The Raptor Diaries: Days 1-3

Story by Winter Raptor on SoFurry

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#1 of The Raptor Diaries (2012, Inactive)

Set in an alternative timeline of the early 21st century, wealthy corporations set out to engineer a next-gen companion for mankind. The Dromaeosauridae family were theorized to be highly intelligent and due to their social nature, could be befriended if raised properly. A great effort was undertaken to recover their DNA from peat bogs (something we can already do today, btw!).

Two types of raptors were engineered: pures, and hybrids. The pures came first, and had unaltered genetics. While they were social, they tended to be too energetic and retained their natural weapons. Pure bred raptors were only used by the police and military, as something akin to canine units. Hybrid raptors came later, in an attempt to de-weaponize and create a more docile breed suitable for the general public. Many different breeds were created by companies all over the world, each displaying different qualities, specializations, and appearance. A few breeds were even smart enough to learn SSL - Simplified Sign Language.

The year is now 2021, and the story starts off with an unlikely stray finding its way to the main character's back patio. As he tries to learn about her past and where she came from, he must help her adapt to living a civilized lifestyle and become self reliant while he's away at his day job.

_ Author's notes / Disclaimer: As the tags suggest, this story features sex between a male human and a feral female Deinonychus raptor. Note that while there is a bestiality tag, it is only there due to its vague meaning. I personally do not feel like it fits the spirit of the story too well, as the raptors here are not ordinary animals as the plot will expand on. Speaking of plot, if it's not your thing and you're just here for the naughty part, ctrl+f find for "accord" ;)_


Plot Synopsis

Set in an alternative timeline of the early 21st century, wealthy corporations set out to engineer a next-gen companion for mankind. The Dromaeosauridae family were theorized to be highly intelligent and due to their social nature, could be befriended if raised properly. A great effort was undertaken to recover their DNA from peat bogs (something we can already do today, btw!).

Two types of raptors were engineered: pures, and hybrids. The pures came first, and had unmodified genetics. While they were social, they tended to be too energetic and retained their natural weapons. Pure bred raptors were only used by the police and military, as something akin to canine units. Hybrid raptors came later, in an attempt to de-weaponize and create a more docile breed suitable for people. Many different breeds were created by companies all over the world, each displaying different qualities, specializations, and appearance. A few breeds were even smart enough to learn SSL - Simplified Sign Language.

The year is now 2021, and the story starts off with an unlikely stray finding its way to the main character's back patio. As he tries to learn about her past and where she came from, he must help her adapt to living inside a house and become self reliant while he's away at his day job.

Friday, April 9th, 2021

This started out as a normal day. Got home from work, was going to watch some TV, play around on my computer, and go to bed. A routine day for a routine life. But now...I bit my lip and furrowed my brow at my strange guest wandering around the house. The sopping wet raptor cautiously walked throughout my dining room, exploring and familiarizing itself with the surroundings. "Why'd I let it inside for?" I questioned myself, wondering what I have gotten myself into. My sympathy strings got the better of me on this one. The poor thing looked so miserable outside on my patio in the rain, I just had to let it in.

As I made my way into the kitchen to fetch some towels to clean up the mess, I recounted how I've played with the idea of adopting a raptor companion, but could just never fully commit to the idea. I've gotten close to buying one a couple times, but I've always struggled with life decisions. I guess getting a new pet was one of them. But what was the harm here? No one just loses a creature like this. An exotic pet like this was far too expensive to lose track of. By the looks of this one, I'd probably have to sign onto a waiting list for a few years if I wanted one for myself. But, I'm sure I could ID it and get it back to its owner, and perhaps even pocket a reward in the end if I was lucky.

"Hold still buddy," I said in a friendly tone, trying to get the creature to quit moving and dripping rainwater all over my hardwood floors.

Just like wet dog, it didn't have the most pleasant smell at the moment. Musky cardboard was the closest similarity I could think of. The raptor responded by cocking its head to the side slightly and making a subtle chirp as I came down on it with a towel, drying it down. "What are you exactly?" I asked myself as I rubbed down its coat. I figured it was some type of deinonychus hybrid breed, judging by its docile nature and de-weaponized features. I recounted what little knowledge I had of the newer raptor breeds. "Maybe a White Crested German Helfer?" I wondered outloud.

Standing upright, the raptor's back came up to about my stomach, and its head was just about eye level with my heart. I would guess it to weigh about 140lbs. It had light grey feathers that looked and felt more like fur, and a shorter variant of the coat in plain white on its lower maw, front neck, chest, and underside. As expected in a deinonychus base breed, it had the trademark longer feathers on the top of its head, the base of its tail on the sides, the tip of its tail, and a few on the undersides of its arm. The claws on its hands and feet were a significantly shorter, non-lethal version of a real deinonychus due to generic tampering in order to create safe and practical animals for public use.

Responding to the treatment well, the raptor pushed against the towel and made a clicking noise under its breath, showing contentment. "Yeah, I know, it's really coming down out there," I remarked as I looked outside the sliding glass door. "Where did you come from?" I asked as I began to search for some form of ID. My search for the ID tag around its neck, or ear hole, or even its ankle was met with a frown as I found nothing. "What are you some kind of runaway? Unless...", I trailed off, fishing my phone out of my pocket. Within a couple minutes I downloaded a suitable app used for scanning animal ID chips. "Okay okay hold still," I pled to the impatient creature, eager to explore around my house. The screen just read "scanning" in the end, and I questioned if the app was working as I was unable to come up with any results. "Huh...well that's going to make it hard to get you home little guy."

The raptor made a whiny nose as it looked back at me, then looked up and slowly nipped at the wallclock. "Hey hey, don't eat that!" I remarked, and get up to push its head away while straightening out the clock. Wrapping an arm around its neck, I encouraged it to turn around and follow me into the kitchen. "You hungry?" The raptor doesn't reply, obviously, and its head zipped left and right in sudden jerks as it looked around the new room. "Don't get any ideas...sit...can you sit?" I asked, lightly pushing down on its lower back. I smiled slightly as it responded obediently.

As I prepared a meal of cut poultry lunchmeat, I continued to glance up every few seconds making sure it was behaving. Acting somewhat like a bird, the raptor jerked it's head in sudden movements, only moving ever so slightly. It blinked rapidly and watched me with eager eyes. "I'm guessing the creature must be socialized with people to behave the way it is," I thought to myself as I mixed the poultry into an oat based cereal. "I hope you're not too picky, I'm not entirely familiar with raptor cuisine," I told the raptor as I set the food down infront of it.

My guest stood up and lowered its head down to the dish and sniffed at the meal cautiously for several seconds before making its judgment that it is in fact edible and began to nibble way. Having bought myself a distraction, I lean against the wall with my arms crossed as I though about what to do with this guy. "Well, I guess I can put up a lost ad on the internet at least," I concluded after a moment of silence. "Not much to go on though...hmm, what are you, a boy or a girl?" I asked as I approached the creature. Not wanting to bother it, I stood to its flank and bend myself sideways to peak between its legs, but I grunt in frustrating as its tail's ridge feathers were in the way. "Don't mind me," I mutter as I lightly pinched its tail with my fingers to lift it up some. The raptor only glances back for a brief moment before going back to its meal, stuffing its face and not overly concerned with my meddling.

Lifting its tail an adequate amount, I craned my head in to look at its junk: a hole and a vaginal slit that looked somewhat like an elongated version of a dog's. Unlike a reptile or bird that it may have originally been, the DNA tampering lent these creatures the package of a mammal instead. Satisfied with my verdict, I retreated my head, but then doubled back and looked again. I squinted and stared between her legs. "Hmmm, something doesn't look right down there," I said under my breath. The raptor was still surprisingly ignoring my handling as I extended a hand out and reached beyond her genitals and felt along her belly. I ran the tips of my fingers through her fine, short feather down feeling her down for a few seconds. Not feeling any scar, I brought my hand back and asked "Are you actually intact?" in an intrigued voice.

I stood up and looked over the female raptor with curious eyes. An unspayed raptor was practically unheard of in this world, and might have even been illegal as far I knew. The government wanted strict regulation over these new animals to no doubt prevent an outbreak of feral, wild raptors. "Well that complicates things a bit," I thought to myself, now second guessing if posting about her was such a wise idea. "You probably really are a run-away aren't you? If you're not licensed to any breeders properly, you'd technically be considered wild, and I'm not sure what they'd do to you," I thought outloud. "Hmm, I'll just keep you on the downlow until I figure out what to do with you, girl. I'm pretty sure it's only illegal to sell unfixed, not to simply own one."

Now dry, her feathers naturally fell back into place and gave off a youthful sheen. I admired her agile figure and elegant design. The vision of her genitals doubled back into my head for a moment and I felt myself blush slightly. I was no saint, and thought about sex often. After a string of bad relationships, I've put off women for awhile and have perhaps perverted myself with unusual porn during the hiatus. Raptor porn on the net of course existed, just like any other niche fetish out there you could imagine, and I'd be lying if I couldn't admit it turned me on the few times I stumbled across it. Raptors were smart enough do some pretty interesting things, and having an unspayed one in my house sent my mind wandering at the possibilities. I shook my head to snap out of it, getting my mind back on track. "No, right now she just needs a place to dry off, eat and stay for awhile."

The raptor finished eating and stood up. It ran one of its hands across it's upper muzzle, cleaning off the stray bits of food that got in its down, but just as soon began to wander around again. Standing to her immediate left side, I followed her around the house as she explored her new environment. Her tail whooshed from left to right slightly with each step, sometimes hitting against the wall and disturbing the decor. "Hey hey, watch the tail girl," I remarked, half laughing at her clumsy nature.

After escorting her to every room, the creature seemed satisfied with its scouting and stopped, then looked at me with a "now what?" expression. I pet her neck a couple times then beckoned her to follow me into the living room. I figured I needed to read up on them right away, and sat down on the couch.

"Lie down for a little while, alright?" I asked her. She responded with puzzled eyes as she stood infront of the couch. "Lie down," I asked again, pushing my hands down towards the ground in a gesture, but she just leaned in and sniffed my hands. I sighed and tried the hand gesture a few more times, similar to how you might instruct a dog. She flinched her head a bit, lifted one of her hands level and copied my gesture, as if instructing me to lie down instead. "Hey, that's not what I meant..." I said wearily, though a bit amused by her copy cat behavior. I figured I need to lie down too, so I slid out of the couch to rest my back against it and sprawled out on the carpet. I took the raptor by the wrist and gave her a slight tug down, "Come on, down, lie down," I pled. She stepped in a place a couple times and after a few more encouraging gestures she complied at last, plopping her butt down and then leaning over into a brooding position with her head down on the carpet by my belly. "Good girl," I responded. I pet the top of her head for a little while as she settled in. I noticed that the "wet raptor" smell had gone away by this point, and now I didn't pick up any particular scent. Either that or I had just gotten used to it already and couldn't discern it anymore.

With my other hand I pulled out my phone and began pulling up some sites about domestic care. What I discovered was that deins learned best via trying to mimic. Similar to how some birds can mimic sounds, the deins had enough understanding to translate body part equivalents across different species and could try to copy what they saw. Although, I already knew that, as that was what they were famous for. But I considered it to be more of a trick than a means of training. I also read that, like some whales and dolphins, they could understand 2D depictions such as illustrations and video.

As I read into the details, the raptor scooted itself about while remaining in a prone position. She positioned herself into a more perpendicular angle towards me and lifted her head onto my belly as if it were a pillow. "Cute," I surmised. "You're a sweety aren't you, girl?" I said as I pet her head some more. Her eyes shifted up to look at me as I spoke. She still had the eyes of a reptile, yellow and slitted, but held in a gentle nature. "You're going to need a name, huh?" I thought outloud as I looked over her. Rubbing my nose as I gave it some thought, I decided to pick a a name that matched her docile, sweet behavior I've noticed so far.

Placing a hand between her eyes I gave her a pat. "Sophie," I concluded, "We'll call you Sophie."

Sophie returned a blank stare but before long closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, no doubt exhausted from whatever her day must have been like prior to ending up here. I spent the next couple hours browsing the net and playing on my phone, but eventually became bored with that. It was getting late and I wanted to get to bed. It just now occurred to me that Sophie didn't have a place to sleep. I didn't have anything proper setup outside, and I didn't feel comfortable leaving her in the garage. "I guess you can just sleep in the guest bedroom. There's nothing in there for you to get into trouble with," I figured. I lifted myself up, waking Sophie. She ruffled her feathers a bit and stood up as well, hunched over. I had her follow me to the bedroom where I made a makeshift bed out of extra blankets and pillows, big enough for her to "nest" in.

Sophie watched with curious eyes as I pulled blankets from the shelf in the closet. As I laid one down, she walked over to the closet and picked up a blanket from the shelf, but just held it confused-like. "What you think you're helping?" I asked her as I took the blanket off her hands and laid it down with the rest. Sophie frilled her head feathers up playfully and turned back to the closet. Before I even realized it, she took a glass vase off the shelf, turned around and tossed it down into the bed nest, shattering it into several pieces. "Sophie no!" I scolded, "Eugh, look what you did, hey hey hey!" I called out trying to stop her as she was already trying to pull more items out of the closet shelf.

Sophie's playful expression faded as I pushed her away from the closet, directing her away from the broken glass. She looked past me and extended her arms out towards the closet and made a bark-like chirp three times in protest. "Stop it, settle down," I told her and I pushed her arms down. It took awhile but I finally got her attention off the closet and back on me. "You going to be good? Sit down for a sec," I instructed as I pushed her rump down, thankfully getting her to sit without much trouble. With that settled, I turned around and picked up the glass which fortunately only broke apart in large chunks and was easily disposed of. I quickly finished making the bed, trying to get it done before Sophie decided to get up and try to "help" again.

I beckoned her to stand up and try it out, but Sophie wasn't paying much attention to the bed. Instead her head was looking around the room, and at me. I figured I'd put this whole mimic thing to test. What would be embarrassing if anyone were watching, I stepped into her bed, pretended to knead out a flat spot against the blankets with my feet, and laid down in the blankets. "Like this, girl, lie here," I attempted to demonstrate for her. After awhile I got up and lightly pushed her into position and pushed down on her rump slightly. "Go to bed," I instructed.

Sophie looked down and made a whiny noise, but after a brief delay she pawed at the blankets, spun around in place and planted her butt down and assumed the brooding position like before. I reached down to pet her. "Good girl, go to bed now," I encouraged, then stood up, turned off the lights, closed the door and went to bed.

Laying in bed I questioned what I was doing. I gave her a name as if I intended to keep her. I tried to put the pieces together on what her story was. My best guess was that she ran away before she was tagged, or she was intended for breeding but was tagged instead of chipped, and somehow the tag fell off. In any case, I figured I could keep an eye out for lost ads. I checked earlier but didn't see anything relevant posted.

As I nodded off, I heard a clicking outside my room. I lifted my head and could see out into the hallway. Shining around the crack of the door leading into the guest bedroom, the room light flicked on and off. Clearly Sophie was messing around in there, playing with the light switch instead of sleeping. I sighed and debated if I should go in there or just wait it out and hope she goes back to bed. I waited and waited, but I eventually drifted off into a half conscience state. The passage of time became a blur and my thoughts wandered into obscurity. I dreamed of being outside, basking in the sun. The hot summer wind blew against my face. It blew some more, and I felt it to become uncomfortable after awhile. Why is it so windy here, what is this? My thoughts became more aware and I opened my eyes only to be greeted by a raptor's mug all up in my grill. I screamed, shocked at the unexpected bedside visitor and jumped back in my bed. Within a couple seconds my memories settled, and I remembered I had a raptor guest in the house now. "Fuck, Sophie, you scared the shit out of me," I said with a sigh as I rubbed my eyes. "Of course you know how to operate door knobs," I assumed.

Oblivious to my reaction, Sophie frilled out her head feathers and gave me a "let's play!" expression. I groaned and rolled onto my belly and stuck my head under the pillows. "Ugh, go to bed girl," I pleaded, muffled. "Oof!" I grunted as I felt Sophie lift her leg up onto the bed, stepping up onto my back. As if expecting the bed to be a firm, solid surface like a rock, Sophie stumbled and lost her footing on the bed and fell forward into the bed, her back half laying across my back. We both yelped as we simultaneously writhed all about the bed. "Owch! Off!" I shouted, frustrated and tired, but fortunate of not getting scratched in the chaos.

Whining, Sophie settled into the other half of the queen bed and got down into her brooding position as she scooted up towards the other pillow and buried her head under it. She reached both her hands ontop of the pillow to hold it down like she saw me doing. I looked at her with unamused eyes at first but then couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. I didn't exactly want Sophie sleeping in the bed, but I was tired and just wanted to sleep. If this is what it would take to get her to go to sleep, then so be it. "Don't tell me this is normal with other people who own droms?" I thought to myself, considering that I perhaps should have researched sleeping arrangements some more instead of spending the night watching funny cat videos online. I smirked at the thought of a man and wife sleeping in a bed with a fluffy raptor snuggled inbetween them, like a child.

"Fine, you can stay as long as you behave," I told her with a stroke on her neck as I rolled onto my side and cozied back into position to sleep. Sophie emerged out of from the pillows and lifted her head up, looking down at me. As if finally getting the idea, she fluffed out her feathers and made herself comfortable. She laid down and rested her head under my hand next to me, and drifted off to sleep.

Saturday, April 10th, 2021

I was awoken the next morning by Sophie yawning loudly in my face, stretching outwards. "Whoof," I moved my head away, "nothing personal, missy, but you have morning breath," I said wearily as I rolled onto my other side. I tried to ignore her as I shut my eyes, but could feel her standing and moving about on her half of the bed. She stood up by the headboard and caught the blanket under her snout and pushed it up as she scooted in, trying to crawl under the blankets. I couldn't help but look back, and all I saw was her feathery tail sticking out of the covers, pressed up against the wall by the headboard. Sophie continued her adventure, crawling under the covers, but then fell off the foot of the bed, taking all of the blankets down with her, leaving me with none. I watched as she stood up and stumbled around the room completely covered in blankets, whining at the predicament she got herself into.

Not having much reason to stay in bed now, I got up and pulled the blankets off her. "Mornin' sunshine," I greeted her sarcastically. After sleeping on it, I figured I had better prepare to keep Sophie in the event she has nowhere else to go. Today would need to be a day of house training, as it didn't appear Sophie was trained already. The white raptor looked back at me, looking well rested and perky.

I had to pee, so I made my way to the bathroom. I assumed that Sophie probably did as well, so I figured this was as good a time as any to try and toilet train her. Having read about it online last night, it seemed like they were pretty easy to toilet train, and was the ideal solution. There weren't exactly any other means other than having them go outside, which most people didn't want for a variety of reasons. "Okay girl, watch," I asked for her attention as I dropped my boxers. Aware she couldn't mimic how a man would normally go, I straddled over the toilet and semi-squatted down pretending like I was her to the best of my ability. "Glad I only have to do this once," I thought to myself, feeling quite awkward. It was a bit difficult to get into zone with an audience, but I finally got to it. Sophie watched curiously as I did my business, leaning her head in. I finished up and flushed the toilet, and Sophie hopped over to watch the flushing action with fascination.

"Okay now you," I instructed. Unfortunately she was more interested in the flushing part and reached out to fumble with the flush lever. "No no," I say as I push her hand away. I stood back to watch her again but she just leaned down to attempt to drink from the toilet water. "Ugh that's gross girl," I intercepted her, "we don't drink that. Don't you have to pee?" Sophie returned a blank stare at me as if unsure what I wanted her to do. "Hold on a second," I wandered off to grab my tablet off my dresser, then rejoined her in the bathroom. I turned it on and it didn't take more than a minute to find a training website. I pulled up an animated picture of a raptor using the toilet and turned it around to show her. "Like this, do this," I told her. Sophie reached out to grab the tablet. I let her hold it with both hands, but she just tried to nibble at it. I intercepted her once again. "No don't eat it silly, look at it," I lifted tablet higher up infront of her eyes. Observing her facial expression closely, I saw her pupils adjust to focus on the object infront of her, and jitter about slightly to study the scene. I stood by patiently as she watched the loop play over and over, probably for about a minute before she looked away. I took the tablet from her and tried to get her attention back on the toilet. "Go on," I encouraged her.

Sophie leaned over and chirped a bit under her breath, then tried to turn around in the tiny bathroom to position herself. As she did so, her tail scraped along the wall, knocking the bathroom digital wallclock off the hook and down with the crash, then immediately taking out the shower curtain rod as well. "Shit! How do people do this?!" I exclaimed at the mess. While Sophie's body mass was about the same as mine, her tail drew out her dimensions too long to be agile in a typical house. I figured I needed to "raptor-proof" my house somehow, and again, I recount how I really should have researched into this some more. In any case, Sophie didn't pay much attention to the damage she was doing and placed her pubic boot over the toilet with her tail pushed up against the tank and wall. I rubbed my chin waiting. Sophie just looked out into space as if trying to get into the zone, but then she finally went.

"Good girl," I congratulated her on a lesson learned. She finished and awkwardly turned back around to look at the pot. "And now, flush, do you remember?" but she just looked at me puzzled, so I did it for her. "Oh well good enough," I said and then busied myself hanging the shower curtain rod back up. I heard the toilet flush multiple times behind me as I did so. "Great, what'll my water bill be like this month I wonder?"

As we turned to leave the bathroom, Sophie's rogue tail whipped up and around and dislodged the rod again. I facepalmed and just left the problem alone for now, procrastinating a solution.

I went into my walk-in-closet and threw on some clothes, then returned to clean myself up in the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and by the time I finished I realized Sophie wasn't around. "Where are you, girl?" I called out. I heard a long muffled whine coming from the other room. "What the?" I asked myself, then putting the toothbrush away to go look for her. Following the shuffling noises, I found Sophie in my closet with a a shirt tangled around her head, her long face stuck halfway through the collar. "Alright, seriously, you don't need to copy everything I do," I laughed as I pulled the shirt off her. "Raptors don't wear clothes," I said to her as I put the stretched shirt away. "Though we should get you some shoes soon," I continued. Specialized shoes for raptors were pretty common if they were going to be indoorsy, as their boney feet would otherwise cause too much damage in the house over time.

The phone in my pocket rang. The caller ID read Katie, a friend from work. "Hey Katie," I answered.

"Morning. What ya' doing today?" she replied.

"Uhhh--" I hesitated as I looked at Sophie, still eying my clothes with mischievous intent.

"We're going to the state fair today, want to join us?" she asked before I could answer.

"Yeah, I'm kind of...busy today," I replied, distracted as I battled Sophie from trying to takes clothes down from the hangers. She barked at my struggles, as if thinking this was game. "Shoo, out out," I told her quietly with my mouth away from the phone.

"What was that?" she asked curiously.

"What?" I stalled.

"What was that little yip I heard in the background?"

"Oh, it's a, uh...Deinon," I reluctantly answered her. I didn't really want to make a big deal out of this and bring a lot of attention to myself from my co-workers.

I heard her laugh, "What?! You got a Deinon?" she emphasized in disbelief.

"Not quite. She just sort of showed up last night on my patio so I'm taking care of her for now," I explained.

"She? Oh got yourself a Misses do you?" she quipped.

I chuckled back at her, "Yeah sure. Anyway I'm busy taking care of her, sorry I can't make it to your little shindig."

"Too bad. What kind is she anyway?" she asked.

"I'm not sure. I was looking it up last night, and I think she's either a White Crested Hefler or an Arctic Ridgeback. I was going to take her to town today to get some answers and shoes fit."

"Huh. Those are some exotic breeds, she's really a stray?"

"No tags, no chip. I'll do what I can but otherwise I'll probably just adopt her," I told her.

Katie smirked on the other side. "Lucky bastard. Welp, good luck with your raptor girlfriend. You should bring her into work Monday."

"We'll see," I replied, and put the phone away after we said our goodbyes.

After getting dressed and put together, I led Sophie out into the garage and opened the rear car door for her. I looked back there and figured she can probably just lay across the back seat. "In you go," I told her. The raptor took a step back, objecting the idea. I took ahold of her wrist and gently pull her towards the car. "Come'on, up and in!" I instructed her again. Sophie whined and pulled back, refusing to get in the car.

"Really, we need to go to town, it's not that bad," I said as I stepped to her side and pushed her towards the car entry. Sophie kicked one of her legs up and pushed against the side of the car, strongly protesting my attempt to get her inside. I lowered her foot down and tried some more but she just whined loudly, got away from me and ran away to the other side of the garage. "Shit, what's wrong with you? You got something against cars or something?" I sighed, and looked up in frustration. I looked out the garage window and tried to think of a solution.

"Well, it's not that far away, I guess, and the weather is reasonable enough. I suppose we can just walk there if you're going to be a big baby about it," I concluded. And with that settled, I fitted an old belt around the bottom of her neck and attached a leash to it and we were on our way.

We walked along the roadside for about 25 minutes until we reached the nearby shopping center. Sophie had a nice stride going on about her, holding her head and backline flat and pointed forward as she kept pace to my immediate right. I found it curious how she wasn't overly concerned about checking out the surroundings, or spooked by traffic. Combined with her lack of indoor manners, I theorized she must have been an outdoor raptor prior.

I made my way into a large pet superstore. Sophie and I were attracting looks from the other customers, and a few passerbys complimented her beauty. As I made my way to the back I saw a middle aged man with a brown feathered velociraptor hybrid on a leash, a size category smaller than Sophie's build. Raptors such as that were more commonplace, and I never really paid much attention to it before, having never owned a raptor, but Sophie was a bit different than the common hybrids. Most deinons had feathers that somewhat resembled an ostrich. They were longer, courser, thicker, and a bit more wild looking in general. Sophie's coat, by comparison, were at most 4 inches length for the light grey feathers on the top, and an inch or two for the white ones on the bottom; and they appeared to be narrower, finer, and more groomed. Plus, most deinon's longer, special feathers were less defined on their start and end. Sophie's head crest feathers, tail ridge feathers, and underarm feathers were well manicured and stood out, each terminating with a black tip. I also noticed they didn't have the discolored narrow ring around their eyes like Sophie had which highlighted her expression.

"Nice deinon. Is there anything I can help you with?" a young lady in store uniform asked me.

I asked if there was a specialist on duty I could speak with, and she directed me to a counter on the side of the store. I saw a few people waiting in chairs, and I looked around and noticed I was at the in-store veterinary service. I grew a bit nervous, not wanting to do anything too official due to her shadey past, but before I could walk away I was greeted.

"How can I help you?" a older lady at the counter asked me.

"Oh, hi. I just had a couple questions about my deinon here. I was wondering if you could tell me what breed she is?" I asked awkwardly.

The lady gave me a funny look, then gave Sophie a one over. "Well she's defintely an exotic hybrid breed. May I ask why you don't already know?" she tried to ask without sounding rude.

"I inherited her from a relative, but other than her name I don't know much about her," I lied, already having come up with a little alibi on my walk over here.

"That's okay, we can pull up all her information from her ID," she explained as she walked out from behind the counter holding a scanning gun. I didn't bother telling her that I already tried that, and just let her test her luck. Ultimately I recognized her frown, the same one I made last night. "That's odd, she doesn't appear to be ID'd," she muttered. "But that's okay, we can just reverse ID her by name she was affiliated with on the record. What was your relative's name?"

I froze, not expecting that. I quickly tried to theorize some responses and their expected results. If she sees no name come up on record, how would she react? Would she report Sophie as a wild raptor and take her away from me? I flushed, beginning to think this was a bad idea and looking for a way to abort. I decided to go with the "vague card".

"Look, it's kind of complicated, I'd really rather not get into all that. It's not that big a deal to me, I was just curious to know if her breed was obvious to the trained eye. I figured she was either a White Crested Hefler or an Arctic Ridgeback, but neither match the description perfectly."

She held her gaze for a moment then looked at Sophie again before turning back. As she made her way back to her computer she continued "Young man, you say it's no big deal, but I beg to differ. Knowing the breed is important for proper care. It will only take a second to pull up," she said expectedly as she rested her fingers on the keyboard as if awaiting for me to tell her.

"With all due respect, m'am, that's really none of your business," I replied as I turned away and gestured Sophie to come along. I heard a couple people waiting chuckle at our argument as I walked away. "Sheesh, well that was a waste of time. It seems getting any info on you is going to be tricky," I spoke quietly to Sophie after we left earshot. I theorized that if she recognized the breed was she would have just told me outright. But new breeds come out every year, so it's hard to keep track. As I rounded the corner I looked back, and saw she was on the phone, glaring back at me for the brief moment before I disappeared behind the next aisle. I groaned, "I don't like this...let's just grab your shoes and food real quick and get the hell out of here," I concluded. I debated if I should have just told the truth and took Sophie off my hands, and now here I was buying her shoes as if she were mine. I felt kind of guilty in a way, as if I were stealing this raptor, but at the same time I was just worried about her well being. "Why does this have to be so conflicted?" I asked her, out of context. Sophie just looked back at me with curious eyes, and I was at least thankful that she was maintaining her docile nature in public and not making a big scene.

The store had a department labeled "Droms", short for dromaeosauridae, a suitable term to apply to the full family of hybrids out there. We made our way back to the shoe aisle, although they were more like sandals. The sandal were quite thin and low profile, and the general idea would to basically just give the creature a softer step so that their boney feet weren't damaging to floors. A couple staps would flip over each toe, with a larger one over the whole foot. A few versions had claw covers too, but I wagered Sophie didn't need that. Some breeds were less hybrid than others and had longer claws. I had her place her foot on the guide scale to find her dimensions, and within a minute found a suitable pair of shoes. "We'll put these on back home. Should fit, else I can return them later I guess".

As I left the aisle I bumped into the lady again, with folded arms. "You'd best leave, young man, they're coming," she warned me.

"What? Who?" I asked, although I had a feeling I knew what she meant.

"I would have generated the registration tag for you, but clearly she doesn't have one. Legally we must report unregistered droms. Sorry kid, but I have to protect my job," she explained, waving her hand dismissively.

"And does that include giving me a head start?" I asked, looking all about the store now. She gave me a lazy shrug and turned to walk away.

"Damnit," I uttered outloud, "Come on girl, let's go." I moved through the store at a brisk pace and grabbed the first box of food I saw at the end of the food aisle as I passed it. I zapped the food and shoes on the self checkout and had it scan my cellphone to pay, then was out the door in a minute. As I walked across the shopping center I saw an animal control van pull into the parking lot. "Seriously?" I asked myself in disbelief, "Those guys are faster than the cops." Before they got too close, we quickly made our way over to the adjacent shop and took shelter inside.

Knowing they couldn't see through the glare from the outside, I stood by the glass entrance while waiting for the scene outside to clear. But within a few seconds a worker from the store shouted out at me "Excuse me sir, no pets allowed inside!"

I looked back and began to realize I was in a rather high quality gift shop of some kind. Nik-naks of all shapes and sizes filled island display shelving all throughout the store, with wall artwork along the sides of the store. "Are you kidding me?" I thought to myself. I was just a simple office worker, and wasn't used to all this mishap. I looked outside again and saw the van parking infront of the store. I just needed to stall them long enough for them to walk inside the petstore. "I'm sorry, what was that?" I stalled, pretending like I was looking around for who just spoke to me.

"Sir, we can't have pets in here, sorry," a long blonde replied with haste as she began to approach me.

"What do you mean no pets?" I asked stupidly, just needing to buy time. I looked at Sophie, who was darting her head in rapid twitches as she looked at all the shiny objects on display. I tightened my grip on the leash.

"We're going to need you to leave, please," she answered, sounding a bit more irritated this time.

"You're aware you're right next to a major petstore, right?" I replied, speaking unnaturally slow as I glance out the window again. I saw the driver now making his way to the store door finally...just a few more seconds.

"I understand sir, please, deinons can't be in here!" she said urgently as she held her arm out inbetween Sophie and an island display. Sophie frilled out her head feathers and widened her eyes, then let out a couple barks.

"Alright alright, we're leaving!" I replied, giving a jerk on the leash. Sophie resisted my tug and fought to take a step forward past the horrified girl, and with outstretched arms took a glass vase, not much different from the one from last night, off the display shelf. "Oh no," I thought. "Sophie, no!" I scolded.

Sophie gave a quizative chirp as she looked back at me. I stepped forward to grab the vase from her, which unfortunately gave her slack on the leash. Sophie hopped away slightly as she spun around to face me playfully, as if wanting to show me her new treasure. Unfortunately as she did so, her long rigid tail whipped around carelessly and collided into another island display to the side and sent it toppling over with a chaotic crash of all its fragile contents. The sound of shock and horror was heard from the three workers and couple of customers as everything came crashing down. Stunned by the chaos and too slow to react, Sophie, seemingly oblivious to her actions, raised the vase up slightly, then threw it down at the ground, just like last night. The vase exploded into hundreds of fragments and slid along the floors wall to wall.

"Out out, get it out of here!" someone older from the back yelled at us.

I gave a look of horror and tried to apologize to the girl infront of but she was to have none of it as she forced us out the door with her arms out in a blocking gesture. She stuck her head between the door, looking at us outside. "And that's why we can't have deinons in the store... You'll have to pay for the damages. Stay put while we come up with the bill," she said as she motioned up at the security camera that was keeping a watchful eye on us outside.

With a combination of Sophie's reckless actions and what the pet store lady did, I had grown quite furious. I glared at Sophie, as was only madder that she appeared to be oblivious to what she did. I wanted to discipline her, and it took every bit of willpower to not smack her upside the head. I at least knew that droms didn't respond to discipline well through physical means. "Don't look so happy, that was very bad!" I scolded her, and was content that I at least managed to wipe that playful expression off her face. I looked over towards the pet store, growing nervous and hoping the agent would not come out of there anytime soon. My attention was brought back to Sophie as she whined and butted the flat of her head up against my chest. I was obligated to pet her but was still cooling off. "Sheesh girl, don't you have any spatial awareness? I know you can be more civilized than that. How old are you anyway?" I wondered.

Each second felt like forever as I waited for them to come back out, but the presumed manager, a lady of rather large dimensions although well dressed and put together, finally came out. "Tsk tsk tsk," she sounded as she shook her head looking down at a tablet. "What a mess. I hate to give this to you but, that's how it is. But, we're cutting you a break and just charging you the wholesale price."

"Thanks," I said with hesitation as I took the tablet to look it over. "Sorry about all this, I just got her and didn't expect that to happen," I explained. I winced at the bill, almost enough to make a month's mortgage payment.

The manager looked over Sophie for a moment. "I'm not exactly partial to droms, personally, but this one isn't too bad looking. But, yes, it has happened a couple other times over the years. I guess they get excited by all the shiny wares," she explained while shrugging.

I didn't exactly see any fair way out of this, and I just wanted to get home before I found myself in any more trouble. I took out my phone and swiped it across the tablet to pay the store. We said our goodbyes and I quickly made my way out of the shopping center. I walked through obstructed points such as around the support pillars and landscaping so we weren't so easily seen from afar. After leaving, I stayed off the main road's sidewalk and instead walked home via the suburb alleys. I felt a weight off my chest once we walked through the front doors, back home safe and sound.

"We're going to have to be careful with you, Missy", I told Sophie as I took off my shoes. I wondered if the animal control agency would track me down by referencing the store's sales' logs, but I was pretty confident they wouldn't go that far, nor had such power. I made a mental note to scheme up some story or alibi to weasel my way out of any confrontations if they came knocking, however. The only ones I'd give Sophie away to would be the proper owners if presented adequate proof of ownership. Although now, after having sunk so much money into Sophie, I felt even more reluctant to part with her.

Sophie's noisy, boney feet rapped along the wood floors with each step, and so I was reminded of her shoes. I took them out of the shopping bag and readied Sophie. "Alrighty, don't squirm, let me put these on for you," I told her. Sophie bent her head down to the floor to watch, wondering what I was doing to her feet as I tied down each toe strap. I began to think that if Sophie was trained in anything prior, it was allowing herself to be handled by people, as she didn't seem to mind whatsoever. I finished one sandal and stood back up. "How's that?" I asked. Sophie just sniffed her foot, then lifted it up and acted as though she was about to bite at it, but I stopped her. "You don't need to eat everything you know," I told her, and was thankful she wasn't very persistent with the idea. I waited for her to take a couple steps, and she didn't seem to mind so much, so I fitted the second one on. After about a minute of awkwardness, she acted as though she forgot about them and resumed her usual gait.

It was close enough to lunchtime, so I figured I'd try to train Sophie to feed herself since I wasn't going to be around all the time to do it for her. I opened the box of food, which contained 24 rectangular disposable parcels of food. They were designed to be opened by either one of us. "Look, so if you're hungry you just take one of these, and..." I held the box infront of her, and pulled the ring on the top of the box up, "pull this up." Like a design of origami, the box unfolded outward a bit and formed a deep paper bowl. I motioned Sophie to take the parcel from me, which she did. She sniffed the contents and flicked out her head feathers briefly for a moment before commencing to nibble away at the food.

"Good...I trust you won't eat too many. I don't want a fat lazy raptor now," I told her. I grabbed another box and looked it over. The food looked something like cat food, although the pieces were twice the size. I wagered that this food was rather low-end. I would have liked to have gotten her something better if had the time. I put the box away and prepared myself a sandwich while she busied herself.

After that was done I was about to prepare some water for Sophie. I stopped myself and wondered about that. Do I just put a bowl of water on the floor? Or would I set it on the table? Do I use a bowl or use a large cup? I was torn between treating Sophie like an ordinary house pet or allowing her to behave a cut above the rest. I looked at her hands and figured she wouldn't have the dexterity to handle a cup without opposable thumbs, although her fingers were so long she could probably hold onto it anyway. I was just going to settle putting the bowl on the floor, but somehow I felt like I was disrespecting her, so I put it up on the table instead. It was a grey area I wasn't decided on yet. Sophie leaned in sunk the tip of her maw into the water, where I presumed she sucked the water in like a straw.

The day dragged on. I spent some time outside playing with her. She liked playing catch and fetch. I attempted to teach her to navigate the turns in the house better and to mind her tail, but I wasn't sure I making much progress in that department. I showed her the toilet thing again, this time having her use the other bathroom without the shower rod or anything on the walls. I tested to see if she could recognize her name, understand pointing, understand common words such as "sit", "stay", and "follow", all of which went well enough. I showed her the TV, to further test her understanding of 2d depictions. I tuned into a nature show, which seemed ideal since it had the least amount of talking involved. Sophie seemed to be responding to it, which was good, as I figured it would be useful to leave turned on while I was away at work. I couldn't help but wonder if there were programs I could download that were actually catered for them.

The sky was becoming dim, and I prepared myself some dinner. I wanted to see if Sophie would get her own meal this time, but she didn't and tried to eat my food instead. I pushed her away and stood up, and took her over to the box of food again. I handed her a parcel and waited expectedly. She fumbled around with the box for a long time before she started to work the ring. She nearly opened it sideways but I corrected her, and she finally pulled it upright. "There ya' go, eat up!" I told her with a pat on the head.

I took the belt off her later that night and ordered her a proper vest online after I got her dimensions. The vest would give her a more trained look, and came with a couple pouches to put things in. Some people even trained their droms to use the pouches themselves.

While online I checked the lost ads again, but didn't see anything that described Sophie. In fact there was only one raptor posted. I assumed they were not prone to running away as much as other animals, although where does that leave Sophie? I made another few laps around the internet trying to lookup her breed but couldn't find anything that fit exactly. Determined to find out, I photographed Sophie standing infront of a blank wall and posted it on a care forum. To be absolutely safe, I did so through an anonymous proxy. I didn't leave any text other than a subject titled "Name this breed".

I glanced up from the computer, out the doorway leading into the living room. Sophie planted herself infront of the TV, keeping herself busy as she watched some documentary. Bedtime was approaching, so I was reminded to look up raptor sleeping arrangements this time. I frowned at what I read: "As pack creatures, raptors will not want to sleep by themselves. Prepare a bed in your bedroom for them", with the next segment in bold, "Beware that if you allow them to sleep in your bed, it will be nearly impossible to break them of this habit."

"Great," I groaned. "I already blew it. This is going to be kind of weird if I ever have a girl over," I told myself. I imagined having to tell her that she couldn't sleep with me because that's where Sophie slept.

I moved Sophie's makeshift bed to my bedroom and had Sophie lie down it in. But, as soon as I started to go to bed myself, she would get up and try to hop in. I fought her over and over, trying to get her to stay down. Each time she would lie back down, but get back up later. This went on for at least an hour before she finally stayed there long enough for me to fall asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Sophie was lying in the bed.

Sunday, April 11th, 2021

The next morning, we followed a similar routine as the day before. Except that I tried to get Sophie to use the guest bathroom from now on. This was the third time now, and it seemed as though she has got the hang of using the toilet, which I was a relief. Although I did think it was a bit strange for a creature of such different proportions having to use something designed for humans. Thankfully Sophie was smart enough to adapt and make due with what we had to work with. She flushed four times before I stopped her, and I was hoping that behavior would tire itself out soon lest my water bill spike.

We ate then played a bit outside. I wanted to go for a walk but didn't think it was safe yet so I made up for it by just playing in the backyard some more.

I had my own business and chores to tend to around the house. Sophie stayed nearby, watching sometimes and minding her own business other times. I had to prevent her from "helping" every now and then. Dinnertime eventually came, and by now Sophie had figured out how to help herself after she saw me eating. I smiled, satisfied at our weekend training. I think she might be okay by herself while I was at work tomorrow.

After dinner, I spent a few hours on the computer to take care of business and catch up on my own afairs. Thankfully, Sophie collapsed on her side and took a nap during it all. I checked back on the forums I posted on last night. The thread read:

> He's an Arctic Ridgeback > Yep, looks like a Ridgeback > No it's not, ARs never have black tips on the ends of their show feathers. And that's a female, not a male. You can tell by looking at the nose and neck. But I'm not sure what that breed is, why don't you just check the tag? > Ridgebacks also don't have a form like that. It almost looks like a cross between a Hefler and a Dove Raptor? > You can't cross hybrids, at least not naturally. It looks like some kind of show raptor though. Just check the tag, it's all there. > Whatever she is, I want one! I love that well defined coat, mind PM'ing me the breeder?

I logged back into the proxy and replied "It's a long story but she was adopted and we lost her tag. I don't know the breeder." Sophie's lack of a tag was beginning to become more of a concern and how I could sustain this partnership without one. A counterfeit tag may be something I'll need to look into if something doesn't come up within the next few days. I surfed the web for a couple hours before going back to the forum. Nobody replied. I frowned and closed the browser.

My mind wandered on its own accord as I debated how to spend the rest of my night. With all my attention on my new deinon companion, I hadn't jerked off in a few days, and my body was beginning to bug me about that in its usual way familiar to all men. With Sophie still napping, I had some additional downtime to myself. I fired the browser back up again and before long I made my rounds throughout the regular porn sites. Everything looked sexy as always, but I wasn't giving it my full attention. In the back of my mind, all this constant exposure to droms had my perverted mind wandering. I've came across smut involving raptors before, and that was all I could think of right now.

Sophie wasn't spayed and was no doubt a compatible partner, but could I? Would I? Would she even be interested in a human such as myself? Running a few queries, I searched for some content to test myself, wondering how I felt about it now. There wasn't too much out there with female raptors, but I found a few. I pulled up a couple pictures and instantly felt myself flush. This type of porn was merely a distant, fantasy fetish for me at one point, but with it becoming a potential reality now it ignited a different level of attraction. I lost track of time as I flipped through different pictures and videos. My lips grew moist with taboo desire. The room felt hot as I worked myself into a moist sweat, and I wanted to go turn down the AC, but couldn't pull myself away.

My attention was broken and my heart skipped as a figure blurred in the corner of my eye. I jerked my head and jumped up a bit, startled at Sophie sneaking up on me. "Sheesh girl, how long have you been standing there?" I said to her. The female raptor chirped and whined, as if lonely, but quickly snapped her head to the right looking past me, her eyes affixed on the computer screen. She took a few steps forward and lowered her head down, cocking it to the side as she watched with bright eyes at the perverted raptor scene on the computer screen. "I'm not sure you should be seeing this" I remarked, embarrassed at the state I was in and ready to close the window. My cursor hovered over the "x", but just sat there. Half of me didn't want to close it. I wanted her to see. I watched as her pupils watched the video with great engrossment, perhaps interested in seeing another raptor, or perhaps due to the activity going on.

Without giving it any thought, I suddenly reached out and stroked the back of her soft neck and down her back, repeatedly, enjoying the warm feather fur through my fingers. Sophie shifted weight on her feet and was acting as though she was becoming excited at the video of a man screwing a grey dromaeosaurus from behind. The fact that Sophie was getting off on this underground media was only making me fall more for the idea. "You like that, eh?", I asked slyly. I closed the video, and Sophie responded with a brief frustrated growl then a depressed moan. "Relax, I'm just switching screens. What about this?" I ask, as I pulled up high res picture of man clearly screwing a raptor that resembled Sophie's breed a bit closer. Sophie shifted her head all about and made a couple chirps that sounded like a small dog's bark, then baby hopped a couple inches in excitement. I smiled at her reaction and couldn't resist showing her a few more pictures. She reacted similar to each slide, her head moving all about and zooming in, as if wanting to see from other angles.

With each passing second, it felt as though my inner beastial instincts were pushing aside my usual 21st century, orderly self. Curiosity took over as I slowly ran my hand from her back, down her flank and under the base of her tail. Blindly finding my finger towards her sex, I was able to navigate the last couple inches just by feeling her heat alone. I had only intended to barely touch her slit, but Sophie was moving about so excited she sunk herself down onto a couple of my fingers. She made a high pitched chirp at the sensation and before I even knew what happened she pumped my fingers a couple times before I retreated back. "My God you're a horny one aren't you?" I remark as I look at the clear fem juice on my fingers.

The smell of my tainted fingers lingered in the air, and I brought them up close my face to briefly admire the lube Sophie was working up down there. "What have I gotten myself into?" I thought as I closed my eyes. I had brought Sophie to this point and I had to see it through with a final decision. I looked over her fine figure with a growing lust of my own. "Having sex with an animal is one thing, but, raptors are different," I rationalized. "From what I've seen so far, they're too intelligent to be considered mere animals...hell, if they could talk, they could probably develop into a primal civilization maybe," I wondered.

I sat in silence as I thought about it. Only the sound of Sophie's curious chirping under her breath could be heard this late at night. "Maybe I'll just try it once?" I thought as I looked over at the window and reached out to close the blinds. "It's good to try new things and it's not like I need to tell the world about it". As long as Sophie was staying here, it was bound to happen anyway. I couldn't lie to myself about that. I began to become more conscience about how I've always wanted to try something like this for many years now. Such ideas were pushed into the back of mind and not to be acknowledged, but, I couldn't deny it anymore. Now was my chance. It was decided: as long as it is consensual, I'll do it. "Consensual? Let's find out," I thought to myself.

"Do you want to do that, girl?" I asked as I ran a hand along the inside of her leg. Sophie was still affixed to the porn on the screen, so I turned it off. She reacted by placing a hand on the monitor and looking behind it, perhaps wondering where the picture went, but before long her attention returned to me and how I was kindly petting her. I could almost see the gears spinning in that clever hybrid brain of her's as she processed what she saw, and perhaps tried to figure out how to mimic it like she has done before. My lips curled slightly as I watched Sophie size me up, looking at me from head to toe, as if understanding that the person she saw in the porn was a man, just like me. She glanced down and stared at my crotch and then craned her head down to sniff at it, or more specifically the splotch of precum that was showing through my boxers. Expressing interest, I noticed her flicking her tail a couple of times.

"What 'chya looking for down there?" I asked in an amused tone as I pet her head, allowing her to sniff away. Feeling a bit bold, I figure I had better take it out before she tries to do it herself, as I could only imagine how dangerous that might be if she were to try to do it with her teeth. I lifted my weight off the chair to pull my shorts down, but just as soon as I did Sophie came down with a wet lick. "Whoah, yikes! Let's just not be doing that," I remarked at the unexpected action, and pushed her head away, feeling a bit nervous having my vulnerable digit so close to her row of sharp teeth. "On second thought I guess that was to be expected. Damn I didn't think that part through very well. It'd be pretty embarrassing trying to explain this to the hospital," I thought to myself.

I bit my lip and considered allowing her to do that again, if she were so willing. She definitely was showing such interest, but I felt a bit too nervous about that idea right now. I was horny but not willing to risk a horrific accident. Perhaps with some trial runs we could work our way up that point, but not right now.

Curious to see where this was going next, I got out of my chair and stood up next to her. Sophie turned away from me and did a full spin, then chirped a couple times up towards the ceiling in what I would guess to be a mating ritual. Her tail swooshed all about in jerky motions and she baby hopped a couple times again before turning away from and taking a couple steps into the open. Turning her head back, as if making sure I was watching, she lifted her tail as she bent her frontside down, sticking her ass in the air.

My mouth fell agape and my cock twitched a couple times at the seductive invitation that befell me. I wasn't expecting that to look as attractive as it did. Sophie turned her head to the side, looking back at me, and erected the feathers on her head in a playful manner. Her tail was lifted and arched back as far as she could take it, and she swayed her hips as if trying to get my attention on her lustful intention. She barked and looked back at me with an expression that would best read as "I'm ready!"

"Okay okay, I get it girl. I'll give you what you want," I reply with a chuckle. "Or perhaps she's giving me what I want?" I wonder to myself, pondering how exactly she interpreted the porn. Committed to the idea, I stripped down from the waist down, kicking the clothing to the wall. I could feel my palms sweat and my heart race at the series of events that were about to unfold. My attraction towards Sophie was surging with each passing second.

As I approach the lusty raptor, I could catch the light playing off her glistening, wet sex. Sophie quit her movements and held still, allowing her unlikely mate to mount her properly. Luckily, despite being different species, the frame of the deinon had positioned the base of her pubic boot at the perfect height, making it pratically natural to align to her slit. Unlike what I saw before, her vagina was showing a bit of pink between her feathers. I reached out and traced a finger down her wet fold. Sophie responded with a brief click, and winked her lips eagerly. As she did so, a thin stream of milky lubricant emerged from her raptor pussy and dripped down to the floor below. "Whoa, porn really turns you on huh?" I remarked, surprised. Sophie tried to push her sex into my fingers, growing impatient in her horny state.

"Hokay, sex with a raptor, here we go," I narrate to myself as I place one hand on her feathered flank, the other on myself to aid penetration. I felt the excited heat of her drooling slit as my shaft approached. My head landed and pushed against her wet lips and began its dive. Relishing the feeling of her sex tunnel as best I can, I slide in some more, inch by inch. Sophie shifted her weight with excitement as she felt herself being penetrated, and let out a blissful coo noise I haven't heard before. The world around me melted away and I could only concentrated on the feeling of her vagina as I dived deeper. Her vagina felt a little different from a human's. The roof of it felt like it was made up of an array of large, slimy spheres, but the base felt quite a bit more firm and lightly textured. It felt as though it squeezed in like an hourglass at the midpoint and then angled upwards, causing additional pressure near the back of the tunnel for my non-curved tool. I bottomed out, pleased to see that Sophie's anatomy accommodated me quite snug. Pausing for a moment and enjoying the feeling of her unusual vagina, I heard a dripping down on the floor - the excess lube inside Sophie that was squeezed out during my plunge.

And there we were, a man and a revived species from millions of years ago connected at the hip in ways not exactly intended. But we could make love in spite of that, and I was determined to treat Sophie to a good time. I pulled back and began to stroke my raptor companion slowly. Sophie turned her head back to look back at me. I was taken aback by her change in expression as I looked back at her. I've seen plenty of videos of animals mating, on TV and such, but I've never really observed a sense of noticeable pleasure from the females before. But here, Sophie's jaw hung open slightly, her salivating tongue curling up, and her eyes showing that of deep lust. Her expression transcended any interspecies language barrier, washing away any doubt in my head about doing this and greatly turning me on.

This changed things a bit for me. At first, this was just fueled by being horny on some Sunday evening, but Sophie passion was rubbing off on me. I wanted to be closer to her, and I wanted to feel her. Letting go of her flank, I take off my shirt and tossed it aside. The feathered raptor's coat was inviting, coaxing me to lean over her and wrap my arms around her. Her fluffy feathers felt nice as I reached around and clasped her chest. Her long tail pressed against my chest and the side of my head in the new position, and I increased my pace humping her. The down around her sex felt great as our bodies pressed against one another. I heard Sophie cooing happily with each thrust, her head bobbing up and down. Becoming more and more aroused, Sophie began to step in place slightly, and shifted her hips about. I could feel the feathers around and below her slit becoming soaked with leaking sex juice. I felt like I was about to accidentally slip out of her, but Sophie shifted back just in time and began to create a slight reverse thrusting of her own. I had no doubt in my mind that if these raptors were wild, they would engage in frequent recreational sex, even more than dolphins do.

Sophie's unusual anatomy was working extremely well on me, better than any woman I've been with before. I felt the end was approaching fast and hard, which was no surprise given how long I was looking at porn combined with how I haven't done it in several days now. But, to my surprise Sophie was apparently even closer than I was as I felt her vaginal walls begin to squeeze down at a quickening pace. Sophie's cooing became louder and I could feel her tail pushing against me, trying to sway all about as she became more and more excited due to the climatic pressure building. She leaned over some more, causing me to shift my position to stand upright a bit more, and she stood on all fours with her hands to the floor. "Girl good, go on," I said stupidly, encouraging her to make herself comfortable. And that's all it took, as I felt her sex clamp down on my penis, her head feathers frill out wide with her head trembling as she let out a broken, semi-muted squeal. I felt a rush a hot fem cum wash over my member as Sophie orgasmed, the milky juice making its escape between her folds and joining the collective puddle already forming on the floor. Sophie writhed about slightly as she released, and I saw the claws on her hands and feet curl.

As much as I wanted to keep this up, it all was too much to bear. This sexual encounter was taking me to new heights both physically and mentally. I didn't want it to end, but I couldn't control myself as I sped my pace up to get in a few last humps before the lovemaking window closed. Making a few broken grunting noises myself I sunk myself inside her as deep as I could, pressing our crotches together tightly. I gripped a clump of her feathers on her furry chest as I began spurting semen into her. Sensing the release in her depths, Sophie reacted to the new sensation as she frilled out her long feathers again while making a clicking noise, patiently waiting for her human partner to finish mating her. Fueled by a combination of the buildup over the past few days and the extreme arousal of this new exotic sexual encounter, I came hard, flooding her raptor pussy with what felt like a gallon of hot cum. I groaned loudly as I no doubt came more than I ever have before, my body completely tricked into thinking it greatly wants to impregnate this partner of mine. I held onto the feeling for as long as I could, but I finally came back to earth. With my penis still inside her sperm filled pussy, I was panting, and noticed she was as well. "Wow," I said dumbstruck, "that was intense...what'd they do, breed you for sex or something?" I quipped to Sophie who was looking back at me with blissful eyes.

We both hold our position, catching up to ourselves for a little awhile. I felt the warmth seeping around my sunken penis. "Oye this is going to be messy," I began to realize as I let go of Sophie and stood upright while holding her tail up. I released my shaft from her pussy, accompanied by a slurping sound. As if reluctant to leave, a string of cum hung on between the tip of my shaft and her milky slit for nearly a foot before it broke and fell down against the feathers of her pubic boot. Her love tunnel was probably a little bit smaller than a human's, so I watched gravity take its toll as Sophie leaned back up. I wasn't surprised at the excess cum that dribbled out of her slit after a few seconds delay, making its way down her pubic boot. The feathers all across her crotch area was matted up and wet from the sloppy wet sex. Showing off another trick up her sleeve, Sophie suddenly demonstrated her agility by lowering her head to the floor and then back up, her long tongue able to lick the mess off her pubic boot. I watched with some arousal as she licked herself. Her long pointed tongue scooped up the jizz and brought it home to swallow like it was nothing.

I observed Sophie straining her flexibility, seemingly unable to reach her tongue farther than the lower half of her boot. I could only imagine how the raptors would spend their leisure time if they could reach all the way like some animals could. Satisfied with her cleansing, Sophie recomposed herself and ruffled all her feathers and let them resettle, then approached me. She pushed her head against my chest and cooed happily again. "I wonder if she thinks she's mated now?" I wondered as I pet her head and neck. Sophie lifted her head and placed the tip of her chin on my shoulder. "Interesting... it's like she wants to cuddle," I thought to myself, amused at her behavior. Sophie's fine feather down was more than cuddleable, so I didn't object to the idea and gave her a little hug. My attention was broken by the sound of a dripping down on the floor, and I leaned to the side and saw it.

"Sheesh girl, you're still leaking," I remarked as I let go to get some tissues. "Not only are you lazy about cleaning yourself, you raptors don't hold it in very well, do you?" I asked aloud, recounting how I've noticed similar messy scenes in porn, no doubt due to their unnatural reproductive anatomy. I walked to her backside and lifted her tail. I winced at the scene and had to question if she held any of it in as her business end was a sticky mess. I wondered how hard it was for them to get pregnant with such an inefficient "retrieval system". I wiped her down, but barely started before my meddling seemingly aroused her. Sophie flinched her tail up a bit and then frilled out her head feathers once more in playful manner. Letting out a couple barklike chirps as she looked back at me for a moment, she then walked away back into the opening. Without any hesitation, she bent over again and submitted herself to me.

"Hey come back here. I was just cleaning you down," I told her, but she just maintained her position and after a moment of silence looked back at me with playful eyes as if casting a "come on!" expression. "What you want sloppy seconds?" I asked with a smirk. "It's barely even been a couple minutes". I was still recovering from the first time and couldn't keep up with Sophie's sexual stamina, so I walked up to her just decided to finger her for now. "Eww you're all nasty back here girl. You're not sleeping in my bed again tonight unless you clean yourself down good," I joked as I lifted a couple fingers to her awaiting sex slit. I got to work fingering her with my index and middle finger, sliding them in and out of her sloppy pussy. All the penetration caused the last of the goo to escape down her pipe and soaking into her feathers. I watched as Sophie craned her neck, forming somewhat of a "U" shape as she looked up with her eyes drooped, enjoying the service. "I've never seen anything other than humans respond to sex so vividly," I said to myself.

I explored around her insides with my fingers, wondering if she had a G-spot, but after nothing special happening I figured I couldn't get in deep enough with my fingers. "Looks like I need a better tool," I concluded, sensing that I was ready to go again. Sophie flattened her head feathers and looked back with puzzled eyes as I retreated my hand, then lowered her tail back into a regular stance. "No no, we're not done yet," I reassured her. I lifted her tail up and all it took was a stroke across her slit with my finger to get her playful expression to return. Sophie made another one of her goofy barklike chirps at the implication and reassumed her mating stance.

I wasn't about to turn down the offer after having already tasted this little experiment. Like before I grab her flank and position myself, sinking my penis into her awaiting slit without hestitation. I grunted involuntarily by how enjoyable she felt inside, and just as well I heard Sophie react to the penetration as well and ruffle out all her longer feathers. Perhaps due to the previous intercourse, Sophie felt even hotter and wetter inside this time. I thrusted in and out of my raptor lover. A sticky messy could be felt around her loins as I pushed down, which at first I was a little grossed out by, but now beginning to become aroused by it. I rationalized that it was physical proof of our compatibility for each other, and it turned me on as I humped her wildly, eager to ejaculate inside her once again.

"Sophie is amazing!" my mind screamed. I was hooked. Becoming more and more turned on, I leaned over and gripped Sophie by her fluffy feathered chest once again. But this time I pulled her up towards me as I leaned back, putting her into a more upright, standing position. I felt all sorts of sexual fluids leaking out of her now vertical tunnel, coursing down my shaft and balls. Within a few seconds I felt Sophie shaking all about in my grip and her pussy clamping down on me. Looking up, I saw her arch her head back and frill out her head feathers once more. Letting out another broken, strained noise, she closed her eyes tight and trembled her jaw as I felt her orgasm for the second time. A release of fem juice covered my shaft and escaped from her sex, but it didn't get far as I pushed up on her with each fuck, wetting her all about.

Feeling my own orgasm close, I fucked her rapidly and felt my leg muscles tighten up. I embraced Sophie tightly as I sunk myself deep inside of her wetted pussy, exploding my reserve of remaining semen inside her, perhaps harder than the first time. Sophie was becoming very difficult to hold onto during all the excitement, attempting to reverse hump herself but being a bit too wild at it. "Hold on girl," I grunted between gritted teeth as I was cumming. But, Sophie managed to uncork herself mid-cum causing me to spray a few creamy ropes of jizz around her underside as I unsuccessfully tried to realign myself. "Sheesh Soph, you're making a big mess," I said, defeated as I let go of her. Sophie turned around with wide eyes and feathers frilled out in a show of amazement. She hopped a couple times in place while barking excitedly, though also panting heavily, perhaps expressing how she felt about our newest "training".

I watched Sophie slip on the hardwood floors slightly as she landed. "For crying out loud, there's cum all over the floor," I winced. "Ugh stop walking around you're not helping," I told Sophie. I gestured Sophie to stay put as I grabbed more tissues. Lifting her foot up as I knelt by her, I wiped her special shoes clean since apparently she wasn't going to do it herself. I heard a couple more splotches dripping down, "We're going to need to find a better way of having sex if you can't hold any of it in," I muttered outloud, quickly swiping the floor beneath her. I immediately doubled back on what I just said, and realized to myself I just implied that I was going to continue to have sex with her. I smiled a bit at the idea, and wanted to keep Sophie more than ever now. I was hoping that her history wouldn't catch up to her, whatever that may be...

"Hold still, and don't get so excited this time, I'm just cleaning you," I instructed Sophie as I lifted her tail. Similar to how you can't explain how cords tangle themselves in a box, I was dumbstruck by how messy Sophie had become under her tail, creampied and all. "What the fuck, you're a dirty girl, Soph. I don't even think I came that much, did I?" I asked. I wiped down the base of her tail and feathers, careful not to get too close to her slit again this time. Sperm was still making its way out of her creamed vagina, joining the trail that was forming along her pubic boot. I sort of wanted to take a picture of her creampie, but decided against it. Sophie just had her head tilted back, watching curiously as I meddled around her business end.

Saving her sensitive areas for last, I carefully started to wipe around her slit. Sophie responded with some quiet chirps and moved her head around to look better. "Easy girl," I said as I worked quickly. But Sophie ignored my advice and barked again, lifted her tail by her own accord and bent over, wanting to have sex once again. I let out a heavy sigh. Sophie was clearly showing signs of exhaustion, but she was apparently horny as hell. "Really, again? How long has it been for you anyway?" I asked her in doubt. But I couldn't turn down the lusty eyes she was casting back at me. "Okay, fine, but I'm just fingering you this time," I caved.

I multitasked this time, cleaning her down as I pleasured her as requested. I couldn't speak for Sophie but all this lovemaking had me completely wiped out, and it was getting late anyway. Making sure that Sophie would be relatively clean for bed, I held a tissue to her slit as I felt her beginning to orgasm for a third time after about a couple minutes. A little dribble of fem cum dripped out of her slit, caught by the tissue this time. "There, you go, satisfied now? Least you're clean," I asked her as I stood up and pet her, the raptor panting heavily and hunched over as if about to collapse.

I cleaned myself off in the bathroom, then went to bed. This time I didn't need to hassle Sophie to go to bed, and she hopped up and cozied herself to sleep next to me. I tried to fall asleep but my mind was racing with what transpired tonight. I briefly wondered if her behavior was due to being in heat, but I remembered reading a tid-bit once that hybrid raptors don't have mating seasons. This was just how she is. While I had already accredited her as being a potentially excellent companion around the house to come home to, the idea of her doubling as a sex partner was playing well with my labido. I was getting the impression that Sophie, or perhaps mateable raptors in general, was easily turned on and would be ready and willing to go at it on the flip of a switch. And while she may have some baggage from her mysterious past I have yet to uncover, it didn't compare to what you'd have with a regular human partner. Maybe that's what gave it the taboo society would want, but I had dismissed that notion years ago. I was pretty open with my sexual beliefs, and as long as it was consensual and not hurting anyone else I guess I didn't really care beyond that. In any case, that taboo was tied to ordinary animals, but some of the hybrid raptors were borderline sentient and were a grey area. Sophie was getting her's in return and was smart enough to chose her partner as she saw fit.

She was smart enough for a lot of things, in fact. I began to consider if I should enlist Sophie into a training school so she can learn Simplified Sign Language, or SSL - the form of animal sign language employing just three fingers. Not many people did that since it was costly and only eligible to a select few exotic breeds, but living single and without and major responsibilities gave me plenty of disposable income to burn. But after considering it some more, I frowned and realized she could never go to school because she wasn't spayed. She was sure to do something inappropriate there.

I smiled as I imagined with a piqued curiosity on what words she would use to describe sex. My mind wandered and I couldn't help but dream up all sorts of raunchy scenarios I wanted to try with her if she were to stay with me. I snapped myself out of it, reminding myself that I had to go to work tomorrow, and should really get some sleep.

And after a few minutes of trying to sleep, it hit me: what am I going to do about guests? I blushed a bit at the thought of my mother visiting, and then Sophie presenting her mating stance infront of us. How would I explain that? My mind raced trying to come up with solutions. Keep Sophie locked away during visitors? Try to hide her? Nah, that wouldn't work out. Besides, I had to keep her socialized anyway. The thought of sedating Sophie when guests were over crossed my mind but I dismissed it as being sort of cruel. I sighed, figuring the only solution to this was going to take a lot of work. I was going to need to get her to stop using the mating stance, although I wanted her to be able to express herself. I figured I could teach her a few words in SSL, enough so that she gets the concept, then have her gesture a sign instead. Perhaps a heart shaped with each hand. "Yeah, that would work, then in the event she does that to somebody else, I could just tell them she likes them," I thought to myself, chuckling at the idea of Sophie gesturing hearts to people with it secretly meaning so much more than people realize.

With that settled I tried to fall asleep once again. I looked up at the clock - 3:28AM - and realized I had been trying to fall asleep for about two hours now, having already stayed up late with Sophie prior. I tossed and turned, but was only becoming more aroused by my dirty thoughts, now sporting a hard on. "4:01AM," I looked up at the clock with defeated eyes, "fuck it. I'm taking tomorrow off...or today, I guess, technically."

Sophie stirred and groaned, perhaps becoming bothered by my constant shuffling around in bed. I couldn't take it any longer. I had to do it one more time, for the sake of getting to sleep if anything. "Hey girl, we're 2 and 3," I broke the silence, talking to her since I knew she was awake. "Maybe even 1 and a half since you jerked away last time. You owe me one more," I suggested to her. Sophie yawned and chirped quietly, then scooted her head closer to me wanting to be pet. I threw the blanket off, and exposed myself to her. I stroked myself a bit as I pet her with my other hand, the feel of her warm coat alone enough to turn me on. Sophie looked down at what I was doing with myself and started to come to life. She craned her head in to check out my manhood, but at this point I wasn't sure I trusted her enough to mess around down there. With that long tongue and mouth of her's, the idea of training her to give a blowjob was of course there, but that was for another day. For now I wanted to try girl-on-top with her in the comfort of bed.

I slid closer to Sophie, getting hip to hip with her. Now closer, I extended my arm all the way down her back and then under the base of her tail. I found her sex and blindly began rubbing her down, putting her in the mood. Sophie cooed and reshifted her prone stance, spreading her legs a bit more and lifting her tail slightly, welcoming the happy massage. I dipped my fingers inside her occasionally, testing the waters, and within about a minute I felt her dripping with lusty anticipation again. Without me noticing it, Sophie had slowly raised her ass in the air as she became more and more turned on. I figured she was ready, and I was throbbing for her at this point.

"Okay, we're going to try something new," I told her gently as I held onto her nearest ankle and lifted it up and over me, onto the other side. All while maintaining her vaginal rub down, I then encouraged her to recenter herself ontop of me. I scooted around a little, getting the position as perfect as I could assume. "Ok, up, sit up," I instructed her as I push up on her chest. Sophie sits up slowly, and I guide myself into her sex as her pubic boot came down on me. With a last second adjustment, I felt my mark and sank into her. Sophie flinched at the penetration and threw out her feathers again, but within a couple seconds she figured it out and sat up on me the rest of the way.

I grunted as I dived up into her, pushing my balls into her feathery underside. Sophie looked down on me with excited, playful eyes. I began to thrust up into her as best I could with her weight down on me. Holding onto her armpits I encouraged her to hump, which she did a couple times awkwardly with my assistance. After about a minute, Sophie began to coo at the sexual pleasure of her love tunnel being shafted again and she began to hump without my assistance. "Ah yes, there ya go, good girl," I encouraged her and pet her sides. Sensing that she doesn't know what to do with her arms and hands in this new position, I held her hand in hand to help keep her steady. Going hand to hand with a raptor was a bit strange, since they only had three fingers, which were also much longer. But, it was doable and worked just as well, and joining hands turned me on a bit more as we found another way for our bodies to interact.

Using her strong legs and powered by her wild lust, the once-again-horny deinonychus worked up her pace into a full on humping rhythm. I see her feathery tail flying all around behind her, as if out of control. Sophie looked down at me with a wild expression, as if saying "this is great!", being able to experience a position she wouldn't normally get to try with a stud raptor. With less energy compared to my raptor lover, I laid back and let Sophie do her thing, soaking in the pleasure she was affording me. But I wasn't going to last long. Not tonight. This new experience was driving me over the edge fast and I gripped Sophie's hands with a hard squeeze. I curled up my legs and moaned as I jet a third volley of cum into Sophie for the night. Sophie continued to hump me as I came.

I felt Sophie squeeze my hands back briefly, then let go. She dropped each hand onto the bed to my sides. I felt her squeezing down on me with a pending orgasm. I saw her usual orgasmic expression. This time I saw her face closer, and noticed her lower maw was wet with drool as she lost control of her composure. Sophie continued to lower herself down ontop of me. "You're going to slip out," I warned her, but she wasn't listening and collapsed ontop of me, chest to chest. I felt my penis get a couple more vaginal squeezes before I slipped out, and then heard Sophie climax. My crotch is greeted with a squirt of girl cum as she orgasmed hard. "You like that position," I laugh, getting the impression that was her best one yet. Sophie was completely laying ontop of me with her pubic boot resting on my stomach, and the top of my head about just below her maw. I gave her a full embrace and pet her a bit, and after breaking out of the pant caused by the wild sex, rolled her off to the side. Sophie scooted down a bit and resettled into bed. I figure she's probably a mess down there again but I was too tired to care. The blankets needed to be washed anyway, I rationalized.

We made eye contact, and I figured this was as good a time as any to show her my new idea. I made a heart shape with my hands, showing it to her. I held the gesture infront of her about a minute before she took a serious notice to what I was doing. Sophie cocked her head to the side a bit, sat up and made a copy of the gesture. Her fingers were longer than mine and it was a bit sloppy in its shape, but it vaguely looked like a heart. "Perfect," I smiled, "that's what that was." Time to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a busy day!