Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.1 Myrh

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zion - Light of the New Moon Chapter 5.1

Myrh Eye of the Storm

After so many horrible chapters back-to-back, the Myrhian Caravan FINALLY has a chance to settle down and relax... sort of. Either way, they get themselves some Story Seed points and Beo can receive a congratulations for earning the bonus exp award for the most votes in Myrh. Oh yea! And the party elected to keep the alligator alive. bwahahaha... etc.

It was called "The Cathedral of Her Light", and it was a massive building. Although the Wayside was several miles off of the Highway, the Caravan had elected to seek shelter there while they recovered from the rigors of the road. More like a castle than a cathedral, the Wayside was fully stocked with its own standing army and boasted not one, or even two, but FIVE separate Divine Shields. There was no doubt among the caravan that they would be safe... assuming they were given permission to stay.

Priestess Fanewatcher and Brother Farstrider were escorted by a half-dozen guards down the long hallway that terminated at a huge set of double doors. Pillars broke each wall into fifteen foot long sections, each of which were decorated with pieces of history and art; pedestals with relics, intricately woven picture tapestries, and stands of ceremonial arms or armors were the most common. "Amazing... just amazing." Ryan Farstrider noted, moving slowly so he could look at each of the treasures as they passed.

While the wolf spent his time glancing around at the numerous eye-catching displays, the jackal kept her gaze firmly on the door at the far end of the carpeted walk. Behind the two of them, following several paces behind, was a third member of their party: Ephram Zoari. The rescued alligator had healed under Anya's care, and was quite capable of walking about without aid. He towered above both of them, and yet moved with such controlled poise and purpose that he somehow didn't seem out of place.

"I am pleased with your recovery." the priestess noted to the alligator without bother to look back at him. All three came to a stop at the closed doors, "You surpassed my expectations, Lieutenant."

"Ephram, please, Priestess." the alligator responded, deep voice kept at a quiet tone, "I surrendered my commission."

"I can appreciate the humbleness of desiring to be 'just another traveler', Lieutenant," she addressed him by his rank again, "but I am not about to disgrace the years of service you've shown Myrh by not giving you your due title."

"As you wish." Ephram bowed his head.

While the jackal and the alligator shared their words, the guards escorting them began to pull several knobs out of the heavy doors. Levers emerged and pulleys began spinning as the barrier came alive with locomotion. Wooden gears turned against one another as each guard did his or her duty in priming the mechanism. Then, as all six stepped back, the numerous moving parts on the barrier started moving in unison and, somewhere within the cranking, churning movement, a loud wooden *thunk* sounded off from behind the door... and it slowly rose upward into the ceiling.

"Marvelous... simply marvelous..." Brother Farstrider breathed, watching as the doors rose up to disappear into a slot in the stone wall, "I had honestly thought they would open apart... not raise." he noted to Priestess Fanewatcher.

"Dwarven design." one of the guards noted.

"Truly?" the wolf inquired, ears going up, "It's surprising that they aren't made of stone then..." he glanced back at the doors as they slowly lowered once the group had passed through. The six guards leading them moved quickly on ahead as the party paused to watch the doors until they had closed.

"The Dwarves had skills in crafting more than just stone, Brother Farstrider." Ephram noted calmly, "But most people haven't seem the proof of their art otherwise because the faithful made all effort to destroy their creations... stone was just harder for the zealots to destroy during the cleansing." He continued walking again, as did the wolf and jackal.

Brother Farstrider glanced back at the alligator, smiling faintly, "Mr Zoari... it sounds as if you're one of the few open-minded people who believe that the church may have gone to far with eradicating the dwarves..." he flicked an ear, "I commend you for your freedom of thought."

"The church made no mistake, Brother..." Ephram countered, "Those in power may speak in the Goddess' name, but they use their own voice." He turned, looking at a stained glass window two-thirds of the way up the 60' tall wall to his right; the Sickle Moon was depicted as a black-and-white ball held in a soft, shapely, silver-furred hand. "It isn't always the same thing."

The wolf's fur stood on end as he stopped, turning to regard the alligator, "Are you questioning the honor of the priesthood?"

"No, Brother Farstrider." Ephram lowered his head in supplication, and raised it, his hood having slid into place when he bowed, covering his head when he righted himself, "I do not doubt the high priests and priestesses follow their hearts... but no matter how pure a light may shine from the Moon," he motioned to the stained glass, "that light changes when it passes through an imperfect window."

The wolf nodded, "You are obviously a philosopher, Mr Zoari..." Brother Farstrider's fur began to deflate, "But be careful how you entertain your listeners. Though I admire the way you question the world around you, if said in the wrong way or with the wrong company around..." the priest shook his head, "I've seen horrible things happen to men for much less."

"You are as wise as you are knowledgeable, Brother..." the gator lowered his muzzle again, "I thank you for your insight." and the conversation ended at that when the guards took up position at the far end of the hall, nearly twenty yards ahead of the slow moving party. A much more normal set of doors were set into the wall between the six guards and, as Anya, Ryan, and Ephram approached, the guards closest to the portal each reached out and opened one of the two doors, parting them and allowing the party entrance into the chambers beyond.

The new room was warmer than the long hallway, illuminated and heated by a roaring fireplace off to the right. The stone floor was covered with a lush, furred carpet created from the sewn-together hide of three enormous beasts. At the far end of the room was a long table that could have easily seated a dozen though, at that moment, only two seats were occupied. At the head of the table, closest to the fireplace was an ancient-looking ocelot, her features drawn and fur patchy. Seated to her right, facing the door through which the party entered, was a male ocelot who looked to be in his late twenties.

There was a great family resemblance between the two; they were both androgynous, she a little bulky as for female and he a little slight for a male. Considering that they were each dressed in the same dark gray robe, they looked a lot alike once age was forgiven. The old woman didn't bother looking at the group, instead she simply stared down the length of the table, cloudy eyes obviously of little use. The male slid his paw into hers, "Grandmother... the guests are here." he said softly.

"Priestess Anya Fanewatcher..." the old woman noted.

"Yes." the jackal noted, "We were expected, I assume."

"You were." the old ocelot confirmed.

"And you are the Great Mother Dahahd I have heard the guards speak of?" Anya questioned.

"That is I." she nodded, still staring down the length of the table, "This is my grandson, Johann... and your two companions, Priestess?"

Ryan's ears went up when she correctly identified the size of the party, but Anya spoke, unaffected by the accuracy of her statement, "Brother Ryan Farstrider of Bannihar," she motioned to the wolf beside her, "and Lieutenant Ephram Zoari, one of my guardsmen." she motioned to the alligator behind her.

"Just Ephram." the alligator added.

"So you are not from Myrh, Brother Farstrider?" the old woman inquired.

"I am from everywhere, Great Mother." the wolf stepped forward to address her, "I have lived in each of the five temple cities."

"You haven't lived in Zion." Johann pointed out, "That is why you joined Priestess Fanewatcher's caravan."

Brother Farstrider paused, one ear falling sideways before raising again, "...correct..." he admitted at length.

"You will have to excuse Johann..." the old woman smiled, taking her paw from his and patting him on the head, "Such a sweet boy, but he does tend to speak out of turn at times." she lowered her paw back down, sliding into his once more.

"I'm not a boy anymore, Grandmother..." the male noted, "I haven't been a boy in over ten years."

"To a creature as ancient as the Great Mother, I am certain you will be a boy forever." Anya stated flatly.

The old Ocelot laughed immediately, cackling and wheezing and ultimately coughing, "Simple and to the point, Priestess... you're the first person in twenty years who hasn't danced around the issue of my age..."

"Age is age, Great Mother." Anya noted, and immediately changed the topic, "Johann isn't really your grandson, is he?" the jackal questioned, "He's too young."

"Perceptive, Priestess... very perceptive." the old woman acknowledged, "No... my little Johann is my granddaughter's boy."

"Charming." Anya stated flatly, "May we now return to the topic of you granting us permission to stay within your Wayside?"

"Your caravan is large, is it not?" the old woman inquired.

"It is." Anya acknowledged.

"Much larger than a normal one." the ancient ocelot pressed.

"It is." the jackal confirmed.

"You will require supplies, I would assume." the Great Mother suggested.

"Require? No." Anya countered, leaving just a hint of something more in her answer.

"You would like the Cathedral to donate some to your cause." Johann read between the lines.

"It certainly is not a demand, by any means." the jackal noted with neutrality.

"Done." the Great Mother answered.

"Great Mother, do you--" Johann began, but the old woman took her paw from his.

"Done." she repeated, "And my wonderful little Johann will join you for evening prayer to welcome you to the Cathedral of Her Light... he is a fully ordained priest as well."

"How charming." Anya noted flatly.

"Of what faith, may I ask?" Brother Farstrider stepped in to offer cordially.

"There is only one faith, Brother." Johann stood up, and made his way out of the room, tail twitching in agitation.

The meeting adjourned, and the three travelers were shown back out. Ephram followed right behind Brother Farstrider, "You smiled." he stated.

"What?" the wolf inquired, looking back at the alligator.

"You approved of Brother Johann's answer." Ephram pointed out.

"Perhaps I did." Ryan replied, tail wagging just a little.

"He's been to Zion." Anya remarked, heading out the door and back into the enormous hallway.

The wolf's ears went up at that, "He has? You're certain?"

The jackal nodded, "Very."

"Then this meeting WAS valuable." Ryan acknowledged.

"And he's a magus." she added.

Both Ryan and Ephram looked at her after that comment, "Are you sure?" Brother Farstrider asked.

"Yes... I saw his necklace held a divining disc." the priestess noted, "Which means he will probably be spying on us for the Great Mother."

"I am certain they mean no harm, Priestess." Ephram offered.

"And I am certain you're right, Lieutenant." Anya acknowledged.

"Do you think Johann's magic was involved with the Great Mother's uncanny perception?" the wolf asked of Anya.

"No." the jackal acknowledged with certainty.

"How did she know who you were?" Ryan inquired.

"Her guards passed the word on before we arrived." Anya explained.

"And that you had two others with you?" the wolf pressed.

"Her great grandson had a hold of her paw... you didn't see him squeeze it twice?" the priestess inquired.

"I suppose I wasn't looking." Brother Farstrider noted sheepishly.

"Hmm..." Anya stated flatly, "Remind me not to leave you alone with Brother Johann then... you have absolutely no understanding of courtly intrigue."

* * * * * *

As this is the last chapter before the first Milestone, there will actually be four posts to it instead of the normal three. Due to the expanded number of posts, I will be focusing on just a few characters with each post, providing a little more indepth view on the goings-on around 'The Cathedral of Her Light'. To begin, this chapter focuss on Priestess Anya Fanewatcher, Brother Ryan Farstrider, and (Lieutenant) Ephram Zoari.

Keep your voting choices handy, as there will be some opportunities to make your opinions known. Remember: decisions made by the party will affect the end bonuses received during this chapter. Here's vote 1:

How will the caravan welcome Johann?

1) With open arms! He's the great grandson of the Great Mother of the Cathedral!

2) Follow the agreement and let him hang out with the caravan as much as he feels the need to, but watch what's said around him.

3) The agreement was to let him take part in prayer... after that, tell him to go away.

4) One person can't make an agreement on behalf of the entire caravan... keep that ocelot out of our way and to heck with the arrangement!

You have until midnight (PST) on the 25th of August to make your vote known!

As always, comments and questions are welcome. Thanks for reading!