A Fox Amongst Wolves Part 3: The Choice

Story by Dfox789 on SoFurry

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#3 of A Fox Amongst Wolves

Part 3 is finally up. Tell me how I did and how I can inprove my writing.

After a great morning with Alec, he dropped me off at my house (not before he planted another long kiss on my muzzle) and then he left. We had both agreed to meet again at The Tail on Friday where I usually sat.

I worked at a local comic shop with my friend, and manager, Josh. Josh is a tall muscular bull with light brown fur and long ivory horns. He and I had been friends since our freshman year of high school and have been together since. After I came out to my family, I told him about me being gay and he was perfectly happy for me. We got an apartment together shortly after that. To anybody else, we seemed like a couple, but we were just two friends who will stick with each other till the end, and that's the way I want it.

Today was a bit slow so I decided to ask him what he knew of Alec. After all, if what Alec said was true, they had been talking for a few months. "Hey Josh, you got a minute to talk?" He looked up from the comic he was reading and said "Yea sure, what's up?"

"Well, I met this really nice guy last night and he told me you two had been talking for some time now. What all have you told him?" He looked at me oddly, then with a sigh of relief said "So Alec finally got the guts to talk to ya. Well it's about time. I don't know how, but you made that wolf fall for you faster than a fat kid down stairs."

We both laughed at his little joke before he continued "Well, he really wanted to know everything about you. What you smelled like, what your favorite foods were, hell he even went as far as favorite thing to do at home. "

"At first I thought he was just being a stalker, so I didn't say much. But one day he told how he felt about you. He said that it only took him one look at you to want to meet you. He said something about that's how his ancestors found there mates or something, but he did seem to care for you. " So Alec was telling the truth. I should really trust him more than I thought.

"So, you told him all of that stuff?" "Yeah, after the third week, I even told him about your little leather fetish." My eyes were probably as wide as dinner plates. It was true. I did love a big hunk in leather. Josh had accidently walked in on me pawing off to a picture of a bear wearing all leather, and he's held it over my head since.

"You told him what!" He started full on laughing and almost fell out of his chair. "Yea I told him, and I quote 'A big stud in leather gets you almost instantly hard' unquote." I gave him my best pissed off look before I said "You're an ass, you know that right?"

"No my uncle is, and you know he prefers you to call him a mule. I told him that because he seemed serious about having a relationship with you. So are you two a thing or what?" I took a moment to think about what to tell him before I said "Not really. We sort of need to convince his pack that I'm an actual fur." "What do you mean by that?"

I told him everything Alec had told me over breakfast, even the part of me having to become his pet. He sat there with a hard stare on me. He finally said "Well I don't know why you have to do that. It sounds likes he wants you to sacrifice everything for him. Listen, Dereck. He may be into you, but don't do anything you'll regret, okay?" He got up out of chair and gave me one of our usual Bro hugs.

Friday was finally here, and I was ready to give Alec my answer. I just hope he can handle it. I instantly found Alec over in the corner I spent every Friday night. He looked up from his drink and gave me a welcoming stare.

"Hey Alec" I came up to hug him around his neck. "Hey babe, how are things going for you?" I looked into his eyes and could tell he desperately wanted to hear what I had to tell him. "Listen, Alec. I really want to be with you, but I feel like I'd be giving everything up to be with you. I mean if you want me that bad then let's just go for it. You're their alpha; shouldn't they listen to you no matter what you say?"

He looked down at me. I couldn't stand to look at his eyes when I told him. I hear him give a faint sob when I finished, and he pulled me into his chest, and pet my head. "Dereck, I may be alpha, but if I did something they didn't approve of they could cast a vote and have me kicked out. Please could you give it a second thought?" His voice started to sound raspy, as if he was choking back tears while telling me this "Please Dereck, I really want to be with you. PLEASE!"

"I'm sorry Alec; I don't think I could throw away everything just for love. I'm sorry." I turned away from him and ran. I didn't want to hear his pleas, or see his eyes again. Even one glance into his eyes was enough for me to do anything for him.

I sat in a booth on the other side of the dance floor. Doing what I did on a usual Friday night. Only this time, I just wanted to be alone. I think everyone could tell because any guy that came over took one look at me and would walk away. I felt like an idiot. I just broke the heart of the only guy who was interested in me, the only guy who made the world feel right, the only guy who loved me.

I got up from the booth and made my way home; I couldn't stand being here anymore. When I made my way past the back rooms, someone grabbed me and pulled me into their chest. I looked down and saw a huge burly paw with claws unsheathed. All it would take for the owner to do is one false swoop to rip my chest apart. "If you scream I will end the pathetic thing you call a life."

The dark growl came from behind me and no sooner had the sentence ended did I feel cold steel against my neck. I froze to the spot, unsure of what to do, but I knew by the smell of arousal what he wanted. "Come with me now and stay quiet." The knife was removed but he replaced it with his other paw.

We began to walk to the backrooms. I've never been back here before. Pink neon lights covered the celling of the long hallway. There were several doors on each side. In a few of them you could hear moans of lust, and wails of pain. We came to the door at the very end of the hallway before the strange fur finally said "You're lucky we rented this room. It was made for a long. Good. Fucking." At the end of each of his words he groped a different part of me. First my butt, then my chest, and finally he gave my crotch the hardest squeeze of them all.

"What do you mean we?" He didn't answer me, but opened the door and roughly shoved me in. I hit the shag carpet hard. When I looked up I saw two other furs standing there. One was a tall muscular lion who had a long red mane. He looked at me as if I was a female lioness in heat. The other was a large grey wolf with white patches all over his chest.

"Mason? What are you doing here? I thought Alec wanted you to have a willing partner?" Mason gave me the most sadistic grin I'd ever seen. "Fuck Alec. He's a sad excuse of an alpha." "Then why are you his beta?" That made him angry as he gave me a swift kick to my jaw, causing me to yelp in pain. "Hey, easy now," The voice from behind me said "don't want to break the new toy. We just got it."

The lion leaned down to me and with one claw started to rip through my shirt as if it were tissue paper. If he could do that to my shirt, I definitely don't want to see what he would do to my body. He then lowered his clawed hand down and began doing the same to my denim pants. Soon I was just lying there in my underwear.

I was picked up from behind and thrown on what looked like a pouch in the air. I was thrown into the pouch belly up, the Lion came over and but both my ankles into little holes above me and then did the same to my hands. I began to struggle, but was rewarded with a hard slap to face. "Bitch you better stop all of that. You're not getting out of here till were done with you. Even then you're still going to be our bitch."

I finally got a look at the fur that brought me here. He was a large bear wearing a large overcoat. With black fur that seemed filthy and washed rarely. He held my head in his paw and brought down a collar on my neck. I dreaded the click as it locked it on my neck. He then reached into his coat pocket and held out a simple dog tag that simply read 'Bitch' and clipped it on the collar.

"Why are you doing this to me? I just want to go home and away from here." They all began laughing at me as I broke down into tears. Mason was the one that spoke up and said "Because we are all tired of you saying no all the time. So the three of us decided to not give a shit what you have to say."

They were beginning to strip now. The bear took the least amount of time since he was wearing nothing under his overcoat at all. They all three surrounded me, so I began to struggle again. I should have just stopped because the lion just gave me a hard slap to the face.

"Would you stop already? said the lion, there was a hint of a british accent in his voice " Consider this a favor; we are going to pop that annoying cherry of yours, then anyone else who wants to fuck you can. Isn't a fox's dream to be constantly fucked day in and day out?" Mason was walking behind me and said "I want his ass first, make sure he can't sit for a week or two. Not like we are going to let him sit or anything like that."

Mason had reached down and ripped my underwear off me and began to spread my ass cheeks. "Wait" interrupted the lion. He walked in front of me and held a blindfold to my face. He put it on me and said "No fun if the bitch knows what's coming."

I began to feel something start poking my ring and heard Mason say "Get ready foxy cause I'm going in dry." It didn't take a genius to tell that he pushed into me with all of his force. He had to struggle a bit but he hilted his dick in one hard quick thrust

I'd never felt pain like that before. I could feel my muscles contract and spasm because of the pain. If this is what sex felt like, I don't know why people want to have it. I screamed as he started to pull out. The moment I opened my mouth I felt something lodged in it and instantly knew it was either the lion's or the bear's cock.

"This should keep you quiet," it was defiantly the lion. I could feel the barbs at the edges of my mouth. The lion was huge, the width of his cock was as wide as a beer can, it made the edges of my mouth open. Mason was now thrusting into me with such a speed that I thought he would surely miss if he pulled out too far.

So here I was. Bound in a weird pouch, stripped down to my bare fur, feeling like I was splitting open, and a cock down my throat and all I could think of was why did I turn Alex down. If I had just said yes, I would be with him. Safe in his arms, and away from his ungrateful pack mate.

I wondered where the bear had gone. My question was answered when I heard him say "Room for one more Mason?" I began to scream and gag around the lion's cock at the thought of the bear trying to force his way in. The wolf alone caused me unbearable pain.

I soon felt the bear forcefully try to get his hard member inside me. The pain was terrible and I eventually passed out