H.S.T Sophomore Year Ch 7

Story by the roo on SoFurry

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#7 of HST Sophomore Year

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff

It was Halloween and almost everyone was wearing a costume in school, everyone except Mike Gardner. He was too busy with his nose in a book, doing research on the witch trials Mrs. Jones had suggested they do a paper on in spirit of the holidays. Mike was a real book nerd so he wanted to get it done right away. The six foot two sophomore's green eyes scanned over his books as his short, spiky black hair brushed against the bottom of the table he was hiding under in the back of the library. Despite the fact he had to write a report on it, he found the information very interesting. It was all on transfiguration, possessions, curses, and the accusations against local men and women who really were innocent witches and most who were just every day people.

All of a sudden Mike felt a light tap on his right shoulder and when he looked, he heard a loud, wet thud to his left. Looking where the thud came from, he noticed a strong glow coming from the darkness of the library where he finally caught sight of a large, round object. It was a jack-o-lantern with big evil shaped eyes and a twisted smile, about the size of Mike's head. The thing had a long green stalk on top, at least half a foot long. The thing was ominous, eerie in a way, but the strong glow was almost alluring to him. Palms sweaty and his throat dry, he couldn't help but reach out towards it as he asked, "Hello? Is anyone there?" Reaching out to touch it, Mike suddenly felt sick as his fingers touched one of the cold, smooth ridges of the carved out orange vegetable, the world spinning around him, getting darker and darker the faster it went.

Without warning Mike was thrown onto his back, the lantern still in his hands and smiling down at him. Somehow the candle remained perfectly where it was, never falling or shifting in its place. Franticly getting to his feet, he looked around at where he was. It was some kind of warn down graveyard, most of the graves sunken into a thick bog or covered in moss. But when he was finally able to recognize what one of the graves said, he realized this wasn't any ordinary cemetery, it was a pet cemetery. There were names of pets on the gravestones, each with category etched underneath like dog, fish, cat, etc.

Before Mike could even bother to look around for the exit, he felt and heard what sounded like the beat of the heart. When he looked down, he saw that it was coming from the pumpkin in his hands. Trying to throw it away he found out that it wasn't so easy. The pumpkin was stuck to him as if he had glued it to his hands. No matter how many times he tried to chuck or heave it, it would not soar out of his grip. And when Mike realized he was getting tired from carrying the thing, he took enough time to stop and notice that the pulsing he felt wasn't really the pumpkin, it was the stalk at the top. As he starred down at it with shock, looking back at him was a fleshy green nub swelling in veins, throbbing into the shape of a mushroom at the top. Once again, it was calling to him.

Mike watched in horror as the green mushroom shape split in the center, thick milky goo dribbling out of the thing slit that had appeared. Every thought in his mind was trying to struggle to fight his body but there was some unnatural calling as he parted his lips. It just looked so big and juicy like a ripe grape fruit that his mouth drooled for satisfaction. The fact that it looked like a big green cock did not stop him from stroking his lips over the mushroom shape until his was lusciously working his throat muscles around the stem like base which was throbbing with veins. Mike wanted to gag with disgust as his mouth worked all the way down to the orange part of the pumpkin. But as what seemed like half an hour passed, it was like he wanted to gag on that pulsing green dick.

Little did Mike notice that the pumpkin beneath him was growing bigger, and he was soon leaning against it as the menacing jack-o-lantern started to chuckle as a steamy, milky liquid started to dribble from its jagged mouth. And at the same time as Mike pulled back to the head of the green cock, he whimpered as he felt an explosion of hot, warm jizz in his mouth. No matter how much he wanted to pull off, his body forced him to stay there, his fist pumping the makeshift fleshy prick as his mouth worked so hard to catch and swallow every drop whole. Beneath him the pumpkin got bigger and bigger until finally the head could barely fit into his mouth. Struggling to stay on top of it, Mike felt a sharp pain in his toes before there was a loud ripping sound. Looking back out of the corner of his eyes, Mike saw what remained of the front of his sneakers as pure white claws sliced their way out of the toe areas, his toes bulging and becoming thicker. Giving off an erotic grunt, he let warm cum dribble down his front as he had to readjust his position as his ankles cracked, tearing apart the back of his sneakers as they stretched further of his leg. He raised his ass into the air with the satisfaction of his oncoming change, exposing his teeth in a silent pant as they sparkled like daggers in the distant full moon. Humping roughly against the rides of the pumpkin, Mike gave off an orgasmic laugh as a long, silk like black tail ripped through his tan cargo pants, loosening the tight material around his legs, making room for more changes that were happening in his crotch.

The pumpkin had reached the size of a small boulder, so Mike used his new claws to climb up on the massive sex craving vegetable that craved more please from the changing human. Mike looked at the tempting green organ, reaching out to stroke it with shifting hands, but disappointed to find that he was too full drink anymore of the sweet jizz, his full stomach stretching out his orange t-shirt. But as he sprawled out like a feral cat, Mike felt his exposed butt hole pulse, aching for something to take him deep and raw.

Licking the mess on his face, Mike purred as he stood over the cock like stem of the pumpkin, which was almost the size of one of his legs. He spread his legs and ass cheeks before grabbing a hold of the space just beneath the green cock head, causing it to shoot a sticky glob all over the rim of his pink hole, sticking to the black fur that was spreading out from the tail which was waving about anxiously. Clenching his eyes, Mike dug his foot claws into the surface of the pumpkin as he forced himself to sit on the raging pumpkin pole.

Mike screamed and hissed, his jaw cracking as his ears melted to the top of his head, becoming pointed and covered in black fur as his face stretched into a sleek maw, sprouting in more black fur and even a few whiskers. Feeling the big soft-ball sized head pass his furry ass cheeks, he bit his lip before he lowered himself down so it went even deeper. He wrapped his hands around the base of the shaft as his palms thickened and turned black, matching the fur sprouting all over the rest of his body. Working his way down, Mike suddenly felt full as a burst of cum oozed its way out of his butt hole, slipping down the green shaft the feline was so eager to fill his ass with.

Bit by bit the black cat lowered his legs, never stopping until he was finally on his knees. And though he could feel that his hole was almost past filling, Mike was very disappointed, wanting to take more of that marvelous green prick. But he couldn't take it any longer. Using his claws to tear open the front of his pants, Mike reached a paw between his legs to grab hold of his eight inch barbed cock, giving off frustrated pants as he bobbed his hole up and down over the huge prick now bigger than either of his legs. Sweat fell down his furred brow as his cat like pupils narrowed, frustration passing over his face as he felt the painful burn in his over stretched ass. But the same time, it felt so awesome. Panting and panting, he felt his orgasm building, feral growls in his throat as he looked down at his own meat with his maw gaping open. And finally working the green cock hard against his raging hole, he bucked his hips hard, shooting string after string of thick feline jizz into his face, making sure to catch as much as possible in his mouth. Balls swelling and his ass throbbing with heat, Mike's eyes rolled into the back of his head just before he passed out, the green pumpkin cock still lodge deep in his hole.

When he woke up next, Mike was staring up at some thin, younger looking kid with brown hair and green eyes. "Wow, that's a great looking costume..." Immediately Mike looked down to see himself, covered in black fur and shredded clothes, laying in a heap of pumpkin bits with his new barbed cock comfortably tucked away in its sheath. Dazed for a second, he only had to remember that happened before looking up at the kid with a grin before saying, "Oh, just wait till you see yours..."

Happy Halloween Everyone!