The Rat Hole

Story by Keane Ironheart on SoFurry

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The Rat Hole

By Keane Ironheart

Jonah kicked the guard rail and grunted in frustration at the flat in the tire of his brand new Ninja. The bike had fit his personality so well; sporty, fast and sleek. It was white with blue trim, all the metal and leather black. He had traded in the car his parents had gotten him almost straight out for the thing, he knew he wanted the bike the moment he test drove it.

He was a lot like his bike; an athletic build and the kind of guy who was always on the go, always ready for the next adventure. He had short brown hair that he never let grow more than an inch, and sideburns that shot straight down his cheeks to frame his face. He shaved daily, but still kept stubble on his face. He had a Romanesque nose between two baby blue eyes and small amount of fat still left in his cheeks.

He had only had the bike for a week and there was already a flat in the rear tire. He must have hit something on the road, or maybe there was a flaw in the tired. He did not know. He should never have taken this road in the first place. It had once been a highway, but now it was mostly abandoned except by local traffic. He took it because he could ride fast and the road was windy. The interstate just did not have the exciting curves these old roads had, but the old roads did not have the cell phone reception interstates had.

He fumbled with his phone, holding it over his head and even climbing up on the guard rail to get a single bar. Nothing. His frustration only grew as he realized he would have to look for a land line, or at least for another place that had reception. What was supposed to be a weekend of open road was slowly turning into a big disappointment.

He put his bike in neutral and started walking. He could not remember passing a place recently, so he would have to go forward and hope he came across something sooner, rather than later. He was sweating by the time he saw a parking lot, thick trees obscuring his view of the place until he was right on top of it.

He expected to find an abandoned building with how little traffic was along the road and was actually surprised when he he spotted two trucks and a motorcycle parked out front. The building looked run-down, with dark grey paint that was chipping off on the trim. Most of the windows were painted black to keep the light out and add to the atmosphere inside, Jonah supposed as he approached the building.

He pulled out his phone, swiping his finger across it to bring up the home screen. He held it in his palm for a moment, then held it up in the air. He waited for any signal to come through, but it still read as zero bars. At least he was at a place he could call now. He turned his bike towards the lot and started pushing again.

At one point the parking lot must have been paved, but now it was just gravel with mismatched and worn parking blocks arranged haphazardly on its surface. There was a sign on the side of the building, the lower half faded by the sun, but the upper half read "The Rat Hole." Splattered across the sign were several brands of beer and hard liquor.

It was a horrible name for a bar, or for any establishment for that matter, but Jonah wasn't there for a meal or a drink, he was there to use the phone and that was it. He propped his bike on the kickstand and walked through the gravel to the entrance of the bar before turning the handle on he door. It twisted freely in his hand, the door having no pin to help keep it closed. Jonah shook his head at just how dilapidated the building was as he pulled the door open and stepped inside.

It was hazy and dark, it took his eyes a moment to adjust to the lack of light. He stepped in, the floor creaking under him as he looked around. At least he was not alone in the bar, several patrons sat around the place with drinks, one with a plate of food and several of them were smoking. Jonah coughed quietly as he approached the bar. The barkeep was behind the counter, washing off a few of the glasses and polishing them with a thin, white cloth.

He was a burly kind of guy with long hair held back by a bandana tied in a loose knot at the back of his head. He had the handlebar mustache of an old biker and wore black t-shirt with the American flag on it underneath a leather vest that hung open to expose his ample belly. He was a hairy kind of guy, too, with bushy forearms and a bit of hair that showed through the collar just above his chest.

Despite being fat, he was also muscular. The bar would have no need for a bouncer with him behind the counter. He was the kind of guy Jonah would not want to get on the bad side. The barkeep only turned his head when Jonah stopped walking, those dark eyes intent on him.

"What'cha need?" He asked a deep voice tinged with a southern accent. He sounded gruff, like he was a smoker too.

"My bike got a flat, I need to use the phone." Jonah replied, trying to sound as amiable as possible. All he got as an answer was a gesture from the barkeep to a sign posted on the wall behind him. It read "The phone is for paying customers only" and Jonah could not help but roll his eyes.

"Fine, I'll take a Natty Light, it's going to be a while before my friend can get to me anyway." He heard one of the customers bark a laugh and watched as the barkeep grinned, still intent on cleaning that glass.

"We ain't got that here, boy." He said in an amused tone and customer laughed a little louder.

"Whiskey, straight up." Jonah said after a heavy sigh, earning another look from the barkeep. The burly man looked him up and down as though sizing him up then just smiled.

"That's more like it." He said simply as he grabbed a clean glass and knelt to fetch a bottle under the counter.

Jonah could not help but notice another of the patrons giving him a look. He could feel the stare and see the man in his peripheral vision. It made his heart beat a little faster and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other before turning his head to look back at the guy.

Jonah could not see much, as the man was sitting in the corner of the room in one of the booths. The light over his head either had been turned off or burnt out, so there was a shadow cast on him. All Jonah could make out were a pair of eyes on him. His heart beat even faster now.

The barkeep slid his drink down the counter and Jonah only broke his stare at the man in the booth when he felt the glass hit his hand and nearly topple. He grabbed it just in time, muttering a half-hearted thanks before he sipped at the drink. It made him feel better and helped calm him down. He supposed there was nothing wrong with finishing up before he made that call.

He pulled a ten dollar bill from his pocket and laid it on the counter before he turned his back to the man in the booth and took a seat in one of the stools. He could still fell that gaze boring into him though, and he twitched his shoulders now and again. The barkeep took the money, bringing back a bit of change which Jonah stuffed into his pocket without leaving a tip. He had been forced to buy the drink, after all.

It only took him a couple of minutes to finish the drink and he felt better. Those eyes boring into his back were no longer as noticeable as before. He turned back towards the barkeep who was still washing glasses before he spoke up.

"Alright, mind if I use the phone now?" He asked with a little bit of attitude and the barkeep gestured again to the back of the bar.

Jonah turned around and saw a phone bolted to the back wall in the opposite corner of the man in the booth. It was a payphone, too. He shot the barkeep a glance and narrowed his eyes.

"Seriously?" Jonah asked as the barkeep grinned. He hopped off the stool and nearly stomped his way to the back of the bar, fumbling for some change in his pocket. He stopped only a few feet away and looked over to that man who was still staring at him. Their eyes met and Jonah found himself standing still.

There was something about that gaze. The way it penetrated through him and down somewhere even deeper than he thought a look could go. He could swear the eyes that were looking at him were no longer dark irises, but rather all yellow. They narrowed on him, the gaze becoming more intense.

Jonah felt this jaw hanging, saliva pooling just under the tip of his tongue as he stared back at the man. He hardly noticed he had taken a step towards the shadowed man until he heard the scraping of a chair along the linoleum floor. He snapped back to reality and turned towards a lanky man making his way up to the counter.

"Good as always, Joe." The customer said as he slapped down some money. "See ya next weekend."

"Thanks, take care bud." The barkeep said as he stuffed the money into the register.

Jonah swallowed hard and turned back towards the payphone. He was going to call a friend and then get the hell out of here as soon as he was done. Something about this place was giving him the creeps, and that man in the corner wasn't helping things out at all. He grabbed the receiver and popped in a few coins before he dialed one of his friends.

It rang several times before the voice mail picked up. Of course it would go to voice mail, the number he was calling from was unfamiliar. He left a message anyway, hoping his friend would get it and pick him up. The sooner he had his bike fixed, the better off he'd be. He could already taste the open road, the freedom that it brought.

He turned back to the door after hanging up the phone only to feel a pressure in his crotch as his cock pressed painfully against the tight fabric of his jeans. He quickly turned back towards the phone, faking like he had forgotten something as he guided his shaft down the leg of his jeans. He wondered when he had gotten so horny, the last time he had sprung a random erection like that was way back in high school.

When he turned around, he saw that creep staring at him again from the booth. His shaft throbbed even harder now as he found himself sinking into that gaze once more. He could feel the throbbing in his pants all the way through his body. What was more, he could feel the throbbing in his brain. It was slow, almost unnoticeable at first, but it was there.

This time, he was not lucky enough to have a noise distract him as he shuffled his way over towards the corner booth. He found himself standing at the edge of the table, his back turned towards the rest of the bar with his eyes glazed over. He could not tear himself away from those yellow eyes, even if some part of him was screaming how wrong it was.

It was not just the irises that were yellow, it was the whole eye. Jonah did not know how, but he knew the man was staring back at him. The yellow of his eyes began to swirl in a cloudy, monochrome pool of yellow haze like smoke caught in the wind. Black holes opened up in those eyes, rounded at first before they widened to become slits.

The centers were so black, and so empty that Jonah fall through them and never find his way back to reality. The way he was staring with drool rolling down one corner of his lips and down to his chin, he just about had lost himself. The throbbing in his brain only grew heavier, the light overhead flickering just long enough for Jonah to see the man's face.

He would have ran if his legs were answering to his own mind, or at least he would have gasped when he saw that pale blue skin. It was smooth, unlike anything he had ever seen before. The man had a broad nose with wide, flaring nostrils and a long forehead. He doubted the man had any hair under the leather cap worn on his head.

He wore a denim jacket that was left unbuttoned and a white t-shirt underneath. Whoever this man was, or whatever he was, it was clear he worked out. He had an abundance of muscles, not enough to show off at some contest, but enough to be envious of. From the looks of it, his body fat had to be in the single digit percentage. He was amazing.

"Sit, boy." A voice rang out in Jonah's head and a shiver ran down his spine. That voice felt as warm and inviting as a blanket, and it was being wrapped around his mind. He had no desire to stand, his legs were getting tired and his body felt heavy. He soon lowered himself into the seat next to the pale blue man, instantly feeling better.

He managed to close his mouth now, swallowing as he lifted an arm to wipe off the drool on his chin. He still felt the same connection between this man and himself, but for some reason, he was not as paralyzed as he had just been. Still, he had that small part of his mind screaming at him to get away, to forget about his bike and just run.

"What is your name, boy?" That voice squashed the thought of running. He could feel his own shaft throbbing harder as the man spoke to him telepathically. For some reason, he thought he should be afraid of that, or even that it was impossible, but that was just silly. Clearly this man was doing it, and he wanted to hear more.

When he opened his mouth to speak, though, Jonah suddenly felt his name evaporate from his mind. It was at the tip of his tongue, but yet he could not say it. A feeling of frustration welled up inside of him, and he felt his shaft beginning to soften as it ran back up his leg.

"I don't know." He said at last in a strong whisper, his eyes still locked on those yellow orbs.

"Good, then I will just call you Boy." The voice said again and instantly, Jonah's cock was hard, throbbing inside of his jeans. He failed to hold back a moan, wondering if the others in the bar had heard it. His heard throbbed in his chest, his cock pulsed in his jeans and his body swelled with pleasure at being called Boy. It was wrong, that was not his name, but it certainly felt right.

"It feels good to obey, doesn't it? To give in to my voice, to your pleasure?" Jonah could no longer tell if it was the man's voice that spoke, or if it was the voice in his head. Again, he opened his mouth t say something, his jaw working wordlessly with only one word being spoken out loud.


He heard a laugh in his mind, and where that calm voice was like a blanket being wrapped around him, the laugh was a tingling sensation that invaded his entire body. He turned his body to more directly face the man beside him as he felt another shiver rush down his spine and all the way to his toes.

"If that is what you want, then leave through the front door and meet me around back, boy."

Before Jonah knew it, he was sliding out of the seat and walking backwards, his eyes still locked on the pale blue man. It was not until he bumped into a chair that he was able to break the stare and turn around. The barkeep was staring at him and Jonah could not help but gulp as he pushed the chair back to where it had been then quickly walked out the front door.

He shielded his eyes in the bright light of afternoon sun and blinked a few tears from his eyes as they adjusted. His chest heaved in strong breathes and he felt weak in the knees. He placed his paw on the grey siding of the run down bar and tried his best to calm himself. There was a moment where he had wanted to sick up, but it passed and soon, he was breathing normally again. He was even thinking normally again.

Whatever had happened, he had been at a complete loss of control over almost every function of his body. He had been so willing to overlook that thing's appearance and what he was doing to him. That voice in his head, had it even been real? Somehow he was sure it was.

He felt something warm against his leg and glanced down to the growing wet spot in his jeans and his still throbbing shaft. He suddenly became aware of just how horny he was; enough that he could whip it out then and there just to take care of himself without caring if somebody walked in or out. He could have, but he wanted to get the hell out of there.

He took a step, his jeans rubbing against his dick, reminding him of the pleasure he had experienced inside talking to that thing. He had to take care of himself, there was no way he could walk very far with his jeans rubbing him the way they were. The thought of simply stroking himself off did not sound like enough though. He needed more than just that, somehow he knew masturbation would not satiate him.

There was another option, though he could not believe he was even entertaining the idea. No, wherever that thought was coming from, it could not be his own. Only, he knew it was right. All he had to do was walk around back and he would get the pleasure he so desperately need. It may be from another male, but he suddenly could care less.

He rounded one of the corners, then hopped over a short fence to get to the back of the property. There were boxes strewn about, some intact and some broken down, on a lot that half concrete and half compacted dirt and weeds. A single truck was parked in the back with a bright red paint job and black tinted windows, alloy all-terrain wheels and Confederate flag airbrushed on the driver's door.

Standing with his back to the wall and his arms folded over his chest, his legs crossed at the ankle, was the pale blue man who he had encountered inside. He was taller than Jonah by a couple of inches, but he could have sworn it was more by the way the man held himself. He had a grin on his face, knowing Jonah would be unable to resist a second encounter.

All Jonah could see of the man was from the waist up in the bar, though the waist down was no surprise from what he had already seen. The man wore a pair of light blue, worn jeans with a nice bulge stretching the fabric around his crotch. They clung to his thighs, then got baggier around his shins and ended just above his ankles. A pair of snakeskin boots peeked out from under those jeans, the blacks and browns contrasting against all the blues and whites above them.

There was something else that Jonah had not noticed before when he was in the bar. He could clearly smell something odd in the air. It was not from all the boxes, or even from the bar's kitchen, its entrance was just beyond where the pale blue man stood. It came from the man itself, and it was heady, it was musky, it was masculine. It seemed to coil around his brain and take hold like a snake around its prey.

"It's good to see you came, my boy." The voice flooded his mind again, and so did that pleasure. He felt his cock throb in his boxers and even felt a spray of precum against his thigh, the thin, clear glob rolling down his skin before it absorbed into the fabric. Jonah could not help but press his hand to his shaft, rubbing it gently through the fabric of his dark blue jeans.

This time he could care less that he walking towards the man not of his own accord. Something drew him in and he wanted to experience more of it. He wanted everything this man could give him. Sure, a part of him was skill telling him it was wrong, but it was easier and easier to ignore while his erection harder to ignore. He had never been this horny in his life, never needed so much release.

"Good boy, let that lust fill your body, let it take you over and consume you." The pale blue man's eyes were locked on him, staring deep into his body; through it even and into his soul. He watched as the man lifted his cap from his head and tossed it to the floor. Underneath were a pair of amethyst horns growing from just in front of his temples. They were short, and ended in a dull point.

"Not every prayer is answered by an angel, you know." The demon explained as Jonah stopped in front of him, his head tilted up to stare into those yellow eyes. "Sometimes only demons can adequately answer what you truly desire."

Jonah could only nod slowly as that voice ravaged his body, the pulsing within him, in his loins and in his brain becoming one pulse, one source of pleasure. He could feel every fiber of those boxers against his crotch and how smooth the silk was. He could feel all the heat from his thigh as his shaft throbbed against it and his blood flowed through his veins. He had to release, and every movement threatened to bring him over the edge.

"All you have to do is agree to let me touch you, and your prayers will be answered, boy." Jonah stifled a moan, only to let out a soft whimper instead. That tiny, almost insignificant part screamed at him from the deep recesses of his mind, but it was like a gnat buzzing around his head at a heavy metal concert. He nodded his head slowly, opening his mouth.

"Please," was all he could manage to say, but it was all the demon needed. In one quick movement, the demon wrapped his arms around Jonah and pressed his hot, soft lips against the boy's, kissing him with more passion than Jonah had ever experienced.

That voice of reason was crushed under the new corruption filling his mind. He could hear the soft laugh of the demon echoing through his mind as his entire body shivered. He opened his mouth, letting that long, warm demon tongue slide inside and lick along the roof of his mouth before it swirled around his tongue. He pursed his lips around it, suckling on that tongue and getting his first taste of Hell. It was more than he could have asked for in his entire life.

Those demonic eyes stared into him, watching as his body's aura faded from white to grey, becoming darker the more his corruption took hold. Jonah moaned loudly into those lips, placing his hands on the demon's sides as he demon stroked his own hands up and down his back. He even felt one hand on his ass, kneading and squeezes a tight, rounded cheek.

His nose filled with that scent, his mouth with the demon's taste and his mind with thoughts that were not his own. Slowly, though, they were becoming his own. His own will was being overridden with the will of the demon before him. Soon, Jonah would cease to be who he once was and instead become an extension of the demon's body, become his pet and his property. The thought excited him beyond any thought he head ever had.

He could feel the bulge of the demon's crotch against his belly and he ground himself back into it, earning a moan of pleasure from the demon himself. It was the sweetest sound, and it only made Jonah lust that much more. He could feel himself nearing the edge, if he was given much more pleasure by the demon, he would probably cream his pants.

"You are mine now, boy. Heart, body, mind and soul, you are mine." It was all that was needed to be said to drive him over the edge. Yet, Jonah could not release. He was held there, at that constant leave of pleasure by the demon before him, and not allowed to over the edge. It was amazing and yet, it was frustrating. He wanted to cum so badly, but he knew the longer he waited, the more rewarding it would be.

The demon's rewards were always worth the wait.

The kiss was broken and Jonah felt a void inside of him, one that was growing every moment that passed. He demon spoke for the first time, not using telepathy but his actual voice. It sounded much the same, only he spoke is some harsh, unknown language that even as Jonah tried to remember the words, they faded from his memory like a dream would just after he woke in the morning.

Fire erupted around them in swirling flames that rose from the ground to above their heads in an instant. It filled the air with an intense heat and the sound of rushing wind as the inferno glowed orange, then hotter to blue and finally white.

Jonah lifted his head and yelled, clamping his eyes shut as he felt the flames flick against his skin like the tongues of thousands of serpents. Sweat formed on his body, making it glisten with a light sheen as his clothes were burned off of him, incinerated into ash that was swept into the swirly flames and burned to nothingness.

As quickly as those flames had formed, they were gone and Jonah trembled as the stood on the compacted earth naked as the day he was born. He was afraid to open his eyes until he felt something warm against his belly, pulsing with desire and leaking copious amounts of hot fluid onto his skin. He could smell that scent again, this time stronger than ever.

When he opened his eyes, he could only smile at the sight of the demon standing naked in front of him. That pale blue body, so muscular and lean, was all his to worship and server. He places his hands on the demon's chest, running his fingers down the hot flesh and through the thin, blue hairs that covered it like a fine dust. He could hear the demon's moan ringing in his head as his thumbs stroked over taut, slate grey nipples.

The sound was enough to make those three distinctive throbs inside of his body ignite and intensify. They were becoming harder to tell apart, his mind, his body and his lust almost beating as one. He never noticed just how out of sync his body was with his desires, but there was much this demon would be able to teach him now.

"Kneel." It was a simple command and once it was transmitted into his head, his body seemed very inclined to follow it. His knees were giving way, his upper body felt like a heavy, dead weight. It took all the control left in him not to slam his knees into the ground, but rather kneel gracefully. His head was now level with the demon's shaft.

It was long, at least eight inches from the base of light blue pubes to the head. After the midpoint, it curved upwards just slightly, giving Jonah a good look at the midnight blue glans. Veins ran from the base to the tip, disappearing behind the collection of foreskin that bunched up just behind the rounded, mushroom-shaped head. The slit was wet, oozing precum with each throb of that demonic cock as the clear liquid rolled down the underside and dripped onto Jonah's legs below.

That strong, masculine scent made his senses erupt with pleasure. He could smell the headiness and the more he took in, the better the rest of his senses got. Colors seemed more vibrant and he could see the movement of each individual vein on his shaft, or the way that heavy sac below constricted and retracted ever so slightly with the beat of the demon's heart.

He felt a pressure at his lips, hot flesh pushing its way into his mouth to give him a taste of Hell. Precum coated his tongue quickly, his buds exploding with the flavor. He savored it, letting the mix of fluid and saliva fill his mouth until he was nearly drooling out the corners of his lips. When he swallowed, he could feel that warm fluid sliding down to his stomach.

His hands grasped the demon's hips as he slide that cock further into his mouth, widening his jaw so his teeth would not scrape against such handsome and hot flesh. He took it slow, taking in a little more at a time as he bobbed his head up and down that meaty pole. His cheeks were already starting to hurt as he reached a little over half of that shaft in his mouth. He felt his muscles tighten in his throat and nearly gagged.

"Relax, boy, stay calm and just relax." The words instantly cleared the feeling away and he relaxed his throat, sliding more of that shaft in. He felt the head press against the back of his throat then slide down a little before his nose pressed into the soft pubes of the demon's crotch. He swallowed and the demon moaned. He moaned, sending vibrations through that shaft stuffed into his hungry mouth and the demon groaned.

Jonah felt fingers grasping his head, holding him there as the air in his lungs stagnated. He could feel a burning in his chest, but he remained still, relaxed and calm, until he felt that cock slide from his throat and then from his lips.

He gasped for breath, his hands gripping the demon tight as he felt the side of that wet, hot shaft rubbing against one of his cheeks. Despite the discomfort, he had not been afraid at all. Somehow, he had liked the first experience of giving another guy oral sex, even if it was short. He wanted to wrap his lips around it again, to drink down as much of that fluid as he could handle.

"Stand." The command cut him short with his lips just inches away from the glistening demonic shaft. He let his tongue snake out, licking over the tip as he rose to his feet. He looked up into those yellow eyes, feeling that shaft against his own, pulsing and leaking against it. His stomach was still warm with preseed, and that warmth was spreading throughout his body.

The demon seemed to be waiting for something, but Jonah could not tell what. It made him nervous, he should always know what the demon wants. It was his duty to know. Yet, he stood there, his mind blank as the expression on the demon's face. That warmth, though, it was getting intense. He could feel himself beginning to sweat, his body glistening in the sun.

That was when it hit him. A feeling deep within him building, but not a feeling of something. It was a feeling of a lack of something. There was a void inside of him, making him ache with absence and longing. He could pinpoint it too. His waist. No, his back. No, it was lower than that. He needed something between his rounded, firm ass cheeks and there was only one thing in Heaven, Earth or Hell that would fit that void perfectly.

"F...fuck." He said in a shaky voice and the demon only quirked a brow at him. "Please, fuck...Please fuck me." It was hard to get the words out, hard not to just turn around and shove his ass back into that hot pole throbbing against his. He needed that dick, more than anything in the world he needed to be pounded.

The demon just grinned and said "Good boy." It made lust well up in Jonah's body and when he felt those demon's arms wrap around him, he knew he could not wait another minute to be filled.

The demon grasped Jonah's ass in his firm hands, kneading those cheeks before he let them slip just behind his legs. He pulled Jonah up, wrapping his legs around his waist as Jonah held on to the demon with his arms draped over those broad shoulders. He now had to tilt his head down into those eyes and he felt something against his ass, sliding slowly between his cheeks.

"Yes, fuck me, make me yours!" He found himself yelling in lustful abandon as the head of that hot demonic cock pressed against his asshole. It made an indention, driving Jonah while as he clenched his teeth to stifle a loud and needful moan. His legs wrapped tighter around the demon as he felt his weight pressing down on to that shaft.

There was something poetic about letting the weight of his body fill that need so deep inside of him. He could he feel his pucker giving way, letting the tip of that head pass into the hot, silky passage just beyond the fleshy gate. The rest of the head was soon to follow, spreading his wide and readying him for the girth of the shaft yet to come. The demon tensed below him, an energetic throb of his cock sending a squirt of preseed inside of his body.

Jonah may have thought he would feel better with that shaft slowly filling the emptiness he felt, but it was an agonizingly slow process. The more of that shaft that slid into him, the more he wanted it all. Somehow, he knew he would never be satiated unless he got it all in there. He let his head fall onto the demon's shoulder, moaning and groaning as he was slid down that cock.

He could feel himself being stretched wide, but somehow there was no pain associated with it. There was only ever pleasure. His body did fight though, as his pucker clamped tightly around the demon's shaft, only providing more pleasure for the both of them.

That throbbing in his body, those three disparate points, were coming together as one as his ass was filled by the demon's cock and fluids. The throbbing his loins was now in sync with the throbbing throughout his entire body. The strangest thing was realizing the fourth point, the one sliding into his ass as he moaned like a lustful and needy slut.

Those pulses were becoming one with the demon's, all four points would soon match as one. As they came closer, Jonah could feel more about the demon. The strain of lifting him up, the pleasure of sliding his cock into such a tight passage, the glee that came from converting a human. He could feel all of it as thought it was his own; as though he was just an extension of the demon.

He grasped the demon's shoulders, plunging lips together as he kissed passionately. He could see the darkening of his skin from the corner of his eyes as he pressed his tongue into that waiting mouth. The once pasty skin was now turning to a perfect tan. His fingernails were darkening, growing thicker and longer as they dug into the demon's back.

He could feel that too; what should be pain fading into pleasure. The demon had half of his cock inside of him before he started to lift off, working his cock out of his passage until just the head remained. Jonah broke the kiss, lifting his head in a moan of frustration as he tried his best to push back against that shaft. The demon only grinned at him, knowing that need well.

The feeling of sliding back down the demon's pole was somehow better than before. It made Jonah shiver in delight as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. The demon was enjoying it too and that pleasure was flooding back through the link they now shared. The thick glans of his cock slide against his prostate, pressing against it as pleasure built in his body.

The pressure in his cock built as it rubbed against the demon's stomach, leaving behind a slick mess as his own preseed oozed from the head of his cock. He shivered again, but this time the tingling did not stop in his legs. He wrapped them tighter around the demon as they began to feel numb. He looked down, surprised to see hair sprouting from his mostly smooth legs.

It was wiry, and it was curly. It started at his thighs, slowly working its way down his legs and around. It itched like crazy at first, but the feeling of that shaft plunging in and out of his passage drove him wild. He forgot about the itching, forgot about the changes going on in his body and just stared at the demon that had claimed him.

The hair grew upwards as well, covering his firm ass, around his waist and to his crotch. The fur there was soft, though, and much shorter. It even covered his balls which swelled with need to be released, the twin orbs contained inside larger than they had ever been. A trail of that fur lead upwards to his belly button and surrounded it in ebony fur surrounded by tan flesh. Even the hair on the rest of his body began to grow denser, leaving his chest and belly dusted in fine, black hairs.

None of this even registered as the demon began to pull out again, leaving Jonah's body to ache to be filled again. He was turned around and pressed up against the siding of the old building with a small grunt. The demon had more leverage this way and he shoved that shaft back into him, Jonah lost himself in the feeling.

He did not know how much longer he could take it. He wanted to be filled by the demon, he needed to be claimed in the most barbaric of ways. This being throbbed with the being in front of him; his cock throbbed against him. He needed release, so bad he could cry out for it.

"Tell me what you want, boy. Say it." The voice echoed through his head again, his cock launching a spray of precum against the demon's chest.

"I...I want..." He cut off after those few words as a pressure built at the base of his spine and made him grunt in pain. He could feel his spine becoming longer, but he could not feel the fur growing along that extension, filling out to a black-furred spade with light grey fur underneath. "I want...need you to cum in me. Please, please fill me, claim me. I'm yours!"

He heard a chuckle in his mind as he screamed that last part. The demon knew full well he belonged to him now, probably knew the moment they met in the bar what would become of him. Still, saying those words had brought so much pleasure to the demon that reverberated throughout Jonah's body and made him ache so badly for that sweet release.

"Then cum for me, my pet." Those words were a key that unlocked the torrent of lust held by the thin walls of his body. As soon as the demon had kissed him again, Jonah was finally sent over the edge.

His cock throbbed and his prostate pulsed deep inside of him as ribbon after ribbon of hot, thick spunk shot from his cock and landed between them. Each release was greater than the last and the need to release was being replaced with the need to continue. He shot load, after load, after load; more than he had ever cummed in his lifetime.

His body clamped around that shaft still driving in and pulling out of him like a hot piston. It sent waves of pleasure through their link that built on top of one another, over and over again. He was more desperate to release that pleasure now than he had been before his orgasm. It intensified, causing Jonah to grasp the demon tightly and cry out as cum splattered all the way to the wall behind him.

He felt his face itch as thin hairs grew along his cheeks, meeting at the cleft of his chin. It formed a thin line jutting straight down from his sideburns to the hinge of his jaw, then angled sharply to his chin. The rest of his face, other than the chinstrap beard, was smooth though, and tan as the rest of his body.

A yellow ring formed around the outside edge of his irises, the color swirling around his eyes like clouds from a strong tempest. It spread from his iris, covering his entire eye including the pupil. They seemed to glow brighter as that need grew inside of him.

A pressure built at the top of his head. He could feel the skin splitting, only the smallest tinge of pain breaking through that comfortable blanket of pleasure and lust that surrounded him. A pair of short horns pierced through his skin and grew, curving slightly up and to the back. They were glossy black at the base, ending in a vibrant crimson with deep grooves that ran parallel to their length. Once they were set, Jonah knew no amount of begging would ever give his old life back. Not that he would ever want it.

The demon broke from the kiss, pulling his shaft almost entirely out of Jonah's body before he slammed back in with a powerful force that would harm a human. Thankfully, Jonah was no longer human. He felt that shaft throbbing hard inside of him, milked by the clamping of his anal ring and the throbbing of his own prostate as his orgasm continued.

Hot, thick cum erupted in his bowels, filling him with liquid fire. He could feel the warmth throughout his body, burning all the way to his soul and tainting it with a demonic presence. The immense pleasure of orgasm, of turning a human to his will, passed through that link and Jonah nearly passed out. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his legs lost their grip around the demon.

He was held up and shallowly thrust into as the demon unloaded so much seed, it started to push out of his ass and roll down his cheeks, getting into his new, dark fur. His own orgasm had ebbed to an ooze that pooled along his belly and inside his belly button, matting the trail of fur that lead to his crotch.

"Mine." He heard those simple words and something inside of him clicked. He knew he had given himself up to the demon willingly, he was now his property. He could not have wanted anything more in his life.

"Yours, Master." He said through that telepathic link, it felt so right submitting. He didn't know why he had been so reluctant at first, this was what he had been looking for his whole life. Servitude under his demon would be the most free he had ever felt in his life.

The demon stopped his shallow thrusts and held Jonah up against the side of the building, letting the rest of his orgasm run its course. Jonah held on to the demon, laying his head on his shoulder as he let that fiery warmth envelope his body and corrupt him so very thoroughly.

They stood there for several minutes, catching their breath and letting their bodies naturally come down from the high of sex. Jonah was surprised that his level of lust never seemed to dwindle though. In fact, his shaft still stood erect, throbbing and ready for use again. Even the demon's cock was still rock hard, buried deep inside of him. Somehow he knew he would never grow soft again.

At long last, the demon slid out of him. Cum flowed from his ass and dripped onto the dirt below before his ring closed shut, holding back a still impressive load of semen inside of him. His body would absorb that, it would at as the ultimate nourishment for him.

"You did well, my pet." The demon spoke, his voice reverberating through Jonah's head.

"Thank you, Master." He replied and could only smile, holding himself against the demon's warm body, feeling that wet shaft pulsing against him.

"I knew you would make a fine servant the moment I laid eyes on you. A free spirit, just waiting to be tamed." The demon cupped his cheek in his palm and leaned in for a soft kiss on his lips. He could feel the demon's chin against his new beard, those fingers stroking over his smooth skin.

A hand gripped his ass, stroking over the curly, black fur there and squeezing the tight muscle underneath. Jonah could not help but moan against the hot lips on his own, feeling the tip of that wet, warm tongue slide along them.

The demon pulled back, wrapping Jonah in his arms as he held the boy to his chest. "You did well, my love." Pleasure welled up inside Jonah at that statement, his spade-like tail swishing quickly behind him. "What do you say we get that bike of yours fixed, get out of here before we're caught?"

Jonah looked up at the demon with a smile and nodded slowly before they broke their embrace. The demon held his shoulders, muttering something under his lips that Jonah could not understand, though this time the words did not simply evaporate the moment he tried to remember them. It was some demonic tongue, a language he was sure he would learn, and quickly.

That same fire as before burst around them, swirling flames intensifying with heat and speed as they engulfed the two demons. This time, though, Jonah was not afraid. He hardly even felt the flicks of heat against his bar skin and fur. As quickly as it started, the flames were snuffed out.

The demon stood there, in the same denim and leather as before. Jonah noticed the small bulges in his leather cap that hid his horns from public view, and he also noticed the much bigger bulge that ran down his left leg. The demon looked even sexier than he had before, though Jonah was sure that was because of his newly corrupted soul.

Jonah was dressed now, too. He had on a pair of loose leather chaps over black jeans that clung to his furry legs. His own bulge showed inside the crotch of those jeans and down his own leg, causing the leather in the chaps to pulse with the beating of his heart. His jeans and chaps both hung over a pair of thick, steel-toed boots; black, with silver rings and studs decorating each side.

He had on a pair of fingerless gloves, made from some synthetic material. They were mostly black with rings of crimson around his fingers, and a few streaks of crimson that formed pentagrams on the back of his hands. He wore a dark grey, cotton shirt that clung to his body, showing if off, with a leather vest hanging over that. It was only buttoned twice around his stomach.

They made their way back around the building, and Jonah caught his reflection in one of the painted over windows. His face had lost most of the fat that was once in it, it now looked more angled and thinner than before. His eyes were the same yellow as the demon's, with narrow, slit pupils down the middle.

His hair was longer, and spiky. It covered his horns well, as the black hair had crimson tips that blended well with those horns. Even his ears were different, angling backwards with a distinct tip to each of them. He could only smile, his look was that of a Satyr, minus the cloven hooves. Somehow, he found that sexier than anything he could think of.

They both leaped over the fence easily and rounded another corner before they were at the front of the bar. Jonah stared at where his bike had been, but was no longer. In its place was a different bike altogether. It had high handlebars, and a sleek body with plenty of sharp angles that gave it a distinctive bad ass look.

It was glossy black and crimson, with demonic symbols etched into the metal. It even had a pair of "horns" that grew from each side of the headlight in front, matching his own horns.

"A more fitting ride for my newest demon." His master explained and Jonah grinned from ear to ear.

"It's perfect, thanks Master." He gave the demon a hug and kiss square on the lips before he walked through the gravel parking lot to his bike. He felt an urge to ride, to be free and go where he willed. No, where his Master willed.

Jonah looked over his shoulder as the demon leaped onto his own bike and stared it up, backing it out of the parking space. He turned the ignition on his new bike, the engine roared and the bike vibrated under him, between his legs. It was like an extension of his body now.

He gave it gas, kicking up gravel behind him as he followed his master out of the parking lot and onto the open road. He could feel the wind buffeting him as they picked up speed, riding faster than he had ever ridden in his life. He knew he would love serving the demon, and this would be the first of many adventures they had together.

* * * *

The sun hung just above the tops of the trees as a small coup pulled into the gravel lot of the run down bar. There was only a single truck parked in the front of the building, though Adam could see another truck parked around the back of the building. He pulled the bar to the emergency brake and turned off his car before stepping out in to the warm, late summer air.

He was a tall and lanky guy with somewhat pasty skin and short, red hair. He never had much in the way of athletic ability, but he had a great personality and decent looks. He supposed that was why he had gotten along with Jonah all these years. There was something about them that made a good team, no matter where they went.

When he had gotten the message on his voice mail, he set off to where his best friend had said the bar was. The way this place looked like a run down shit pile, he was sure it was the bar Jonah had described. Why his bike wasn't out front, he did not know. Maybe he thought he had not gotten the message and got his bike taken care of. Jonah would have called him if that were the case.

He turned the handle to the door, which had no substance and turned freely. With a breathy laugh, he pulled the door open and stepped inside of the bar. The place was dark with a light haze from all the smoking that went on in the bar. He caught the scent of smoke in the air, as well as a mix of food he could not identify and a hint of air freshener that was doing nothing for the bar.

Behind the counter was a fat, muscular guy who was sitting on a stool, doing something on his phone. Adam pulled out his phone, checking it for a signal. It seemed once he got on this road, his signal had gone down to nothing, and it still was. He thought he had better coverage than that.

He looked back up from his phone, catching the bartender's stare. After a moment, the big guy stood up from his stool with a wide grin on his face and walked do the end of the bar, placing one hand on the counter, the other stuffed into one of his vest pockets.

"Well, welcome to The Rat Hole." Adam was almost put off by the way the guy was staring at him, and the tone of his voice. He idly wondered just what kind of bar this was. Still, he had to find his friend, he was getting a little worried now. "What can I do for you, kid?"

Adam let it roll off his back being called a kid and approached the bar. "I'm looking for a friend of mine, Jonah." He started out, watching the gaze of the bartender roll up and down his form. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "He's shorter than me, same age, short brown hair and blue eyes. He said his bike had broken down and he was calling from this place."

"Afraid I don't know what you mean." The bartender said as he locked gazes with Adam. There was something peculiar about that stare, something he could not tear away from.

Adam could swear the outer edge of the barkeep's iris was turning yellow, the color swirling around in an organic pattern until it encompassed his eyes. He could feel that stare penetrating him, deeper and deeper until it found something inside of him that it wanted. The barkeep only grinned wider.

"Oh, I know who you're talking about now." The voice rang through Adam's head along with the soft uttering of how sexy he was; thin, pale and young. "If you come closer, I'll tell you where he went."

Adam took a few steps closer, moving one of the chairs out of the way. Another step and his belly was digging into the counter of the bar, his hands resting on top. "Where is he?" He said in a voice that sounded too distant to be his own. He found himself not caring as much for the whereabouts of his friend, but more for pleasing this big, burly man in front of him.

He felt a pressure begin to build in his khakis, his shaft pressing painfully against the fabric until it was tight. A part of him was awake the whole time, horrified at what was going on and wanting desperately to leave that bar, to find his friend wherever he may be.

The bartender leaned in, pressing his large, warm lips against Adam's and those thoughts began to melt away. Despite never having feelings for another man, he knew the kiss was right. He wanted more, though, so much more.

"If you follow me to the back room, I'll show you just how to find your friend." Adam had no way of refusing that request. He reluctantly broke from the kiss, only to follow the bigger man into the back of the bar.

The barkeep smiled the whole way. He had second thoughts when he was told to buy this bar location, too few people stopped in with how abandoned the highway was. Still, they had found two more acceptable souls to join them, and the kid that followed closely behind him was one of the sexiest he had ever seen. He thought about keeping him just the way he was, though a pair of horns would look cute on top his head.

He chuckled to himself as he closed the door behind him, leaving a blissfully unaware local in one of the booths to his meal.