My Flame

Story by Reikhan Tealdoby on SoFurry

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Flamedramon carefully scanned the whole forest before proceeding deeper into the wooded area. It was about six o'clock on a Sunday afternoon in the digital world. The dragon Digimon was searching through the forest for his missing counterpart, who himself wasn't a digimon nor human, but a dog. A Dobie to be exact. He sat down to take a quick rest. The canine was nowhere in sight. It was a game, kinda like hide and seek. The sun started setting slowly and it was getting dark. That was when Flame just gave up. But as soon as he made that decision, he heard rustling in the tree which he had been resting against above him. He pointed his snout up curiously and saw a black figure sitting in the limbs high above.

" Reikhan, I see you." he said triumphantly He removed his helmet sat it at the base of the tree and lounged against it as 17 year old Reikhan, an anthro fur, jumped down from the tree,(looks more like he fell) and landed on the ground next to the dragon.

" Dammit," he growled playfully. "I thought I had you stumped this time..." The blue reptilian smirked at this remark.

"Please. I could've found you easily"

"Then Why'd it take you 30 minutes then?" the Doberman inquired with a flick of his tail as he sat down on the lush grass. Flame tried to come up with a come back but knew his friend was right, He sighs as he plops down besides him as he got lost in thought for a moment. Reikhan was on his stomach pawing into the soft soil sniffing occasionally. The digimon blushed to him thinking about how he had this attraction for the fur. Without thinking, he reached a hand over and pats Reikhan on the head. The Dobie's ears flatten as he rocks his head side to side. Flame snickered. His head fur was so sleek. He hardly had any on him in the first place. Petting him was the only kind of affection Flame could give the male without the Dobie thinking that there was more to it than just a few pats. His eyes turned wide when he saw Reikhan looking directly at him with a semi confused look.

"Ummm...ahh R-Reikhan...." he snatched his hand away swiftly. " I was...just..."

"Petting me? Like everyone does?" Reikhan replies with a small chuckle. "Don't worry about it. Like I said. Other paws just seem to be attracted by my head or somthin. He heh, it feels nice though."

"Y-yeah..." Flame says remembering all the times before. All other digimon paws and claws have been on the young dog's head. The thing is, there were more male hands on it than female and Reikhan didn't seem to care.

"Hey Flame. Wasn't that wolf supposed to get us?"

That cleared Flame's mind completely. Weregarurumon was supposed to be coming to pick them up. He hurriedly put his helmet back on. He and Reikhan both ran back where they had chosen to meet up. It was a crystal clear lake which shined like new glass. Everything was visible and the water always remained clean from harmful contaminants from some mystical power.

The two sat down and waited for the werewolf to come. Forty-five minutes have past and Reikhan was on his back snoring as he slept. Flame took his helmet and gauntlets off his arms in the mists of waiting.

"This is odd...." he said to himself as he looked over to the sleeping dog and almost lost his breath when he saw that he wasn't wearing a shirt. Reikhan wasn't too muscular but he was thin. There wasn't a once of fat on him anywhere. The area around his stomach looked so soft; the dragon had to nearly pinch himself from wanting to scratch it. Soon his lost his control as his hand slowly as approaching his sleeping friend's tummy. It was about to touch when he heard Reikhan yawn. He opened his eyes and got up slowly.

"Mmmmph..." he grunted slightly as he stretched. He yawned once more and saw his friend's face first and then looked around. "We're still here..."

"Y-yeah..." Flame replied as he withdrew his hand sighing with relief that Reikhan didn't notice. "Weregarurumon should've been here now. Stupid...probably forgot."

"So you mean we're stuck out here?"

"Pretty much" the dragon felt his stomach growl. "I'm hungry too..."

Reikhan looked towards the small body of water. After looking around, he spied a huge Albacore tuna. He makes his way closer to the water's edge, lapping some of it up first as a drink. Then he got down in a pouncing stance. Flamedramon saw what he was doing but got confused.

"What are you gonna do?" he asked.

The Dobie grinned. "You'll see." And with that, Reikhan dived into the water after the tuna. Flame watched with amazement as three minutes later, a sopping wet Reikhan emerged, with his teal paws full of big tuna. The silver scaled fish flopped around in his arms making Reikhan almost fall. Flamedramon clapped his hands together in amazement.

"That was cool Reikhan. You fish just like a cat."

"Hmph, I make bigger catches though" the wet Dobie replies as he took a few sticks and stakes them to hold the fish in the air a few centimeters off the ground. He then put a bunch of rocks in a circle around the sticks and put more wood along with dry grass under it.

"Care to do the honors dragon?" Reikhan says shivering slightly with damp fur.

Flamedramon used his Fire Rocket technique to light a fire under the fish which baked it fully. The dragon and the Dobie ate and were soon full. The sun had set and a soft cross breeze blew as the two sat by the fire, one on each side. Reikhan lied closer to the flames as he rapidly dried off from his "swim". Flamedramon looked off into the sky. The stars started shining with and eerie glow. Suddenly, he got a sneaky idea. This one lone though made him forget about all past and possibly coming embarrassment. His red eyes darted over to Reikhan. The Dobie was gnawing on his paw, softly growling to himself. Flamedramon took a breath.

"Hey Reikhan. While we're here, wanna play a game?" That got the Dobie's attention.

"A game?" his ears raised as he lied down and rolled on his back, which kinda made Flamedramon blush at the site.

"Yeah...Truth or dare hehehe..." Flamedramon saw the pup's eyes go wide." Truth or Dare with no limits..."

Reikhan seemed to be thinking about it. They he looked at the dragon as he sat up.

"O-okay...who goes first?" he asked a bit nervous.

"You can go Reikhan." Flame said as he sat wondering what Reikhan would make him do.

"Truth or Dare..."

"Dare" Flame said much too quickly, not realizing it. He watched as the Dobie thought and thought. Reikhan then had something.

"Strip..." Reikhan said enviously, wondering if Flame was actually going to do it. Flame seemed to take it as a surprise as the white area on his face turned red.

He actually told me to do that??? Flame thought. All the drive he had before was gone instantly. He had never been nude in front of anyone but Davis, and that was when he was just a little Veemon. Nervously, he took off his tight red fire shirt shirt, and sat before Reikhan, unclothed. The Dobie couldn't help but look his friend over. All of Flamedramon's front areas were a smooth white color that soon bled into the color blue. His genital region however was hidden from site, but Reikhan could make out the appearce of a slit. Flamedramon soon took his thick tail and slowly covered himself up as he sat back down, his face really red.

"Your turn."

"Truth or dare," Flame replied getting closer to the fire feeling small chills.


"Okay then, you strip too doggy."

"Uhh...okay..." Reikhan answers a bit hesitant. He rose and slowly pulled his pants off revealing hid paw printed boxer shorts. Then with a small whimpers, he removed those too, revealing his sheath and balls which were in plain site. He hurriedly sat down, holding a teal paw to cover himself. His eyes were closed tightly out of embarrassment. He couldn't see Flame whose mouth was wide open as his red eyes darted all over Reihan's fur naked body. The Dobie was perfect. His body was so attractive. His fur was tight on his soft muscles. Flame longed to be held in those furry arms. To be close his unusual friend.

"Ahhhh...that would be great..." Flame says out loud with his eyes closed. His eyes slowly open to see Reikhan looking at him directly with a weird look. "Flame?" Reikhan starts. "Truth or dare...?"


"Well... have you ever done anyone?"

"Ahhh...?" This hit Flame like a ton of bricks. "It" had to stand sex. His mind seemed to be in a whirl. He had watched from the bushes time and time before when he'd saw Reikhan either touching himself, or jerking Weregarurumon. "I-I never touched myself, much less done it with anyone." His face went red again at this remark.

"I have another question... you don't have to answer it..."


Reikhan drew in a huge breath.

"C-can He studders really embarrassed that he'd ask such a thing. Flame's mouth dropped wide open as his face grew bright red for the fifth time.

"I-...I don't know..." he replied shakily."I never have tried it...I was too afraid. I didn't know what to expect...I mean... I've seen you do it but the thing is...well I just don't know..." He stops for a moment and looked up to his friend. His tail slowly moved away from his crotch area, making it fully visible to Reikhan.

"Why would you want to anyway?"

"Well, were both out here...naked," the Dobie started. "If you say you've never done it...then I was wandering if we could...I mean I wouldn't hurt you in any way. I-I do this sort of thing with my brothers all the time so...I" He stopped when he saw Flames eye close and his head shake. The dragon just seemed to be too afraid to come out to his friend about what he really wanted. Flame watches as Reikhan seemed to look on with a disappointed look on his face as he sat up. The dragon digimon sighs as he slowly walks over and sits besides Reikhan the dobie.Reikha's ears raise as the dragon takes his paw in his. Flamedramon's took his paw, feeling the pads, and ran it down his chest, slightly shivering to the new feeling. Reikhan's eyes have gone wide by Flame's actions.

"Wh-what are you....?"

"Well, I've never had this before, and you said that you've done this all the time..."Flame replied."So, I trust you..." He made a small whimper as he set Reikhan's paw against his slit, pushing up against it. Reikhan, seeing that he has the O.K, slowly placed his other arm around Flame. Hearing the dragon mur a bit, he holds him as he began to rub his finger against Flame's slit, which was slowly turning from bright pink to red.

"Uhhh...ohh...don't go...too fast..." Flame pants. He was really getting into all this attention to his private areas. The dobie's paw was swift and agile. He moans softly as his cock slowly started to pokes its way though his slit. Reikhan slowly picked up the pace as his own eyes turned pink wit arousal. hearing his friend pant and moan made his cock flare up out of its sheath. Flame didn't notice that his thick dobie meat was pressed against his back. He was feeling way too good to notice. The digimon's slit widened and his cobalt colored dick filled out completely.

"Wow Flame," Reikhan says holding his paws around the digimon's chest, rubbing him down all over, hearing Flamedramon moan. "You're pretty big..." He releases Flame and moves in front of him. He gets on his knees and constantly licks the cobalt length, making Flame cry out in pleasure.

"Awwwaaaahhh...guh...feels. so...good...." The digimon moans. His eyes go wide when he sees Reikhan proceed to put his whole dick in his mouth Sucking gently on the tip and slowly bobbing his head up and down on the shaft. This made Flamedramon's legs go wild as his leg spread wider. Reikhan made a small "gick" sound as he felt Flame's hands hold the back of his head as he was humping the dobie's muzzle full, his head pointed up high in the air.

"I-I feel something!!! It -kinda hurts!!!" he cries out as his shaft flexes in Reiha's mouth. The dobie's ears flatten as his friend lets loose a huge load of warm digi-dragon spunk. Flame seemed to roar as he came and came in Reikhan mouth holding his head so close that his nose was up against his stomach. Reikhan happily gulps down all of his friend's cum and pulls the cock out of his mouth licking his lips. Looking up, his eyes meet Flame's with a big smile on his face. Flame breathes heavily as the dog sat up.


"Oh my gosh...that felt good..." Flame replies. "I loved it..."

Reikhan sat besides his friend, putting a paw around his shoulder.

"Hee hee. It was fun." Reikhan thinks for a moment. "Are we gonna go on with the game?"

"No... I guess not." Flame said sighing. "I feel so tired"

"I'll bet you are." Reikhan replies." That was your first climax wasn't it?"

Flamedramon nods as he wraps his arms around his knees as he sits for a moment. Then he looks over to Reikhan. His eyes were a vibrant pink. A color he's never seen too often. Then he looked down and saw Reikhan's cock. It was about nine inches long and about an in thick. Without thinking, Flame reached over and touches the side of it, only to elicit a low whimper from Reikhan, whose eyes then turn fuscia. A clear fluid started flowing the tip on his dick. curious, Flame squeezed the head, making the dog moan softly. More of the liquid squirted out and dribble on his wrist. Flame's nose flares a bit as sniffs it. Reikhan watches as Flame hungrily licks his sap off of his wrist. The blue digimon licks his lips looking up at the dobie as Reikhan crept closer to him, their faces just inches away. There was one other thing he wanted


Reikhan puts a finger unto his lips as he lies Flame on his back. Flame meeps a bit not knowing what would happen. He shivers slightly as he feels Reikhan's fingers tease his exposed tail hole. his tail flattens on the ground, fully exposing his tight hole. Reikhan gave him a look and Flame nods.

"Go ahead..."

"I will," Reikhan replies. He squeezes his meat, smearing his pre all over it to serve as lubricant. Flame clenches a bit as he feels the dog press his dick against his tight opening. Looking back, Reikhan's mouth was besides his face whispering:

"This is going to hurt for a while..."


Reikhan presses his broad head against Flame's little tail whole. The digimon's eyes close tightly trying his best to hold in a cry of pain as he felt his hole being spread open by his well endowed friend. He could not stand it. Reikhan was just too big.

"Wait...stop..." Flamedramon cries out. Reikhan stops his decent. He saw the dragon was crying softly. He stopped when he saw his furry friend over him with a sad look on his face.

"Stop?" Reikhan whimpers." What's wrong?"

"Ahh...just...let me roll over..." Flame lied. He wanted for Reikhan to move within him. He wanted to feel it, but he was afraid. Flame rolled on his stomach, his tail tucked in-between his legs. He whimpers slightly as he feels Reikhan lift his tail and poke his meat against his tight hole.

"Just...don't...go too fast..."Flame cries."I'm scared Reikhan." Reikhan leans over Flamedramon in a mounting position with his head besides Flame's.

"Don't worry Flame... just let me feel you...I need it. badly" With that Reikhan slowly pushes his cock into Flame's tight hole, making the once virgin digimon shiver. The second entry was as painful as the first, but none the less, it still hurt as this new feeling of a foreign object in his ass overtook him. Reikhan hilted himself inside of Flame.

"Guuuuhhhhh....soo...tight..." Reikhan pants. The heat on his cock felt really good. He wraps his arms around flame as he grips his now hardening cock. Flamedramon starts moaning silently. The heat of Reikhan's shaft made all the pain go away. His mouth opened wide in the midst of moaning out loud now.

"Reikhan...fill me..."

Reikhan obliged by pulling out slowly. Hearing Flame moan again makes him anxious as he humps the dragon slowly as he jerked him at the same time. Flame, who was receiving double the pleasure, his mouth was wide open as his cock dripped pre. Reikhan moved slowly within him and his paw moved at a steady pace. Loosing control of his limbs, he falls on his chest, making his ass go higher in the air. He's more comfortable this way though as his breaths heavily. Seeing this, Reikhan humps a bit harder and deeper.

"Uhh...oohh...yeah..." Flame starts ovulating. He felt nothing but pleasure now, grunting as he feels Reikhan's legs smack against his hips, The dobie was panting lustfully as he took his digital friend. He worked his paw faster on Flame's cock. Feeling his climax rising, Flame's moaning and grunting drove him over the edge. He and his friend moaned in unison. Flame suddenly flinched with fear as Reikhan started humping him hard and fast, growling savagely, but he was loving the feeling too much to care. He came a second time in Reikhan's teal paw, moaning heavily into the air. These feelings were better than he ever felt before. Nothing was just...this good!

"Grrrrrrr....Flame I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." Reikhan slurred.

"You're gonna what???" Flame's eyes open real quick. Reikhan's howl pierced the silent night in the pond area as he let loose burning hot robes of hot dobie seed deep inside Flamedramon. The digimon whimpered slightly, not really knowing how exactly to go about having his bowels filled. None the less he moaned loudly as Reikhan pulled his meat out and a huge torrent of cum ran like water out of Flamedramon's sex sore hole. His shaft was still hard as he wraps his arms around flame again and picks him up in a hug.

"Thanks for sharing with me Flame..."

"Thank you for showing me... but" Flame yawns. "It's late...oh look!" He starts fondling with Reikhan's slick cock making the dobie gasp. "You're still hard..."

"Oooh...." Reikhan's tail starts wagging. Flamedramon starts whispering into his ear.

"Can we sleep with you inside me?"


The two lay down in the grass. As Flamedramon was on his side, he moves his tail out the way as Reikhan slipped his cock back inside Flame's no longer virgin hole. Putting his arm around Flame, Reikhan licks the back of his neck as they both drifted off in sleep.

~ The Next Day~

"SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!" A werewolf looking figure says hastily as he jumps from tree branch to tree branch. Weregarurumon drops from the trees and runs down the path." Lord Leomon's gonna punish me for sure this time...ehh?" In the distance, he see clothing lying by the lake area. AN extra inspection reveals Reikhan and Flamedramon; Both in sleep, Reikhan's cock in his ass along with their tails coiled one around the other. An obvious sign that the two had sex the night before. Just the sight even gave Weregarurumon a huge erection tenting his jeans. Eagerly, he whips out a camera and snaps a picture.

"Matt always says.' A pictures says a thousand words..." He said "For me about a hundred faps hehehehe."


Sorry I took so long. Anyways, this is my first story of this genre. I don't own Bandai or digimon in anyway. Hmmm...Maybe this should have been at the top of the page hehe... Anyways, if any details on any digimon were wrong, I apologize. I'm not as fluent with digimon yet. E-mail me with comments at my new address

[email protected] I hope you enjoyed the story. Have "fun" lol