Spirit Chronicles- Chapter one

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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#1 of Spirit Chronicles

Spirit Chronicles

Year One

Chapter One: First Starts

The Spirit College, the top college within the Summit country, it stands tall with its black and silver walls which cover it. The gates made with steel with the colors of shining silver, and beyond the gates lay the lush green grass. The path to the large silver double doors is black with symbols of their school, the Angels, which is why their school name is Spirit. The college takes the name due to it residing in a haunted city, but not many people believe it is. The Angels, the symbol of the school comes from the name of the university, it shows that they are about the success and peace of their students in life and beyond. The university itself shows its high ranking with its success rate of graduating scores and their variety of fraternity and sports, from the sorority to the major college football teams.

The university's top football, the SSU Angels (Silverten Spirit university), is the best in the Summit country colleges. They have a coach that used to work for the professional football teams throughout the country, his high-ranking knowledge and quick planning makes the SSU Angels excel over most of the rivaling teams. Many students try-out for the team, but only a few ever make it in and even less make it at the age of 18. The range at each person joins is normally 18 to 20 years, but a new student, Tigz, joins the college under the age of 18 and is even on the football team's recommended list for the team.

Tigz is a 17-year-old student with not only an excellent sport record, but high grades with wanting photography degree. His goal for himself is to travel the world and see everything there is. He starts today at the university with doubts within his mind, this being his first time without his close friend Shad beside him. The young black wolf walks up to the large silver double doors, he lifts his head upward, looking at the towering building with his dark blue eyes. As he does so, a green-scaled dragon with camouflage pants and a T-shirt on, along with a silver cheetah with a black sleeveless shirt and black pants and a silver eye color walk over to Tigz and look at him. They wonder if he might be the new student, they have been hearing rumors about.

"Hey there bud, are you the new guy? You look new, so you must be new, right?" The green dragon says jokingly to Tigz as he steps to him. "My name is Drake Copper, what's yours?" Drake offers a green scale claw in friendship.

Tigz hesitates to reply to Drake, feeling uneasy still with the school. He shakes his head, forcing himself to speak out "Y-yes I am Tigz, the n-new student here at Spirit High!" He says nervously, both his paws shaking with a little sweat drop going down the side of his face.

The cheetah chuckles lightly, looking at the obviously nervous lupine "Wow Drake, seems like we are at the new high school already haha." The cheetah says with a smile, trying to hold back his laughing.

"Heheh yeah it does." Drake tries to contain his own laughter.

Tigz notices his reply earlier; thinking to himself that he looks like he still should be in high school and from what he remembers there was not a high school in the city due to the funding here focused on the college mainly. "S-sorry I didn't mean to say that, it's all very new to me still." Tigz says, calming himself down somewhat from his previous reaction.

"Its fine, I heard the new guy was gonna be young so I already mentally prepared myself." Drake says as he pokes his temple and chuckles.

Tigz blushes lightly, feeling embarrassed from the comment. He looks over at the silver cheetah that is now leaning against the wall of the school "Um, by the way what is your name?" He asks nicely, trying to be polite.

The cheetah grins, putting his right paw cross his chest and looks at Tigz's eyes "Well I am the one of the football players in our team, the name is Yuri James. Oh and if you start to say Rick James bitch around me, I will slap the fuck out of you, it's my saying alone" Yuri grins with his arms cross at his chest.

Drake laughs and nods. "He has already slapped me twice for it heh." The dragon nods. "And don't you dare try getting me drunk just to get me into bed, that's my thing around here." He laughs again and surprises Tigz with a pat just above his tail.

Tigz jumps slightly, moving away to the left as he walks pass the two "W-well I am going to find my dorm, I-I need to find to in order for my father to bring in my stuff tonight" He says nervously once again, feeling uneasy.

Yuri blinks for a second, then looks towards Drake and thinks, "Hey Drake, why don't you help the pup find his dorm dude, I mean you of all people should know where they are." Yuri says with a grin, walking over to Drake and putting his right arm over him.

The dragon grins and nods. "Yeah, I will, you should probably go see how your girl is doing man. I'll see you later. Hey, umm Tigz! Wait up man!" He yells so Tigz can hear as he runs up to him. "I'll help you find your dorm."

The wolf looks over at Drake, holding his right arm with his left paw as they walk together towards the dorm area of the college "T-thank you, b-but you don't have to help me. I mean it's not that I don't appreciate the help, just I rather not bother someone really busy like you," Tigz says nervously, feeling deeply uneasy and feeling a knot in his stomach.

Drake shakes his head and smiles. "Don't worry about it pup, it's no bother really, I should get used to helping civilians anyway." He says politely as he walks beside the young wolf showing him to the dorms.

Tigz nods, looking for the dorm number 540 which he thinks is on the right side of the hall. As they walk down the hall together, Tigz notices the silver walls with white symbols of angels and peace signs. "You know something, this school's really into angels huh?" Tigz says as he moves slightly away from Drake as they walk together.

"Oh yeah, it's always been that way, at least that's what my brother told me." Drake nods as he glances at Tigz. "Are you okay? I won't bite... unless you want me too." The dragon chuckles and he points in the direction of the dorm. "He's a sophomore here; I just arrived a week ago as a freshman."

Tigz takes a deep breath and nods, "Oh I see, your brother and you must be close. Anyways I found my dorm its right here, so I um will be going now." Tigz says, blushing lightly as he turns away from Drake.

Drake chuckles a bit and nods. "Guess I'll head on into my dorm as well." He grins slyly and pulls out a key unlocking the door the dorm. "This is actually my dorm too hehe."

Tigz blushes a deep red, turning his head to the left and stands there "I-I didn't think the dorms here were co-ed here too." Tigz shakes and takes another deep breath with a little hesitation.

"Yeah, but don't worry I won't bother you any pup." Drake opens the door and keeps it open for Tigz. "Come on in and get settled I suppose. It's where we'll be for the next four years."

Tigz takes a step forward, looking around the room to see army posters and camouflage sheets on Drake's bed. Tigz looks over at Drake with his right paw on his left arm now. "I guess you are in the army huh?" Tigz asks, sitting down on Drake's bed.

Drake nods and smiles proudly. "Yup, they sent me here after basic training to let me get my college degree, and then I may get shipped off." He sits down beside the wolf.

Tigz stands up quickly, and moves towards the wall away from Drake, he then shakes and thinks to himself about calling his father "I-I need to call my father now, I-I bet he is worried that I didn't call yet" Tigz says as he looks for his phone in his left pocket.

Drake nods and looks at Tigz. "Okay, oh yeah he told me to tell you your stuffs here. He is how I knew about you being so young. He left your stuff under your bed."

The wolf blushes a deep red, looking at him with a little shock "So you are the one my dad said he met at the supermarket when he was working today..." He says with his face a deep burning as he leans down and looks under the bed to see his a few boxes of his stuff. He picks it up and places it on his bed "W-well t-that must be odd to have some guy like me in this room with you, like a small guy with not much of a talker" Tigz says as he makes sure he is not looking towards Drake.

The bigger dragon steps over to Tigz and kneels to begin helping him. "Yeah, he kinda asked me to look after you." He smiles politely. "It's not bad having a smaller roommate. It's been that way for me since I was really young, even with my older brother. He's smaller than me, just older."

Tigz turns his face a bit and holds his right arm tightly, trying to hide in a sense as he looks at Drake "Oh I see, I wouldn't know that much about brothers, I mean me and my brother don't even hang out or anything. I was always the one he kind of regret having around him and all when his girlfriend was over." Tigz says as he lets go of his arm and reach into one of the boxes to take out a silver necklace, he quickly puts it around his neck and smiles a bit.

Drake nods and smiles back. "I see, not all brothers are that close. What is that?" He nods to the necklace as he tries helping Tigz unpack.

"Oh this, um it's just from an old friend of mine. You know you don't have to help me, I mean I bet you got a girlfriend waiting for you or your friend Yuri needing you." Tigz says as he digs into the boxes and pulls out few sheets.

"Nah, I'm single and Yuri is going to see his girlfriend. So I'm free right now and I like helping." He takes the sheets and begins putting them on the bed for Tigz, preparing it as he had been made to in basic training each morning.

The wolf shakes his head for a second, looking at Drake as he prepares the bed for him, and sitting on a black chair in the corner of the room. "I am shocked you don't have a girlfriend, most people I hear in college have one when they start or at least that's the rumor I hear." Tigz says, knowing to himself that he does not have one either, but not because he cannot get one.

"Well you see, I had a guy some time back, but when I was hopping on a bus for basic training, he came to say good bye and it was the permanent one evidently. He said it was over because he couldn't take a long distance relationship." Drake explains as he finishes making the bed for the younger wolf.

Tigz blushes a deep red again, but turns his face away to hide it. "I am sorry to hear that, I just didn't think you were gay...But it's not like I care, I mean you are still the same person and everything I mean it." Tigz says nervously, trying to make the situation not seem weirder than it already is.

"Heh, thanks. Yeah, not many military men are gay. That may be why I'm still single now." Drake nods and pulls two pillows out from under Tigz's bed and sets them on top of it. "There you go pup. So what classes are you taking?"

Tigz gets up from the black chair and walks over to the bed, as he does so he trip over one of the boxes and slams into Drake's chest. He looks up at Drake with his dark blue eyes, paying attention to green-yellow color eyes and his strong muscles on his chest. "I-I'm sorry Drake!" Tigz says as he looks away, but still against Drake.

Drake tilts his head, puts his claws on the younger wolf's shoulders to keep him upright, and looks back into his eyes. "It's fine Tigz. Are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you? Your dad might be mad at me if you did. If I let ya get hurt I mean." He puts a claw on Tigz's head to ruffle his head fur.

Tigz nods, not trying to show it, but he feels kind of at ease to Drake. He not sure why, all he knows is that it feels like a warm feel "I am alright, sorry I tend to fall easily on anything" Tigz says, murring lightly as he then tries to lay down on his bed, but he falls onto the bed hard.

The dragon chuckles and sits down on his bed. "Wow, you are probably gonna need to be watched quite a bit." He kicks off his boots and pushes them under his bed before laying back on it.

Tigz closes his eyes, trying to relax with his mind thinking of many things "S-sorry it must be annoying for you to have to watch me when I easily fall and stuff" Tigz says, moving his arms under his head and opening his eyes slightly.

As the two lay down on their beds, someone knocks on the door and a voice calls out from behind it. "Hey Drake! Its Reva, you better come out here I need to talk to you now." The voice commands as the girl knocks again harder on the door.

"I'm coming, hold on!" Drake replies as he hops up onto his feet, slips his boots on without tying them, and steps to the door opening it. "Hey what's going on Reva?"

The young female German shepherd looks pass Drake and sees the new student she been hearing about lately "I need to talk to you in private, so come out to the hallway" She says with her arms cross and then walks out to the hallway as Drake follows her.

"Okay, what are you wanting to talk about?" Drake asks as he closes the door behind him and follows her. His curiosity peeked now at what the German shepherd girl wanted.

She turns to him and grins "Well I am going to have one of my parties in an hour do you want to come with? I mean we are going to have drinks and everything," She says as she leans against the wall, pulling out her BlackBerry from her right pocket.

Drake nods and smiles to her after taking a couple seconds to think it over, "Yeah sure, I'll be there, especially if there will be drinks."

Reva smiles with her brown eyes lighting up, "Good, I will see you at the party ok, you know the normal place or did you want to tell your new boyfriend you are coming now?" She asks as she walks down the hallway a little.

"I know where I'm going... hey! He isn't my boyfriend." Drake says to her before opening the door and heading back into the room.

Reva giggles as she walks off; Tigz looks at Drake and wonders what is going on. "O-oh hey, you about to head out I guess Drake?" Tigz asks, already knowing the answer, but did not want to sound like he was eavesdropping on their talk.

"Umm, yeah, here in a little bit. My old friend Reva is having a party and she's inviting me to come. I gotta let her get everyone rounded up first though so I'll wait for that." The dragon nods and smiles as he lies back down with his boots still on.

Tigz nods, opening the door and holding his right arm tightly. "Oh okay, you have fun dude, I am going to look around the campus and see where the football field and stuff is" Tigz says and quickly before Drake gets a chance to speak, he walks out and closes the door behind him. He walks down the hallway and looks around to see what is there; he heads to the silver double doors and walks on through them.

As he gets out, he looks up at the sky and thinks about his friend Shad, wishing he was around to help him out. He sees a bench under a tree, and then he walks towards it and lies down. "This is great, I am without my friend Shad, don't have any real friends, and I can't even talk to my roommate." He says to himself, hitting the side of the bench lightly as he closes his eyes. "Maybe it was a bad idea to come here, at least if I went back I would have my old friends around me," he adds on as he starts to doze off slowly, his body beginning to relax. After a few minutes he falls asleep, his mind creating a image of him with his friends Shad, Rant, and his ex Kane.

His dream is peaceful, yet the feel in it was uncomfortable for Tigz. He notices a strange fur behind him as if they know him, but he does not. The stranger moves closer to Tigz and places his right paw on Tigz's shoulder "17 years, 17 years I waited, and yet you still...Are not what I want you to be..." The stranger says his paw becoming almost a blade like weapon and his left paw grabs Tigz by his throat.

Tigz gasps, trying to grab the stranger's arm to release. "W-what are you talking about...who you are...?" Tigz says gasping between breaths as he can tell the stranger will not let him go. His heart begins to race with panic and his mind begins to run fast within his head.

The stranger grins, his face and shape not truly seen. He laughs softly with his voice almost sounding hellish "Don't worry...you will know...because of you...this happened to me...because of you...I will never escape his side...because of you...because of you...it's your entire fault you little bitch..." The stranger says as he moves the blade like paw and stabs it through Tigz's stomach, he then forces the blade downward to his private area cuts his body in half from there. He let Tigz's blood run down on the ground as the stranger drops his corpse, and then gets on his knees. The man leans his head forward and begins to lick up the blood from the ground, as he uses his left paw and pull out Tigz's intestines and begins to eat it.

Tigz tries to wake up, but his body would not allow him to do so, his heart begins to race even faster as the dream him finds himself alive but feeling the pain of what is happening to him. "N-NO STOP IT!!!" Tigz cries out loudly from his half piece body and his limbs being rip apart from his body.

The stranger looks at Tigz, eating Tigz's fingers and then grabbing Tigz's fur and ripping it off clean. He eats the fur, grabs the wolf's eyes and ears, and begins to feast on them. The stranger grins as he looks down at Tigz "How long will your mind last....how long will you last...how long 'he' will try to see you...I wonder if anyone will protect you..." He says, moving his paw to his crotch area and unzipping his pants, he pulls out his harden cock as he forces it into Tigz's muzzle.

Meanwhile, Reva and a black wolf named Gear lay against one another, as they are drunk and high.

Drake sits in a chair only a little drunk from the couple of beers he has had and he looks at his watch on his wrist. "Wow, three hours already?" He stands up, still being able. "I'm gonna head on back to the dorm, thanks for letting me hang with you and the gang Reva."

Reva tries to lift herself up, looking over at Drake "You're welcome dog, come back anytime alright and oh tell your boyfriend I said what's up alright?" She says with a grin as she falls back down on her boyfriend.

Drake shakes his head. "I told you Reva. He's not my... oh forget it." He chuckles and heads out of the room and the outside taking a whiff of the fresh air before he starts walking back to the dorm.

As Drake walks back to his dorm he hears a voice in his head, calling out yet faint "Come to the tree...he waiting for you..." The voice says fading away within Drake's mind as it now is only just a memory in his head.

Drake rubs his head confused about the voice in his head and thinks to himself. "To the tree...? Who could be waiting?" He shakes his head and decides to go to the only tree he can think of near his dorm. He walks quickly, reaches the dorm, and glances toward the tree, seeing someone lying on the bench. "Could that be who is waiting?" He quickly runs to the tree and finds Tigz lying there asleep with scratches all over him. Worried for his roommate, Drake picks him up in his arms and carries him back to the dorm. "Wake up pup. Come on, wake up." He says hoping that Tigz is not seriously injured. He keeps Tigz held up as he opens the dorm door and brings Tigz in, setting him on the closest bed, it being Drake's.

The wolf tries to awake, his nightmare fading away from the Drake's voice from his subconscious. Tigz opens his eyes slightly, his muzzle moves lightly "Lover is that you..." Tigz says weakly before closing his eyes again, but only to rest as his nightmare subsides within the back of his mind.

Drake glances at the younger wolf as he thinks he hears something, but shakes his head, figuring it to be the alcohol from the party. He looks at the scratches and reaches under his bed to pull out a medical kit. He opens it and pulls out bandages and rubbing alcohol to begin working on all of the wounds. "How could this have even happened?" He thinks to himself as he unclothes Tigz and begins working over all of the scratches before they become infected. When he is finished, he covers Tigz up with the camouflage blanket to rest. Tired, the dragon sits on the floor with his back against the bed and lays his head back on the bed by Tigz before sleep overtakes him.

A couple of hours pass, the time being 8:13 AM as Tigz begins to awaken from his sleep. He looks over to his right to see Drake asleep; Tigz quickly lifts himself up, but feels pain rush throughout his body. Tigz glance over himself, seeing bandages over him whom he can tell are to keep wounds on his body from infection. "Did Drake...Wait that means he saw me..." Tigz says, looking desperately for his clothes as he sees them at the foot of his bed. He blushes, his heart race a bit as he places his right paw on Drake's head a little "T-thank you Drake" He says with a stutter.

The only reply from Drake is a soft breath from an open snout during his sleep and a slight movement from his tail. The dragon still is sleeping off the night before and the late night doctoring on Tigz.

Tigz giggles lightly; feeling somewhat happy, Drake is there with him. The wolf lifts himself quietly out of bed, getting pass Drake he looks under his bed and pulls out a pair of navy blue jeans and a Slipknot T-shirt and puts them on. He shakes his head, walking towards the door to the hallway he opens the door and goes out into the hall. "I wonder if...no I think maybe I should just go back outside for some fresh air." Tigz says to himself, walking down the hall towards the silver double doors. Tigz gets outside, sitting down on the black steps "What happened last night? All I could remember was that stranger and that horrible nightmare..." He says to himself, questioning what is going on with his mind.

Meanwhile, Yuri is passing by Drake's room as he notices the door left open and sees Drake asleep. He walks towards the room and enters, getting closer to Drake he places his left silver paw on Drake and shakes him "Yo dude, what are you doing with your door open man?" He asks, shaking Drake hard.

Drake groans a bit from the shaking, but wakes up to see Yuri. "What the hell man...?" He pauses as he sees the door open and looks behind himself. "Tigz? Pup? Damn, he must have stepped out." He says glancing at Yuri. "Did you see him?"

The cheetah blinks, placing his right paw to his white muzzle, trying to recall. "I don't think so dude, all I know is that your door was open and you were sleep" Yuri says, sitting himself down on Tigz's bed "Maybe he went out for fresh air or something dude, don't worry so much" he adds.

Drake nods and sits on his own bed. "Yeah, and I'm not worried really... just his dad wanted me to look after him and I found him last night all covered in scratches."

Yuri looks at Drake, shaking his head "You know you don't have to look over the kid, he seems like more trouble. I mean maybe he did it on himself and wants attention, you know those kind of people who act all shy and what not to make people want to always have their eyes on them" Yuri brings up, lying back as he looks at Drake.

"Yeah, but... he was in trouble last night." The dragon looks at Yuri. "Look, I can't explain it dude... like a voice almost... told me he needed me last night." Drake sighs figuring his friend will not believe him.

Yuri takes a deep breath, he rises up from the bed and looks at Drake "Dude, I am not going to say I don't believe you, but normally you don't lie about this kind of shit so I believe you." He says, crossing his arms together "The only question is what said that to you and what did that to that kid?" he asks.

"I..." Drake sighs and rubs his head. "I don't know man. I wish I did." He stands up and stretches. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air myself; I've been up all night bandaging the pup up so I need to relax a minute." He steps to the door and steps out into the hallway.

The cheetah nods, walking outside to the hallway himself "Alright Drake, please dude if you need any help with anything you got my number man" Yuri says, walking off to his own room.

Drake nods and rubs his own head as he steps to the exit and goes outside. He begins walking at a steady pace around the dorm.

Meanwhile, Tigz takes a hard breath as he stands up, turning around to enter back into the college. He walks through as he sees Drake coming down the hallway "It's...maybe I should go back outside" Tigz thinks to himself, turning back around to leave again.

Drake glances ahead and sees Tigz turning around and he waves at him. "Hey Tigz...! Wait up Pup!" He yells to him to get himself heard and jogs towards the wolf.

Tigz stops, feeling like a deer looking at the headlights of a car. He turns to look at Drake as he waves lightly "Um hey Drake...I didn't know you were up" He says, feeling shy and nervous at the same time.

Drake reaches him and smiles. "Heh, Yuri woke me up. You left the door open when you stepped out you know right? Anyway, how are you feeling Tigz?" Drake smiles and scratches the back of his head almost seeming to hide some shyness.

Tigz blushes, looking up at Drake "I-I didn't know, I am deeply sorry Drake and I well thank you for keeping care of me last night" He says, holding his right arm with his left paw and trying to hide the fact he wants to say additional to that sentence.

Drake nods politely and chuckles lightly. "Well, I am into medical so I should probably get used to that kind of stuff." He glances away for a moment before looking into Tigz's eyes. "Say... what did happen to you last night? I mean, what did that?"

The wolf looks into Drake's eyes thinking of that question himself "I am not sure, I just had a nightmare last night is all I remember, and it was like a dream of my friends in high school I had to leave behind and...my ex-boyfriend. They were all hanging out with me and then this stranger appeared in front of me, he was like some kind of shadow I guess, he told me he been waiting for 17 years for me and he said I am not ready yet." Tigz explains, tilting his head to the left slightly.

Drake looks at him confused and nods. "Ah, I'm still confused though..." He continues looking into Tigz's eyes before realizing he is staring far too long and he glances away. "I um... I guess I'll be heading back to the dorm. Just umm... don't go too far, it wouldn't be good with those injuries." He turns to walk away.

The wolf blinks for a second before suddenly grabbing Drake's paw "W-wait" He says, his heart racing at that moment not knowing why his body reacting like this. "I-I'll go with you, I mean I got nothing else to do and I don't feel comfortable by myself, it's a better idea to hang out with you..." Tigz says, feeling a knot inside his stomach.

Drake looks back at Tigz and nods smiling. "Okay... come on pup." He looks at the younger wolf's paw and his own blushing a bit to himself as he grips it gently and walks towards the dorm.

Tigz blushes, walking along side Drake as he leans against him a bit. He thinks deep inside himself, wondering if he said he has a ex-boyfriend, wondering if it could cause a problem "Um Drake...did I tell you I had a..." Tigz tries to say, but stops before he can get any more out.

Drake looks at him and tilts his head a bit. "What's that Tigz?" He asks wondering what the young wolf was asking as they step into the dorm, it coming into view.

"You know I had a boyfriend right...?" Tigz says, walking into their room as he moves towards a mirror hanging on his side of the room. "I mean it's not like it matters I bet, you must hear that from a lot of people. Hell from what I see, you don't have to worry about a ex, you could ask any guy out there you can get them easily you know." He adds on, feeling stupid for what he is saying.

The dragon closes the dorm door and shakes his head chuckling and he sits down on his bed. "It's not that simple for me honestly. I have to think about future aspects. Not many people enjoy the thought of being with someone whose career takes them far away and puts them in early graves." Drake kicks his boots off and places them back where they were before he slipped them on for the party the night before.

Tigz nods lightly, he then walks over to Drake and places his right paw on Drake's right shoulder. "Well I think people should be there for them no matter what, I mean I would wait and pray, always there because I would know I have them in my heart and I will stay by them." He says with a soft smile, his heart calming down slightly from its normal.

"Hehe that would be much appreciated honestly." Drake smiles up at Tigz from his bed and puts a scaled paw on the wolf's. "Distance is usually the only factor that has ever really been a problem for me."

The wolf blushes, sitting beside the dragon on his bed "Well I wouldn't mind it, as long as I hear from the person I would be good. Sure, it would be rough, but why you can't think that life is what you want to it to be, you just got to trust in the person you love and let them know you will be with them always and never betray them. That is what love is from what I believe in, that's why if I was yours..." Tigz pauses, feeling his heart race quickly and his paws sweating as he tries to push himself up to get off the bed.

"Yeah? You would be good with just hearing from the person if that's all you could have?" Drake blushes to himself and smiles to Tigz brightly. His mind races a bit as he watches the wolf try to push up off the bed.

The wolf stands up, looking over at Drake before saying "Well if it is you I would be happy with that, its weird hearing that from a pup you just met yesterday. I guess I have that kind of problem with myself," He says, blushing a bright red and trying to think if he should leave or not.

"I don't see it as a problem at all honestly. It's not bad and only bad things are really problems, so I usually don't have problems because I usually don't realize anything bad often." Drake says as he stands up and stretches a bit.

Tigz nods, looking away from Drake as he starts to turn to his left. "O-oh I see...yeah it's not like I was going to tell you that there is love at first sight or anything, I mean it would make me sound like I love you or anything." He says, his mind not catching up with his heart as he starts to realize his heart was saying what he did not want to be said. "I mean! It's not like that I..." he cuts himself off, knowing now he might only make anything else he says worse, he closes his eyes as he waits for a hit or yelling from the military dragon.

Drake looks at him curiously and blushes to himself as he realizes the things said by Tigz. He steps to the smaller wolf and places his paws on the younger's shoulders and kisses him softly and subtly.

Tigz opens his eyes in shock, he returns Drake's kiss with his own. His feelings in his mind rush, not sure what to think at this moment, but he places both his paws on Drake's chest to kiss him deeper with passion. "Drake..." he says between the kiss.

The dragon rubs Tigz's arm with a paw as he holds the kiss, deepens it eagerly, and breaks for a slight breath. "Tigz..." He whispers and begins kissing again with passion.

Tigz returns the passionate kiss, rubbing Drake's chest with his paws, blushing. He pushes the kiss deeper, his body slowly leaning against Drake's. His heart races from feeling close to Drake, he tries to say, "I...love you"

"I love... you too." Drake manages to say as he pulls Tigz against him, the kiss seeming to last hours but only a couple minutes. Drake slowly pulls from the kiss and lets his paws brush the wolf's side and chest.

Tigz blushes, feeling Drake pull away slowly from the kiss. He moves his right paw behind Drake gently rubbing his lower back, as he does so he feels his heart happy, which is something he did not think would happen again in his life. He looks up at Drake "D-drake you're lovely..." He whispers to him.

"Umm heh thank you..." Drake replies blushing deeply hoping still that he did not do something wrong. "You are... really cute Tigz." He smiles and brushes Tigz's cheek with a thumb.

Tigz lets out a soft murr, leaning up to rest his head on Drake's chest. He looks up at him with a soft smile, he rubs Drake's arms with his paws "Hehe, you know something, when I first saw you I kind of felt like I knew you for a while, but we only just met. Maybe the whole love at first sight is true," He says, lying back in happiness.

The dragon smiles and nods, "Yeah maybe it is I mean some things are never really known about until it happens to you right?" He runs a gentle paw across the back of Tigz's neck softly.

The wolf murrs peacefully, he gently lifts his head upward towards Drake's neck and licks at it softly with his smooth tongue. "D-drake, I um I wouldn't mind being with you forever even If you had to be sent out I would stay yours when you return..." Tigz says, feeling his heart race a bit from the question, as he already knows deep down the answer is never from Drake.

Drake murrs at the lick on his scales and he smiles to himself, "Are you sure you could really handle it? I mean your lover being gone...and maybe never returning? If so then... I would love having you waiting for me to return."

Tigz blushes deeply, his heart missing a beat for a second. He moves as close as he can towards Drake, kissing his neck passionately, "I would always wait for you...my love" He says, staying closely to Drake as he hugs him tightly.

Drake growls softly and passionately as he feels the kissing on his neck and he moves his paws around Tigz's waist. "That's all I really need... love." He holds the wolf tightly to himself.

Tigz closes his eyes, feeling a peace within his heart as he gently rubs himself against Drake's body. "Drake, I love you so much, I am happy I chose to come to this college." Tigz says, feeling at peace.

"Hehe I'm pretty happy you did too Tigz. I didn't know I'd fall in love here, let alone so soon and with such a cute wolf." Drake smiles happily and moves against the rubbing softly.

"Well there is a first for all of us I guess, I am just happy I have a sexy dragon like you" Tigz says with a smile, resting head on Drake's chest and his right paw rubs Drake's right thigh lightly.

"Heh, I'm not that sexy pup." Drake says blushing deeply but murrs at the rubbing and he stumbles back slightly enough to sit on the edge of the bed, but he does not let his paws leave Tigz's sides.

Tigz blushes, moving his muzzle towards Drake's as his paws gently rub against Drake's crotch area lightly. "To me you are sexy forever," he says, their muzzles coming together in a passionate kiss.

Drake gasps feeling the paws on his crotch causing a stir as he kisses back passionately. "Tigz... I love you." He whispers between the kissing and leaning back pulling the smaller wolf with him.

Tigz blushes, following Drake as he kisses him deeper. He rubs his paws lovingly on Drake's crotch, looking into Drake's eyes as the kiss "I love you too Drake..." He whispers, snuggling against his lover.

Drake keeps Tigz held close, murring from the rubbing on his crotch as there is more stirring. He sways his tail slowly as he cuddles with the wolf.

Before the two could do anything more, a voice from beyond the door knocks on their door "Yo Drake you in there? I got to talk with you man" Yuri says, knocking harder on the door waiting for an answer.

Drake sighs and pats Tigz's head softly. "I'm coming dude, hold on." He gently moves Tigz so he can stand and goes to the door unlocking it.

Tigz blushes and looks over at Drake once he unlocks the door; Yuri opens the door and walks through, looking at Drake and then Tigz. "Um dude, did I like totally came in at the wrong time or something?" He asks, crossing his arms with a quick grin at Drake.

Drake blushes deeply and shakes his head glancing at Tigz. "Umm... o-of course not dude. You're always welcome. What do you want to talk about?"

Yuri grins, looking at Drake "Well dude, Reva wanting to know you want to head with her and Gear to the town in a little bit?" He asks, sitting down beside Tigz as he puts his arms behind his head.

"Well I dunno if I've fully slept off last night..." He blushes and looks at Tigz. "Well, maybe if someone can stay with Tigz. He can't really be left alone with those injuries."

Tigz blushes as he looks at Drake, holding his own arm tightly as Yuri giggles a little bit "How about this, you, me and Tigz all go with her and Gear. I doubt she will have a problem and if she does I can handle the bitch myself." Yuri says, standing up and looking at Tigz "I mean I wouldn't want you to be leaving your lone little boy do I?" he adds as he turns his head at Drake.

Drake nods and blushes a bit. "Okay then, Tigz are you okay with going?" he says as he reaches to ruffle the smaller wolf's head fur.

The wolf murrs with the ruffle as he nods softly "I wouldn't mind going Drake if it's ok with you and Yuri" he says shyly as he stands up from the bed, walking pass Drake a little before blushing once more thinking of what could have happened with the two.

The silver cheetah laughs a little, standing up as he looks at the two "Well any friend of Drake's is a good friend of mine so if everything is good let's get going then Drake" Yuri says with a smile, walking over to the two and placing both his paws on their shoulders.

"Okay then, let us get going." Drake smiles happily at Tigz as he begins walking to the door. "Well let's go boys."

The three begin to walk out of the room, but as they walk, something bothers Tigz in the back of his mind. He shakes his head and moves forward, forgetting whatever he feels.

Meanwhile within a bright world with angels covering the skies with their wings of peace and happiness, two angels walk towards a white wolf with a staff of the sun within its right paw. One of the angels, a white fox opens his muzzle to speak "My lord, it has begun. The demons are starting to head towards the furry world and I must ask you should I, Michael, go down there to destroy these demons?" Michael asks as he bows down to the mighty god in front of him.

The white wolf looks at Michael, thinking as he places his right paw on Michael's right shoulder "My son, please wait until it is time to go down to help their race. We must wait and pray" he says peacefully with his calm words "and my child Gabriel what brings you here?" he asks as he turns his head to the white dragon.

"My lord, why should we even think of helping the furry world?" The white dragon asks with a hint of toxicity in his seemingly calm voice. "They don't show any prowess that could be relevant to us and shouldn't only that matter?"

The lord looks at Gabriel, noticing his hint in his voice as he speaks "My child, the only way we will know they will prove us is to help them and protect them. They are our children and we must protect them as their family." The lord says, as Michael looks at Gabriel with his blue eyes.

Gabriel shakes his head and looks at his lord. "For so many years we have been watching them and they have shown nothing. Please I beg of you, let the demons have them." Gabriel glares at Michael and growls. "And how could you wish to help them... how are you suited for the duty of protecting the mortals?"

Michael growls softly at Gabriel as he shakes his head "I believe in them unlike you, they deserve a chance like we once had long ago. If you cannot understand this you yourself are not suited to tell anyone what they cannot and what they can do, if there is even a chance to save them from the demons and protect them then that's our duty to protect our children of our hearts, we are their saviors not their deciders." He says as he stares at Gabriel's eyes, his fist forming a little in his right paw.

Gabriel growls more and spreads his wings wide. "You are not even the strongest of us, how can you handle so many demons anyway? A strong angel should be sent at least."

Michael growls as well, spreading his wings also "Strength means nothing if you have no heart to protect the children Gabriel, or have you forgotten that in the years you taken on hordes of demons alone? So I see no problem in being sent, if I die then I die protecting the children of our lord, that is what I truly believe in and I shall follow." Michael says, his blue eyes glowing with a soft light blue at Gabriel.

"Fine, go and die for the filthy sin filled vermin. We don't need a weak angel wasting space around here anyway, but don't you dare think of dragging the rest of us down with you when you die." Gabriel spits angrily at Michael before taking off into flight and leaving to his private space.

Michael shakes his head, noticing his lord must have left during the fighting. He begins to walk off and looks up at the sky "My lord and Gabriel I will protect our children always and forever." He says before taking flight and leaving.