Seven Years Later: Chapter 2 What the #@<&

Story by FruancJH on SoFurry

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#3 of Seven years later

Standard Warnings and Disclaimers: This is an 18 and older story, becuase of horrible things, like nudity, and almost homosexaul, encounters that are socially awkward and given to corrupting you under aged individauls out there who may still cling to some shred of innocents or other. Well if you keep reading then it is not my fault, and I am relieved of any responcibility for the scarring your virgin eyes may witness here in. (Like you horny under aged same sex attraction teens are thinking of anything but continueing.)

Alright all of you all. Here's chapter two of Seven Years Later. I revised parts of it recently adding and dropping things that felt like they were needed. I haven't proof read this yet so if there are any over laps in the text please point them out along with the inevetable spelling and grammer problems. But please Select the text point out the part that is wrong and supply a correction suggestion and we will fix it. Thanks and happy reading.

Chapter 2

What the #@<&

Wet slobbery doggy kisses were my wake up call the next morning. At first I thought I was dreaming again, that some how my dreams of being awoken like this were finally beginning to leak over the boundaries of my ability to discern, between that which was real, and not. And just like in those dreams, when I opened my eyes and attempted to get up, the wolf was there, standing over me waiting to deliver the slobberiest kiss of all. But unlike my dreams, where I'd push the wolfs head away and he'd jump off of me and run off with my trousers or something, this wolf didn't get off. Quite the contrary he began to lower himself down on top of me; sandwiching me between the mattress, and himself. And unlike my dreams this wolf was no dog. This wolf still had the furry body of a man spliced and accentuated with wolfen traits, a tail included.

What brought me back to the reality of what had taken place the night before, was the blood-crusted bandage across the werewolf's chest rubbing up against mine. It did not take long for me to get distracted from the facts of last night however. As he had lowered himself all the way onto me crushing me pleasantly beneath his sweltering hairy mass; it was a nice feeling. And I was content to lay there and be smothered beneath my new friend.

The wolf started to pull on my left ear with his teeth playfully slurping my ear into his mouth, where he chewed on it lightly. I let out a giggle, recalling vaguely some thing about becoming a werewolf's chew toy. Maybe a dream I'd had?

Deciding that I'd had enough, I pushed his head away. He laid it next to mine on my left side breathing slowly. "Good morning." I said reaching my own hand up to touch the back of his head. Having been around dogs in my childhood, I knew a few areas that they enjoyed having scratched, like behind the ears. Reaching behind one, I started to rub. The moan of pleasure that emanated from his throat showed his immediate appreciation of this small gesture. His tail was sweeping back and forth, almost in a blur. Putting the other hand to work on his other ear, I crooned. "Good boy." Patting him on the back of the head.

The sighs of satisfaction stopped, as did the movement of his tail. In one fluid motion, he leapt off me looking reproachful. A glimmer of last nights menacing growl returned.

At first, I did not understand it, but I soon realized what I had done. I had insulted him. This was a creature of intellect as sharp, if not sharper than my own. And I'd just referred to him with the kind of incentive that would go between master and pet; and this werewolf was definitely no puppy. His upper lip curled back in a sneer of disgust, bearing his radiantly white teeth at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you." I said nervously placing my hands before me in a sign of peace. He let his lip drop back over his teeth, and the growl faded away, but he still looked at me with reproachful eyes.

As he came over and sat on the bed at my waist, I got an uneasy sense that he intended something. Reaching over, he took a fist full of my hair, and slowly brought me to a sitting position, allowing me to walk up to it with my arms.

Now that I was sitting up, he pulled my hair back, forcibly making me look him in the eyes. I stared back into those golden orbs, not daring to look away. I wasn't sure of what he intended by this, but I think he was looking to see if I was sincere, or not. What ever it was, he released my hair satisfied with what he had seen in my eyes. Ruffling my hair, it felt somewhat like, he was saying apology accepted, as the massive leather pads of his paw like hand, smoothed away the hurt his tugging had caused a moment ago.

Still feeling a bit guilty at my own bluntness, I decided I owed him more than just an apology. "Look I don't really know anything about how to act around, or treat you. I've never done anything like this before, and you're the first werewolf I've actually taken in." The wolf looked surprised by this new information, and then a bit nervous, then he Sulked visibly. I thought that maybe he was displeased with me. "I'm sorry I don't have more to offer you, but you're the second werewolf I've helped, and the first one didn't tell me anything to expect." Sulking myself, I knew what I would have to be ready for next. "I'll under stand if you want to leave." I said trying to look reasonable. "But at least stay and rest until you're fixed up."

He gave me a wry smile, which I returned sheepishly. His tail wagged slightly, not like it had earlier, but it made my smile deepen with a little more certainty.

It was then, with the tin clanking of a pan on the iron stove-top grill, and the hissing of eggs frying in a pans bottom, that we became aware of mom making breakfast. I registered it as commonplace. The wolf however, snapped his head to look in the direction the sound had come from, sniffing the air for what it was he'd heard. When he started to growl softly, I began to get nervous. "Easy, that's just my mom fixing breakfast." I said placing a hand on his shoulder, to give a reassuring shake. He stopped growling, going back to a state of ease, but his ears still twitched, with each new sound that came from that direction.

"So? Is it alright if I rub your ears again?" I asked looking for some kind of way to brake the odd silence that had settled between us. The werewolf appeared to consider for a second, before abruptly pushing me back down on the bed and then lying next to me while facing away. "I take it that's a yes." I said reaching over to scratch behind his ears again. His tail thumped against my leg, and curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to see how far I could take this.

Keeping one hand busy with his ears, I started to move the other one down the side of his head, gradually moving to his neck. The theory was that if I hit the right spot, his hind leg would start to twitch. Sure enough about the time I reached the base of his neck his right hind paw began to buck, and kick at the air, just like some of the dogs I'd petted as a child. "Is this ok?" I asked. "Do you like this?" He nodded profusely.

I was half tempted to see if I could maneuver this to a belly rub, when there came a knock on my door. "David honey, time to get up, breakfast is almost ready." Came the voice of my mother from the other side of the door. Me and my furry companion froze, me in mid scratch, him in mid kick.

"Ok, I'll be up in a minute." I said doing my best to feign having just woken up. It seemed to work, fortunately, because she didn't try the door.

"Alright Honey, but don't take too long." She said before the sound of her foot steps indicated her returning to the kitchen. That had been close, but then, the fact that she hadn't burst into my room upon waking up this morning was a good sign. Mother would have perceived any real threat from my new friend, were there any there. What with that sixth sense of hers. That's just how mother was.

The sound of the kettle coming to a screeching boil, brought me back to the fact that my friends bandage still needed changing, and his cut washing. "Well, better get going." I said Giving the werewolf a push so he'd let me out of bed. He sat up and then scooted to the other end of the bed so he'd be out of my way. "Thanks." I said sitting up and putting my feet on the floor. Scanning the floor, I searched my room for a relatively clean shirt to wear for today. Which reminded me. I'd have to toss the bloodied one. There were several sleeveless shirts lying on my worktable, partially hidden beneath a sea of wood shavings. "I guess one of those will do." I said standing and shuffling over to where it lay. Grabbing the closest one, I pulled it off the table, sending up a shower of tan curlicues as I did so. I then proceeded to garb myself.

Now, what was I going to do for the wolf!

Turning around, I'd caught sight of male dog anatomy resting between his legs, and found myself blushing uncomfortably. Handsome creature though he was, it was still highly immodest to go about in natures own. Especially with his doggy bits visible like that. Even if you were of it by the very virtue of your birth.

Not certain how to phrase this I stumbled into it. "Uh, do you want my apron for now?" Catching onto my line of thought, he grinned wickedly at me, spreading his legs wide to flaunt what he had, as if to say. "What? fur not good enough for you?" I turned a few shades redder. A fact that amused the werewolf, to no ends.

Having had his laugh, he got up, and coming over he took the apron I offered him. It was of medium brown dear leather large by make, because it had been made for someone taller than me just like the shirt I'd ruined. But it seemed to cover him decently enough.

"Ok, now lets see how your cut is doing." I said, reaching up and untying the bandages. I removed them slowly, peeling it away little by little. The dry blood in his fur cracked as I pulled it's covering away, sending crusty flakes of brown tinged crimson to land amid the sea of tan and brown, already present. I could already tell with the bandage half way off, that the wound would need a good bath, before I could properly examine it. The gash itself I couldn't really see amidst the dry blood, and I wasn't about to go picking away at it. "Hmmm, can't see anything right now. We'll have to wash that after breakfast." I said replacing the bandage. "can you wait in the room while I go eat?" I asked. He nodded, but then stopped me at the door a hand on my right shoulder. Turning me about he leaned down to my cut off sleeve and began licking my shoulder,

"What?" I asked, as he continued licking. Satisfied, he moved to my neck. Taking my hand, he started licking the wrist. I looked down as he stood there licking my arm. Following his gaze, I saw that I had blood on my hand, and wrist. His blood!

When he'd finished, he went on to my other shoulder. By then I'd realized I had his blood all over my upper body. Patting my shoulder when he finished, he pushed me to the door. Grateful for him not letting me go out and face Mom, with blood all over me. I whispered back to him. "Thanks." Before leaving the room, being sure to close the door behind me.

The aroma from the kitchen was enough to make my mouth water. Eggs weren't my favorite, but when you're hungry anything smells good. I made my way to the dining room table, taking my place at the spot Mother had set up for me. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty looking over my plate of fried eggs. It didn't seem fair that I got to eat, but my guest didn't.

Mother said grace and then we began eating. I made sure to drop an egg down my shirt front while she wasn't looking. In addition to fried eggs, there was a pot of tea, and some milk. The family next door owned a cow, and mother would trade wild honey, or some of the vegetables from the small garden she kept up, for some fresh milk. We ate in silence for the most part. Although Mother did ask how my flute practice had gone, and if I might try to catch something while I was out today. I asked her why, and she told me that she wanted to have carpenter Jack, over for dinner tonight. I told her I'd try, smuggling another egg for the wolf while she attended to sweetening her tea with a dollop of honey. clearing my spot I made for the back door.

Mother's voice stopped me. "David dear." There that tone was again, the one that spoke of infallible warning about to be revealed.

"Yes?" I asked knowing something had to be coming.

"It feels like something's changed." I paused for her to go on, but she didn't.

So I asked. "What's changed?" She paused before answering choosing her words with care.

"It's like there's a, familiar presence in the air, but I can't put my finger on it," she smiled then, dismissing the mater. "Ah well, it must be nothing, just my mind running away with me again." I smiled too waving back to her as I closed the back door, to enter the dawn.

The morning air was crisp, and cool, a light breeze reminding me of the night before. Fog lay over most every thing in sight, which was not a whole lot. Whatever trace of drowsiness I had was swept away by the damp morning air.

Hopping the white washed fence, that matched the white wash of our house, I went around to the side of the house where my bedroom window was located. Knocking, on the glass, I watched the wolf walk over smiling, he unlatched the window and lifted it open. Our thought lines running along the same path it seemed. Slipping out he landed next to me and grinned again. Sniffing me he found his way to the eggs I'd dropped down my shirt front for him. he began licking my shirt front, his action saying all to clearly "I'm hungry, Gimme!" Stepping back I fished around for them, saying "Alright, already here you go, gosh."

Eggs in hand, he licked his chops, and then leaning down he took a hold of my arm, sniffed the eggs once, and then with one sweep of his tongue, the eggs were gone. Licking my hand a few more times needing to get every last crumb, or something he finally released my hand. "Well thanks for leaving my hand."

I realized that he must be starving, thinking about the fact caused me a pang of regret that I hadn't just dumped my entire plate down my shirt instead. "I'm sorry I don't got more." I said lowering my gaze. He put a hand under my chin and raised my face so our eyes were level. He leaned in to give me a doggy kiss on the nose like he was saying. "Thanks for thinking of me." I nodded, as he patted my shoulder in thanks.

Turning then, he reached into the window and pulled out the apron which until now, I hadn't realized he wasn't wearing.

He had a surprise for me.

The apron I'd given him to cover himself with was stuffed full of my dirty shirts, pants, and other things that he had assumed would need washing with his cut. He had also grabbed a bar of soap, bath towel, and a brush, which I kept on my windowsill. He Looked a little smug with himself as if enjoying a private joke. I couldn't help but try to snub him for being one-step ahead of me.

"We can do that latter" I said beckoning him to put it back. He only shook his head and started walking towards the river, forcing me to follow, or be left behind. I was having to jog to keep pace with him. Three of my strides were only one of his, and I was panting by the time we had reached the river. I had no clue as to which part of the river we were headed to, so when we stopped in the grove where Rolf had left me, I was more than a little unnerved.

"How'd you find your way here?" I asked exasperated, and more than a little put out feeling, now that it was no longer my secret. I hadn't even shown Dan this place. Stopping at the stump by the river where I usually sat, he took the apron, put the cloths down on the old snarled piece of wood, and turned to look towards me. Touching the stump, he pointed to his nose then to one of my shirts in the pile, and my bed sheets too! What all had he grabbed! Then he pointed to me.

"You smelled your way here?" He nodded smug once again. "So you needed all that to find my scent here?" I said maliciously smirking myself. He shook his head smiling at my belligerence. "Then why'd you bring it!" I practically shouted this last bit my irritation causing me to miss the obvious, and forget to be careful around him.

Pointing again at his nose, then at my clothing, and then at me, he wrinkled up his nose in what I believe was a grimace. The meaning behind his action was all to clear. "You stink, when's the last time you bathed?"

Going a bit red with my embarrassment at being called out on the fact, I fell to my one reaction for such times as these. "Oh I stink, do I!" I bellowed storming forward. "Well when's the last time you took a bath?" Continuing forward so that I stood right in front of him I put my nose to the middle of his chest, and took a large breath in through the nose. "You're not exactly a breath of spring daisies yourself." I said triumphantly. The werewolf's smug look transformed, into one of self consciousness. For a few seconds he sniffed himself, checking his pits, the spot I'd sniffed and... ...Other areas, confused by my statement.

He actually hadn't smelled all that bad. Different it was true, but not fowl, or over powering. He seemed to think as much himself, because that evil grin crept across his features just then.

"Oh Shit!" I ran for it, but didn't get to far. Ten feet if that, before his massive hands had me. I struggled against him, elbowing him in the gut and getting another five feet before he had me in thrall again. Lifting me off the ground I yelled. "Put Me Down!" Kicking my feet, trying to hit him.

He carried me aloft, holding me over his head, making a rumbling sound in his chest that could only be laughter. I only had a brief look at where he was taking me because the next, I was flying. Weightless for a moment, I knew what was next.


He'd thrown me in the river, just beyond the shallows. A good twelve feet from where he'd thrown me from on the shore. The water felt freezing at first, and it caused me to shudder. He of course, was rolling on the ground laughing his head off, as I drudged my way onto the shore. Not braking stride for a moment, I came right over to him and tried to pull him into the water myself. Grabbing him by his right leg, I tried to drag him into the water. I couldn't budge him, even though I put up quite an effort.

He just lay there on the ground at this point, amused with my weak attempts for retribution. He eventually took his leg back, and got up. He picked me up by my shirt front. A fact which I disregarded as I tried to reach his delighted face to give his ears a good tug. We were moving again. The opposite way of the river. Pulling me to his chest suddenly he turned around and charged full force forward. And then we were defying gravity, again.

We landed at least fifteen feet from where he'd jumped from. Just far enough for us to be in the deeper part which created a tidal wave, or at least the closest I'd ever get to experiencing one. He sank us down through the cold water. Reaching the bottom, he launched us to the surface. Braking the top. I sucked in air. He released me and then we both swam to the shallows.

Getting there before me, he got to a point, and then stopped, and turned around to wait for me. I gave him a wide birth, but it did no good. He just walked over and fished me out as I tried to dive.

"What?" I said as he held me up to eye level with him, his hands under my armpits. "You're not going to throw me again are you?" I sounded nervous even to me, as I shivered there helpless if he decided to. For a moment he looked to consider this. I cringed, as another smile broke out over his face. But he didn't throw me instead he licked my face and shook his head slinging me over one of his shoulders instead. He carried me back to the shore like this, and then set me down. Dripping wet we both looked at each other and laughed.

"Come on you goofball, lets have a look at your wound." Taking off the bandage, I found it came away from his chest with surprising ease. I guess our swim had helped with that. Bandage off I could tell we'd need soap. "I'll be right back." I said running up the bank to the stump to fetch the soap. He sat down on the river bank, and waited patiently for me to go about washing the area with the soap he'd brought from my room. Using my hands I sudsed up the blood matted fur. The light grey was soon a maroon stained color. Rinsing it meant going out into the shallows, which I decided to follow him into, splashing the river water on his front as he sat down in the river bed. I found there was still more dried blood to take off. Washing, rinsing and repeating the process several times. I had yet another shock waiting for me.

The wound was completely sealed up! Giving him a wondering look, I examined the area closely. The flesh was still a little pink but even that looked to be fading fast, with new stubble rising up between the stitch's. He wouldn't even have a scar at this rate! "Do werewolves heal at a faster pace than humans?"

Giving me a questioning look he shrugged. "But." I said pointing at his flesh, he glanced down. His eye brows, or at least the area where eye brows should be, shot up. Looking at me in wonder, he panted the word that sounded like. "Thu-hank-s."

"That wasn't me." I stammered. This time when he shrugged it was in confusion. We dropped the topic, and put it off that maybe wolves repair faster than men. Or at least I did anyway.

Taking the bundle on the stump, we went to work cleaning my cloths. As we worked I realized that I really did stink. Being wet only seemed to make it more obvious. "We could probably both do with a bath after the cloths are up to dry." I said having picked up a particular wet dog smell that was fast overpowering my own body odor. The werewolf rolled his eyes at me but he didn't object either.

We finished washing the cloths, and started to hang them up to dry, when the werewolf came up behind me and started to lift my shirt up over my head. "Hey." I protested, but he'd already managed to get the shirt off of me. Taking it to the water he rubbed it with the soap and then scrubbed it on the rock like we'd done with the other cloths. When he'd rinsed it, he took it and hung it in one of the trees.

Thinking he was done, I headed for the water so we could bathe, but that's when he turned back to me again. I got the feeling that he wasn't finished. Backing away from him as he approached, I put up my hands in front of me. "Now hold on just a second, you're not taking my pants."

He grinned that evil grin, that I was becoming all to familiar with. Crouching down into a kind of pouncing stance It was like he was saying "Challenge accepted."

I took a step back, knowing full well that he was going to go through with this. Taking another step back, things seemed to slow down for a second, in which he sprang. Next thing I knew I'd been tackled to the ground. He had already unbuttoned my trousers and whisked them half way down my legs before I could even take in a breath, or even raise my head from the ground. When I did I found his eyes staring into mine. The blush of embarrassment crept over my features, as I felt his hand touch my stomach while the other pulled my pants off of my ankles. Holding them up like some kind of victory trophy, he pant laughed at me before running back to the stream and starting to wash the last article of clothing I'd had on.

Having turned quite pink from my shame, I made a beeline straight for the water, proceeding to submerge myself from the waste down.

When he finished with my pants he came to join me. Placing a paw on my shoulder. "You could of asked me for my cloths, and let me get out of them instead of taking them." I said indignantly. He gave my shoulder a squeeze walking around me as he did. Giving me a lopsided look with his ears drooped, I couldn't stay angry with him. "Look just give me some forewarning next ok."

He responded by splashing water in my face. "Hey, you jerk!" I yelled splashing him back. This turned into a splashing fight, which I lost. Having bigger hands meant that he could displace more water, faster than me, so I was the first to yield. He fished me out of the water and brought me back to the shallows. Offering me the soap first which I took, gingerly, turning away from him. I tried to quickly wash myself, but he wasn't done fooling around.

Covering myself in a decent lather I worked my hair for a few minutes, dunking my head to rinse. "Could you hand me the scrub brush?" I asked, and then instantly wished I hadn't, because he had me in another hold without warning.

Taking the soap from me he scrubbed it on the brush and then started scrubbing me. The coarse hairs off the brush felt like they were trying to scratch my skin off, with the force he employed in scrubbing. "Ouch, that hurts." I said when he started washing my nether regions, with the same merciless scritching.

Feeling scratched up and kind of raw, I let out a shudder of relief when he finally rinsed me. Sitting down in the shallows and taking me with, he rinsed me by laying me down in the water on his lap. Laying the soap and brush on my chest he ran his paws over most of me brushing away what soap tried to cling even in the water.

I laid there letting him run his paws over me, reveling in the cool flow of water, and his hands, soothing my irritated skin. After the course scrubbing the gentler rubbing felt nice almost like strong currents moving over my flesh along with the rivers.

When his hands started to move down farther than they should however I stopped him, by covering that spot with my hands. He just shrugged and stopped, raising me up to sitting position, while taking care not to lose the brush, or soap in the shallows. Pressing them both into my hands he looked at me expectantly.

"My Turn?" I asked. He nodded, raising his hands as if in surrender.

Grinning wickedly myself, I stood, lathering up the brush menacingly. "Good, cause it's pay back time." He let out a little mock whimper, drooping his ears, to further the façade. His tail splashing in the water behind him gave away his real feelings on the matter. He wanted this. It's Like he wanted me to be rough, and get violent with him. After having endured his hand, I was all to happy to oblige.

Attacking his head, neck, and ears first, I scrubbed as hard as I was able, taking my time so I could enjoy my bit of revenge. Much to my dismay, he seemed to be enjoying this just as much as I had been expecting too. This worked fast in spoiling the glee that the violent scrubbing had evoked in me earlier. Though I had to smile when his hind leg started splashing when I hit his sweet spot. It took some time to get him washed up to the same level he'd gotten me. Not only was he larger than I, but his fur required more of an effort to work with the soapy brush. By the time I reached his bottom half, I was too tired to exert the forced he'd used on me and so I didn't get my revenge as I'd expected to. If anything all I did was give him a pleasant massage. After scrubbing him down we rinsed again before going ashore. We waited for ourselves to dry, in the sun, and it was while we were sun bathing that a new event began to unfurl itself.

Looking up suddenly the wolf tested the air with his nose. A slight growl emitted from his chest, and then he grabbed me up, and dashed to where the bush grew thickest on the right edge of the grove. Hunkering down, and backing us into the thicket, he stopped his growling, but every fiber of his body seemed tense. "What's wrong." I whispered sensing the need for silence. He put a hand over my mouth and pushed me under himself. So that he hid most of my flesh with his furry body. I didn't like being this close to him one bit, at least not this familiarly. Put some cloths between me and him, and I could of tolerated it, but skin on fur well... Then I heard a branch snapping at the far end of the grove. Modesty and discomfort forgotten I looked on in unease. Not sure what had spooked my friend enough to cause him to hide us.

From out of the trees stepped the black smith, a cross bow at the ready. Why would he be here with that of all things, was he hunting? Keeping still I watched as he looked around the clearing at my cloths and bedding hanging from tree branches drying in the breeze. He came uncomfortably close to where we were hiding, as he moved around the clearing. Glancing in our direction I held my breath, until he looked away. For a moment, some unexplainable fear gripping me, I'd thought he'd seen us. I didn't dare to move because the faintest of rustling, and he might. Suddenly he looked our way like he'd seen something. Stepping toward us, he began to look in the brush getting closer, and closer. Using the tip of his cross bow he pushed some of our cover aside, and the...

A pheasant bolted out of the brush, just to our left. Turning the blacksmith raised his crossbow, and loosed the bolt. I caught a faint glint from the bolt head as it caught the sun, before meeting it's target. The bird sputtered mid-flight, and fell flopping around on the ground before going still. Seeing that it was only a bird, the black smith moved on, heading farther inland back toward the town. I let out a sigh sucking in air as I realized I had been holding my breath again. The wolf had too. He was shaking too, and making a whining noise, in his throat.

Squirming a little in his grasp, he looked at me in surprise, as if he'd forgotten I was there, and was just now noticing me again. Releasing his hold on me, I got out from under him. Turning around and standing up, I rubbed the sides of his face making him look me in the eyes. "What's wrong?" I said trying to sound gentle and reassuring he buried his face in his hands. And shook his head, but not before I caught sight of a tear. "I'll get the cloths and then we'll go back to my house." Running out, I grabbed the things I'd worn that day. Pulling on my pants, and putting the belt that held them up back in place, I threw the shirt over my head. Running about the grove grabbing the rest of the trousers, and shirts that we'd hung.

The werewolf came out of the bush too. Putting the apron back on, he grabbed the things he'd put higher up, like some of the bedding. Folding it in the aprons bowl that he'd made holding it out from himself.

He whined at me to hurry. What else could it be? Coming to me he took the cloths and sheets that I'd gathered. Not bothering to fold them, he stuffed everything in the apron, before motioning me to follow him. I was about to do so when I noticed the bird lying on the ground, dead where the blacksmith had shot it down. I had an idea.

Mother had wanted me to try and catch something for dinner. She had specifically invited the master carver Jack over for dinner tonight, and it would be a shame to let the creature go to waist. Grabbing the bird by the feet I removed the crossbow bolt letting the bird bleed out so it could be cleaned right when we got home. I'd hang onto the crossbow bolt too, it was solid metal, so it had some value to it, especially with the silvery white tip that looked like steel. The wolf whined impatiently at me from the stand of brush where he was looking around franticly. I joined him doing my best to avoid making noise.

Going back to the house we were much more cautious than we had been in leaving. Spying from the coverage of the forest we looked to make sure that the garden was deserted before making for my window. Scrambling back into the room the wolf closed the window and went to putting things back where they'd come from. Starting with the soap and brush, setting them on the windowsill. He put my clothes on the uncompleted chair, and then started to put the sheets back on the bed. Going in the back I found mother at her embroidery loop. Looking up she smiled when she saw me. "Got something for dinner." I said cheerily.

"Oh David that's wonderful." She exclaimed, beaming at me when I held up my catch.

"Will roast pheasant be all right?" I asked holding up the bird for her to see.

She nodded smiling back at me. "It certainly will," she said setting her embroidery work aside. Coming over to the door, and giving my cheek a pat. "That's my boy. This will make a fine supper for our guests." She said, whisking the bird out of my hand, she rushed into the kitchen.

I felt cold all of a sudden. "Guests?" I asked putting emphasis on the "'s" part. "I thought we were just having old Jack over." Stillness seemed to have come over the room.

"We were dear, but, well..." She trailed off and I knew there was something wrong. "It's just." She paused setting the bird down walking back over to me. Taking my hand she lead me over to the sitting room, and had me take a seat.

She only did this when something awful happened. When some one died! "Who is it?" I asked my voice barely a whisper.

"My dear, I'm sorry, but..." She sighed and then taking in a deep breath she let it out saying. "I'm afraid it's your friend Daniel." It didn't register at first, but then it hit me like a punch to the gut. I felt the color drain from my face. Followed soon after by stinging trails of salt water.

Tears continued to run. Dan, dead? The to words didn't belong together, Dan was only a year older than I was, he couldn't be dead. "When!" I hissed through clenched teeth.

"Early this morning." said Mother. A heavy sob escaped my lips. Followed by another, "No! He c-can't be." He's not dead. He can't be dead. I tried to convince my self, but the truth slowly drug more sobs out of me. I hadn't cried like this since aunt Joy had passed away, leaving us the house. "How!"

"He was sleeping, and then he just didn't wake up." said mother tears of her own streaming down her face. I hadn't even gotten to say good bye. "I'm sorry dear, but people die, and he had been ill for weeks now."

Mother held me in her embrace. Comforting as only a mother can. A great sob racked me just then. "Shhh." She whispered rocking me back and forth. "He's in a better place now David." The rocking continued. "He's not hurting any more, he's closer to you now. More than he ever could have been." Her words were soothing, as I rocked back and forth with her now.

At least he wasn't in pain anymore, at least he was free from suffering, I told myself over, and over. This in mind I remembered the last gift he'd given to me. That damned flute. Thinking back I could hear him saying how "Gees Dave, keep playing like that and you'll probably raise the dead." It had been my first time playing and I still sounded horrible. This brought a bitter smile to my lips, and with some irony I considered trying just that for a time. But I decided not too. Dan had been a good friend, and now it was my turn to repay the favor by letting him rest in peace. Letting the faucets that were my eyes continue to poor I silently made a promise to keep practicing.