as my maw was completely open from being completely awestruck, it wasn't hard for him to dive for my tonsils.

My mind erupted in cheering as I felt my senses assaulted by the kiss, my mind going a little dizzy and I fell into Jace's arms. I started to kiss back and I melted into his strong arms as I immersed myself in him. His strong hard muscles, and his heavy musky sent. Then all too soon Jace pulled away, panting hard and smiling. Then the world came back into focus and I saw Kyle looking completely rejected as the two girls that were wrapped in his arms ran over and the crowd roared in excitement. Jace gave another smile and then lifted his paw, and I saw light sift into a crystal megaphone.

"Now you see, Kyle," he said into the megaphone, his voice booming over the entire back yard, "you can't come into my house without getting," he pointed the megaphone to the crowd and they all shouted, "Served!" Jace threw the phone up into the air, snapped, and the phone exploded in a blast of rainbow fire. Then he shot Kyle the bird while pulling me into another kiss, my ears ringing as all the blood rushed to my head.

When he pulled away, again, a little too quickly for my liking, he extended a paw. "Would you like to dance?" This time my face didn't flare up.

"Okay." And I dumbly followed him back onto the dance floor, cringing a little as I stepped down onto the water. I just couldn't fight the feeling like I was about to fall through, but just like before I was walking on water. The dance floor started to fill up again and the next two hours was a blur of dancing and free cold drinks from other guys, even some girls, at the bars that were hitting on Jace, and ME! Some came with notes that professed love, but Jace just politely declined, and some of them were...less than appropriate. Some asking if we wanted to retire to a room for the night. The 'i' in retire was dotted with a heart.

After a while a few slips of paper were settled at the bottom of the pool and we were sitting at a table together with some drinks, "So," I started after a long drink of my beer, "how did you do that?"

Jace finished a swig of his beer. "What?"

"That thing with the crystals." I blurted out, "I've been dying to know."

Jace started to ring the mouth of his mug with his finger, "Well," he started, "Vallings are very special creatures indeed. We do have the ability to use universal spells like some of what you've seen already, but we are gifted with a special technique to all of us. To some of us, it is generic like Kyle and Max's ability to manipulate water and shape shift."

"Wait," I said shaking my head, "we talking about your Max?"

"Yeah," he said with a sigh, "sorry you had to meet that way, but he can be kind of...theatrical."

"It's ok, he was only theatrical at the beginning, but after that he was good company. Anyway, he can transform, so he just makes himself look like a model."

"No," Jace said sighing, "he really looks like that. He's just a reminder to all guys like us that women have all the fun."

"Well," I said, chuckling, "he certainly is a gift to women everywhere."

"You got that right." Jace said and took another swig of his drink.

"So," I said, my excitement and curiosity bleeding into my voice, "you were saying?"

"Oh, yeah," he lifted his paw and small threads of light started to swirl in his palm, "You know how light acts like a particle and a wave. Well I can force the energy of the wave to wrap around the particle part of its wave and it becomes this," he moved his paw closer to me to emphasize what he was talking about, "and since the energy of the partials of light are both positive and negative when in particle form they are attracted to each other into a crystalline form." Then the threads of light started to sift and fall together until a small, topaz crystal floated in Jace's pam and glowed with a golden light.

"Wow," I breathed as I watched the perfectly cut crystal simmer and glow, illuminating Jace's face, "that's amazing." I looked around at all the glittering dust particles, like a flowing nebula, "All of these things are..."

"Yup," Jace said looking up at his work, "I hardly even need to focus to allow the particles to roam freely like they do now. It's all so second nature to me now." That's when a black crystal came across my vision, floating in front of my face and literally darkening the area. It was an onyx gem, black as midnight and left a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Jace looked at the crystal and then looked around, "Sorry," he stated, "that one isn't mine." Then he got up, and walked over to me and grabbed the gem and it gave and audible hiss as he touched it, "But I know whose it is," he said almost as a sigh, and not the bad kind of sigh either.

"Well," I said, the curiosity biting into me, "whose is it?"

"Nobody you need to know of right now." That's when I started to hear something; it was soft, but it was eerie. It almost sounded like a music box.

"Do you hear that?" I said, listening harder.

"Hear what?" Jace said, almost a little too fast in response.

"That...music box melody. Don't tell me you don't hear it; you told me you had heightened senses."

"I'd prefer if we didn't talk about that right now," Jace said, his eyes losing some of their glitter and getting a cold edge to them. His voice stayed level and calm, but some of the softness of it was lost.

"Ok," I said, sensing something, and I got up to help Jace get over it, then it hit me. Wave after wave of anger and jealousy nailed me from behind. Everything went out of focus, and all I could see was this absence of light behind me. It was dark and powerful. Icicles slashed through my heart, and ice ran up my spine as every hair on my body stood on end. I literally thought I was going to die from the sheer force of aura rolling off of the creature in the shadows.

I froze and fell into Jace's arms. I couldn't control anything in my body; it was so...dark. It was as if the miasma of the creature behind me was leaching the life right out of me. All the heat left my body and I felt my blood run cold. It felt like I would never be warm again. Is this what death feels like, dark and cold?


I couldn't make out what Jace was saying, it was as if someone stuffed my ears with frozen cotton balls.


I felt my jaw chattering, trying to form words, "J-j-j-j-a-a-ssss?"

"m..." Then my hearing was cut off, and all I could hear was this eerie music box melody. It was soft and alluring, and then a cold voice sliced through the silence and into the deepest most personal confindes of my brain.

"Who the hell do you think you are," it growled, "taking him from me?" Before I could respond the voice continued, "I'm not here to hurt you, Max, but if you break this man's heart," the music hit a sour note and stopped, "I will shatter your mind into a thousand pieces and force you into this dark cold for the rest of your miserable life." The darkness started to recede, but before it did, the voice said one last thing, "Now," it said in a much more normal tone, "Let's have a much more formal greeting."

And all my senses came flooding back and I was looking into a pair of emerald eyes and a snow white muzzle.

"He'll be fine," he said in a relieved voice, "I think my aura was a bit of a shock for him. Now that I'm suppressing it he should be fine." Then I saw Jace, his glittering blue eyes meeting mine and I instently felt a warm energy buzz through me.

"Damn it, Charles," he said while never taking his eyes off of me, "why didn't you try to suppress your aura before you came to talk to us. His mind almost shattered under the weight of your aura."

"I'm sorry, Jace," he said a little hurt, "I didn't mean to hurt him."

"I know you didn't," he said, a little annoyed, and he gathered me in his arms. "Come on," he said, "I'm taking you home."

"No!" I shouted a little louder than I wanted to, "I mean I feel fine." I started to get up on my own, my legs a little shaky, but stable.

"You sure?" he said with genuine concern, "I don't want you overexerting yourself...mmf!" I pounced on him and locked him into a deep kiss, and I felt warmth bloom in my chest as I felt Jace's aura flood through me.

I pulled away and looked up into those deep blue eyes, "I'm fine, Jace, as long as I have someone like you to help me back up." I heard a few aw's and then I felt my face burn up. I looked around and saw that a crowd of furs hand formed around to see what all the commotion was all about.

"Sorry about that," I heard someone say behind me and I turned to see those emerald eyes again, "I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to make my presence known." The snow white wolf was scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Well," Jace said in a much happier tone, "since you're hear, Max, this is my best friend and team mate, Charles."

"Um...Nice to meet you Charles," I said and extended my paw, "I'm Max...I guess I'm just Jace's date." I gave a weak laugh, and Charles happily took my paw, chuckling a little. I felt that chill go up my spine again, and I knew that this was the guy that was in my head. I felt a pang of fear in my heart, but then the cold subsided, and I only felt Charles warm paw.

"Nice to meet you, but there was no need to tell me your name. Everybody here knows your name."

I cocked my head, "Really?"

"Anybody that catches Jace's eye is an instant hot topic of conversation. Hope you are enjoying the party. I just got off of guard duty so I guys you guys will be seeing a little bit more of me." Then he turned to Jace, "I did see your little dance off. That was amazing."

Jace slightly narrowed his eyes, "Aren't you supposed to find Jewel and put her on guard duty?"

Jace's eyes drooped a bit, "Still angry, huh?"

"Gee," Jace said, rolling his eyes, "what gave you that idea." Then Jace's eyes softened, and he put a paw on Charles shoulder, "But don't let me ruin the party for you. As I recall, Jessica is here. Why don't you go talk to her?"

"Ok," he said, a little deflated, but he instantly looked back up, "but you have to promise me one dance with your date tonight before it's over."

"How about this," he said, looking him straight in the eye, "if you so much as touch Max again tonight, I will kick your ass so hard you aren't going to be able to sit down for a week."

Charles eyes instantly got steely hard. He took in a deep breath but he thought better of it and then he stormed off.

"So what did he say to you?" Jace said, looking back at me when Charles disappeared into the mansion.


"Don't play dumb with me, Max," Jace said, guiding me to the bar. "What did Charles say to you when you were in your trance."

"Oh...um..." I felt a chill go up my spin just thinking about it, "He said...um...that if I broke your heart he would...um...break my mind and force me into this dark cold forever."

Jace's eyes softened a bit, and he pulled me in close for a hug, "I'm sorry," he said into my ear, "he can be very...protective. If he ever does put you into that darkness, I can pull you right out, so don't worry. As a matter of fact," he pulled away and pulled out the topaz gem from before and put it on the shark tooth on my necklace, "this will prevent him from going into you ever again." I heard a high pitched whine, and then the gem was melded to the shark tooth.

"There," he exclaimed, "it matches your eyes." I felt myself blush, but shook the burning away.

"You wanna dance?" I said as a slower song came on, Somebody to Love by Queen.

Jace listened for a moment to the music. "I thought you would never ask." This time I lead Jace to the dance floor, not even flinching as I stepped onto the water. I then pulled him close and started to sway back and forth as the opening cords faded to the guitar solo.

I then laid my muzzle on Jace's shoulder and wrapped my arms around him harder, not wanting to let him go, "Jace?"


"I've had this question ever since I you invited me to this party."

"Um hmm?"

"Well, why me?" Jace gently pulled me away and looked me in the eyes with confusion flooding his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...um..." Jace lifted my muzzle with his index claw when my gaze fell.

"Now, now, none of that shy stuff." I felt my face blush.

"Well," I said clearing my throat and gaining confidence, "I just wanted to know why you chose me instead of going with...well." I looked off into the crowd of furs, "All of these people fawn over you like you are some god or something. You didn't need to stick your neck out and take the chance on me. How did you even know I would show up? What I'm trying to say is that you have infinite choices and possibilities. You can have any girl and almost every guy here, so why choose me?"

Jace's eyes looked almost sad, "Why do you do that?"


"You constantly put yourself down," he said. "You are more beautiful, more poise, and you definitely have more common sense than anyone here. Why do you constantly put yourself down like that?"

"Please," I started, my throat choking up, "don't avoid the question."

"I'm not avoiding the question, Max," he said with his eyes glittering, "and I chose you because you are humble." When I didn't say anything, but knit my eyebrows in confusion, he continued, "You have the muscle, you have the beauty, you even have the eyes for arrogance, but for some reason you are void of all of that. Everyone here thinks they are more than worthy to be my mate, but you...you treated me like someone you just met on the street. You treat all people with respect, and you choose to be kind and sensitive about other people's wants and desires. I can tell you would do that for anybody, and I couldn't help myself to see more of it in action. And above all," he said, gripping my ass, "you have got to be one of the sexiest guys I've ever seen."

That was it, I melted into him as the music blasted into the chorus. "You got all of that from having coffee with me?"

Jace gave another one of those cooked smiles, and I don't know how, but I melted further into his arms. He responded by pulling me in closer, and we were back in our swaying embrace. Then for the third time, I felt his aura. It wrapped around me like a warm blanket taken off the close line and heated in the summer sun. I took in Jace's sent and let off a soft murr as I smelt his potent musk.

I don't know how long we stood there like that, but it ended all too soon as the music came to its final chord. It felt like I was waking up from a very pleasant dream as Jace pulled away from me and held me at arm's length.

"You wanna," he nodded his head towards the mansion; "go upstairs and..." Another crooked smile parted his maw.

I fell back into his arms and nuzzled his chin. "I thought you would never ask." Jace let out a soft murr, and he gathered me up in his arms and carried me off the dance floor. When he reached the door, the dark spaces between the doors lit up, and they slowly opened. We were back in the mansion, and the halls were still filled with people, some passed out, but most were talking, yelling, and screaming and dancing to the music that was floating from nowhere.

Like the red sea, the people parted to let Jace carry me through and to the main foyer where two passed out guys were on the stairs. Jace stepped right over them and continued to the upper levels, which were relatively empty except for a few bedrooms.

"My room is right over here," he said, bringing me to the farthest room on the left. "Do you mind if I shadow us in?"

"Whatever makes you happy." I said, nuzzling his bicep that was swollen with the strain of holding me. The hall was relatively dark because of the lack of lights being on and all the sudden I had this sinking feeling...literally. I looked as we sunk into the throw rug and the dark wood on the floor. Soon we were two blobs in a shadowy world and we quickly moved into a dark chamber, and then as soon as it happened, it was over and we 'surfaced' in a bedroom.

"This is it," he said, leaning over to kiss me as he laid me on the black silk of the bed. I started to kiss back as he started to lean in on me and into the kiss. Jace started to grind against me as he took control of the kiss and ravished my mouth. My tail, which was pressed into the sheets, was desperately trying to wag as I pushed our muzzles harder together. Jace pulled away, and we both gasped for breath. and I was instantly assaulted by Jace's sent. I shot up to lick his nose.

"Excited, Max?" he asked, leaning in for another kiss. My answer was to quickly close the distance, and this time, I invaded his maw. He tasted of beer, rosemary, and strawberries; it was a strange combination that tasted fantastic. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled our bodies together and felt Jace's weight press against my body as he laid on me. I felt his soft fur and hard chest under his dress shirt.

Suddenly an animalistic hunger came over me, I needed to see that chest of his, I needed to feel every part of that hard muscled chest. I grabbed onto the front of his dress shirt and tor it open, some of the onyx buttons flying into the air as I tore it open revealing his black undershirt. Damn it! Why did he have to wear an undershirt! I broke the kiss and bit down onto the fabric of the shirt and tore it apart with my fangs. I only managed to tear off half of the shirt, but it was still enough to expose one completely erect nipple and one of his abs. I shot for that nub of black flesh and started to lick and nip at Jace's thick nipple, all the while taking in his sent. Heat rolled out of his arm pit and a sweaty musk came from him.

"Damn, Max." Jace murred, "That's Ohhhhhh." He moaned in pleasure as I used my other hand to grope his package. It was huge! I felt his sheath through his pants, and it had to at least be ten inches--and that was still soft.

"Hey, big guy," I said into his nipple, "why don't you return the favor?" He heard me loud and clear, and he pushed me onto the bed and he pinned me by the shoulders. I looked at his wet fur around his nipple and his sweat matted fur. His chest was heaving and I couldn't help but reach out and touch his still hidden chest and caress his still bound nipple with my other paw. Jace grabbed my shirt and tore it open revealing the tank top underneath. Jace grabbed onto the neck of the shirt and tore it to ribbons with his sharp claws.

I let out a sigh at the feeling of being freed by Jace's superior strength. I felt my sheath swell with excitement and Jace started to tweak my nipples, my sweat making it hard to grip them. Jace looked deep into my eyes and his crocked smile was back, "This returning the favor enough for ya?" All I could do was murr as pleasure tingled through me, making my sheath feel painfully confined in my pants.

I opened my mouth to moan, but Jace silenced me with a kiss as he played with my nipples. All I could do was lay there in an ocean of black fabric as Jace had his way with me and I melted into his kiss. His kisses were deep and patient, his scent was intoxicating, and his muscles were so hard and alluring. I grabbed onto the rest of Jace's shirt and tore it off of him, exposing his eight pack and completely erect nipples. I grabbed and groped his round pecs as he pushed the kiss further. Eventually I had to take a breath and I forced my maw away from Jace's and we just lay on top of each other, panting like wild dogs as we ground against each other's bodies.



"Will you...um..." He pulled me into another deep kiss and started to play with my nipples again.

Jace pulled away from the kiss but didn't stop playing with my nipples. "Now, now, what did I say about all that shy stuff. I won't have it on the dance floor," Jace grabbed my crotch, elicting a surprised yip from me, "and I sure as hell will not have it in bed." He leaned in and kissed me again, "Now, what was it that you wanted?"

I felt my heart swell with confidence and I felt my inhibitions fade away, "Fuck me!" I shouted as Jace started to nibble on my collar bone.

"Now that's a good boy," Jace said as he started to run his paws through my chest fur, feeling my muscles hidden underneath the thick fur. I murred in pleasure as I felt him leave a trail of kisses down my chest, kissing each nipple before he continued down my sweat-socked chest.

"But," he said in-between kisses, "let's get warmed up first." Jace undid the button on my jeans and unzipped them in one fluid motion, peeling away the fabric to reveal my sheath. I was filling out quickly, and I only got harder as Jace's hot breath brushed up against my cock. Then Jace started to take in my sent, and slowly started to nuzzle my furry sack, licking it and sending a tingling up my spine.

The thick, hot, steamy smell of musk filled the air as our sex grew. I couldn't stop inhaling the sweaty wolf musk that Jace was radiating. His scent was intoxicating, almost as if it was an aphrodisiac. I felt Jace lick up the underside of my sheath, and I felt my cock tip reach the nape of my abs that were now showing because of my matted down fur. I felt the tip of Jace's tongue tickle the underside of my cock, trailing right up the urethra until he reached the lupine tip and just swirled the tip of his tongue there. I started to squirm in pleasure, my cock stretching up to reach that warm talented tongue of his. Bit by bit, more and more of my cock ascended into that swirling tongue, wanting more and more of that glorious feeling.

I was fully hard in no time. I looked down to see Jace teasing the tip of my cock at its full mass of nine inches, the knot still flacid. Jace's tongue slowly descended onto my cock, taking on more and more of my girth as he continued to take in my shaft. I felt his lips reach my tip, and I couldn't help it. I thrust the last little way into his maw, and Jace was more than happy to oblige. I was soon trapped in the rapture of the cock sucking and became, once again, putty in Jace's paws as he kneaded my balls and sucked the tip of my shaft and continued to descend.

He was about halfway down when I heard an ominous zip as he undid his pants, but I hardly heard it from the pleasure singing in my head. I felt shockwaves of pleasure shoot up my spine at quick intervals as Jace picked up the pace. I thrust harder and harder into Jace's maw, wanting all of my wolf-hood in his warm maw, but he stopped all too soon and lifted off my cock. I opened my eyes as the music in my head subsided and looked down to see something that terrified and excited me to no end.

My eyes widened, and I looked up to see Jace's crooked smile as he slowly stroked his half hard member, it had to be at least eight inches, "Yah," he said looking into my eyes with lust, "I would understand if you didn't want me to..."

"Fuck me!" I said a little louder than I wanted, but the message got across.

"Sure," he said, and his cock visibly gave a jump, the onyx member pulsing larger by the second, "but I would really appreciate it if you would return the favor." I got the message and started to get up on my elbows, but I guess Jace didn't want to wait because he jumped onto the bed and his massive wolf hood hung in front of me radiating heat. I couldn't resist, I shoved my muzzle into the plump furry sack holding those kiwis and took in that glorious salty, sweaty, and sweet smelling musk. I started to lap on those balls as the large rod lay across my face and pulsed heat across my muzzle as I lapped at his balls. Their salty tangy taste filling my maw--such a strange taste, so unique.

I felt the rod start to grow across my face, that anaconda leaving a trail of pre as it slithered across my head. Soon it started to lift off my head as it continued to stiffen, and I followed it. My maw trailed up the swollen sheath and up onto the slick sweet member. I counted the inches as I went, more being added as it swelled with arousal. One, two, three--I looked up at the length I still needed to go and I felt my cock give a jump--four, five, six, the tip grew out of reach, and it felt like one of those dreams where the hallway kept getting longer as you raced down it--seven, eight, nine--I saw it outlined by the bulging rippling muscles on Jace's chest--ten, eleven, twelve--I couldn't stop even if I wanted to now; just a little more to go till I reached that drooling tip--thirteen, fourteen, fifteen--just one more inch to go and I wrapped my paws around the hard member--just wrapping one paw around it filled out my hand. It had to be at least two and a half inches thick--and finally sixteen.

I lapped at the drooling tip, tasting and drinking down that glorious liquid. It tasted salty, sweet, and left a bitter, tangy aftertaste. All I could do was suckle that tip like it was the last chance I would get to drink its glorious nectar. I wasted no time taking in half of the shaft and sucking hard, puckering my lips hard to force more of that liquid out swallowing around the tip to milk it. I looked down to see how much more cock I had before the balls and I simply couldn't take in any more, and the thought of having his balls slap against mine as he rammed my ass sent a plume of fear in my heart and made my cock jump and give a little spurt of pre.

I felt Jace's paw on the back of my head gently guiding me through his small thrusts, not wanting me to get hurt. I lapped all over that shaft, twisting my flexible tongue around its girth trying to taste as much as I could. I felt his cock give a jump and a spurt of pre shot down my throat and that's when he started to pull out slowly, teasing me even with his pre as he gave me one last chance to taste it and leaving a trail of pre across my tongue.

"How about we take off those pants," Jace, said getting down and grabbing onto the waist of my jeans and pulling them off somehow gracefully along with my ruby red boxers. Without even needing to be told, I flipped myself over, my tail wagging in extreme excitement, while my other tail pulsed and drooled pre all over the black sheets. I raised my ass up into the air, pressing my face into the sheets, and wanting this badly. I waited for the inevitable entrance and practically jumped for joy when I felt Jace's paws on my hips as he positioned himself.

I felt Jace push his cock in-between my cheeks, the shaft gliding up and down before he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Are you sure you want this?" he asked in a seductive, husky voice.


"Are you sure you can take it?"


"Do you crave it, do you want it bad?"

"YES, DAMN IT, YES!" I shouted and grinded against his cock to elect a low growl from Jace.

"Then take it," he said, pulling away, "take it all." And then I felt the rush of air as he pulled away and the calm before I felt something thick and hot push against my hole. I felt Jace pant as heat rolled off his chest as he lay against my back. I felt that monster start to press against my hole and I relaxed as much as possible to allow entrance, the tip prying open my ass slowly as he gently pushed in.

"We'll take this nice and slow," he said in a loving voice, "I don't want to waste such a nice, tight ass." I felt time sort of slow down and pushed back wanting to feel that tip in me, any part of that massive meat rod in me. Then, with a wonderful slurping noise, I felt the pre-lubed tip force its way in, and I instantly felt full and empty at the same time. He had so much more to fill me with, and yet he is so big that it felt like that he was filling me up with just his tip. I couldn't help but just sit there, my muzzle in the sheets as Jace forced inch after glorious inch into my ass.

Pain rippled through me and I moaned in pleasure as he reached my prostate. When I felt eight inches of his member in me I felt him slowly pull out and give a little thrust. It was so sudden that I gave a little yip, and Jace chuckled behind me, making his chest jiggle on top and send waves of heat down onto me. Jace continued to thrust into me, getting a little further in his conquest each time, breaking down any wall that came in his way. He had about ten inches in me when he started pushing farther than anyone had gone before and I loved it. I started to counterthrust against his thrusts, trying to soften up my insides before they were permanently full and forcing more of his member into me.

"Jace," I gasped, "I need this so bad, please, ugh, just a little harder."

"Just tell me if I start to hurt you," he said as he picked up the pace just a little, forcing in more until he was a full foot into me. I grinded and counterthrust against his cock as he continued to impale me with his rod. Gradually, he got faster as he made deeper and harder thrusts. He was almost balls deep and the pain was starting to build and overtake the pleasure, but I bit into the sheets and took it. I wanted this, I still want this, I just needed to tough it though until it got better. Then I felt it--just a brush at first--but the next thrust it was a genuine slap. I felt his balls ram against mine as he went at a medium pace, but it might as well have been a bucking bull as for how it felt.

"Jace," I said, whimpering, "don't go much faster, it's starting to hurt. Just let me loosen up before we get going any faster."

Jace wrapped his arms around my chest and started to nibble on my neck. "As you wish." And he kept at that pace for a while as I started to warm up. The pain started to subside as pleasure started to rock through my body. Each thrust sent pain and growing pleasure to my brain, and I couldn't help but pant and start to thrust back again and grind against that massive member. Jace took that as a sign to get a little more rough. His thrusts became more invasive and hard, but he kept the same pace, not wanting to hurt me. I was about to wrap a paw around my cock, but Jace beat me to it.

"I thought you might want some much needed attention." he said, licking my neck, "You just relax." He started to go a little faster. I became a moaning, whimpering, and groaning mass as Jace had his way with me. Pleasure shot from my cock and ass through my body, making me a puddle as Jace slapped his sack against mine. My tongue lolled out and a stupid grin was plastered to my face as I drooled onto the silk sheets--and not just my maw drooled either. My cock was like a broken faucet with all the stimulation around me.

I couldn't help it, "Jace...I think I'm...ugh...I'm...Ahh...CUM!" I yelled, and I blasted my load all over the black sheets, making a pool of white against the silk. Jace didn't say anything; he just started to growl and pick up the pace. His thrusts started to get faster and faster. Soon, he was ramming into me at an animalistic pace, and I felt his knot pushing against my hole, but I was simply too tight to let him in. The pleasure was so great that I never came down from my orgasm, I just stayed in a euphoric high as Jace thrusted into me unbelievably fast. The pain had all but vanished, and my cock was as hard as steel, never going down.

My ass was pounded raw by Jace as he continued to pound into me, for what seemed like hours until he bit down onto my neck with a deep growl. It felt like an explosion: gush after gush of cum flowed into my ass as Jace came inside me. Cum built up and squirted out of my anal ring, having no room to fill out in. I felt the deepest of my insides warmed by the hot, steamy wolf seed.

Jace never stopped thrusting. He pounded the cum into me, deeper and deeper as each shot forced its way farther into me. He rode me through his orgasm until it tapered off. After Jace finished, he gently laid us on our sides, and he continued to lazily stroke my still iron hard cock as his pulsed in my ass.

"You wanna fuck a second orgasm out of me to finish you off?" he asked as he licked the shallow bight mark on my neck.

An idea came to me. "No, let's just enjoy this for a minute and then we can get back to sex." Jace was happy to oblige as he nuzzled me and he started to go flaccid. It took a good thirty minutes, but Jace kept me hard with his slow menstruations. Then, with a slurp and a soft pop, his cock came out of my hole and dragged itself back into his sheath as a flow of cum came out my ass. I turned around and pulled Jace into a deep kiss, grinding my cock against his sheath, knowing exactly what I wanted to do.

I grabbed his flaccid sheath, swollen with the shear girth of his cock and the tip of his phallice was sticking out. It had to be at least eleven inches. I felt my cock jump in excitement and positioned my cock in line with his. Jace gave a little "Hmm?" into our kiss as I pressed my cock into his sheath, but it was followed by a satisfied murr. I wrapped a leg around Jace and started to hump my cock deeper into his warm, soft sheath. His cock got a little stiff, making the confines a little tighter as I continued to push in. I started to do little thrusts in as Jace started to nibble on my ear. I forced the rest of my cock in, and I looked at the now obscenely stretched sheath and couldn't help a little spurt of pre shoot into it.

"That feels so good, Max," Jace said as he did a few counter thrust., "I don't think I've ever done this before."

I felt pleasure shoot down into my balls as Jace's cock started to pulse against my throbbing one. He was so warm and tight, but sheaths always were, but I had never been able to fuck it all the way to the knot before. Jace reached down and started to press our furry sacks together as I started to growl in pleasure.

"You like that, don't you?" he said into my ear, "You love my cock in your maw, in your ass, and even around your dick." I started to thrust harder into his sheath, small little thrusts that wouldn't irritate the sheath, but sent thousands of shockwaves of pleasure through my rod. I threw my head back, my tongue flapping on the side of my muzzle, and panted hard. It was amazing, I had to force myself to stay at the pace I was going to not hurt Jace, but he started to thrust harder and grind against my cock so I just let loose. I thrust like a mad man into Jace's sheath, letting out moans as I continued to thrust harder and harder.

"That's it!" Jace shouted, "Don't hold back!" And I didn't; I couldn't stop now even if I wanted to. The pleasure had completely taken over, and I was in an animalistic haze of lust. I felt my swollen knot try to tie with the sheath, but it wouldn't fit, then I pulled Jace close and grabbed onto my knot. I howled in pleasure as my second orgasm hit me. It was amazing, I had to fight the urge to black out as most of my blood rushed to my other head. It was amazing.

I curled up into Jace, holding him tight as I drifted off into sleep, but before I did, I heard Jace mumbling something that I couldn't make it out. I then surrendered to that dark veil of sleep.



What was that noise? I thought through the darkness of sleep, It's so annoying.


What could that be? Why won't it stop? I need to get my sleep for work tomorrow...I shot up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping next to me. I looked at the glowing numbers, eleven forty five! I was already two hours late! I jumped out of the green fabric and suddenly regretted it; my ass was so sore...


The memory of Jace flooded back to me...could it have been a dream? I looked at the vanity in my room that used to me my grandmothers and saw in the mirror the topaz gem still on my necklace. I lifted my paw to the gem and felt its warm surface. I knew then that it couldn't have been a dream, but how had he gotten to his apartment. That didn't matter right now, I need to get to work, and it's...Sunday. I deflated and felt my cheeks burn in self-embarrassment. I dropped my head and my eyes fell on a slip of paper on the vanity. I walked over to it and picked it up; a paper rose was underneath it.

"Dear, Max", It read, "I'm sorry about how I left you, but I needed to leave in the morning to go to Concord and I didn't have the heart to wake you. You are so cute when you sleep, so peaceful. Anyway, Max brought you back home and tucked you into bed. I hope we can have another night together soon. You are free to crash at the mansion if you like, just remember to bring the rose. And don't worry about calling me, the gem I gave you will light up when I get home. Hope to see you soon. Love, Jace."

I looked at the letter then back at the paper rose and I saw a small leather pouch. I picked it up and opened it and saw a bunch of golden dimes inside. I guess Jace doesn't want to lose me that easily. I felt like I needed to do something, but...I didn't know what. So I decided that I would wait until the gem lit up. I started to think about what I did the night before, and I couldn't help but notice I was making my red boxers tent.

"I think I'm going to carry these with me," I said, picking up the rose and the pouch of coins, "just in case."