A Fox Amongst Wolves Part 4: New perspective

Story by Dfox789 on SoFurry

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#4 of A Fox Amongst Wolves

This chapter didnt take long since It just flowed out of me. Well here it is hope you enjoy

I sat there with Dereck in my arms, choking back tears "Please Dereck I want to be with you. PLEASE!"

Dereck pulled himself away and said "I'm sorry Alec; I don't think I could throw away everything just for love. I'm sorry" He turned away from me, running into the crowd leaving me sitting there, silently sobbing to myself.

Tonight was supposed to be special; me and Dereck would go away from the club and go to a romantic dinner, then go on a stroll in the town's local park, and finally pick out his collar for when he had to wear it around the pack, but now all of that was ruin. Dereck had turned me down, leaving me alone, wondering to myself what I had done to make him say no.

Sometime later the pack came by; Mason spoke up and said "Hey Alec, what's got you down tonight. Figured with a bunch of small cuties around you'd be all over them." I looked up at him, trying not to show the depression in my face. "I... I just want to be alone right now. "Jack and Jason came up to me, one on each side of me.

Jack started by saying "I smell fox. Smells almost like..." "That cute fox from last week. Damn I don't know why you would be so depressed with that cute little ass near you." Jason had finished. Jack and Jason were twins and had a habit of finishing the others sentence. David chipped in and said "Hey wasn't that little fox your new pet. Think you need to keep him on a leash if you lost him already."

The mere mentioning of what I had told my pack almost made me break down into his tears. "I gave him a choice. We were going to see if he wanted to be my" I stopped. The word seemed to be stuck in my throat. I think my pack got the idea that I didn't want to talk about Dereck.

"Look how about I go look for him and you two can talk about all of this." Said Mason. This shocked me; Mason never usually did something so kind. He must hate seeing his alpha so sad. "Thanks Mason that would help" Mason left the bar in search of Dereck leaving me with the others.

They spent about three hours trying to cheer me up. Jack kept cracking jokes about ridiculous furs looking like idiots. Jason was playing the comfort card, letting me lean on him, and he always telling me that I had nothing to do with it. David was only making me worse. He kept pointing out other foxes that would be "great pets" for me.

"Hey guys I'm going to get some fresh air." I got up walking away. I made my way around the crowd. To get to the nearest exit I had to pass by the back rooms. I hated them right now. Somehow being near the rooms only reminded me of him. I could picture Dereck right now, the small fox with his silky fur, his slim body swaying like a leaf in the wind. I could see his face now, his long red muzzle with his small wet nose at the end, the way he looked at me with his crystal blue eyes. Dereck had the most amazing eyes. They always seemed to be an ocean of emotions. I felt like I could stare into them and drown.

That's when it hit me. I could picture all of this because I could smell him. I could smell Dereck right now. He had to be somewhere close by. I started to sniff the air. I followed the smell all way down the hallway. This couldn't be right; Dereck wanted his first time to be special, so why would he want to come back here. I followed it all the way to the very last room. Dereck's smell was the strongest here, he had to be in this room.

I slowly opened the door. Opening it only enough so I could see through a crack, I was met with a horrific sight. There he was bound in a sling, being fucked by both a bear and a lion. Their grunts filled the room, but Dereck's screams of pain told me that he wasn't back here of his own choice. I started to feel a burning rage build inside me. I wanted to kill these bastards for doing this to the fox I loved so much.

That's when I heard a familiar voice, and the anger was building even more. "Alright guys, the bitch needs a break. Don't worry though it won't be a long one." Mason had just stepped away from Dereck's muzzle. His dick dribbling with a combination of Dereck's spit, and I guess his cum. I couldn't believe it. my own beta, who knew how much I wanted the fox, had just fucked him like nothing. "Pl... pl... Please.. I ... I just want to go home." Dereck was in tears. It was obvious that he had been crying for a long time now. The muzzle that I loved was stained with tears of pain.

I have to do something. I quietly closed the door and left in a rush. I went over to where a huge Tiger was sitting. "Tom we need to talk now." The tiger looked up. "What's your problem Alec you sound pissed off? Someone bite down on your cock or something." I looked at Tom. Tom was a tall six foot seven tiger. He was the club owner and knew me since my pack and I were regulars at The Tail. "No Tom, but I need you to call the cops. There is a young fur being raped in one of the back rooms. I want the bastards thrown in jail."

Tom looked shocked at this. "You sure it's not one of the kids kinks or something. I mean come on you know some weird people come around here." I picked Tom up out of the chair, holding him by his striped shoulders and said "Look I know the kid, he wanted to save himself for someone special, so I'm pretty sure he would want to lose his virginity in the backroom of a gay club with three random furs. So are you going to call the cops or what?

Tom just stood there for a min then said "Ok ill call them. Just go help the kid now ok." I didn't need to be told twice. I ran as fast as I could back to the bar. I found my pack exactly where I left them. David looked up at me with a smile on his face "Hey Alec, Listen I know you liked that fox but I think I" "Shut up David I don't care who or what you found, but listen. We need to go save someone."

They all looked at me strangely. "Who is it? Did Mason..." "Get himself in trouble again." I wanted to ram the twins in a wall at the mentioning of Mason. "No but he is in a world of hurt I'll explain on the way now come on."

As we made our way through the club I told him them everything I saw. I could tell they were ready to fight, but only because I told them to. Mason was the beta, he was respected among our pack. I was sure they would see him differently once they saw him.

They got to the door at the end of the hall, the only thing separating me from Dereck, and the bastards that are raping him. Whispering now, as to not alert the furs inside "Ok I need the three of you to take down the furs in there. I'm going to get Dereck out of the sling. Got any questions?"

The three wolves in front of him just looked at each other and shook their heads. I stood up and got myself ready.

The next few minutes happened in a flash. I had busted the door down with only my elbow. All three of them were sitting down at a nearby couch in the room drinking something from a shot glass. I ran for Dereck, while my pack went for the others. I easily tore the straps away from his hands and ankles, and pulled him into my arms. Not caring about his struggles to get away. "Dereck calm down its me, Alec. Its ok I'm here its Alec." Dereck seemed to be getting the message since he stopped now and just sat there crying in my arms.

I buried his nose under my chin and started to lick his neck. Showing him I only wanted to calm him. He sat there crying into my shoulder. I leaned forward a little and whispered" Its ok Dereck, I'm here now no one is ever going to hurt you again I promise. "I sat there and slowly started to pet the back of his head.

I looked behind me to see an amazing sight. Jack had somehow gotten behind the giant ursine and pinned him against a wall. Jason was behind the lion, who was forced into a kneeling position, while Jason held him with two fingers pressing into his neck's pressure points.

The most joyous sight was seeing David, our omega, pin the smaller beta to the floor holding him between his legs, with his teeth around Mason's throat. I got up still holding the crying fox in my hands. I noticed the collar around his neck and took it off of him and threw it to the wall.

"Mason how dare you do this. You first broke one of my main rules of forcing someone into this position, and second you did it to someone I cared for. In fact I can see only one punishment for this." I looked up to my fellow pack mates and said in a clear voice "Pack I call a vote. I wish to banish mason from the pack. All in favor. "Almost immediately did they all say "I". "All apposed" only one "nay" was said and that was from Mason.

"Very well, Mason Holt You are here by banished from this pack and this all areas we claim as our own. Your stuff will be sent to you from the house." Mason looked up at me and stared into me and said "Fine be that way. I always hated being your beta. You never wanted to force those who needed to be shown who their masters are."

I didn't reply, I just sat there doing my best to comfort Dereck. He started to cry less now, but I could tell it was because I was there. A few minutes later the police came and they began the routine of questioning everyone there. The whole time I never let Dereck leave my side.