Portals - Chapter 3

Story by Runewuff on SoFurry

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by Rune

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Chapter 3

I like to think of this part as the erotic fiction equivalent of striptease and foreplay. ~_^

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Geoff led the way, Rin right behind him. The third door on the left, a solid, finely-machined block of metal, slid open automatically for them. As he stepped through the security door, a blue transparent holoarrow appeared in mid-air in front of him, floating silently down the corridor. They followed it, around many twists and turns, through more heavy security doors that automatically opened and up a couple ramps to higher floors, until he didn't think he could even remember the way back. All the while, the arrow stayed just ahead of him and Rin like a carrot-on-a-stick.

Finally, it hovered in front of a metal door that looked slightly different from all the previous ones. It was in the same style, but it wasn't a special security door.

"Specimen Preparation" was stamped into the metal above it.

He shuddered.

Rin looked sheepish.

It slid open, and they stepped through into a room of utilitarian plastic panels, and cameras that panned and zoomed to follow their movements.

The lab-coated ocelot was there, the faint aura of coffee lingering about her. Without any holomenus obscuring her face, she had warm features with delicate spots, but her amber slit-pupil eyes had the stare of a hunter.

Rin shivered.

"Ok. Mister... Torla," the aim of her gaze targeted Geoff, "Can I call you Geoff?"

"Sure," he replied.

"Stand there," she pointed at a scanning circle built into the floor, with a matching one in the ceiling. A biometric scanner of some sort.

"And you," she aimed her gaze back at Rin, "Mister... Bish-ee-gami?"

"Bishigami," wincing at her mispronounciation while he rolled the name easily off his tongue, "Long as we're going by first names, it's Rin."

"Ok Rin, stand over there," she directed him to a spot circled by with several large vertical blocks hanging from the ceiling. A medical-grade body scanner.

Andrea Technologies-blue holomenus popped open in front of her, their backs blurred so only she could see what was on them. They unfolded and flipped through pages without her touching them... she was obviously working by a wireless cyberlink implanted in her brain... most people had them to talk to each other and access the net. The holomenus were probably the scan data from the medical-quality biometric scanners they were standing in.

"Hmmm... ok," she said to herself, "Change places."

He padded into the space surrounded by vertical blocks and Rin clopped over to the circles.

"Right," she nodded to herself, "You're cyberized, Geoff?"

"Just a cyberlink in my brain," he explained. Did this disqualify him from the research? "It's not even on... I... haven't paid my wireless bill in months, eh," he blushed.

"Ah, well..." she thought aloud, "Though I normally like to have uncyberized specimins, this experiment is a little different. I should be able to make use of the ability to signal your nervous system directly. Yes, more precise control that way."

Control his nerves directly?

A wave of fear tensed every muscle in his body.

"And you..." she glanced at a holomenu, "Rin? Uncyberized?"

"Yes, ma'am..." Rin mumbled nervously.

She put a paw to her ear and fidgeted the pointed tip between two claws.

"Yes..." she said, "Harder to make you start and stop... and a horse with anatomy in the ninety-eighth percentile... ah, that could work very well..."

She took her paw off her ear.

"Ok, guys," her voice brightened, though her stare still pierced, "Put your clothes in the trash."

Rin's brown eyes went wide.

"W, what?" Geoff shuddered.

"This IS a medical test," she rolled her eyes, "You have to strip."

"But throw our clothes out?!" protested Geoff.

"You won't need clothes in here," she said with a twinge of annoyance, "We'll give you new ones when you go to leave at the end of the..." she glanced at a holomenu, "week. And with what you're wearing now, I'd say we're doing you a favor, eh?" she chuckled.

Geoff stood there, taking it all in. Rin's eyes stayed open wide, though he blinked a few times.

"Now..." her hunter's eyes glared as if about to pounce, "I haven't got all day. Keep me here long enough, and both of you'll be staying another day... without pay."

"Shit!" In the holodocuments he'd signed, Geoff had seen a clause about the tests being completed no matter how long it took, and in another paragraph, it said they were going to be paid only for one week if that happened. The corp really could do that!

"So where do I..." he started to ask, and she thrust a paw at a stainless steel cylinder with a slashed red circle painted on it.

He padded over to it nervously, tail twitching so much it tapped the cold floor, feeling the blood rushing to his cheeks already.

Peering in, he spotted Lou's shirt, shorts, and a pair of sports boxers in there, atop a pile of nasty-smelling garbage.

The wolf was already ahead of them somewhere... completely naked. And that guy had a magnificent body...

Sighing, he pulled his shirt off. The jagged tribal pattern dyed in his right arm rounded his shoulder and swept across his right side, curling around the nipple to draw attention to the piercing there. Over the years, he'd stretched his nipple piercings, increasing the size of the barbells twice, so now they matched the size of the stud in his lip.

The ocelot raised an eyebrow, her yellow-slitted hunter's eyes taking it all in.

"You too, Rin..." she insisted.

The horse clopped over to the trash bin sheepishly. He hesitated a bit, then pulled his drab sleeveless sweater off quickly.

The horse's light brown chest was more buff than Geoff had imagined, and his torso long and powerful. The horse must have been a regular gym-goer before ending up poor like him.

All-too-aware the ocelot's eyes were lasering him, and overhead cameras were swivelling to record everything, Geoff unzipped his black pants and let them drop to his paws, bending his furless tail out of them. All he had left on was a neon yellow thong... which had matched the light-up track stripes in his clothes before they ran out of power.

The tribal tats dyed in his fur went around his buttcheek and thigh, down his right leg, all the way to his paw. The yellow thong interrupted the river of ink, as if tempting to pull it off and let the beautiful design flow freely... which was the effect he'd intended.

As he stepped out of his pants and dropped them in the metal bin, Rin undid the makeshift tie around his dirty jeans.

Did that camera just zoom in to film his dick close up as soon as it was revealed? Then again, it was hard to tell what it was doing, whether it was zooming in or out.

Might as well get it over with.

He pulled his thong down, cool air suddenly across his sheath and balls. He bent down, lifting a leg and flexing his tail to pull his thong off completely. It felt good to let his tail go free, not even an opening in his clothes hugging the tailbase.

Rin pulled his jeans down, and... his long pink dick instantly flapped down. He was huge! Even with his dick slack. Even for a horse. Geoff had seen horsecock before, in the high school locker room, but Rin was the most well-endowed horse he'd ever seen!

Rin hesitated nervously, and Geoff suddenly realized he'd been staring, His cheeks burning and probably cherry red, Geoff looked away and held his thong over the trash bin and let go. Rin did the same with his pants.

Heart pounding, and cheeks in full blush, Geoff turned to face the ocelot. Her laser stare seemed to burn right through him. Rin did the same, and she stood for a moment, staring and tapping a note in a holomenu with one paw. If Geoff didn't know better, he'd have thought she was stalling for more time to enjoy the view.

The holomenus winked out of existence.

"Ok boys," she said in a pleased voice, "We used to just jump people right into testing, but starving homeless like you..." the hunter's eyes stared at them accusingly, "Get dirt in the high-tech equipment, So go in there," she pointed to a door behind her, "Get washed up first, eh?"

He opened his mouth to say something back about her insulting tone, but...


His stomach had spoken for him.

* * * * *

The metal door slid open automatically for Geoff and locked shut behind Rin. There was nowhere to go but forward.

Exploring the corridors with clothes on and a luminous holoarrow to guide them was one thing. Trapped with no guidance, and his body completely bare to whatever lay ahead of them, he suddenly felt very naked and very vulnerable.

He padded forward hesitantly, the metallic plastic giving way to real metal, hard and cold underpaw. Turning a corner, they found themselves in a stainless steel communal shower.


It had been weeks since he'd gotten a hot shower! He felt his ears perk up and tail raise in happiness as ran to one of the showerheads. It flicked on automatically, water flowing out noisily onto the metal floor. It was hot and foamy, pre-mixed with fur shampoo... and judging by its feel, high quality shampoo at that.

He turned about, letting it soak every inch of his fur, eagerly rubbing the dirt away from his ears and head...his muzzle with its beauty stud... his neck arched back in ecstacy... his intricately tribal patterned right shoulder and arm, and snow white left shoulder and arm... his large barbell piercings in his nipples which tugged pleasurably as his fingers worked around them... his back...

As he faced the other end of the room, he saw Rin rubbing his powerful hands across his brown chest. His mane was wild about his shoulders, and his short, wet fur had a beautiful sheen now that it was clean. He seemed to grow taller by the second, his long torso stretching as he relaxed... along with another part of his body. With the influence of the hot, sudsy water, his pink shaft swelled in girth before his eyes, jacking up a little with unconscious throbs.

Watching and smiling absently, Geoff rubbed his aching, empty belly... his slit and balls and his own modestly-sized pink member which was emerging at the sight... his patterened right hip... between his buttcheeks... down his elaborately-patterned right leg and pure white left leg... his furless tail... and finally his sensitive footpaws, each seemingly one big callous grown and sensitized from all the walking on bare cement he'd been doing lately.

Rin rubbed his body with his eyes closed, losing his self-consciousness as he forgot where he was and who was there with him. He rubbed his long torso. He whinnied as he rubbed his huge, throbbing rod clean. He ran his fingers through his long tailhair. Then bent down and lifted his tail to clean between his cheeks. He lifted one taught-muscled leg and then the other, his hooves clanking the metal floor.

As he finished rubbing his hooves, he opened his eyes to see Geoff, and started. He looked about the room, dazedly remembering where he was, looking away and trying futilely to cover his enormous erection with his hands.

Geoff grinned and...

"Yeeooo!" He wailed as the hot, soapy water shifted to cold, clear water.

He stayed in the cold jet just long enough to wipe the soap from his fur, then stepped back.

The shower turned off automatically.

As the continued into the next twisting corridor, he glanced up at the cameras, wondering who was watching and if they'd turned the water cold.

The floor of the next room was a grille, which blasted a full-body fur drying from below. He'd never felt anything like it before, and Rin moaned as the hot air sent his shaft almost flush vertical with his torso.

After the fur dryer shut off, the next metal door slid open automatically on a small room with a lab-coated grey persian female and a heaviset bear, next to a padded reclining chair, with various sharp needles and harsh instruments on either side of them.

Geoff's fur stood on end.

"I thought we weren't going to start the tests yet?" he said with rising horror.

"Oh, don't worry," said the perky feline, "This is just some bloodwork. Can't do everything by scanner, you know. Sit down, the sooner this is over, the sooner you can head on to the cafeteria."


He stomach spurred him to comply.

The feline took one of the smaller needles and drew a modest amount of blood from him. She immediately loaded the vial in a metal testing machine, probably full of microtubes to run hundreds of different tests. While the machine hummed along, the bear wrapped a tape measure around his neck.

"What are you measuring for?" he asked.

"Ok," she nodded to the bear.

The bear's heavy hands put a cold, metal collar around Geoff's neck and torqued it down with a pneumatic drill behind his neck.

An led crystal in the front lit up yellow.

"Ok, up!" he said.

He stood up, and Rin sat in the chair. They took Rin's blood and collared him as well.

Geoff felt the cold, smooth collar in his hands... whatever the bear did, there was no seam he could find anywhere.

A wave of tension flowed through every muscle in his body, and he felt blood rush to his cheeks.

"What? What is..." he stammered, "Why is this friggin..."

"Oh, that's just to mark you as a test subject," the bear said matter-of-factly, "Can't have naked people just wandering around and getting lost," he smirked as if it was just a practical joke.

"You'll be pleased to know you're both disease free," the feline said happily.

"For your information, you're Subject Eight-Three-Oh-Five," the bear pointed at Geoff, "And you're Eight-Three-Oh-Six," he gestured at Rin. Remember your test subject number, it'll be your "name" while you're here."

Rin's collar was stenciled "8306" just to the right of his amber led crystal. There was probably a similar stencil on his own collar...

Geoff's stomach sank.

They'd just been reduced to numbers in submissive collars, practically slaves...

Their collars chimed, and their led crystals lit up green.

"That means it's time for your first test," said the feline.

"Go on," the bear gestured at the door with a tool, "Just follow the arrows and you can't go wrong."

It slid open on a regular hallway lined with doors...

Oh God!

There were the sounds of people echoing from both directions, and they were completely naked.

"Go on, you don't wanna keep the scientists waiting, eh?" the bear shooed Rin out into the hall.

They were nude in pubic!

...and the door slid shut behind Rin!

Another Andrea Technologies-blue holoarrow appeared and led them...

Around a corner right past a pair of white lab-coated canines chatting away.

"...better be there," said a retriever girl.

"Yeah, if he keeps us waiting like last time..." said a male husky.

Rin gasped, and Geoff felt his cheeks burn as they padded past, going single-file and leaning to pass them, their lab coats brushing against their barefurred legs and his naked tail.

That was it? They acted like walking past naked strangers with erections was perfectly normal?

The arrow led them to a particular room, and the metal door slid open on a small metal room.

"Test Chamber 369" was engraved in the metal plate above it.

He took a breath to steel himself and stepped inside, the door sliding shut before Rin could follow.

* * * * *

The metal room was round, but not large. Raised rings of metal on the floor and ceiling were lined with cameras, the ends of strange retracted instruments, and panels with God-knew-what behind them.

[8305 - Stand in the center - Face the door - Raise your arms - Stretch out your limbs]

He started. It wasn't a synthetic voice per se, but had been sent directly to the cyberlink in his brain. He thought of accessing whatever network the building had, but [Test Subject - Cyberlink for test purposes only - Network access forbidden]

He sighed... weeks spent unable to afford a network carrier for his cyberlink, and now this.

His body belonged to Andrea Technologies now, to be used any way the corp pleased, even the implants in his own brain. He felt sick at the thought.

[8305 - Stand in the center - Face the door - Raise your arms - Stretch out your limbs]

Nothing to do but enjoy the ride...

He followed the instructions, placing himself spread-eagle in the middle of the room.


Cold metal shackles snapped shut around his ankles!

He gasped, bending down to feel one of them. It was smooth, thick metal, attached to the floor by a short mechanical arm.

[8305 - Raise your arms - Stretch out your limbs - If you do not obey, negative stimulus will be applied]

He raised his arms over his head, and two mechanical arms snapped shut around his wrists. Then they pulled up, stretching his body out achingly hard.

"Oh God! Shit!" he winced.

His stainless steel collar chimed and its led crystal started glowing blue.