Night Of The Brothers: 'The Innocence Of Friendship'

Story by Mickey Torrento on SoFurry

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#6 of Night Of The Brothers

Night Of The Brothers: The Innocence Of Friendship

Hey there... My name is Jack and you probably can guess I am pissed off at my brothers.

I've been lying on the couch, listening to 'Die Happy - Cry For More'* and not caring for the fact I should be at school. Ma and pa didn't comment on that. They knew I've got bit of a depression going on and they were having it too . Two brothers that I loved left me alone for reasons unknown to me. Oh, they better have a reason cause if not then I'm going to spank them stupid for this. I chuckled at the thought and reached under the pillow to take another pill just to realize the plastic bag is empty...

"Woops... a bit too much." - I mumbled to myself as everything around was spinning. I shrugged and fell asleep on the couch. I didn't care if what I did was stupid. I didn't want to face the reality.

Me and Roy were walking down a road leading to Furview... Yes... it's at least 24h walk but I didn't care. There was a forest on both sides of the road so if there was a car coming we would quickly hide behind the trees.

"Ye do realize Furview is huge? How are we goin' to find him?" - Asked Roy and I didn't know how to answer... he was right. Furview is huge and I don't even have a slightest idea on where to start looking. For now we had more important things on our minds like actually getting to Furview. It looked almost as if we just had an evening walk for fun. Taking slow steps and talking.

"You know..." - I started: "...I think I start to like you..." He looked at me with confused expression: "You don't seem happy about it." And I wasn't: "Well... I feel like I'm cheating on Tyler... And what would be the point of trying to find him if I am planning on going out with someone else?" He looked away before replying: "Wouldn't it be easier for both of you if... if..." I knew what he meant but it seems he couldn't finish the sentence. I hugged him. "I owe him a lot." - Just after saying that I realized that I also owe Roy a lot... My paw reached down to my butt. It was still leaking cum and blood...

"Roy... I've got a f-"

"Watch out." - Said Roy and pulled me into the forest just as a car went past. We should not be seen for our own safety. He looked around and yawned: "You know... I think we should stop here for tonight." He started looking around for a tree that will be perfect for a nap before realizing I wanted to say something earlier on: "Oh, soz... what was it you wanted to say?"

"I... I kinda wanted to you to ask if you can do me a favor." - I was feeling really awkward since the favor was one of the unusual ones. "Sure. What's up?" I didn't look at him while saying this: "Well... It's been so long but I'm still bleeding down there and... could you check if it's just my outer tailhole ripped or something more serious?" He straight away blushed: "W-wouldn't you feel awkward?" I shrugged, trying to look comfortable: "You've seen me naked before." He stayed silent for a bit before replying: "O-okay..." I took my jeans and underwear off and got on my fours before resting chest on the grass with butt still in the air. He blushed a lot and walked up to me.

"Yeah... it's bleeding still." - He said, trying to sound serious. "I know that, but is it bleeding internally or what?" He shook his head: "I don't know. Your butt is too fluffy to see." I rolled my eyes. "Then move the fur away." His cheeks were cherry-red by now. He grabbed my butt cheeks as if they were made of fragile glass and moved them away slightly. "Owch... looks bad... poor you. Does it hurt badly?" I nodded: "Yes, when I walk." He reached into own, small backpack that he always kept in his hideout with emergency food, drink and basic things from first aid kits and took out a cotton bud before saying: "We have to make sure it'll not get infected." My heart skipped a beat as I guessed what he wanted to do: "Wait... you're not thinking about... disinfecting?" - I shivered as I saw him letting a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide onto the bud. "Just chillax..." He placed the bud on my hole and I could straight away feel as if it was on fire. I yelped in pain and this caused Roy to do something unusual to silence me... he kissed me. He was sitting next to me with one paw holding the bud while kissing me. I don't know how long it lasted but that was sweet of him. I was just lying here, exploring Roy's maw and completely forgot about the burning pain until he broke the kiss and moved the bud away.

"There!" - He smiled at me with a blush before saying: "Sorry about this strange way of silencing you but I'd hate to hear another yelp of pain from you. That day I heard you screaming I felt as if my heart was going to b-" I shut him up with another kiss. As weird as it might sound... I felt similar thing to him as I did for Tyler... but Tyler left me while I was in need... Roy saved me from torture.

Roy seemed to be the type that likes to take lead as he gently placed me on my back and got onto his fours above me, kissing my muzzle and neck. I felt safe with him...

Mike let me borrow his car and so I was driving back to Clawwood. He had a BMW 730d from 2009. The road I took was empty and had forest from both sides so I could go fast without getting into trouble. At some point I believe I saw a fox quickly jumping into the woods. Seems uncivilized furs are still not extinct.

I was stupid. Josh only wanted me to suffer by being away from Emjay... I outed Emjay so he's in trouble too.

I arrived home in less than 2 hours. Not caring about how mom and dad would react I knocked on the door. No one answered... I didn't like it at all and so I decided to use my keys to get in without invitation. I unlocked the door and entered the house. First thing I saw was Jack sleeping on the couch. I ran upstairs and knocked on Emjay's door. No answer. I opened the door just to find out he's not in his room. I went back downstairs and decided to wake Jack up by slightly shaking his shoulder.

"Jack... hey, Jack." - I whispered. He didn't wake up so I shook him in a bit rough way: "Oy, man! Wake up." That's when I spotted a plastic bag under his paw... another brother in trouble.

"No, no, no... not now. Jack, what the hell were you thinking?!" - I was angry at him but at same time worried about Emjay. Something must've caused Jack to act this way. I picked Jack up and took him to the car before driving off to the hospital. They took immediate care of him and I decided to wait till he wakes up since he probably knows what happened to Emjay... I just hope that he's alright...

"I've got one blanket. Is that okay?" - I asked. Emjay nodded with a smile: "I'm not scared of cooties." I sat next to him and covered us with the blanket so that apart from heads our bodies were covered. I kissed him before replying: "I'm happy we figured that out."

I don't know why but soon enough we ended up lying down, kissing and with the blanket wrapped around us. Since he had no pants or underwear on I thought like the only way for it to be fair was taking mine off as well. And so I did. First I slipped my sweatpants off and then the underwear... and it kind of went on. He unzipped my hoodie and slipped paws under the shirt to rest them on my chest. I laid myself on top of Emjay. Our warm chests and sheaths pressing against each other. It was so intimate and nice. We then completely undressed and smiled at each other while blushing.

"You know..." - I started with even a brighter blush: "...I've got that idea I always wanted to try." He looked at me. "Does it include my butt? If it does then I am really sorry but you know what state it's in..." I chuckled: "No, no... I'm not a moron. I know you're hurt there... um... have you... have you ever..." I felt stupid to tell him about my kinks. He cuddled up to me and chuckled: "Haha... come on... what is it?"

"Have you ever heard of docking?" He shook his head before saying: "I figured out I was gay not long ago." I kissed his cheek. "Do you want to do it? I promise it doesn't hurt when done properly and it doesn't include your cute butt." He once again chuckled and nuzzled my neck: "So what do I do?" I grabbed his sheath and just held it in order to warm it up before saying: "Just enjoy yourself." I could feel the tip of my 5 inch furhood slip out of the sheath. I pressed my chest and belly against his before letting the tip slip into his sheath. The heat hit me straight away... his sheath was so hot, literally and as in attractiveness. Emjay licked my ear before saying: "Never thought it's possible."

I murred: "Mmrr.. just wait... this is a warm-up." I felt my furhood leaving my own sheath and then slipping inside Emjay's inch by inch. He moaned slightly: "A-aah... This actually feels nice... ever done that before?" I shook my head: "I always wanted to." I could feel Emjay running paws over my body... he moved them onto my chest, he would then slip them down onto my sides so he could then grab my butt with both paws. I then got surprised by a feeling of Emjay's finger slipping into my tailhole. I grinned: "Naughty you." He chuckled and started slowly fingering me while running other paw all over my body. I didn't mind. I'd let him explore my body as much as he'd want to.

My furhood was not only getting rubbed by Emjay's sheath but also by his cock. Soon it started to slip out and I aimed it to enter my sheath so we were both docking each other. Before I decided whether I should focus on the feeling from docking or getting fingered, Emjay slipped a second finger into my hole. I couldn't help but to moan. Not from pain, he was really careful. There was no dominative/submissive... No one was leading now... We were both equal and loved every second of this. I would thrust gently into his sheath, causing our cocks to rub against each other and over our sheaths while he would feel me all over as well as finger with his other paw.

And then a nasty thought hit me... I am probably just a one-night stand... He's with Tyler. Before I could think about it for longer I could feel Emjay filling my sheath with his goo. The hotness of this liquid caused me to make my move and fill his sheath in return. My hole started twitching from the afterglow and his fingers felt bigger in my hole. We both opened muzzles, enjoying our silent ecstasy before kissing. As I was slowing down with docking he would slow down with fingering me. We soon both stopped and he pulled the fingers out. By now I completely forgot about the nasty thought I had... now it was just Emjay, me and the feeling of his body touching mine. This moment felt so natural and innocent. We wrapped arms around each other's waists and fell asleep with our muzzles gently touching as well as our furhoods still inside the other's sheath.

I woke up in bed and straight away recognized hospital bedroom. Next thing that caught my attention was Tyler sitting next to me: "Tyler?" He looked at me and let out a sigh of relief: "Finally! What the fuck were you thinking there, bro?" One thing you should know about my brother is that he only swears when being really pissed off.

"I could ask the same... You left me and Emjay disappeared..." Tyler hit the wall with anger: "God damn it! I'll kill him!" I looked at Tyler with surprised look: "Kill Emjay? Our lil' brother?" Tyler shook his head: "Nooo... Josh! He fucking tricked me into believing that best thing to do would be leaving Emjay! I made Emjay vulnerable to him!" My heart skipped a beat: "Vulnerable? Why would he hurt Em-"

"He's a friggin' homophobe and I came out to him which automatically outed Emjay..."

"Do you think he..."

"...he must've been the reason for Emjay to disappear. Look... you stay here and get well. I'll sort this out." I grabbed his paw: "Don't do anything stupid..." He pulled the paw away: "You did something stupid... now it's my turn." He then walked out. I didn't like his temper...

I parked the car near Josh's house and sprinted... the sight made my heart skip a beat. Police cars around Josh's house... detectives and ambulance. I ran up to a policefur and asked: "What happened? Is there a young husky in the house?" The policefur looked at me and shook his head: "We only found the body of a wolf... it seems someone stabbed him in the back and threw out the window. I can't give any more information than that."

"But I can." He looked at me before letting me in and walking up to the detective. They swapped a few words before the detective asked me to tell him what I know: "The wolf is called Josh Riverbark and I am almost sure that he died from my brother who defended himself." The detective eyed me up and down: "And why would you think of that?"

"Because I accidently outed Emjay to Josh not knowing that this wolf is homophobic." - These words seemed to worry the detective: "If you are the victim's brother then I guess I am allowed to tell you a bit more." I looked angrily at him: "Victim? What the fuck did Josh do to my brother?" The detective shook his head: "Please, don't swear or people won't take you seriously. For now all we know is that Josh had a foreign blood of two furs... One was obtained from... Josh's member... it was quite an amount and it belongs to a pure husky breed which means it is almost sure that it would be your brother..." I felt rage build up within. Emjay... what have I done... The detective continued: "...the second trace of foreign blood is hard to identify but we acquired it from the wound caused by knife which means whoever killed Josh seemed to be self-defending... there is a proof for that as there is a high chance Josh was a pedophile. We checked his house and found lots of evidence."

I sighed and asked: "Do you know where my br-"


My mother was walking towards me. I sensed trouble. She aimed a slap at me but this time I was pissed off. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it so she yelped. I look straight into her eyes before saying: "Believe it or not but I lied yesterday in order to save Emjay a shame. Raise a hand at me one more time and you will regret it, seeing me walking away... and that will be the last time you'll ever see me. If this happens then you will later find out why I lied but it will be too late." She looked at me with tears in her eyes and moved her paw away.

"I... I knew there is more to it... I knew you wouldn't rape Emjay... you two were always best friends and brothers..." I thought it's time to finally tell her... She deserves to know: "Mom... there is a bit of truth in what I told you but I want to talk to you in private."

And so we walked away from the detective. I wasn't sure how my mom would react but I don't want my mother to call me a rapist ever again...

To Be Continued... *

Story is copyright © Mickey Torrento