The last Aethermage of Solum - Chapter 1

Story by Torben on SoFurry

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#1 of The last Aethermage of Solum

Chapter 1 - The way of the last mage.

It was cold, extremely cold, he couldn't feel it, it smelled horrible and he couldn't smell it.

Down the canyon he could see a slave transport, it was disgusting to see how humans treated the other creatures on the planet. He couldn't stand the view but he wouldn't interfere. He lived long enough to know better: You can't change humans. You can never change them, no matter what you do, they will always try to claim power, money and the opportunity to show that they are superior. It made him sick watching these humans being proud about catching these poor creatures, but he needed to restrain himself, no one should ever know his secret.

He was the last mage, well actually there were plenty of mages out there, magic is something that anyone can use, it isn't even hard, but he was special. He was the last one of his kind. From tip to toe he looks exactly like a human, but that was just for safety. He hated his appearance, but if he would travel in his true form any living creature would try to hunt him down. He was forced to keep his look all the time. Only his eyes, the source of his magic power, remained the same, the same as the ones of a lizard. Other humans called him half breed, unworthy, bastard, hunting him for just that, this alone proves that humans aren't worthy of the live they were granted. They weren't worthy of his time so he just looked away. He was on his way north. He had no place to go but north, it felt somewhat right. Yes, that was it, it was a trustworthy feeling. His eyes tracked the movements below, searching for any possible threat to him, whereas at the same time his focus was on the other side of the canyon, he reached for the other side in his mind. He could feel how the world around him works, could feel the ice gathering on his black jacket, leaving behind small traces of ice. He felt the ice winds guiding him over the canyon. He just let it happen, a simple trick but only few could use. And then it happened, he was gone. Merely the ice that was forming a cold coffin around his jacket remained, until the rests fell to ground.

On the other side of the canyon was a slight disorder it happened the same second as the ice collapsed on the other side. You could see the air trembling with power, it was like you'd stare into the void itself at , and suddenly he had crossed the canyon. He turned around and began to walk away, but just in this moment he heard a scream and a shout, the slave transport, he didn't want to but the curiosity got the better of him...

___ __ __

"Hey slave wake up!" the human in front of the cage poked the tiger inside his ribs, the tiger got up with a fearful whimper "Mommy, please help me..." the little tiger hided in the corner of the cage and started to cry in silent, she knew that if she would be too loud she would be punished. "Hey John, look at this slave, she already knows her place. Do you think I should show her what it means to be a female slave?" the human began to laugh at this and looked back at his human friend "You know that we aren't allowed to touch our Master's slaves, he would kill you if he found out." the other human who stood away from the moving cage looked at her and sighed "Too bad she looks beautiful, I know what you mean, but our Master would know because we'd need to open the cage and that would stop the magic that keeps it moving" The human at the cage turned back at the little tiger "Well I think we should just say we lost concentration, I would enjoy her screams" She began to shiver "Please gods, someone help me, I want to go back" she knew that even if she could escape there was no way back, the two humans destroyed her village in the wood, hundreds of miles away. She was trapped and could just hope that someone came to rescue her "Hey John, I am feeling kind of dizzy, could be the magic from our Master, I think we should ... Oops" the human began to tremble and the cage stopped and dropped to the ground with a loud noise. "Damn John I think I lost the connection to our Master, without his help I can't use magic" he showed his human friend a bottle with a green liquid and began to laugh"Ah Markus, you bastard, I didn't know you had alcohol with you, clever drinking it to lose connection" John walked up to the cage and hit it with his sword. The moment his sword connected with the metal pipes the cage exploded into thousands of shards "Oh just look what happened Marcus, my sword fell on the cage and destroyed it, what a pity" both began to laugh and looked down at the trembling slave on the ground. She was protecting her body with her arms. "Just look Marcus, the absence of the cage made her tremble, maybe she is already broken. We should bring her somewhere warm to comfort her, of course just for the master's interests, I mean what if she caught a cold in this icy canyon" John grabbed the little tiger at the arm but right the moment he touches the tiger she screamed and ran away.

___ __ __

He could see the little tiger girl down the canyon run away from the two men who were shouting at her, his rage began to rise, this tiger was just a little girl. How dare they break the rules the dragons forced down on everyone before they were all hunted down. He could see an arrow made of ice hit the little tiger in her left leg, he could hear her screams, his eyes were small, his knuckles where white from his rage, he reached for the ground and vanished into an icy mist.

"Hey John, that wasn't really necessary, just look at her legs, it'll cost us 3 days to heal just that." Marcus tried to walk to the crying tiger, but in this moment the air before him transforms into thousands of ice crystals "What the..?" a very deep voice pushed itself into his mind, the power of the voice made him tremble "HUMANS! How dare you break the law of the forgotten ones, leave now, without her, and you shall be spared!" Marcus looked back to John with big eyes. He couldn't use magic without the help of his Master and the connection stone, but John was able to and replied "SHOW YOURSELF, MAGE!" John screamed through his mind into all directions. The ice wall began to burn , red flames were eating their ways through the ice, whatever mage was doing this must be extremely powerful to cast fire and ice while holding it long enough to melt the ice. John looked down at the shaking Marcus with a scared look on his face. He could see that Marcus had the same thought about the flames and the ice. "Here I am Humans, now will you leave or attack me" the man behind the wall was a human of average size. He didn't even look powerful, someone you'd normally ignore on the street, well, except for his eyes. "Half breed, I should have known it, no master would come outside this far in the south, pah" John spitted to the bastards feet and began to cast a cancel spell "So this should cancel the connection with your Master, your kind makes me sick, a breed between human and some sort of lizard, disgusting. Too bad that you won't be alive to apologize" he rose his hand to cast another ice shard towards the visitor, but right about then, the stranger vanished and reappeared in front of John. He could feel ice forming on his face, that was the power of the teleport spell. It was bound to the element around you, but that was impossible, they thought, only 3 Masters were able to use it this, and this one was just a dirty half breed. "Not worthy of my life ... you humans don't even know what it means to live, and you've just proven yourself not worth of your granted life" the stranger turned around towards Marcus and began to walk, behind him an in ice covered human, the ice was so thin that you could barely see it, but it was there, for all eternity now.

Marcus breaks down to his knees and began to weep "Please, please spare my life I just followed my orders, I didn't want to hurt her, really. I was forced to do this, please..." the human tried to speak but somehow his voice didn't come out "Human, you are full of lies, I can read your mind, feel your feelings, and see your face, I could hear what you said earlier, don't even try to hide your dark desire. You want to rape this little girl I can see her in your mind." Marcus looked up to the stranger, tears were running down his cheeks "Wh... are...y." he could barely speak, his throat hurts like hell with every word. The stranger walked towards the little tiger. At the time he passed the human, he was already covered in a thin icy coat.

"Who are you?" the tiger at his feet flinched at his words, she held her injured leg and began to weep "Please oh god if you exist, don't let him kill me"the stranger let out an long breath and kneeled down so he could see the little tiger face to face "You don't need to fear me, I won't kill you, look at my eyes little one, don't be afraid". The little tiger let out a small whimper and forced herself to look into his eyes, they weren't human she could see that. She began to relax visibly "You will not kill me?" she asked still clenching her arms around her left leg, she could feel heat melting away the ice arrow inside her leg, "Remain still I will heal you, what is your name young one?" she looked down at her leg and blushed "I have no name, the humans killed my parents before they could give me a name. Are they dead, the humans, did you kill them?" she felt a caressing warmth coming up her leg, comforting her. She could feel the skin closing around her wound, he was a powerful mage to use the ice and fire elements. As far as she knew it wasn't even possible to use more than one element.

The stranger above her gave a sign "No, no, they aren't dead, just frozen, it is your decision what happens with them, at least what happens with the one that didn't attack me, the other human, he attacked me so I will choose his punishment, why do you ask me that? Do you wish them dead?" he looked down at the young tiger with an unreadable expression "I don't know, I wish they were dead but that wouldn't bring my parents to life I ... I never killed someone before. I couldn't stand it. Please whoever you are, help me" the little tiger tracked his movement with her eyes "Actually he looks quite cute for a human, something about him makes me feel safer, I hope he will help m_e" she looked up at him with her big yellow eyes and asked "What is your name?" the stranger, a bit uneasy, begins to speak, but then something caught his attention. He turned around and vanished in the next second, she could only feel the icy wind coming from his previous place "Wait! Don't leave me here!" she tried to stand up but failed. Her knee was still a bit sore from the hit and hurt like she had twisted her muscle. At first it was a small whisper but then it caught her attention, voices. She could hear them. Fear began to creep up in her stomach. She felt sick "Please ... Help me._" she began to whimper she didn't want to go back, she nearly was free, why did he leave her like this? Then suddenly, she vanished in flames.


Authors Note:

Thanks for reading.

I have done my best to corrcte this with a friend.

Hope you all like it.

And i hope noone knows how or what he his but saddly that is to obvious ;)

Please leave a Vote and a comment.

I know it isn't much but i don't have time to write in my Job. I am nearly finished with the next one maybe next Sunday ;)