Chapter Eight: Choices

Story by emovampirewolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Series 1

Chapter Eight: Choices

I walk into the bathroom and see Amy start to undress. She smiles at me as she takes her shirt off, "Would you like to undress me?" I nod and slowly pull her skirt down, kissing her thigh as the skirt falls to the floor. She pets my head and watches me as I lick her treasure, making her moan. I stand up and help her in the tub after taking my dress off. She kisses me passionatly and gets in my lap. I rub her back and softly moan into the kiss as her soft tongue plays with mine. I gasp and moan as I feel her hand move between my legs and rub my clit. She breaks the kiss and licks my nipple, making me moan louder. "Oh gods Amy. Wait, we need to talk about something.", I pull her head up to me and look into her gorgeous eyes. She softly whines, "Do we have to talk now?" I nod and kiss her cheek, "It's about your new life. You need some blood and I want you to take some from me," She hugs me tightly and smiles, Thank you but I feel fine. You have told me that I may have a bloodlust or something but I don't." I rub her back and kiss her neck, "I'm glad." She rubs my treasure again and kisses me passionatly. I moan into the kiss and slowly push a finger in her tailhole, she moans and rubs my treasure faster. She pushes two fingers in my treasure and yiffs my treasure hard and licks my nipple. I moan and howl in pleasure, "Harder, Amy" She yiffs my treasure harder and gently bites my breast, her fangs peirce my flesh. I howl in pleasure and cum, scratching her back as I tremble in pleasure. Amy softly moans and lets go of my breast, she passionatly kisses me and smiles, "I love you so much, Jenny." I hold her close and lay my head on her shoulder, "I love you to, Amy. Always and forever."

We wash each other and get out. As we dry off I notice a black star on her ass, "Amy, what is that star for?" She turns around and blushes, "Um, well a few years ago I got my fur dyed in the shape of a star to represent the day we met. You were and still are my guiding star in this dark, horrible world. I was worried you would think it was wierd so I got it there, where you would never see it." I put on my pajama dress and watch her, "We have made love many time since then, and I have seen you naked a thousand times. How did you hide it this long? I think it's really sweet that you did that for me." She blushes bright red and buttons her pajama shirt, "I'm glad you like it. It wasn't easy hiding it." I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom, laying her on the bed she wraps her tail around mine and kisses me passionatly. She smiles and slaps my ass as I walk to the kitchen and get a glass of water. "Hello my sexy wolfess.", I feel someone's arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and wag my tail as Backdraft kisses me. "I brought home a pizza. Did Seth bring us some clothes?", he hugs me tightly. "Thanks but Amy made us something for dinner. Yes, I put them in Amy's closet.", I look at his eyes and smile. He sits down at the table and eats some pizza. "I'm going to the bedroom. Amy and I were going to watch a movie.", I kiss his muzzle and walk to the bedroom. I walk in and smile at Amy, laying on the bed asleep. I set the glass on the nightstand and get in, being careful not to wake her. She softly sighs and curls up around me, her soft fluffy tail laying across my lap and her head laying my chest. I smile and rub her back as she sleeps. Backdraft walks in, taking his clothes off. He sits on the bed and yawns, "Is Amy asleep already?" I nod and lay back against the pillows. Backdraft kisses her cheek then kisses me, "Goodnight babe. I love you.", he lays down beside Amy and falls asleep.

My dream take me back to when I was a pup, my mother and sister cooking while my father is outside tending to the crops. I run out to him and hug his leg, he smiles and pets my head. He says something to me but I can not hear it, so I run back in the house to my mother. I look in the kitchen and see skeletons of my sister and mother, I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. A large grey wolf walks to me and places his paw on my shoulder. I look up at him and he smiles, large fangs are exposed as he leans down to me. My father rushes in and throws a knife at the grey wolf, the knife misses and hits me.

I wake up screaming and crying, Amy and Backdraft hold me tightly. "Jenny calm down. It's just a dream, your safe at home." , Amy rubs my back and looks at me. Backdraft holds me to him and pets my head. After a few more minutes of screaming into Backdraft's chest I start to cry again. Amy and Backdraft just hold me, trying to comfort me. I slowly calm down and look at them, "I'm sorry. I...I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Backdraft lets go of me but keeps his paw on my leg, "It's fine. Are you ok?" I nod and look at Amy, she kisses my cheek and hugs me. I'm glad I told Amy about my past, she understands my dreams. She lets go and lays down, "She's ok now Backdraft, just a bad dream." He kisses my head and lays down beside Amy, falling asleep instantly. I get up and walk to the kitchen, getting a glass of water and sitting down at the table I begin to think about the dream_. What could it mean? I haven't had that dreams since I was turned. It meant I had to make a choice, stay with my creator or leave and be free._ I drink the water and walk back to the bed. I lay beside Amy and stare at the ceiling. Did the dream mean I have to chose to be with Amy or Backdraft? I love them both, I can't just leave either of them. Maybe it meant I must choose to make Backdraft a vampire or not. After a few moments of more thinking I fall into a dreamless sleep.

I awaken to find Amy and Backdraft gone and a note on the nightstand.


Amy and I went to my house to look over the damage and try to figure out how long it will take to repair the bedroom. We will be back sometime this afternoon, if you need us call me. We love you so very much. Be safe. By the way Amy made you some waffles, bacon and eggs if your hungry.

Love, Backdraft and Amy'

I smile and look at my phone, 12:30 pm. I lay back down and sigh, I have two wonderful mates who love me so much. Life is perfect right now. I get up and walk to the kitchen to find a plate on the table with a red rose beside it. I sit down and start eating, thinking about how amazing Amy's cooking is. As I finish I wash the plate and go to the bathroom. Turning on the shower and letting the water get warm as I undress. After the water is perfectly warm I step in and wag my tail. I begin to wash my fur and sigh happily as the feeling of being in a real family returns. As I wash my belly I begin to think about pups, it would be nice to have a pup or two. Maybe Backdraft wants pups, it would be nice to start a family. I finish my shower and step out, grabbing a towel and drying my fur. I walk to the bedroom, buttoning my shirt and shirt on the bed. I brush my hair and look in the mirror, the black skirt and red shirt look good on me. A few minutes later Backdraft and Amy walk in carrying a few bags. "Hi. I missed you guys.", I run over to them and hug them both tightly. Amy giggles and kisses me, "We missed you to.", she starts to make dinner. Backdraft sits on the couch and turns on the tv. I walk over to him and sit beside me, "Is something wrong?" He looks at me, "I cut my arm on a nail at home and it healed instantly. Why did it do that?" I look at his arm, "Only vampires can do that. I haven't... Oh gods, I gave you my blood after the bear left. Maybe since you had lost so much blood I turned you into a vampire without knowing it." He hugs my and wags his tail, "I can be with you forever." I giggle and smile, This is the best day ever. Amy screams and run to us, "Someone's outside."