The Dark Power of Ikudu Chapter 3

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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#3 of The Dark Power of Ikudu Stories

Chapter .3

From the light of a thousand candles the numerous coven members shimmer in and out of darkness as they repeat the words of power. Teeth gnashing and mirrored scales flashing, shards of blood red light scatter about as snowflakes in the darkness.

The power being called fourth is great and terrible, the air shimmers above the head of the teacher, he shrugs it off and it fades... then rebuilds as the words are repeated...

This coven is large... and powerful... but I with ease cancel the demonic energies being summoned fourth for it is by my will and the Masters claw that they exist at all.

The chant is repeated a last time, now they know a new curse, may it serve them well and further tie them to me... time to end the teachings....

"Ut is eram quod ero vos es privatus ex hodie eruditio"~ ("As it was and will be you are released from todays learning"~)

"Ut nos es privatus nos have been illustrator per vinco mos!"~ ("As we are released we have been enlightened, by the Masters will!"~)

"Before you go however I have new information regarding tonights hunt, in honour of Doke coven I have invited Sutus their leader to join us with a few of his pack."

Anger at this announcement, several growls and threats were heard...

"I know you do not approve of this, some who were to hunt tonight must stay behind, this is necessary to help tie the bonds between covens and..." I lowered my voice in reverence and threat... "all hunts are to the greater glory of the Master..." The anger was stilled in it's place was a low murmuring of chants to the Master... they understood.

The outburst was not unexpected, the only way to stay hidden from the humans knowledge until the proper time was to hunt in small packs of no more then 13. This meant some of those who would hunt tonight must remain and let Doke take their places.

"Sutus! How many shall be joining us on the hunt tonight?" loud enough to be heard by all "I have four who joined me..." "As the Master wills it, Sutus and his four will join us this means seven of you as well..." now for the entertainment "decide among you who will hunt tonight and remember the roasted flesh that awaits those who stay."

A few scuffles broke out as powers were tested and those who will go are decided, the bounty of meat available should keep the injuries to a minimum as even those who lose will sup well this eve.

Finally seven of my coven join us, one has a scratch over his left nostril but grins with malicious intent at the thought of the hunt... "Now the rest return to your chambers and eat well, there is plenty to go around and you may have whats in my cell as well." They disperse licking their teeth and slavering.

"Well Sutus shall we retrieve your four?" I remove my cloak and place it upon the podium.

He grunts and looks at my pack, satisfied with what he see's we all turn and head for the exit... upon emergence into the outer tunnel I first notice his pack by it's smell, different then mine but healthy.

The others notice this as well and quicken their pace, we meet his pack face to face and silently appraise each other, smelling and tasting the air we become familiar with each individual member. A sudden growl of recognition by all and our packs our covens are one.

"Let's bring glory to the Master this night!" "We will hunt well!" "Ita Ita!"

We turn as one and head for the upper world...

-To Be Continued-

©2007 thwale