The Camping Trip - The Satiation

Story by Vorinclex on SoFurry

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#4 of The Camping Trip

I must have fallen asleep at some point after lunch, because when I woke up, the car was parked. I blinked groggily, looking up at my dad.

"We're here. Come on out."

He climbed out of the car, and I sleepily followed him, rubbing the drowsiness from my eyes. While I did this, Dad came up behind me and grabbed my hands, holding them to my face so I couldn't see.

"Don't open your eyes just yet. This way..."

I smiled as he led me to..wherever he was going. The ground felt earthy and rough beneath my paws, so I knew we weren't on the road anymore. I sniffed at the air, which was clearer and a little thinner than normal, so I figured we must have been high up, on a mountain or something.

Dad stopped. "Ready?"

"Yeah, yeah, hurry up," I grinned.

Dad moved my hands away, and I opened my eyes. I gasped. It was truly a sight to behold. I was at the top of a mountain, looking out to the west at the large mountain range splayed out before me. All of them were completely covered in thick green trees, right up to the tops. One of the mountains, far out to the west had an enormous waterfall that fed into a river, which snaked its path between the mountain bases. The mountain we were on was about half as high as all the others, leaving the taller ones to tower over us dramatically. The Sun was still relatively high up, slowly making its way to kiss the mountaintops. I couldn't have imagined a better post-card-esque scene.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Dad came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest.

"Dad..." I whispered. "It''s amazing..."

Dad knew what a nature nut I was, so he was probably expecting this reaction. He gently whispered into my ear, "I'm glad you like it. Because for the next 6 days, this is all ours."

We stood there for a moment, just taking in the view. I reveled in my father's tender embrace, feeling his heart beat against my back. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss against my cheek. And then, just like that, he pulled away.

"Alright, come on. You still haven't seen the cabin yet."

Cabin? What cabin? We're supposed to be camping and sleeping outdoors in tents and stuff. I turned around, my eyes widening in surprise. In my blind state, I hadn't seen that we were parked right in front of a charming little wooden cabin. Dad was already opening the door, gesturing me to go in.

As I walked inside, I noticed that it was surprisingly cool. Dad must have sensed this because he said, "I turned on a little power generator while you were still asleep. It's not much, but it powers the fridge and a little AC."

He led me to the living room, which had little more than a couch in front of a fireplace, with a coffee table off to the side. To the right, there was a doorway that led to another room. Probably the bedroom. "This is the living room. And it's also where we'll eat," he said.

Directly behind it was a tiny kitchen, which housed a fridge, some cabinets, and a sink. Not even a stove was there. Dad grinned. "As you can see, the cooking will be over the fire, not in here."

There was only one room left. Dad took me by the hand and led me back through the living room to the doorway we hadn't entered yet. "And this," he said, taking me inside, "will be where you and I spend our nights together."

He couldn't have worded it more perfectly. The master bedroom was admittedly small, but it was still gorgeous. The bed took up almost the whole space, covered with thick, soft blankets and what looked to be a hundred pillows. Another fireplace was at the foot of the bed, looking almost like a television. Off to the side was a door that led to what I assumed was a small bathroom.

Dad squeezed my hand. "Wanna try it out?"

I nodded, and then moved to sit on the bed. It was perfect. Not too stiff, like a board, but not too soft, like a sponge. I'm sure it was incredibly comfortable. But all I could think about was that it would be perfect for...well, you know by now.

I crawled on it until I reached the headboard, laying down among all of the pillows. "I call this side," I said. The right side, looking down.

Dad followed me, but instead of taking the left side, he crawled on top of me, trapping me between him arms. "Oh really? And what if I want this side?"

I licked his nose. "You'll have to fight me for it."

"No I don't," he said. Then he descended, pressing his lips against mine in a passionate kiss. I moaned softly, and he licked and the inside of my mouth. I wrapped my arm around his neck, hold him there. After a moment, he pulled away, smiling. "I think you and I can share it, don't you?"

I blushed, and he chuckled before getting up and off the bed. "Come on. We've gotta unload the car and have dinner before sundown."

I stood up as well, slightly annoyed that he purposely got me all worked up for nothing. "Why before sundown?"

"Because," he said, talking my paw again. "I want to watch the sunset with you. It's really pretty."

"Awwww," I said, moving in to kiss him on the cheek. "I never knew you were such a romantic."

"You never needed to know, before now."

We moved outside, and he opened the trunk of the car. "Speaking of need-to-know subjects," I said. "How come I never knew about this cabin?"

Dad handed me our sleeping bags, taking some camping supplies and our tent for himself. "It was just never really important. Besides, this cabin is more your mom's than it is mine."

We dropped what we had just inside the door, in the corner of the living room for now. "After your grandfather passed away, he left this plot of land to her. She and I used to come up here for romantic weekends before you were born. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was conceived in here," he said, grinning widely.

I laughed. "Really? Well that's...ironic, isn't it?"

"I guess it is," he said, handing me the two coolers. "The original plan was for us to just use the cabin once or twice this week, and do most of our sleeping outside, like real campers. But I don't think you'll protest to spending a few more nights in there with me, will you? Go ahead and put those in the kitchen."

I walked back inside while he grabbed both of our clothes for the week. After I set the coolers on the kitchen floor, and after Dad had set our suitcases in the bedroom, he came out to the kitchen. "Just sandwiches for dinner tonight, okay? They're quick and easy."

I handed him our loaf of bread before reaching in a cooler for some meat. "How about I make them while you start the fireplaces?"

He grinned again. "Just don't burn anything."

I rolled my eyes as he walked into the living room. "Gee, I'll try. You know how easy it is for me to ruin sandwiches."

As I artfully composed our meal for the evening, the heat that I felt on my back told me that the fireplace was lit. I piled a few sandwiches on a plate and grabbed two water bottles. Dad was sitting on the couch, so I sat next to him.

"Here," I said, handing him the water and plate.

We ate in relative silence, just enjoying each other's company. There was a bit of light conversation about the weather for the next week, but beyond that, we pretty much just ate. I was so prepared to go out the door and enjoy the sunset when Dad stopped me.

"Not yet," he said. "Dessert first."

That's when I remembered the chocolate cake that we had gotten from Carraba's. Dad went up and got it, along with a fork that he fished out of a kitchen drawer. He sat back down next to me.

"One fork?" I said. "Do I not get any?"

He smiled and cut away a bite with the fork, before holding it up to my face. I blushed deeply. Oh my god, he was going to feed me. I timidly opened my mouth, and he inserted the forkful of cake inside.

"Any good?" he said.

I nodded yes, and he got a bite for himself. We continued like that. He would feed me a bite before getting himself one with the same fork. It was strange. By now, he and I had kissed plenty of times, and I'd had his dick in my mouth 4 times. But the fact that we were sharing an eating utensil, that we were taking part in an act as intimate as communion like filled me with an indescribable warmth.

Of course, the cake didn't last long. And the moment it was gone, he and I were out the door. We sat on the trunk of the car, facing the sun, leaning back against the rear window and each other. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, holding me close. I was hypnotized by the sun. In cities and suburbs, the evening and night skies are always a twisted mockery of themselves, a shadow of their true beauty. Out here, that beauty shined brightly, for all to see.

The sun was a deep red, and its rays were splayed upwards in its final attempts to shed light on the approaching darkness. The curvature of the earth distorted this light, and made it look as though the sun were pouring hot red wine across the black sea of night. Directly above us, where night had already taken its hold, stars shone brightly. And as the sun continued its descent, more and more stars revealed themselves, until it seemed that entire galaxies were squeezing their contents into our narrow field of vision. I could see perfectly clearly. There were so many stars, it didn't even seem like night. I was used to the blackness of nighttime, with streetlamps and headlights being our light source. But here, I could still see the entire mountainous landscape underneath the stars.

Dad snuggled his face against mine, bring a paw up to my cheek. "It's truly something, isn't it?"

I choked back a small sob. "Dad...I don't want to look's so beautiful..."

He leaned in close. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.

I looked at him, shocked. "Dad..."

I didn't get time to voice my thought, because he had already gotten up and lifted me in his arms. He carried me as though I were his bride, back into the cabin. When we got to the bedroom, he laid me gently on the bed. The fireplace crackled warmly, filling the room with its orange glow.

Dad stripped off his shirt, and then pulled mine off over my head. He leaned in close to me, pressing his bare chest against mine. "Lucas," he whispered. "I'm going to make love to you tonight."

I flushed. "Daddy..."

"No, no," Dad interrupted me. "None of that kinky stuff tonight, okay? This is going to be all about you."

He stared at me. His eyes looked to be positively smoldering with romance. "Dad...I...I love you."

"I love you too, Lucas. I really, really do."

He leaned down and kissed me tenderly, his lips brushing ever so softly against mine. I turned my face, and he deepened our kiss, pushing his tongue inside. I moaned excitedly, my heart pounding painfully in my chest.

Dad pulled away. "I want you to just lie there, alright? I'm going to do all the work. This is your first time, and I plan on making it the best of your life."

He closed his eyes before bending over and licking one of my nipples. I closed my eyes as well, grabbing his arm as he stimulated my nipple, nipping at it occasionally. Once it was erect, he immediately moved to the other one, licking at it softly as well. For my part, just laid there while he worked. He softly kissed my chest, then again a little lower, then a little lower still, all the way down until he was kissing the bulge in my jeans.

"Let's get these off, shall we?" He deftly unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, very slowly pulling them down, drinking in my legs and crotch with his eyes.

"Oh, baby, you're so beautiful," he said again. He got his own off quickly, leaving us both in our briefs. His black ones made him look like some kind of Adonis-like underwear model.

He positioned himself back between my legs, spreading them apart slightly. I was completely hard in my briefs, and he could see (and smell) it. He began licking at the thin fabric that housed my erection, getting it completely soaked before finally grabbing my waistband and slowly pulling them down. As my cock was uncovered, it was almost instantly taken into my father's muzzle. When he got my entire length into his mouth, he moaned loudly, sending shivers down my spine and my cock. He pulled my underwear down and off my legs without moving his mouth, staring up at me as he did so.

He sucked on my dick, pulling on the shaft with his tongue, and using its dexterity to his full advantage. I moaned loudly beneath him at his ministrations.

He pulled off for only a moment. "Does that feel good, baby?"

"Oh, Daddy, yes! It feels so good..." I realized that I called him "Daddy" again, but I didn't care. It felt far too good for me to care.

He began bobbing his head up and down the length of my shaft, making me groan in delight. I could hear the slurps that he made as he sucked. He kept his eyes locked straight on mine, and I shivered. He eventually closed his eyes, moaning around my cock again. He used one of his paws to play with my balls, and with his other he petted and stroked my chest and stomach.

"God, you taste so good, sweetheart," he said before diving back onto my dick.

I grabbed the paw on my chest and squeezed it, moaning loudly for him. And also because I couldn't really control my voice at that point. I must've spurted pints of precum into his mouth, which he just kept swallowing as he sucked. I had no idea how he was so good at giving head, but I wasn't about to complain. In fact, I was rapidly nearing my orgasm.

"Dad...Dad, I'm gonna cum," I panted.

At this, he pulled off completely, before quickly bending lower and assaulting my tailhole with his tongue. The pressure in my cock suddenly lifted, but now it was only a matter of time before I reached orgasm through my g-spot, which Dad knew exactly how to find.

I mewled pathetically while he worked, completely overcome by the pleasures that he was assailing me with. Dad pushed his tongue deep into my passage, licking at my insides with abandon. Naturally, he very quickly found my prostate, and he wasted no time in attacking it with his very skilled, very strong tongue. There's no real way to describe what it feels like to have a canine tongue inside your ass like that, but suffice to say that it feels wet, wriggly, and incredibly good.

Dad moved his paws to my ass cheeks and spread them apart, pulling back a bit to look at my rear end. "Beautiful," he whispered, before sinking his muzzle back between my cheeks.

It was all so good. I was getting close again, even faster this time. I had to cum so badly. "Dad, please, don't stop...I'm so close..."

As I expected, as soon as I said this, he pulled his tongue out of my ass, turning his attention to my balls instead, and leaving my swollen libido hanging. He licked gently at my furry orbs, bouncing them with his tongue as I had done to him earlier. Then he took them into his mouth and started sucking gently, moving to look at me again. He was giving me no time at all to collect myself.

My engorged cock lay ignored on my stomach, angrily begging for release. But I dared not touch it for fear of cumming immediately, so close I was to the edge. My breathing was harsh and ragged, coming in quick gasps or long sighs, depending on the actions of my father.

My balls fell out of his muzzle, and he stood up. I stared at him, not saying anything. He was so gorgeous. He was rock hard in his briefs, his cock perfectly outlined by the fabric.

"I know I said earlier that I was going to do all the work tonight..." he said. "But do you think you could use your muzzle a bit? I love that so much."

I nodded eagerly, motioning for him to come closer. Before he did, he turned around and pulled his underwear off, lifting his tail and revealing his ass to me ass he did so. When he turned back to face me, his hard cock swung gently with him. I backed up against the bed a bit, leaning on the many pillows for support. Dad got on the bed on his knees, and he moved up and straddled my chest, his enormous erection millimeters from my face.

"Go ahead, baby," he cooed, petting my cheek with his paw. "Take your time and enjoy yourself. We've got the whole night ahead of us."

I nodded, silently, staring at his beautiful dick. I know I've described it before, but I can't help but do it again. It was huge, and black, the same color of his nipples. It was a cock that was always just a little bit soft, even when fully erect, as though it were too big for the blood of his body to completely engorge. It had one big vein that ran all the way from the base to just under the head on the right side of it. It tapered slightly too, a bit thicker at the base than at the head. And, of course, it was too big for me to wrap one hand around it, and was all of 10 glorious inches long.

I took it in my paws tentatively, while Dad put his paws behind him, on the bed for support. I opened my maw and took about 5 inches inside in one go. I heard him groan in pleasure above me, and his breathing quickened a bit. I worked slowly, taking the base with my paws and moving my muzzle over his dick like a corkscrew, the way he taught me earlier today. I jerked what I couldn't reach with my muzzle, and sucked what I could, using my tongue the way he had on me.

I licked at the underside powerfully, trapping his mammoth erection between my tongue and the roof of my mouth. At this, he began thrusting slightly into my mouth. I let him, looking up at him as he did so.

"Keep your tongue like that, baby," he said. "I'm gonna make love to that sweet muzzle of yours."

He was exceedingly gentle. His movements were slow and deliberate, and he never pushed more than half of his length into my mouth at once, even though he knew well that I could take more. He leaned on one paw, putting his other on the back of my head, using it for leverage in his thrusts. My tongue was getting tired, but I didn't care enough to reposition it. And it was being rewarded by the brief shots of precum that dripped liberally from my father's cockhead, coating my tongue's surface, and making it more slick for him to work.

I took my paws' moments of inactivity to reach up and play with his ass. I kneaded the cheeks in my paws, his ass firm and muscled. He blushed as I did this, chuckling a bit as he thrust into my mouth again. His tail lifted, and I took the chance to brush against his tailhole.

"Baby, we gotta stop this, I'm getting close... Is your muzzle getting sore?" he asked.

I moaned, "Mmm-hmm," around his dick, and he pulled out wetly.

"That felt so good," he said. "C'mere, kiss me again."

I happily wrapped my arms around his back as he laid on top of me, and our muzzles met again. Our hard erections frotted between us as we kissed, and I wondered how close he was to orgasm. I wanted this to last as long as possible.

He broke our kiss after a few seconds. "Alright," he said. "Lucas, you're sure you want me take your virginity tonight?"

"Yes, Dad, please. I want you so badly," I said.

He nodded. "And I want you too. Much more than I should. But in that case, I have to get you a little more opened up. I need you to get on your hands and knees for me."

I acquiesced, turning over and sticking my rump into the air for him. He made a noise like a hungry dog and moved in, once again rimming me skillfully. But it only lasted moments. He stuck a finger into his mouth and sucked on it for a second, before slowly inserting it inside of me. It was an odd feeling, but not painful. Of course, it was only one digit.

After thrusting it in and out a few times, he wet and stuck two fingers inside me. This was a little more uncomfortable, but again, bearable. He thrust them in me, occasionally pressing them in deeply enough to touch my prostate, making me moan quietly beneath him.

He cooed to me as he worked. "Okay, here's's going to hurt a little at first..."

When he pushed the three fingers in, I gasped a little in surprise. There was pain at the intrusion. I felt stretched, as my anal walls tried to accommodate to the intruders. He began thrusting these as well, making me groan in pain with each thrust. This was a completely new feeling, and it was taking some real getting used to. I was very happy that Dad was going so slowly. When he began twisting them inside me, though, I let out a yelp of pleasure. Strange as it was, it felt surprisingly good as he moved his fingers like that.

"Okay," he said, pulling out his fingers. "I want you to turn on you back, okay?"

"Sure," I said breathlessly, rolling over for him. The next thing I knew, his ass and balls were in my face, his own muzzle positioned at my ass.

"Go ahead and suck me a little more," he instructed. "Get me nice and wet."

I did as he said, using my paws to pull his great cock into my mouth again. Knowing that this would be the closest thing to lube we had, I slobbered all over his length, getting it as wet a slippery as I could. While I did this, he was doing the same thing to my entrance, licking and salivating over it as though it were a tasty morsel. While I was sucking on him, he pulled out of my muzzle and turned around. His cock was now coated in saliva.

"Lucas, darling," he said, staring at me. "Are you positive that this is what you want? You don't have to feel pressured or anything to do this if you're not ready."

I shook my head. "Dad, I don't feel pressured. I want this. I...I want you."

He gazed into my eyes. "I love you, Lucas. Thank you so much for sharing this moment with me."

With that, he began pushing his fat cock inside me. I cried out in pain, but he didn't falter. He just kept pushing and pushing until he was completely hilted, groaning loudly. Tears formed in my eyes at the enormity of the pain my ass was feeling.

"I'm sorry, sweety," he said, panting. "But it'll be much easier now. I just had to get it all in at once so that the worst would be over."

I nodded. I trusted him. It might be painful, but I knew that I was completely safe with him. "J-just gimme a minute t-to get used to it..."

"Yes, yes, of course," he said, bending down to kiss me softly. "How does it feel?"

"It...It hurts...Daddy, it hurts a lot..." I whimpered. "Y-you're so big..."

He looked very concerned. "Do you want to stop? We can stop right now, and go no further."

"NO," I said suddenly. "No, don't stop... It's just more painful that I was expecting, is all." Another tear fell from my eye.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry I'm hurting you," he said tenderly. He leaned down and hugged me, holding me in his arms while I got used to his huge size.

"Well, maybe," I said, trying to make him smile, "if you had more meat in your brains than your dick."

He smiled. "Getting better?"

I nodded. "It's getting there. Can you flex it for me?"

"Oh? You mean like this?" I could feel the giant shaft inside me throb powerfully, and I shuddered.

"Oh, wow... That felt good... Do it again..." He did, and I moaned into his chest.

"Jesus, Lucas," he said. "You are so fucking tight... It's taking all I have not to just go to town right now... This feels better already than any sex I've ever had."

"Dad, keep going," I said. "I think I'm ready now."

"You sure?"


"Alright," he said. He started pulling out very slowly, and I moaned again as he did so.

He held me tight against him as he pulled out, not stopping until just the head remained inside me. Then he started his thrust back in, again, stopping only when he was completely buried in my ass.

"Oh God, baby," he said. "This feels so wonderful..."

The pain was receding rather quickly. As my father continued his slow pace, the pain dwindled until it could be ignored easily. It was instead replaced by a shock of pleasure I got every time he pushed against my prostate.

"Oh, Dad," I said. "This is starting to feel really good."

My hard cock was proof of this. I still hadn't touched myself, but I remained erect. Dad took the opportunity to increase his pace, going just a little bit faster. He started panting as well, his breathing becoming labored. My cock stiffened at the thought of how good I was making him feel, even if he was doing the actual love-making.

But he was still moving rather slowly. Every thrust he made pressed his fat dick right up against my g-spot, and every thrust made me shiver with delight. The pain was minimal now. I was only focused on the enormous shaft inside me and how good it was making me feel.

"Faster, Dad. Please," I begged him. "I need you to go faster."

He nodded, releasing my body to brace himself to go a little faster. His speed quickened a bit, and he seemed to go just a little bit faster with every few thrusts. He was openly moaning now, his body shaking as he fucked me. He stared into my eyes, occasionally kissing me on my mouth, cheek, or anywhere he could reach.

Sweat was collecting on the both of us from our exertions, and it made my dad's coat shine in the fire's light. He sped up a little more, his cock sliding in and out of me like a piston. He kept moaning little sounds of pleasure, making little "ooohs" and "aaahs" as he worked.

Who am I kidding? I was moaning too, far louder than he was. As he pushed his massive rod inside of me, I cried out in pleasure, nice and loud for him to hear. It felt so unbelievably good. The thick fullness I was feeling was like nothing I had ever experienced before. And the nonstop motion within me caused my stomach to churn hotly. I could feel the familiar approach of orgasm as Dad made love to me. I was getting closer and closer to cumming with every passing thrust, and my father just kept going faster and faster.

At this point, Dad never pulled more than halfway out. He wasn't rough, but he wasn't as gentle as he was when we'd started. He was focused intently on my ass, riding it as expertly as he could. "Oh, God, Lucas, please, say my name when you cum. God, this feels so incredible!"

I moaned loudly as Dad thrust, hard, all the way inside of me. I didn't even register if there was any pain. All I felt was the overwhelming pleasure that my father was assaulting my body with. I trembled beneath him, my breathing ragged and uneven. "Dad...oh Dad, I'm gonna cum."

"Me too, baby...I'm so close..."

"Dad!" I cried, and then I felt it.

Dad hilted himself inside of me completely and stayed there. The next thing I knew, I was feeling shot after shot of my father's hot sperm inside me as he ejaculated into my ass. He cried out loudly, "Lucas! I'm cumming Lucas!"

This drove me over the edge. I grabbed my cock and jerked myself furiously, cumming only an instant later. "Oh, FUCK, Dad! Oh...Sebastian! Aaah!"

My sperm covered my chest and stomach, and my Dad's coated my insides. It had to be the most powerful orgasm I'd ever experienced, and it just kept going. I rode out my orgasm for what felt like whole minutes, before I finally came down from my sexual high.

I'd done it. I'd made love with my own father.

He collapsed on top of me, panting hard. We said nothing. We merely basked in the glorious peace of our mutual afterglow. Without pulling out, he held me tenderly in his arms.

After a few minutes had passed, he spoke. "Lucas... I...that was absolutely amazing."

I was too exhausted to respond properly. "Yeah...yeah..."

He chuckled softly. "Did...did I wear you out?"

I nodded, completely relaxed.


I opened my eyes, looking at him. He kissed me softly on the lips, stroking my face sweetly. "I love you so much."

"I...I love you too," I said.

We didn't move beyond that. Not even to clean up or to get under the covers. We just fell asleep right there, with me in his arms, as the fireplace crackled softly next to us.