Walking in on Dad

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*This is a gay incest story. If you don't like those themes, don't read it. You've been warned. This is only my second yiffy story. So please comment. Tell me what you liked, disliked, or where you thought something was a bit off with the story. It will help me improvee. Thanks. :3 *

      I turned over in my bed for the twenty seventh time. I know because I counted each roll. It was just one of those nights where sleep was becoming less and less likely. I blame the mountain dew I had drunk earlier. I usually wasn't allowed to have any kind of caffeinated soda after six o'clock at night. But today I got away with it, my mom is the one who doesn't want me drinking soda too late at night, and she's away at my aunts till Monday. That pretty much means I get to do whatever I want as long as I'm not too loud or annoy my dad too much.

     Turning over for the twenty eighth time I sighed and heard my mother's voice in my head chastising me for drinking soda so late at night. Sighing I sat up in bed and rubbed my sleep heavy lids. Well trying to force myself to sleep clearly isn't getting my anywhere. With a stretch I climbed from my warm bed, foot pads ghosting over the cool surface of my hardwood floor. Sometimes I really enjoy being feline, besides all the "king of the jungle" stuff that comes with being a lion, the ability to see pretty good in the dark is nice.

     Stepping carefully through my cluttered bedroom and out into the hall I headed for the stairs. I hadn't even made it to the top stair when my ears perked. The tv was still on downstairs. It had to be nearly two in the morning; no one should be up still. My older brother's bedroom door was shut, not a sound coming from the direction of his bedroom. My ears swiveled forward, catching the soft sounds coming from downstairs, it sounded like the volume was down low, but I could still pick up random noises. A glance toward my parents room showed that their bedroom door was open, they never left it open while sleeping.

     Hmm, so my dad must be the one still up at this hour. This was unlike him; he has to work this weekend, which meant he would have to be up in a half dozen hours to head into the factory. Putting one foot paw in front of the other I crept onto the stairs, descending slowly, skipping all the ones that creaked. I was like a ghost. I've always prided myself on being able to sneak up on anyone. Like I said, being a feline has its natural advantages.

     It didn't take me long to reach the bottom of the stairs. The sound of the tv was a bit more perceptible now. It sounded like it might be a horror movie. There was a definitive female voice making noises like she was in pain. Maybe dad was watching a movie he thought me and my brother were too young to watch. Maybe that's why he had waited till we were both in bed to watch it by him-self. I heard a second voice, this one was certainly male, and it sounded deep and husky, like he was out of breath.

     Slinking to the wall I scanned the hallway that lead to the entrance of the living room. The lights were off but I could see the faint glow of the television against the eggshell white wall. So it was a scary movie dad was watching. He often liked to turn out all the lights when we watched a horror movie. He always said it set the spooky mood to watch in the dark or with a few candles burning. I didn't smell any candles burning now though as I crept closer to the entrance way of the living-room.

     The scent that did catch my attention though was much more pungent than a candle. As I stuck my head around the corner a nice big whiff of musk hit me, the scent of sweat and arousal wafting from the living-room. I might only be thirteen but I know what musk smells like, especially lion musk. Freezing in place I sniffed softly, the air was heavy with the scent of aroused male, the noises from the television still floating to my ears. The female voice was still making those noises, except they weren't sounding pained anymore. In fact they were sounding the total opposite, she sounded like she was having quite a fun time.

     I had to bite the inside of my cheek to snap myself out of the stupor that hit me. I had just walked in on my dad watching a porno. The shock didn't turn to revulsion or guilt as I expected it to. Honestly as the thought of my hard working, conservative values, upstanding Christian father masturbating sunk in I became more curious than anything else. What was he watching? Was he really stroking the ole pole right there on the couch?

     I know I should have just turned around and snuck my way back up-stairs, leaving my dad to enjoy himself. That would have been the right thing to do. My conscious tossed the idea around for all of five seconds before my morbid curiosity beat out my better judgment. On tip-toe I slithered to the entrance of the living-room, pressing my back against the wall and paused. My ear swiveled to catch the sounds coming from the next room. The female's moans were still coming on strong, but now I could hear a deeper voice, grunting with effort. She was getting a good stuffing from her male counterpart from the sound of his labored grunts.

     Holding my breath I slowly inched closer to the entrance. I didn't know how my dad was sitting, what if I peeked around the corner and he saw me? What could I possibly say to him? Hell, what could he possibly say to try to explain what he was doing? The idea of blackmailing my father flitted through my head. Threatening to tell my mom what I had seen if he didn't buy me that new video game I had been wanting for a while. That evaporated just a quickly though. My father wouldn't even flinch in the face of a threat like that. Hell, he'd probably tan my hide and dare me to do it.

     I had to know, the curiosity was driving me mad. Taking a deep breath I inched my head around the corner until my dad came into view. There he was laid out in all his glory on the couch. He was laying out fully on the cushy black leather couch, his head on the arm rest closest to me. He was only a few feet from me, which nearly made me yelp in surprise. Holding my breath I held still and slowly surveyed the scene.

     He was lying on his back, his head turned toward the t.v. He wouldn't be able to see me unless he lifted his head up and turned around a full one eighty. That gave me a feeling of being safe, at least safe enough to watch from this vantage point. He had his usual button up work shirt on, but the front was completely open, the white t-shirt he wore underneath exposed. I could see the thick tuft of auburn chest fur sticking out over the collar of that t-shirt. Likewise the bottom of his shirt was pulled up, exposing that trail of dark red fur leading down his abs. The old man had a thick treasure trail.

     My eyes followed that trail down to his pants. Pants which he had open at the crotch. His belt was laying loose at his side, button and zipper pulled apart. I had to bite my lip to keep from gasping in surprise. My father had one paw on his groin, palming an absolutely huge tent in his white briefs. His paw was lazily dragging up and down the outline of his erect cock.

     That bulge in his underwear was huge. He had to have at least nine or ten inches jutting up from between his legs. His paw kept making slow passes up and down that peak in the fabric. I couldn't do anything but stand there and watch transfixed at the motion of his paw. As I watched a few things came to my attention. The first was that my old man was purring, real deep and low, more a rumbling than anything else. The second was that I could smell him. A deep musky scent was filling the room, it was sweat and arousal mixed together, a masculine earthy scent that I had always associated with him.

     My eyes lingered, watching dad grip a bit tighter around that tent and squeeze it, a wet spot appearing at the tip of the tent. That gave him a little rumble, just a soft groan reaching my ears. The flicker from the television caught my eye and I turned my head to get a look at what dad was watching. It turns out there was a slim little wolf bitch getting stuffed by a pretty well hung german shepherd dog. I smirked a bit, the male had the female pinned down on her back and was really going to town pumping his cock into her. It was showing a close up of his cock slamming in and out of her wet cunt. The dog was packing, but certainly not as much as my father had. 

     A sharp intake of breath from dad caused me to jerk my head back toward him. Horrible thoughts of getting caught raced through my mind. They were dispelled just a quick though as I saw what had caused them. My old man had his briefs pulled down, hooked under his heavy balls. There was a thick tower of ebony lion dick standing proud in the free air now. He was shivering as he looked down at it, a grin splitting his muzzle. I could see the clear droplets of his pre drizzling down the side of his shaft, issuing from his uncut cockhead.

     Trying to swallow to ease my suddenly dry throat, I watched him wrap his big paw around the base of his shaft and squeeze. Little clear beads of pre rose from his cum slit, rolling down his ebony cock head, glistening in the light that the t.v. cast on him. I followed those droplets paths with my eyes. Down his thick veined shaft, all nine or ten inches of it, until they settled in the thick patch of auburn pubic fur at the base of his cock. "Mmmm..." He uttered to the room he believed to be empty.

     If there had been any thoughts of me leaving they were now completely gone. His paw gave another long squeeze at the root of his member, making more clear drops of pre ooze down his member. Then slowly that paw slid up his pole, smearing the pre he had leaked along the ebony flesh of his cock. He kept his paw slow, easing it along his length, twisting it as he went. He was using his own fluids to lube his member up. I watched, biting my lip as he slicked up his rod. I myself didn't make much pre when I pawed off. It made me envious to see the amount he produced.

     This continued on for a while, the whole time he was watching the canine on screen slam his tool into the female wolf. I noticed he was grinning as he watched the shepherd on screens knot start to grow. "Mmm....yeah, knot that dirty slut." His voice was deep and husky when he spoke. That sexual language coming from my father sounded so intense, so different from anything I had ever heard from him. It brought a warm flush to my cheeks as I watched him start to paw faster.

     The action on screen was heating up. The female's moans were becoming louder, her male counterpart growling gutturally now. The canine's knot was fully formed, his hips slamming it against the woman's abused pussy lips. His knot was dripping as he tried to force it into her. Hunching farther over her back he bit down on her shoulder and started to ram harder and harder into her, determined to push his knot into her hot slippery wet cunt. With a few more jolting thrusts he got what he wanted, his ballooning knot spreading her lips and sinking to the hilt inside of her. The reaction was instantaneous, his hips ground forward, the camera zooming in on their joined nether regions. There was a sudden rush of thick white cum running out of her, the german shepherd draining his balls inside of her.

     The scene was intense and my father responded in kind. His paw sped up along his length, a wet fleshy noise accompanying his strokes now. I watched as his foreskin slid up and down his cockhead, exposing and recovering his glans over and over. They were dripping wet now, leaking a steady flow of pre down his shaft, adding more natural lube to his pawing. That slick wet sound kept echoing in my ears as I watched his paw pump up and down that tower of dark leonine flesh.

     The scene on the t.v. changed, now there was a doe standing next to a snow leopard. They were facing each other talking. That didn't last long though, my father's free paw picking up the remote and hitting fast forward. Apparently he wasn't in the mood for long coy scenes at the moment. He started it back up when he saw the doe kneeling down in front of the leopard fishing his dick out of his pants. She sure as hell didn't play coy long as he swallowed his cock. The leopard wore a cocky grin, gripping her by the back of the head and shoving her face into his crotch.

     "Fuck yeah, shove it down her throat." The baritone of my father's voice came out a gravelly rumble. He was really getting into this, his eyes glued to the screen, lower lip held between his teeth. His paw was pumping harder and faster along his cock, drops of pre flinging from his cock head, staining his tawny fur, as he milked his ebony tool. Dropping the remote his paw reached down and cupped his heavy orbs. I saw the little tuft of deep red pubic fur running along the cleft of his balls as he palmed them. He tugged his nuts down, squeezing them, dragging a low moan from his muzzle.

     The old man was obviously starting to really get into it. His hips rose, thrusting his meaty prick into his stroking paw, a constant rumbling purr rolling from him. His breaths were growing faster. I could see the rise and fall of his chest, his strong pecks puffed out against his tight undershirt. His dick was dripping like a broken faucet as he worked it like a seasoned pro. His paw would twist as it moved up, pulling at his foreskin, making it rub along his glans before stripping it back again to expose his dripping cockhead.

     The paw playing with his balls formed a ring around his scrotum, pushing his balls to the bottom of his sack. Every once in a while he would give those heavy orbs a tug. It seemed to send a shockwave of pleasure through him. He would shudder and his tool would twitch, sometimes giving a heavy spurt of pre as reward for his efforts. I was taking notes as I watched him. My old man really was a pro at getting himself off. Through the wet sound of his wet cock being pumped and the huffed pants of his breath a clear deep moan rose from his chest. It was full of pleasure and the want for more of it.

     It was about that time that my foot started to go to sleep. I grimaced as pins and needles attacked my foot. Slowly I shifted, pressing closer to the wall, trying to shift my weight to the other foot. When I pressed close to the wall a jolt of pain shot up from my groin. The head of my cock poked against the unforgiving wall, the tent in my pajamas rather heavy. As I looked down in amazement at it I felt shame rise hot in my stomach. I had gotten a big honking boner from watching my father jacking off.

     I nearly let the groan that sprang from my muzzle slip out. Soft hisses of air leaving my lips, making me stiffen in place in fear. I was saying every prayer I knew in my head, hoping that my father hadn't heard that. He didn't even break his stride as he stroked himself, a much louder moan than I had uttered leaving his own lips. It sent shivers down my spine and throb through my balls and up my shaft. My hard on was straining at my underwear and I felt the urge to paw off worse than anything before.

     My eyes went from dad's pumping paw to my own tented groin. I couldn't take it anymore and I shoved my paw right in and gripped my shaft. A shock of pleasure ran through me and I started furiously pumping my dick. I was biting my lip so hard I could taste blood, trying to hold the moans and purrs of pleasure in. With the way dad was going at himself, panting and moaning I bet I could have been as loud as I wanted without him hearing. But I sure as hell wasn't going to risk it.

     The old man was huffing and growling, his paw had a death grip on his shaft as he stroked. His other paw was pulling, almost roughly jerking, at his hanging orbs. I could tell the old man was starting to get closer to the big moment. I wanted to finish with or before him so I started stroking myself faster. My hips were rocking with it as I watched him, my cock twitching as I roughly beat it into submission. I couldn't hold off my panting as I felt the heat rise in my groin. I never took that long to cum but this was going fast even for me.

     Apparently my old man was in the same boat as me. His hips kept thrusting, long hard rolls of those muscled legs forcing his big dick up into his meaty paw. He was bucking hard, groaning and grunting all animal lust and pleasure. I couldn't hold back as I pounded my cock, gripping so tight it verged on pain. It was a rollercoaster of pleasure; I could feel the pressure building up behind my cock. It had to be the same for dad; his face was twisting into a grimace.

     "Come on...take that cock." His deep voice was thick with lust and pleasure as he worked himself closer and closer. Gritting his teeth he let out a low bellowed moan. The flood gates broke and I saw the first thick pearly white spurt of cum jet from his cock. It splattered against his chest, standing out against his tawny and auburn fur. It didn't stop there, it just kept coming. Spurt after spurt, his ebony cock pulsing as eight or nine hot spurts of seed painted his abs, till the fur was matted down with dark wet streaks.

     My young and inexperienced self couldn't stand up to an erotic display like that. I went over the edge, orgasm hitting me like a ton of bricks. I clenched my eyes tight and tried my best to hold in any possible sound. But I was lost in the moment and I couldn't tell you what way was up at that moment. I just rode it out, pumping away at myself. I felt the hot shots of cum splattering my paw. Every muscle in my body felt like it was contracting as I shuddered in pleasure. It felt like my balls were exploding, draining every bit of spunk that I had to give.

     It felt like eternity but it probably wasn't even a minute later and it was over. I was taking long slow breaths trying not to make any noise. My eyes were closed but I could hear that something was off. My dad wasn't panting and grunting anymore. He was silent, probably enjoying the afterglow just like me. That was until I hear him speak. "James?" My eyes flew open and I stared in horror at my dad sitting up on the couch staring at me. My paw was still down my pants clutching my sticky cum coated cock.

     That moment was the most horrifying. It was terrifying looking into his wide eyes, like seeing a slow painful death waiting at the end of a long hall. But you had no choice but to walk down that long hall and meet it. I froze; there was nothing that I could say. The only thing I did was pull my paw out of my pants, trying to hide the warm cum stuck to my palm and fingers. He did about the same, pulling his briefs back up to cover himself, his t-shirt getting pulled down over the spunk on his abs.

     He sat up fully to face me. There was a long tense moment of silence. He looked me over, his lips hanging open a bit. He was thinking, I had seen that look before. It usually spoke of punishments to come. Then he nodded slowly. "Listen kiddo. We need to talk about this. Okay?" His voice was a little strained but certainly not the booming anger I was expecting. I nodded slowly, shocked and confused. I knew my only option was to comply.

     "Why don't you head back up to bed? We'll...we'll talk about this in the morning." I was quick to nod my head like a good little runt. He only stared silently at me. I got the message turning around and leaving the room, making my way back upstairs. My mind was disconnected, feet carrying themselves back to my room, my erection flagged back to soft.

     Curling up in bed I lay there, heart beating a mile a minute. There was no way I was going to get ANY sleep tonight. I tossed and turned, listened to the wind outside. It must have been hours but finally exhaustion took me and I slipped into a fretful sleep.